예제 #1
void CMapInfo::ReadStartPos()
    const float defX = 1000.0f;
    const float defZ = 1000.0f;
    const float defXStep = 100.0f;
    const float defZStep = 100.0f;

    const LuaTable teamsTable = mapRoot->SubTable("teams");

    for (int t = 0; t < MAX_TEAMS; ++t) {
        float3 pos;
        pos.x = defX + (defXStep * t);
        pos.z = defZ + (defZStep * t);
        pos.y = 0.0f;
        const LuaTable posTable = teamsTable.SubTable(t).SubTable("startPos");
        if (posTable.KeyExists("x") &&
                posTable.KeyExists("z")) {
            pos.x = posTable.GetFloat("x", pos.x);
            pos.z = posTable.GetFloat("z", pos.z);
        } else {
예제 #2
void CArchiveScanner::ReadCacheData(const std::string& filename)
	if (!FileSystem::FileExists(filename)) {
		LOG_L(L_INFO, "Archive cache doesn't exist: %s", filename.c_str());

	LuaParser p(filename, SPRING_VFS_RAW, SPRING_VFS_BASE);
	if (!p.Execute()) {
		LOG_L(L_ERROR, "Failed to parse archive cache: %s", p.GetErrorLog().c_str());
	const LuaTable archiveCache = p.GetRoot();

	// Do not load old version caches
	const int ver = archiveCache.GetInt("internalVer", (INTERNAL_VER + 1));
	if (ver != INTERNAL_VER) {

	const LuaTable archives = archiveCache.SubTable("archives");
	for (int i = 1; archives.KeyExists(i); ++i) {
		const LuaTable curArchive = archives.SubTable(i);
		const LuaTable archived = curArchive.SubTable("archivedata");
		std::string name = curArchive.GetString("name", "");

		ArchiveInfo& ai = archiveInfos[StringToLower(name)];
		ai.origName = name;
		ai.path     = curArchive.GetString("path", "");

		// do not use LuaTable.GetInt() for 32-bit integers, the Spring lua
		// library uses 32-bit floats to represent numbers, which can only
		// represent 2^24 consecutive integers
		ai.modified = strtoul(curArchive.GetString("modified", "0").c_str(), 0, 10);
		ai.checksum = strtoul(curArchive.GetString("checksum", "0").c_str(), 0, 10);
		ai.updated = false;

		ai.archiveData = CArchiveScanner::ArchiveData(archived, true);
		if (ai.archiveData.GetModType() == modtype::map) {
			AddDependency(ai.archiveData.GetDependencies(), "Map Helper v1");
		} else if (ai.archiveData.GetModType() == modtype::primary) {
			AddDependency(ai.archiveData.GetDependencies(), "Spring content v1");

	const LuaTable brokenArchives = archiveCache.SubTable("brokenArchives");
	for (int i = 1; brokenArchives.KeyExists(i); ++i) {
		const LuaTable curArchive = brokenArchives.SubTable(i);
		std::string name = curArchive.GetString("name", "");

		BrokenArchive& ba = this->brokenArchives[name];
		ba.path = curArchive.GetString("path", "");
		ba.modified = strtoul(curArchive.GetString("modified", "0").c_str(), 0, 10);
		ba.updated = false;
		ba.problem = curArchive.GetString("problem", "unknown");

	isDirty = false;
예제 #3
void CMapInfo::ReadSmf()
	// SMF specific settings
	const LuaTable mapResTable = parser->GetRoot().SubTable("resources");

	smf.detailTexName      = mapResTable.GetString("detailTex", "");
	smf.specularTexName    = mapResTable.GetString("specularTex", "");
	smf.splatDetailTexName = mapResTable.GetString("splatDetailTex", "");
	smf.splatDistrTexName  = mapResTable.GetString("splatDistrTex", "");

	smf.grassBladeTexName = mapResTable.GetString("grassBladeTex", "");
	smf.grassShadingTexName = mapResTable.GetString("grassShadingTex", "");

	smf.skyReflectModTexName = mapResTable.GetString("skyReflectModTex", "");
	smf.detailNormalTexName = mapResTable.GetString("detailNormalTex", "");
	smf.lightEmissionTexName = mapResTable.GetString("lightEmissionTex", "");

	if (!smf.detailTexName.empty()) {
		smf.detailTexName = "maps/" + smf.detailTexName;
	} else {
		const LuaTable& resGfxMaps = resRoot->SubTable("graphics").SubTable("maps");
		smf.detailTexName = resGfxMaps.GetString("detailtex", "detailtex2.bmp");
		smf.detailTexName = "bitmaps/" + smf.detailTexName;

	if (!smf.specularTexName.empty()) { smf.specularTexName = "maps/" + smf.specularTexName; }
	if (!smf.splatDetailTexName.empty()) { smf.splatDetailTexName = "maps/" + smf.splatDetailTexName; }
	if (!smf.splatDistrTexName.empty()) { smf.splatDistrTexName = "maps/" + smf.splatDistrTexName; }
	if (!smf.grassBladeTexName.empty()) { smf.grassBladeTexName = "maps/" + smf.grassBladeTexName; }
	if (!smf.grassShadingTexName.empty()) { smf.grassShadingTexName = "maps/" + smf.grassShadingTexName; }
	if (!smf.skyReflectModTexName.empty()) { smf.skyReflectModTexName = "maps/" + smf.skyReflectModTexName; }
	if (!smf.detailNormalTexName.empty()) { smf.detailNormalTexName = "maps/" + smf.detailNormalTexName; }
	if (!smf.lightEmissionTexName.empty()) { smf.lightEmissionTexName = "maps/" + smf.lightEmissionTexName; }

	// height overrides
	const LuaTable smfTable = parser->GetRoot().SubTable("smf");

	smf.minHeightOverride = smfTable.KeyExists("minHeight");
	smf.maxHeightOverride = smfTable.KeyExists("maxHeight");
	smf.minHeight = smfTable.GetFloat("minHeight", 0.0f);
	smf.maxHeight = smfTable.GetFloat("maxHeight", 0.0f);

	std::stringstream ss;

	for (int i = 0; /* no test */; i++) {
		ss << "smtFileName" << i;

		if (smfTable.KeyExists(ss.str())) {
			smf.smtFileNames.push_back(smfTable.GetString(ss.str(), ".smt"));
		} else {
예제 #4
void CAssParser::SetPieceParentName(
	SAssPiece* piece,
	const S3DModel* model,
	const aiNode* pieceNode,
	const LuaTable& pieceTable,
	ParentNameMap& parentMap
) {
	// Get parent name from metadata or model
	if (pieceTable.KeyExists("parent")) {
		parentMap[piece] = pieceTable.GetString("parent", "");

	if (pieceNode->mParent == nullptr)

	if (pieceNode->mParent->mParent != nullptr) {
		// parent is not the root
		parentMap[piece] = std::string(pieceNode->mParent->mName.data);
	} else {
		// parent is the root (which must already exist)
		assert(model->GetRootPiece() != nullptr);
		parentMap[piece] = (model->GetRootPiece())->name;
예제 #5
void option_parseMapOptions(
		std::vector<Option>& options,
		const std::string& fileName,
		const std::string& mapName,
		const std::string& fileModes,
		const std::string& accessModes,
		std::set<std::string>* optionsSet)
	LuaParser luaParser(fileName, fileModes, accessModes);

	const string mapFile    = archiveScanner->MapNameToMapFile(mapName);
	const string configName = MapParser::GetMapConfigName(mapFile);

	if (mapName.empty())
		throw "Missing map name!";

	if (configName.empty())
		throw "Could not determine config-file name from the map name '" + mapName + "'!";

	luaParser.AddString("name",     mapName);	
	luaParser.AddString("fileName", FileSystem::GetFilename(mapFile));
	luaParser.AddString("fullName", mapFile);
	luaParser.AddString("configFile", configName);

	if (!luaParser.Execute()) {
		throw content_error("luaParser.Execute() failed: "
				+ luaParser.GetErrorLog());

	const LuaTable root = luaParser.GetRoot();
	if (!root.IsValid()) {
		throw content_error("root table invalid");

	std::set<std::string>* myOptionsSet = NULL;
	if (optionsSet == NULL) {
		myOptionsSet = new std::set<std::string>();
	} else {
		myOptionsSet = optionsSet;
	for (int index = 1; root.KeyExists(index); index++) {
		Option opt;
		try {
			option_parseOption(root, index, opt, *myOptionsSet);
		} catch (const content_error& err) {
					"Failed parsing map-option %d from %s for map %s: %s",
					index, fileName.c_str(), mapName.c_str(), err.what());
	if (optionsSet == NULL) {
		delete myOptionsSet;
		myOptionsSet = NULL;
예제 #6
void parseMapOptions(
		std::vector<Option>& options,
		const std::string& fileName,
		const std::string& mapName,
		const std::string& fileModes,
		const std::string& accessModes,
		std::set<std::string>* optionsSet,
		CLogSubsystem* logSubsystem) {

	if (!logSubsystem) {

	LuaParser luaParser(fileName, fileModes, accessModes);

	const string configName = MapParser::GetMapConfigName(mapName);
	const string mapFile    = archiveScanner->MapNameToMapFile(mapName);

	if (mapName.empty())
		throw "Missing map name!";

	if (configName.empty())
		throw "Couldn't determine config filename from the map name '" + mapName + "'!";

	luaParser.AddString("name",     mapName);	
	luaParser.AddString("fileName", filesystem.GetFilename(mapFile));
	luaParser.AddString("fullName", mapFile);
	luaParser.AddString("configFile", configName);

	if (!luaParser.Execute()) {
		throw content_error("luaParser.Execute() failed: "
				+ luaParser.GetErrorLog());

	const LuaTable root = luaParser.GetRoot();
	if (!root.IsValid()) {
		throw content_error("root table invalid");

	std::set<std::string>* myOptionsSet = NULL;
	if (optionsSet == NULL) {
		myOptionsSet = new std::set<std::string>();
	} else {
		myOptionsSet = optionsSet;
	for (int index = 1; root.KeyExists(index); index++) {
		Option opt;
		if (parseOption(root, index, opt, *myOptionsSet, *logSubsystem)) {
	if (optionsSet == NULL) {
		delete myOptionsSet;
		myOptionsSet = NULL;
예제 #7
bool CSound::LoadSoundDefs(const std::string& filename)
	//! can be called from LuaUnsyncedCtrl too
	boost::mutex::scoped_lock lck(soundMutex);

	LuaParser parser(filename, SPRING_VFS_MOD, SPRING_VFS_ZIP);
	if (!parser.IsValid())
		LogObject(LOG_SOUND) << "Could not load " << filename << ": " << parser.GetErrorLog();
		return false;
		const LuaTable soundRoot = parser.GetRoot();
		const LuaTable soundItemTable = soundRoot.SubTable("SoundItems");
		if (!soundItemTable.IsValid())
			LogObject(LOG_SOUND) << "CSound(): could not parse SoundItems table in " << filename;
			return false;
			std::vector<std::string> keys;
			for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it)
				const std::string name(*it);
				soundItemDef bufmap;
				const LuaTable buf(soundItemTable.SubTable(*it));
				bufmap["name"] = name;
				soundItemDefMap::const_iterator sit = soundItemDefs.find(name);
				if (sit != soundItemDefs.end())
					LogObject(LOG_SOUND) << "CSound(): two SoundItems have the same name: " << name;

				soundItemDef::const_iterator inspec = bufmap.find("file");
				if (inspec == bufmap.end())	// no file, drop
					LogObject(LOG_SOUND) << "CSound(): SoundItem has no file tag: " << name;
					soundItemDefs[name] = bufmap;

				if (buf.KeyExists("preload"))
					LogObject(LOG_SOUND) << "CSound(): preloading " << name;
					const size_t newid = sounds.size();
					sounds.push_back(new SoundItem(GetWaveBuffer(bufmap["file"], true), bufmap));
					soundMap[name] = newid;
			LogObject(LOG_SOUND) << "CSound(): Sucessfully parsed " << keys.size() << " SoundItems from " << filename;
	return true;
예제 #8
CArchiveScanner::ArchiveData CArchiveScanner::GetArchiveData(const LuaTable& archiveTable)
	ArchiveData md;
	if (!archiveTable.IsValid()) {
		return md;

	md.name        = archiveTable.GetString("name",        "");
	md.shortName   = archiveTable.GetString("shortName",   "");
	md.version     = archiveTable.GetString("version",     "");
	md.mutator     = archiveTable.GetString("mutator",     "");
	md.game        = archiveTable.GetString("game",        "");
	md.shortGame   = archiveTable.GetString("shortGame",   "");
	md.description = archiveTable.GetString("description", "");
	md.modType     = archiveTable.GetInt("modType", 0);
	md.mapfile = archiveTable.GetString("mapfile", "");

	const LuaTable dependencies = archiveTable.SubTable("depend");
	for (int dep = 1; dependencies.KeyExists(dep); ++dep) {
		const std::string depend = dependencies.GetString(dep, "");

	const LuaTable replaces = archiveTable.SubTable("replace");
	for (int rep = 1; replaces.KeyExists(rep); ++rep) {
		md.replaces.push_back(replaces.GetString(rep, ""));

	// HACK needed until lobbies, lobbyserver and unitsync are sorted out
	// so they can uniquely identify different versions of the same mod.
	// (at time of this writing they use name only)

