예제 #1
static int
DirectFB_RenderReadPixels(SDL_Renderer * renderer, const SDL_Rect * rect,
                     Uint32 format, void * pixels, int pitch)
    Uint32 sdl_format;
    unsigned char* laypixels;
    int laypitch;
    DFBSurfacePixelFormat dfb_format;
    DirectFB_RenderData *data = (DirectFB_RenderData *) renderer->driverdata;
    IDirectFBSurface *winsurf = data->target;


    winsurf->GetPixelFormat(winsurf, &dfb_format);
    sdl_format = DirectFB_DFBToSDLPixelFormat(dfb_format);
    winsurf->Lock(winsurf, DSLF_READ, (void **) &laypixels, &laypitch);

    laypixels += (rect->y * laypitch + rect->x * SDL_BYTESPERPIXEL(sdl_format) );
    SDL_ConvertPixels(rect->w, rect->h,
                      sdl_format, laypixels, laypitch,
                      format, pixels, pitch);


    return 0;
예제 #2
static void Display(vout_display_t *vd, picture_t *picture)
    vout_display_sys_t *sys = vd->sys;

    IDirectFBSurface *primary = sys->primary;

    void *pixels;
    int  pitch;
    if (primary->Lock(primary, DSLF_WRITE, &pixels, &pitch) == DFB_OK) {
        picture_resource_t rsc;

        memset(&rsc, 0, sizeof(rsc));
        rsc.p[0].p_pixels = pixels;
        rsc.p[0].i_lines  = sys->height;
        rsc.p[0].i_pitch  = pitch;

        picture_t *direct = picture_NewFromResource(&vd->fmt, &rsc);
        if (direct) {
            picture_Copy(direct, picture);

        if (primary->Unlock(primary) == DFB_OK)
            primary->Flip(primary, NULL, 0);
static int
directfb_get_empty_bitmap (struct bitmap *bmp)
  IDirectFBSurface      *surface;
  DFBSurfaceDescription  desc;

  bmp->data = bmp->flags = NULL;

  desc.flags = (DFBSurfaceDescriptionFlags)(DSDESC_WIDTH | DSDESC_HEIGHT);
  desc.width  = bmp->x;
  desc.height = bmp->y;

  if (dfb->CreateSurface (dfb, &desc, &surface) != DFB_OK) {
    if (out_of_memory(MF_GPI, NULL, 0))
    	goto retry;
    return -1;

  surface->Lock (surface, (DFBSurfaceLockFlags)(DSLF_READ | DSLF_WRITE), &bmp->data, &bmp->skip);

  bmp->flags = surface;

  return 0;
예제 #4
int DirectFB_LockYUVOverlay(_THIS, SDL_Overlay *overlay)
  DFBResult         ret;
  void             *data;
  int               pitch;
  IDirectFBSurface *surface = overlay->hwdata->surface;

  ret = surface->Lock (surface, DSLF_READ | DSLF_WRITE, &data, &pitch);
  if (ret)
      SetDirectFBerror("IDirectFBSurface::Lock", ret);
      return -1;

  /* Find the pitch and offset values for the overlay */
  overlay->pitches[0] = (Uint16) pitch;
  overlay->pixels[0]  = (Uint8*) data;

  switch (overlay->format)
    case SDL_YV12_OVERLAY:
      /* Add the two extra planes */
      overlay->pitches[1] = overlay->pitches[0] / 2;
      overlay->pitches[2] = overlay->pitches[0] / 2;
      overlay->pixels[1]  = overlay->pixels[0] + overlay->pitches[0] * overlay->h;
      overlay->pixels[2]  = overlay->pixels[1] + overlay->pitches[1] * overlay->h / 2;
      /* Only one plane, no worries */

  return 0;
예제 #5
파일: directfb.c 프로젝트: Gingar/port
static void *
directfb_prepare_strip (struct bitmap *bmp, int top, int lines)
  IDirectFBSurface *surface = bmp->flags;

  surface->Lock (surface, DSLF_READ | DSLF_WRITE, &bmp->data, &bmp->skip);

  return ((unsigned char *) bmp->data + top * bmp->skip);
예제 #6
static void *
TestThread( DirectThread *thread,
            void         *arg )
     DFBResult         ret;
     IDirectFBSurface *surface = arg;
     DFBRectangle      rect    = { 0, 0, 500, 1 };

