void CGameVolume_Water::DebugDrawVolume()
	IGameVolumes::VolumeInfo volumeInfo;
	if (GetVolumeInfoForEntity(GetEntityId(), volumeInfo) == false)

	if (volumeInfo.verticesCount < 3)

	const Matrix34 worldTM = GetEntity()->GetWorldTM();
	const Vec3 depthOffset = worldTM.GetColumn2().GetNormalized() * - m_volumeDepth;

	IRenderAuxGeom* pRenderAux = gEnv->pRenderer->GetIRenderAuxGeom();
	for (uint32 i = 0; i < volumeInfo.verticesCount - 1; ++i)
		const Vec3 point1 = worldTM.TransformPoint(volumeInfo.pVertices[i]);
		const Vec3 point2 = worldTM.TransformPoint(volumeInfo.pVertices[i + 1]);

		pRenderAux->DrawLine( point1, Col_SlateBlue, point1 + depthOffset, Col_SlateBlue, 2.0f );
		pRenderAux->DrawLine( point1 + depthOffset, Col_SlateBlue, point2 + depthOffset, Col_SlateBlue, 2.0f );

	const Vec3 firstPoint = worldTM.TransformPoint(volumeInfo.pVertices[0]);
	const Vec3 lastPoint = worldTM.TransformPoint(volumeInfo.pVertices[volumeInfo.verticesCount - 1]);

	pRenderAux->DrawLine( lastPoint, Col_SlateBlue, lastPoint + depthOffset, Col_SlateBlue, 2.0f );
	pRenderAux->DrawLine( lastPoint + depthOffset, Col_SlateBlue, firstPoint + depthOffset, Col_SlateBlue, 2.0f );
예제 #2
	void Draw()
		IRenderAuxGeom* pRender = gEnv->pRenderer->GetIRenderAuxGeom();
		SAuxGeomRenderFlags flags = pRender->GetRenderFlags();
		SAuxGeomRenderFlags oldFlags = pRender->GetRenderFlags();
		m_timer += gEnv->pTimer->GetFrameTime();
		if (m_timer>30.f) m_timer = 0.f;
		float time = gEnv->pTimer->GetCurrTime();
		float dt = (1.f/50.f);
		Vec3 offset = Vec3(0.f, 0.f, 0.025f + 0.003f*sinf(8.f*m_timer));
		Vec3 offset2 = Vec3(0.f, 0.f, 0.035f + 0.003f*sinf(5.f*m_timer));

		ColorB desiredColour = ColorB(255,0,0,255);  // Red
		ColorB desiredVelColour = ColorB(255,(int)(128.f+127.f*sinf(8.f*m_timer)),0,255);  // Yellow/Red
		ColorB actualPosColour = ColorB(0,255,0,255);  // Green
		ColorB actualVelColour = ColorB(0,0,(int)(128.f+127.f*sinf(5.f*m_timer)),255);  // blue/black
		ColorB snapPosColour = ColorB(255,255,255,255); // White
		ColorB lerpErrorColour = ColorB(255,0,0,255); // Red
		// Draw the desired positions
		for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_desired.size(); i++)
			Desired &d = m_desired[i];
			pRender->DrawSphere(d.pos + offset, 0.025f, desiredColour);
			pRender->DrawLine(d.pos + offset, desiredVelColour, d.pos + offset + d.vel*dt, desiredVelColour);

		if(g_pGameCVars->pl_debugInterpolation == 1) // Show entity position + velocity
			for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_actual.size(); i++)
				Actual &a = m_actual[i];
				pRender->DrawSphere(a.pos + offset2, 0.025f, a.snapped ? snapPosColour : actualPosColour);
				pRender->DrawLine(a.pos + offset2, actualVelColour, a.pos + offset2 + a.vel*dt, actualVelColour);

		if(g_pGameCVars->pl_debugInterpolation == 2) // Show entity position + lerpError
			for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_actual.size(); i++)
				Actual &a = m_actual[i];
				pRender->DrawSphere(a.pos + offset2, 0.025f, a.snapped ? snapPosColour : actualPosColour);
				pRender->DrawLine(a.pos + offset2, lerpErrorColour, a.pos + offset2 + a.lerpError, lerpErrorColour);
예제 #3
void DebugDrawLocation(const QuatT &location, ColorB colorPos, ColorB colorX, ColorB colorY, ColorB colorZ)
	IRenderAuxGeom* pAuxGeom = gEnv->pRenderer->GetIRenderAuxGeom();

	const float thickness = 7.0f;
	const Vec3  pushUp(0.0f, 0.03f, 0.0f);

	pAuxGeom->DrawLine(location.t + pushUp, colorX, location.t + pushUp + location.q.GetColumn0(), colorX, thickness);
	pAuxGeom->DrawLine(location.t + pushUp, colorY, location.t + pushUp + location.q.GetColumn1(), colorY, thickness);
	pAuxGeom->DrawLine(location.t + pushUp, colorZ, location.t + pushUp + location.q.GetColumn2(), colorZ, thickness);

	const float radius = 0.06f;
	pAuxGeom->DrawSphere(location.t + pushUp, radius, colorPos);
	void OnUpdate( SActivationInfo* pActInfo )
		const Vec3 positionOffsetLocal = GetPortVec3( pActInfo, PORT_IN_POSITION_OFFSET_LOCAL );
		const float maxDistance = max( 0.f, GetPortFloat( pActInfo, PORT_IN_MAX_LENGTH ) );

		const CCamera& camera = GetISystem()->GetViewCamera();
		const Vec3 cameraDirection = camera.GetViewdir();
		const Vec3 cameraPositionWorld = camera.GetPosition();
		const Matrix33 cameraOrientation = Matrix33::CreateRotationVDir( cameraDirection );
		const Vec3 positionOffsetWorld = cameraOrientation * positionOffsetLocal;

		const Vec3 rayOriginWorld = cameraPositionWorld + positionOffsetWorld;
		const Vec3 raySegment = cameraDirection * maxDistance;