	// NOTE when changing this, this function is used both by the code that
	// reads ArchiveCache.lua and the code that reads modinfo.lua from the mod.
	// so make sure it doesn't keep adding stuff to the name everytime
	// Spring/unitsync is loaded.

	if (md.name.find(md.version) == std::string::npos && !md.version.empty()) {
		md.name += " " + md.version;

	return md;
예제 #9
파일: Sound.cpp 프로젝트: FriedRice/spring
bool CSound::LoadSoundDefs(const std::string& fileName)
	//! can be called from LuaUnsyncedCtrl too
	boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lck(soundMutex);

	LuaParser parser(fileName, SPRING_VFS_MOD, SPRING_VFS_ZIP);
	if (!parser.IsValid())
		LOG_L(L_WARNING, "Could not load %s: %s",
				fileName.c_str(), parser.GetErrorLog().c_str());
		return false;
		const LuaTable soundRoot = parser.GetRoot();
		const LuaTable soundItemTable = soundRoot.SubTable("SoundItems");
		if (!soundItemTable.IsValid())
			LOG_L(L_WARNING, "CSound(): could not parse SoundItems table in %s", fileName.c_str());
			return false;
			std::vector<std::string> keys;
			for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it)
				const std::string name(*it);
				soundItemDef bufmap;
				const LuaTable buf(soundItemTable.SubTable(*it));
				bufmap["name"] = name;
				soundItemDefMap::const_iterator sit = soundItemDefs.find(name);
				if (sit != soundItemDefs.end())
					LOG_L(L_WARNING, "Sound %s gets overwritten by %s", name.c_str(), fileName.c_str());

				soundItemDef::const_iterator inspec = bufmap.find("file");
				if (inspec == bufmap.end()) {	// no file, drop
					LOG_L(L_WARNING, "Sound %s is missing file tag (ignoring)", name.c_str());
				} else {
					soundItemDefs[name] = bufmap;

				if (buf.KeyExists("preload")) {
			LOG(" parsed %i sounds from %s", (int)keys.size(), fileName.c_str());
	return true;
예제 #10
파일: Option.cpp 프로젝트: achoum/spring
void parseOptions(
		std::vector<Option>& options,
		const std::string& fileName,
		const std::string& fileModes,
		const std::string& accessModes,
		const std::string& mapName,
		std::set<std::string>* optionsSet,
		CLogSubsystem* logSubsystem) {

	if (!logSubsystem) {

	LuaParser luaParser(fileName, fileModes, accessModes);

	const string configName = MapParser::GetMapConfigName(mapName);

	if (!mapName.empty() && !configName.empty()) {
		luaParser.AddString("fileName", mapName);
		luaParser.AddString("fullName", "maps/" + mapName);
		luaParser.AddString("configFile", configName);

	if (!luaParser.Execute()) {
		throw content_error("luaParser.Execute() failed: "
				+ luaParser.GetErrorLog());

	const LuaTable root = luaParser.GetRoot();
	if (!root.IsValid()) {
		throw content_error("root table invalid");

	std::set<std::string>* myOptionsSet = NULL;
	if (optionsSet == NULL) {
		myOptionsSet = new std::set<std::string>();
	} else {
		myOptionsSet = optionsSet;
	for (int index = 1; root.KeyExists(index); index++) {
		Option opt;
		if (parseOption(root, index, opt, *myOptionsSet, *logSubsystem)) {
	if (optionsSet == NULL) {
		delete myOptionsSet;
		myOptionsSet = NULL;
예제 #11
파일: Option.cpp 프로젝트: niavok/spring
void parseOptions(
		std::vector<Option>& options,
		const std::string& fileName,
		const std::string& fileModes,
		const std::string& accessModes,
		std::set<std::string>* optionsSet,
		CLogSubsystem* logSubsystem) {

	if (!logSubsystem) {

	LuaParser luaParser(fileName, fileModes, accessModes);

	if (!luaParser.Execute()) {
		throw content_error("luaParser.Execute() failed: "
				+ luaParser.GetErrorLog());

	const LuaTable root = luaParser.GetRoot();
	if (!root.IsValid()) {
		throw content_error("root table invalid");

	std::set<std::string>* myOptionsSet = NULL;
	if (optionsSet == NULL) {
		myOptionsSet = new std::set<std::string>();
	} else {
		myOptionsSet = optionsSet;
	for (int index = 1; root.KeyExists(index); index++) {
		Option opt;
		try {
			parseOption(root, index, opt, *myOptionsSet);
		} catch (content_error& err) {
					"Failed parsing option %d from %s: %s",
					index, fileName.c_str(), err.what());
	if (optionsSet == NULL) {
		delete myOptionsSet;
		myOptionsSet = NULL;
예제 #12
void CArchiveScanner::ReadCacheData(const string& filename)
    LuaParser p(filename, SPRING_VFS_RAW, SPRING_VFS_BASE);

    if (!p.Execute()) {
        logOutput.Print("ERROR in " + filename + ": " + p.GetErrorLog());
    const LuaTable archiveCache = p.GetRoot();
    const LuaTable archives = archiveCache.SubTable("archives");

    // Do not load old version caches
    const int ver = archiveCache.GetInt("internalVer", (INTERNAL_VER + 1));
    if (ver != INTERNAL_VER) {

    for (int i = 1; archives.KeyExists(i); ++i) {
        const LuaTable curArchive = archives.SubTable(i);
        const LuaTable archived = curArchive.SubTable("archivedata");
        ArchiveInfo ai;

        ai.origName = curArchive.GetString("name", "");
        ai.path     = curArchive.GetString("path", "");

        // do not use LuaTable.GetInt() for 32-bit integers, the Spring lua
        // library uses 32-bit floats to represent numbers, which can only
        // represent 2^24 consecutive integers
        ai.modified = strtoul(curArchive.GetString("modified", "0").c_str(), 0, 10);
        ai.checksum = strtoul(curArchive.GetString("checksum", "0").c_str(), 0, 10);
        ai.updated = false;

        ai.archiveData = GetArchiveData(archived);
        if (ai.archiveData.modType == modtype::map)
            AddDependency(ai.archiveData.dependencies, "maphelper.sdz");
        else if (ai.archiveData.modType == modtype::primary)
            AddDependency(ai.archiveData.dependencies, "Spring content v1");

        string lcname = StringToLower(ai.origName);

        archiveInfo[lcname] = ai;

    isDirty = false;
예제 #13
void CAssParser::SetPieceParentName(
	SAssPiece* piece,
	const S3DModel* model,
	const aiNode* pieceNode,
	const LuaTable& pieceTable
) {
	// Get parent name from metadata or model
	if (pieceTable.KeyExists("parent")) {
		piece->parentName = pieceTable.GetString("parent", "");
	} else if (pieceNode->mParent != NULL) {
		if (pieceNode->mParent->mParent != NULL) {
			piece->parentName = std::string(pieceNode->mParent->mName.data);
		} else {
			// my parent is the root (which must already exist)
			assert(model->GetRootPiece() != NULL);
			piece->parentName = model->GetRootPiece()->name;
예제 #14
파일: MapInfo.cpp 프로젝트: Dmytry/spring
void CMapInfo::ReadSmf()
	// SMF specific settings
	const LuaTable mapResTable = mapRoot->SubTable("resources");
	smf.detailTexName = mapResTable.GetString("detailTex", "");
	if (!smf.detailTexName.empty()) {
		smf.detailTexName = "maps/" + smf.detailTexName;
	else {
		const LuaTable resGfxMaps = resRoot->SubTable("graphics").SubTable("maps");
		smf.detailTexName = resGfxMaps.GetString("detailtex", "detailtex2.bmp");
		smf.detailTexName = "bitmaps/" + smf.detailTexName;

	// height overrides
	const LuaTable smfTable = mapRoot->SubTable("smf");
	smf.minHeightOverride = smfTable.KeyExists("minHeight");
	smf.maxHeightOverride = smfTable.KeyExists("maxHeight");
	smf.minHeight = smfTable.GetFloat("minHeight", 0.0f);
	smf.maxHeight = smfTable.GetFloat("maxHeight", 0.0f);
예제 #15
static void option_parseOptionsInternal(
		std::vector<Option>& options,
		LuaParser& luaParser,
		const std::string& luaSourceDesc,
		std::set<std::string>* optionsSet)
	if (!luaParser.Execute()) {
		throw content_error("luaParser.Execute() failed: "
				+ luaParser.GetErrorLog());

	const LuaTable root = luaParser.GetRoot();
	if (!root.IsValid()) {
		throw content_error("root table invalid");

	std::set<std::string>* myOptionsSet = NULL;
	if (optionsSet == NULL) {
		myOptionsSet = new std::set<std::string>();
	} else {
		myOptionsSet = optionsSet;
	for (int index = 1; root.KeyExists(index); index++) {
		Option opt;
		try {
			option_parseOption(root, index, opt, *myOptionsSet);
		} catch (const content_error& err) {
			LOG_L(L_WARNING, "Failed parsing option %d from %s: %s",
					index, luaSourceDesc.c_str(), err.what());
	if (optionsSet == NULL) {
		delete myOptionsSet;
		myOptionsSet = NULL;
예제 #16
파일: Info.cpp 프로젝트: 304471720/spring
void info_parseInfo(
		std::vector<InfoItem>& info,
		const std::string& fileName,
		const std::string& fileModes,
		const std::string& accessModes,
		std::set<std::string>* infoSet)
	LuaParser luaParser(fileName, fileModes, accessModes);

	if (!luaParser.Execute()) {
		throw content_error("luaParser.Execute() failed: "
				+ luaParser.GetErrorLog());

	const LuaTable root = luaParser.GetRoot();
	if (!root.IsValid()) {
		throw content_error("root table invalid");

	std::set<std::string>* myInfoSet = NULL;
	if (infoSet == NULL) {
		myInfoSet = new std::set<std::string>();
	} else {
		myInfoSet = infoSet;
	for (int index = 1; root.KeyExists(index); index++) {
		InfoItem inf;
		if (info_parseInfoItem(root, index, inf, *myInfoSet)) {
	if (infoSet == NULL) {
		delete myInfoSet;
		myInfoSet = NULL;
예제 #17
bool CAssParser::SetModelRadiusAndHeight(
	S3DModel* model,
	const SAssPiece* piece,
	const aiNode* pieceNode,
	const LuaTable& pieceTable
) {
	// check if this piece is "special" (ie, used to set Spring model properties)
	// if so, extract them and then remove the piece from the hierarchy entirely
	if (piece->name == "SpringHeight") {
		// set the model height to this node's Y-value (FIXME: 'y' is Assimp/Blender-specific)
		if (!pieceTable.KeyExists("height")) {
			model->height = piece->offset.y;

			LOG_SL(LOG_SECTION_MODEL, L_INFO, "Model height of %f set by special node 'SpringHeight'", model->height);

		delete piece;
		return true;

	if (piece->name == "SpringRadius") {
		if (!pieceTable.KeyExists("midpos")) {
			CMatrix44f scaleRotMat;
			piece->ComposeTransform(scaleRotMat, ZeroVector, ZeroVector, piece->scales);

			// NOTE:
			//   this makes little sense because the "SpringRadius"
			//   piece can be placed anywhere within the hierarchy
			model->relMidPos = scaleRotMat.Mul(piece->offset);

				"Model midpos of (%f,%f,%f) set by special node 'SpringRadius'",
				model->relMidPos.x, model->relMidPos.y, model->relMidPos.z);
		if (!pieceTable.KeyExists("radius")) {
			if (true || piece->maxs.x <= 0.00001f) {
				// scales have been set at this point
				// the Blender import script only sets the scale property [?]
				// model->radius = piece->scales.Length();
				model->radius = piece->scales.x;
			} else {
				// FIXME:
				//   geometry bounds are calculated by LoadPieceGeometry
				//   which is called after SetModelRadiusAndHeight -> can
				//   not take this branch yet
				// use the transformed mesh extents (FIXME: the bounds are NOT
				// actually transformed but derived from raw vertex positions!)
				// model->radius = ((piece->maxs - piece->mins) * 0.5f).Length();
				model->radius = piece->maxs.x;

			LOG_SL(LOG_SECTION_MODEL, L_INFO, "Model radius of %f set by special node 'SpringRadius'", model->radius);

		delete piece;
		return true;

	return false;
예제 #18
void CMapInfo::ReadWater()
	const LuaTable wt = mapRoot->SubTable("water");

	water.repeatX = wt.GetFloat("repeatX", 0.0f);
	water.repeatY = wt.GetFloat("repeatY", 0.0f);
	water.damage  = wt.GetFloat("damage",  0.0f) * (16.0f / 30.0f);

	water.absorb    = wt.GetFloat3("absorb",    float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
	water.baseColor = wt.GetFloat3("baseColor", float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
	water.minColor  = wt.GetFloat3("minColor",  float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

	water.surfaceColor = wt.GetFloat3("surfaceColor", float3(0.75f, 0.8f, 0.85f));
	water.surfaceAlpha = wt.GetFloat("surfaceAlpha",  0.55f);

	water.planeColor = wt.GetFloat3("planeColor", float3(0.0f, 0.4f, 0.0f));
	hasWaterPlane    = wt.KeyExists("planeColor");

	water.specularColor  = wt.GetFloat3("specularColor", light.groundSunColor);
	water.specularFactor = wt.GetFloat("specularFactor", 20.0f);

	water.fresnelMin   = wt.GetFloat("fresnelMin",   0.2f);
	water.fresnelMax   = wt.GetFloat("fresnelMax",   0.3f);
	water.fresnelPower = wt.GetFloat("fresnelPower", 4.0f);

	water.texture       = wt.GetString("texture",       "");
	water.foamTexture   = wt.GetString("foamTexture",   "");
	water.normalTexture = wt.GetString("normalTexture", "");

