예제 #1
//[ Public virtual SceneNode functions                    ]
void SNCamera::DrawDebug(Renderer &cRenderer, const VisNode *pVisNode)
	// Call base implementation
	SceneNode::DrawDebug(cRenderer, pVisNode);

	// Draw anything?
	if (pVisNode && (!(GetDebugFlags() & DebugNoFrustum) || (GetDebugFlags() & DebugFrustumVertices))) {
		// Setup render states
		cRenderer.SetRenderState(RenderState::ZEnable,      false);
		cRenderer.SetRenderState(RenderState::ZWriteEnable, false);
		static const Color4 cColor(0.8f, 1.0f, 0.8f, 1.0f);

		// Draw the camera frustum?
		if (!(GetDebugFlags() & DebugNoFrustum)) {
			// Get world transform matrix with no scale
			Matrix4x4 mWorld;
			mWorld.FromQuatTrans(CalculateViewRotation(), GetTransform().GetPosition());
			mWorld *= GetProjectionMatrix(cRenderer.GetViewport()).GetInverted();

			// Draw
			const Matrix4x4 mWorldViewProjection = pVisNode->GetViewProjectionMatrix()*mWorld;
			cRenderer.GetDrawHelpers().DrawBox(cColor, Vector3::NegativeOne, Vector3::One, mWorldViewProjection, 1.0f);

		// Draw the frustum vertices? (there are ALWAYS 8 of them!)
		if ((GetDebugFlags() & DebugFrustumVertices) && pVisNode->GetParent()) {
			// Draw them - this points are within the 'container space'
			const Array<Vector3> &lstV = GetFrustumVertices(cRenderer.GetViewport());
			for (uint8 i=0; i<lstV.GetNumOfElements(); i++)
				cRenderer.GetDrawHelpers().DrawPoint(cColor, lstV[i], pVisNode->GetParent()->GetWorldViewProjectionMatrix(), 5.0f);
예제 #2
*  @brief
*    Returns the 8 camera frustum vertices
const Array<Vector3> &SNCamera::GetFrustumVertices(const Rectangle &cViewport)
	// Get the viewport width and height
	const uint32 nViewportWidth  = static_cast<uint32>(cViewport.GetWidth());
	const uint32 nViewportHeight = static_cast<uint32>(cViewport.GetHeight());

	// Calculate frustum vertices if required
	if ((m_nInternalCameraFlags & RecalculateFrustumVertices) ||
		m_nViewportWidth != nViewportWidth || m_nViewportHeight != nViewportHeight) {
		// Ensure that the other camera properties which depend on the viewport dimension are also updated correctly
		// -> This may lead to a "double" (in sense of "we could probably avoid one when doing more complex tests") calculation, but this in here is just an optimization and should never result in invalid settings
		m_nInternalCameraFlags |= RecalculateProjectionMatrix;
		m_nInternalCameraFlags |= RecalculateFrustum;

		// Backup the viewport dimension
		m_nViewportWidth  = nViewportWidth;
		m_nViewportHeight = nViewportHeight;

		// Set unit box
		m_cFrustumVertices[0].SetXYZ(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f);
		m_cFrustumVertices[1].SetXYZ(-1.0f,  1.0f, -1.0f);
		m_cFrustumVertices[2].SetXYZ( 1.0f,  1.0f, -1.0f);
		m_cFrustumVertices[3].SetXYZ( 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f);
		m_cFrustumVertices[4].SetXYZ(-1.0f, -1.0f,  1.0f);
		m_cFrustumVertices[5].SetXYZ(-1.0f,  1.0f,  1.0f);
		m_cFrustumVertices[6].SetXYZ( 1.0f,  1.0f,  1.0f);
		m_cFrustumVertices[7].SetXYZ( 1.0f, -1.0f,  1.0f);

		// Get world transform matrix with no scale
		Matrix4x4 mWorld;
		mWorld.FromQuatTrans(CalculateViewRotation(), GetTransform().GetPosition());
		mWorld *= GetProjectionMatrix(cViewport).GetInverted();

		// Project the vertices
		for (uint8 i=0; i<m_cFrustumVertices.GetNumOfElements(); i++)
			m_cFrustumVertices[i] *= mWorld;

		// Recalculation done
		m_nInternalCameraFlags &= ~RecalculateFrustumVertices;

	// Return the frustum vertices
	return m_cFrustumVertices;