		IPhysicalWorld* pWorld = gEnv->pPhysicalWorld;

		const int objectTypes = ent_all;
		const unsigned int raycastFlags = rwi_stop_at_pierceable | rwi_colltype_any;

		ray_hit hit;
		const int hitCount = pWorld->RayWorldIntersection( rayOriginWorld, raySegment, objectTypes, raycastFlags, &hit, 1 );
		float hitDistance = maxDistance;
		if ( 0 < hitCount )
			hitDistance = hit.dist;

		const float timeDelta = 0.1f;
		const float smoothTime = max( 0.f, GetPortFloat( pActInfo, PORT_IN_SMOOTH_TIME ) );
		SmoothCD( m_smoothedHitDistance, m_hitDistanceChangeRate, timeDelta, hitDistance, smoothTime );
		ActivateOutput( pActInfo, PORT_OUT_FOCUS_DISTANCE, m_smoothedHitDistance );

		const float focusRangeFactor = max( 0.f, GetPortFloat( pActInfo, PORT_IN_FOCUS_RANGE_FACTOR ) );
		const float focusRange = focusRangeFactor * m_smoothedHitDistance;

		ActivateOutput( pActInfo, PORT_OUT_FOCUS_RANGE, focusRange );

		const bool drawDebugInfo = GetPortBool( pActInfo, PORT_IN_DEBUG_ENABLED );
		if ( ! drawDebugInfo )

		IRenderer* pRenderer = gEnv->pRenderer;
		IRenderAuxGeom* pRenderAuxGeom = pRenderer->GetIRenderAuxGeom();

		ColorB rayColor = ( 0 < hitCount ) ? ColorB( 255, 255, 0 ) : ColorB( 255, 0, 0 );
		pRenderAuxGeom->DrawSphere( hit.pt, 0.1f, rayColor );
		pRenderAuxGeom->DrawLine( rayOriginWorld, rayColor, hit.pt, rayColor );

예제 #5
void CVehicleMovementStdBoat::DrawImpulse(const pe_action_impulse& action, const Vec3& offset, float scale, const ColorB& col)
  if (!is_unused(action.impulse) && action.impulse.len2()>0)
    IRenderAuxGeom* pGeom = gEnv->pRenderer->GetIRenderAuxGeom();
    Vec3 start = action.point + offset;
    Vec3 end = start - (action.impulse*scale/m_pVehicle->GetMass());
    Vec3 dir = (start-end).GetNormalizedSafe();
    pGeom->DrawCone(start-1.f*dir, dir, 0.5f, 1.f, col);
    pGeom->DrawLine(start, col, end, col);
    pGeom->DrawSphere(end, 0.25f, col);
예제 #6
void SDebugCannonBallPenetration::Update(float frameTime)
	IRenderAuxGeom* pRenderAux = gEnv->pRenderer->GetIRenderAuxGeom();

	SAuxGeomRenderFlags oldFlags = pRenderAux->GetRenderFlags();
	SAuxGeomRenderFlags newFlags = e_Def3DPublicRenderflags;

	const float baseDebugTimeOut = (g_pGameCVars->g_bulletPenetrationDebugTimeout > 0.0f) ? g_pGameCVars->g_bulletPenetrationDebugTimeout : DEFAULT_DEBUG_CannonBall_HIT_LIFETIME;

	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DEBUG_CannonBall_HITS; ++i)
		SDebugCannonBallHit& currentHit = m_hitsList[i];

		if (currentHit.lifeTime <= 0.0f)

		currentHit.lifeTime -= frameTime;

		//const float alpha = powf((currentHit.lifeTime / baseDebugTimeOut), 4.0f);
		// avoid powf whenever possible, for such simple cases, can do with 2 muls
		float alpha = (currentHit.lifeTime / baseDebugTimeOut);
		alpha *= alpha;
		alpha *= alpha;

		const ColorB red(255, 0, 0, (uint8)(192 * alpha)), green(0, 255, 0, (uint8)(192 * alpha));
		const ColorB& hitColor = currentHit.stoppedCannonBall ? red : green;
		const Vec3 coneBase = currentHit.isBackFaceHit ? (currentHit.hitPosition + (currentHit.CannonBallDirection * 0.3f)) : (currentHit.hitPosition - (currentHit.CannonBallDirection * 0.2f)) ;
		const Vec3 lineEnd = (coneBase - (currentHit.CannonBallDirection * 0.3f));
		pRenderAux->DrawCone(coneBase, currentHit.CannonBallDirection, 0.12f, 0.2f, hitColor);
		pRenderAux->DrawLine(coneBase, hitColor, lineEnd, hitColor, 3.0f);

		const Vec3 baseText = (currentHit.isBackFaceHit) ? coneBase + (0.2f * currentHit.CannonBallDirection)  : lineEnd - (0.3f * currentHit.CannonBallDirection);
		const Vec3 textLineOffset(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.14f);
		const float textColor[4] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, alpha};

