bool K3b::unmount( K3b::Device::Device* dev ) { if( !dev ) return false; Solid::StorageAccess *sa = dev->solidStorage(); if ( sa && sa->teardown() ){ return true; } QString mntDev = dev->blockDeviceName(); // first try to unmount it the standard way if( KIO::NetAccess::synchronousRun( KIO::unmount( mntDev ), 0 ) ) return true; QString mntPath; if ( KMountPoint::Ptr mp = KMountPoint::currentMountPoints().findByDevice( dev->blockDeviceName() ) ) { mntPath = mp->mountPoint(); } if ( mntPath.isEmpty() ) { mntPath = dev->blockDeviceName(); } QString umountBin = K3b::findExe( "umount" ); if( !umountBin.isEmpty() ) { KProcess p; p << umountBin; p << "-l"; // lazy unmount p << mntPath; p.start(); if (p.waitForFinished(-1)) return true; } // now try pmount QString pumountBin = K3b::findExe( "pumount" ); if( !pumountBin.isEmpty() ) { KProcess p; p << pumountBin; p << "-l"; // lazy unmount p << mntPath; p.start(); return p.waitForFinished(-1); } else { return false; } }
void SqlBackendTest::allTests() { QString dbname = "test"; Classes::setup(); // Drop the database if already exists KProcess *proc = new KProcess; *proc << "dropdb"; *proc << dbname; proc->start(); proc->wait(); delete proc; // Create the database proc = new KProcess; *proc << "createdb"; *proc << dbname; CHECK( proc->start(), true ); proc->wait(); if ( ! proc->normalExit() || proc->exitStatus() != 0 ) { CHECK( true, false ); delete proc; return; } delete proc; QSqlDatabase *db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase( "QPSQL7" ); db->setDatabaseName( dbname ); db->setUserName( "albert" ); db->setPassword( "" ); db->setHostName( "localhost" ); if ( ! db->open() ) { kdDebug() << "Failed to open database: " << db->lastError().text() << endl; return; } DbBackendIface *backend = new SqlDbBackend( db ); m_manager = new Manager( backend ); m_manager->createSchema(); transactions(); collections(); cache(); freeing(); testRelations(); delete m_manager; }
bool KFileShare::setShared(const QString &path, bool shared) { if(!KFileShare::sharingEnabled() || KFileShare::shareMode() == Advanced) return false; kdDebug(7000) << "KFileShare::setShared " << path << "," << shared << endl; QString exe = KFileShare::findExe("fileshareset"); if(exe.isEmpty()) return false; KProcess proc; proc << exe; if(shared) proc << "--add"; else proc << "--remove"; proc << path; proc.start(KProcess::Block); // should be ok, the perl script terminates fast bool ok = proc.normalExit() && (proc.exitStatus() == 0); kdDebug(7000) << "KFileSharePropsPlugin::setShared normalExit=" << proc.normalExit() << endl; kdDebug(7000) << "KFileSharePropsPlugin::setShared exitStatus=" << proc.exitStatus() << endl; if(proc.normalExit()) { switch(proc.exitStatus()) { case 1: // User is not authorized break; case 3: // Called script with --add, but path was already shared before. // Result is nevertheless what the client wanted, so // this is alright. ok = true; break; case 4: // Invalid mount point break; case 5: // Called script with --remove, but path was not shared before. // Result is nevertheless what the client wanted, so // this is alright. ok = true; break; case 6: // There is no export method break; case 7: // file sharing is disabled break; case 8: // advanced sharing is enabled break; case 255: // Abitrary error break; } } return ok; }
