예제 #1
void UTIL_IncrementMapKey( const char *pszCustomKey )
	if ( !pszCustomKey )

	char szFilename[ _MAX_PATH ];
	if ( !UTIL_GetMapLoadCountFileName( MAP_KEY_FILE, szFilename, _MAX_PATH ) )

	int iCount = 1;

	KeyValues *kvMapLoadFile = new KeyValues( MAP_KEY_FILE );
	if ( kvMapLoadFile )
		kvMapLoadFile->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, szFilename, "MOD" );

		char mapname[MAX_MAP_NAME];
		Q_FileBase( engine->GetLevelName(), mapname, sizeof( mapname) );
		Q_strlower( mapname );

		// Increment existing, or add a new one
		KeyValues *pMapKey = kvMapLoadFile->FindKey( mapname );
		if ( pMapKey )
			iCount = pMapKey->GetInt( pszCustomKey, 0 ) + 1;
			pMapKey->SetInt( pszCustomKey, iCount );
			KeyValues *pNewKey = new KeyValues( mapname );
			if ( pNewKey )
				pNewKey->SetString( pszCustomKey, "1" );
				kvMapLoadFile->AddSubKey( pNewKey );

		// Write it out

		// force create this directory incase it doesn't exist
		filesystem->CreateDirHierarchy( MAP_KEY_FILE_DIR, "MOD");

		CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
		kvMapLoadFile->RecursiveSaveToFile( buf, 0 );
		g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( szFilename, "MOD", buf );


	if ( IsX360() )
#ifdef _X360
CASW_VGUI_Computer_Frame::CASW_VGUI_Computer_Frame( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pElementName, C_ASW_Hack_Computer* pHackComputer ) 
:	vgui::Panel( pParent, pElementName ),
	m_pHackComputer( pHackComputer )
	m_bHideLogoffButton = false;

	m_fLastThinkTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
	m_pCurrentPanel = NULL;
	m_pMenuPanel = NULL;
	m_pSplash = NULL;
	m_bSetAlpha = false;

	m_pLogoffLabel = new ImageButton(this, "LogoffLabel", "");

	KeyValues *msg = new KeyValues("Command");	
	msg->SetString("command", "Logoff");

	KeyValues *cmsg = new KeyValues("Command");			
	cmsg->SetString( "command", "Cancel" );
	m_pLogoffLabel->SetCancelCommand( cmsg );

	for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
		m_pScan[i] = new vgui::ImagePanel(this, "ComputerScan0");
	m_pBackdropImage = new vgui::ImagePanel(this, "SplashImage");
	m_iBackdropType = -1;

	m_bPlayingSplash = !IsPDA();
예제 #3
KeyValues *CNodeCustom::AllocateKeyValues( int NodeIndex )
	KeyValues *pKV = BaseClass::AllocateKeyValues( NodeIndex );

	WriteJackDataFromKV( pKV, m_hszVarNames_In, m_hszVarNames_Out,
						GetNumJacks_In(), GetNumJacks_Out() );

	pKV->SetString( "szFunctionName", m_szFunctionName );
	pKV->SetString( "szFilePath", m_szFilePath );
	pKV->SetInt( "iInline", m_bInline ? 1 : 0 );

	CKVPacker::KVPack( m_pCode_Global, "szcode_global", pKV );
	CKVPacker::KVPack( m_pCode_Function, "szcode_body", pKV );
	//pKV->SetString( "szcode_global", m_pCode_Global );
	//pKV->SetString( "szcode_body", m_pCode_Function );
	pKV->SetInt( "iEnvFlags", m_iEnvFlags );

	return pKV;
// Purpose: Sets a custom string list
void CVarListPropertyPage::SetCustomStringList(const char *varName, const char *stringList)
	// find the item by name
	int itemID = m_pRulesList->GetItem(varName);
	KeyValues *rule = m_pRulesList->GetItem(itemID);
	if (!rule)

	rule->SetString("stringlist", stringList);
예제 #5
void FinishClientPutInServer( CHL2MP_Player *pPlayer )
	//BB: we dont want players to spawn immediately when joining the server, we want them to auto spectate
	pPlayer->ChangeTeam( TEAM_SPECTATOR );

	char sName[128];
	Q_strncpy( sName, pPlayer->GetPlayerName(), sizeof( sName ) );
	// First parse the name and remove any %'s
	for ( char *pApersand = sName; pApersand != NULL && *pApersand != 0; pApersand++ )
		// Replace it with a space
		if ( *pApersand == '%' )
				*pApersand = ' ';