		gEnv->pRenderer->DrawLabelEx(baseText - (textLineOffset * 2.0f), 1.25f, textColor, true, false, "Damage: %.1f", currentHit.damage);
		gEnv->pRenderer->DrawLabelEx(baseText - (textLineOffset * 3.0f), 1.25f, textColor, true, false, "Pierceability: %d", currentHit.surfacePierceability);
		gEnv->pRenderer->DrawLabelEx(baseText - (textLineOffset * 4.0f), 1.25f, textColor, true, false, "%s", GetPenetrationLevelByPierceability(currentHit.surfacePierceability));
		gEnv->pRenderer->DrawLabelEx(baseText - (textLineOffset * 5.0f), 1.25f, textColor, true, false, currentHit.tooThick ? "Too thick!" : "------");


예제 #7
void CHeavyMountedWeapon::Update( SEntityUpdateContext& ctx, int slot )
	BaseClass::Update(ctx, slot);
	if (m_rotatingSoundID!=INVALID_SOUNDID)
		if (m_RotationSoundTimeOut>0)
			m_RotationSoundTimeOut -= ctx.fFrameTime;
			RequireUpdate( eIUS_General );
			m_rotatingSoundID = INVALID_SOUNDID;

	// Helper for editor placing
	if (gEnv->IsEditing())
		// If host id is not 0, it means it is mounted to a vehicle, so don't render the helper in that case
		if (!GetHostId())
			IRenderAuxGeom* pRenderAux = gEnv->pRenderer->GetIRenderAuxGeom();

			const Matrix34& weaponTM = GetEntity()->GetWorldTM();
			const Vec3 point1 = weaponTM.GetTranslation();
			const Vec3 point2 = point1 - (m_sharedparams->pMountParams->ground_distance * weaponTM.GetColumn2());
			const Vec3 point3 = point2 - (m_sharedparams->pMountParams->body_distance * weaponTM.GetColumn1());

			pRenderAux->DrawLine(point1, ColorB(0, 192, 0), point2, ColorB(0, 192, 0), 3.0f);
			pRenderAux->DrawLine(point2, ColorB(0, 192, 0), point3, ColorB(0, 192, 0), 3.0f);
			pRenderAux->DrawSphere(point3, 0.15f, ColorB(192, 0, 0));

예제 #8
void SearchSpot::DebugDraw(float searchTimeOut)
	ColorB spotColor;

	switch (m_status)
	case NotSearchedYet:
		spotColor = ColorB(0, 0, 255);
	case BeingSearchedRightAboutNow:
		spotColor = ColorB(255, 255, 0);
	case Searched:
		spotColor = ColorB(0, 255, 0);
	case Unreachable:
		spotColor = ColorB(255, 0, 0);
	case SearchedTimingOut:
			uint8 green = (uint8)(255 * clamp_tpl( (m_searchTimeoutLeft / (searchTimeOut / 2.0f)), 0.0f, 1.0f));
			uint8 blue = (uint8)(255 * clamp_tpl(((searchTimeOut - m_searchTimeoutLeft) / (searchTimeOut / 2.0f)), 0.0f, 1.0f));
			spotColor = ColorB(0, green, blue);

	IRenderAuxGeom* pDebugRenderer = gEnv->pRenderer->GetIRenderAuxGeom();
	pDebugRenderer->DrawSphere(m_pos, 0.3f, spotColor);

	if (m_assigneeID)
		Agent agent(m_assigneeID);
		if (agent)
			pDebugRenderer->DrawLine(agent.GetPos(), ColorB(255, 255, 0), m_pos, ColorB(255, 255, 0), 2.0f);
예제 #9
파일: Claymore.cpp 프로젝트: RenEvo/dead6
void CClaymore::Update(SEntityUpdateContext &ctx, int updateSlot)
	CProjectile::Update(ctx, updateSlot);

	bool debug = (g_pGameCVars->g_debugMines != 0);

			CGameRules* pGR = g_pGame->GetGameRules();
				for(std::list<EntityId>::iterator it = m_targetList.begin(); it != m_targetList.end(); ++it)
					IEntity* pEntity = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntity(*it);
					if(!pEntity) continue;
					// if this is a team game, claymores aren't set off by their own team...
					if(pGR->GetTeamCount() > 0 && (m_teamId != 0 && pGR->GetTeam(pEntity->GetId()) == m_teamId))

					// otherwise, not set off by the player who dropped them.
					if(pGR->GetTeamCount() == 0 && m_ownerId == pEntity->GetId())
					IPhysicalEntity *pPhysics = pEntity->GetPhysics();
						pe_status_dynamics physStatus;
						if(0 != pPhysics->GetStatus(&physStatus) && physStatus.v.GetLengthSquared() > 0.01f)
							// now check angle between this claymore and approaching object
							//	to see if it is within the angular range m_triggerAngle.
							//	If it is, then check distance is less than m_triggerRange,
							//	and also check line-of-sight between the two entities.
							IRenderAuxGeom * pRAG = gEnv->pRenderer->GetIRenderAuxGeom();
							pRAG->SetRenderFlags( e_Mode3D | e_AlphaBlended | e_DrawInFrontOff | e_FillModeSolid | e_CullModeNone );