void SMSClient::send(const Kopete::Message& msg) { kdWarning( 14160 ) << k_funcinfo << "m_account = " << m_account << " (should be non-zero!!)" << endl; if (!m_account) return; m_msg = msg; KConfigGroup* c = m_account->configGroup(); QString provider = c->readEntry(QString("%1:%2").arg("SMSClient").arg("ProviderName"), QString::null); if (provider.isNull()) { KMessageBox::error(Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(), i18n("No provider configured"), i18n("Could Not Send Message")); return; } QString programName = c->readEntry(QString("%1:%2").arg("SMSClient").arg("ProgramName"). QString::null); if (programName.isNull()) programName = "/usr/bin/sms_client"; KProcess* p = new KProcess; QString message = msg.plainBody(); QString nr =>contactId(); *p << programName; *p << provider + ":" + nr; *p << message; QObject::connect(p, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess *)), this, SLOT(slotSendFinished(KProcess*))); QObject::connect(p, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(KProcess*, char*, int)), this, SLOT(slotReceivedOutput(KProcess*, char*, int))); QObject::connect(p, SIGNAL(receivedStderr(KProcess*, char*, int)), this, SLOT(slotReceivedOutput(KProcess*, char*, int))); p->start(KProcess::Block, KProcess::AllOutput); }
void AdminDatabase::modifyButtonClicked() // RESTORE { std::cout << "Restoring backup..." << std::endl; if ( m_havePsql ) { KProcess *proc = new KProcess(this); *proc << "psql"; *proc << "-h" << klapp->config("Connection")->readEntry("Server", "localhost"); *proc << "-U" << klapp->config("Connection")->readEntry("Login"); *proc << klapp->config("Connection")->readEntry("Database"); *proc << "-f" << m_dumpDir->absPath()+"/"+"backup-"+QDate::currentDate().toString(Qt::ISODate)+".sql"; // TODO: Cambiar esto // connect(proc, SIGNAL(receivedStdout (KProcess *, char *, int )), this, SLOT(makeDump(KProcess *, char *, int ) )); // connect(proc, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess *)), this, SLOT(saveBackup(KProcess *))); LOGGER->log(i18n("Making backup"), KLLogger::Inf); proc->start(/*KProcess::NotifyOnExit , KProcess::Stdout*/); } else { QString error = ""; if ( ! m_havePsql ) error += "You doesn't have the command psql\n"; // if ( !m_havePsql) // error += "You doesn't have the command psql\n"; KMessageBox::detailedSorry (0, i18n("I can't restore the database!"), error); } }
bool MediaNotifier::execAutorun(const KFileItem &medium, const QString &path, const QString &autorunFile) { // The desktop environment MUST prompt the user for confirmation // before automatically starting an application. QString mediumType = medium.mimeTypePtr()->name(); QString text = i18n( "An autorun file has been found on your '%1'." " Do you want to execute it?\n" "Note that executing a file on a medium may compromise" " your system's security") .arg(mediumType); QString caption = i18n("Autorun - %1").arg(medium.url().prettyURL()); KGuiItem yes = KStdGuiItem::yes(); KGuiItem no = KStdGuiItem::no(); int options = KMessageBox::Notify | KMessageBox::Dangerous; int answer = KMessageBox::warningYesNo(0L, text, caption, yes, no, QString::null, options); if(answer == KMessageBox::Yes) { // When an Autostart file has been detected and the user has // confirmed its execution the autostart file MUST be executed // with the current working directory ( CWD ) set to the root // directory of the medium. KProcess proc; proc << "sh" << autorunFile; proc.setWorkingDirectory(path); proc.start(); proc.detach(); } return true; }
void KSSLInfoDlg::launchConfig() { KProcess p; p << "kcmshell" << "crypto"; p.start(KProcess::DontCare); }