	// use 'resources.lua' for missing fields  (our the engine defaults)
	const LuaTable resGfxMaps = resRoot->SubTable("graphics").SubTable("maps");

	if (!water.texture.empty()) {
		water.texture = "maps/" + water.texture;
	} else {
		water.texture = "bitmaps/" + resGfxMaps.GetString("watertex", "ocean.jpg");

	if (!water.foamTexture.empty()) {
		water.foamTexture = "maps/" + water.foamTexture;
	} else {
		water.foamTexture = "bitmaps/" + resGfxMaps.GetString("waterfoamtex", "foam.jpg");

	if (!water.normalTexture.empty()) {
		water.normalTexture = "maps/" + water.normalTexture;
	} else {
		water.normalTexture = "bitmaps/" + resGfxMaps.GetString("waternormaltex", "waterbump.png");

	// water caustic textures
	LuaTable caustics = wt.SubTable("caustics");
	string causticPrefix = "maps/";
	if (!caustics.IsValid()) {
		caustics = resRoot->SubTable("graphics").SubTable("caustics");
		causticPrefix = "bitmaps/";
	if (caustics.IsValid()) {
		for (int i = 1; true; i++) {
			const string texName = caustics.GetString(i, "");
			if (texName.empty()) {
			water.causticTextures.push_back(causticPrefix + texName);
	} else {
		// load the default 32 textures
		for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
			char defTex[256];
			sprintf(defTex, "bitmaps/caustics/caustic%02i.jpg", i);
예제 #19
파일: MapInfo.cpp 프로젝트: Dmytry/spring
void CMapInfo::ReadWater()
	const LuaTable wt = mapRoot->SubTable("water");

	water.repeatX = wt.GetFloat("repeatX", 0.0f);
	water.repeatY = wt.GetFloat("repeatY", 0.0f);
	water.damage  = wt.GetFloat("damage",  0.0f) * (16.0f / 30.0f);

	water.absorb    = wt.GetFloat3("absorb",    float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
	water.baseColor = wt.GetFloat3("baseColor", float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
	water.minColor  = wt.GetFloat3("minColor",  float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

	water.ambientFactor = wt.GetFloat("ambientFactor", 1.0f);
	water.diffuseFactor = wt.GetFloat("diffuseFactor", 1.0f);
	water.specularFactor= wt.GetFloat("specularFactor",1.0f);
	water.specularPower = wt.GetFloat("specularPower", 20.0f);

	water.planeColor    = wt.GetFloat3("planeColor", float3(0.0f, 0.4f, 0.0f));
	water.hasWaterPlane = wt.KeyExists("planeColor");

	water.surfaceColor  = wt.GetFloat3("surfaceColor", float3(0.75f, 0.8f, 0.85f));
	water.surfaceAlpha  = wt.GetFloat("surfaceAlpha",  0.55f);
	water.diffuseColor  = wt.GetFloat3("diffuseColor",  float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
	water.specularColor = wt.GetFloat3("specularColor", light.groundSunColor);

	water.fresnelMin   = wt.GetFloat("fresnelMin",   0.2f);
	water.fresnelMax   = wt.GetFloat("fresnelMax",   0.8f);
	water.fresnelPower = wt.GetFloat("fresnelPower", 4.0f);

	water.reflDistortion = wt.GetFloat("reflectionDistortion", 1.0f);

	water.blurBase     = wt.GetFloat("blurBase", 2.0f);
	water.blurExponent = wt.GetFloat("blurExponent", 1.5f);

	water.perlinStartFreq  = wt.GetFloat("perlinStartFreq",  8.0f);
	water.perlinLacunarity = wt.GetFloat("perlinLacunarity", 3.0f);
	water.perlinAmplitude  = wt.GetFloat("perlinAmplitude",  0.9f);
	water.windSpeed        = wt.GetFloat("windSpeed", 1.0f);

	water.texture       = wt.GetString("texture",       "");
	water.foamTexture   = wt.GetString("foamTexture",   "");
	water.normalTexture = wt.GetString("normalTexture", "");

	water.shoreWaves = wt.GetBool("shoreWaves", true);

	water.forceRendering = wt.GetBool("forceRendering", false);

	// use 'resources.lua' for missing fields  (our the engine defaults)
	const LuaTable resGfxMaps = resRoot->SubTable("graphics").SubTable("maps");

	if (!water.texture.empty()) {
		water.texture = "maps/" + water.texture;
	} else {
		water.texture = "bitmaps/" + resGfxMaps.GetString("watertex", "ocean.jpg");

	if (!water.foamTexture.empty()) {
		water.foamTexture = "maps/" + water.foamTexture;
	} else {
		water.foamTexture = "bitmaps/" + resGfxMaps.GetString("waterfoamtex", "foam.jpg");

	if (!water.normalTexture.empty()) {
		water.normalTexture = "maps/" + water.normalTexture;
		water.numTiles    = std::min(16,std::max(1,wt.GetInt("numTiles",1)));
	} else {
		water.normalTexture = "bitmaps/" + resGfxMaps.GetString("waternormaltex", "waterbump.png");
		if (resGfxMaps.KeyExists("waternormaltex")) {
			water.numTiles = std::min(16,std::max(1,resGfxMaps.GetInt("numTiles",1)));
			// default texture is a TileSet of 3x3
			// user-defined textures are expected to be 1x1 (no DynWaves possible)
			water.numTiles = 3;

	// water caustic textures
	LuaTable caustics = wt.SubTable("caustics");
	string causticPrefix = "maps/";
	if (!caustics.IsValid()) {
		caustics = resRoot->SubTable("graphics").SubTable("caustics");
		causticPrefix = "bitmaps/";
	if (caustics.IsValid()) {
		for (int i = 1; true; i++) {
			const string texName = caustics.GetString(i, "");
			if (texName.empty()) {
			water.causticTextures.push_back(causticPrefix + texName);
	} else {
		// load the default 32 textures
		for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
			char defTex[256];
			sprintf(defTex, "bitmaps/caustics/caustic%02i.jpg", i);
예제 #20
WeaponDef::WeaponDef(const LuaTable& wdTable, const std::string& name_, int id_)
	: name(name_)

	, ptrailExplosionGeneratorID(CExplosionGeneratorHandler::EXPGEN_ID_INVALID)
	, impactExplosionGeneratorID(CExplosionGeneratorHandler::EXPGEN_ID_STANDARD)
	, bounceExplosionGeneratorID(CExplosionGeneratorHandler::EXPGEN_ID_INVALID)

	, id(id_)
	, collisionFlags(0)
	WeaponDefs.Load(this, wdTable);

	if (wdTable.KeyExists("cylinderTargetting"))
		LOG_L(L_WARNING, "WeaponDef (%s) cylinderTargetting is deprecated and will be removed in the next release (use cylinderTargeting).", name.c_str());

	if (wdTable.KeyExists("color1") || wdTable.KeyExists("color2"))
		LOG_L(L_WARNING, "WeaponDef (%s) color1 & color2 (= hue & sat) are removed. Use rgbColor instead!", name.c_str());

	if (wdTable.KeyExists("isShield"))
		LOG_L(L_WARNING, "WeaponDef (%s) The \"isShield\" tag has been removed. Use the weaponType=\"Shield\" tag instead!", name.c_str());

	shieldRechargeDelay = int(wdTable.GetFloat("rechargeDelay", 0) * GAME_SPEED);
	shieldArmorType = damageArrayHandler->GetTypeFromName(shieldArmorTypeName);
	flighttime = int(wdTable.GetFloat("flighttime", 0.0f) * 32);
	maxFireAngle = math::cos(wdTable.GetFloat("firetolerance", 3640.0f) * TAANG2RAD);
	//FIXME may be smarter to merge the collideXYZ tags with avoidXYZ and removing the collisionFlags tag (and move the code into CWeapon)?
	collisionFlags = 0;
	if (!wdTable.GetBool("collideEnemy",    true)) { collisionFlags |= Collision::NOENEMIES;    }
	if (!wdTable.GetBool("collideFriendly", true)) { collisionFlags |= Collision::NOFRIENDLIES; }
	if (!wdTable.GetBool("collideFeature",  true)) { collisionFlags |= Collision::NOFEATURES;   }
	if (!wdTable.GetBool("collideNeutral",  true)) { collisionFlags |= Collision::NONEUTRALS;   }
	if (!wdTable.GetBool("collideGround",   true)) { collisionFlags |= Collision::NOGROUND;     }

	//FIXME defaults depend on other tags
		if (paralyzer)
			cameraShake = wdTable.GetFloat("cameraShake", 0.0f);

		if (selfExplode)
			predictBoost = wdTable.GetFloat("predictBoost", 0.5f);

		if (type == "Melee") {
			targetBorder = Clamp(wdTable.GetFloat("targetBorder", 1.0f), -1.0f, 1.0f);
			cylinderTargeting = Clamp(wdTable.GetFloat("cylinderTargeting", wdTable.GetFloat("cylinderTargetting", 1.0f)), 0.0f, 128.0f);

		if (type == "Flame") {
			//FIXME move to lua (for all other weapons this tag is named `duration` and has a different default)
			duration = wdTable.GetFloat("flameGfxTime", 1.2f);

		if (type == "Cannon") {
			heightmod = wdTable.GetFloat("heightMod", 0.8f);
		} else if (type == "BeamLaser" || type == "LightningCannon") {
			heightmod = wdTable.GetFloat("heightMod", 1.0f);

		if (type == "LaserCannon") {
			// for lasers we want this to be true by default: it sets
			// projectile ttl values to the minimum required to hit a
			// target which prevents them overshooting (lasers travel
			// many elmos per frame and ttl's are rounded) at maximum
			// range
			selfExplode = wdTable.GetBool("burnblow", true);

	// setup the default damages
		const LuaTable dmgTable = wdTable.SubTable("damage");
		float defDamage = dmgTable.GetFloat("default", 1.0f);

		// avoid division by zeros
		if (defDamage == 0.0f)
			defDamage = 1.0f;


		if (!paralyzer)
			damages.paralyzeDamageTime = 0;

		std::map<string, float> dmgs;
		std::map<string, float>::const_iterator di;


		for (di = dmgs.begin(); di != dmgs.end(); ++di) {
			const int type = damageArrayHandler->GetTypeFromName(di->first);
			if (type != 0) {
				float dmg = di->second;
				if (dmg != 0.0f) {
					damages[type] = dmg;
				} else {
					damages[type] = 1.0f;

		const float tempsize = 2.0f + std::min(defDamage * 0.0025f, damageAreaOfEffect * 0.1f);
		const float gd = std::max(30.0f, defDamage / 20.0f);
		const float defExpSpeed = (8.0f + (gd * 2.5f)) / (9.0f + (math::sqrt(gd) * 0.7f)) * 0.5f;

		size = wdTable.GetFloat("size", tempsize);
		explosionSpeed = wdTable.GetFloat("explosionSpeed", defExpSpeed);

		// backwards compatibility: non-burst beamlasers play one
		// sample per shot, not for each individual beam making up the shot
		const bool singleSampleShot = (type == "BeamLaser" && !beamburst);
		const bool singleShotWeapon = (type == "Melee" || type == "Rifle");

		soundTrigger = wdTable.GetBool("soundTrigger", singleSampleShot || singleShotWeapon);

	// get some weapon specific defaults
	int defInterceptType = 0;

	if (type == "Cannon") {
		// CExplosiveProjectile
		defInterceptType = 1;

		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.9f);
		intensity = wdTable.GetFloat("intensity", 0.2f);
	} else if (type == "Rifle") {
		// no projectile or intercept type
		defInterceptType = 128;

		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.9f);
	} else if (type == "Melee") {
		// no projectile or intercept type
		defInterceptType = 256;
	} else if (type == "Flame") {
		// CFlameProjectile
		defInterceptType = 16;

		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.2f);
		collisionSize     = wdTable.GetFloat("collisionSize", 0.5f);
	} else if (type == "MissileLauncher") {
		// CMissileProjectile
		defInterceptType = 4;

		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.5f);
	} else if (type == "LaserCannon") {
		// CLaserProjectile
		defInterceptType = 2;

		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.7f);
		collisionSize = wdTable.GetFloat("collisionSize", 0.5f);
	} else if (type == "BeamLaser") {
		defInterceptType = 2;

		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.7f);
	} else if (type == "LightningCannon") {
		defInterceptType = 64;

		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.5f);
	} else if (type == "EmgCannon") {
		// CEmgProjectile
		projectileType = WEAPON_EMG_PROJECTILE;
		defInterceptType = 1;

		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.5f);
		size = wdTable.GetFloat("size", 3.0f);
	} else if (type == "TorpedoLauncher") {
		// WeaponLoader will create either BombDropper with dropTorpedoes = true
		// (owner->unitDef->canfly && !weaponDef->submissile) or TorpedoLauncher
		// (both types of weapons will spawn TorpedoProjectile's)
		defInterceptType = 32;

		waterweapon = true;
	} else if (type == "DGun") {
		// CFireBallProjectile

		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.5f);
		collisionSize = wdTable.GetFloat("collisionSize", 10.0f);
	} else if (type == "StarburstLauncher") {
		// CStarburstProjectile
		defInterceptType = 4;

