FTransform UAbilitySystemBlueprintLibrary::GetTargetDataOrigin(FGameplayAbilityTargetDataHandle TargetData, int32 Index)
	FGameplayAbilityTargetData* Data = TargetData.Data[Index].Get();
	if (Data)
		if (Data->HasOrigin())
			return Data->GetOrigin();
		if (Data->HasHitResult())
			const FHitResult* HitResultPtr = Data->GetHitResult();
			FTransform ReturnTransform;
			ReturnTransform.SetRotation((HitResultPtr->Location - HitResultPtr->TraceStart).GetSafeNormal().Rotation().Quaternion());
			return ReturnTransform;

	return FTransform::Identity;
예제 #2
void ULineBatchComponent::DrawSolidBox(const FBox& Box, const FTransform& Xform, const FColor& Color, uint8 DepthPriority, float LifeTime)
	int32 const NewMeshIdx = BatchedMeshes.Add(FBatchedMesh());
	FBatchedMesh& BM = BatchedMeshes[NewMeshIdx];

	BM.Color = Color;
	BM.DepthPriority = DepthPriority;
	BM.RemainingLifeTime = LifeTime;

	BM.MeshVerts[0] = Xform.TransformPosition( FVector(Box.Min.X, Box.Min.Y, Box.Max.Z) );
	BM.MeshVerts[1] = Xform.TransformPosition( FVector(Box.Max.X, Box.Min.Y, Box.Max.Z) );
	BM.MeshVerts[2] = Xform.TransformPosition( FVector(Box.Min.X, Box.Min.Y, Box.Min.Z) );
	BM.MeshVerts[3] = Xform.TransformPosition( FVector(Box.Max.X, Box.Min.Y, Box.Min.Z) );
	BM.MeshVerts[4] = Xform.TransformPosition( FVector(Box.Min.X, Box.Max.Y, Box.Max.Z) );
	BM.MeshVerts[5] = Xform.TransformPosition( FVector(Box.Max.X, Box.Max.Y, Box.Max.Z) );
	BM.MeshVerts[6] = Xform.TransformPosition( FVector(Box.Min.X, Box.Max.Y, Box.Min.Z) );
	BM.MeshVerts[7] = Xform.TransformPosition( FVector(Box.Max.X, Box.Max.Y, Box.Min.Z) );

	// clockwise
	int32 const Indices[36] = {	3,2,0,
		7,2,3	};

	for (int32 Idx=0; Idx<36; ++Idx)
		BM.MeshIndices[Idx] = Indices[Idx];

예제 #3
void UPrimitiveComponent::SyncComponentToRBPhysics()
		UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Log, TEXT("SyncComponentToRBPhysics : Component not registered (%s)"), *GetPathName());

	 // BodyInstance we are going to sync the component to
	FBodyInstance* UseBI = GetBodyInstance();
	if(UseBI == NULL || !UseBI->IsValidBodyInstance())
		UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Log, TEXT("SyncComponentToRBPhysics : Missing or invalid BodyInstance (%s)"), *GetPathName());

	AActor* Owner = GetOwner();
	if(Owner != NULL)
		if (Owner->IsPendingKill() || !Owner->CheckStillInWorld())

	if (IsPendingKill() || !IsSimulatingPhysics())

	// See if the transform is actually different, and if so, move the component to match physics
	const FTransform NewTransform = GetComponentTransformFromBodyInstance(UseBI);	
		const FVector MoveBy = NewTransform.GetLocation() - ComponentToWorld.GetLocation();
		const FQuat NewRotation = NewTransform.GetRotation();

		//@warning: do not reference BodyInstance again after calling MoveComponent() - events from the move could have made it unusable (destroying the actor, SetPhysics(), etc)
		MoveComponent(MoveBy, NewRotation, false, NULL, MOVECOMP_SkipPhysicsMove);
void UMotionControllerComponent::FViewExtension::PreRenderViewFamily_RenderThread(FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList, FSceneViewFamily& InViewFamily)
	if (!MotionControllerComponent)
	FScopeLock ScopeLock(&CritSect);
	if (!MotionControllerComponent || MotionControllerComponent->bDisableLowLatencyUpdate || !CVarEnableMotionControllerLateUpdate.GetValueOnRenderThread())

	// Poll state for the most recent controller transform
	FVector Position;
	FRotator Orientation;
	if (!MotionControllerComponent->PollControllerState(Position, Orientation))
	if (LateUpdatePrimitives.Num())
		// Calculate the late update transform that will rebase all children proxies within the frame of reference
		const FTransform OldLocalToWorldTransform = MotionControllerComponent->CalcNewComponentToWorld(MotionControllerComponent->GetRelativeTransform());
		const FTransform NewLocalToWorldTransform = MotionControllerComponent->CalcNewComponentToWorld(FTransform(Orientation, Position, MotionControllerComponent->GetComponentScale()));
		const FMatrix LateUpdateTransform = (OldLocalToWorldTransform.Inverse() * NewLocalToWorldTransform).ToMatrixWithScale();

