예제 #1
void tstMatch::testGetPairs()

  TournamentDB* db = getScenario04(true);
  Tournament t(getSqliteFileName());
  MatchMngr* mm = Tournament::getMatchMngr();
  Category mx = Tournament::getCatMngr()->getCategoryById(5);

  ERR e;
  auto mg = mm->getMatchGroup(mx, 1, 1, &e);
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(mg != nullptr);

  auto mgl = mg->getMatches();
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(mgl.count() == 1);
  Match ma = mgl.at(0);

  // test the getPair-functions
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ma.hasPlayerPair1() == false);
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ma.hasPlayerPair2() == false);
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(ma.getPlayerPair1(), std::runtime_error);
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(ma.getPlayerPair2(), std::runtime_error);

  // (artificially) assign one pair
  PlayerPair pp1 = Tournament::getPlayerMngr()->getPlayerPair(1);
  (*db)[TAB_MATCH][ma.getId()].update(MA_PAIR1_REF, pp1.getPairId());

  // test again
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ma.hasPlayerPair1() == true);
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ma.hasPlayerPair2() == false);
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ma.getPlayerPair1().getPairId() == pp1.getPairId());
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(ma.getPlayerPair2(), std::runtime_error);

  // (artificially) assign the second pair
  PlayerPair pp2 = Tournament::getPlayerMngr()->getPlayerPair(2);
  (*db)[TAB_MATCH][ma.getId()].update(MA_PAIR2_REF, pp2.getPairId());

  // test again
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ma.hasPlayerPair1() == true);
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ma.hasPlayerPair2() == true);
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ma.getPlayerPair1().getPairId() == pp1.getPairId());
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ma.getPlayerPair2().getPairId() == pp2.getPairId());

  // remove the first one
  (*db)[TAB_MATCH][ma.getId()].update(MA_PAIR1_REF, QVariant());

  // test again
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ma.hasPlayerPair1() == false);
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ma.hasPlayerPair2() == true);
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(ma.getPlayerPair1(), std::runtime_error);
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ma.getPlayerPair2().getPairId() == pp2.getPairId());

  delete db;
예제 #2
  ERR RankingMngr::updateRankingsAfterMatchResultChange(const Match& ma, const MatchScore& oldScore, bool skipSorting) const
    if (ma.getState() != STAT_MA_FINISHED) return WRONG_STATE;

    Category cat = ma.getCategory();
    int catId = cat.getId();
    int firstRoundToModify = ma.getMatchGroup().getRound();

    // determine the score differences (delta) for each affected player pair
    MatchScore newScore = *(ma.getScore());  // is guaranteed to be != nullptr
    tuple<int, int, int> deltaMatches_P1{0,0,0};  // to be added to PlayerPair1
    tuple<int, int, int> deltaMatches_P2{0,0,0};  // to be added to PlayerPair2

    int oldWinner = oldScore.getWinner();
    int newWinner = newScore.getWinner();
    if ((oldWinner == 0) && (newWinner == 1))
      deltaMatches_P1 = tuple<int, int, int>{1, 0, -1};
      deltaMatches_P2 = tuple<int, int, int>{0, 1, -1};
    if ((oldWinner == 0) && (newWinner == 2))
      deltaMatches_P1 = tuple<int, int, int>{0, 1, -1};
      deltaMatches_P2 = tuple<int, int, int>{1, 0, -1};
    if ((oldWinner == 1) && (newWinner == 0))
      deltaMatches_P1 = tuple<int, int, int>{-1, 0, 1};
      deltaMatches_P2 = tuple<int, int, int>{0, -1, 1};
    if ((oldWinner == 2) && (newWinner == 0))
      deltaMatches_P1 = tuple<int, int, int>{0, -1, 1};
      deltaMatches_P2 = tuple<int, int, int>{-1, 0, 1};
    if ((oldWinner == 1) && (newWinner == 2))
      deltaMatches_P1 = tuple<int, int, int>{-1, 1, 0};
      deltaMatches_P2 = tuple<int, int, int>{1, -1, 0};
    if ((oldWinner == 2) && (newWinner == 1))
      deltaMatches_P1 = tuple<int, int, int>{1, -1, 0};
      deltaMatches_P2 = tuple<int, int, int>{-1, 1, 0};

    tuple<int, int> gameSumOld = oldScore.getGameSum();
    tuple<int, int> gameSumNew = newScore.getGameSum();
    int gamesTotalOld = get<0>(gameSumOld) + get<1>(gameSumOld);
    int gamesTotalNew = get<0>(gameSumNew) + get<1>(gameSumNew);

    int deltaWonGamesP1 = -get<0>(gameSumOld) + get<0>(gameSumNew);
    int deltaLostGamesP1 = -(gamesTotalOld - get<0>(gameSumOld)) + (gamesTotalNew - get<0>(gameSumNew));
    int deltaWonGamesP2 = -get<1>(gameSumOld) + get<1>(gameSumNew);
    int deltaLostGamesP2 = -(gamesTotalOld - get<1>(gameSumOld)) + (gamesTotalNew - get<1>(gameSumNew));
    tuple<int, int> deltaGames_P1{deltaWonGamesP1, deltaLostGamesP1};  // to be added to PlayerPair1
    tuple<int, int> deltaGames_P2{deltaWonGamesP2, deltaLostGamesP2};  // to be added to PlayerPair2

    tuple<int, int> scoreSumOld = oldScore.getScoreSum();
    tuple<int, int> scoreSumNew = newScore.getScoreSum();
    int oldWonPoints_P1 = get<0>(scoreSumOld);
    int newWonPoints_P1 = get<0>(scoreSumNew);
    int deltaWonPoints_P1 = newWonPoints_P1 - oldWonPoints_P1;
    int oldLostPoints_P1 = oldScore.getPointsSum() - oldWonPoints_P1;
    int newLostPoints_P1 = newScore.getPointsSum() - newWonPoints_P1;
    int deltaLostPoints_P1 = newLostPoints_P1 - oldLostPoints_P1;
    tuple<int, int> deltaPoints_P1{deltaWonPoints_P1, deltaLostPoints_P1};
    tuple<int, int> deltaPoints_P2{deltaLostPoints_P1, deltaWonPoints_P1};

