예제 #1
/* assembles lists of line strips from the given track recursively traversing
   the subtracks data */
void Track::Assemble(std::list< std::list<wxPoint> > &pointlists, const LLBBox &box, double scale, int &last, int level, int pos)
    if(pos == (int)SubTracks[level].size())

    SubTrack &s = SubTracks[level][pos];

    if(s.m_scale < scale) {
        pos <<= level;

        if(last < pos - 1) {
            std::list<wxPoint> new_list;

        if(last < pos)
            AddPointToList(pointlists, pos);
        last = wxMin(pos + (1<<level), TrackPoints.size() - 1);
        AddPointToList(pointlists, last);
    } else {
        Assemble(pointlists, box, scale, last, level-1, pos<<1);
        Assemble(pointlists, box, scale, last, level-1, (pos<<1)+1);
예제 #2
// internal test to see if regions don't intersect (optimization)
bool LLRegion::NoIntersection(const LLRegion& region) const
    if(Empty() || region.Empty())
        return true;
    LLBBox box = GetBox(), rbox = region.GetBox();
    return box.IntersectOut(rbox) || NoIntersection(rbox) || region.NoIntersection(box);
예제 #3
void RoutePoint::DrawGL( ViewPort &vp, bool use_cached_screen_coords )
    if( !m_bIsVisible )

    //    Optimization, especially apparent on tracks in normal cases
    if( m_IconName == _T("empty") && !m_bShowName && !m_bPtIsSelected ) return;

    if(m_wpBBox.GetValid() &&
       vp.view_scale_ppm == m_wpBBox_view_scale_ppm &&
       vp.rotation == m_wpBBox_rotation) {
        /* see if this waypoint can intersect with bounding box */
        LLBBox vpBBox = vp.GetBBox();
        if( vpBBox.IntersectOut( m_wpBBox ) ){
            // Are Range Rings enabled?
            if(m_bShowWaypointRangeRings && (m_iWaypointRangeRingsNumber > 0)){
                double factor = 1.00;
                if( m_iWaypointRangeRingsStepUnits == 1 )          // convert kilometers to NMi
                    factor = 1 / 1.852;
                double radius = factor * m_iWaypointRangeRingsNumber * m_fWaypointRangeRingsStep  / 60.;

                LLBBox radar_box = m_wpBBox;
                radar_box.EnLarge(radius * 2 );
                if( vpBBox.IntersectOut( radar_box ) ){

    wxPoint r;
    wxRect hilitebox;
    unsigned char transparency = 150;
    double platform_pen_width = wxRound(wxMax(1.0, g_Platform->GetDisplayDPmm() / 2));             // 0.5 mm nominal, but not less than 1 pixel
    if(use_cached_screen_coords && m_pos_on_screen)
        r.x = m_screen_pos.m_x, r.y = m_screen_pos.m_y;
        cc1->GetCanvasPointPix( m_lat, m_lon, &r );

    if(r.x == INVALID_COORD)

//    Substitute icon?
    wxBitmap *pbm;
    if( ( m_bIsActive ) && ( m_IconName != _T("mob") ) )
        pbm = pWayPointMan->GetIconBitmap(  _T ( "activepoint" ) );
        pbm = m_pbmIcon;

    //  If icon is corrupt, there is really nothing else to do...
    int sx2 = pbm->GetWidth() / 2;
    int sy2 = pbm->GetHeight() / 2;