		// Apply delta to the affected scene proxies
		for (auto PrimitiveInfo : LateUpdatePrimitives)
			FPrimitiveSceneInfo* RetrievedSceneInfo = InViewFamily.Scene->GetPrimitiveSceneInfo(*PrimitiveInfo.IndexAddress);
			FPrimitiveSceneInfo* CachedSceneInfo = PrimitiveInfo.SceneInfo;
			// If the retrieved scene info is different than our cached scene info then the primitive was removed from the scene
			if (CachedSceneInfo == RetrievedSceneInfo && CachedSceneInfo->Proxy)
예제 #5
FTransform UPhATEdSkeletalMeshComponent::GetPrimitiveTransform(FTransform& BoneTM, int32 BodyIndex, EKCollisionPrimitiveType PrimType, int32 PrimIndex, float Scale)
	UBodySetup* BodySetup = SharedData->PhysicsAsset->BodySetup[BodyIndex];
	FVector Scale3D(Scale);

	FTransform ManTM = FTransform::Identity;

	if(SharedData->bManipulating && !SharedData->bRunningSimulation && SharedData->EditingMode == FPhATSharedData::PEM_BodyEdit)
		FPhATSharedData::FSelection Body(BodyIndex, PrimType, PrimIndex);
		for(int32 i=0; i<SharedData->SelectedBodies.Num(); ++i)
			if (Body == SharedData->SelectedBodies[i])
				ManTM = SharedData->SelectedBodies[i].ManipulateTM;


	if (PrimType == KPT_Sphere)
		FTransform PrimTM = ManTM * BodySetup->AggGeom.SphereElems[PrimIndex].GetTransform();
		return PrimTM * BoneTM;
	else if (PrimType == KPT_Box)
		FTransform PrimTM = ManTM * BodySetup->AggGeom.BoxElems[PrimIndex].GetTransform();
		return PrimTM * BoneTM;
	else if (PrimType == KPT_Sphyl)
		FTransform PrimTM = ManTM * BodySetup->AggGeom.SphylElems[PrimIndex].GetTransform();
		return PrimTM * BoneTM;
	else if (PrimType == KPT_Convex)
		FTransform PrimTM = ManTM * BodySetup->AggGeom.ConvexElems[PrimIndex].GetTransform();
		return PrimTM * BoneTM;

	// Should never reach here
	return FTransform::Identity;
예제 #6
FTransform FConstraintInstance::GetRefFrame(EConstraintFrame::Type Frame) const
	FTransform Result;

	if(Frame == EConstraintFrame::Frame1)
		Result = FTransform(PriAxis1, SecAxis1, PriAxis1 ^ SecAxis1, Pos1);
		Result = FTransform(PriAxis2, SecAxis2, PriAxis2 ^ SecAxis2, Pos2);

	float Error = FMath::Abs( Result.GetDeterminant() - 1.0f );
	if(Error > 0.01f)
		UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Warning,  TEXT("FConstraintInstance::GetRefFrame : Contained scale."));

	return Result;
void SStaticMeshEditorViewport::OnFocusViewportToSelection()
	UStaticMeshSocket* SelectedSocket = StaticMeshEditorPtr.Pin()->GetSelectedSocket();

	if( SelectedSocket && PreviewMeshComponent )
		FTransform SocketTransform;
		SelectedSocket->GetSocketTransform( SocketTransform, PreviewMeshComponent );

		FVector Extent(30.0f);

		FVector Origin = SocketTransform.GetLocation();
		FBox Box( Origin - Extent, Origin + Extent);
		EditorViewportClient->FocusViewportOnBox( Box );
	else if( PreviewMeshComponent )
		EditorViewportClient->FocusViewportOnBox( PreviewMeshComponent->Bounds.GetBox() );
void FComponentEditorUtils::AdjustComponentDelta(USceneComponent* Component, FVector& Drag, FRotator& Rotation)
	USceneComponent* ParentSceneComp = Component->GetAttachParent();
	if (ParentSceneComp)
		const FTransform ParentToWorldSpace = ParentSceneComp->GetSocketTransform(Component->AttachSocketName);

		if (!Component->bAbsoluteLocation)
			//transform the drag vector in relative to the parent transform
			Drag = ParentToWorldSpace.InverseTransformVectorNoScale(Drag);
			//Now that we have a global drag we can apply the parent scale
			Drag = Drag * ParentToWorldSpace.Inverse().GetScale3D();

		if (!Component->bAbsoluteRotation)
			Rotation = ( ParentToWorldSpace.Inverse().GetRotation() * Rotation.Quaternion() * ParentToWorldSpace.GetRotation() ).Rotator();
예제 #9
FTransform FTransformCurve::Evaluate(float CurrentTime, float BlendWeight) const
	FTransform Value;
	Value.SetTranslation(TranslationCurve.Evaluate(CurrentTime, BlendWeight));
	if (ScaleCurve.DoesContainKey())
		Value.SetScale3D(ScaleCurve.Evaluate(CurrentTime, BlendWeight));