/** No descriptions */ bool KCountryPage::save(KLanguageButton *comboCountry, KLanguageButton *comboLang) { kdDebug() << "KCountryPage::save()" << endl; KConfigBase *config = KGlobal::config(); config->setGroup(QString::fromLatin1("Locale")); config->writeEntry(QString::fromLatin1("Country"), comboCountry->current(), true, true); config->writeEntry(QString::fromLatin1("Language"), comboLang->current(), true, true); config->sync(); // only make the system reload the language, if the selected one deferes from the old saved one. if (b_savedLanguageChanged) { // Tell kdesktop about the new language QCString replyType; QByteArray replyData; QByteArray data, da; QDataStream stream( data, IO_WriteOnly ); stream << comboLang->current(); if ( !kapp->dcopClient()->isAttached() ) kapp->dcopClient()->attach(); // ksycoca needs to be rebuilt KProcess proc; proc << QString::fromLatin1("kbuildsycoca"); proc.start(KProcess::DontCare); kdDebug() << "KLocaleConfig::save : sending signal to kdesktop" << endl; // inform kicker and kdeskop about the new language kapp->dcopClient()->send( "kicker", "Panel", "restart()", QString::null); // call, not send, so that we know it's done before coming back // (we both access kdeglobals...) kapp->dcopClient()->call( "kdesktop", "KDesktopIface", "languageChanged(QString)", data, replyType, replyData ); } // KPersonalizer::next() probably waits for a return-value return true; }
void KTTSDlibSetupImpl::slotLaunchControlcenter() { kdDebug(100200) << "KTTSDlibSetupImpl::slotLaunchControlCenter()" << endl; // check if controllcenter module for KTTSD exists FILE *fp; char cmdresult[20]; // if ( (fp = popen("kcmshell --list | grep kcmkttsmgr", "r")) != NULL){ if ( (fp = popen("kcmshell --list | grep kcmkttsd", "r")) != NULL) { fgets(cmdresult, 18, fp); pclose(fp); } if ( !QCString(cmdresult).contains("kcmkttsd") ) { QString error = i18n("Control Center Module for KTTSD not found."); KMessageBox::sorry(this, error, i18n("Problem")); return; } // invoke the Control Center Module KProcess *kcmproc = new KProcess(); connect(kcmproc, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess*)), this, SLOT(slotKCMProcessExited(KProcess*)) ); (*kcmproc) << "kcmshell"; (*kcmproc) << "kcmkttsd"; kcmproc->start(KProcess::NotifyOnExit); kcm_Button->setEnabled(false); }
void TIconView::slotItemSelected( QIconViewItem* item ) { // kdWarning() << "LU LU LU I got some apple" << endl; TIconViewItem *_item = static_cast<TIconViewItem*>( item ); KSimpleConfig cfg(_item->moduleinfo()->fileName(),true); cfg.setDesktopGroup(); if(cfg.readBoolEntry("X-Tasma-Fork")) { KProcess proc; QStringList args = QStringList::split(QRegExp("\\s{1}"),cfg.readEntry("Exec")); QStringList::ConstIterator it = args.constBegin(); while( it != args.constEnd() ) { if (!(*it).startsWith("%")) proc << *it; ++it; } proc.start(KProcess::DontCare); return; } _module = KCModuleLoader::loadModule( *( _item->moduleinfo() ), KCModuleLoader::Dialog ); if ( _module ) { emit signalModuleSelected( _module, _item->moduleinfo()->icon(), _item->text(), _item->moduleinfo()->fileName(), _item->moduleinfo()->needsRootPrivileges()); } }
void InformationcenterApplet::slotrun() { KProcess proc; proc << locate("exe", "ksysguard"); proc.start(KProcess::DontCare); }
void K3bExporter::exportViaCmdLine( const KURL::List &urls, int openmode ) { QCString cmdOption; switch( openmode ) { case AudioCD: cmdOption = "--audiocd"; break; case DataCD: cmdOption = "--datacd"; break; case Abort: return; } KProcess *process = new KProcess; *process << "k3b"; *process << cmdOption; KURL::List::ConstIterator it; KURL::List::ConstIterator end( urls.end() ); for( it = urls.begin(); it != end; ++it ) *process << ( *it ).path(); if( !process->start( KProcess::DontCare ) ) KMessageBox::error( 0, i18n("Unable to start K3b.") ); }