							AABB entityBBox;	

								pRAG->DrawAABB( entityBBox, true, ColorF(1,0,0,0.4f), eBBD_Faceted );

							Vec3 enemyDir = entityBBox.GetCenter() - GetEntity()->GetPos();
							Vec3 checkDir = enemyDir; 
							checkDir.z = 0;
							float distanceSq = enemyDir.GetLengthSquared();

							// for players a simple distance check is fine, but for vehicles use a better intersection check
							//	so any corner of the vehicle going inside the zone sets off the claymore.
							static float playerRadius = 2.5f;
							bool inside = false;
							if(entityBBox.GetRadius() < playerRadius)
								inside = (distanceSq < (m_triggerRadius * m_triggerRadius));
								static ray_hit hit;
								if(gEnv->pPhysicalWorld->CollideEntityWithBeam(pEntity->GetPhysics(), GetEntity()->GetWorldPos(), enemyDir, m_triggerRadius, &hit))
									inside = true;
									enemyDir = hit.pt - GetEntity()->GetWorldPos();

								float dotProd = checkDir.Dot(m_triggerDirection);

									pRAG->DrawLine(GetEntity()->GetPos(), ColorF(1,0,0,1), GetEntity()->GetPos() + Matrix33::CreateRotationZ(m_triggerAngle/2.0f)*m_triggerDirection*m_triggerRadius, ColorF(1,0,0,1), 5.0f);
									pRAG->DrawLine(GetEntity()->GetPos(), ColorF(1,0,0,1), GetEntity()->GetPos() + Matrix33::CreateRotationZ(-m_triggerAngle/2.0f)*m_triggerDirection*m_triggerRadius, ColorF(1,0,0,1), 5.0f);

									ColorF clr;
									clr.a = 0.3f;
									clr.b = 0.4f;
									clr.g = 0.1f;
									clr.r = 1.0f;
									pRAG->DrawLine(GetEntity()->GetPos(), clr, GetEntity()->GetPos() + (enemyDir * m_triggerRadius), clr, 5.0f);

								if(dotProd > cry_cosf(m_triggerAngle/2.0f))
									static const int objTypes = ent_all&(~ent_terrain);   
									static const unsigned int flags = rwi_stop_at_pierceable|rwi_colltype_any;
									ray_hit hit;
									int col = gEnv->pPhysicalWorld->RayWorldIntersection(GetEntity()->GetPos(), (enemyDir * m_triggerRadius * 1.5f), objTypes, flags, &hit, 1, GetEntity()->GetPhysics());

									bool bang = false;
									if (!col)
										bang = true;
									else if (entityBBox.IsContainPoint(hit.pt))
										bang = true;
									else if (hit.pt.GetSquaredDistance(GetEntity()->GetWorldPos()) >= distanceSq)
										bang = true;
									if (bang)
										// pass in the explosion normal, which is -m_triggerDirection
										Explode(true, false, Vec3(0,0,0), -m_triggerDirection);

											ColorF clr;
											clr.a = 0.3f;
											clr.g = 0.1f;
											clr.r = 1.0f;
											clr.b = 1.0f;
											pRAG->DrawLine(GetEntity()->GetPos(), clr, GetEntity()->GetPos() + (enemyDir * m_triggerRadius), clr, 5.0f);
			m_timeToArm -= gEnv->pTimer->GetFrameTime();
			if(m_timeToArm <= 0.0f)
				m_armed = true;

				IEntityTriggerProxy *pTriggerProxy = (IEntityTriggerProxy*)(GetEntity()->GetProxy(ENTITY_PROXY_TRIGGER));

				if (!pTriggerProxy)
					pTriggerProxy = (IEntityTriggerProxy*)GetEntity()->GetProxy(ENTITY_PROXY_TRIGGER);

					// create a trigger volume a couple of metres bigger than we need, to ensure we catch vehicles.
					//	Checks above will still make sure the entity is within the radius before detonating though.
					float radius = m_triggerRadius + 2.0f;
					AABB boundingBox = AABB(Vec3(-radius,-radius,-radius), Vec3(radius,radius,radius));

	if(debug && m_armed)
		IRenderAuxGeom * pRAG = gEnv->pRenderer->GetIRenderAuxGeom();
		ColorF clr;
		clr.a = 0.3f;
		clr.b = 0.4f;
		clr.g = 0.1f;
		clr.r = 1.0f;
		pRAG->SetRenderFlags( e_Mode3D | e_AlphaBlended | e_DrawInFrontOff | e_FillModeSolid | e_CullModeNone );
		pRAG->DrawCylinder(GetEntity()->GetPos(), Vec3(0, 0, 1), m_triggerRadius, m_triggerRadius * 2.0f, clr);
		Vec3 size(m_triggerRadius + 2.0f, m_triggerRadius + 2.0f, m_triggerRadius + 2.0f);
		AABB box(GetEntity()->GetPos() - size, GetEntity()->GetPos() + size);
		pRAG->DrawAABB(box, false, ColorF(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f), eBBD_Faceted);
		pRAG->DrawLine(GetEntity()->GetPos(), clr, GetEntity()->GetPos() + m_triggerDirection, clr, 5.0f);
예제 #10
void CPersistantDebug::Update( float frameTime )
	if (m_objects.empty())

