void CreateMaterialPatch( const char *pOriginalMaterialName, const char *pNewMaterialName,
						 const char *pNewKey, const char *pNewValue )
	char oldVMTFile[ 512 ];
	char newVMTFile[ 512 ];

	AddNewTranslation( pOriginalMaterialName, pNewMaterialName );
	sprintf( oldVMTFile, "materials/%s.vmt", pOriginalMaterialName );
	sprintf( newVMTFile, "materials/%s.vmt", pNewMaterialName );

//	printf( "Creating material patch file %s which points at %s\n", newVMTFile, oldVMTFile );

	KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "patch" );
	if ( !kv )
		Error( "Couldn't allocate KeyValues for %s!!!", pNewMaterialName );

	kv->SetString( "include", oldVMTFile );
	KeyValues *section = kv->FindKey( "insert", true );

	section->SetString( pNewKey, pNewValue );

	// Write patched .vmt into a memory buffer
	CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, true );
	kv->RecursiveSaveToFile( buf, 0 );

	// Add to pak file for this .bsp
	AddBufferToPack( newVMTFile, (void*)buf.Base(), buf.TellPut(), true );

	// Cleanup
예제 #2
// A version which allows you to patch multiple key values
void CreateMaterialPatch( const char *pOriginalMaterialName, const char *pNewMaterialName,
						 int nKeys, const MaterialPatchInfo_t *pInfo, MaterialPatchType_t nPatchType )
	char pOldVMTFile[ 512 ];
	char pNewVMTFile[ 512 ];

	AddNewTranslation( pOriginalMaterialName, pNewMaterialName );
	Q_snprintf( pOldVMTFile, 512, "materials/%s.vmt", pOriginalMaterialName );
	Q_snprintf( pNewVMTFile, 512, "materials/%s.vmt", pNewMaterialName );

//	printf( "Creating material patch file %s which points at %s\n", newVMTFile, oldVMTFile );

	KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "patch" );
	if ( !kv )
		Error( "Couldn't allocate KeyValues for %s!!!", pNewMaterialName );

	kv->SetString( "include", pOldVMTFile );

	const char *pSectionName = (nPatchType == PATCH_INSERT) ? "insert" : "replace";
	KeyValues *section = kv->FindKey( pSectionName, true );

	if( nPatchType == PATCH_REPLACE )
		char name[512];
		Q_snprintf( name, 512, "materials/%s.vmt", GetOriginalMaterialNameForPatchedMaterial( pOriginalMaterialName ) );
		KeyValues *origkv = new KeyValues( "blah" );

		if ( !origkv->LoadFromFile( g_pFileSystem, name ) )
			Assert( 0 );

		CreateMaterialPatchRecursive( origkv, section, nKeys, pInfo );
		for ( int i = 0; i < nKeys; ++i )
			section->SetString( pInfo[i].m_pKey, pInfo[i].m_pValue );
	// Write patched .vmt into a memory buffer
	CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
	kv->RecursiveSaveToFile( buf, 0 );

	// Add to pak file for this .bsp
	AddBufferToPak( GetPakFile(), pNewVMTFile, (void*)buf.Base(), buf.TellPut(), true );

	// Cleanup
예제 #3
void UTIL_IncrementMapKey( const char *pszCustomKey )
	if ( !pszCustomKey )

	char szFilename[ _MAX_PATH ];
	if ( !UTIL_GetMapLoadCountFileName( MAP_KEY_FILE, szFilename, _MAX_PATH ) )

	int iCount = 1;

	KeyValues *kvMapLoadFile = new KeyValues( MAP_KEY_FILE );
	if ( kvMapLoadFile )
		kvMapLoadFile->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, szFilename, "MOD" );

		char mapname[MAX_MAP_NAME];
		Q_FileBase( engine->GetLevelName(), mapname, sizeof( mapname) );
		Q_strlower( mapname );

		// Increment existing, or add a new one
		KeyValues *pMapKey = kvMapLoadFile->FindKey( mapname );
		if ( pMapKey )
			iCount = pMapKey->GetInt( pszCustomKey, 0 ) + 1;
			pMapKey->SetInt( pszCustomKey, iCount );
			KeyValues *pNewKey = new KeyValues( mapname );
			if ( pNewKey )
				pNewKey->SetString( pszCustomKey, "1" );
				kvMapLoadFile->AddSubKey( pNewKey );

