예제 #1
void OutputHelper::addRSLVariable(const MString& inputQualifier, MString rslType, const MString& rslName,
					const MString& mayaName, const MString& mayaNode)
	MString cmd;

	// If the user specified that the type was an array of floats
	// (eg "float2"), extract the size and set the type to float.
	int rslTypeSize = 1;

	MString matchedStr;
	IfMErrorWarn(MGlobal::executeCommand("match(\"float[0-9]+$\",\""+rslType+"\")", matchedStr));
	if(matchedStr != "")
		IfMErrorWarn(MGlobal::executeCommand("match(\"[0-9]+$\",\""+rslType+"\")", matchedStr));
		rslTypeSize = matchedStr.asInt();
		rslType = "float";

	// Create the plug's name, and check for convertible connections.
	MString plug(mayaNode+"."+mayaName);
	int connected = liquidmaya::ShaderMgr::getSingletonPtr()->convertibleConnection(plug.asChar());

	// If there are no convertible connections, then we have to
	// write out the variable into the shader's body.
	if( connected == 0 )
		//rslTypeSize(int) --> rslTypeSizeStr(string)
		MString rslTypeSizeStr;
		// Write out the description of the variable.
		rslShaderBody += (" "+inputQualifier + " " + rslType + " " + rslName);
		rslShaderBody += ( rslTypeSize != 1 )?
							 ( "[" + rslTypeSizeStr + "] = " )
							:( " = " + rslType + " " );

		// Write out the value of the variable.
		if(   rslType=="color"
			MDoubleArray val; val.setLength(3);
			IfMErrorWarn(MGlobal::executeCommand("getAttr \""+plug+"\"", val));
			//val(double) --> valStr(string)
			MStringArray valStr; valStr.setLength(3);
			rslShaderBody +="("+valStr[0]+","+valStr[1]+","+valStr[2]+")";
		}else if(rslType=="string"){
			MString val;
			IfMErrorWarn(MGlobal::executeCommand("getAttr \""+plug+"\"", val));
			rslShaderBody +="\""+val+"\"";
		}else if(rslType=="float"){
			if(rslTypeSize == 1){
				double val;
				IfMErrorWarn(MGlobal::executeCommand("getAttr \""+plug+"\"", val));
				//val(double) --> valStr(string)
				MString valStr;
				rslShaderBody += valStr;
				rslShaderBody += "{ ";
				MDoubleArray val; val.setLength(rslTypeSize);
				IfMErrorWarn(MGlobal::executeCommand("getAttr \""+plug+"\"", val));
				for(int i=0; i<rslTypeSize; ++i){
					if( i != 0 ){
						rslShaderBody += ", ";
					//val[i](double) --> valStr(string)
					MString valStr;
					rslShaderBody += valStr;
				rslShaderBody += " }";
		rslShaderBody += ";\n";
	}//if( $connected == 0 )
	// Otherwise, we have a convertible connection, so we'll be
	// adding the variable to the block's header.
		rslShaderHeader += " ";

		// Note if it's connected as an output.
		if(connected == 2){
			rslShaderHeader += "output ";

		// Write out the description.
		rslShaderHeader += ( rslType + " " + rslName );
		if( rslTypeSize != 1 )
			rslShaderHeader += "[]";
		rslShaderHeader += ";\n";

		if(connected == 1)
			MStringArray srcPlug;
			IfMErrorWarn(MGlobal::executeCommand("listConnections -source true -plugs true \""+plug+"\"", srcPlug));
			rslShaderBody +="//"+plug+" <-- "+srcPlug[0]+"\n";
