void ShtServer::onMatchFinished(const QString &uuid) { qWarning() << "OnMatchFinished, uuid: " << uuid; Match *m = findMatch(uuid); matches.removeOne(m); m->deleteLater(); }
void main() { int gamesettings[7] = {0}; Player players[2] = {Player(), Player()}; Match match; match = Match(); SetUpGame(gamesettings, players); for (int i = gamesettings[gamestoplay]; i > 0; i--) { match.Play(players, gamesettings); } cout << players[0].GetName() << "\t:\t" << players[1].GetName() << endl << endl; cout << players[0].matchwins << "\t:\t" << players[1].matchwins << endl << endl; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { cout << "7\t:\t" << i << "\t:\t" << (float)(players[0].windensity[i]*100)/gamesettings[gamestoplay] << "%" << endl; } for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { cout << i << "\t:\t7\t:\t" << (float)(players[1].windensity[i]*100)/gamesettings[gamestoplay] << "%" << endl; } while(true){} }
void MatchView::OnInitialUpdate() { CFormView::OnInitialUpdate(); // TODO: 在此添加专用代码和/或调用基类 list_match.SetExtendedStyle(LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT); list_match.InsertColumn(0, _T("比赛名称"), LVCFMT_CENTER); list_match.InsertColumn(1, _T("举办时间"), LVCFMT_CENTER); CHeaderCtrl* pHeader = list_match.GetHeaderCtrl(); int nCurrWidth, nColHdrWidth; ASSERT(pHeader); list_match.SetRedraw(FALSE); for(int iCurrCol = 0; iCurrCol < pHeader->GetItemCount(); ++iCurrCol){ list_match.SetColumnWidth(iCurrCol, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE); nCurrWidth = list_match.GetColumnWidth(iCurrCol); list_match.SetColumnWidth(iCurrCol, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER); nColHdrWidth = list_match.GetColumnWidth(iCurrCol); list_match.SetColumnWidth(iCurrCol, max(nCurrWidth, nColHdrWidth)); } list_match.SetRedraw(TRUE); list_match.Invalidate(); Match mat; mat._meeting.ID = this->meetingID; vector<Match> v_match = mat.Query(); vector<Match>::iterator i_d; for(i_d = v_match.begin(); i_d != v_match.end(); ++i_d){ AddMatToList(&(*i_d)); } }
bool IndexParseData::write(const std::function<bool(const String &)> &write, const Match &match) const { auto process = [&write, &match](const String &str, const Sources &sss) { if (!sss.isEmpty()) { if (!write(str + ":")) return false; for (const auto &ss : sss) { const Path file = Location::path(ss.first); if (match.isEmpty() || match.match(file)) { write(" " + file + ":"); for (const auto &s : ss.second) { if (!write(" " + s.toString())) return false; } } } } return true; }; if (!process("Sources", sources)) return false; for (const auto &commands : compileCommands) { if (!process(Location::path(commands.first), commands.second.sources)) return false; } return true; }
void Generator::convert(const Match & match,const GroebnerRule & r1, const GroebnerRule & r2,Polynomial & result) const { result.doubleProduct(match.const_left1(),r1.RHS(),match.const_right1()); Polynomial temp; temp.doubleProduct(match.const_left2(),r2.RHS(),match.const_right2()); result -= temp; };
bool operator() (const Match& a, const Match& b) const { Location la = a.getTarget(); Location lb = b.getTarget(); long sa = score(la); long sb = score(lb); return sa < sb; }
void SerializeMatch(Writer &writer, const Match &match) { writer.StartObject(); writer.Key("startEA"); writer.Uint(match.getStartEA().getValue()); writer.Key("endEA"); writer.Uint(match.getEndEA().getValue()); writer.Key("patternName"); writer.String(match.getPatternName()); writer.EndObject(); }