		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.7f);
	} else if (type == "AircraftBomb") {
		// WeaponLoader will create BombDropper with dropTorpedoes = false
		// BombDropper with dropTorpedoes=false spawns ExplosiveProjectile's
		defInterceptType = 8;

		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.9f);
	} else {
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.0f);

	interceptedByShieldType = wdTable.GetInt("interceptedByShieldType", defInterceptType);

	const std::string& colormap = wdTable.GetString("colormap", "");

	if (!colormap.empty()) {
		visuals.colorMap = CColorMap::LoadFromDefString(colormap);
	} else {
		visuals.colorMap = NULL;


	// custom parameters table

	// internal only
	isShield = (type == "Shield");
	noAutoTarget = (manualfire || interceptor || isShield);
	onlyForward = !turret && (type != "StarburstLauncher");
예제 #21
 * CArchiveScanner::ArchiveData
CArchiveScanner::ArchiveData::ArchiveData(const LuaTable& archiveTable)
	if (!archiveTable.IsValid()) {

	std::vector<std::string> keys;
	if (!archiveTable.GetKeys(keys)) {

	std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator key;
	for (key = keys.begin(); key != keys.end(); ++key) {
		const std::string& keyLower = StringToLower(*key);
		if (!ArchiveData::IsReservedKey(keyLower)) {
			if (keyLower == "modtype") {
				SetInfoItemValueInteger(*key, archiveTable.GetInt(*key, 0));
			const int luaType = archiveTable.GetType(*key);
			switch (luaType) {
				case LuaTable::STRING: {
					SetInfoItemValueString(*key, archiveTable.GetString(*key, ""));
				} break;
				case LuaTable::NUMBER: {
					SetInfoItemValueFloat(*key, archiveTable.GetFloat(*key, 0.0f));
				} break;
				case LuaTable::BOOLEAN: {
					SetInfoItemValueBool(*key, archiveTable.GetBool(*key, false));
				} break;
				default: {
					// just ignore unsupported types (most likely to be lua-tables)
					//throw content_error("Lua-type " + IntToString(luaType) + " not supported in archive-info, but it is used on key \"" + *key + "\"");
				} break;

	const LuaTable _dependencies = archiveTable.SubTable("depend");
	for (int dep = 1; _dependencies.KeyExists(dep); ++dep) {
		dependencies.push_back(_dependencies.GetString(dep, ""));

	const LuaTable _replaces = archiveTable.SubTable("replace");
	for (int rep = 1; _replaces.KeyExists(rep); ++rep) {
		replaces.push_back(_replaces.GetString(rep, ""));

	//! FIXME
	//! XXX HACK needed until lobbies, lobbyserver and unitsync are sorted out
	//! so they can uniquely identify different versions of the same mod.
	//! (at time of this writing they use name only)

	//! NOTE when changing this, this function is used both by the code that
	//! reads ArchiveCache.lua and the code that reads modinfo.lua from the mod.
	//! so make sure it doesn't keep adding stuff to the name everytime
	//! Spring/unitsync is loaded.

	const std::string& name = GetName();
	const std::string& version = GetVersion();
	if ((name.find(version) == std::string::npos) && !version.empty()) {
		SetInfoItemValueString("name", name + " " + version);
예제 #22
파일: Sound.cpp 프로젝트: 304471720/spring
bool CSound::LoadSoundDefsImpl(const std::string& fileName)
	//! can be called from LuaUnsyncedCtrl too
	boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lck(soundMutex);

	LuaParser parser(fileName, SPRING_VFS_MOD, SPRING_VFS_ZIP);
	if (!parser.IsValid())
		LOG_L(L_WARNING, "Could not load %s: %s",
				fileName.c_str(), parser.GetErrorLog().c_str());
		return false;
		const LuaTable soundRoot = parser.GetRoot();
		const LuaTable soundItemTable = soundRoot.SubTable("SoundItems");
		if (!soundItemTable.IsValid())
			LOG_L(L_WARNING, "CSound(): could not parse SoundItems table in %s", fileName.c_str());
			return false;
			std::vector<std::string> keys;
			for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it)
				std::string name(*it);

				soundItemDef bufmap;
				const LuaTable buf(soundItemTable.SubTable(name));
				bufmap["name"] = name;
				soundItemDefMap::const_iterator sit = soundItemDefs.find(name);

				if (name == "default") {
					defaultItem = bufmap;
					defaultItem.erase("name"); //must be empty for default item

				if (sit != soundItemDefs.end())
					LOG_L(L_WARNING, "Sound %s gets overwritten by %s", name.c_str(), fileName.c_str());

				if (!buf.KeyExists("file")) {
					// no file, drop
					LOG_L(L_WARNING, "Sound %s is missing file tag (ignoring)", name.c_str());
				} else {
					soundItemDefs[name] = bufmap;

				if (buf.KeyExists("preload")) {
			LOG(" parsed %i sounds from %s", (int)keys.size(), fileName.c_str());

	//FIXME why do sounds w/o an own soundItemDef create (!=pointer) a new one from the defaultItem?
	for (soundItemDefMap::iterator it = soundItemDefs.begin(); it != soundItemDefs.end(); ++it) {
		soundItemDef& snddef = it->second;
		if (snddef.find("name") == snddef.end()) {
			// uses defaultItem! update it!
			const std::string file = snddef["file"];
			snddef = defaultItem;
			snddef["file"] = file;

	return true;
예제 #23
void CUnitDefHandler::ParseUnitDefTable(const LuaTable& udTable, const string& unitName, int id)
	UnitDef& ud = unitDefs[id];

	// allocate and fill ud->unitImage
	ud.buildPicName = udTable.GetString("buildPic", "");

	ud.humanName = udTable.GetString("name", "");

	if (ud.humanName.empty()) {
		const string errmsg = "missing 'name' parameter for the " + unitName + " unitdef";
		throw content_error(errmsg);
	ud.filename  = udTable.GetString("filename", "");
	if (ud.filename.empty()) {
		const string errmsg = "missing 'filename' parameter for the" + unitName + " unitdef";
		throw content_error(errmsg);
	ud.tooltip = udTable.GetString("description", ud.name);

	const string decoy = udTable.GetString("decoyFor", "");
	if (!decoy.empty()) {
		decoyNameMap[ud.name] = StringToLower(decoy);

	ud.gaia = udTable.GetString("gaia", "");

	ud.isCommander = udTable.GetBool("commander", false);

	if (ud.isCommander && gameSetup) {
		ud.metalStorage  = udTable.GetFloat("metalStorage",  gameSetup->startMetal);
		ud.energyStorage = udTable.GetFloat("energyStorage", gameSetup->startEnergy);
	} else {
		ud.metalStorage  = udTable.GetFloat("metalStorage",  0.0f);
		ud.energyStorage = udTable.GetFloat("energyStorage", 0.0f);

	ud.extractsMetal  = udTable.GetFloat("extractsMetal",  0.0f);
	ud.windGenerator  = udTable.GetFloat("windGenerator",  0.0f);
	ud.tidalGenerator = udTable.GetFloat("tidalGenerator", 0.0f);

	ud.metalUpkeep  = udTable.GetFloat("metalUse",   0.0f);
	ud.energyUpkeep = udTable.GetFloat("energyUse",  0.0f);
	ud.metalMake    = udTable.GetFloat("metalMake",  0.0f);
	ud.makesMetal   = udTable.GetFloat("makesMetal", 0.0f);
	ud.energyMake   = udTable.GetFloat("energyMake", 0.0f);

	ud.health       = udTable.GetFloat("maxDamage",  0.0f);
	ud.autoHeal     = udTable.GetFloat("autoHeal",      0.0f) * (16.0f / GAME_SPEED);
	ud.idleAutoHeal = udTable.GetFloat("idleAutoHeal", 10.0f) * (16.0f / GAME_SPEED);
	ud.idleTime     = udTable.GetInt("idleTime", 600);

	ud.buildangle = udTable.GetInt("buildAngle", 0);

	ud.isMetalMaker = (ud.makesMetal >= 1 && ud.energyUpkeep > ud.makesMetal * 40);

	ud.controlRadius = 32;
	ud.losHeight = 20;
	ud.metalCost = udTable.GetFloat("buildCostMetal", 0.0f);
	if (ud.metalCost < 1.0f) {
		ud.metalCost = 1.0f; //avoid some nasty divide by 0 etc
	ud.mass = udTable.GetFloat("mass", 0.0f);
	if (ud.mass <= 0.0f) {
	ud.energyCost = udTable.GetFloat("buildCostEnergy", 0.0f);
	ud.buildTime = udTable.GetFloat("buildTime", 0.0f);
	if (ud.buildTime < 1.0f) {
		ud.buildTime = 1.0f; //avoid some nasty divide by 0 etc

	ud.aihint = id; // FIXME? (as noted in SelectedUnits.cpp, aihint is ignored)
	ud.cobID = udTable.GetInt("cobID", -1);

	ud.losRadius = udTable.GetFloat("sightDistance", 0.0f) * modInfo.losMul / (SQUARE_SIZE * (1 << modInfo.losMipLevel));
	ud.airLosRadius = udTable.GetFloat("airSightDistance", -1.0f);
	if (ud.airLosRadius == -1.0f) {
		ud.airLosRadius=udTable.GetFloat("sightDistance", 0.0f) * modInfo.airLosMul * 1.5f / (SQUARE_SIZE * (1 << modInfo.airMipLevel));
	} else {
		ud.airLosRadius = ud.airLosRadius * modInfo.airLosMul / (SQUARE_SIZE * (1 << modInfo.airMipLevel));

	ud.canSubmerge = udTable.GetBool("canSubmerge", false);
	ud.canfly      = udTable.GetBool("canFly",      false);
	ud.canmove     = udTable.GetBool("canMove",     false);
	ud.reclaimable = udTable.GetBool("reclaimable", true);
	ud.capturable  = udTable.GetBool("capturable",  true);
	ud.repairable  = udTable.GetBool("repairable",  true);
	ud.canAttack   = udTable.GetBool("canAttack",   true);
	ud.canFight    = udTable.GetBool("canFight",    true);
	ud.canPatrol   = udTable.GetBool("canPatrol",   true);
	ud.canGuard    = udTable.GetBool("canGuard",    true);
	ud.canRepeat   = udTable.GetBool("canRepeat",   true);

	ud.builder = udTable.GetBool("builder", true);

	ud.canRestore = udTable.GetBool("canRestore", ud.builder);
	ud.canRepair  = udTable.GetBool("canRepair",  ud.builder);
	ud.canReclaim = udTable.GetBool("canReclaim", ud.builder);
	ud.canAssist  = udTable.GetBool("canAssist",  ud.builder);

	ud.canBeAssisted = udTable.GetBool("canBeAssisted", true);
	ud.canSelfRepair = udTable.GetBool("canSelfRepair", false);
	ud.fullHealthFactory = udTable.GetBool("fullHealthFactory", false);
	ud.factoryHeadingTakeoff = udTable.GetBool("factoryHeadingTakeoff", true);

	ud.upright = udTable.GetBool("upright", false);
	ud.collide = udTable.GetBool("collide", true);
	ud.onoffable = udTable.GetBool("onoffable", false);

	ud.maxSlope = udTable.GetFloat("maxSlope", 0.0f);
	ud.maxHeightDif = 40 * tan(ud.maxSlope * (PI / 180));
	ud.maxSlope = cos(ud.maxSlope * (PI / 180));
	ud.minWaterDepth = udTable.GetFloat("minWaterDepth", -10e6f);
	ud.maxWaterDepth = udTable.GetFloat("maxWaterDepth", +10e6f);
	ud.minCollisionSpeed = udTable.GetFloat("minCollisionSpeed", 1.0f);
	ud.slideTolerance = udTable.GetFloat("slideTolerance", 0.0f); // disabled
	ud.pushResistant = udTable.GetBool("pushResistant", false);

	ud.waterline = udTable.GetFloat("waterline", 0.0f);
	if ((ud.waterline >= 5.0f) && ud.canmove) {
		// make subs travel at somewhat larger depths
		// to reduce vulnerability to surface weapons
		ud.waterline += 10.0f;

	ud.canSelfD = udTable.GetBool("canSelfDestruct", true);
	ud.selfDCountdown = udTable.GetInt("selfDestructCountdown", 5);

	ud.speed  = udTable.GetFloat("maxVelocity",  0.0f) * GAME_SPEED;
	ud.rSpeed = udTable.GetFloat("maxReverseVelocity", 0.0f) * GAME_SPEED;
	ud.speed  = fabs(ud.speed);
	ud.rSpeed = fabs(ud.rSpeed);

	ud.maxAcc = fabs(udTable.GetFloat("acceleration", 0.5f)); // no negative values
	ud.maxDec = fabs(udTable.GetFloat("brakeRate",    3.0f * ud.maxAcc)) * (ud.canfly? 0.1f: 1.0f); // no negative values

	ud.turnRate    = udTable.GetFloat("turnRate",     0.0f);
	ud.turnInPlace = udTable.GetBool( "turnInPlace",  true);
	ud.turnInPlaceDistance = udTable.GetFloat("turnInPlaceDistance", 350.f);
	ud.turnInPlaceSpeedLimit = udTable.GetFloat("turnInPlaceSpeedLimit", 15.f);