	// notify other clients of player joining the game
	UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, "#Game_connected", sName[0] != 0 ? sName : "<unconnected>" );

	if ( HL2MPRules()->IsTeamplay() == true )
		ClientPrint( pPlayer, HUD_PRINTTALK, "You are on team %s1\n", pPlayer->GetTeam()->GetName() );

	const ConVar *hostname = cvar->FindVar( "hostname" );
	const char *title = (hostname) ? hostname->GetString() : "MESSAGE OF THE DAY";

	KeyValues *data = new KeyValues("data");
	data->SetString( "title", title );		// info panel title
	data->SetString( "type", "1" );			// show userdata from stringtable entry
	data->SetString( "msg",	"motd" );		// use this stringtable entry
	data->SetBool( "unload", sv_motd_unload_on_dismissal.GetBool() );

	//BB: Display the team selection panel...
	pPlayer->ShowViewPortPanel( PANEL_TEAM, true, data );
	pPlayer->ShowViewPortPanel( PANEL_INFO, true, data );

예제 #6
KeyValues* VMFExporter::GetPlayerStarts()
    KeyValues *pKeys = new KeyValues( "entity" );
    pKeys->SetInt( "id", m_iEntityCount++ );
    pKeys->SetString( "classname", "info_player_start" );
    pKeys->SetString( "angles", "0 0 0" );

    // put a single player start in the centre of the player start tile selected
    float player_start_x = 128.0f;
    float player_start_y = 128.0f;
    int half_map_size = MAP_LAYOUT_TILES_WIDE * 0.5f;
    player_start_x += (m_pMapLayout->m_iPlayerStartTileX - half_map_size) * ASW_TILE_SIZE;
    player_start_y += (m_pMapLayout->m_iPlayerStartTileY - half_map_size) * ASW_TILE_SIZE;

    char buffer[128];
    Q_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%f %f 1.0", player_start_x, player_start_y);
    pKeys->SetString( "origin", buffer );

    return pKeys;
// Utility to set the completion state
void FileOpenStateMachine::SetCompletionState( FileOpenStateMachine::CompletionState_t state )
	m_CompletionState = state;
	if ( m_CompletionState == IN_PROGRESS )

	m_CurrentState = STATE_NONE;

	KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "FileStateMachineFinished" );
	kv->SetInt( "completionState", m_CompletionState );
	kv->SetInt( "wroteFile", m_bWroteFile );
	kv->SetString( "fullPath", m_FileName.Get() );
	kv->SetString( "fileType", m_bIsOpeningFile ? m_OpenFileType.Get() : m_SaveFileType.Get() );
	if ( m_pContextKeyValues )
		kv->AddSubKey( m_pContextKeyValues );
		m_pContextKeyValues = NULL;
	PostActionSignal( kv );
// Purpose:
void CStunEffect::Init( void ) 
	m_flDuration = 0.0f;
	m_flFinishTime = 0.0f;
	m_bUpdateView = true;

	KeyValues *pVMTKeyValues = new KeyValues( "UnlitGeneric" );
	pVMTKeyValues->SetString( "$basetexture", STUN_TEXTURE );
	m_EffectMaterial.Init( "__stuneffect", TEXTURE_GROUP_CLIENT_EFFECTS, pVMTKeyValues );
예제 #9
bool CLevelTheme::SaveTheme(const char *pszThemeName)
	char szFullFileName[MAX_PATH];
	Q_snprintf(szFullFileName, sizeof(szFullFileName), "tilegen/themes/%s.theme", pszThemeName);
	KeyValues *pThemeKeyValues = new KeyValues( pszThemeName );
	pThemeKeyValues->SetString("ThemeName", m_szName);
	pThemeKeyValues->SetString("ThemeDescription", m_szDescription);
	pThemeKeyValues->SetBool( "VMFTweak", m_bRequiresVMFTweak );
	pThemeKeyValues->SetBool( "SkipErrorCheck", m_bSkipErrorCheck );
	char buffer[128];
	Q_snprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), "%f %f %f", m_vecAmbientLight.x, m_vecAmbientLight.y, m_vecAmbientLight.z );
	pThemeKeyValues->SetString( "AmbientLight", buffer );
	if (!pThemeKeyValues->SaveToFile(g_pFullFileSystem, szFullFileName, "GAME"))
		Msg("Error: Failed to save theme %s\n", szFullFileName);
		return false;
	// TODO: check the room templates folder for this theme exists
	return true;
예제 #10
// Shared code
static inline void RecordWorldDecal( const Vector *pos, int index )
	if ( !ToolsEnabled() )