	// blend rotation float curve
	FVector RotationAsVector = RotationCurve.Evaluate(CurrentTime, BlendWeight);
	// pitch, yaw, roll order - please check AddKey function
	FRotator Rotator(RotationAsVector.Y, RotationAsVector.Z, RotationAsVector.X);

	return Value;
// Render a coordinate system indicator
void USkeletalMeshComponent::RenderAxisGizmo( const FTransform& Transform, UCanvas* Canvas ) const
	// Display colored coordinate system axes for this joint.
	const float AxisLength = 3.75f;
	const FVector Origin = Transform.GetLocation();

	// Red = X
	FVector XAxis = Transform.TransformVector( FVector(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f) );
	DrawDebugCanvasLine(Canvas, Origin, Origin + XAxis * AxisLength, FLinearColor( 1.f, 0.3f, 0.3f));		

	// Green = Y
	FVector YAxis = Transform.TransformVector( FVector(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f) );
	DrawDebugCanvasLine(Canvas, Origin, Origin + YAxis * AxisLength, FLinearColor( 0.3f, 1.f, 0.3f));	

	// Blue = Z
	FVector ZAxis = Transform.TransformVector( FVector(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f) );
	DrawDebugCanvasLine(Canvas, Origin, Origin + ZAxis * AxisLength, FLinearColor( 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.f));	
예제 #11
void UBodySetup::AddBoxesToRigidActor(PxRigidActor* PDestActor, const FTransform& RelativeTM, const FVector& Scale3D, const FVector& Scale3DAbs, TArray<PxShape*>* NewShapes) const
	float ContactOffsetFactor, MaxContactOffset;
	GetContactOffsetParams(ContactOffsetFactor, MaxContactOffset);
	PxMaterial* PDefaultMat = GetDefaultPhysMaterial();

	for (int32 i = 0; i < AggGeom.BoxElems.Num(); i++)
		const FKBoxElem& BoxElem = AggGeom.BoxElems[i];

		PxBoxGeometry PBoxGeom;
		PBoxGeom.halfExtents.x = (0.5f * BoxElem.X * Scale3DAbs.X);
		PBoxGeom.halfExtents.y = (0.5f * BoxElem.Y * Scale3DAbs.Y);
		PBoxGeom.halfExtents.z = (0.5f * BoxElem.Z * Scale3DAbs.Z);

		FTransform BoxTransform = BoxElem.GetTransform() * RelativeTM;
		if (PBoxGeom.isValid() && BoxTransform.IsValid())
			PxTransform PLocalPose(U2PTransform(BoxTransform));
			PLocalPose.p.x *= Scale3D.X;
			PLocalPose.p.y *= Scale3D.Y;
			PLocalPose.p.z *= Scale3D.Z;

			PxShape* NewShape = PDestActor->createShape(PBoxGeom, *PDefaultMat, PLocalPose);

			if (NewShapes)

			const float ContactOffset = FMath::Min(MaxContactOffset, ContactOffsetFactor * PBoxGeom.halfExtents.minElement());
			UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Warning, TEXT("AddBoxesToRigidActor: [%s] BoxElems[%d] invalid or has invalid transform"), *GetPathNameSafe(GetOuter()), i);
예제 #12
// NB: ElemTM is assumed to have no scaling in it!
void FKBoxElem::DrawElemWire(FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI, const FTransform& ElemTM, float Scale, const FColor Color)
	FVector	B[2], P, Q, Radii;

	// X,Y,Z member variables are LENGTH not RADIUS
	Radii.X = Scale*0.5f*X;
	Radii.Y = Scale*0.5f*Y;
	Radii.Z = Scale*0.5f*Z;

	B[0] = Radii; // max
	B[1] = -1.0f * Radii; // min

	for( int32 i=0; i<2; i++ )
		for( int32 j=0; j<2; j++ )
			P.X=B[i].X; Q.X=B[i].X;
			P.Y=B[j].Y; Q.Y=B[j].Y;
			P.Z=B[0].Z; Q.Z=B[1].Z;
			PDI->DrawLine( ElemTM.TransformPosition(P), ElemTM.TransformPosition(Q), Color, SDPG_World);

			P.Y=B[i].Y; Q.Y=B[i].Y;
			P.Z=B[j].Z; Q.Z=B[j].Z;
			P.X=B[0].X; Q.X=B[1].X;
			PDI->DrawLine( ElemTM.TransformPosition(P), ElemTM.TransformPosition(Q), Color, SDPG_World);