//    Calculate the mark drawing extents
    wxRect r1( r.x - sx2, r.y - sy2, sx2 * 2, sy2 * 2 );           // the bitmap extents

    wxRect r3 = r1;
    if( m_bShowName ) {
        if( !m_pMarkFont ) {
            m_pMarkFont = FontMgr::Get().GetFont( _( "Marks" ) );
            m_FontColor = FontMgr::Get().GetFontColor( _( "Marks" ) );

        if( m_pMarkFont ) {
            wxRect r2( r.x + m_NameLocationOffsetX, r.y + m_NameLocationOffsetY,
                       m_NameExtents.x, m_NameExtents.y );
            r3.Union( r2 );

    hilitebox = r3;
    hilitebox.x -= r.x;
    hilitebox.y -= r.y;
    hilitebox.x *= g_ChartScaleFactorExp;
    hilitebox.y *= g_ChartScaleFactorExp;
    hilitebox.width  *= g_ChartScaleFactorExp;
    hilitebox.height *= g_ChartScaleFactorExp;
    float radius;
    if( g_btouch ){
        hilitebox.Inflate( 20 );
        radius = 20.0f;
        hilitebox.Inflate( 4 );
        radius = 4.0f;
    /* update bounding box */
    if(!m_wpBBox.GetValid() || vp.view_scale_ppm != m_wpBBox_view_scale_ppm || vp.rotation != m_wpBBox_rotation) {
        double lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2;
        cc1->GetCanvasPixPoint(r.x+hilitebox.x, r.y+hilitebox.y+hilitebox.height, lat1, lon1);
        cc1->GetCanvasPixPoint(r.x+hilitebox.x+hilitebox.width, r.y+hilitebox.y, lat2, lon2);

        if(lon1 > lon2)
            m_wpBBox.Set(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2+360);
            m_wpBBox.Set(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2);

        m_wpBBox_view_scale_ppm = vp.view_scale_ppm;
        m_wpBBox_rotation = vp.rotation;

//    if(region.Contains(r3) == wxOutRegion)
//        return;

    ocpnDC dc;

    //  Highlite any selected point
    if( m_bPtIsSelected ) {
        wxColour hi_colour;
        if( m_bBlink ){
            wxPen *pen = g_pRouteMan->GetActiveRoutePointPen();
            hi_colour = pen->GetColour();
            hi_colour = GetGlobalColor( _T ( "YELO1" ) );
        AlphaBlending( dc, r.x + hilitebox.x, r.y + hilitebox.y, hilitebox.width, hilitebox.height, radius,
                       hi_colour, transparency );
    bool bDrawHL = false;

    if( m_bBlink && ( gFrame->nBlinkerTick & 1 ) ) bDrawHL = true;

    if( ( !bDrawHL ) && ( NULL != m_pbmIcon ) ) {
        int glw, glh;
        unsigned int IconTexture = pWayPointMan->GetIconTexture( pbm, glw, glh );
        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, IconTexture);
        glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
        int x = r1.x, y = r1.y, w = r1.width, h = r1.height;
        float scale = 1.0;
 //       if(g_bresponsive){
            scale =  g_ChartScaleFactorExp;
//        }
        float ws = r1.width * scale;
        float hs = r1.height * scale;
        float xs = r.x - ws/2.;
        float ys = r.y - hs/2.;
        float u = (float)w/glw, v = (float)h/glh;
        glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(xs, ys);
        glTexCoord2f(u, 0); glVertex2f(xs+ws, ys);
        glTexCoord2f(u, v); glVertex2f(xs+ws, ys+hs);
        glTexCoord2f(0, v); glVertex2f(xs, ys+hs);
//         glBegin(GL_QUADS);
//         glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(x, y);
//         glTexCoord2f(u, 0); glVertex2f(x+w, y);
//         glTexCoord2f(u, v); glVertex2f(x+w, y+h);
//         glTexCoord2f(0, v); glVertex2f(x, y+h);
//         glEnd();