    // determine who actually is P1 and P2
    int pp1Id = ma.getPlayerPair1().getPairId();
    int pp2Id = ma.getPlayerPair2().getPairId();

    // find the first entry to modify

    // derive the group number of the affected ranking entries
    // we may only modify subsequent entries with the same
    // group number as the initial number. Thus, we prevent
    // a modification of e.g. the ranking entries in a KO-phase
    // after we started modifications in the round robin phase.
    // we get the group number from the first entry of the
    // first player pair to be modified
    WhereClause w;
    w.addIntCol(RA_CAT_REF, catId);
    w.addIntCol(RA_PAIR_REF, pp1Id);
    w.addIntCol(RA_ROUND, firstRoundToModify);
    auto re = getSingleObjectByWhereClause<RankingEntry>(w);
    if (re == nullptr) return OK;  // no ranking entries yet
    int grpNum = re->getGroupNumber();

    // a helper function that does the actual modification
    auto doMod = [&](int pairId, const tuple<int, int, int>& matchDelta,
                     const tuple<int, int>& gamesDelta, const tuple<int, int>& pointsDelta)
      // let's build a where clause that captures all entries
      // to modified
      w.addIntCol(RA_CAT_REF, catId);
      w.addIntCol(RA_PAIR_REF, pairId);
      w.addIntCol(RA_ROUND, ">=", firstRoundToModify);
      if (grpNum > 0)
        w.addIntCol(RA_GRP_NUM, grpNum);   // a dedicated group number (1, 2, 3...)
      } else {
        w.addIntCol(RA_GRP_NUM, "<", 0);   // a functional number (iteration, quarter finals, ...)
      DbTab::CachingRowIterator it = tab->getRowsByWhereClause(w);
      while (!(it.isEnd()))
        TabRow r = *it;

        vector<tuple <string, int>> colDelta = {
          {RA_MATCHES_WON, get<0>(matchDelta)},
          {RA_MATCHES_LOST, get<1>(matchDelta)},
          {RA_MATCHES_DRAW, get<2>(matchDelta)},
          {RA_GAMES_WON, get<0>(gamesDelta)},
          {RA_GAMES_LOST, get<1>(gamesDelta)},
          {RA_POINTS_WON, get<0>(pointsDelta)},
          {RA_POINTS_LOST, get<1>(pointsDelta)},

        for (const tuple<string, int>& cd : colDelta)
          int dbErr;
          int oldVal = r.getInt(get<0>(cd));
          r.update(get<0>(cd), oldVal + get<1>(cd), &dbErr);
          if (dbErr != SQLITE_DONE) return false;


      return true;
    //------------------------- end of helper func -------------------

    // lock the database before writing
    DbLockHolder lh{db, DatabaseAccessRoles::MainThread};

    // start a new transaction to make sure that
    // the database remains consistent in case something goes wrong
    bool isDbErr;
    auto tg = db->acquireTransactionGuard(false, &isDbErr);
    if (isDbErr) return DATABASE_ERROR;

    // modify the ranking entries
    bool isOkay = doMod(pp1Id, deltaMatches_P1, deltaGames_P1, deltaPoints_P1);
    if (!isOkay)
      return DATABASE_ERROR; // triggers implicit rollback through tg's dtor
    isOkay = doMod(pp2Id, deltaMatches_P2, deltaGames_P2, deltaPoints_P2);
    if (!isOkay)
      return DATABASE_ERROR;  // triggers implicit rollback through tg's dtor

    // now we have to re-sort the entries, round by round
    // UNLESS the caller decided to skip the sorting.
    // skipping the sorting (and thus assigning ranks) is only
    // usefull in bracket matches where ranks are not derived
    // from points but from bracket logic
    if (!skipSorting)
      auto specializedCat = cat.convertToSpecializedObject();
      auto lessThanFunc = specializedCat->getLessThanFunction();
      int round = firstRoundToModify;
      while (true)
        w.addIntCol(RA_CAT_REF, catId);
        w.addIntCol(RA_ROUND, round);
        w.addIntCol(RA_GRP_NUM, grpNum);

        // get the ranking entries
        RankingEntryList rankList = getObjectsByWhereClause<RankingEntry>(w);
        if (rankList.empty()) break;   // no more rounds to modify

        // call the standard sorting algorithm
        std::sort(rankList.begin(), rankList.end(), lessThanFunc);

        // write the sort results back to the database
        int rank = 1;
        for (RankingEntry re : rankList)
          re.row.update(RA_RANK, rank);


    // Done. Finish the transaction
    isOkay = tg ? tg->commit() : true;
    return isOkay ? OK : DATABASE_ERROR;