	const bool noAutoFire  = udTable.GetBool("noAutoFire",  false);
	ud.canFireControl = udTable.GetBool("canFireControl", !noAutoFire);
	ud.fireState = udTable.GetInt("fireState", ud.canFireControl ? -1 : 2);
	ud.fireState = std::min(ud.fireState,2);
	ud.moveState = udTable.GetInt("moveState", (ud.canmove && ud.speed>0.0f)  ? -1 : 1);
	ud.moveState = std::min(ud.moveState,2);

	ud.buildRange3D = udTable.GetBool("buildRange3D", false);
	ud.buildDistance = udTable.GetFloat("buildDistance", 128.0f);
	ud.buildDistance = std::max(128.0f, ud.buildDistance);
	ud.buildSpeed = udTable.GetFloat("workerTime", 0.0f);

	ud.repairSpeed    = udTable.GetFloat("repairSpeed",    ud.buildSpeed);
	ud.maxRepairSpeed = udTable.GetFloat("maxRepairSpeed", 1e20f);
	ud.reclaimSpeed   = udTable.GetFloat("reclaimSpeed",   ud.buildSpeed);
	ud.resurrectSpeed = udTable.GetFloat("resurrectSpeed", ud.buildSpeed);
	ud.captureSpeed   = udTable.GetFloat("captureSpeed",   ud.buildSpeed);
	ud.terraformSpeed = udTable.GetFloat("terraformSpeed", ud.buildSpeed);

	ud.flankingBonusMode = udTable.GetInt("flankingBonusMode", modInfo.flankingBonusModeDefault);
	ud.flankingBonusMax  = udTable.GetFloat("flankingBonusMax", 1.9f);
	ud.flankingBonusMin  = udTable.GetFloat("flankingBonusMin", 0.9);
	ud.flankingBonusDir  = udTable.GetFloat3("flankingBonusDir", float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
	ud.flankingBonusMobilityAdd = udTable.GetFloat("flankingBonusMobilityAdd", 0.01f);

	ud.armoredMultiple = udTable.GetFloat("damageModifier", 1.0f);
	ud.armorType = damageArrayHandler->GetTypeFromName(ud.name);

	ud.radarRadius    = udTable.GetInt("radarDistance",    0);
	ud.sonarRadius    = udTable.GetInt("sonarDistance",    0);
	ud.jammerRadius   = udTable.GetInt("radarDistanceJam", 0);
	ud.sonarJamRadius = udTable.GetInt("sonarDistanceJam", 0);

	ud.stealth        = udTable.GetBool("stealth",            false);
	ud.sonarStealth   = udTable.GetBool("sonarStealth",       false);
	ud.targfac        = udTable.GetBool("isTargetingUpgrade", false);
	ud.isFeature      = udTable.GetBool("isFeature",          false);
	ud.canResurrect   = udTable.GetBool("canResurrect",       false);
	ud.canCapture     = udTable.GetBool("canCapture",         false);
	ud.hideDamage     = udTable.GetBool("hideDamage",         false);
	ud.showPlayerName = udTable.GetBool("showPlayerName",     false);

	ud.cloakCost = udTable.GetFloat("cloakCost", -1.0f);
	ud.cloakCostMoving = udTable.GetFloat("cloakCostMoving", -1.0f);
	if (ud.cloakCostMoving < 0) {
		ud.cloakCostMoving = ud.cloakCost;
	ud.canCloak = (ud.cloakCost >= 0);

	ud.startCloaked     = udTable.GetBool("initCloaked", false);
	ud.decloakDistance  = udTable.GetFloat("minCloakDistance", 0.0f);
	ud.decloakSpherical = udTable.GetBool("decloakSpherical", true);
	ud.decloakOnFire    = udTable.GetBool("decloakOnFire",    true);

	ud.highTrajectoryType = udTable.GetInt("highTrajectory", 0);

	ud.canKamikaze = udTable.GetBool("kamikaze", false);
	ud.kamikazeDist = udTable.GetFloat("kamikazeDistance", -25.0f) + 25.0f; //we count 3d distance while ta count 2d distance so increase slightly

	ud.showNanoFrame = udTable.GetBool("showNanoFrame", true);
	ud.showNanoSpray = udTable.GetBool("showNanoSpray", true);
	ud.nanoColor = udTable.GetFloat3("nanoColor", float3(0.2f,0.7f,0.2f));

	ud.canhover = udTable.GetBool("canHover", false);

	ud.floater = udTable.GetBool("floater", udTable.KeyExists("WaterLine"));

	ud.builder = udTable.GetBool("builder", false);
	if (ud.builder && !ud.buildSpeed) { // core anti is flagged as builder for some reason
		ud.builder = false;

	ud.airStrafe     = udTable.GetBool("airStrafe", true);
	ud.hoverAttack   = udTable.GetBool("hoverAttack", false);
	ud.wantedHeight  = udTable.GetFloat("cruiseAlt", 0.0f);
	ud.dlHoverFactor = udTable.GetFloat("airHoverFactor", -1.0f);
	ud.bankingAllowed = udTable.GetBool("bankingAllowed", true);

	ud.transportSize     = udTable.GetInt("transportSize",      0);
	ud.minTransportSize  = udTable.GetInt("minTransportSize",   0);
	ud.transportCapacity = udTable.GetInt("transportCapacity",  0);
	ud.isFirePlatform    = udTable.GetBool("isFirePlatform",    false);
	ud.isAirBase         = udTable.GetBool("isAirBase",         false);
	ud.loadingRadius     = udTable.GetFloat("loadingRadius",    220.0f);
	ud.unloadSpread      = udTable.GetFloat("unloadSpread",     1.0f);
	ud.transportMass     = udTable.GetFloat("transportMass",    100000.0f);
	ud.minTransportMass  = udTable.GetFloat("minTransportMass", 0.0f);
	ud.holdSteady        = udTable.GetBool("holdSteady",        true);
	ud.releaseHeld       = udTable.GetBool("releaseHeld",       false);
	ud.cantBeTransported = udTable.GetBool("cantBeTransported", false);
	ud.transportByEnemy  = udTable.GetBool("transportByEnemy",  true);
	ud.fallSpeed         = udTable.GetFloat("fallSpeed",    0.2);
	ud.unitFallSpeed     = udTable.GetFloat("unitFallSpeed",  0);
	ud.transportUnloadMethod	= udTable.GetInt("transportUnloadMethod" , 0);

	// modrules transport settings
	if ((!modInfo.transportAir    && ud.canfly)   ||
	    (!modInfo.transportShip   && ud.floater)  ||
	    (!modInfo.transportHover  && ud.canhover) ||
	    (!modInfo.transportGround && !ud.canhover && !ud.floater && !ud.canfly)) {
 		ud.cantBeTransported = true;

	ud.wingDrag     = udTable.GetFloat("wingDrag",     0.07f);  // drag caused by wings
	ud.wingDrag = std::min(1.0f, std::max(0.0f, ud.wingDrag));
	ud.wingAngle    = udTable.GetFloat("wingAngle",    0.08f);  // angle between front and the wing plane
	ud.frontToSpeed = udTable.GetFloat("frontToSpeed", 0.1f);   // fudge factor for lining up speed and front of plane
	ud.speedToFront = udTable.GetFloat("speedToFront", 0.07f);  // fudge factor for lining up speed and front of plane
	ud.myGravity    = udTable.GetFloat("myGravity",    0.4f);   // planes are slower than real airplanes so lower gravity to compensate
	ud.crashDrag    = udTable.GetFloat("crashDrag",0.005f);     // drag used when crashing
	ud.crashDrag = std::min(1.0f, std::max(0.0f, ud.crashDrag));

	ud.maxBank = udTable.GetFloat("maxBank", 0.8f);         // max roll
	ud.maxPitch = udTable.GetFloat("maxPitch", 0.45f);      // max pitch this plane tries to keep
	ud.turnRadius = udTable.GetFloat("turnRadius", 500.0f); // hint to the ai about how large turn radius this plane needs
	ud.verticalSpeed = udTable.GetFloat("verticalSpeed", 3.0f); // speed of takeoff and landing, at least for gunships

	ud.maxAileron  = udTable.GetFloat("maxAileron",  0.015f); // turn speed around roll axis
	ud.maxElevator = udTable.GetFloat("maxElevator", 0.01f);  // turn speed around pitch axis
	ud.maxRudder   = udTable.GetFloat("maxRudder",   0.004f); // turn speed around yaw axis

	ud.maxFuel = udTable.GetFloat("maxFuel", 0.0f); //max flight time in seconds before aircraft must return to base
	ud.refuelTime = udTable.GetFloat("refuelTime", 5.0f);
	ud.minAirBasePower = udTable.GetFloat("minAirBasePower", 0.0f);
	ud.maxThisUnit = udTable.GetInt("unitRestricted", MAX_UNITS);

	string lname = StringToLower(ud.name);

	if (gameSetup->restrictedUnits.find(lname) != gameSetup->restrictedUnits.end()) {
		ud.maxThisUnit = std::min(ud.maxThisUnit, gameSetup->restrictedUnits.find(lname)->second);

	ud.categoryString = udTable.GetString("category", "");
	ud.category = CCategoryHandler::Instance()->GetCategories(udTable.GetString("category", ""));
	ud.noChaseCategory = CCategoryHandler::Instance()->GetCategories(udTable.GetString("noChaseCategory", ""));
//	logOutput.Print("Unit %s has cat %i",ud.humanName.c_str(),ud.category);

	const string iconName = udTable.GetString("iconType", "default");
	ud.iconType = iconHandler->GetIcon(iconName);

	ud.shieldWeaponDef    = NULL;
	ud.stockpileWeaponDef = NULL;

	ud.maxWeaponRange = 0.0f;
	ud.maxCoverage = 0.0f;

	const WeaponDef* noWeaponDef = weaponDefHandler->GetWeapon("NOWEAPON");

	LuaTable weaponsTable = udTable.SubTable("weapons");
	for (int w = 0; w < COB_MaxWeapons; w++) {
		LuaTable wTable;
		string name = weaponsTable.GetString(w + 1, "");
		if (name.empty()) {
			wTable = weaponsTable.SubTable(w + 1);
			name = wTable.GetString("name", "");
		const WeaponDef* wd = NULL;
		if (!name.empty()) {
			wd = weaponDefHandler->GetWeapon(name);
		if (wd == NULL) {
			if (w <= 3) {
				continue; // allow empty weapons among the first 3
			} else {

		while (ud.weapons.size() < w) {
			if (!noWeaponDef) {
				logOutput.Print("Error: Spring requires a NOWEAPON weapon type "
				                "to be present as a placeholder for missing weapons");
			} else {
				ud.weapons.back().def = noWeaponDef;

		const string badTarget = wTable.GetString("badTargetCategory", "");
		unsigned int btc = CCategoryHandler::Instance()->GetCategories(badTarget);

		const string onlyTarget = wTable.GetString("onlyTargetCategory", "");
		unsigned int otc;
		if (onlyTarget.empty()) {
			otc = 0xffffffff;
		} else {
			otc = CCategoryHandler::Instance()->GetCategories(onlyTarget);

		const unsigned int slaveTo = wTable.GetInt("slaveTo", 0);

		float3 mainDir = wTable.GetFloat3("mainDir", float3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

		const float angleDif = cos(wTable.GetFloat("maxAngleDif", 360.0f) * (PI / 360.0f));

		const float fuelUse = wTable.GetFloat("fuelUsage", 0.0f);

		ud.weapons.push_back(UnitDef::UnitDefWeapon(name, wd, slaveTo, mainDir,
		                                            angleDif, btc, otc, fuelUse));

		if (wd->range > ud.maxWeaponRange) {
			ud.maxWeaponRange = wd->range;
		if (wd->interceptor && wd->coverageRange > ud.maxCoverage) {
			ud.maxCoverage = wd->coverageRange;
		if (wd->isShield) {
			if (!ud.shieldWeaponDef || // use the biggest shield
			    (ud.shieldWeaponDef->shieldRadius < wd->shieldRadius)) {
				ud.shieldWeaponDef = wd;
		if (wd->stockpile) {
			// interceptors have priority
			if (wd->interceptor        ||
			    !ud.stockpileWeaponDef ||
			    !ud.stockpileWeaponDef->interceptor) {
				ud.stockpileWeaponDef = wd;

	ud.canDGun = udTable.GetBool("canDGun", false);

	string TEDClass = udTable.GetString("TEDClass", "0");
	ud.TEDClassString = TEDClass;

	ud.extractRange = 0.0f;
	ud.extractSquare = udTable.GetBool("extractSquare", false);

	if (ud.extractsMetal) {
		ud.extractRange = mapInfo->map.extractorRadius;
		ud.type = "MetalExtractor";
	else if (ud.transportCapacity) {
		ud.type = "Transport";
	else if (ud.builder) {
		if (TEDClass != "PLANT") {
			ud.type = "Builder";
		} else {
			ud.type = "Factory";
	else if (ud.canfly && !ud.hoverAttack) {
		if (!ud.weapons.empty() && (ud.weapons[0].def != 0) &&
		   (ud.weapons[0].def->type=="AircraftBomb" || ud.weapons[0].def->type=="TorpedoLauncher")) {
			ud.type = "Bomber";
			if (ud.turnRadius == 500) { // only reset it if user hasnt set it explicitly
				ud.turnRadius = 1000;     // hint to the ai about how large turn radius this plane needs
		} else {
			ud.type = "Fighter";
		ud.maxAcc = udTable.GetFloat("maxAcc", 0.065f); // engine power
	else if (ud.canmove) {
		ud.type = "GroundUnit";
	else {
		ud.type = "Building";