	if ( clienttools->IsInRecordingMode() )
		KeyValues *msg = new KeyValues( "TempEntity" );

 		msg->SetInt( "te", TE_WORLD_DECAL );
 		msg->SetString( "name", "TE_WorldDecal" );
		msg->SetFloat( "time", gpGlobals->curtime );
		msg->SetFloat( "originx", pos->x );
		msg->SetFloat( "originy", pos->y );
		msg->SetFloat( "originz", pos->z );
		msg->SetString( "decalname", effects->Draw_DecalNameFromIndex( index ) );

		ToolFramework_PostToolMessage( HTOOLHANDLE_INVALID, msg );
예제 #11
// Purpose: 
void MountExtraContent()
	memset(g_AppStatus, 0, sizeof(g_AppStatus));

	KeyValues *pMountList = new KeyValues( "MountList" );
	if( !pMountList->LoadFromFile( filesystem, "mountlist.txt" ) )
		// Create default
		pMountList->SetString( "dota", "0" );
		pMountList->SetString( "left4dead", "0" );
		pMountList->SetString( "left4dead2", "0" );
		pMountList->SetString( "portal2", "0" );
		pMountList->SetString( "csgo", "0" );
		pMountList->SetString( "dearesther", "0" );
		pMountList->SaveToFile( filesystem, "mountlist.txt", "MOD" );

	if( TryMountVPKGame( "DOTA", "../../common/dota 2 beta/dota", APP_DOTA, "dota", pMountList ) )
		PostProcessDota2( "models" );
	TryMountVPKGame( "Portal 2", "../../common/portal 2/portal2", APP_PORTAL2, "portal2", pMountList );
	TryMountVPKGame( "Left 4 Dead 2", "../../common/left 4 dead 2/left4dead2", APP_L4D2, "left4dead2", pMountList );
	TryMountVPKGame( "Left 4 Dead", "../../common/left 4 dead/left4dead", APP_L4D1, "left4dead", pMountList );
	TryMountVPKGame( "Counter-Strike Global Offensive", "../../common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/csgo", APP_CSGO, "csgo", pMountList );
	TryMountVPKGame( "Dear Esther", "../../common/dear esther/dearesther", APP_DEARESTHER, "dearesther", pMountList );

	if( pMountList )
		pMountList = NULL;
예제 #12
// Purpose: expands a path
void DirectorySelectDialog::ExpandTreeNode(const char *path, int parentNodeIndex)
	// set the small wait cursor

	// get all the subfolders of the current drive
	char searchString[512];
	sprintf(searchString, "%s*.*", path);

	//Updated to use IFileSystem instead of OS file enumeration functions. - Solokiller
	//Also includes better directory detection for special directories.
	FileFindHandle_t h;
	const char *pFileName = filesystem()->FindFirst( searchString, &h );
	for( ; pFileName; pFileName = filesystem()->FindNext( h ) )
		if( !Q_stricmp( pFileName, ".." ) || !Q_stricmp( pFileName, "." ) )

		KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "item" );
		kv->SetString( "Text", pFileName );
		// set the folder image
		kv->SetInt( "Image", 1 );
		kv->SetInt( "SelectedImage", 1 );
		kv->SetInt( "Expand", DoesDirectoryHaveSubdirectories( path, pFileName ) );
		m_pDirTree->AddItem( kv, parentNodeIndex );
	filesystem()->FindClose( h );

	//Old code:
	_finddata_t wfd;
	memset(&wfd, 0, sizeof(_finddata_t));
	long hResult = _findfirst(searchString, &wfd);
	if (hResult != -1)
			if ((wfd.attrib & _A_SUBDIR) && wfd.name[0] != '.')
				KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues("item");
				kv->SetString("Text", wfd.name);
				// set the folder image
				kv->SetInt("Image", 1);
				kv->SetInt("SelectedImage", 1);
				kv->SetInt("Expand", DoesDirectoryHaveSubdirectories(path, wfd.name));	
				m_pDirTree->AddItem(kv, parentNodeIndex);
		} while (_findnext(hResult, &wfd) == 0);
void CShaderPrecache::SaveList()
	KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( "shaderlist" );