			P.Z=B[i].Z; Q.Z=B[i].Z;
			P.X=B[j].X; Q.X=B[j].X;
			P.Y=B[0].Y; Q.Y=B[1].Y;
			PDI->DrawLine( ElemTM.TransformPosition(P), ElemTM.TransformPosition(Q), Color, SDPG_World);
FVector UAnimGraphNode_ModifyBone::GetWidgetLocation(const USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp, FAnimNode_SkeletalControlBase* AnimNode)
	USkeleton* Skeleton = SkelComp->SkeletalMesh->Skeleton;
	FVector WidgetLoc = FVector::ZeroVector;

	// if the current widget mode is translate, then shows the widget according to translation space
	if (CurWidgetMode == FWidget::WM_Translate)
		FCSPose<FCompactPose>& MeshBases = AnimNode->ForwardedPose;
		WidgetLoc = ConvertWidgetLocation(SkelComp, MeshBases, Node.BoneToModify.BoneName, GetNodeValue(FString("Translation"), Node.Translation), Node.TranslationSpace);

		if (MeshBases.GetPose().IsValid() && Node.TranslationMode == BMM_Additive)
			if(Node.TranslationSpace == EBoneControlSpace::BCS_WorldSpace ||
				Node.TranslationSpace == EBoneControlSpace::BCS_ComponentSpace)
				const FMeshPoseBoneIndex MeshBoneIndex(SkelComp->GetBoneIndex(Node.BoneToModify.BoneName));
				const FCompactPoseBoneIndex BoneIndex = MeshBases.GetPose().GetBoneContainer().MakeCompactPoseIndex(MeshBoneIndex);

				if (BoneIndex != INDEX_NONE)
					const FTransform& BoneTM = MeshBases.GetComponentSpaceTransform(BoneIndex);
					WidgetLoc += BoneTM.GetLocation();
	else // if the current widget mode is not translate mode, then show the widget on the bone to modify
		int32 MeshBoneIndex = SkelComp->GetBoneIndex(Node.BoneToModify.BoneName);

		if (MeshBoneIndex != INDEX_NONE)
			const FTransform BoneTM = SkelComp->GetBoneTransform(MeshBoneIndex);
			WidgetLoc = BoneTM.GetLocation();
	return WidgetLoc;
void FAnimNode_CopyBone::EvaluateBoneTransforms(USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp, FCSPose<FCompactPose>& MeshBases, TArray<FBoneTransform>& OutBoneTransforms)
	check(OutBoneTransforms.Num() == 0);

	// Pass through if we're not doing anything.
	if( !bCopyTranslation && !bCopyRotation && !bCopyScale )

	// Get component space transform for source and current bone.
	const FBoneContainer& BoneContainer = MeshBases.GetPose().GetBoneContainer();
	FCompactPoseBoneIndex SourceBoneIndex = SourceBone.GetCompactPoseIndex(BoneContainer);
	FCompactPoseBoneIndex TargetBoneIndex = TargetBone.GetCompactPoseIndex(BoneContainer);

	FTransform SourceBoneTM = MeshBases.GetComponentSpaceTransform(SourceBoneIndex);
	FTransform CurrentBoneTM = MeshBases.GetComponentSpaceTransform(TargetBoneIndex);

	if(ControlSpace != BCS_ComponentSpace)
		// Convert out to selected space
		FAnimationRuntime::ConvertCSTransformToBoneSpace(SkelComp, MeshBases, SourceBoneTM, SourceBoneIndex, ControlSpace);
		FAnimationRuntime::ConvertCSTransformToBoneSpace(SkelComp, MeshBases, CurrentBoneTM, TargetBoneIndex, ControlSpace);
	// Copy individual components
	if (bCopyTranslation)
		CurrentBoneTM.SetTranslation( SourceBoneTM.GetTranslation() );

	if (bCopyRotation)
		CurrentBoneTM.SetRotation( SourceBoneTM.GetRotation() );

	if (bCopyScale)
		CurrentBoneTM.SetScale3D( SourceBoneTM.GetScale3D() );

	if(ControlSpace != BCS_ComponentSpace)
		// Convert back out if we aren't operating in component space
		FAnimationRuntime::ConvertBoneSpaceTransformToCS(SkelComp, MeshBases, CurrentBoneTM, TargetBoneIndex, ControlSpace);

	// Output new transform for current bone.
	OutBoneTransforms.Add(FBoneTransform(TargetBoneIndex, CurrentBoneTM));
예제 #15
void FKConvexElem::DrawElemWire(FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI, const FTransform& ElemTM, const float Scale, const FColor Color) const

	PxConvexMesh* Mesh = ConvexMesh;

		// Draw each triangle that makes up the convex hull
		PxU32 NbVerts = Mesh->getNbVertices();
		const PxVec3* Vertices = Mesh->getVertices();
		TArray<FVector> TransformedVerts;
		for(PxU32 i=0; i<NbVerts; i++)
			TransformedVerts[i] = ElemTM.TransformPosition(P2UVector(Vertices[i]) * Scale);
		const PxU8* PIndexBuffer = Mesh->getIndexBuffer();
		PxU32 NbPolygons = Mesh->getNbPolygons();

		for(PxU32 i=0;i<NbPolygons;i++)
			PxHullPolygon Data;
			bool bStatus = Mesh->getPolygonData(i, Data);

			const PxU8* PIndices = PIndexBuffer + Data.mIndexBase;
			for(PxU16 j=0;j<Data.mNbVerts;j++)
				// Get the verts that make up this line.
				int32 I0 = PIndices[j];
				int32 I1 = PIndices[j+1];

