void rectify::combineMatrices()
 firstHomography = euclideanTrans * projectiveTrans;
 secondHomography = euclideanTransDash * projectiveTransDash;

 checkVec.push_back(vector3d(0, 0, 1));
 checkVec.push_back(vector3d(800, 0, 1));
 checkVec.push_back(vector3d(0, 600, 1));
 checkVec.push_back(vector3d(400, 300, 1));
 checkVec.push_back(vector3d(800, 600, 1));
 checkVec.push_back(vector3d(500, 500, 1));

 vector3d first, second;
 for(int i = 0; i < checkVec.size(); i++)
	first = firstHomography * checkVec[i];
	second = secondHomography * checkVec[i];

 int dataID;
 for(int i = 0; i < global::inliersRecord.size(); i++)
  dataID = inliersRecord[i];
  first = global::firstImagePoints[dataID];
  first = firstHomography * first;
  first.change(first.x/first.z, first.y/first.z, 1.0);

  second = global::secondImagePoints[dataID];
  second = secondHomography * second;
  second.change(second.x/second.z, second.y/second.z, 1.0);

  std::cout<<" disparity "<<fabs(first.x - second.x)<<std::endl;

 first = firstHomography * global::epipoleA;
 second = secondHomography * global::epipoleB;

vector3d inf = vector3d(1, 0, 0);
Matrix3f infX;
infX.m[2][1] = 1;
infX.m[1][2] = -1;
(secondHomography.ReturnTranspose() * infX * firstHomography).Display("Fun");
Matrix3f fund = global::fundamentalMatrix;
 fund = fund * (1/fund.m[2][1]);

예제 #2
void inliers::ransac()
int totalPointSize = firstImagePoints.size();			//'S' equals total set containing all points
 //largest block to contain coefficients, accessed partially
 float **coeffMat;
 int num_pts = 2 * totalPointSize;
 coeffMat = new float *[num_pts];
 for(int i = 0; i < num_pts; i++)
	coeffMat[i] = new float[9];
 float outputMat[9];
 Matrix3f homographyMat;

 //select random points, but here three diverse points are selected
 num_pts = 4;
 Matrix3f mat, matD;
 int interval = (totalPointSize / num_pts) - 1;
 for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
	sampleInliers.push_back(interval * j);
 int dataID;
 vector3d first, second;

bool ransacRepeat = true;
float threshold = 0.0;				//'t' equals 3.84 * sigma_squared, maximum deviation to be an inlier

float errorDeviation[totalPointSize];		//deviation of point from mean, which is estimated to be zero
int oldSampleSize;
float oldOmega = 0.5;				//increase of omega, which is prob. of inliers, suggests convergence
float omega;
int capitalN;
int ransacItr = 0;

 	normalization(sampleInliers, mat, matD);

 	for(int i = 0; i < num_pts; i++)
	dataID = sampleInliers[i];
	first = global::firstImagePoints[dataID];
	second = global::secondImagePoints[dataID];
	first = mat * first;
	second = matD * second;
	coeffMat[2 * i][0] = 0;
	coeffMat[2 * i][1] = 0;
	coeffMat[2 * i][2] = 0;
	coeffMat[2 * i][3] = -second.z * first.x;
	coeffMat[2 * i][4] = -second.z * first.y;
	coeffMat[2 * i][5] = -second.z * first.z;
	coeffMat[2 * i][6] = second.y * first.x;
	coeffMat[2 * i][7] = second.y * first.y;
	coeffMat[2 * i][8] = second.y * first.z;

	coeffMat[2 * i + 1][0] = second.z * first.x;
	coeffMat[2 * i + 1][1] = second.z * first.y;
	coeffMat[2 * i + 1][2] = second.z * first.z;
	coeffMat[2 * i + 1][3] = 0;
	coeffMat[2 * i + 1][4] = 0;
	coeffMat[2 * i + 1][5] = 0;
	coeffMat[2 * i + 1][6] = -second.x * first.x;
	coeffMat[2 * i + 1][7] = -second.x * first.y;
	coeffMat[2 * i + 1][8] = -second.x * first.z;