	for ( int i = 0; i < m_pPanelList.Count(); i++ )
		char name[MAX_PATH];
		m_pPanelList[i].L->GetText( name, MAX_PATH );
		pKV->SetString( VarArgs( "shader_%03i", i ), name );

	df_SaveDump_List( pKV );
CASW_VGUI_Computer_Menu::CASW_VGUI_Computer_Menu( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pElementName, C_ASW_Hack_Computer* pHackComputer ) 
:	vgui::Panel( pParent, pElementName ),
	m_pHackComputer( pHackComputer )
	for (int i=0;i<ASW_COMPUTER_MAX_MENU_ITEMS;i++)
		m_pMenuLabel[i] = new ImageButton(this, "ComputerMenuLabel", "");
		KeyValues *msg = new KeyValues("Command");
		char buffer[16];
		Q_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Option%d", i);
		msg->SetString("command", buffer);

		KeyValues *cmsg = new KeyValues("Command");			
		cmsg->SetString( "command", "Cancel" );
		m_pMenuLabel[i]->SetCancelCommand( cmsg );

		m_pMenuIcon[i] = new vgui::ImagePanel(this, "ComputerMenuIcon");
		m_pMenuIconShadow[i] = new vgui::ImagePanel(this, "ComputerMenuIconShadow");		

	m_pBlackBar[0] = new vgui::ImagePanel(this, "ComputerMenuBar1");
	m_pBlackBar[1] = new vgui::ImagePanel(this, "ComputerMenuBar2");
	m_hCurrentPage = NULL;
	m_bFadingCurrentPage = false;
	m_iPrepareHackOption = -1;
	m_iMouseOverOption = -1;
	m_iOldMouseOverOption = -1;
	m_iPreviousHackOption = 0;
	m_bSetAlpha = false;
	m_iAutodownload = -1;

	m_pAccessDeniedLabel = new vgui::Label(this, "AccessDeniedLabel", "#asw_computer_access_denied");
	m_pInsufficientRightsLabel = new vgui::Label(this, "AccessDeniedLabel", "#asw_computer_insufficient_rights");	
// Purpose: Send all properties and contexts to the matchmaking session
void CSessionOptionsDialog::SetupSession( void )
	KeyValues *pKeys = new KeyValues( "SessionKeys" );

	// Send user-selected properties and contexts
	for ( int i = 0; i < m_Menu.GetItemCount(); ++i )
		COptionsItem *pItem = dynamic_cast< COptionsItem* >( m_Menu.GetItem( i ) );
		if ( !pItem )

		const sessionProperty_t &prop = pItem->GetActiveOption();

		KeyValues *pProperty = pKeys->CreateNewKey();
		pProperty->SetName( prop.szID );
		pProperty->SetInt( "type", prop.nType );
		pProperty->SetString( "valuestring", prop.szValue );
		pProperty->SetString( "valuetype", prop.szValueType );
		pProperty->SetInt( "optionindex", pItem->GetActiveOptionIndex() );

	// Send contexts and properties parsed from the resource file
	for ( int i = 0; i < m_SessionProperties.Count(); ++i )
		const sessionProperty_t &prop = m_SessionProperties[i];

		KeyValues *pProperty = pKeys->CreateNewKey();
		pProperty->SetName( prop.szID );
		pProperty->SetInt( "type", prop.nType );
		pProperty->SetString( "valuestring", prop.szValue );
		pProperty->SetString( "valuetype", prop.szValueType );

	// Matchmaking will make a copy of these keys
	matchmaking->SetSessionProperties( pKeys );
예제 #16
KeyValues* VMFExporter::GetGameRulesProxy()
    KeyValues *pKeys = new KeyValues( "entity" );
    pKeys->SetInt( "id", m_iEntityCount++ );
    pKeys->SetString( "classname", "asw_gamerules" );
    pKeys->SetString( "targetname", "@asw_gamerules" );

    char buffer[128];
    Q_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%f %f %f", m_vecStartRoomOrigin.x, m_vecStartRoomOrigin.y, m_vecStartRoomOrigin.z);
    pKeys->SetString( "origin", buffer );

