예제 #1
파일: Line.cpp 프로젝트: daillen/Math
void Line::Transform(const Matrix4& m)

예제 #2
void PrimitiveCircle::DrawHiddenBack(DrawArgs* args, const SceneGraph::Camera* camera, const Matrix4& m) const
    if (!SetState())

    int i = 0, count = 0;
    float stepAngle = (float32_t)HELIUM_TWOPI / (float32_t)(m_RadiusSteps);

    Vector3 position (m.t.x, m.t.y, m.t.z);

    Vector3 cameraVector;
    cameraVector -= position;

    for (int x=0; x<m_RadiusSteps; x++)
        float theta = (float32_t)(x) * stepAngle;

        // circle point 1
        Vector3 v1 (0.0f, (float32_t)(cos(theta)) * m_Radius, (float32_t)(sin(theta)) * m_Radius);

        // circle point 2
        Vector3 v2 (0.0f, (float32_t)(cos(theta + stepAngle)) * m_Radius, (float32_t)(sin(theta + stepAngle)) * m_Radius);

        // middle point of circle segment
        Vector3 v = (v1 + v2) * 0.5f;

        // in global space

        v -= position;

        // if not pointing away from the camera vector, render
        if (v.Dot(cameraVector) > 1.0f - HELIUM_CRITICAL_DOT_PRODUCT)
            m_Device->DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_LINELIST, (UINT)GetBaseIndex()+i, 1);

        // increment vertex offset

    args->m_LineCount += count;
예제 #3
void AlignedBox::Transform(const Matrix4& matrix)
    // get the currents sample bounds
    Math::V_Vector3 vertices;
    GetVertices( vertices );

    // reseed this box

    // iterate and resample the bounds
    Math::V_Vector3::iterator itr = vertices.begin();
    Math::V_Vector3::iterator end = vertices.end();
    for ( ; itr != end; ++itr )
        // transform the sample
        matrix.TransformVertex( *itr );

        // test the sample
        Test( *itr );
예제 #4
파일: Curve.cpp 프로젝트: euler0/Helium
UndoCommandPtr Curve::CenterTransform()
    BatchUndoCommandPtr batch = new BatchUndoCommand();

    batch->Push( Base::CenterTransform() );

    if ( GetNumberControlPoints() == 0 )
        return batch;

    // We are going to move all control points, so just snap shot

    batch->Push( SnapShot() );

    // Compute the centered position

    Vector3 position = Vector3::Zero;

        uint32_t controlPointCount = 0;
        OS_HierarchyNodeDumbPtr::Iterator childItr = GetChildren().Begin();
        OS_HierarchyNodeDumbPtr::Iterator childEnd = GetChildren().End();
        for ( ; childItr != childEnd; ++childItr )
            CurveControlPoint* point = Reflect::SafeCast< CurveControlPoint >( *childItr );
            if ( point )
                position += point->GetPosition();
        position /= (float32_t)controlPointCount;

    m_GlobalTransform.TransformVertex( position );

    // Offset the control points

    Matrix4 m = m_GlobalTransform;

    m.t = position;

    m = m_GlobalTransform * m.Inverted();

        OS_HierarchyNodeDumbPtr::Iterator childItr = GetChildren().Begin();
        OS_HierarchyNodeDumbPtr::Iterator childEnd = GetChildren().End();
        for ( ; childItr != childEnd; ++childItr )
            CurveControlPoint* point = Reflect::SafeCast< CurveControlPoint >( *childItr );
            if ( point )
                Vector3 p = point->GetPosition();

                m.TransformVertex( p );

                batch->Push( new PropertyUndoCommand< Vector3 >( new Helium::MemberProperty< CurveControlPoint, Vector3 >( point, &CurveControlPoint::GetPosition, &CurveControlPoint::SetPosition ), p ) );

    // Recompute global transform

    // our new global transform is just translated to the new position
    m_GlobalTransform.t = position;

    // this will recompute the local components
    SetGlobalTransform( m_GlobalTransform );

    // update the transform object
    Evaluate( GraphDirections::Downstream );

    // update each child's local transform to stay in the same global position
    for ( OS_HierarchyNodeDumbPtr::Iterator itr = m_Children.Begin(), end = m_Children.End(); itr != end; ++itr )
        HierarchyNode* n = *itr;

        Transform* t = Reflect::SafeCast<Transform>( n );

        if ( !t )

        batch->Push( t->ComputeObjectComponents() );


    return batch;
예제 #5
AxesFlags PrimitiveAxes::PickAxis(const Matrix4& transform, Line pick, float32_t err)
    Vector3 offset;
    float32_t minX = m_Length, minY = m_Length, minZ = m_Length;

    Vector3 axisOrigin (Vector3::Zero);
    Vector3 axisEnd (m_Length, 0.f, 0.f);

    transform.TransformVertex (axisOrigin);
    transform.TransformVertex (axisEnd);

    if (pick.IntersectsSegment (axisOrigin, axisEnd, err, NULL, &offset))
        float32_t dist = offset.Length();
        if (dist > 0.0f && dist < minX)
            minX = dist;

    axisEnd = Vector3(0.f, m_Length, 0.f);
    transform.TransformVertex (axisEnd);

    if (pick.IntersectsSegment (axisOrigin, axisEnd, err, NULL, &offset))
        float32_t dist = offset.Length();
        if (dist > 0.0f && dist < minY)
            minY = dist;

    axisEnd = Vector3(0.f, 0.f, m_Length);
    transform.TransformVertex (axisEnd);

    if (pick.IntersectsSegment (axisOrigin, axisEnd, err, NULL, &offset))
        float32_t dist = offset.Length();
        if (dist > 0.0f && dist < minZ)
            minZ = dist;

    if ((minX == minY) && (minY == minZ))
        return MultipleAxes::None;

    if (minX <= minY && minX <= minZ)
        return MultipleAxes::X;

    if (minY <= minX && minY <= minZ)
        return MultipleAxes::Y;

    if (minZ <= minX && minZ <= minY)
        return MultipleAxes::Z;

    return MultipleAxes::None;