	IRenderAuxGeom * pAux = gEnv->pRenderer->GetIRenderAuxGeom();
	static const int flags3D = e_Mode3D | e_AlphaBlended | e_DrawInFrontOff | e_FillModeSolid | e_CullModeBack | e_DepthWriteOn | e_DepthTestOn;
	static const int flags2D = e_Mode2D | e_AlphaBlended;

	std::vector<ListObj::iterator> toClear;
	std::vector<MapListObj::iterator> toClearMap;
	for (MapListObj::iterator iterMap = m_objects.begin(); iterMap != m_objects.end(); ++iterMap)
		for (ListObj::iterator iterList = iterMap->second.begin(); iterList != iterMap->second.end(); ++iterList)
			iterList->timeRemaining -= frameTime;
			if (iterList->timeRemaining <= 0.0f && !(iterList->obj == eOT_EntityTag && iterList->columns.size() > 1))
				ColorF clr = iterList->clr;
				clr.a *= iterList->timeRemaining / iterList->totalTime;
				switch (iterList->obj)
				case eOT_Sphere:
					pAux->SetRenderFlags( flags3D );
					pAux->DrawSphere( iterList->pos, iterList->radius, clr );
				case eOT_Quat:
					pAux->SetRenderFlags( flags3D );
						float r = iterList->radius;
						Vec3 x = r * iterList->q.GetColumn0();
						Vec3 y = r * iterList->q.GetColumn1();
						Vec3 z = r * iterList->q.GetColumn2();
						Vec3 p = iterList->pos;
						OBB obb = OBB::CreateOBB( Matrix33::CreateIdentity(), Vec3(0.05f,0.05f,0.05f), ZERO );
						pAux->DrawOBB( obb, p, false, clr, eBBD_Extremes_Color_Encoded );
						pAux->DrawLine( p, ColorF(1,0,0,clr.a), p+x, ColorF(1,0,0,clr.a) );
						pAux->DrawLine( p, ColorF(0,1,0,clr.a), p+y, ColorF(0,1,0,clr.a) );
						pAux->DrawLine( p, ColorF(0,0,1,clr.a), p+z, ColorF(0,0,1,clr.a) );
				case eOT_Arrow:
					pAux->SetRenderFlags( flags3D );
					pAux->DrawLine( iterList->pos - iterList->dir * iterList->radius, clr, iterList->pos + iterList->dir * iterList->radius, clr );
					pAux->DrawCone( iterList->pos + iterList->dir * iterList->radius, iterList->dir, 0.1f * iterList->radius, 0.3f * iterList->radius, clr );
				case eOT_Line:
					pAux->SetRenderFlags( flags3D );
					pAux->DrawLine( iterList->pos, clr, iterList->pos + iterList->dir, clr );
				case eOT_Cone:
					pAux->SetRenderFlags( flags3D );
					pAux->DrawCone( iterList->pos, iterList->dir, iterList->radius, iterList->radius2, clr );
				case eOT_Cylinder:
					pAux->SetRenderFlags( flags3D );
					pAux->DrawCylinder( iterList->pos, iterList->dir, iterList->radius, iterList->radius2, clr );
				case eOT_AABB:
					pAux->SetRenderFlags( flags3D );
					pAux->DrawAABB( AABB(iterList->pos,iterList->dir), Matrix34(IDENTITY), false, clr, eBBD_Faceted );
				case eOT_Line2D:
					pAux->SetRenderFlags( flags2D );
					pAux->DrawLine( iterList->pos, clr, iterList->dir, clr );
				case eOT_Text:
						float clrAry[4] = {clr.r, clr.g, clr.b, clr.a};
						gEnv->pRenderer->Draw2dLabel( iterList->pos.x, iterList->pos.y, iterList->radius, clrAry, false, "%s", iterList->text.c_str() );
				case eOT_Disc:
						pAux->SetRenderFlags( flags3D );
						vtx_idx indTriQuad[ 6 ] = 
							0, 2, 1, 
							0, 3, 2
						vtx_idx indTriTri[ 3 ] = 
							0, 1, 2

						int steps = (int)(10 * iterList->radius2);
						steps = std::max(steps, 10);
						float angStep = gf_PI2 / steps;
						for (int i=0; i<steps; i++)
							float a0 = angStep*i;
							float a1 = angStep*(i+1);
							float c0 = cosf( a0 );
							float c1 = cosf( a1 );
							float s0 = sinf( a0 );
							float s1 = sinf( a1 );
							Vec3 pts[4];
							int n, n2;
							vtx_idx * indTri;
							if (iterList->radius)
								n = 4;
								n2 = 6;
								pts[0] = iterList->pos + iterList->radius * Vec3( c0, s0, 0 );
								pts[1] = iterList->pos + iterList->radius * Vec3( c1, s1, 0 );
								pts[2] = iterList->pos + iterList->radius2 * Vec3( c1, s1, 0 );
								pts[3] = iterList->pos + iterList->radius2 * Vec3( c0, s0, 0 );
								indTri = indTriQuad;
								n = 3;
								n2 = 3;
								pts[0] = iterList->pos;
								pts[1] = pts[0] + iterList->radius2 * Vec3( c0, s0, 0 );
								pts[2] = pts[0] + iterList->radius2 * Vec3( c1, s1, 0 );
								indTri = indTriTri;
							pAux->DrawTriangles( pts, n, indTri, n2, clr );
				case eOT_EntityTag:
						UpdateTags(frameTime, *iterList);
		while (!toClear.empty())
		if (iterMap->second.empty())
	while (!toClearMap.empty())
예제 #11
void CDebugGun::Update( SEntityUpdateContext& ctx, int update)
  if (!IsSelected())
  static float drawColor[4] = {1,1,1,1};
  static const int dx = 5; 
  static const int dy = 15;
  static const float font = 1.2f;
  static const float fontLarge = 1.4f;