     while (!quit) {
          void *data;
          int   pitch;

          ret = surface->Lock( surface, DSLF_WRITE, &data, &pitch );

          if (ret) {
               D_DERROR( ret, "DFBTest/Resize: Lock() failed!\n" );
               return NULL;

          if (!data) {
               D_DERROR( ret, "DFBTest/Resize:invalid pointer!\n" );
               return NULL;

          memset( data, 0, pitch * 400 );

          surface->Unlock( surface );

          data = malloc( pitch );

          ret = surface->Read( surface, &rect, data, pitch );

          if (ret) {
               D_DERROR( ret, "DFBTest/Resize: Read() failed!\n" );
               free (data);
               return NULL;

          ret = surface->Write( surface, &rect, data, pitch );
          if (ret) {
               D_DERROR( ret, "DFBTest/Resize: Write() failed!\n" );
               return NULL;


     return NULL;
예제 #7
//Hardcore translateion
void glTexImage2D (GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, 
                   GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLenum format, 
                   GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels)
#ifdef DEBUG
  printf("%s:%s[%d]\n", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);

  IDirectFBSurface * surface = NULL;
  EGLSurface egl_surface = NULL;
  DFBResult err = 0;
  DFBSurfaceDescription dsc;
  CoreSurfaceBufferLock lock;

  dsc.flags  = (DFBSurfaceDescriptionFlags) (DSDESC_WIDTH | DSDESC_HEIGHT | 
                                             DSDESC_PIXELFORMAT | DSDESC_CAPS);
  dsc.width  = width;
  dsc.height = height;

  dsc.pixelformat = DSPF_ARGB;


#if 0
  surface->Lock (surface, DSLF_WRITE, &lock.addr, &lock.pitch);
  memcpy(lock.addr, pixels, width*height*4);
  surface->Unlock (surface);
  DFBRectangle rect;
  rect.x = 0;
  rect.y = 0;
  rect.w = width;
  rect.h = height;

  surface->Write(surface, &rect, pixels, 4*width);
  egl_textures[m_bound_texture].surface = surface;
#ifdef DEBUG
  printf("%s:%s[%d] ---------------- texture=%d (%p)\n", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, texturesCurrent, egl_textures[texturesCurrent].surface);
예제 #8
static mrb_value surface_lock(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self)
    IDirectFBSurface* surface = mrb_directfb_surface(mrb, self);
    if (surface != NULL) {
        void* p = NULL;
        int pitch;
        DFBResult ret;
        mrb_int flags = 0;
        mrb_get_args(mrb, "i", &flags);
        pitch = 0;
        ret = surface->Lock(surface, flags, &p, &pitch);
        if (!ret) {
            mrb_value a[2];
            a[0] = mrb_cptr_value(mrb, p);
            a[1] = mrb_fixnum_value(pitch);
            return mrb_ary_new_from_values(mrb, 2, a);
    return mrb_nil_value();
예제 #9
파일: directfb.c 프로젝트: Gingar/port
static int
directfb_get_empty_bitmap (struct bitmap *bmp)
  IDirectFBSurface      *surface;
  DFBSurfaceDescription  desc;

  bmp->data = bmp->flags = NULL;

  desc.width  = bmp->x;
  desc.height = bmp->y;

  if (dfb->CreateSurface (dfb, &desc, &surface) != DFB_OK)
    return 0;

  surface->Lock (surface, DSLF_READ | DSLF_WRITE, &bmp->data, &bmp->skip);

  bmp->flags = surface;

  return 0;
예제 #10
main( int argc, char *argv[] )
     DFBResult ret;

     /* Initialize DirectFB including command line parsing. */
     ret = DirectFBInit( &argc, &argv );
     if (ret) {
          DirectFBError( "DirectFBInit() failed", ret );
          return -1;

     /* Parse the command line. */
     if (!parse_command_line( argc, argv ))
          return -2;

     /* Create the super interface. */
     ret = DirectFBCreate( &dfb );
     if (ret) {
          DirectFBError( "DirectFBCreate() failed", ret );
          return -3;