int Kandas::Daemon::Engine::addDevice(const QString &deviceName, const QList<QString> &readKey, const QString &writeKey) { //only register new device if no device with this name exists if (m_devices.device(deviceName)) return Kandas::DeviceExistsAlready; //validate input if (deviceName.contains('/') || deviceName.contains(' ')) //spaces in the device name are possible, but interfere with the parsing of /proc/ndas/devs return Kandas::InvalidDeviceName; if (readKey.count() != 4) return Kandas::InvalidDeviceKey; foreach (const QString &keyBlock, readKey) if (!validateKeyBlock(keyBlock)) return Kandas::InvalidDeviceKey; if (!validateKeyBlock(writeKey, true)) return Kandas::InvalidDeviceKey; //build key string QString keyString = QStringList(readKey).join(QChar('-')); if (!writeKey.isEmpty()) keyString += '-' + writeKey; //call ndasadmin QStringList args; args << "register" << keyString << "-n" << deviceName << "-b"; KProcess process; process.setProgram("ndasadmin", args); process.setOutputChannelMode(KProcess::OnlyStderrChannel); process.start(); process.waitForFinished(); const QString errorOutput = QString::fromUtf8(process.readAllStandardError()).simplified(); if (errorOutput.isEmpty()) return Kandas::DeviceAdded; else if (errorOutput.contains(QLatin1String("register: invalid NDAS ID."))) return Kandas::InvalidDeviceKey; else return Kandas::DeviceAdditionFailed; // }
void ZooArch::remove( QStringList *list ) { if (!list) return; KProcess *kp = m_currentProcess = new KProcess; kp->clearArguments(); *kp << m_archiver_program << "D" << m_filename; QStringList::Iterator it; for ( it = list->begin(); it != list->end(); ++it ) { QString str = *it; *kp << str; } connect( kp, SIGNAL( receivedStdout(KProcess*, char*, int) ), SLOT( slotReceivedOutput(KProcess*, char*, int) ) ); connect( kp, SIGNAL( receivedStderr(KProcess*, char*, int) ), SLOT( slotReceivedOutput(KProcess*, char*, int) ) ); connect( kp, SIGNAL( processExited(KProcess*) ), SLOT( slotDeleteExited(KProcess*) ) ); if ( !kp->start( KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::AllOutput ) ) { KMessageBox::error( 0, i18n( "Could not start a subprocess." ) ); emit sigDelete( false ); } }
void ApmConfig::setupHelper() { QString kdesu = KStandardDirs::findExe("kdesu"); if (!kdesu.isEmpty()) { int rc = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(0, i18n("You will need to supply a root password " "to allow the privileges of the %1 application to change.").arg(apm_name), "KLaptopDaemon", KStdGuiItem::cont(), ""); if (rc == KMessageBox::Continue) { KProcess proc; proc << kdesu; proc << "-u"; proc << "root"; proc << QString("chown root ")+apm_name+"; chmod +s "+apm_name; proc.start(KProcess::Block); // run it sync so has_apm below sees the results } } else { KMessageBox::sorry(0, i18n("%1 cannot be enabled because kdesu cannot be found. Please make sure that it is installed correctly.").arg(QString(apm_name)), i18n("KLaptopDaemon")); } laptop_portable::apm_set_mask(enablestandby, enablesuspend); bool can_enable = laptop_portable::has_apm(1); // is helper ready enableStandby->setEnabled(can_enable); enableSuspend->setEnabled(can_enable); wake_laptop_daemon(); }
SambaShare* SambaFile::getTestParmValues(bool reload) { if (_testParmValues && !reload) return _testParmValues; KProcess testParam; testParam << "testparm"; testParam << "-s"; if (getSambaVersion() == 3) testParam << "-v"; testParam << "/dev/null"; _parmOutput = QString(""); connect( &testParam, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(KProcess*,char*,int)), this, SLOT(testParmStdOutReceived(KProcess*,char*,int))); if (testParam.start(KProcess::Block,KProcess::Stdout)) { parseParmStdOutput(); } else _testParmValues = new SambaShare(_sambaConfig); return _testParmValues; }