		// Write it out

		// force create this directory incase it doesn't exist
		filesystem->CreateDirHierarchy( MAP_KEY_FILE_DIR, "MOD");

		CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
		kvMapLoadFile->RecursiveSaveToFile( buf, 0 );
		g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( szFilename, "MOD", buf );


	if ( IsX360() )
#ifdef _X360
예제 #4
bool CASW_Location_Grid::SaveLocationGrid()
    const char *filename = "resource/mission_grid.txt";

    CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
    for ( int i = 0; i < m_Groups.Count(); i++ )
        KeyValues *pKey = m_Groups[i]->GetKeyValuesForEditor();
        pKey->RecursiveSaveToFile( buf, 0 );
    if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( filename, "GAME", buf ) )
        Warning( "Failed to SaveLocationGrid %s\n", filename );
        return false;
    return true;
CRC32_t IFaceposerModels::CFacePoserModel::GetBitmapCRC( int sequence )
	CStudioHdr *hdr = m_pModel ? m_pModel->GetStudioHdr() : NULL;
	if ( !hdr )
		return (CRC32_t)-1;

	if ( sequence < 0 || sequence >= hdr->GetNumSeq() )
		return (CRC32_t)-1;

	mstudioseqdesc_t &seqdesc = hdr->pSeqdesc( sequence );

	CRC32_t crc;
	CRC32_Init( &crc );

	// For sequences, we'll checsum a bit of data

	CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &crc, (void *)seqdesc.pszLabel(), Q_strlen( seqdesc.pszLabel() ) );
	CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &crc, (void *)seqdesc.pszActivityName(), Q_strlen( seqdesc.pszActivityName() ) );
	CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &crc, (void *)&seqdesc.flags, sizeof( seqdesc.flags ) );
	//CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &crc, (void *)&seqdesc.numevents, sizeof( seqdesc.numevents ) );
	CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &crc, (void *)&seqdesc.numblends, sizeof( seqdesc.numblends ) );
	CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &crc, (void *)seqdesc.groupsize, sizeof( seqdesc.groupsize ) );

	KeyValues *seqKeyValues = new KeyValues("");
	if ( seqKeyValues->LoadFromBuffer( m_pModel->GetFileName( ), m_pModel->GetKeyValueText( sequence ) ) )
		// Yuck, but I need it in a contiguous block of memory... oh well...
		CUtlBuffer buf;
		seqKeyValues->RecursiveSaveToFile( buf, 0 );
		CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &crc, ( void * )buf.Base(), buf.TellPut() );


	CRC32_Final( &crc );

	return crc;
예제 #6
bool VMFExporter::ExportVMF( CMapLayout* pLayout, const char *mapname, bool bPopupWarnings )
    m_bPopupWarnings = bPopupWarnings;


    m_pMapLayout = pLayout;

    if ( pLayout->m_PlacedRooms.Count() <= 0 )
        Q_snprintf( m_szLastExporterError, sizeof(m_szLastExporterError), "Failed to export: No rooms placed in the map layout!\n" );
        return false;

    // see if we have a start room
    bool bHasStartRoom = false;
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < pLayout->m_PlacedRooms.Count() ; i++ )
        if ( pLayout->m_PlacedRooms[i]->m_pRoomTemplate->IsStartRoom() )
            int half_map_size = MAP_LAYOUT_TILES_WIDE * 0.5f;		// shift back so the middle of our grid is the origin
            m_vecStartRoomOrigin.x = ( pLayout->m_PlacedRooms[i]->m_iPosX - half_map_size ) * ASW_TILE_SIZE;
            m_vecStartRoomOrigin.y = ( pLayout->m_PlacedRooms[i]->m_iPosY - half_map_size ) * ASW_TILE_SIZE;
            bHasStartRoom = true;

    m_iNextNodeID = 0;

    m_pExportKeys = new KeyValues( "ExportKeys" );

    m_pExportKeys->AddSubKey( GetVersionInfo() );
    m_pExportKeys->AddSubKey( GetDefaultVisGroups() );
    m_pExportKeys->AddSubKey( GetViewSettings() );
    m_pExportWorldKeys = GetDefaultWorldChunk();
    if ( !m_pExportWorldKeys )
        Q_snprintf( m_szLastExporterError, sizeof(m_szLastExporterError), "Failed to save world chunk start\n");
        return false;
    m_pExportKeys->AddSubKey( m_pExportWorldKeys );