	ud.movedata = 0;
	if (ud.canmove && !ud.canfly && (ud.type != "Factory")) {
		string moveclass = StringToLower(udTable.GetString("movementClass", ""));
		ud.movedata = moveinfo->GetMoveDataFromName(moveclass);

		if (!ud.movedata) {
			const string errmsg = "WARNING: Couldn't find a MoveClass named " + moveclass + " (used in UnitDef: " + unitName + ")";
			// remove the UnitDef
			throw content_error(errmsg);

		if ((ud.movedata->moveType == MoveData::Hover_Move) ||
		    (ud.movedata->moveType == MoveData::Ship_Move)) {
			ud.upright = true;
		if (ud.canhover) {
			if (ud.movedata->moveType != MoveData::Hover_Move) {
				logOutput.Print("Inconsistent movedata %i for %s (moveclass %s): canhover, but not a hovercraft movetype",
				     ud.movedata->pathType, ud.name.c_str(), moveclass.c_str());
		} else if (ud.floater) {
			if (ud.movedata->moveType != MoveData::Ship_Move) {
				logOutput.Print("Inconsistent movedata %i for %s (moveclass %s): floater, but not a ship movetype",
				     ud.movedata->pathType, ud.name.c_str(), moveclass.c_str());
		} else {
			if (ud.movedata->moveType != MoveData::Ground_Move) {
				logOutput.Print("Inconsistent movedata %i for %s (moveclass %s): neither canhover nor floater, but not a ground movetype",
				     ud.movedata->pathType, ud.name.c_str(), moveclass.c_str());

	if ((ud.maxAcc != 0) && (ud.speed != 0)) {
		//meant to set the drag such that the maxspeed becomes what it should be
		ud.drag = 1.0f / (ud.speed/GAME_SPEED * 1.1f / ud.maxAcc)
		          - (ud.wingAngle * ud.wingAngle * ud.wingDrag);
		ud.drag = std::min(1.0f, std::max(0.0f, ud.drag));
	} else {
		//shouldn't be needed since drag is only used in CAirMoveType anyway,
		//and aircraft without acceleration or speed aren't common :)
		//initializing it anyway just for safety
		ud.drag = 0.005f;

	std::string objectname = udTable.GetString("objectName", "");
	if (objectname.find(".") == std::string::npos) {
		objectname += ".3do";
	ud.modelDef.modelpath = "objects3d/" + objectname;
	ud.modelDef.modelname = objectname;

	ud.scriptName = udTable.GetString("script", unitName + ".cob");
	ud.scriptPath = "scripts/" + ud.scriptName;

	ud.wreckName = udTable.GetString("corpse", "");
	ud.deathExplosion = udTable.GetString("explodeAs", "");
	ud.selfDExplosion = udTable.GetString("selfDestructAs", "");

	ud.power = udTable.GetFloat("power", (ud.metalCost + (ud.energyCost / 60.0f)));

	// Prevent a division by zero in experience calculations.
	if (ud.power < 1.0e-3f) {
		logOutput.Print("Unit %s is really cheap? %f", ud.humanName.c_str(), ud.power);
		logOutput.Print("This can cause a division by zero in experience calculations.");
		ud.power = 1.0e-3f;

	ud.activateWhenBuilt = udTable.GetBool("activateWhenBuilt", false);

	// TA has only half our res so multiply size with 2
	ud.xsize = udTable.GetInt("footprintX", 1) * 2;
	ud.zsize = udTable.GetInt("footprintZ", 1) * 2;

	ud.needGeo = false;
	if ((ud.type == "Building") || (ud.type == "Factory")) {
		CreateYardMap(&ud, udTable.GetString("yardMap", "c"));
	} else {
		for (int u = 0; u < 4; u++) {
			ud.yardmaps[u] = 0;

	ud.leaveTracks   = udTable.GetBool("leaveTracks", false);
	ud.trackWidth    = udTable.GetFloat("trackWidth",   32.0f);
	ud.trackOffset   = udTable.GetFloat("trackOffset",   0.0f);
	ud.trackStrength = udTable.GetFloat("trackStrength", 0.0f);
	ud.trackStretch  = udTable.GetFloat("trackStretch",  1.0f);
	if (ud.leaveTracks && groundDecals) {
		ud.trackType = groundDecals->GetTrackType(udTable.GetString("trackType", "StdTank"));

	ud.useBuildingGroundDecal = udTable.GetBool("useBuildingGroundDecal", false);
	ud.buildingDecalSizeX = udTable.GetInt("buildingGroundDecalSizeX", 4);
	ud.buildingDecalSizeY = udTable.GetInt("buildingGroundDecalSizeY", 4);
	ud.buildingDecalDecaySpeed = udTable.GetFloat("buildingGroundDecalDecaySpeed", 0.1f);
	if (ud.useBuildingGroundDecal && groundDecals) {
		ud.buildingDecalType = groundDecals->GetBuildingDecalType(udTable.GetString("buildingGroundDecalType", ""));

	ud.canDropFlare    = udTable.GetBool("canDropFlare", false);
	ud.flareReloadTime = udTable.GetFloat("flareReload",     5.0f);
	ud.flareDelay      = udTable.GetFloat("flareDelay",      0.3f);
	ud.flareEfficiency = udTable.GetFloat("flareEfficiency", 0.5f);
	ud.flareDropVector = udTable.GetFloat3("flareDropVector", ZeroVector);
	ud.flareTime       = udTable.GetInt("flareTime", 3) * GAME_SPEED;
	ud.flareSalvoSize  = udTable.GetInt("flareSalvoSize",  4);
	ud.flareSalvoDelay = udTable.GetInt("flareSalvoDelay", 0) * GAME_SPEED;

	ud.smoothAnim = udTable.GetBool("smoothAnim", false);
	ud.canLoopbackAttack = udTable.GetBool("canLoopbackAttack", false);
	ud.canCrash = udTable.GetBool("canCrash", true);
	ud.levelGround = udTable.GetBool("levelGround", true);
	ud.strafeToAttack = udTable.GetBool("strafeToAttack", false);

	ud.modelCenterOffset = udTable.GetFloat3("modelCenterOffset", ZeroVector);

	ud.collisionVolumeTypeStr   = udTable.GetString("collisionVolumeType", "");
	ud.collisionVolumeScales    = udTable.GetFloat3("collisionVolumeScales", ZeroVector);
	ud.collisionVolumeOffsets   = udTable.GetFloat3("collisionVolumeOffsets", ZeroVector);
	ud.collisionVolumeTest      = udTable.GetInt("collisionVolumeTest", COLVOL_TEST_DISC);
	ud.usePieceCollisionVolumes = udTable.GetBool("usePieceCollisionVolumes", false);

	// initialize the (per-unitdef) collision-volume
	// all CUnit instances hold a copy of this object
	ud.collisionVolume = new CollisionVolume(

	if (ud.usePieceCollisionVolumes) {

	ud.seismicRadius    = udTable.GetInt("seismicDistance", 0);
	ud.seismicSignature = udTable.GetFloat("seismicSignature", -1.0f);
	if (ud.seismicSignature == -1.0f) {
		if (!ud.floater && !ud.canhover && !ud.canfly) {
			ud.seismicSignature = sqrt(ud.mass / 100.0f);
		} else {
			ud.seismicSignature = 0.0f;

	LuaTable buildsTable = udTable.SubTable("buildOptions");
	if (buildsTable.IsValid()) {
		for (int bo = 1; true; bo++) {
			const string order = buildsTable.GetString(bo, "");
			if (order.empty()) {
			ud.buildOptions[bo] = order;

	LuaTable sfxTable = udTable.SubTable("SFXTypes");
	LuaTable expTable = sfxTable.SubTable("explosionGenerators");
	for (int expNum = 1; expNum <= 1024; expNum++) {
		string expsfx = expTable.GetString(expNum, "");
		if (expsfx == "") {
		} else {

	// we use range in a modulo operation, so it needs to be >= 1
	ud.pieceTrailCEGTag = udTable.GetString("pieceTrailCEGTag", "");
	ud.pieceTrailCEGRange = udTable.GetInt("pieceTrailCEGRange", 1);
	ud.pieceTrailCEGRange = std::max(ud.pieceTrailCEGRange, 1);

	LuaTable soundsTable = udTable.SubTable("sounds");

	LoadSounds(soundsTable, ud.sounds.ok,          "ok");      // eg. "ok1", "ok2", ...
	LoadSounds(soundsTable, ud.sounds.select,      "select");  // eg. "select1", "select2", ...
	LoadSounds(soundsTable, ud.sounds.arrived,     "arrived"); // eg. "arrived1", "arrived2", ...
	LoadSounds(soundsTable, ud.sounds.build,       "build");
	LoadSounds(soundsTable, ud.sounds.activate,    "activate");
	LoadSounds(soundsTable, ud.sounds.deactivate,  "deactivate");
	LoadSounds(soundsTable, ud.sounds.cant,        "cant");
	LoadSounds(soundsTable, ud.sounds.underattack, "underattack");

	// custom parameters table
예제 #24
UnitDef::UnitDef(const LuaTable& udTable, const std::string& unitName, int id)
: name(unitName)
, id(id)
, collisionVolume(NULL)
, decoyDef(NULL)
, techLevel(-1)
, buildPic(NULL)
, buildangle(0)
	humanName = udTable.GetString("name", "");
	if (humanName.empty()) {
		const string errmsg = "missing 'name' parameter for the " + unitName + " unitdef";
		throw content_error(errmsg);
	filename  = udTable.GetString("filename", "");
	if (filename.empty()) {
		const string errmsg = "missing 'filename' parameter for the" + unitName + " unitdef";
		throw content_error(errmsg);
	tooltip = udTable.GetString("description", name);
	buildPicName = udTable.GetString("buildPic", "");

	decoyName = udTable.GetString("decoyFor", "");
	gaia = udTable.GetString("gaia", "");

	isCommander = udTable.GetBool("commander", false);

	metalStorage  = udTable.GetFloat("metalStorage",  0.0f);
	energyStorage = udTable.GetFloat("energyStorage", 0.0f);

	extractsMetal  = udTable.GetFloat("extractsMetal",  0.0f);
	windGenerator  = udTable.GetFloat("windGenerator",  0.0f);
	tidalGenerator = udTable.GetFloat("tidalGenerator", 0.0f);

	metalUpkeep  = udTable.GetFloat("metalUse",   0.0f);
	energyUpkeep = udTable.GetFloat("energyUse",  0.0f);
	metalMake    = udTable.GetFloat("metalMake",  0.0f);
	makesMetal   = udTable.GetFloat("makesMetal", 0.0f);
	energyMake   = udTable.GetFloat("energyMake", 0.0f);

	health       = udTable.GetFloat("maxDamage",  0.0f);
	autoHeal     = udTable.GetFloat("autoHeal",      0.0f) * (16.0f / GAME_SPEED);
	idleAutoHeal = udTable.GetFloat("idleAutoHeal", 10.0f) * (16.0f / GAME_SPEED);
	idleTime     = udTable.GetInt("idleTime", 600);

	buildangle = udTable.GetInt("buildAngle", 0);

	losHeight = 20;
	metalCost = udTable.GetFloat("buildCostMetal", 0.0f);
	if (metalCost < 1.0f) {
		metalCost = 1.0f; //avoid some nasty divide by 0 etc
	mass = udTable.GetFloat("mass", 0.0f);
	if (mass <= 0.0f) {
		mass = metalCost;
	energyCost = udTable.GetFloat("buildCostEnergy", 0.0f);
	buildTime = udTable.GetFloat("buildTime", 0.0f);
	if (buildTime < 1.0f) {
		buildTime = 1.0f; //avoid some nasty divide by 0 etc

	aihint = id; // FIXME? (as noted in SelectedUnits.cpp, aihint is ignored)
	cobID = udTable.GetInt("cobID", -1);

	losRadius = udTable.GetFloat("sightDistance", 0.0f) * modInfo.losMul / (SQUARE_SIZE * (1 << modInfo.losMipLevel));
	airLosRadius = udTable.GetFloat("airSightDistance", -1.0f);
	if (airLosRadius == -1.0f) {
		airLosRadius = udTable.GetFloat("sightDistance", 0.0f) * modInfo.airLosMul * 1.5f / (SQUARE_SIZE * (1 << modInfo.airMipLevel));
	} else {
		airLosRadius = airLosRadius * modInfo.airLosMul / (SQUARE_SIZE * (1 << modInfo.airMipLevel));

	canSubmerge = udTable.GetBool("canSubmerge", false);
	canfly      = udTable.GetBool("canFly",      false);
	canmove     = udTable.GetBool("canMove",     false);
	reclaimable = udTable.GetBool("reclaimable", true);
	capturable  = udTable.GetBool("capturable",  true);
	repairable  = udTable.GetBool("repairable",  true);
	canAttack   = udTable.GetBool("canAttack",   true);
	canFight    = udTable.GetBool("canFight",    true);
	canPatrol   = udTable.GetBool("canPatrol",   true);
	canGuard    = udTable.GetBool("canGuard",    true);
	canRepeat   = udTable.GetBool("canRepeat",   true);

	builder = udTable.GetBool("builder", false);

	canRestore = udTable.GetBool("canRestore", builder);
	canRepair  = udTable.GetBool("canRepair",  builder);
	canReclaim = udTable.GetBool("canReclaim", builder);
	canAssist  = udTable.GetBool("canAssist",  builder);

