예제 #1
CDamageArrayHandler::CDamageArrayHandler(LuaParser* defsParser)
	#define DEFAULT_ARMORDEF_NAME "default"

	try {
		const LuaTable rootTable = defsParser->GetRoot().SubTable("ArmorDefs");

		if (!rootTable.IsValid())
			throw content_error("Error loading ArmorDefs");

		// GetKeys() sorts the keys, so can not simply push_back before call
		armorDefKeys.insert(armorDefKeys.begin(), DEFAULT_ARMORDEF_NAME);

		armorDefNameIdxMap[DEFAULT_ARMORDEF_NAME] = 0;

		LOG("[%s] number of ArmorDefs: " _STPF_, __FUNCTION__, armorDefKeys.size());

		// expects the following structure, subtables must be in array-format:
		// {"tanks" = {[1] = "supertank", [2] = "megatank"}, "infantry" = {[1] = "dude"}, ...}
		// the old (pre-95.0) <key, value> subtable definitions are no longer supported!
		for (unsigned int armorDefIdx = 1; armorDefIdx < armorDefKeys.size(); armorDefIdx++) {
			const std::string armorDefName = StringToLower(armorDefKeys[armorDefIdx]);

			if (armorDefName == DEFAULT_ARMORDEF_NAME) {
				// ignore, no need to clear entire table
				LOG_L(L_WARNING, "[%s] ArmorDefs: tried to define the \"%s\" armor type!", __FUNCTION__, DEFAULT_ARMORDEF_NAME);

			armorDefNameIdxMap[armorDefName] = armorDefIdx;

			const LuaTable armorDefTable = rootTable.SubTable(armorDefKeys[armorDefIdx]);
			const unsigned int numArmorDefEntries = armorDefTable.GetLength();

			for (unsigned int armorDefEntryIdx = 0; armorDefEntryIdx < numArmorDefEntries; armorDefEntryIdx++) {
				const std::string& unitDefName = StringToLower(armorDefTable.GetString(armorDefEntryIdx + 1, ""));
				const auto armorDefTableIt = armorDefNameIdxMap.find(unitDefName);

				if (armorDefTableIt == armorDefNameIdxMap.end()) {
					armorDefNameIdxMap[unitDefName] = armorDefIdx;

					"[%s] UnitDef \"%s\" in ArmorDef \"%s\" already belongs to ArmorDef category %d!",
					__FUNCTION__, unitDefName.c_str(), armorDefName.c_str(), armorDefTableIt->second);
	} catch (const content_error&) {
		armorDefNameIdxMap[DEFAULT_ARMORDEF_NAME] = 0;

예제 #2
MoveDefHandler::MoveDefHandler(LuaParser* defsParser)
	const LuaTable rootTable = defsParser->GetRoot().SubTable("MoveDefs");

	if (!rootTable.IsValid())
		throw content_error("Error loading movement definitions");

	CRC crc;

	for (int tt = 0; tt < CMapInfo::NUM_TERRAIN_TYPES; ++tt) {
		const CMapInfo::TerrainType& terrType = mapInfo->terrainTypes[tt];

		crc << terrType.tankSpeed << terrType.kbotSpeed;
		crc << terrType.hoverSpeed << terrType.shipSpeed;

	for (size_t num = 1; /* no test */; num++) {
		const LuaTable moveDefTable = rootTable.SubTable(num);

		if (!moveDefTable.IsValid()) {

		moveDefs.emplace_back(moveDefTable, num);
		const MoveDef& md = moveDefs.back();
		moveDefNames[md.name] = md.pathType;

		crc << md.GetCheckSum();

	CMoveMath::noHoverWaterMove = (mapInfo->water.damage >= MAX_ALLOWED_WATER_DAMAGE_HMM);
	CMoveMath::waterDamageCost = (mapInfo->water.damage >= MAX_ALLOWED_WATER_DAMAGE_GMM)?
		0.0f: (1.0f / (1.0f + mapInfo->water.damage * 0.1f));

	crc << CMoveMath::waterDamageCost;
	crc << CMoveMath::noHoverWaterMove;

	checksum = crc.GetDigest();
예제 #3
static inline void GetGroundScars(std::unordered_map<std::string, STex>& textures)
	LuaParser resourcesParser("gamedata/resources.lua", SPRING_VFS_MOD_BASE, SPRING_VFS_ZIP);
	if (!resourcesParser.Execute()) {
		LOG_L(L_ERROR, "Failed to load resources: %s", resourcesParser.GetErrorLog().c_str());

	const LuaTable scarsTable = resourcesParser.GetRoot().SubTable("graphics").SubTable("scars");

	for (int i = 1; i <= scarsTable.GetLength(); ++i) {
		std::string texName  = scarsTable.GetString(i, IntToString(i, "scars/scar%i.bmp"));
		std::string texName2 = texName + ".dds"; //FIXME
		auto name = IntToString(i);

		try {
			textures[                    name ] = LoadTexture(texName);
			textures[GetExtraTextureName(name)] = LoadTexture(texName2);
		} catch(const content_error& err) {
			LOG_L(L_ERROR, "%s", err.what());