void SingularValueDecomposition<Real>::HouseholderQR (
    const GMatrix<Real>& A, GMatrix<Real>& Q, GMatrix<Real>& R)
	// The matrix R gets a copy of A, and is then overwritten during the
	// algorithm with the correct entries to be upper triangular.
	R = A;
	int numRows = R.GetNumRows();
	int numCols = R.GetNumColumns();
	assertion(numRows >= numCols, "Too many columns (use transpose)\n");
	int row, col;
	GVector<Real> V(numRows);
	std::vector<GVector<Real> > VSave;
	for (col = 0; col < numCols; ++col)
		// Create the Householder vector for the partial column of A.
		for (row = 0; row < col; ++row)
			V[row] = (Real)0;
		Real length = (Real)0;
		for (row = col; row < numRows; ++row)
			V[row] = R[row][col];
			length += V[row]*V[row];
		length = Math<Real>::Sqrt(length);
		Real beta = V[col] + Math<Real>::Sign(V[col])*length;
		if (beta != (Real)0)
			Real invBeta = ((Real)1)/beta;
			for (int i = col + 1; i < numRows; ++i)
				V[i] *= invBeta;
		V[col] = (Real)1;

		// Premultiply A by the V-reflection matrix.
		HouseholderPremultiply(V, R);

		// Save the Householder vectors.

	// First, make Q the identity.  Second, extract the Householder vectors
	// and premultiply by the V-reflections to build Q.
	memset(Q.GetElements(), 0, Q.GetNumElements()*sizeof(Real));
	for (row = 0; row < numRows; ++row)
		Q[row][row] = (Real)1;

	for (col = numCols - 1; col >= 0; --col)
		// Get the Householder vector.
		V = VSave[col];

		// Premultiply Q by the V-reflection matrix.
		HouseholderPremultiply(V, Q);