    // save out the big cube the whole level sits in
    if ( !AddLevelContainer() )
        Q_snprintf( m_szLastExporterError, sizeof(m_szLastExporterError), "Failed to save level container\n");
        return false;

    if ( tilegen_use_instancing.GetBool() )
        int nLogicalRooms = m_pMapLayout->m_LogicalRooms.Count();
        int nPlacedRooms = m_pMapLayout->m_PlacedRooms.Count();

        m_pRoom = NULL;
        for ( int i = 0; i < nLogicalRooms; ++ i )
            AddRoomInstance( m_pMapLayout->m_LogicalRooms[i] );

        for ( int i = 0; i < nPlacedRooms; ++ i )
            m_pRoom = m_pMapLayout->m_PlacedRooms[i];
            AddRoomInstance( m_pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate, i );
        // write out logical room solids
        int iLogicalRooms = m_pMapLayout->m_LogicalRooms.Count();
        m_pRoom = NULL;
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < iLogicalRooms ; i++ )
            // start logical room IDs at 5000 (assumes we'll never place 5000 real rooms)
            m_iCurrentRoom = 5000 + i;
            CRoomTemplate *pRoomTemplate = m_pMapLayout->m_LogicalRooms[i];
            if ( !pRoomTemplate )

            if ( !AddRoomTemplateSolids( pRoomTemplate ) )
                return false;

        // go through each CRoom and write out its world solids
        int iRooms = m_pMapLayout->m_PlacedRooms.Count();
        for ( m_iCurrentRoom = 0 ; m_iCurrentRoom<iRooms ; m_iCurrentRoom++)
            m_pRoom = m_pMapLayout->m_PlacedRooms[m_iCurrentRoom];
            if (!m_pRoom)
            const CRoomTemplate *pRoomTemplate = m_pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate;
            if (!pRoomTemplate)

            if ( !AddRoomTemplateSolids( pRoomTemplate ) )
                return false;

        // write out logical room entities
        m_pRoom = NULL;
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < iLogicalRooms ; i++ )
            // start logical room IDs at 5000 (assumes we'll never place 5000 real rooms)
            m_iCurrentRoom = 5000 + i;
            CRoomTemplate *pRoomTemplate = m_pMapLayout->m_LogicalRooms[i];
            if ( !pRoomTemplate )

            if ( !AddRoomTemplateEntities( pRoomTemplate ) )
                return false;

        // go through each CRoom and add its entities
        for ( m_iCurrentRoom = 0 ; m_iCurrentRoom<iRooms ; m_iCurrentRoom++)
            m_pRoom = m_pMapLayout->m_PlacedRooms[m_iCurrentRoom];
            if (!m_pRoom)
            const CRoomTemplate *pRoomTemplate = m_pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate;
            if (!pRoomTemplate)

            if ( !AddRoomTemplateEntities( pRoomTemplate ) )
                return false;

    // add some player starts to the map in the tile the user selected
    if ( !bHasStartRoom )
        m_pExportKeys->AddSubKey( GetPlayerStarts() );

    m_pExportKeys->AddSubKey( GetGameRulesProxy() );
    m_pExportKeys->AddSubKey( GetDefaultCamera() );

    // save out the export keys
    char filename[512];
    Q_snprintf( filename, sizeof(filename), "maps\\%s", mapname );
    Q_SetExtension( filename, "vmf", sizeof( filename ) );
    CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
    for ( KeyValues *pKey = m_pExportKeys->GetFirstSubKey(); pKey; pKey = pKey->GetNextKey() )
        pKey->RecursiveSaveToFile( buf, 0 );
    if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( filename, "GAME", buf ) )
        Msg( "Failed to SaveToFile %s\n", filename );
        return false;

    // save the map layout there (so the game can get information about rooms during play)
    Q_snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "maps\\%s", mapname );
    Q_SetExtension( filename, "layout", sizeof( filename ) );
    if ( !m_pMapLayout->SaveMapLayout( filename ) )
        Q_snprintf( m_szLastExporterError, sizeof(m_szLastExporterError), "Failed to save .layout file\n");
        return false;

    return true;
예제 #7
bool CMapLayout::SaveMapLayout( const char *filename )
	KeyValues *pLayoutKeys = new KeyValues( "Layout" );

	if ( m_pGenerationOptions )
		pLayoutKeys->AddSubKey( m_pGenerationOptions->MakeCopy() );