	canBeAssisted = udTable.GetBool("canBeAssisted", true);
	canSelfRepair = udTable.GetBool("canSelfRepair", false);
	fullHealthFactory = udTable.GetBool("fullHealthFactory", false);
	factoryHeadingTakeoff = udTable.GetBool("factoryHeadingTakeoff", true);

	upright = udTable.GetBool("upright", false);
	collide = udTable.GetBool("collide", true);
	onoffable = udTable.GetBool("onoffable", false);

	maxSlope = Clamp(udTable.GetFloat("maxSlope", 0.0f), 0.0f, 89.0f);
	maxHeightDif = 40 * tan(maxSlope * (PI / 180));
	maxSlope = cos(maxSlope * (PI / 180));
	minWaterDepth = udTable.GetFloat("minWaterDepth", -10e6f);
	maxWaterDepth = udTable.GetFloat("maxWaterDepth", +10e6f);
	minCollisionSpeed = udTable.GetFloat("minCollisionSpeed", 1.0f);
	slideTolerance = udTable.GetFloat("slideTolerance", 0.0f); // disabled
	pushResistant = udTable.GetBool("pushResistant", false);

	waterline = udTable.GetFloat("waterline", 0.0f);
	if ((waterline >= 5.0f) && canmove) {
		// make subs travel at somewhat larger depths
		// to reduce vulnerability to surface weapons
		waterline += 10.0f;

	canSelfD = udTable.GetBool("canSelfDestruct", true);
	selfDCountdown = udTable.GetInt("selfDestructCountdown", 5);

	speed  = udTable.GetFloat("maxVelocity",  0.0f) * GAME_SPEED;
	rSpeed = udTable.GetFloat("maxReverseVelocity", 0.0f) * GAME_SPEED;
	speed  = fabs(speed);
	rSpeed = fabs(rSpeed);

	maxAcc = fabs(udTable.GetFloat("acceleration", 0.5f)); // no negative values
	maxDec = fabs(udTable.GetFloat("brakeRate",    3.0f * maxAcc)) * (canfly? 0.1f: 1.0f); // no negative values

	turnRate    = udTable.GetFloat("turnRate",     0.0f);
	turnInPlace = udTable.GetBool( "turnInPlace",  true);
	turnInPlaceDistance = udTable.GetFloat("turnInPlaceDistance", 350.f);
	turnInPlaceSpeedLimit = udTable.GetFloat("turnInPlaceSpeedLimit", (speed / GAME_SPEED) * 0.2f);

	const bool noAutoFire  = udTable.GetBool("noAutoFire",  false);
	canFireControl = udTable.GetBool("canFireControl", !noAutoFire);
	fireState = udTable.GetInt("fireState", canFireControl ? -1 : 2);
	fireState = std::min(fireState,2);
	moveState = udTable.GetInt("moveState", (canmove && speed>0.0f)  ? -1 : 1);
	moveState = std::min(moveState,2);

	buildRange3D = udTable.GetBool("buildRange3D", false);
	buildDistance = udTable.GetFloat("buildDistance", 128.0f);
	buildDistance = std::max(128.0f, buildDistance);
	buildSpeed = udTable.GetFloat("workerTime", 0.0f);

	repairSpeed    = udTable.GetFloat("repairSpeed",    buildSpeed);
	maxRepairSpeed = udTable.GetFloat("maxRepairSpeed", 1e20f);
	reclaimSpeed   = udTable.GetFloat("reclaimSpeed",   buildSpeed);
	resurrectSpeed = udTable.GetFloat("resurrectSpeed", buildSpeed);
	captureSpeed   = udTable.GetFloat("captureSpeed",   buildSpeed);
	terraformSpeed = udTable.GetFloat("terraformSpeed", buildSpeed);

	flankingBonusMode = udTable.GetInt("flankingBonusMode", modInfo.flankingBonusModeDefault);
	flankingBonusMax  = udTable.GetFloat("flankingBonusMax", 1.9f);
	flankingBonusMin  = udTable.GetFloat("flankingBonusMin", 0.9);
	flankingBonusDir  = udTable.GetFloat3("flankingBonusDir", float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
	flankingBonusMobilityAdd = udTable.GetFloat("flankingBonusMobilityAdd", 0.01f);

	armoredMultiple = udTable.GetFloat("damageModifier", 1.0f);
	armorType = damageArrayHandler->GetTypeFromName(name);

	radarRadius    = udTable.GetInt("radarDistance",    0);
	sonarRadius    = udTable.GetInt("sonarDistance",    0);
	jammerRadius   = udTable.GetInt("radarDistanceJam", 0);
	sonarJamRadius = udTable.GetInt("sonarDistanceJam", 0);

	stealth        = udTable.GetBool("stealth",            false);
	sonarStealth   = udTable.GetBool("sonarStealth",       false);
	targfac        = udTable.GetBool("isTargetingUpgrade", false);
	isFeature      = udTable.GetBool("isFeature",          false);
	canResurrect   = udTable.GetBool("canResurrect",       false);
	canCapture     = udTable.GetBool("canCapture",         false);
	hideDamage     = udTable.GetBool("hideDamage",         false);
	showPlayerName = udTable.GetBool("showPlayerName",     false);

	cloakCost = udTable.GetFloat("cloakCost", -1.0f);
	cloakCostMoving = udTable.GetFloat("cloakCostMoving", -1.0f);
	if (cloakCostMoving < 0) {
		cloakCostMoving = cloakCost;
	canCloak = (cloakCost >= 0);

	startCloaked     = udTable.GetBool("initCloaked", false);
	decloakDistance  = udTable.GetFloat("minCloakDistance", 0.0f);
	decloakSpherical = udTable.GetBool("decloakSpherical", true);
	decloakOnFire    = udTable.GetBool("decloakOnFire",    true);
	cloakTimeout     = udTable.GetInt("cloakTimeout", 128);

	highTrajectoryType = udTable.GetInt("highTrajectory", 0);

	canKamikaze = udTable.GetBool("kamikaze", false);
	kamikazeDist = udTable.GetFloat("kamikazeDistance", -25.0f) + 25.0f; //we count 3d distance while ta count 2d distance so increase slightly
	kamikazeUseLOS = udTable.GetBool("kamikazeUseLOS", false);

	showNanoFrame = udTable.GetBool("showNanoFrame", true);
	showNanoSpray = udTable.GetBool("showNanoSpray", true);
	nanoColor = udTable.GetFloat3("nanoColor", float3(0.2f,0.7f,0.2f));

	canhover = udTable.GetBool("canHover", false);

	floater = udTable.GetBool("floater", udTable.KeyExists("WaterLine"));

	if (builder && !buildSpeed) { // core anti is flagged as builder for some reason
		builder = false;

	airStrafe      = udTable.GetBool("airStrafe", true);
	hoverAttack    = udTable.GetBool("hoverAttack", false);
	wantedHeight   = udTable.GetFloat("cruiseAlt", 0.0f);
	dlHoverFactor  = udTable.GetFloat("airHoverFactor", -1.0f);
	bankingAllowed = udTable.GetBool("bankingAllowed", true);
	useSmoothMesh  = udTable.GetBool("useSmoothMesh", true);

	transportSize     = udTable.GetInt("transportSize",      0);
	minTransportSize  = udTable.GetInt("minTransportSize",   0);
	transportCapacity = udTable.GetInt("transportCapacity",  0);
	isFirePlatform    = udTable.GetBool("isFirePlatform",    false);
	isAirBase         = udTable.GetBool("isAirBase",         false);
	loadingRadius     = udTable.GetFloat("loadingRadius",    220.0f);
	unloadSpread      = udTable.GetFloat("unloadSpread",     1.0f);
	transportMass     = udTable.GetFloat("transportMass",    100000.0f);
	minTransportMass  = udTable.GetFloat("minTransportMass", 0.0f);
	holdSteady        = udTable.GetBool("holdSteady",        false);
	releaseHeld       = udTable.GetBool("releaseHeld",       false);
	cantBeTransported = udTable.GetBool("cantBeTransported", false);
	transportByEnemy  = udTable.GetBool("transportByEnemy",  true);
	fallSpeed         = udTable.GetFloat("fallSpeed",    0.2);
	unitFallSpeed     = udTable.GetFloat("unitFallSpeed",  0);
	transportUnloadMethod	= udTable.GetInt("transportUnloadMethod" , 0);

	// modrules transport settings
	if ((!modInfo.transportAir    && canfly)   ||
	    (!modInfo.transportShip   && floater)  ||
	    (!modInfo.transportHover  && canhover) ||
	    (!modInfo.transportGround && !canhover && !floater && !canfly)) {
 		cantBeTransported = true;

	wingDrag     = udTable.GetFloat("wingDrag",     0.07f);  // drag caused by wings
	wingDrag     = Clamp(wingDrag, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	wingAngle    = udTable.GetFloat("wingAngle",    0.08f);  // angle between front and the wing plane
	frontToSpeed = udTable.GetFloat("frontToSpeed", 0.1f);   // fudge factor for lining up speed and front of plane
	speedToFront = udTable.GetFloat("speedToFront", 0.07f);  // fudge factor for lining up speed and front of plane
	myGravity    = udTable.GetFloat("myGravity",    0.4f);   // planes are slower than real airplanes so lower gravity to compensate
	crashDrag    = udTable.GetFloat("crashDrag",    0.005f); // drag used when crashing
	crashDrag    = Clamp(crashDrag, 0.0f, 1.0f);

	maxBank = udTable.GetFloat("maxBank", 0.8f);         // max roll
	maxPitch = udTable.GetFloat("maxPitch", 0.45f);      // max pitch this plane tries to keep
	turnRadius = udTable.GetFloat("turnRadius", 500.0f); // hint to the ai about how large turn radius this plane needs
	verticalSpeed = udTable.GetFloat("verticalSpeed", 3.0f); // speed of takeoff and landing, at least for gunships

	maxAileron  = udTable.GetFloat("maxAileron",  0.015f); // turn speed around roll axis
	maxElevator = udTable.GetFloat("maxElevator", 0.01f);  // turn speed around pitch axis
	maxRudder   = udTable.GetFloat("maxRudder",   0.004f); // turn speed around yaw axis

	maxFuel = udTable.GetFloat("maxFuel", 0.0f); //max flight time in seconds before aircraft must return to base
	refuelTime = udTable.GetFloat("refuelTime", 5.0f);
	minAirBasePower = udTable.GetFloat("minAirBasePower", 0.0f);
	maxThisUnit = udTable.GetInt("unitRestricted", MAX_UNITS);
	transportableBuilding = udTable.GetBool("transportableBuilding", false);

	const string lname = StringToLower(name);

	if (gameSetup->restrictedUnits.find(lname) != gameSetup->restrictedUnits.end()) {
		maxThisUnit = std::min(maxThisUnit, gameSetup->restrictedUnits.find(lname)->second);

	categoryString = udTable.GetString("category", "");

	category = CCategoryHandler::Instance()->GetCategories(udTable.GetString("category", ""));
	noChaseCategory = CCategoryHandler::Instance()->GetCategories(udTable.GetString("noChaseCategory", ""));

	const string iconName = udTable.GetString("iconType", "default");
	iconType = iconHandler->GetIcon(iconName);

	shieldWeaponDef    = NULL;
	stockpileWeaponDef = NULL;

	maxWeaponRange = 0.0f;
	maxCoverage = 0.0f;

	LuaTable weaponsTable = udTable.SubTable("weapons");

	canDGun = udTable.GetBool("canDGun", false);

	extractRange = 0.0f;
	extractSquare = udTable.GetBool("extractSquare", false);

	if (extractsMetal) {
		extractRange = mapInfo->map.extractorRadius;
		type = "MetalExtractor";
	else if (transportCapacity) {
		type = "Transport";
	else if (builder) {
		if ((speed > 0.0f) || canfly || udTable.GetString("yardMap", "").empty()) {
			// hubs and nano-towers need to be builders (for now)
			type = "Builder";
		} else {
			type = "Factory";
	else if (canfly && !hoverAttack) {
		if (!weapons.empty() && (weapons[0].def != 0) &&
		   (weapons[0].def->type == "AircraftBomb" || weapons[0].def->type == "TorpedoLauncher")) {
			type = "Bomber";

			if (turnRadius == 500) { // only reset it if user hasnt set it explicitly
				turnRadius *= 2;   // hint to the ai about how large turn radius this plane needs
		} else {
			type = "Fighter";
		maxAcc = udTable.GetFloat("maxAcc", 0.065f); // engine power
	else if (canmove) {
		type = "GroundUnit";
	else {
		type = "Building";

	movedata = NULL;
	if (canmove && !canfly && (type != "Factory")) {
		string moveclass = StringToLower(udTable.GetString("movementClass", ""));
		movedata = moveinfo->GetMoveDataFromName(moveclass);

		if (!movedata) {
			const string errmsg = "WARNING: Couldn't find a MoveClass named " + moveclass + " (used in UnitDef: " + unitName + ")";
			throw content_error(errmsg); //! invalidate unitDef (this gets catched in ParseUnitDef!)

