예제 #1
 size_t UCTSearch::getChildNodeType(UCTNode & parent, const GameState & prevState) const
    if (!prevState.bothCanMove())
        return SearchNodeType::SoloNode;
        if (parent.getNodeType() == SearchNodeType::RootNode)
            return SearchNodeType::FirstSimNode;
        else if (parent.getNodeType() == SearchNodeType::SoloNode)
            return SearchNodeType::FirstSimNode;
        else if (parent.getNodeType() == SearchNodeType::SecondSimNode)
            return SearchNodeType::FirstSimNode;
        else if (parent.getNodeType() == SearchNodeType::FirstSimNode)
            return SearchNodeType::SecondSimNode;

    return SearchNodeType::Default;
예제 #2
const bool AlphaBeta::isTranspositionLookupState(GameState & state, const MoveTuple * firstSimMove) const
	return !state.bothCanMove() || (state.bothCanMove() && !firstSimMove);
예제 #3
AlphaBetaValue AlphaBeta::alphaBeta(GameState & state, size_t depth, const IDType lastPlayerToMove, const MoveTuple * prevSimMove, AlphaBetaScore alpha, AlphaBetaScore beta)
	// update statistics

	if (searchTimeOut())
		throw 1;

	if (terminalState(state, depth))
		// return the value, but the move will not be valid since none was performed
		AlphaBetaScore evalScore = state.eval(_params.maxPlayer(), _params.evalMethod(), _params.modelSimMethod());
		return AlphaBetaValue(AlphaBetaScore(evalScore.val(), state.getNumMovements(_params.maxPlayer()) + evalScore.numMoves() ), AlphaBetaMove(0, false));

	// figure out which player is to move
	const IDType playerToMove(getPlayerToMove(state, depth, lastPlayerToMove, !prevSimMove));

	// is the player to move the max player?
	bool maxPlayer = (playerToMove == _params.maxPlayer());

	// Transposition Table Logic
	TTLookupValue TTval;
	if (isTranspositionLookupState(state, prevSimMove))
		TTval = TTlookup(state, alpha, beta, depth);

		// if this is a TT cut, return the proper value
		if (TTval.cut())
			return AlphaBetaValue(TTval.entry()->getScore(), getAlphaBetaMove(TTval, playerToMove));

	bool bestMoveSet(false);

	// move generation
	MoveArray & moves = _allMoves[depth];
	state.generateMoves(moves, playerToMove);
	generateOrderedMoves(state, moves, TTval, playerToMove, depth);

	// while we have more simultaneous move tuples
	AlphaBetaMove bestMove, bestSimResponse;
	MoveTuple numMoveTuples(getNumMoveTuples(moves, TTval, playerToMove, depth));
	for (MoveTuple t(0); t < numMoveTuples; ++t)
		// get the tuple that will be implemented
		const MoveTuple tuple = getNextMoveTuple(t, depth);

		// the value of the recursive AB we will call
		AlphaBetaValue val;
		// generate the child state
		GameState child(state);

		bool firstMove = true;

		// if this is the first player in a simultaneous move state
		if (state.bothCanMove() && !prevSimMove && (depth != 1))
			firstMove = true;
			// don't generate a child yet, just pass on the move we are investigating
			val = alphaBeta(state, depth-1, playerToMove, &tuple, alpha, beta);
			firstMove = false;

			// if this is the 2nd move of a simultaneous move state
			if (prevSimMove)
				// do the previous move tuple selected by the first player to move during this state
				doTupleMoves(child, _allMoves[depth+1], *prevSimMove);

			// do the moves of the current player
			doTupleMoves(child, moves, tuple);

			// get the alpha beta value
			val = alphaBeta(child, depth-1, playerToMove, NULL, alpha, beta);

		// set alpha or beta based on maxplayer
		if (maxPlayer && (val.score() > alpha)) 
			alpha = val.score();
			bestMove = AlphaBetaMove(tuple, true);
			bestMoveSet = true;

			if (state.bothCanMove() && !prevSimMove)
				bestSimResponse = val.abMove();

			// if this is depth 1 of the first try at depth 1, store the best in results
		else if (!maxPlayer && (val.score() < beta))
			beta = val.score();
			bestMove = AlphaBetaMove(tuple, true);
			bestMoveSet = true;

			if (state.bothCanMove() && prevSimMove)
				bestSimResponse = val.abMove();

		if (alpha.val() == -10000000 && beta.val() == 10000000)
			fprintf(stderr, "\n\nALPHA BETA ERROR, NO VALUE SET\n\n");

		// alpha-beta cut
		if (alpha >= beta) 
	if (isTranspositionLookupState(state, prevSimMove))
		TTsave(state, maxPlayer ? alpha : beta, alpha, beta, depth, playerToMove, bestMove, bestSimResponse);

	return maxPlayer ? AlphaBetaValue(alpha, bestMove) : AlphaBetaValue(beta, bestMove);
const bool AlphaBetaSearch::isTranspositionLookupState(GameState & state, const std::vector<Action> * firstSimMove) const
	return !state.bothCanMove() || (state.bothCanMove() && !firstSimMove);