bool KNewStuffGeneric::install( const QString &fileName ) { kdDebug() << "KNewStuffGeneric::install(): " << fileName << endl; QStringList list, list2; mConfig->setGroup("KNewStuff"); QString uncompress = mConfig->readEntry( "Uncompress" ); if ( !uncompress.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug() << "Uncompression method: " << uncompress << endl; KTar tar(fileName, uncompress);; const KArchiveDirectory *dir =; dir->copyTo(destinationPath(0)); tar.close(); QFile::remove(fileName); } QString cmd = mConfig->readEntry( "InstallationCommand" ); if ( !cmd.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug() << "InstallationCommand: " << cmd << endl; list = QStringList::split( " ", cmd ); for ( QStringList::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) { list2 << (*it).replace("%f", fileName); } KProcess proc; proc << list2; proc.start( KProcess::Block ); } return true; }
void IndexBuilder::processCmdQueue() { kDebug(1402) << "IndexBuilder::processCmdQueue()"; QStringList::Iterator it = mCmdQueue.begin(); if ( it == mCmdQueue.end() ) { quit(); return; } QString cmd = *it; kDebug(1402) << "PROCESS: " << cmd; KProcess *proc = new KProcess; *proc << KShell::splitArgs(cmd); connect( proc, SIGNAL( finished( int, QProcess::ExitStatus) ), SLOT( slotProcessExited( int, QProcess::ExitStatus) ) ); mCmdQueue.erase( it ); proc->start(); if ( !proc->waitForStarted() ) { sendErrorSignal( i18n("Unable to start command '%1'.", cmd ) ); processCmdQueue(); delete proc; } }
// if it's e.g. just 'www', try if it's a hostname in the local search domain bool LocalDomainURIFilter::isLocalDomainHost( QString& cmd ) const { // find() returns -1 when no match -> left()/truncate() are noops then QString host( cmd.left( cmd.find( '/' ) ) ); host.truncate( host.find( ':' ) ); // Remove port number if( !(host == last_host && last_time > time( NULL ) - 5 ) ) { QString helper = KStandardDirs::findExe(QString::fromLatin1( "klocaldomainurifilterhelper" )); if( helper.isEmpty()) return last_result = false; m_fullname = QString::null; KProcess proc; proc << helper << host; connect( &proc, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(KProcess *, char *, int)), SLOT(receiveOutput(KProcess *, char *, int)) ); if( !proc.start( KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::Stdout )) return last_result = false; last_host = host; last_time = time( (time_t *)0 ); last_result = proc.wait( 1 ) && proc.normalExit() && !proc.exitStatus(); if( !m_fullname.isEmpty() ) cmd.replace( 0, host.length(), m_fullname ); }
void TOC::buildCache() { KXmlGuiWindow *mainWindow = dynamic_cast<KXmlGuiWindow *>( kapp->activeWindow() ); KProcess *meinproc = new KProcess; connect( meinproc, SIGNAL( finished( int, QProcess::ExitStatus) ), this, SLOT( meinprocExited( int, QProcess::ExitStatus) ) ); *meinproc << KStandardDirs::locate("exe", "meinproc4"); *meinproc << "--stylesheet" << KStandardDirs::locate( "data", "khelpcenter/table-of-contents.xslt" ); *meinproc << "--output" << m_cacheFile; *meinproc << m_sourceFile; meinproc->setOutputChannelMode(KProcess::OnlyStderrChannel); meinproc->start(); if (!meinproc->waitForStarted()) { kError() << "could not start process" << meinproc->program(); if (mainWindow && !m_alreadyWarned) { ; // add warning message box with don't display again option // m_alreadyWarned = true; } delete meinproc; } }