     /* Get the primary display layer. */
     ret = dfb->GetDisplayLayer( dfb, id, &layer );
     if (ret) {
          if (ret == DFB_IDNOTFOUND)
               fprintf (stderr, "\nUnknown layer id, check 'dfbinfo' for valid values.\n\n");
               DirectFBError( "IDirectFB::GetDisplayLayer() failed", ret );
          dfb->Release( dfb );
          return -4;

     /* Get a description of the layer. */
     ret = layer->GetDescription( layer, &desc );
     if (ret) {
          DirectFBError( "IDirectFBDisplayLayer::GetDescription() failed", ret );
          layer->Release( layer );
          dfb->Release( dfb );
          return -5;

     /* Acquire administrative cooperative level. */
     ret = layer->SetCooperativeLevel( layer, DLSCL_ADMINISTRATIVE );
     if (ret) {
          DirectFBError( "IDirectFBDisplayLayer::SetCooperativeLevel() failed", ret );
          layer->Release( layer );
          dfb->Release( dfb );
          return -6;

     /* Show/change the configuration. */

     /* Test Lock() on layer surface? */
     if (test_lock) {
          IDirectFBSurface *surface;

          fprintf( stderr, "\nGetting layer surface...\n" );

          ret = layer->GetSurface( layer, &surface );
          if (ret)
               DirectFBError( "IDirectFBDisplayLayer::GetSurface() failed", ret );
          else {
               void *data;
               int   pitch;

               fprintf( stderr, "\nTesting Lock( %s ) on layer surface...\n",
                        test_lock == DSLF_READ ? "read only" : test_lock == DSLF_WRITE ? "write only" : "read/write" );

               ret = surface->Lock( surface, test_lock, &data, &pitch );
               if (ret)
                    DirectFBError( "IDirectFBSurface::Lock() failed", ret );
                    fprintf( stderr, "  => OK\n\n" );

               surface->Release( surface );

     /* Release the display layer. */
     layer->Release( layer );

     /* Release the super interface. */
     dfb->Release( dfb );

     return EXIT_SUCCESS;
예제 #11
GdkCursor *
gdk_cursor_new_for_display (GdkDisplay *display, GdkCursorType cursor_type)
  GdkCursor *cursor;
  GdkDisplayDFB *dfb_display = GDK_DISPLAY_DFB (display);

  if (cursor_type >= sizeof (stock_cursors) / sizeof (stock_cursors[0]))
    return NULL;

  cursor = stock_cursors[cursor_type].cursor;
  if (!cursor)
      GdkCursorDirectFB *private;
      DFBResult          ret;
      IDirectFBSurface  *temp;
      IDirectFBSurface  *temp2;
      IDirectFBSurface  *shape;

      int width  = stock_cursors[cursor_type+1].width;
      int height = stock_cursors[cursor_type+1].height;

      temp = gdk_display_dfb_create_surface (dfb_display,
                                             width, height);

      if (!temp)
          return NULL;
          u32  *dst;
          int     pitch;

          ret = temp->Lock (temp, DSLF_WRITE, (void**)&dst, &pitch);
          if (ret)
              DirectFBError ("gdkcursor-directfb.c (gdk_cursor_new): "
                             "temp->Lock", ret);

              temp->Release (temp);

              return NULL;
              gint x, y;
              gint mx, my;
              gint  p = ((stock_cursors[cursor_type].width + 7) / 8) * 8;
              gint mp = ((stock_cursors[cursor_type + 1].width + 7) / 8) * 8;

              const guchar *src;
              const guchar *mask;

              pitch >>= 2;

              src  = stock_cursors[cursor_type].bits;
              mask = stock_cursors[cursor_type+1].bits;

              mx = stock_cursors[cursor_type+1].hotx - stock_cursors[cursor_type].hotx;
              my = stock_cursors[cursor_type+1].hoty - stock_cursors[cursor_type].hoty;

              for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
                  for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
                      gint  bit = x-mx + (y-my) * p;
                      gint mbit =    x +     y  * mp;

                      u32 color = ((x - mx) < 0  || (y - my) < 0  ||
                                   (x - mx) >= stock_cursors[cursor_type].width  ||
                                   (y - my) >= stock_cursors[cursor_type].height)
                        ? 0x00FFFFFF : (src[bit/8] & (1 << bit%8) ? 0 : 0x00FFFFFF);

		      u8  a     = color ? 0xE0 : 0xFF;
                      u32 alpha = mask[mbit/8] & (1 << mbit%8) ? (a << 24) : 0;