	KeyValues *pMiscKeys = new KeyValues( "mapmisc" );
	pMiscKeys->SetInt( "PlayerStartX", m_iPlayerStartTileX );
	pMiscKeys->SetInt( "PlayerStartY", m_iPlayerStartTileY );
	pLayoutKeys->AddSubKey( pMiscKeys );
	// save out each room
	int iRooms = m_PlacedRooms.Count();
	for (int i=0;i<iRooms;i++)
		CRoom *pRoom = m_PlacedRooms[i];
		if (!pRoom)

		pLayoutKeys->AddSubKey( pRoom->GetKeyValuesCopy() );
	// save out logical rooms
	iRooms = m_LogicalRooms.Count();
	for (int i=0;i<iRooms;i++)
		KeyValues *pRoomKeys = new KeyValues( "logical_room" );
		if ( m_LogicalRooms[i]->m_pLevelTheme )
			pRoomKeys->SetString( "theme", m_LogicalRooms[i]->m_pLevelTheme->m_szName );
		pRoomKeys->SetString( "template", m_LogicalRooms[i]->GetFullName() );
		pLayoutKeys->AddSubKey( pRoomKeys );

	for ( int i = 0; i < m_InstanceSpawns.Count(); ++ i )
		KeyValues *pNewInstanceSpawn = new KeyValues( "instance_spawn" );
		m_InstanceSpawns[i].SaveToKeyValues( pNewInstanceSpawn );
		pLayoutKeys->AddSubKey( pNewInstanceSpawn );
	for ( int i = 0; i < m_Encounters.Count(); ++ i )
		KeyValues *pEncounterKeys = new KeyValues( "npc_encounter" );
		m_Encounters[i]->SaveToKeyValues( pEncounterKeys );
		pLayoutKeys->AddSubKey( pEncounterKeys );

	CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
	for ( KeyValues *pKey = pLayoutKeys->GetFirstSubKey(); pKey; pKey = pKey->GetNextKey() )
		pKey->RecursiveSaveToFile( buf, 0 );			
	if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( filename, "GAME", buf ) )
		Log_Warning( LOG_TilegenLayoutSystem, "Failed to SaveToFile %s\n", filename );
		return false;

	return true;
예제 #8
bool C_GameInstructor::WriteSaveData()
	if ( engine->IsPlayingDemo() )
		return false;
	if ( !m_bDirtySaveData )
		return true;
#ifdef _X360
	float flPlatTime = Plat_FloatTime();
	static ConVarRef host_write_last_time( "host_write_last_time" );
	if ( host_write_last_time.IsValid() )
		float flTimeSinceLastWrite = flPlatTime - host_write_last_time.GetFloat();
		if ( flTimeSinceLastWrite < 3.5f )
			// Prevent writing to the same storage device twice in less than 3 second succession for TCR success!
			// This happens after leaving a game in splitscreen.
			//DevMsg( "Waiting to write Game Instructor for splitscreen slot %d... (%.1f seconds remain)\n", m_nSplitScreenSlot, 3.5f - flTimeSinceLastWrite );
			return false;
	// Always mark as clean state to avoid re-entry on
	// subsequent frames when storage device might be
	// in a yet-unmounted state.
	m_bDirtySaveData = false;
#ifdef _X360
	DevMsg( "Write Game Instructor for splitscreen slot %d at time: %.1f\n", m_nSplitScreenSlot, flPlatTime );
	if ( m_nSplitScreenSlot < 0 )
		return false;
	if ( m_nSplitScreenSlot >= (int) XBX_GetNumGameUsers() )
		return false;
	int iController = XBX_GetUserId( m_nSplitScreenSlot );
	if ( iController < 0 || XBX_GetUserIsGuest( iController ) )
		// Can't save data for guests
		return false;
	DWORD nStorageDevice = XBX_GetStorageDeviceId( iController );
	if ( !XBX_DescribeStorageDevice( nStorageDevice ) )
		return false;
	// Build key value data to save
	KeyValues *data = new KeyValues( "Game Instructor Counts" );
	KeyValues::AutoDelete autoDelete(data);
	for ( int i = 0; i < m_Lessons.Count(); ++i )
		CBaseLesson *pLesson = m_Lessons[i];
		int iDisplayCount = pLesson->GetDisplayCount();
		int iSuccessCount = pLesson->GetSuccessCount();
		if ( iDisplayCount || iSuccessCount )
			// We've got some data worth saving
			KeyValues *pKVData = new KeyValues( pLesson->GetName() );
			if ( iDisplayCount )
				pKVData->SetInt( "display", iDisplayCount );
			if ( iSuccessCount )
				pKVData->SetInt( "success", iSuccessCount );
			data->AddSubKey( pKVData );
	// Save it!
	CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
	data->RecursiveSaveToFile( buf, 0 );
	char	szFilename[_MAX_PATH];
#ifdef _X360
	if ( IsX360() )
		XBX_MakeStorageContainerRoot( iController, XBX_USER_SETTINGS_CONTAINER_DRIVE, szFilename, sizeof( szFilename ) );
		int nLen = strlen( szFilename );
		Q_snprintf( szFilename + nLen, sizeof( szFilename ) - nLen, ":\\game_instructor_counts.txt" );
		Q_snprintf( szFilename, sizeof( szFilename ), "save/game_instructor_counts.txt" );
		filesystem->CreateDirHierarchy( "save", "MOD" );
	bool bWriteSuccess = filesystem->WriteFile( szFilename, MOD_DIR, buf );
#ifdef _X360
	if ( xboxsystem )
		xboxsystem->FinishContainerWrites( iController );
	return bWriteSuccess;
예제 #9
bool C_ASW_Medal_Store::SaveMedalStore()
	if ( !m_bLoaded )
		return false;

	KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "CLIENTDAT" );
	// output missions/campaigns/kills
	kv->SetInt("MC", m_iMissionsCompleted);
	kv->SetInt("CC", m_iCampaignsCompleted);
	kv->SetInt("AK", m_iAliensKilled);

	kv->SetInt("OMC", m_iOfflineMissionsCompleted);
	kv->SetInt("OCC", m_iOfflineCampaignsCompleted);
	kv->SetInt("OAK", m_iOfflineAliensKilled);

	kv->SetInt( "LPL", m_iXP );
	kv->SetInt( "LPP", m_iPromotion );
	KeyValues *pSubSection = new KeyValues("NEWEQUIP");
	char buffer[64];
	if (pSubSection)
		for (int i=0;i<m_NewEquipment.Count();i++)
			pSubSection->SetInt( "EQUIP", m_NewEquipment[i]);

	// output player medals
	pSubSection = new KeyValues("LP");
	if (pSubSection)
		for (int i=0;i<m_PlayerMedals.Count();i++)
			Q_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "M%d", i);
			pSubSection->SetInt(buffer, m_PlayerMedals[i]);

	for (int k=0;k<ASW_NUM_MARINE_PROFILES;k++)
		Q_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "LA%d", k);
		pSubSection = new KeyValues(buffer);
		if (pSubSection)
			for (int i=0;i<m_MarineMedals[k].Count();i++)
				Q_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "M%d", i);
				pSubSection->SetInt(buffer, m_MarineMedals[k][i]);				

	// offline medal store
	pSubSection = new KeyValues("FP");
	if (pSubSection)
		for (int i=0;i<m_OfflinePlayerMedals.Count();i++)
			Q_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "M%d", i);
			pSubSection->SetInt(buffer, m_OfflinePlayerMedals[i]);

	for (int k=0;k<ASW_NUM_MARINE_PROFILES;k++)
		Q_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "FA%d", k);
		pSubSection = new KeyValues(buffer);
		if (pSubSection)
			for (int i=0;i<m_OfflineMarineMedals[k].Count();i++)
				Q_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "M%d", i);
				pSubSection->SetInt(buffer, m_OfflineMarineMedals[k][i]);				

	CUtlBuffer buf; //( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
	kv->RecursiveSaveToFile( buf, 0 );

	// pad buffer with zeroes to make a multiple of 8
	int nExtra = buf.TellPut() % 8;
	while ( nExtra != 0 && nExtra < 8 )
		buf.PutChar( 0 );
	UTIL_EncodeICE( (unsigned char*) buf.Base(), buf.TellPut(), g_ucMedalStoreEncryptionKey );

