예제 #1
FTransform FTransform::GetRelativeTransformReverse(const FTransform& Other) const
	// A (-1) * B = VQS(B)(VQS (A)(-1))
	// Scale = S(B)/S(A)
	// Rotation = Q(B) * Q(A)(-1)
	// Translation = T(B)-S(B)/S(A) *[Q(B)*Q(A)(-1)*T(A)*Q(A)*Q(B)(-1)]
	// where A = this, and B = Other
	FTransform Result;

	FVector SafeRecipScale3D = GetSafeScaleReciprocal(Scale3D);
	Result.Scale3D = Other.Scale3D*SafeRecipScale3D;	

	Result.Rotation = Other.Rotation*Rotation.Inverse();

	Result.Translation = Other.Translation - Result.Scale3D * ( Result.Rotation * Translation );

	FMatrix AM = ToMatrixWithScale();
	FMatrix BM = Other.ToMatrixWithScale();

	Result.DebugEqualMatrix(AM.InverseFast() *  BM);

	return Result;
예제 #2
FTransform FTransform::GetRelativeTransform(const FTransform& Other) const
	// A * B(-1) = VQS(B)(-1) (VQS (A))
	// Scale = S(A)/S(B)
	// Rotation = Q(B)(-1) * Q(A)
	// Translation = 1/S(B) *[Q(B)(-1)*(T(A)-T(B))*Q(B)]
	// where A = this, B = Other
	FTransform Result;

	FVector SafeRecipScale3D = GetSafeScaleReciprocal(Other.Scale3D);
	Result.Scale3D = Scale3D*SafeRecipScale3D;	

	if (Other.Rotation.IsNormalized() == false)
		return FTransform::Identity;

	FQuat Inverse = Other.Rotation.Inverse();
	Result.Rotation = Inverse*Rotation;

	Result.Translation = (Inverse*(Translation - Other.Translation))*(SafeRecipScale3D);

 	FMatrix AM = ToMatrixWithScale();
 	FMatrix BM = Other.ToMatrixWithScale();
 	Result.DebugEqualMatrix(AM *  BM.InverseFast());


	return Result;
예제 #3
FTransform FTransform::GetRelativeTransform(const FTransform& Other) const
	// A * B(-1) = VQS(B)(-1) (VQS (A))
	// Scale = S(A)/S(B)
	// Rotation = Q(B)(-1) * Q(A)
	// Translation = 1/S(B) *[Q(B)(-1)*(T(A)-T(B))*Q(B)]
	// where A = this, B = Other
	FTransform Result;
	if (Other.IsRotationNormalized() == false)
		return FTransform::Identity;
	// Scale = S(A)/S(B)
	static ScalarRegister STolerance(SMALL_NUMBER);
	VectorRegister VSafeScale3D = VectorSet_W0(GetSafeScaleReciprocal(Other.Scale3D, STolerance));

	VectorRegister VScale3D = VectorMultiply(Scale3D, VSafeScale3D);

	//VQTranslation = (  ( T(A).X - T(B).X ),  ( T(A).Y - T(B).Y ), ( T(A).Z - T(B).Z), 0.f );
	VectorRegister VQTranslation =  VectorSet_W0(VectorSubtract(Translation, Other.Translation));

	// Translation = 1/S(B) *[Q(B)(-1)*(T(A)-T(B))*Q(B)]
	VectorRegister VInverseRot = VectorQuaternionInverse(Other.Rotation);
	VectorRegister VQT = VectorQuaternionMultiply2(VInverseRot, VQTranslation);
	VectorRegister VR = VectorQuaternionMultiply2(VQT, Other.Rotation);
	VectorRegister VTranslation = VectorMultiply(VR, VSafeScale3D);

	// Rotation = Q(B)(-1) * Q(A)	
	VectorRegister VRotation = VectorQuaternionMultiply2(VInverseRot, Rotation );

	Result.Scale3D = VScale3D;
	Result.Translation = VTranslation;
	Result.Rotation = VRotation;	

	FMatrix AM = ToMatrixWithScale();
	FMatrix BM = Other.ToMatrixWithScale();

	Result.DebugEqualMatrix(AM *  BM.InverseFast());

	return Result;
예제 #4
FTransform FTransform::GetRelativeTransformReverse(const FTransform& Other) const
	// A (-1) * B = VQS(B)(VQS (A)(-1))
	// Scale = S(B)/S(A)
	// Rotation = Q(B) * Q(A)(-1)
	// Translation = T(B)-S(B)/S(A) *[Q(B)*Q(A)(-1)*T(A)*Q(A)*Q(B)(-1)]
	// where A = this, and B = Other
	FTransform Result;

	// Scale = S(B)/S(A)	
	VectorRegister VSafeScale3D	= VectorSet_W0(GetSafeScaleReciprocal(Scale3D));
	VectorRegister VScale3D = VectorMultiply(Other.Scale3D, VSafeScale3D);
	// Rotation = Q(B) * Q(A)(-1)	
	VectorRegister VInverseRot = VectorQuaternionInverse(Rotation);
	VectorRegister VRotation = VectorQuaternionMultiply2(Other.Rotation, VInverseRot );
	// [Q(B)*Q(A)(-1)*T(A)*Q(A)*Q(B)(-1)]	
	VInverseRot = VectorQuaternionInverse(VRotation);
	VectorRegister VQT = VectorQuaternionMultiply2(VRotation, Translation);	
	VectorRegister VR = VectorQuaternionMultiply2(VQT, VInverseRot);

	// Translation = T(B)-S(B)/S(A) *[Q(B)*Q(A)(-1)*T(A)*Q(A)*Q(B)(-1)]	
	VectorRegister VTranslation = VectorSet_W0(VectorSubtract(Other.Translation, VectorMultiply(VScale3D, VR)));

	Result.Scale3D = VScale3D;	
	Result.Translation = VTranslation;
	Result.Rotation = VRotation;

	FMatrix AM = ToMatrixWithScale();
	FMatrix BM = Other.ToMatrixWithScale();

	Result.DebugEqualMatrix(AM.InverseFast() *  BM);

	return Result;