Match * UserHandler::getMatch() { for (int i = 0; i < shared_data_->match_list.size(); i++) { Match * m = shared_data_->match_list.at(i); if ((m->getClubs()[0] == manager_->getClub()) || (m->getClubs()[1] == manager_->getClub())) { return m; } } return NULL; }
int main(void) { Time t (6,34,25); Match m; m.printTime(t); //printTime(t); system("pause"); return 0; }
void MatchView::OnBnClickedBuMDel() { // TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码 if(MessageBox(_T("确定删除所选比赛吗?"), _T("确认"), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDNO) return; int n_se = list_match.GetSelectionMark(); Match mat; mat.ID = list_match.GetItemData(n_se); mat.Delete(); list_match.DeleteItem(n_se); }
bool BracketVisElement::linkToMatch(const Match& ma) const { Category myCat = getLinkedCategory(); if (ma.getCategory() != myCat) return false; // lock the database before writing DbLockHolder lh{db, DatabaseAccessRoles::MainThread}; row.update(BV_MATCH_REF, ma.getId()); return true; }
void PairWiseDrawer::drawMatch(const Match& m, const Color3ub& c, bool drawLine) const { drawFeature(0, m.x(), c); drawFeature(1, m.y(), c); if(drawLine) { Vector2f a,b; a = scale(0)*m.posX(); b = scale(1)*(m.posY()+offF(1)); DO::drawLine(a, b, c); } }
/** removes player from players list and removes * all matches which he/she had participated */ void Group::removePlayer( Player player ) { _players.removeOne( player ); QMutableListIterator<Match> i( _matches ); while( i.hasNext() ) { Match m = i.next(); if ( ( m.playerA() == player ) || ( m.playerB() == player ) ) { i.remove(); } } }
/** \return earned rating for 'p' player. i.e. the sum of * earned points per each match. */ double Group::earnedRating( Player p ) const { double total = 0.0; for ( int i = 0; i < _matches.count(); i++) { Match m = _matches.at( i ); if ( m.participated( p ) && m.played() ) { total += m.earnedRating( p ); } } return total; }
bool DataBase::_insertMatch(const Match &match) { QSqlQuery query(_db); query.prepare("insert into Match (match_id, time_stamp, game_type)"\ " values(?, ?, ?)"); query.addBindValue(match.getId()); query.addBindValue(match.getDate().toTime_t()); query.addBindValue(static_cast<int>(match.getMatchType())); if (!query.exec()) { qCritical() << "Could not insert match!\n"; return false; } return _insertMatchDetails(match.getDetails()); }
/** Find all matches which player 'p' is participating. */ MatchList Group::matchList( Player p ) const { MatchList ml; for ( int i = 0; i < _matches.count(); i ++ ) { Match m = _matches.at( i ); if ( m.participated( p ) ) { ml << m; } } return ml; }
// Method prints out the results for each set of input user tiles void printResults(const string l) { cout << setw(2) << highScore; cout << " " << l << ": "; for(Match::const_iterator itr = matching.begin(); itr != matching.end(); itr++) if(l == itr->first) cout << itr->second << " "; if(count == 0) cout << "No words found." << endl; else cout << endl; return; } // void printResults(const string l)
int MatchHelpers::inPenaltyArea(const Match& m, const Vector3& v) { bool in_x = fabs(v.x) < 20.15f; float yp = v.y; if(!in_x) return 0; if(yp < m.getPitchHeight() * -0.5f + 16.5f) return -1; if(yp > m.getPitchHeight() * 0.5f - 16.5f) return 1; return 0; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Match: private helpers methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Match::initialize(const Match &toCopy){ //do not copy over value of fPositionSize as it is irrelevant to the //state of the Match fMemoryManager = toCopy.fMemoryManager; int toCopySize = toCopy.getNoGroups(); setNoGroups(toCopySize); for (int i=0; i<toCopySize; i++){ setStartPos(i, toCopy.getStartPos(i)); setEndPos(i, toCopy.getEndPos(i)); } }