	ISteamUser *pSteamUser = steamapicontext ? steamapicontext->SteamUser() : NULL;
	if ( !pSteamUser )
		return false;

	char szMedalFile[ 256 ];
	Q_snprintf( szMedalFile, sizeof( szMedalFile ), "cfg/clientc_%I64u.dat", pSteamUser->GetSteamID().ConvertToUint64() );
	int len = Q_strlen( szMedalFile );
	for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
		if ( szMedalFile[ i ] == ':' )
			szMedalFile[i] = '_';

	bool bResult = filesystem->WriteFile( szMedalFile, "MOD", buf );
	if ( bResult )
	#if defined(NO_STEAM)
		AssertMsg( false, "SteamCloud not available." );
		ISteamRemoteStorage *pRemoteStorage = SteamClient() ? ( ISteamRemoteStorage * )SteamClient()->GetISteamGenericInterface(

		if ( asw_steam_cloud.GetBool() && pRemoteStorage )
			WriteFileToRemoteStorage( pRemoteStorage, "PersistentMarines.dat", szMedalFile );

	return bResult;
예제 #10
void KeyValues::RecursiveSaveToFile(IFileSystem *filesystem, FileHandle_t f, CUtlBuffer *pBuf, int indentLevel)
	WriteIndents(filesystem, f, pBuf, indentLevel);
	WriteConvertedString(filesystem, f, pBuf, GetName());
	INTERNALWRITE("\"\n", 2);
	WriteIndents(filesystem, f, pBuf, indentLevel);

	for (KeyValues *dat = m_pSub; dat != NULL; dat = dat->m_pPeer)
		if (dat->m_pSub)
			dat->RecursiveSaveToFile(filesystem, f, pBuf, indentLevel + 1);
			switch (dat->m_iDataType)
				case TYPE_STRING:
					if (dat->m_sValue && *(dat->m_sValue))
						WriteIndents(filesystem, f, pBuf, indentLevel + 1);
						INTERNALWRITE("\"", 1);
						WriteConvertedString(filesystem, f, pBuf, dat->GetName());
						INTERNALWRITE("\"\t\t\"", 4);

						WriteConvertedString(filesystem, f, pBuf, dat->m_sValue);

						INTERNALWRITE("\"\r\n", 3);

#ifdef _WIN32
				case TYPE_WSTRING:
					if (dat->m_wsValue)
						static char buf[KEYVALUES_TOKEN_SIZE];

						assert(::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, dat->m_wsValue, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL) < KEYVALUES_TOKEN_SIZE);
						int result = ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, dat->m_wsValue, -1, buf, KEYVALUES_TOKEN_SIZE, NULL, NULL);

						if (result)
							WriteIndents(filesystem, f, pBuf, indentLevel + 1);
							INTERNALWRITE("\"", 1);
							INTERNALWRITE(dat->GetName(), Q_strlen(dat->GetName()));
							INTERNALWRITE("\"\t\t\"", 4);

							WriteConvertedString(filesystem, f, pBuf, buf);

							INTERNALWRITE("\"\r\n", 3);

				case TYPE_INT:
					WriteIndents(filesystem, f, pBuf, indentLevel + 1);
					INTERNALWRITE("\"", 1);
					INTERNALWRITE(dat->GetName(), Q_strlen(dat->GetName()));
					INTERNALWRITE("\"\t\t\"", 4);

					char buf[32];
					Q_snprintf(buf, 32, "%d", dat->m_iValue);

					INTERNALWRITE(buf, Q_strlen(buf));
					INTERNALWRITE("\"\r\n", 3);

				case TYPE_UINT64:
					WriteIndents(filesystem, f, pBuf, indentLevel + 1);
					INTERNALWRITE("\"", 1);
					INTERNALWRITE(dat->GetName(), Q_strlen(dat->GetName()));
					INTERNALWRITE("\"\t\t\"", 4);

					char buf[32];
					Q_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "0x%016I64X", *((uint64 *)dat->m_sValue));

					INTERNALWRITE(buf, Q_strlen(buf));
					INTERNALWRITE("\"\r\n", 3);

				case TYPE_FLOAT:
					WriteIndents(filesystem, f, pBuf, indentLevel + 1);
					INTERNALWRITE("\"", 1);
					INTERNALWRITE(dat->GetName(), Q_strlen(dat->GetName()));
					INTERNALWRITE("\"\t\t\"", 4);

					char buf[48];
					Q_snprintf(buf, 48, "%f", dat->m_flValue);

					INTERNALWRITE(buf, Q_strlen(buf));
					INTERNALWRITE("\"\r\n", 3);

				case TYPE_COLOR:
					DevMsg(1, "KeyValues::RecursiveSaveToFile: TODO, missing code for TYPE_COLOR.\n");

				default: break;

	WriteIndents(filesystem, f, pBuf, indentLevel);
	INTERNALWRITE("}\r\n", 3);