				// Loop back last and first vertices
				if(j==Data.mNbVerts - 1)
					I1 = PIndices[0];

				PDI->DrawLine( TransformedVerts[I0], TransformedVerts[I1], Color, SDPG_World );
		UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Log, TEXT("FKConvexElem::DrawElemWire : No ConvexMesh, so unable to draw."));
#endif // WITH_PHYSX
예제 #16
bool OSVRInterface::GetPose(FTransform& Value, bool Latest) const
	if (Latest)
		OSVR_TimeValue Time;
		OSVR_PoseState Pose;
		OSVR_ReturnCode ReturnCode = osvrGetPoseState(OSVRClientInterface, &Time, &Pose);


		return ReturnCode == OSVR_RETURN_SUCCESS;
#endif // OSVR_ENABLED
		Value = PoseState;

	return HasPoseState();
예제 #17
void ASmrActor::TransformBone(UPoseableMeshComponent* mesh, SMRJoint* bone)
	//Build the local transform for this bone
	FTransform finalTransform;

	if (bone->hasParent())
		//Get the component space transform for the parent bone
		FName parentName(bone->getParentName().c_str());
		FTransform parentTransform = mesh->GetBoneTransformByName(parentName, EBoneSpaces::ComponentSpace);

		//Convert local transform to component space
		finalTransform *= parentTransform;
	//Convert quaternion to Euler angles and apply to the mesh
	FVector euler = finalTransform.GetRotation().Euler();
	FRotator rotator = FRotator::MakeFromEuler(euler);
	FName boneName(bone->getName().c_str());
	mesh->SetBoneRotationByName(boneName, rotator, EBoneSpaces::ComponentSpace);
float FAttenuationSettings::AttenuationEvalCapsule(const FTransform& SoundTransform, const FVector ListenerLocation, const float DistanceScale) const
    float Distance = 0.f;
    const float CapsuleHalfHeight = AttenuationShapeExtents.X;
    const float CapsuleRadius = AttenuationShapeExtents.Y;

    // Capsule devolves to a sphere if HalfHeight <= Radius
    if (CapsuleHalfHeight <= CapsuleRadius )
        Distance = FMath::Max(FVector::Dist( SoundTransform.GetTranslation(), ListenerLocation ) - CapsuleRadius, 0.f);
        const FVector PointOffset = (CapsuleHalfHeight - CapsuleRadius) * SoundTransform.GetUnitAxis( EAxis::Z );
        const FVector StartPoint = SoundTransform.GetTranslation() + PointOffset;
        const FVector EndPoint = SoundTransform.GetTranslation() - PointOffset;

        Distance = FMath::PointDistToSegment(ListenerLocation, StartPoint, EndPoint) - CapsuleRadius;

    return AttenuationEval(Distance, FalloffDistance, DistanceScale);
void UDebugSkelMeshComponent::ConsumeRootMotion(const FVector& FloorMin, const FVector& FloorMax)
	//Extract root motion regardless of where we use it so that we don't hit
	//problems with it building up in the instance

	FRootMotionMovementParams ExtractedRootMotion;

	if (UAnimInstance* AnimInst = GetAnimInstance())
		ExtractedRootMotion = AnimInst->ConsumeExtractedRootMotion(1.f);

	if (bPreviewRootMotion)
		if (ExtractedRootMotion.bHasRootMotion)

			//Handle moving component so that it stays within the editor floor
			FTransform CurrentTransform = GetRelativeTransform();
			FVector Trans = CurrentTransform.GetTranslation();
			Trans.X = WrapInRange(Trans.X, FloorMin.X, FloorMax.X);
			Trans.Y = WrapInRange(Trans.Y, FloorMin.Y, FloorMax.Y);
		if (TurnTableMode == EPersonaTurnTableMode::Stopped)
예제 #20
void FPhysScene::SyncComponentsToBodies(uint32 SceneType)

	for (FBodyInstance* BodyInstance : ActiveBodyInstances[SceneType])
		if (BodyInstance == nullptr) { continue; }

		check(BodyInstance->OwnerComponent->IsRegistered()); // shouldn't have a physics body for a non-registered component!