MatchList Group::playedMatchList( Player p ) const { MatchList ml; for ( int i = 0; i < _matches.count(); i ++ ) { Match m = _matches.at( i ); if ( ( m.playerA() == p ) || ( m.playerB() == p ) ) { if ( m.played() ) { ml << m; } } } return ml; }
void MatchView::OnNMDblclkList1(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { LPNMITEMACTIVATE pNMItemActivate = reinterpret_cast<LPNMITEMACTIVATE>(pNMHDR); // TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码 *pResult = 0; if(pNMItemActivate->iItem < 0) return; Match mat; mat.ID = list_match.GetItemData(pNMItemActivate->iItem); vector<Match> v_m = mat.Query(); Dialog_Match_Prop d_Ma_Prop(TRUE); d_Ma_Prop._match = v_m[0]; if(d_Ma_Prop.DoModal() == IDOK){ list_match.SetItemText(pNMItemActivate->iItem, 0, d_Ma_Prop._match.Name); list_match.SetItemText(pNMItemActivate->iItem, 1, d_Ma_Prop._match.StartDate); } }
MatchResDialog::MatchResDialog( Match match, QWidget* parent ) : QDialog( parent ), _match( match ), _okButton( new QPushButton( tr( "Save" ) ) ) { setWindowTitle( tr( "Match score" ) ); _okButton->setEnabled( false ); QGridLayout* l = new QGridLayout( this ); QLabel* playerA = new QLabel( match.playerA().name(), this ); QLabel* playerB = new QLabel( match.playerB().name(), this ); l->addWidget( playerA, 0, 0, Qt::AlignJustify ); l->addWidget( playerB, 0, 1, Qt::AlignJustify ); unsigned int games = match.games_const().count(); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < match.maxGames(); i ++ ) { QLineEdit* ballsA = new QLineEdit( this ); QLineEdit* ballsB = new QLineEdit( this ); if ( i < games ) { // this should be done before connecting of lineedits to textChanged // slot ballsA->setText( QString::number( match.games_const().at( i ).aBalls ) ); ballsB->setText( QString::number( match.games_const().at( i ).bBalls ) ); } connect( ballsA, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( textChanged( ) ) ); connect( ballsB, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( textChanged( ) ) ); l->addWidget( ballsA, i + 1, 0 ); l->addWidget( ballsB, i + 1, 1 ); } if ( games ) { textChanged(); } l->addWidget( _okButton, l->rowCount(), 0, 1, 2 ); connect( _okButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( okButtonClicked() ) ); }
/** Find match which corresponds to player 'a' and 'b' pair. */ Match& Group::match( Player a, Player b ) { for ( int i = 0; i < _matches.count(); i ++ ) { Match m = _matches.at( i ); if ( ( m.playerA() == a ) && ( m.playerB() == b ) ) { return _matches[ i ]; } else if ( ( m.playerB() == a ) && ( m.playerA() == b ) ) { _matches[i].swapPlayers(); return _matches[ i ]; } } // should never get here! qWarning() << "can't find match of " << a.name() << "and" << b.name(); return (* new Match( a, b ) ); }
bool Project::match(const Match &p) { Path paths[] = { p.pattern(), p.pattern() }; paths[1].resolve(); const int count = paths[1].compare(paths[0]) ? 2 : 1; Scope<const FilesMap&> files = lockFilesForRead(); for (int i=0; i<count; ++i) { const Path &path = paths[i]; if (files.data().contains(path) || p.match(mPath)) return true; const uint32_t id = Location::fileId(path); if (isIndexed(id)) return true; } return false; }
MatchList Group::matchList( Player a, Player b ) const { MatchList ml; for ( int i = 0; i < _matches.count(); i ++ ) { Match m = _matches.at( i ); if ( m.participated( a ) && m.participated( b ) ) { if ( !( m.playerA() == a ) ) { // right player order required m.swapPlayers(); } ml << m; } } return ml; }