                      dst[x + y*pitch] = alpha | color;

              temp->Unlock (temp);

      width  += 2;
      height += 2;

      temp2 = gdk_display_dfb_create_surface (dfb_display,
                                              width, height);

      if (!temp2) {
	temp->Release (temp);
	return NULL;

      temp2->Clear (temp2, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0);

      temp2->SetBlittingFlags (temp2, (DSBLIT_BLEND_COLORALPHA |

      temp2->SetColor (temp2, 0, 0, 0, 0x30);
      temp2->Blit (temp2, temp, NULL, 0, 0);
      temp2->Blit (temp2, temp, NULL, 0, 2);
      temp2->Blit (temp2, temp, NULL, 2, 0);
      temp2->Blit (temp2, temp, NULL, 2, 2);

      temp2->SetColor (temp2, 0, 0, 0, 0xA0);
      temp2->Blit (temp2, temp, NULL, 1, 0);
      temp2->Blit (temp2, temp, NULL, 0, 1);
      temp2->Blit (temp2, temp, NULL, 2, 1);
      temp2->Blit (temp2, temp, NULL, 1, 2);

      temp2->SetColor (temp2, 0, 0, 0, 0xE0);
      temp2->Blit (temp2, temp, NULL, 1, 1);

      temp->Release (temp);

      // creating stretch
      width = width * 2;
      height = height * 2;
      shape = gdk_display_dfb_create_surface (dfb_display,
                                              width, height);
      if (!shape)
      	temp2->Release (temp2);
         return NULL;
      shape->StretchBlit(shape, temp2, NULL, NULL);
      temp2->Release (temp2);

      private = g_new0 (GdkCursorDirectFB, 1);
예제 #12
int main (int argc,char *argv[])
  int videofd1 = open("/dev/video0",O_RDWR);
  int videofd2 = open("/dev/video0",O_RDWR);
  IDirectFBSurface     *SurfaceHandle;
  IDirectFBSurface     *SurfaceHandle2;
  void *ptr,*ptr2;
  int pitch,pitch2;
  int colour_palette[256];
  int colour_palette2_real[256]; /* random... */
  int *colour_palette2 = colour_palette2_real;
  int is_lut8;

  is_lut8 = (argc > 1 && !strcmp (argv[1], "both"));


  colour_palette[0] = 0xff000000; // black
  colour_palette[1] = 0xffff0000; // red
  colour_palette[2] = 0xff00ff00; // green
  colour_palette[3] = 0xff0000ff; // blue
  colour_palette[4] = 0xffffffff; // white
  colour_palette[5] = 0x80808000; // half-transp yellow
  colour_palette[6] = 0x00000000; // transp black

  if (videofd1 < 0)
    perror("Couldn't open video device 1\n");

  if (videofd2 < 0)
    perror("Couldn't open video device 2\n");
  v4l2_list_outputs (videofd1);



  v4l2_set_output_by_name (videofd1, "RGB1");
  v4l2_set_output_by_name (videofd2, "RGB2");


//  memcpy (colour_palette, colour_palette2, sizeof (colour_palette));
  colour_palette2 = colour_palette;

    int coords = 60;
    int size   = 100;

    // clear
    if (!is_lut8) SurfaceHandle->Clear (SurfaceHandle, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
    else {
      SurfaceHandle->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle, 0x6);
      SurfaceHandle->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle, 0, 0, 600, 600);
    // White
    if (is_lut8) SurfaceHandle->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle, 0x4);
    else SurfaceHandle->SetColor (SurfaceHandle, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
    SurfaceHandle->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle, coords, coords, size, size);
    coords += size;
    // Red
    if (is_lut8) SurfaceHandle->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle, 0x1);
    else SurfaceHandle->SetColor (SurfaceHandle, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff);
    SurfaceHandle->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle, coords, coords, size, size);
    coords += size;
    // Green
    if (is_lut8) SurfaceHandle->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle, 0x2);
    else SurfaceHandle->SetColor (SurfaceHandle, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff);
    SurfaceHandle->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle, coords, coords, size, size);
    coords += size;
    // Blue
    if (is_lut8) SurfaceHandle->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle, 0x3);
    else SurfaceHandle->SetColor (SurfaceHandle, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff);
    SurfaceHandle->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle, coords, coords, size, size);
    coords += size;
    // half transp yellow
    if (is_lut8) SurfaceHandle->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle, 0x5);
    else SurfaceHandle->SetColor (SurfaceHandle, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x80);
    SurfaceHandle->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle, coords, coords, size, size);
    coords += size;
    // transp
    if (is_lut8) SurfaceHandle->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle, 0x6);
    else SurfaceHandle->SetColor (SurfaceHandle, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
    SurfaceHandle->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle, coords, coords, size, size);
    coords += size;

    int xcoords = 60 + (100 * 6), ycoords = 60;
    int size   = 100;