		if ((movedata->moveType == MoveData::Hover_Move) ||
		    (movedata->moveType == MoveData::Ship_Move)) {
			upright = true;
		if (canhover) {
			if (movedata->moveType != MoveData::Hover_Move) {
				logOutput.Print("Inconsistent movedata %i for %s (moveclass %s): canhover, but not a hovercraft movetype",
				     movedata->pathType, name.c_str(), moveclass.c_str());
		} else if (floater) {
			if (movedata->moveType != MoveData::Ship_Move) {
				logOutput.Print("Inconsistent movedata %i for %s (moveclass %s): floater, but not a ship movetype",
				     movedata->pathType, name.c_str(), moveclass.c_str());
		} else {
			if (movedata->moveType != MoveData::Ground_Move) {
				logOutput.Print("Inconsistent movedata %i for %s (moveclass %s): neither canhover nor floater, but not a ground movetype",
				     movedata->pathType, name.c_str(), moveclass.c_str());

	if ((maxAcc != 0) && (speed != 0)) {
		//meant to set the drag such that the maxspeed becomes what it should be
		drag = 1.0f / (speed/GAME_SPEED * 1.1f / maxAcc)
		          - (wingAngle * wingAngle * wingDrag);
		drag = Clamp(drag, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	} else {
		//shouldn't be needed since drag is only used in CAirMoveType anyway,
		//and aircraft without acceleration or speed aren't common :)
		//initializing it anyway just for safety
		drag = 0.005f;

	objectName = udTable.GetString("objectName", "");
	if (objectName.find(".") == std::string::npos) {
		objectName += ".3do"; // NOTE: get rid of this?
	modelDef.modelPath = "objects3d/" + objectName;
	modelDef.modelName = objectName;

	scriptName = udTable.GetString("script", unitName + ".cob");
	scriptPath = "scripts/" + scriptName;

	wreckName = udTable.GetString("corpse", "");
	deathExplosion = udTable.GetString("explodeAs", "");
	selfDExplosion = udTable.GetString("selfDestructAs", "");

	power = udTable.GetFloat("power", (metalCost + (energyCost / 60.0f)));

	// Prevent a division by zero in experience calculations.
	if (power < 1.0e-3f) {
		logOutput.Print("Unit %s is really cheap? %f", humanName.c_str(), power);
		logOutput.Print("This can cause a division by zero in experience calculations.");
		power = 1.0e-3f;

	activateWhenBuilt = udTable.GetBool("activateWhenBuilt", false);

	// TA has only half our res so multiply size with 2
	xsize = udTable.GetInt("footprintX", 1) * 2;
	zsize = udTable.GetInt("footprintZ", 1) * 2;

	needGeo = false;

	if (speed <= 0.0f) {
		CreateYardMap(udTable.GetString("yardMap", ""));

	leaveTracks   = udTable.GetBool("leaveTracks", false);
	trackTypeName = udTable.GetString("trackType", "StdTank");
	trackWidth    = udTable.GetFloat("trackWidth",   32.0f);
	trackOffset   = udTable.GetFloat("trackOffset",   0.0f);
	trackStrength = udTable.GetFloat("trackStrength", 0.0f);
	trackStretch  = udTable.GetFloat("trackStretch",  1.0f);

	useBuildingGroundDecal = udTable.GetBool("useBuildingGroundDecal", false);
	buildingDecalTypeName = udTable.GetString("buildingGroundDecalType", "");
	buildingDecalSizeX = udTable.GetInt("buildingGroundDecalSizeX", 4);
	buildingDecalSizeY = udTable.GetInt("buildingGroundDecalSizeY", 4);
	buildingDecalDecaySpeed = udTable.GetFloat("buildingGroundDecalDecaySpeed", 0.1f);

	canDropFlare    = udTable.GetBool("canDropFlare", false);
	flareReloadTime = udTable.GetFloat("flareReload",     5.0f);
	flareDelay      = udTable.GetFloat("flareDelay",      0.3f);
	flareEfficiency = udTable.GetFloat("flareEfficiency", 0.5f);
	flareDropVector = udTable.GetFloat3("flareDropVector", ZeroVector);
	flareTime       = udTable.GetInt("flareTime", 3) * GAME_SPEED;
	flareSalvoSize  = udTable.GetInt("flareSalvoSize",  4);
	flareSalvoDelay = udTable.GetInt("flareSalvoDelay", 0) * GAME_SPEED;

	smoothAnim = udTable.GetBool("smoothAnim", false);
	canLoopbackAttack = udTable.GetBool("canLoopbackAttack", false);
	canCrash = udTable.GetBool("canCrash", true);
	levelGround = udTable.GetBool("levelGround", true);
	strafeToAttack = udTable.GetBool("strafeToAttack", false);

	modelCenterOffset = udTable.GetFloat3("modelCenterOffset", ZeroVector);
	usePieceCollisionVolumes = udTable.GetBool("usePieceCollisionVolumes", false);

	// initialize the (per-unitdef) collision-volume
	// all CUnit instances hold a copy of this object
	collisionVolume = new CollisionVolume(
		udTable.GetString("collisionVolumeType", ""),
		udTable.GetFloat3("collisionVolumeScales", ZeroVector),
		udTable.GetFloat3("collisionVolumeOffsets", ZeroVector),
		udTable.GetInt("collisionVolumeTest", CollisionVolume::COLVOL_HITTEST_DISC)

	if (usePieceCollisionVolumes) {

	seismicRadius    = udTable.GetInt("seismicDistance", 0);
	seismicSignature = udTable.GetFloat("seismicSignature", -1.0f);
	if (seismicSignature == -1.0f) {
		if (!floater && !canhover && !canfly) {
			seismicSignature = sqrt(mass / 100.0f);
		} else {
			seismicSignature = 0.0f;

	LuaTable buildsTable = udTable.SubTable("buildOptions");
	if (buildsTable.IsValid()) {
		for (int bo = 1; true; bo++) {
			const string order = buildsTable.GetString(bo, "");
			if (order.empty()) {
			buildOptions[bo] = order;

	LuaTable sfxTable = udTable.SubTable("SFXTypes");
	LuaTable expTable = sfxTable.SubTable("explosionGenerators");

	for (int expNum = 1; expNum <= 1024; expNum++) {
		std::string expsfx = expTable.GetString(expNum, "");

		if (expsfx == "") {
		} else {

	// we use range in a modulo operation, so it needs to be >= 1
	pieceTrailCEGTag = udTable.GetString("pieceTrailCEGTag", "");
	pieceTrailCEGRange = udTable.GetInt("pieceTrailCEGRange", 1);
	pieceTrailCEGRange = std::max(pieceTrailCEGRange, 1);

	// custom parameters table
예제 #25
WeaponDef::WeaponDef(const LuaTable& wdTable, const std::string& name_, int id_)
	: name(name_)
	, id(id_)
	, isShield(false)
	, collisionFlags(0)
	, explosionGenerator(NULL)
	, bounceExplosionGenerator(NULL)
	WeaponDefs.Load(this, wdTable);

	if (wdTable.KeyExists("cylinderTargetting"))
		LOG_L(L_WARNING, "WeaponDef (%s) cylinderTargetting is deprecated and will be removed in the next release (use cylinderTargeting).", name.c_str());

	if (wdTable.KeyExists("color1") || wdTable.KeyExists("color2"))
		LOG_L(L_WARNING, "WeaponDef (%s) color1 & color2 (= hue & sat) are removed. Use rgbColor instead!", name.c_str());

	if (wdTable.KeyExists("isShield"))
		LOG_L(L_WARNING, "WeaponDef (%s) isShield is removed. Use weaponType=\"Shield\" instead!", name.c_str());

	shieldRechargeDelay = int(wdTable.GetFloat("rechargeDelay", 0) * GAME_SPEED);
	flighttime = int(wdTable.GetFloat("flighttime", 0.0f) * 32);

	//FIXME may be smarter to merge the collideXYZ tags with avoidXYZ and removing the collisionFlags tag (and move the code into CWeapon)?
	collisionFlags = 0;
	if (!wdTable.GetBool("collideEnemy",    true)) { collisionFlags |= Collision::NOENEMIES;    }
	if (!wdTable.GetBool("collideFriendly", true)) { collisionFlags |= Collision::NOFRIENDLIES; }
	if (!wdTable.GetBool("collideFeature",  true)) { collisionFlags |= Collision::NOFEATURES;   }
	if (!wdTable.GetBool("collideNeutral",  true)) { collisionFlags |= Collision::NONEUTRALS;   }
	if (!wdTable.GetBool("collideGround",   true)) { collisionFlags |= Collision::NOGROUND;     }

	//FIXME defaults depend on other tags
		if (paralyzer)
			cameraShake = wdTable.GetFloat("cameraShake", 0.0f);

		if (selfExplode)
			predictBoost = wdTable.GetFloat("predictBoost", 0.5f);

		if (type == "Melee") {
			targetBorder = Clamp(wdTable.GetFloat("targetBorder", 1.0f), -1.0f, 1.0f);
			cylinderTargeting = Clamp(wdTable.GetFloat("cylinderTargeting", wdTable.GetFloat("cylinderTargetting", 1.0f)), 0.0f, 128.0f);

		if (type == "Flame") {
			//FIXME move to lua (for all other weapons this tag is named `duration` and has a different default)
			duration = wdTable.GetFloat("flameGfxTime", 1.2f);

		if (type == "Cannon") {
			heightmod = wdTable.GetFloat("heightMod", 0.8f);
		} else if (type == "BeamLaser" || type == "LightningCannon") {
			heightmod = wdTable.GetFloat("heightMod", 1.0f);

	// setup the default damages
		const LuaTable dmgTable = wdTable.SubTable("damage");
		float defDamage = dmgTable.GetFloat("default", 1.0f);
		if (defDamage == 0.0f) {
			defDamage = 1.0f; //avoid division by zeros

		if (!paralyzer)
			damages.paralyzeDamageTime = 0;

		std::map<string, float> dmgs;

		std::map<string, float>::const_iterator di;
		for (di = dmgs.begin(); di != dmgs.end(); ++di) {
			const int type = damageArrayHandler->GetTypeFromName(di->first);
			if (type != 0) {
				float dmg = di->second;
				if (dmg != 0.0f) {
					damages[type] = dmg;
				} else {
					damages[type] = 1.0f;

		const float tempsize = 2.0f + std::min(defDamage * 0.0025f, damageAreaOfEffect * 0.1f);
		size = wdTable.GetFloat("size", tempsize);

		const float gd = std::max(30.0f, defDamage / 20.0f);
		const float defExpSpeed = (8.0f + (gd * 2.5f)) / (9.0f + (math::sqrt(gd) * 0.7f)) * 0.5f;
		explosionSpeed = wdTable.GetFloat("explosionSpeed", defExpSpeed);

		// backwards compatibility: non-burst beamlasers play one
		// sample per shot, not for each individual beam making up the shot
		const bool singleSampleShot = (type == "BeamLaser" && !beamburst);
		const bool singleShotWeapon = (type == "Melee" || type == "Rifle");

		soundTrigger = wdTable.GetBool("soundTrigger", singleSampleShot || singleShotWeapon);

	// get some weapon specific defaults
	int defInterceptType = 0;
	if ((type == "Cannon") || (type == "EmgCannon")) {
		defInterceptType = 1;
	} else if ((type == "LaserCannon") || (type == "BeamLaser")) {
		defInterceptType = 2;
	} else if ((type == "StarburstLauncher") || (type == "MissileLauncher")) {
		defInterceptType = 4;
	} else if (type == "AircraftBomb") {
		defInterceptType = 8;
	} else if (type == "Flame") {
		defInterceptType = 16;
	} else if (type == "TorpedoLauncher") {
		defInterceptType = 32;
	} else if (type == "LightningCannon") {
		defInterceptType = 64;
	} else if (type == "Rifle") {
		defInterceptType = 128;
	} else if (type == "Melee") {
		defInterceptType = 256;
	interceptedByShieldType = wdTable.GetInt("interceptedByShieldType", defInterceptType);

	if (type == "Cannon") {
		// CExplosiveProjectile
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.9f);
		intensity = wdTable.GetFloat("intensity", 0.2f);
	} else if (type == "Rifle") {
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.9f);
	} else if (type == "Melee") {
		// ...
	} else if (type == "Flame") {
		// CFlameProjectile
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.2f);
		collisionSize     = wdTable.GetFloat("collisionSize", 0.5f);
	} else if (type == "MissileLauncher") {
		// CMissileProjectile
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.5f);
	} else if (type == "LaserCannon") {
		// CLaserProjectile
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.7f);
		collisionSize = wdTable.GetFloat("collisionSize", 0.5f);
	} else if (type == "BeamLaser") {
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.7f);
	} else if (type == "LightningCannon") {
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.5f);
	} else if (type == "EmgCannon") {
		// CEmgProjectile
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.5f);
		size = wdTable.GetFloat("size", 3.0f);
	} else if (type == "TorpedoLauncher") {
		waterweapon = true;
	} else if (type == "DGun") {
		// CFireBallProjectile
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.5f);
		collisionSize = wdTable.GetFloat("collisionSize", 10.0f);
	} else if (type == "StarburstLauncher") {
		// CStarburstProjectile
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.7f);
	} else {
		ownerExpAccWeight = wdTable.GetFloat("ownerExpAccWeight", 0.0f);

	const std::string& colormap = wdTable.GetString("colormap", "");
	visuals.colorMap = NULL;
	if (!colormap.empty()) {
		visuals.colorMap = CColorMap::LoadFromDefString(colormap);


	// custom parameters table

	// internal only
	isShield = (type == "Shield");
	noAutoTarget = (manualfire || interceptor || isShield);
	onlyForward = !turret && (type != "StarburstLauncher");