예제 #1
*  @brief
*    Returns position, rotation and scale from a matrix
void PLTools::GetPosRotScale(const GMatrix &mTransform, Point3 &vPos, Quat &qRot, Point3 &vScale, bool bFlip)
	// Get the position
	vPos = mTransform.Translation();

	// Get the rotation of the node as quaternion
	qRot = mTransform.Rotation();

	// Flip 180 degree around the y-axis? (true for camera and spot lights)
	if (bFlip) {
		Quat qRotationOffset;

		// We have to add a rotation about the x-axis of -90 degree... is this a IGame transform bug or something other odd??
		float fAngles[] = {static_cast<float>(HALFPI), 0.0f, 0.0f};
		EulerToQuat(fAngles, qRotationOffset);
		qRot = qRotationOffset*qRot;

		// We have to 'invert the z-axis', this is no PixelLight bug or so, we decided to do so to make things more universal
		fAngles[0] = 0.0f;
		fAngles[2] = static_cast<float>(PI);
		EulerToQuat(fAngles, qRotationOffset);
		qRot = qRotationOffset*qRot;

	// Look out! We REALLY need to take the parity of the transform matrix into account!
	vScale = mTransform.Scaling()*static_cast<float>(mTransform.Parity());