    // clear
    SurfaceHandle2->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle2, 0x6);
    SurfaceHandle2->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle2, 220, 220, 440, 440);
    // transp
    SurfaceHandle2->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle2, 0x6);
    SurfaceHandle2->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle2, xcoords, ycoords, size, size);
    xcoords -= size; ycoords += size;
    // half transp yellow
    SurfaceHandle2->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle2, 0x5);
    SurfaceHandle2->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle2, xcoords, ycoords, size, size);
    xcoords -= size; ycoords += size;
    // Blue
    SurfaceHandle2->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle2, 0x3);
    SurfaceHandle2->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle2, xcoords, ycoords, size, size);
    xcoords -= size; ycoords += size;
    // Green
    SurfaceHandle2->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle2, 0x2);
    SurfaceHandle2->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle2, xcoords, ycoords, size, size);
    xcoords -= size; ycoords += size;
    // Red
    SurfaceHandle2->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle2, 0x1);
    SurfaceHandle2->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle2, xcoords, ycoords, size, size);
    xcoords -= size; ycoords += size;
    // White
    SurfaceHandle2->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle2, 0x4);
    SurfaceHandle2->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle2, xcoords, ycoords, size, size);
    xcoords -= size; ycoords += size;
  DFBCHECK (SurfaceHandle->Lock (SurfaceHandle, DSLF_READ, &ptr, &pitch));
  DFBCHECK (SurfaceHandle2->Lock (SurfaceHandle2, DSLF_READ, &ptr2, &pitch2));



  queue_buffer( videofd1, ptr, (is_lut8 ? colour_palette : 0), 0ULL);

  stream_on( videofd1 );

  queue_buffer( videofd2, ptr2, colour_palette2, 0ULL); 


  stream_on( videofd2 );




  fprintf(stderr,"Press Return/Enter to quit\n");

  // This seems to dequeue all buffers too, but that's what the spec says
  // so this is ok.
  stream_off( videofd1 );
  stream_off( videofd2 );


  return 0;
예제 #13
main( int argc, char *argv[] )
     DFBResult               ret;
     int                     i;
     DFBSurfaceDescription   desc;
     IDirectFB              *dfb;
     IDirectFBSurface       *dest          = NULL;
     DFBSurfacePixelFormat   dest_format   = DSPF_UNKNOWN;
     char                    pixel_buffer[100*100*4];
     IDirectFBSurface       *source        = NULL;
     IDirectFBEventBuffer   *keybuffer;
     DFBInputEvent           evt;
     bool                    quit          = false;

     /* Initialize DirectFB. */
     ret = DirectFBInit( &argc, &argv );
     if (ret) {
          D_DERROR( ret, "DFBTest/PreAlloc: DirectFBInit() failed!\n" );
          return ret;

     /* Parse arguments. */
     for (i=1; i<argc; i++) {
          const char *arg = argv[i];

          if (strcmp( arg, "-h" ) == 0 || strcmp (arg, "--help") == 0)
               return print_usage( argv[0] );
          else if (strcmp (arg, "-v") == 0 || strcmp (arg, "--version") == 0) {
               fprintf (stderr, "dfbtest_blit version %s\n", DIRECTFB_VERSION);
               return false;
          else if (strcmp (arg, "-d") == 0 || strcmp (arg, "--dest") == 0) {
               if (++i == argc) {
                    print_usage (argv[0]);
                    return false;

               if (!parse_format( argv[i], &dest_format ))
                    return false;
          else if (strcmp (arg, "-s") == 0 || strcmp (arg, "--static") == 0) {
               static_caps = DSCAPS_STATIC_ALLOC;
               return print_usage( argv[0] );