double MatchHelpers::distanceToPitch(const Match& m, const Vector3& v) { float r = m.getPitchWidth() * 0.5f; float l = -r; float u = m.getPitchHeight() * 0.5f; float d = -u; if(v.x >= l && v.x <= r && v.y >= d && v.y <= u) return 0.0f; float dhoriz = v.x < l ? l - v.x : v.x - r; float dvert = v.y < d ? d - v.y : v.y - u; if(dvert < 0) return dhoriz; else if(dhoriz < 0) return dvert; else return sqrt(dvert * dvert + dhoriz * dhoriz); }
void PsmFile::insertMatches(const vector<Match>& matches){ // insert the result into tables msRunSearchResult, BiblioSpecSearchResult char zSql[2048]; double pValue = -1; for(int i = 0; i < reportMatches_; i++) { Match tmpMatch = matches.at(i); const RefSpectrum* tmpRefSpec = tmpMatch.getRefSpec(); // const Spectrum* s = tmpMatch.getExpSpec(); pValue = -1 * log(tmpMatch.getScore(BONF_PVAL)); if(isinf( pValue )) pValue = 1000; sprintf(zSql, "insert into msRunSearchResult(runSearchID,scanID,charge," "peptide,preResidue, postResidue, validationStatus) " "values(%d,%d,%d,'%s','%s','%s','=')", blibRunSearchID_, 0,// s->getScanID(), 0,//tmpRefSpec->getCharge(), (tmpRefSpec->getSeq()).c_str(), (tmpRefSpec->getPrevAA()).c_str(), (tmpRefSpec->getNextAA()).c_str()); SqliteRoutine::SQL_STMT(zSql, db_); zSql[0]='\0'; int resultID=(int)sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(db_); sprintf(zSql, "insert into BiblioSpecSearchResult " "values(%d,%d,%d,%d,%f,%f,'%s')", resultID, tmpRefSpec->getLibSpecID(), tmpMatch.getMatchLibID(), i+1, tmpMatch.getScore(DOTP), pValue, tmpRefSpec->getMods().c_str()); SqliteRoutine::SQL_STMT(zSql, db_); zSql[0]='\0'; } // next match }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { QApplication app( argc, argv ); MainWindow mainWindow;; mainWindow.show(); #if 0 QTextEdit textEdit; textEdit.setReadOnly( true ); textEdit.show(); #endif Match match; match.add( new TestBot( "test1" ) ); match.add( new TestBot( "test2" ) ); match.add( new Arena() ); match.display(); return app.exec(); }
void MatcherMonomial::constructMatch( const Monomial & mona,int a, const Monomial & monb,int b, const subMonomial & aINode, const subMonomial & bINode, MATCHING_TYPES type, Match & match ) const { match.firstGBData = a; match.secondGBData = b; const int bStartm1 = bINode.start()-1; MonomialIterator iter = monb.begin(); int i=1; for(;i<=bStartm1;++i,++iter) { match.left1() *= (* iter); } const int bNumFactor = monb.numberOfFactors(); int temp2 = bINode.start()+bINode.length(); if(temp2<=bNumFactor) { MonomialIterator iter2 = monb.begin(); int jj = temp2-1; while(jj) { ++iter2;--jj;}; for(int j=temp2;j<=bNumFactor;++j,++iter2) { match.right1() *= (* iter2); } } if(type==SUBSET_MATCH) { match.subsetMatch = false; match.overlapMatch = true; } else if(type==OVERLAP_MATCH) { match.subsetMatch = false; match.overlapMatch = true; const int aStartm1 = aINode.start()-1; MonomialIterator iter3 = mona.begin(); for(i=1;i<=aStartm1;++i,++iter3) { match.left2() *= (* iter3); } MonomialIterator iter4 = mona.begin(); const int temp4 = aINode.start()+aINode.length(); int jj = temp4-1; while(jj) { ++iter4;--jj;}; for(int j=temp4;j<=mona.numberOfFactors();++j,++iter4) { match.right2() *= (* iter4); } } };
int Project::reindex(const Match &match) { Set<uint32_t> dirty; { MutexLocker lock(&mMutex); const DependencyMap::const_iterator end = mDependencies.end(); for (DependencyMap::const_iterator it = mDependencies.begin(); it != end; ++it) { if (match.isEmpty() || match.match(Location::path(it->first))) { dirty.insert(it->first); } } if (dirty.isEmpty()) return 0; mModifiedFiles += dirty; } startDirtyJobs(); return dirty.size(); }