예제 #1
Cube::Cube(const Vec3f &pos, const Vec3f &scale, const Mat4f &rot,
        const std::string &name, std::shared_ptr<Bsdf> bsdf)
: Primitive(name),
    _transform = Mat4f::translate(_pos)*rot*Mat4f::scale(Vec3f(scale));
예제 #2
void Camera::applyViewingTransform() {
	if( mDirtyTransform )

	ModelerDrawState *mds = ModelerDrawState::Instance();

		fprintf( mds->m_rayFile, "camera {\n\tposition = (%f, %f, %f);\n\tlook_at = (%f, %f, %f);\n\taspectratio = 1\n\tfov = 30; }\n\n",
			mPosition[0], mPosition[1], mPosition[2],
			mLookAt[0], mLookAt[1], mLookAt[2]);


	// Place the camera at mPosition, aim the camera at
	// mLookAt, and twist the camera such that mUpVector is up
    /*gluLookAt(	mPosition[0], mPosition[1], mPosition[2],
				mLookAt[0],   mLookAt[1],   mLookAt[2],
				mUpVector[0], mUpVector[1], mUpVector[2]);*/

    // You Will Have to implement this (gluLookAt() ) yourself!
	// what fun that will be!
    Vec3f n = mPosition - mLookAt;
    Vec3f v = mUpVector - ((mUpVector * n) / (n * n)) * n;
    Vec3f u = v ^ n;

    Mat4f mat;
    mat[0][0] = u[0]; mat[0][1] = v[0]; mat[0][2] = n[0];
    mat[1][0] = u[1]; mat[1][1] = v[1]; mat[1][2] = n[1];
    mat[2][0] = u[2]; mat[2][1] = v[2]; mat[2][2] = n[2];
    mat = mat.transpose();
    mat = mat * mat.createTranslation(-mPosition[0], -mPosition[1], -mPosition[2]);
    // Transpose the final matrix so that n is in column-major order to match OpenGL.
    mat = mat.transpose();
예제 #3
void TestApp::test_matrix_mat4()
	Console::write_line("  Class: Mat4");

	Console::write_line("   Function: inverse()");

		Mat4f test_src = Mat4f::rotate((Angle(30, angle_degrees)), 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, true);
		Mat4f test_inv;
		Mat4f test_dest;
		Mat4f test_ident = Mat4f::identity();

		test_dest = test_src;
		test_dest = test_dest * test_src;

		if (test_ident != test_dest) fail();


	static int test_a_values[] = {3, 1, 2, 4, 5 ,6, 4, 2, 1, 4, 6, 7, 6, 3, 7, 2};
	static int test_b_values[] = {4, 7, 2, 5, 3, 5, 2, 9, 3, 3, 6, 9, 2, 4, 6, 2};

	Mat4i test_a(test_a_values);
	Mat4i test_b(test_b_values);

	Mat4f test_c(test_a);
	Mat4f test_c_scaled(test_c);

		float x = 2.0f;
		float y = 3.0f;
		float z = 4.0f;

		test_c_scaled[0 + 4 * 0] *= x;
		test_c_scaled[0 + 4 * 1] *= y;
		test_c_scaled[0 + 4 * 2] *= z;
		test_c_scaled[1 + 4 * 0] *= x;
		test_c_scaled[1 + 4 * 1] *= y;
		test_c_scaled[1 + 4 * 2] *= z;
		test_c_scaled[2 + 4 * 0] *= x;
		test_c_scaled[2 + 4 * 1] *= y;
		test_c_scaled[2 + 4 * 2] *= z;
		test_c_scaled[3 + 4 * 0] *= x;
		test_c_scaled[3 + 4 * 1] *= y;
		test_c_scaled[3 + 4 * 2] *= z;

	Console::write_line("   Function: add() and operator");
		int answer_values[] = {7, 8, 4, 9, 8, 11, 6, 11, 4, 7, 12, 16, 8, 7, 13, 4};
		Mat4i answer(answer_values);

		Mat4i result = test_a + test_b;
		if (result != answer) fail();

		result = Mat4i::add(test_a, test_b);
		if (result != answer) fail();


	Console::write_line("   Function: subtract() and operator");
		int answer_values[] = {-1, -6, 0, -1, 2, 1, 2, -7, -2, 1, 0, -2, 4, -1, 1, 0};
		Mat4i answer(answer_values);

		Mat4i result = test_a - test_b;
		if (result != answer) fail();

		result = Mat4i::subtract(test_a, test_b);
		if (result != answer) fail();


	Console::write_line("   Function: translate()");
		int answer_values[] = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 3, 4, 1};
		Mat4i answer(answer_values);

		Mat4i result = Mat4i::translate(2, 3, 4);
		if (result != answer) fail();

	Console::write_line("   Function: translate_self() (int)");
		Mat4i answer(test_a);

		Mat4i result = test_a;
		result = result * Mat4i::translate(2, 3, 4);

		Mat4i result2 = test_a;

		if (result != result2) fail();

	Console::write_line("   Function: translate_self() (float)");
		Mat4f answer(test_a);

		Mat4f result(test_a);
		result = result * Mat4f::translate(2, 3, 4);

		Mat4f result2(test_a);
		result2.translate_self(2, 3, 4);

		if (!result.is_equal(result2, 0.00001f))

	Console::write_line("   Function: scale_self()");
		Mat4i answer(test_a);

		Mat4i result = test_a;
		result = result * Mat4i::scale(2, 3, 4);

		Mat4i result2 = test_a;

		if (result != result2) fail();

		Mat4f test = test_c;
		test.scale_self(2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f);

		if (!test.is_equal(test_c_scaled, 0.00001f))

	Console::write_line("   Function: rotate (using euler angles)");
		Mat4f mv = Mat4f::identity();
		mv = mv * Mat4f::rotate(Angle(30.0f, angle_degrees), 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, false);
		mv = mv * Mat4f::rotate(Angle(10.0f, angle_degrees), 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, false);
		mv = mv * Mat4f::rotate(Angle(20.0f, angle_degrees), 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, false);

		Mat4f test_matrix;
		test_matrix = Mat4f::rotate(Angle(10.0f, angle_degrees), Angle(20.0f, angle_degrees), Angle(30.0f, angle_degrees), order_YXZ);
		if (!test_matrix.is_equal(mv, 0.00001f))


	Console::write_line("   Function: rotate (using euler angles) and get_euler");

	Console::write_line("   Function: transpose() (float)");
		Mat4f original(test_a);

		Mat4f transposed_matrix;
		transposed_matrix[0] = original[0];
		transposed_matrix[1] = original[4];
		transposed_matrix[2] = original[8];
		transposed_matrix[3] = original[12];
		transposed_matrix[4] = original[1];
		transposed_matrix[5] = original[5];
		transposed_matrix[6] = original[9];
		transposed_matrix[7] = original[13];
		transposed_matrix[8] = original[2];
		transposed_matrix[9] = original[6];
		transposed_matrix[10] = original[10];
		transposed_matrix[11] = original[14];
		transposed_matrix[12] = original[3];
		transposed_matrix[13] = original[7];
		transposed_matrix[14] = original[11];
		transposed_matrix[15] = original[15];

		Mat4f test = original;

		if (!test.is_equal(transposed_matrix, 0.00001f))