 solutionSVD(coeffMat, num_pts * 2, 9, outputMat);
 homographyMat = Matrix3f(outputMat);
 homographyMat = matD * homographyMat * mat;
 ransacItr++;							//counter increased
//check accuracy of homographyMat with other points
 for(int i = 0; i < totalPointSize; i++)
	first = homographyMat * firstImagePoints[i];
	first.change(first.x/first.z, first.y/first.z, 1.0);
	second = secondImagePoints[i];
	errorDeviation[i] = second.distancePointsSquared(first);
	std::cout<<" index  "<<i<<" and S.D.  "<<sqrt(errorDeviation[i])<<"   ";
	//first.Display("f");	second.Display("s");
	threshold += errorDeviation[i];
	if( i % 2 == 0) std::cout<<std::endl;
	threshold /= totalPointSize;
	threshold = sqrt(threshold) * 0.8;
std::cout<<" thres "<<threshold<<std::endl;

 oldSampleSize = sampleInliers.size();				//'s' is the sample Size, or old num_pts

 for(int i = 0; i < totalPointSize; i++)
	 if(sqrt(errorDeviation[i]) <= threshold)
		std::cout<<" Pindex "<<i<<" deviation "<<sqrt(errorDeviation[i])<<"   ";
		if( i % 2 == 0) std::cout<<std::endl;
		sampleInliers.push_back(i);			//'Si' is the consensus set
 oldSampleSize = sampleInliers.size() - oldSampleSize;
 std::cout<<std::endl<<" sampleInliersPushed  "<<oldSampleSize<<"  "<<std::endl;

 num_pts = sampleInliers.size();
 omega = (float)num_pts / totalPointSize;			//probability of an inlier
 omega = log10(1 - pow(omega, oldSampleSize));
 capitalN = (-2)/omega;
	std::cout<<std::endl<<" omega  "<<omega<<" capitalN "<<capitalN<<std::endl;
 if(capitalN <= ransacItr || ransacItr > 50) ransacRepeat = false;

//need to check whether omega was converging

//final re-estimation of the model
 normalization(sampleInliers, mat, matD);
 for(int i = 0; i < num_pts; i++)
	dataID = sampleInliers[i];
	first = global::firstImagePoints[dataID];
	second = global::secondImagePoints[dataID];
	first = mat * first;
	second = matD * second;
	coeffMat[2 * i][0] = 0;
	coeffMat[2 * i][1] = 0;
	coeffMat[2 * i][2] = 0;
	coeffMat[2 * i][3] = -second.z * first.x;
	coeffMat[2 * i][4] = -second.z * first.y;
	coeffMat[2 * i][5] = -second.z * first.z;
	coeffMat[2 * i][6] = second.y * first.x;
	coeffMat[2 * i][7] = second.y * first.y;
	coeffMat[2 * i][8] = second.y * first.z;

	coeffMat[2 * i + 1][0] = second.z * first.x;
	coeffMat[2 * i + 1][1] = second.z * first.y;
	coeffMat[2 * i + 1][2] = second.z * first.z;
	coeffMat[2 * i + 1][3] = 0;
	coeffMat[2 * i + 1][4] = 0;
	coeffMat[2 * i + 1][5] = 0;
	coeffMat[2 * i + 1][6] = -second.x * first.x;
	coeffMat[2 * i + 1][7] = -second.x * first.y;
	coeffMat[2 * i + 1][8] = -second.x * first.z;

 solutionSVD(coeffMat, num_pts * 2, 9, outputMat);
 std::cout<<" answer "<<std::endl;
	for(int j = 0; j < 9; j++)
 std::cout<<" "<<outputMat[j]<<"  ";

 homographyMat = Matrix3f(outputMat);
 homographyMat = matD * homographyMat * mat;

for(int i = 0; i < sampleInliers.size(); i++)

 //release memory
 delete[] coeffMat;