    KeyValues *pGenerationOptions = m_pMapLayout->GetGenerationOptions();
    int nDifficultyModifier = 0;
    if ( pGenerationOptions != NULL )
        nDifficultyModifier = pGenerationOptions->GetInt( "Difficulty", 5 ) - 5;

    pKeys->SetInt( "difficultymodifier", nDifficultyModifier );

    return pKeys;
예제 #17
// Add a file to the file list.
int PerforceFileList::AddFileToFileList( const char *pFullPath, bool bExistsOnDisk )
    bool bIsFileWriteable = bExistsOnDisk ? g_pFullFileSystem->IsFileWritable( pFullPath, NULL ) : true;

    // add the file to the list
    KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues("item");

    const char *pRelativePath = Q_UnqualifiedFileName( pFullPath );
    kv->SetString( "text", pRelativePath );
    kv->SetString( "fullpath", pFullPath );
    kv->SetInt( "image", 1 );

    IImage *pImage = surface()->GetIconImageForFullPath( pFullPath );
    if ( pImage )
        kv->SetPtr( "iconImage", (void *)pImage );

    kv->SetInt( "imageSelected", 1 );
    kv->SetInt( "directory", 0 );

    // These are computed by Refresh
    kv->SetInt( "in_perforce", 0 );
    kv->SetInt( "synched", 0 );
    kv->SetInt( "checked_out", 0 );
    kv->SetInt( "deleted", 0 );

    wchar_t pFileType[ 80 ];
    g_pFullFileSystem->GetFileTypeForFullPath( pFullPath, pFileType, sizeof( pFileType ) );

    kv->SetWString( "type", pFileType );
    kv->SetString( "attributes", bIsFileWriteable ? "" : "R" );

    int nItemID = AddItem( kv, 0, false, false );

    AddItemToDirectoryList( pFullPath, nItemID, false );
    return nItemID;
예제 #18
// Purpose: Remove all instances of the specified key from bindings
void COptionsSubKeyboard::RemoveKeyFromBindItems( KeyValues *org_item, const char *key )
	Assert( key && key[ 0 ] );
	if ( !key || !key[ 0 ] )

	int len = Q_strlen( key );
	char *pszKey = new char[len + 1];

	if ( !pszKey )

	Q_memcpy( pszKey, key, len+1 );

	for (int i = 0; i < m_pKeyBindList->GetItemCount(); i++)
		KeyValues *item = m_pKeyBindList->GetItemData(m_pKeyBindList->GetItemIDFromRow(i));
		if ( !item )

		// If it's bound to the primary: then remove it
		if ( !stricmp( pszKey, item->GetString( "Key", "" ) ) )
			bool bClearEntry = true;

			if ( org_item )
				// Only clear it out if the actual binding isn't the same. This allows
				// us to have the same key bound to multiple entries in the keybinding list
				// if they point to the same command.
				const char *org_binding = org_item->GetString( "Binding", "" );
				const char *binding = item->GetString( "Binding", "" );
				if ( !stricmp( org_binding, binding ) )
					bClearEntry = false;

			if ( bClearEntry )
				item->SetString( "Key", "" );

	delete [] pszKey;

	// Make sure the display is up to date
예제 #19
// Recording
static inline void RecordBreakModel( const Vector &start, const QAngle &angles, const Vector &size,
	const Vector &vel, int nModelIndex, int nRandomization, int nCount, float flDuration, int nFlags )
	if ( !ToolsEnabled() )

	if ( clienttools->IsInRecordingMode() )
		const model_t* pModel = (nModelIndex != 0) ? modelinfo->GetModel( nModelIndex ) : NULL;
		const char *pModelName = pModel ? modelinfo->GetModelName( pModel ) : "";

		KeyValues *msg = new KeyValues( "TempEntity" );

 		msg->SetInt( "te", TE_BREAK_MODEL );
 		msg->SetString( "name", "TE_BreakModel" );
		msg->SetFloat( "time", gpGlobals->curtime );
		msg->SetFloat( "originx", start.x );
		msg->SetFloat( "originy", start.y );
		msg->SetFloat( "originz", start.z );
		msg->SetFloat( "anglesx", angles.x );
		msg->SetFloat( "anglesy", angles.y );
		msg->SetFloat( "anglesz", angles.z );
		msg->SetFloat( "sizex", size.x );
		msg->SetFloat( "sizey", size.y );
		msg->SetFloat( "sizez", size.z );
		msg->SetFloat( "velx", vel.x );
		msg->SetFloat( "vely", vel.y );
		msg->SetFloat( "velz", vel.z );
  		msg->SetString( "model", pModelName );
		msg->SetInt( "randomization", nRandomization );
		msg->SetInt( "count", nCount );
		msg->SetFloat( "duration", flDuration );
		msg->SetInt( "flags", nFlags );