		AActor* Owner = BodyInstance->OwnerComponent->GetOwner();

		// See if the transform is actually different, and if so, move the component to match physics
		const FTransform NewTransform = BodyInstance->GetUnrealWorldTransform();
		if (!NewTransform.EqualsNoScale(BodyInstance->OwnerComponent->ComponentToWorld))
			const FVector MoveBy = NewTransform.GetLocation() - BodyInstance->OwnerComponent->ComponentToWorld.GetLocation();
			const FRotator NewRotation = NewTransform.Rotator();

			//@warning: do not reference BodyInstance again after calling MoveComponent() - events from the move could have made it unusable (destroying the actor, SetPhysics(), etc)
			BodyInstance->OwnerComponent->MoveComponent(MoveBy, NewRotation, false, NULL, MOVECOMP_SkipPhysicsMove);

		// Check if we didn't fall out of the world
		if (Owner != NULL && !Owner->IsPendingKill())

	if (ActiveDestructibleActors[SceneType].Num())
예제 #21
float FKConvexElem::GetVolume(const FVector& Scale) const
	float Volume = 0.0f;

	if (ConvexMesh != NULL)
		// Preparation for convex mesh scaling implemented in another changelist
		FTransform ScaleTransform = FTransform(FQuat::Identity, FVector::ZeroVector, Scale);

		int32 NumPolys = ConvexMesh->getNbPolygons();
		PxHullPolygon PolyData;

		const PxVec3* Vertices = ConvexMesh->getVertices();
		const PxU8* Indices = ConvexMesh->getIndexBuffer();

		for (int32 PolyIdx = 0; PolyIdx < NumPolys; ++PolyIdx)
			if (ConvexMesh->getPolygonData(PolyIdx, PolyData))
				for (int32 VertIdx = 2; VertIdx < PolyData.mNbVerts; ++ VertIdx)
					// Grab triangle indices that we hit
					int32 I0 = Indices[PolyData.mIndexBase + 0];
					int32 I1 = Indices[PolyData.mIndexBase + (VertIdx - 1)];
					int32 I2 = Indices[PolyData.mIndexBase + VertIdx];

					Volume += SignedVolumeOfTriangle(ScaleTransform.TransformPosition(P2UVector(Vertices[I0])), 
#endif // WITH_PHYSX

	return Volume;
예제 #22
void UBodySetup::AddSphylsToRigidActor(PxRigidActor* PDestActor, const FTransform& RelativeTM, const FVector& Scale3D, const FVector& Scale3DAbs, TArray<PxShape*>* NewShapes) const
	float ContactOffsetFactor, MaxContactOffset;
	GetContactOffsetParams(ContactOffsetFactor, MaxContactOffset);
	PxMaterial* PDefaultMat = GetDefaultPhysMaterial();

	float ScaleRadius = FMath::Max(Scale3DAbs.X, Scale3DAbs.Y);
	float ScaleLength = Scale3DAbs.Z;

	for (int32 i = 0; i < AggGeom.SphylElems.Num(); i++)
		const FKSphylElem& SphylElem = AggGeom.SphylElems[i];

		// this is a bit confusing since radius and height is scaled
		// first apply the scale first 
		float Radius = FMath::Max(SphylElem.Radius * ScaleRadius, 0.1f);
		float Length = SphylElem.Length + SphylElem.Radius * 2.f;
		float HalfLength = Length * ScaleLength * 0.5f;
		Radius = FMath::Clamp(Radius, 0.1f, HalfLength);	//radius is capped by half length
		float HalfHeight = HalfLength - Radius;
		HalfHeight = FMath::Max(0.1f, HalfHeight);

		PxCapsuleGeometry PCapsuleGeom;
		PCapsuleGeom.halfHeight = HalfHeight;
		PCapsuleGeom.radius = Radius;

		if (PCapsuleGeom.isValid())
			// The stored sphyl transform assumes the sphyl axis is down Z. In PhysX, it points down X, so we twiddle the matrix a bit here (swap X and Z and negate Y).
			PxTransform PLocalPose(U2PVector(RelativeTM.TransformPosition(SphylElem.Center)), U2PQuat(SphylElem.Orientation) * U2PSphylBasis);
			PLocalPose.p.x *= Scale3D.X;
			PLocalPose.p.y *= Scale3D.Y;
			PLocalPose.p.z *= Scale3D.Z;

			PxShape* NewShape = PDestActor->createShape(PCapsuleGeom, *PDefaultMat, PLocalPose);

			if (NewShapes)

			const float ContactOffset = FMath::Min(MaxContactOffset, ContactOffsetFactor * PCapsuleGeom.radius);
			UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Warning, TEXT("AddSphylsToRigidActor: [%s] SphylElems[%d] invalid"), *GetPathNameSafe(GetOuter()), i);
	void SetParameters(const FSceneView& View, const FMaterialRenderProxy* MaterialProxy, const FDeferredDecalProxy& DecalProxy)
		const FPixelShaderRHIParamRef ShaderRHI = GetPixelShader();

		FMaterialShader::SetParameters(ShaderRHI, MaterialProxy, *MaterialProxy->GetMaterial(GRHIFeatureLevel), View, true, ESceneRenderTargetsMode::SetTextures);

		FTransform ComponentTrans = DecalProxy.ComponentTrans;

		// 1,1,1 requires no scale
		//			ComponentTrans = ComponentTrans.GetScaled(GDefaultDecalSize);