  IRenderer* pRenderer = gEnv->pRenderer;
  IRenderAuxGeom* pAuxGeom = pRenderer->GetIRenderAuxGeom();

  pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(pRenderer->GetWidth()/5.f, pRenderer->GetHeight()-35, fontLarge, drawColor, false, "Firemode: %s (%.1f)", m_fireModes[m_fireMode].first.c_str(), m_fireModes[m_fireMode].second);      

  ray_hit rayhit;
  int hits = 0;
  unsigned int flags = rwi_stop_at_pierceable|rwi_colltype_any;
  if (m_fireModes[m_fireMode].first == "pierceability")
    flags = (unsigned int)m_fireModes[m_fireMode].second & rwi_pierceability_mask;
  // use cam, no need for firing pos/dir
  CCamera& cam = GetISystem()->GetViewCamera();

  if (hits = gEnv->pPhysicalWorld->RayWorldIntersection(cam.GetPosition()+cam.GetViewdir(), cam.GetViewdir()*HIT_RANGE, ent_all, flags, &rayhit, 1))
    IMaterialManager* pMatMan = gEnv->p3DEngine->GetMaterialManager();
    IActorSystem* pActorSystem = g_pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetIActorSystem();
    IVehicleSystem* pVehicleSystem = g_pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetIVehicleSystem();
    int x = (int)(pRenderer->GetWidth() *0.5f) + dx;
    int y = (int)(pRenderer->GetHeight()*0.5f) + dx - dy;

    // draw normal
    ColorB colNormal(200,0,0,128);
    Vec3 end = rayhit.pt + 0.75f*rayhit.n;
    pAuxGeom->DrawLine(rayhit.pt, colNormal, end, colNormal);
    pAuxGeom->DrawCone(end, rayhit.n, 0.1f, 0.2f, colNormal);

    IEntity * pEntity = (IEntity*)rayhit.pCollider->GetForeignData(PHYS_FOREIGN_ID_ENTITY);
      pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(x, y+=dy, fontLarge, drawColor, false, pEntity->GetName());      
    // material
    const char* matName = pMatMan->GetSurfaceType(rayhit.surface_idx)->GetName();

    if (matName[0])      
      pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(x, y+=dy, font, drawColor, false, "%s (%i)", matName, rayhit.surface_idx);

    pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(x, y+=dy, font, drawColor, false, "%.1f m", rayhit.dist);

    if (pEntity)
      IScriptTable* pScriptTable = pEntity->GetScriptTable();

      // physics 
      if (IPhysicalEntity* pPhysEnt = pEntity->GetPhysics())
        pe_status_dynamics status;
        if (pPhysEnt->GetStatus(&status))
          if (status.mass > 0.f)
            pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(x, y+=dy, font, drawColor, false, "%.1f kg", status.mass);

          pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(x, y+=dy, font, drawColor, false, "pe_type: %i", pPhysEnt->GetType());                

          if (status.submergedFraction > 0.f)
            pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(x, y+=dy, font, drawColor, false, "%.2f submerged", status.submergedFraction);

          if (status.v.len2() > 0.0001f)
            pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(x, y+=dy, font, drawColor, false, "%.2f m/s", status.v.len());

      if (pScriptTable)
        HSCRIPTFUNCTION func = 0;
        if (pScriptTable->GetValue("GetFrozenAmount", func) && func)
          float frozen = 0.f;
          Script::CallReturn(gEnv->pScriptSystem, func, pScriptTable, frozen);
          if (frozen > 0.f)
            pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(x, y+=dy, font, drawColor, false, "Frozen: %.2f", frozen); 
      // class-specific stuff
      if (IActor* pActor = pActorSystem->GetActor(pEntity->GetId()))
        pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(x, y+=dy, font, drawColor, false, "%i health", pActor->GetHealth());
      else if (IVehicle* pVehicle = pVehicleSystem->GetVehicle(pEntity->GetId()))
        const SVehicleStatus& status = pVehicle->GetStatus();
        pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(x, y+=dy, font, drawColor, false, "%.0f%% health", 100.f*status.health);
        pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(x, y+=dy, font, drawColor, false, "%i passengers", status.passengerCount);
        if (pVehicle->GetMovement() && pVehicle->GetMovement()->IsPowered())
          pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(x, y+=dy, font, drawColor, false, "Running");
        if (pScriptTable)
          HSCRIPTFUNCTION func = 0;
          if (pScriptTable->GetValue("GetHealth", func) && func)
            float health = 0.f;
            if (Script::CallReturn(gEnv->pScriptSystem, func, pScriptTable, health))
              pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(x, y+=dy, font, drawColor, false, "%.0f health", health);
예제 #12
void CVehicleMovementStdBoat::Update(const float deltaTime)