    if( m_bShowName && m_pMarkFont ) {
        int w = m_NameExtents.x, h = m_NameExtents.y;
        if(!m_iTextTexture && w && h) {
            wxBitmap tbm(w, h); /* render text on dc */
            wxMemoryDC dc;
            dc.SelectObject( tbm );               
            dc.SetBackground( wxBrush( *wxBLACK ) );
            dc.SetFont( *m_pMarkFont );
            dc.SetTextForeground( *wxWHITE );
            dc.DrawText( m_MarkName, 0, 0);
            dc.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap );
            /* make alpha texture for text */
            wxImage image = tbm.ConvertToImage();
            unsigned char *d = image.GetData();
            unsigned char *e = new unsigned char[w * h];
            if(d && e){
                for( int p = 0; p < w*h; p++)
                    e[p] = d[3*p + 0];
            /* create texture for rendered text */
            glGenTextures(1, &m_iTextTexture);
            glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_iTextTexture);
            glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST );
            glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST );

            m_iTextTextureWidth = NextPow2(w);
            m_iTextTextureHeight = NextPow2(h);
            glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_ALPHA, m_iTextTextureWidth, m_iTextTextureHeight,
                         0, GL_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL);
            glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, w, h,
                            GL_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, e);
            delete [] e;

        if(m_iTextTexture) {
            /* draw texture with text */
            glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_iTextTexture);
            glColor3ub(m_FontColor.Red(), m_FontColor.Green(), m_FontColor.Blue());
            int x = r.x + m_NameLocationOffsetX, y = r.y + m_NameLocationOffsetY;
            float u = (float)w/m_iTextTextureWidth, v = (float)h/m_iTextTextureHeight;
            glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(x, y);
            glTexCoord2f(u, 0); glVertex2f(x+w, y);
            glTexCoord2f(u, v); glVertex2f(x+w, y+h);
            glTexCoord2f(0, v); glVertex2f(x, y+h);

    // Draw waypoint radar rings if activated
    if( m_iWaypointRangeRingsNumber && m_bShowWaypointRangeRings ) {
        double factor = 1.00;
        if( m_iWaypointRangeRingsStepUnits == 1 )          // nautical miles
            factor = 1 / 1.852;
        factor *= m_fWaypointRangeRingsStep;
        double tlat, tlon;
        wxPoint r1;
        ll_gc_ll( m_lat, m_lon, 0, factor, &tlat, &tlon );
        cc1->GetCanvasPointPix( tlat, tlon, &r1 );
        double lpp = sqrt( pow( (double) (r.x - r1.x), 2) +
        pow( (double) (r.y - r1.y), 2 ) );
        int pix_radius = (int) lpp;
        wxPen ppPen1( m_wxcWaypointRangeRingsColour, platform_pen_width );
        wxBrush saveBrush = dc.GetBrush();
        wxPen savePen = dc.GetPen();
        dc.SetPen( ppPen1 );
        dc.SetBrush( wxBrush( m_wxcWaypointRangeRingsColour, wxBRUSHSTYLE_TRANSPARENT ) );
        for( int i = 1; i <= m_iWaypointRangeRingsNumber; i++ )
            dc.StrokeCircle( r.x, r.y, i * pix_radius );
        dc.SetPen( savePen );
        dc.SetBrush( saveBrush );
    if( m_bBlink ) g_blink_rect = CurrentRect_in_DC;               // also save for global blinker
    //    This will be useful for fast icon redraws
    CurrentRect_in_DC.x = r.x + hilitebox.x;
    CurrentRect_in_DC.y = r.y + hilitebox.y;
    CurrentRect_in_DC.width = hilitebox.width;
    CurrentRect_in_DC.height = hilitebox.height;

    if( m_bBlink ) g_blink_rect = CurrentRect_in_DC;               // also save for global blinker
예제 #4
void Route::Draw( ocpnDC& dc, ViewPort &vp, const LLBBox &box )
    if( pRoutePointList->empty() )