		ToolFramework_PostToolMessage( HTOOLHANDLE_INVALID, msg );
예제 #20
// Purpose: on individual player added
void CDialogMapInfo::AddPlayerToList(const char *playerName, int score, float timePlayedSeconds)
    if (m_bPlayerListUpdatePending)
        m_bPlayerListUpdatePending = false;

    KeyValues *player = new KeyValues("player");
    player->SetString("PlayerName", playerName);
    player->SetInt("Score", score);
    player->SetInt("TimeSec", (int) timePlayedSeconds);

    // construct a time string
    int seconds = (int) timePlayedSeconds;
    int minutes = seconds / 60;
    int hours = minutes / 60;
    seconds %= 60;
    minutes %= 60;
    char buf[64];
    buf[0] = 0;
    if (hours)
        Q_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%dh %dm %ds", hours, minutes, seconds);
    else if (minutes)
        Q_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%dm %ds", minutes, seconds);
        Q_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%ds", seconds);
    player->SetString("Time", buf);

    m_pPlayerList->AddItem(player, 0, false, true);
예제 #21
	int iEnvC_ID;
	int iHLSLRegister;
KeyValues *__AllocKV_Combo( int i, SimpleCombo *c )
	char tmp[MAX_PATH];
	Q_snprintf( tmp, MAX_PATH, "combo_%i", i );
	KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( tmp );

	pKV->SetString( "sz_name", c->name );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_static", c->bStatic ? 1 : 0 );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_min", c->min );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_max", c->max );
	pKV->SetInt( "i_type", c->iComboType );

	return pKV;
예제 #22
void CInstanceSpawn::SaveToKeyValues( KeyValues *pKeyValues ) const
	pKeyValues->SetString( "filename", m_InstanceFilename );
	switch ( m_InstanceSpawningMethod )
		pKeyValues->SetString( "type", "add_at_random_node" );
		Log_Warning( LOG_TilegenLayoutSystem, "Invalid instance spawning method (%d).\n", m_InstanceSpawningMethod );
	pKeyValues->SetInt( "room_index", m_nPlacedRoomIndex );
	pKeyValues->SetInt( "random_seed", m_nRandomSeed );

	for ( int i = 0; i < m_AdditionalKeyValues.Count(); ++ i )
		KeyValues *pNewReplacement = new KeyValues( "key_value" );
		pNewReplacement->SetString( "key", m_AdditionalKeyValues[i].m_Key );
		pNewReplacement->SetString( "value", m_AdditionalKeyValues[i].m_Value );
		pKeyValues->AddSubKey( pNewReplacement );
예제 #23
// Purpose: 
void AnimationController::RunCmd_SetString( PostedMessage_t &msg )
	Panel *panel = FindSiblingByName(g_ScriptSymbols.String(msg.event));
	Assert(panel != NULL);
	if (!panel)

	KeyValues *inputData = new KeyValues(g_ScriptSymbols.String(msg.variable));
	inputData->SetString(g_ScriptSymbols.String(msg.variable), g_ScriptSymbols.String(msg.variable2));
	if (!panel->SetInfo(inputData))
	//	Assert(!("Unhandlable var in AnimationController::SetValue())"));
예제 #24
// Purpose: 
void CGameUI::SetProgressLevelName( const char *levelName )
	if ( g_hLoadingBackgroundDialog )
		KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( "ProgressLevelName" );
		pKV->SetString( "levelName", levelName );
		vgui::ivgui()->PostMessage( g_hLoadingBackgroundDialog, pKV, NULL );

	if ( g_hLoadingDialog.Get() )
		// TODO: g_hLoadingDialog->SetLevelName( levelName );
예제 #25
KeyValues* CASW_Location::GetKeyValuesForEditor()
    KeyValues *pKeys = new KeyValues( "Location" );
    pKeys->SetInt( "x", m_iXPos );
    pKeys->SetInt( "y", m_iYPos );
    pKeys->SetInt( "MinDifficulty", m_iMinDifficulty );
    pKeys->SetInt( "MaxDifficulty", m_iMaxDifficulty );
    pKeys->SetString( "StoryScene", m_szStoryScene );
    pKeys->SetString( "ImageName", m_szImageName );
    // if mission doesn't have a valid ID then find one
    if ( m_iLocationID == -1 )
        m_iLocationID = LocationGrid()->GetFreeLocationID();
    pKeys->SetInt( "ID", m_iLocationID );
    pKeys->SetString( "CustomMission", m_pszCustomMission );
    pKeys->SetInt( "Company", m_iCompanyIndex );
    //pKeys->SetInt( "MoneyReward", m_iMoneyReward );
    //pKeys->SetInt( "XPReward", m_iXPReward );
    pKeys->SetInt( "Optional", m_bIsMissionOptional );