		FMatrix WorldToComponent = ComponentTrans.ToMatrixWithScale().Inverse();

		// Set the transform from screen space to light space.
			const FMatrix ScreenToDecalValue = 
				) * View.InvViewProjectionMatrix * WorldToComponent;

			SetShaderValue(ShaderRHI, ScreenToDecal, ScreenToDecalValue);

		// Set the transform from light space to world space (only for normals)
			const FMatrix DecalToWorldValue = ComponentTrans.ToMatrixNoScale();
			// 1,1,1 requires no scale
			//			DecalToWorldValue = DecalToWorldValue.GetScaled(GDefaultDecalSize);

			SetShaderValue(ShaderRHI, DecalToWorld, DecalToWorldValue);
bool UPaperGroupedSpriteComponent::UpdateInstanceTransform(int32 InstanceIndex, const FTransform& NewInstanceTransform, bool bWorldSpace, bool bMarkRenderStateDirty)
	if (!PerInstanceSpriteData.IsValidIndex(InstanceIndex))
		return false;

	// Request navigation update

	FSpriteInstanceData& InstanceData = PerInstanceSpriteData[InstanceIndex];

	// Render data uses local transform of the instance
	FTransform LocalTransform = bWorldSpace ? NewInstanceTransform.GetRelativeTransform(ComponentToWorld) : NewInstanceTransform;
	InstanceData.Transform = LocalTransform.ToMatrixWithScale();

	if (bPhysicsStateCreated)
		// Physics uses world transform of the instance
		const FTransform WorldTransform = bWorldSpace ? NewInstanceTransform : (LocalTransform * ComponentToWorld);
		if (FBodyInstance* InstanceBodyInstance = InstanceBodies[InstanceIndex])
			// Update transform.
			InstanceBodyInstance->SetBodyTransform(WorldTransform, ETeleportType::None);

	// Request navigation update

	if (bMarkRenderStateDirty)

	return true;
예제 #25
void FLevelUtils::ApplyLevelTransform( ULevel* Level, const FTransform& LevelTransform, bool bDoPostEditMove )
	bool bTransformActors =  !LevelTransform.Equals(FTransform::Identity);
	if (bTransformActors)
		if (!LevelTransform.GetRotation().IsIdentity())
			// If there is a rotation applied, then the relative precomputed bounds become invalid.
			Level->bTextureStreamingRotationChanged = true;

		// Iterate over all actors in the level and transform them
		for( int32 ActorIndex=0; ActorIndex<Level->Actors.Num(); ActorIndex++ )
			AActor* Actor = Level->Actors[ActorIndex];

			// Don't want to transform children they should stay relative to there parents.
			if( Actor && Actor->GetAttachParentActor() == NULL )
				// Has to modify root component directly as GetActorPosition is incorrect this early
				USceneComponent *RootComponent = Actor->GetRootComponent();
				if (RootComponent)
					RootComponent->SetRelativeLocationAndRotation( LevelTransform.TransformPosition(RootComponent->RelativeLocation), (FTransform(RootComponent->RelativeRotation) * LevelTransform).Rotator());

		if( bDoPostEditMove )
			ApplyPostEditMove( Level );						
#endif // WITH_EDITOR

예제 #26
/** Tests shape components more efficiently than the with-adjustment case, but does less-efficient ppr-poly collision for meshes. */
static bool ComponentEncroachesBlockingGeometry_NoAdjustment(UWorld const* World, AActor const* TestActor, UPrimitiveComponent const* PrimComp, FTransform const& TestWorldTransform)
	float const Epsilon = CVarEncroachEpsilon.GetValueOnGameThread();
	if (World && PrimComp)
		bool bFoundBlockingHit = false;
		static FName NAME_ComponentEncroachesBlockingGeometry_NoAdjustment = FName(TEXT("ComponentEncroachesBlockingGeometry_NoAdjustment"));
		ECollisionChannel const BlockingChannel = PrimComp->GetCollisionObjectType();
		FCollisionShape const CollisionShape = PrimComp->GetCollisionShape(-Epsilon);

		if (CollisionShape.IsBox() && (Cast<UBoxComponent>(PrimComp) == nullptr))
			// we have a bounding box not for a box component, which means this was the fallback aabb
			// since we don't need the penetration info, go ahead and test the component itself for overlaps, which is more accurate
			if (PrimComp->IsRegistered())
				// must be registered
				TArray<FOverlapResult> Overlaps;
				FComponentQueryParams Params(NAME_ComponentEncroachesBlockingGeometry_NoAdjustment, TestActor);
				return World->ComponentOverlapMultiByChannel(Overlaps, PrimComp, TestWorldTransform.GetLocation(), TestWorldTransform.GetRotation(), BlockingChannel, Params);
				UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Log, TEXT("Components must be registered in order to be used in a ComponentOverlapMulti call. PriComp: %s TestActor: %s"), *PrimComp->GetName(), *TestActor->GetName());
				return false;
			FCollisionQueryParams Params(NAME_ComponentEncroachesBlockingGeometry_NoAdjustment, false, TestActor);
			return World->OverlapAnyTestByChannel(TestWorldTransform.GetLocation(), TestWorldTransform.GetRotation(), BlockingChannel, CollisionShape, Params);

	return false;
FTransform FActorPositioning::GetCurrentViewportPlacementTransform(const AActor& Actor, bool bSnap)
	FVector Collision = Actor.GetPlacementExtent();
	const UActorFactory* Factory = GEditor->FindActorFactoryForActorClass(Actor.GetClass());