void DockBarExtension::loadContainerConfig() { KConfig *conf = config(); conf->setGroup("General"); QStringList applets = conf->readListEntry("Applets"); QStringList fail_list; for(QStringList::Iterator it = applets.begin(); it != applets.end(); ++it) { if(!conf->hasGroup(*it)) continue; conf->setGroup(*it); QString cmd = conf->readPathEntry("Command"); QString resName = conf->readPathEntry("resName"); QString resClass = conf->readEntry("resClass"); if(cmd.isEmpty() || resName.isEmpty() || resClass.isEmpty()) continue; DockContainer *c = new DockContainer(cmd, this, resName, resClass); addContainer(c); KProcess proc; proc << KShell::splitArgs(cmd); if(!proc.start(KProcess::DontCare)) { fail_list.append(cmd); removeContainer(c); } } if(!fail_list.isEmpty()) KMessageBox::queuedMessageBox(0, KMessageBox::Information, i18n("The following dockbar applets could not be started: %1").arg(fail_list.join(", ")), i18n("kicker: information"), 0); saveContainerConfig(); }
bool HelpWidget::clicked(const QString &_url) { if(_url.isNull()) return true; if(_url.find('@') > -1) { kapp->invokeMailer(_url); return true; } KProcess process; KURL url(KURL("help:/"), _url); if(url.protocol() == "help" || url.protocol() == "man" || url.protocol() == "info") { process << "khelpcenter" << url.url(); process.start(KProcess::DontCare); } else { new KRun(url); } return true; }
bool K3b::mount( K3bDevice::Device* dev ) { if( !dev ) return false; QString mntDev = dev->blockDeviceName(); #if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,4,0) // first try to mount it the standard way if( KIO::NetAccess::synchronousRun( KIO::mount( true, 0, mntDev, false ), 0 ) ) return true; #endif #ifdef HAVE_HAL if( !K3bDevice::HalConnection::instance()->mount( dev ) ) return true; #endif // now try pmount QString pmountBin = K3b::findExe( "pmount" ); if( !pmountBin.isEmpty() ) { KProcess p; p << pmountBin; p << mntDev; p.start( KProcess::Block ); return !p.exitStatus(); } return false; }
/* check if starting realtime would be possible */ bool KArtsModule::realtimeIsPossible() { static bool checked = false; if (!checked) { KProcess* checkProcess = new KProcess(); *checkProcess << "artswrapper"; *checkProcess << "check"; connect(checkProcess, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess*)), this, SLOT(slotArtsdExited(KProcess*))); if (!checkProcess->start(KProcess::Block)) { delete checkProcess; realtimePossible = false; } else if (latestProcessStatus == 0) { realtimePossible = true; } else { realtimePossible = false; } checked = true; }
void ZipArch::open() { setHeaders(); m_buffer = ""; m_header_removed = false; m_finished = false; KProcess *kp = m_currentProcess = new KProcess; *kp << m_unarchiver_program << "-v" << m_filename; connect( kp, SIGNAL( receivedStdout(KProcess*, char*, int) ), SLOT( slotReceivedTOC(KProcess*, char*, int) ) ); connect( kp, SIGNAL( receivedStderr(KProcess*, char*, int) ), SLOT( slotReceivedOutput(KProcess*, char*, int) ) ); connect( kp, SIGNAL( processExited(KProcess*) ), SLOT( slotOpenExited(KProcess*) ) ); if ( !kp->start( KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::AllOutput ) ) { KMessageBox::error( 0, i18n( "Could not start a subprocess." ) ); emit sigOpen( this, false, QString::null, 0 ); } }
bool KNotify::notifyBySound(const QString &sound, const QString &appname, int eventId) { if(sound.isEmpty()) { soundFinished(eventId, NoSoundFile); return false; } bool external = d->useExternal && !d->externalPlayer.isEmpty(); // get file name QString soundFile(sound); if(QFileInfo(sound).isRelative()) { QString search = QString("%1/sounds/%2").arg(appname).arg(sound); soundFile = KGlobal::instance()->dirs()->findResource("data", search); if(soundFile.isEmpty()) soundFile = locate("sound", sound); } if(soundFile.isEmpty()) { soundFinished(eventId, NoSoundFile); return false; } // kdDebug() << "KNotify::notifyBySound - trying to play file " << soundFile << endl; if(!external) { #ifdef WITH_PULSEAUDIO d->; return true; #else soundFinished(eventId, NoSoundSupport); return false; #endif } else if(!d->externalPlayer.isEmpty()) { // use an external player to play the sound KProcess *proc = d->externalPlayerProc; if(!proc) { proc = d->externalPlayerProc = new KProcess; connect(proc, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess *)), SLOT(slotPlayerProcessExited(KProcess *))); } if(proc->isRunning()) { soundFinished(eventId, PlayerBusy); return false; // Skip } proc->clearArguments(); (*proc) << d->externalPlayer << QFile::encodeName(soundFile); d->externalPlayerEventId = eventId; proc->start(KProcess::NotifyOnExit); return true; } soundFinished(eventId, Unknown); return false; }