    if ( m_Rewards.Count() > 0 )
        KeyValues *pRewards = new KeyValues( "Rewards");
        pKeys->AddSubKey( pRewards );
        for ( int i = 0; i < m_Rewards.Count(); i++ )
            KeyValues *pReward = m_Rewards[i]->GetKeyValuesForEditor();
            if ( pReward )
                pRewards->AddSubKey( pReward );
    return pKeys;
예제 #26
    // loop through all the maps checking filters
    FOR_EACH_VEC(m_vecMaps, i)
        mapdisplay_t &map = m_vecMaps[i];
        mapstruct_t* mapinfo = &map.m_mMap;
        //DevLog("CURRENTLY FILTERING %s\n", mapinfo->m_szMapName);
        if (!CheckPrimaryFilters(*mapinfo) || !CheckSecondaryFilters(*mapinfo))//MOM_TODO: change this to just one filter check?
            //Failed filters, remove the map
            map.m_bDoNotRefresh = true;
            if (m_pGameList->IsValidItemID(map.m_iListID))
                m_pGameList->SetItemVisible(map.m_iListID, false);
        else if (BShowMap(map))
            map.m_bDoNotRefresh = false;
            if (!m_pGameList->IsValidItemID(map.m_iListID))
                //DevLog("ADDING MAP TO LIST! %s\n ", mapinfo->m_szMapName);
                KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues("Map");
                kv->SetString("name", mapinfo->m_szMapName);
                kv->SetString("map", mapinfo->m_szMapName);
                kv->SetInt("gamemode", mapinfo->m_iGameMode);
                kv->SetInt("difficulty", mapinfo->m_iDifficulty);
                kv->SetInt("MapLayout", ((int)mapinfo->m_bHasStages) + 2);//+ 2 so the picture sets correctly
                kv->SetBool("HasCompleted", mapinfo->m_bCompleted);
                kv->SetString("time", mapinfo->m_szBestTime);

                map.m_iListID = m_pGameList->AddItem(kv, NULL, false, false);
            // make sure the map is visible
            m_pGameList->SetItemVisible(map.m_iListID, true);
void CFileListManager::OnMousePressed( vgui::MouseCode code )
	// determine where we were pressed
	int x, y, row, column;
	vgui::input()->GetCursorPos( x, y );
	GetCellAtPos( x, y, row, column );

	if ( code == MOUSE_LEFT )
		bool bIsFakeToggleButton = column == CI_LOADED;
		if ( bIsFakeToggleButton && row >= 0 && row < GetItemCount() )
			int itemID = GetItemIDFromRow( row );
			KeyValues *kv = GetItem( itemID );

			const char *pStr = kv->GetString( GetKey( ( ColumnIndex_t )column ), "" );
			Assert( *pStr == 'Y' || *pStr == 'N' );
			bool bSet = *pStr == 'N'; // bSet is the NEW state, not the old one
			kv->SetString( GetKey( ( ColumnIndex_t )column ), bSet ? "Y" : "N" );

			SetLoaded( ( DmFileId_t )GetItemUserData( itemID ), bSet );

			// get the key focus
	else if ( code == MOUSE_RIGHT )
		int itemID = -1;
		if ( row >= 0 && row < GetItemCount() )
			itemID = GetItemIDFromRow( row );

			if ( !IsItemSelected( itemID ) )
				SetSingleSelectedItem( itemID );

		KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "OpenContextMenu", "itemID", itemID );
		OnOpenContextMenu( kv );