	SetAnimationSpeed(eVMA_Engine, abs(m_rpmScaleSgn));
	if (m_inWater)
		SetSoundParam(eSID_Run, "slip", 0.2f*abs(m_localSpeed.x)); 

	if (IsProfilingMovement() && g_pGameCVars->v_profileMovement != 2)
		IEntity* pEntity = m_pVehicle->GetEntity();
		const Matrix34& wTM = pEntity->GetWorldTM();  
		Matrix34 wTMInv = wTM.GetInvertedFast();
		const SVehiclePhysicsStatus* physStatus = &m_physStatus[k_mainThread];
		Vec3 localW = physStatus->q * physStatus->w;

		float speed = physStatus->v.len2() > 0.001f ? physStatus->v.len() : 0.f;    
		float speedRatio = min(1.f, speed/(m_maxSpeed*m_factorMaxSpeed));  
		float absPedal = abs(m_movementAction.power);
		float absSteer = abs(m_movementAction.rotateYaw);
		static const float fSubmergedMin = 0.01f;
		static const float fWaterLevelMaxDiff = 0.15f; // max allowed height difference between propeller center and water level

		Vec3 worldPropPos = wTM * m_pushOffset;  
		float waterLevelWorld = gEnv->p3DEngine->GetWaterLevel( &worldPropPos );
		float fWaterLevelDiff = worldPropPos.z - waterLevelWorld;  

		// wave stuff 
		float waveFreq = 1.f;
		waveFreq += 3.f*speedRatio;

		float kx = m_waveIdleStrength.x*(m_waveRandomMult+0.3f) * (1.f-speedRatio + m_waveSpeedMult*speedRatio);
		float ky = m_waveIdleStrength.y * (1.f - 0.5f*absPedal - 0.5f*absSteer);
		Vec3 waveLoc = m_massOffset;
		waveLoc.y += speedRatio*min(0.f, m_pushOffset.y-m_massOffset.y);
		waveLoc = wTM * waveLoc;

		IRenderer* pRenderer = gEnv->pRenderer;
		static float color[4] = {1,1,1,1};    
		float colorRed[4] = {1,0,0,1};
		float colorGreen[4] = {0,1,0,1};
		float y=50.f, step1=15.f, step2=20.f, size1=1.3f, size2=1.5f;

		pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(5.0f,   y, size2, color, false, "Boat movement");
		pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(5.0f,  y+=step2, size1, color, false, "Speed: %.1f (%.1f km/h)", speed, speed*3.6f);
		pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(5.0f,  y+=step1, size1, color, false, "LocalW.z norm: %.2f", abs(localW.z)/m_turnRateMax);
		if (m_velLift > 0.f)
			pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(5.0f,  y+=step2, size1, m_lifted ? colorGreen : color, false, m_lifted ? "Lifted" : "not lifted");
			//pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(5.0f,  y+=step2, size1, color, false, "Impulse lift: %.0f", liftImp.impulse.len());               
		pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(5.0f,  y+=step1, size1, physStatus->submergedFraction > fSubmergedMin ? color : colorRed, false, "Submerged: %.2f", physStatus->submergedFraction);
		pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(5.0f,  y+=step1, size1, fWaterLevelDiff < fWaterLevelMaxDiff ? color : colorRed, false, "WaterLevel: %.2f (max: %.2f)", fWaterLevelDiff, fWaterLevelMaxDiff);

		pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(5.0f,  y+=step2, size2, color, false, "Driver input");
		pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(5.0f,  y+=step2, size1, color, false, "power: %.2f", m_movementAction.power);
		pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(5.0f,  y+=step1, size1, color, false, "steer: %.2f", m_movementAction.rotateYaw); 

		pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(5.0f,  y+=step2, size2, color, false, "Propelling");
		//pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(5.0f,  y+=step2, size1, color, false, "turnAccel (norm/real): %.2f / %.2f", turnAccelNorm, turnAccel);         
		//pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(5.0f,  y+=step1, size1, color, false, "Impulse acc: %.0f", linearImp.impulse.len());         
		//pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(5.0f,  y+=step1, size1, color, false, "Impulse steer/damp: %.0f", angularImp.angImpulse.len()); 
		//pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(5.0f,  y+=step1, size1, color, false, "Impulse corner: %.0f", dampImp.impulse.len());

		pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(5.0f,  y+=step2, size2, color, false, "Waves");
		pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(5.0f,  y+=step2, size1, color, false, "timer: %.1f", m_waveTimer); 
		pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(5.0f,  y+=step1, size1, color, false, "frequency: %.2f", waveFreq); 
		pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(5.0f,  y+=step1, size1, color, false, "random: %.2f", m_waveRandomMult); 
		pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(5.0f,  y+=step1, size1, color, false, "kX: %.2f", kx);     
		pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(5.0f,  y+=step1, size1, color, false, "kY: %.2f", ky); 

		if (Boosting())
			pRenderer->Draw2dLabel(5.0f,  y+=step1, size1, color, false, "Boost: %.2f", m_boostCounter);

		IRenderAuxGeom* pGeom = pRenderer->GetIRenderAuxGeom();
		ColorB colorB(0,255,0,255);

		pRenderer->DrawLabel(worldPropPos, 1.3f, "WL: %.2f", waterLevelWorld);

		pGeom->DrawSphere(worldPropPos, 0.15f, colorB);
		pGeom->DrawSphere(waveLoc, 0.25f, colorB);
		pGeom->DrawLine(waveLoc, colorB, waveLoc+Vec3(0,0,2), colorB);