void IndexBuilder::processCmdQueue() { kdDebug(1402) << "IndexBuilder::processCmdQueue()" << endl; QStringList::Iterator it = mCmdQueue.begin(); if(it == mCmdQueue.end()) { quit(); return; } QString cmd = *it; kdDebug(1402) << "PROCESS: " << cmd << endl; KProcess *proc = new KProcess; proc->setRunPrivileged(true); QStringList args = QStringList::split(" ", cmd); *proc << args; connect(proc, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess *)), SLOT(slotProcessExited(KProcess *))); connect(proc, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(KProcess *, char *, int)), SLOT(slotReceivedStdout(KProcess *, char *, int))); connect(proc, SIGNAL(receivedStderr(KProcess *, char *, int)), SLOT(slotReceivedStderr(KProcess *, char *, int))); mCmdQueue.remove(it); if(!proc->start(KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::AllOutput)) { sendErrorSignal(i18n("Unable to start command '%1'.").arg(cmd)); processCmdQueue(); } }
void SevenZipArch::addFile( const QStringList & urls ) { KProcess *kp = m_currentProcess = new KProcess; kp->clearArguments(); *kp << m_archiver_program << "a" ; KURL url( urls.first() ); QDir::setCurrent( ); *kp << m_filename; QStringList::ConstIterator iter; for ( iter = urls.begin(); iter != urls.end(); ++iter ) { KURL url( *iter ); *kp << url.fileName(); } connect( kp, SIGNAL( receivedStdout(KProcess*, char*, int) ), SLOT( slotReceivedOutput(KProcess*, char*, int) ) ); connect( kp, SIGNAL( receivedStderr(KProcess*, char*, int) ), SLOT( slotReceivedOutput(KProcess*, char*, int) ) ); connect( kp, SIGNAL( processExited(KProcess*) ), SLOT( slotAddExited(KProcess*) ) ); if ( !kp->start( KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::AllOutput ) ) { KMessageBox::error( 0, i18n( "Could not start a subprocess." ) ); emit sigAdd( false ); } }
void MultipleBackendsTest::xml2sql() { QString dbname = "testmultiple"; // Drop the database if already exists KProcess *proc = new KProcess; *proc << "dropdb"; *proc << dbname; proc->start(); proc->wait(); delete proc; // Create the database proc = new KProcess; *proc << "createdb"; *proc << dbname; CHECK( proc->start(), true ); proc->wait(); if ( ! proc->normalExit() || proc->exitStatus() != 0 ) { CHECK( true, false ); delete proc; return; } delete proc; DbBackendIface *backend1 = new XmlDbBackend( "database.xml" ); Manager *manager1 = new Manager( backend1 ); manager1->createSchema(); QSqlDatabase *db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase( "QPSQL7" ); db->setDatabaseName( dbname ); db->setUserName( "ak213" ); db->setPassword( "ak" ); db->setHostName( "localhost" ); if ( ! db->open() ) { kdDebug() << "Failed to open database: " << db->lastError().text() << endl; return; } DbBackendIface *backend2 = new SqlDbBackend( db ); Manager *manager2 = new Manager( backend2 ); manager2->createSchema(); manager1->copyTo( manager2 ); manager2->commit(); delete manager2; delete manager1; QSqlDatabase::removeDatabase( db ); }
void SynergyClient::stop() { KProcess *p = ProcessUtils::getNew(this, "killall", "-9", "synergyc"); p->start(); if (!p->waitForFinished()) return; m_clientPid = 0; }