	BaseClass::OnMousePressed( code );
예제 #28
void CTileGenDialog::GenerateRoomThumbnails( bool bAddToPerforce )
	// save out a keyvalues file with position/size of each room
	KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( "RoomThumbnails" );
	char filename[MAX_PATH];
	for ( int i=0;i<m_pMapLayout->m_PlacedRooms.Count();i++ )
		CRoom *pRoom = m_pMapLayout->m_PlacedRooms[i];
		if ( !pRoom )
		KeyValues *pkvEntry = new KeyValues( "Thumbnail" );
		Q_snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "tilegen/roomtemplates/%s/%s.tga", pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate->m_pLevelTheme->m_szName,
			pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate->GetFullName() );
		pkvEntry->SetString( "Filename", filename );

		int half_map_size = MAP_LAYOUT_TILES_WIDE * 0.5f;		// shift back so the middle of our grid is the origin
		float xPos = (pRoom->m_iPosX - half_map_size) * ASW_TILE_SIZE;
		float yPos = (pRoom->m_iPosY - half_map_size) * ASW_TILE_SIZE;
		pkvEntry->SetFloat( "RoomX", xPos );
		pkvEntry->SetFloat( "RoomY", yPos + pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate->GetTilesY() * ASW_TILE_SIZE );

		pkvEntry->SetFloat( "RoomWide", pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate->GetTilesX() * ASW_TILE_SIZE );
		pkvEntry->SetFloat( "RoomTall", pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate->GetTilesY() * ASW_TILE_SIZE );

		pkvEntry->SetFloat( "OutputWide", pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate->GetTilesX() * RoomTemplatePanelTileSize() );
		pkvEntry->SetFloat( "OutputTall", pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate->GetTilesY() * RoomTemplatePanelTileSize() );

		pKV->AddSubKey( pkvEntry );

	if ( !pKV->SaveToFile( g_pFullFileSystem, THUMBNAILS_FILE, "GAME" ) )
		Msg( "Error: Couldn't save %s\n", THUMBNAILS_FILE );


	m_pMapLayout->SaveMapLayout( "maps/output.layout" );
	if ( engine )
		char buffer[256];
		Q_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "asw_random_weapons 0; asw_building_room_thumbnails 1; asw_add_room_thumbnails_to_perforce %d; asw_build_map %s", bAddToPerforce ? 1 : 0, "output.layout" );
		engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( buffer );
예제 #29
// Purpose: Remove all keys from list
void COptionsSubKeyboard::ClearBindItems( void )
	for (int i = 0; i < m_pKeyBindList->GetItemCount(); i++)
		KeyValues *item = m_pKeyBindList->GetItemData(m_pKeyBindList->GetItemIDFromRow(i));
		if ( !item )

		// Reset keys
		item->SetString( "Key", "" );


예제 #30
bool VMFExporter::AddRoomTemplateSolids( const CRoomTemplate *pRoomTemplate )
    // open its vmf file
    char roomvmfname[MAX_PATH];
    Q_snprintf(roomvmfname, sizeof(roomvmfname), "tilegen/roomtemplates/%s/%s.vmf",
               pRoomTemplate->GetFullName() );
    m_pTemplateKeys = new KeyValues( "RoomTemplateVMF" );
    m_pTemplateKeys->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, roomvmfname, "GAME" );

    // look for world key
    for ( KeyValues *pKeys = m_pTemplateKeys; pKeys; pKeys = pKeys->GetNextKey() )
        if ( !Q_stricmp( pKeys->GetName(), "world" ) )		// find the world key in our room template
            if ( !ProcessWorld( pKeys ) )					// fix up solid positions
                Q_snprintf( m_szLastExporterError, sizeof(m_szLastExporterError), "Failed to copy world from room %s\n", pRoomTemplate->GetFullName() );
                return false;
            for ( KeyValues *pSubKey = pKeys->GetFirstSubKey(); pSubKey; pSubKey = pSubKey->GetNextKey() )		// convert each solid to a func_detail entity
                if ( !Q_stricmp( pSubKey->GetName(), "solid" ) )
                    if ( IsDisplacementBrush( pSubKey ) )
                        // add to world section
                        m_pExportWorldKeys->AddSubKey( pSubKey->MakeCopy() );
                        // put into entity section as a func_detail
                        KeyValues *pFuncDetail = new KeyValues( "entity" );
                        pFuncDetail->SetInt( "id", ++m_iEntityCount );
                        pFuncDetail->SetString( "classname", "func_detail" );
                        pFuncDetail->AddSubKey( pSubKey->MakeCopy() );
                        m_pExportKeys->AddSubKey( pFuncDetail );
    m_pTemplateKeys = NULL;
    return true;