     /* Create super interface. */
     ret = DirectFBCreate( &dfb );
     if (ret) {
          D_DERROR( ret, "DFBTest/PreAlloc: DirectFBCreate() failed!\n" );
          return ret;

     /* Fill description for a primary surface. */
     desc.flags = DSDESC_CAPS;

     if (dest_format != DSPF_UNKNOWN) {
          desc.flags       |= DSDESC_PIXELFORMAT;
          desc.pixelformat  = dest_format;

     dfb->SetCooperativeLevel( dfb, DFSCL_FULLSCREEN );

     /* Create an input buffer for key events */
     dfb->CreateInputEventBuffer( dfb, DICAPS_KEYS,
                                  DFB_TRUE, &keybuffer);

     /* Create a primary surface. */
     ret = dfb->CreateSurface( dfb, &desc, &dest );
     if (ret) {
          D_DERROR( ret, "DFBTest/PreAlloc: IDirectFB::CreateSurface() for the destination failed!\n" );
          goto out;

     dest->GetSize( dest, &desc.width, &desc.height );
     dest->GetPixelFormat( dest, &desc.pixelformat );

     D_INFO( "DFBTest/PreAlloc: Destination is %dx%d using %s\n",
             desc.width, desc.height, dfb_pixelformat_name(desc.pixelformat) );

     /* Create a preallocated surface. */
     desc.width                 = 100;
     desc.height                = 100;
     desc.pixelformat           = DSPF_ARGB;
     desc.caps                  = static_caps;
     desc.preallocated[0].data  = pixel_buffer;
     desc.preallocated[0].pitch = 100 * 4;

     ret = dfb->CreateSurface( dfb, &desc, &source );
     if (ret) {
          D_DERROR( ret, "DFBTest/PreAlloc: IDirectFB::CreateSurface() for the preallocated source failed!\n" );
          goto out;

     /* Before any other operation the pixel data can be written to without locking */
     gen_pixels( pixel_buffer, 100 * 4, 100 );

     while (!quit) {
          void *ptr;
          int   pitch;

          /* Lock source surface for writing before making updates to the pixel buffer */
          source->Lock( source, DSLF_WRITE, &ptr, &pitch );

          if (ptr == pixel_buffer)
               D_INFO( "DFBTest/PreAlloc: Locking preallocated source gave original preallocated pixel buffer :-)\n" );
          else {
               if (static_caps)
                    D_INFO( "DFBTest/PreAlloc: Locking preallocated source gave different pixel buffer, ERROR with static alloc!\n" );
                    D_INFO( "DFBTest/PreAlloc: Locking preallocated source gave different pixel buffer, but OK (no static alloc)\n" );

          update_pixels( ptr, pitch, 100 );

          /* Unlock source surface after writing, before making further Blits,
             to have the buffer be transfered to master again */
          source->Unlock( source );

          dest->Clear( dest, 0, 0, 0, 0xff );

          /* First Blit from preallocated source, data will be transfered to master */
          dest->Blit( dest, source, NULL, 50, 50 );

          /* Second Blit from preallocated source, data is already master */
          dest->Blit( dest, source, NULL, 150, 150 );

          dest->Flip( dest, NULL, DSFLIP_NONE );

          /* This will upload again the preallocated buffer to the master, where it is
             modified and outdates the preallocated buffer. Now it depends on the static
             alloc flag whether the next Lock will directly go into the shared memory
             allocation or the preallocated buffer again (with a transfer back from master
             to us). */
          source->FillRectangle( source, 0, 0, 10, 10 );

          /* Process keybuffer */
          while (keybuffer->GetEvent( keybuffer, DFB_EVENT(&evt)) == DFB_OK)
              if (evt.type == DIET_KEYPRESS) {
                  switch (DFB_LOWER_CASE(evt.key_symbol)) {
                      case DIKS_ESCAPE:
                      case DIKS_SMALL_Q:
                      case DIKS_BACK:
                      case DIKS_STOP:
                      case DIKS_EXIT:
                          /* Quit main loop & test thread */
                          quit = true;
          if (!quit)
          sleep( 5 );

     if (source)
          source->Release( source );

     if (dest)
          dest->Release( dest );

     keybuffer->Release( keybuffer );

     /* Shutdown DirectFB. */
     dfb->Release( dfb );

     return ret;