	// Get cursor origin and direction in world space.
	FViewportCursorLocation CursorLocation = GCurrentLevelEditingViewportClient->GetCursorWorldLocationFromMousePos();
	const auto CursorPos = CursorLocation.GetCursorPos();

	FTransform ActorTransform = FTransform::Identity;

	if (CursorLocation.GetViewportType() == LVT_Perspective && !GCurrentLevelEditingViewportClient->Viewport->GetHitProxy( CursorPos.X, CursorPos.Y ))
		ActorTransform.SetTranslation(GetActorPositionInFrontOfCamera(Actor, CursorLocation.GetOrigin(), CursorLocation.GetDirection()));
		const FSnappedPositioningData PositioningData = FSnappedPositioningData(GCurrentLevelEditingViewportClient, GEditor->ClickLocation, GEditor->ClickPlane)

		ActorTransform = bSnap ? GetSnappedSurfaceAlignedTransform(PositioningData) : GetSurfaceAlignedTransform(PositioningData);

		if (GetDefault<ULevelEditorViewportSettings>()->SnapToSurface.bEnabled)
			// HACK: If we are aligning rotation to surfaces, we have to factor in the inverse of the actor transform so that the resulting transform after SpawnActor is correct.

			if (auto* RootComponent = Actor.GetRootComponent())
			ActorTransform = Actor.GetTransform().Inverse() * ActorTransform;

	return ActorTransform;
FVector UAnimGraphNode_SkeletalControlBase::ConvertCSVectorToBoneSpace(const USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp, FVector& InCSVector, FA2CSPose& MeshBases, const FName& BoneName, const EBoneControlSpace Space)
	FVector OutVector = InCSVector;

	if (MeshBases.IsValid())
		int32 MeshBoneIndex = SkelComp->GetBoneIndex(BoneName);

		switch (Space)
			// World Space, no change in preview window
		case BCS_WorldSpace:
		case BCS_ComponentSpace:
			// Component Space, no change.

		case BCS_ParentBoneSpace:
			const int32 ParentIndex = MeshBases.GetParentBoneIndex(MeshBoneIndex);
			if (ParentIndex != INDEX_NONE)
				FTransform ParentTM = MeshBases.GetComponentSpaceTransform(ParentIndex);
				OutVector = ParentTM.InverseTransformVector(InCSVector);

		case BCS_BoneSpace:
			FTransform BoneTM = MeshBases.GetComponentSpaceTransform(MeshBoneIndex);
			OutVector = BoneTM.InverseTransformVector(InCSVector);

	return OutVector;
FBox FKSphylElem::CalcAABB(const FTransform& BoneTM, float Scale) const
	FTransform ElemTM = GetTransform();
	ElemTM.ScaleTranslation( FVector(Scale) );
	ElemTM *= BoneTM;

	const FVector SphylCenter = ElemTM.GetLocation();

	// Get sphyl axis direction
	const FVector Axis = ElemTM.GetScaledAxis( EAxis::Z );
	// Get abs of that vector
	const FVector AbsAxis(FMath::Abs(Axis.X), FMath::Abs(Axis.Y), FMath::Abs(Axis.Z));
	// Scale by length of sphyl
	const FVector AbsDist = (Scale * 0.5f * Length) * AbsAxis;

	const FVector MaxPos = SphylCenter + AbsDist;
	const FVector MinPos = SphylCenter - AbsDist;
	const FVector Extent(Scale * Radius);

	FBox Result(MinPos - Extent, MaxPos + Extent);

	return Result;
void AMyPlayer::MoveRight(float Value)

    if ((Controller != NULL) && (Value != 0.0f) && this->GetActorLocation().X < 1950 && this->GetActorLocation().X > -150)
        FTransform newLocation;

        newLocation.SetLocation(FVector(this->GetActorLocation().X + Value * speed, this->GetActorLocation().Y, this->GetActorLocation().Z));
        newLocation.SetRotation(FQuat(FRotator(0, 0, 0)));
    else if (this->GetActorLocation().X >= 1950)
        SetActorLocation(FVector(1949, this->GetActorLocation().Y, this->GetActorLocation().Z));
    else if (this->GetActorLocation().X <= -150)
        SetActorLocation(FVector(-149, this->GetActorLocation().Y, this->GetActorLocation().Z));