    LLBBox test_box = GetBBox();
    if( box.IntersectOut( test_box ) ) // Route is wholly outside window

    int width = g_route_line_width;
    if( m_width != WIDTH_UNDEFINED ) width = m_width;

    if( m_bVisible && m_bRtIsSelected ) {
        wxPen spen = *g_pRouteMan->GetSelectedRoutePen();
        spen.SetWidth( width );
        dc.SetPen( spen );
        dc.SetBrush( *g_pRouteMan->GetSelectedRouteBrush() );
    else if ( m_bVisible )
        wxPenStyle style = wxPENSTYLE_SOLID;
        wxColour col;
        if( m_style != wxPENSTYLE_INVALID ) style = m_style;
        if( m_Colour == wxEmptyString ) {
            col = g_pRouteMan->GetRoutePen()->GetColour();
        } else {
            for( unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof( ::GpxxColorNames ) / sizeof(wxString); i++ ) {
                if( m_Colour == ::GpxxColorNames[i] ) {
                    col = ::GpxxColors[i];
        dc.SetPen( *wxThePenList->FindOrCreatePen( col, width, style ) );
        dc.SetBrush( *wxTheBrushList->FindOrCreateBrush( col, wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID ) );

    if( m_bVisible && m_bRtIsActive )
        wxPen spen = *g_pRouteMan->GetActiveRoutePen();
        spen.SetWidth( width );
        dc.SetPen( spen );
        dc.SetBrush( *g_pRouteMan->GetActiveRouteBrush() );

    wxPoint rpt1, rpt2;
    if ( m_bVisible )
        DrawPointWhich( dc, 1, &rpt1 );

    wxRoutePointListNode *node = pRoutePointList->GetFirst();
    RoutePoint *prp1 = node->GetData();
    node = node->GetNext();

    if ( !m_bVisible && prp1->m_bKeepXRoute )
        prp1->Draw( dc );

    while( node ) {

        RoutePoint *prp2 = node->GetData();
        if ( !m_bVisible && prp2->m_bKeepXRoute )
            prp2->Draw( dc );
        else if (m_bVisible)
            prp2->Draw( dc, &rpt2 );

        if ( m_bVisible )
            //    Handle offscreen points
            bool b_2_on = vp.GetBBox().Contains( prp2->m_lat,  prp2->m_lon );
            bool b_1_on = vp.GetBBox().Contains( prp1->m_lat,  prp1->m_lon );

            //Simple case
            if( b_1_on && b_2_on ) RenderSegment( dc, rpt1.x, rpt1.y, rpt2.x, rpt2.y, vp, true, m_hiliteWidth ); // with arrows

            //    In the cases where one point is on, and one off
            //    we must decide which way to go in longitude
            //     Arbitrarily, we will go the shortest way

            double pix_full_circle = WGS84_semimajor_axis_meters * mercator_k0 * 2 * PI
                                     * vp.view_scale_ppm;
            double dp = pow( (double) ( rpt1.x - rpt2.x ), 2 ) + pow( (double) ( rpt1.y - rpt2.y ), 2 );
            double dtest;
            int adder;
            if( b_1_on && !b_2_on ) {
                if( rpt2.x < rpt1.x ) adder = (int) pix_full_circle;
                    adder = -(int) pix_full_circle;

                dtest = pow( (double) ( rpt1.x - ( rpt2.x + adder ) ), 2 )
                        + pow( (double) ( rpt1.y - rpt2.y ), 2 );

                if( dp < dtest ) adder = 0;

                RenderSegment( dc, rpt1.x, rpt1.y, rpt2.x + adder, rpt2.y, vp, true, m_hiliteWidth );
            } else if( !b_1_on ) {
                if( rpt1.x < rpt2.x ) adder = (int) pix_full_circle;
                    adder = -(int) pix_full_circle;

                float rxd = rpt2.x - ( rpt1.x + adder );
                float ryd = rpt1.y - rpt2.y;
                dtest = rxd*rxd + ryd*ryd;

                if( dp < dtest ) adder = 0;

                RenderSegment( dc, rpt1.x + adder, rpt1.y, rpt2.x, rpt2.y, vp, true, m_hiliteWidth );

        rpt1 = rpt2;
        prp1 = prp2;

        node = node->GetNext();