		// impulses
		//DrawImpulse(linearImp, Vec3(0,0,1), 3.f/deltaTime, ColorB(255,0,0,255));
		//DrawImpulse(angularImp, Vec3(0,0,1), 2.f/deltaTime, ColorB(128,0,0,255));          
		//DrawImpulse(liftImp, Vec3(0,0,6), 2.f/deltaTime, ColorB(0,0,255,255));
예제 #13
Vec3 CGunTurret::GetSweepPos(IEntity *pTarget, const Vec3 &shootPos)

	// sweep on ground
	int nhints = m_fireparams.hints.size();
	float sweepTime = m_turretparams.sweep_time / (float)nhints;
	float timeFiring = max(0.f, GetBurstTime() - sweepTime*(m_fireHint-1));
	float sweepRelTime = min(1.f, timeFiring/sweepTime);

	if(sweepRelTime == 1.f && m_fireHint == nhints)
		return shootPos;

	Vec3 wpos(GetWeaponPos());
	Vec3 dir = shootPos - wpos;
	Vec3 dir2d(dir.x, dir.y, 0.f);
	float dist2d = dir2d.GetLength();

	if(dist2d < 2.f*m_fireparams.hints[0].y)
		return shootPos; // don't sweep when target too close

	dir2d /= dist2d;
	Vec3 right = Vec3(0,0,-1) % dir2d;
	Vec3 zoffset(0,0,0);

	if(IPhysicalEntity *pPE = pTarget->GetPhysics())
		pe_status_pos ppos;


	Vec3 lastHintPos(shootPos);
	const Vec2 &lastHint = m_fireparams.hints[m_fireHint-1];
	lastHintPos += lastHint.y*-dir2d + lastHint.x*right + zoffset;

	Vec3 nextHintPos(shootPos);

	if(m_fireHint < nhints)
		const Vec2 &nextHint = m_fireparams.hints[m_fireHint];
		nextHintPos += nextHint.y*-dir2d + nextHint.x*right + zoffset;

	Vec3 currPos = Vec3::CreateLerp(lastHintPos, nextHintPos, sweepRelTime);

	if(sweepRelTime == 1.f && m_fireHint < nhints)

	if(g_pGameCVars->i_debug_turrets == eGTD_Sweep)
		IRenderAuxGeom *pGeom = gEnv->pRenderer->GetIRenderAuxGeom();
		ColorB col(0,255,255,128);
		pGeom->DrawSphere(currPos, 0.3f, col);
		pGeom->DrawSphere(lastHintPos, 0.3f, col);
		pGeom->DrawSphere(nextHintPos, 0.3f, col);
		pGeom->DrawLine(lastHintPos, col, nextHintPos, col);
		gEnv->pRenderer->DrawLabel(currPos, 1.4f, "sweep, hint %i, ratio %.2f)", m_fireHint, sweepRelTime);

	return currPos;
예제 #14
void CVehiclePartSuspensionPart::Update(const float frameTime)

	const Matrix34& parentTm = m_pParentPart->GetLocalTM(false);
	const Matrix34& targetTm = m_targetPart->GetLocalTM(false);

	Vec3 pos = parentTm * m_pos0;
 	Vec3 targetPos = (m_ikFlags&k_flagIgnoreTargetRotation) ? (targetTm.GetColumn3() + m_targetOffset) : (targetTm * m_targetOffset);
 	Vec3 dir = targetPos - pos;
	float length = dir.GetLength();
	if (length > 1e-2f)
		Matrix33 rot = Matrix33::CreateRotationV0V1(m_direction0, dir*(1.f/length));
		Matrix33 partRot = rot*Matrix33(m_initialRot);

		if (m_mode==k_modeRotate || m_mode==k_modeSnapToEF)
			if (m_mode==k_modeSnapToEF)
				pos = targetPos - rot * m_direction0;
			Matrix34 tm(partRot, pos);
		else if (m_mode==k_modeStretch)
			const float scale = length * m_invLength0;
			const Vec3 z = m_direction0;
			const Vec3 sz = m_direction0*(scale-1.f);
			Matrix33 scaleM;
			scaleM.m00 = 1.f+sz.x*z.x; scaleM.m01 =  sz.y*z.x    ; scaleM.m02 =  sz.z*z.x;
			scaleM.m10 = sz.x*z.y    ; scaleM.m11 =  1.f+sz.y*z.y; scaleM.m12 =  sz.z*z.y;
			scaleM.m20 = sz.x*z.z    ; scaleM.m21 =  sz.y*z.z    ; scaleM.m22 =  1.f+sz.z*z.z;
			Matrix34 tm(partRot * scaleM, pos);

#if !defined(_RELEASE)
	if (VehicleCVars().v_debugSuspensionIK)
		IRenderAuxGeom* pAuxGeom = gEnv->pRenderer->GetIRenderAuxGeom();
		SAuxGeomRenderFlags flags = pAuxGeom->GetRenderFlags();
		SAuxGeomRenderFlags oldFlags = pAuxGeom->GetRenderFlags();
		ColorB colRed(255,0,0,255);
		ColorB colBlue(0,0,255,255);
		ColorB colWhite(255,255,255,255);
		ColorB colGreen(0,255,0,255);

		pos = m_pVehicle->GetEntity()->GetWorldTM() * pos;
		targetPos = m_pVehicle->GetEntity()->GetWorldTM() * targetPos;
		pAuxGeom->DrawSphere(pos, 0.02f, colGreen);
		pAuxGeom->DrawSphere(targetPos, 0.02f, colBlue);
		pAuxGeom->DrawLine(pos, colWhite, targetPos, colWhite);