//[ Private virtual SPMultiView functions                 ]
void SPMultiViewFixedFunctions::DrawScene(uint32 nScene)
	// Get the used renderer
	Renderer &cRenderer = GetRenderer();

	// Fixed functions support required
	FixedFunctions *pFixedFunctions = cRenderer.GetFixedFunctions();
	if (pFixedFunctions) {
		{ // Setup light
			FixedFunctions::Light sLight;
			sLight.cAmbient.SetRGBA(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f);
			sLight.cDiffuse.SetRGBA(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
			sLight.nType = FixedFunctions::LightType::Point;
			sLight.vPosition.SetXYZ(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.5f);
			sLight.fLinearAttenuation = 0.3f;
			pFixedFunctions->SetTransformState(FixedFunctions::Transform::World, Matrix4x4::Identity);
			pFixedFunctions->SetLightEnabled(0, false);
			pFixedFunctions->SetLight		(0, sLight);
			pFixedFunctions->SetLightEnabled(0, true);

		{ // Set the world matrix
			// Build a rotation matrix by using a given Euler angle around the y-axis
			Matrix4x4 mWorld;
			pFixedFunctions->SetTransformState(FixedFunctions::Transform::World, mWorld);

		{ // Set the view matrix
			Matrix4x4 mView;
			mView.SetTranslation(0.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f);
			pFixedFunctions->SetTransformState(FixedFunctions::Transform::View, mView);

		{ // Set the projection matrix
			Matrix4x4 mProj;
			const float fAspect      = 1.0f;
			const float fAspectRadio = cRenderer.GetViewport().GetWidth()/(cRenderer.GetViewport().GetHeight()*fAspect);
			mProj.PerspectiveFov(static_cast<float>(45.0f*Math::DegToRad), fAspectRadio, 0.001f, 1000.0f);
			pFixedFunctions->SetTransformState(FixedFunctions::Transform::Projection, mProj);

		// Draw the mesh handler representing the scene to draw
		switch (nScene) {
			case 0:

			case 1:

			case 2:
//[ Private virtual PLRenderer::SurfacePainter functions  ]
void SPTriangleFixedFunctions::OnPaint(Surface &cSurface)
	// Get the used renderer
	Renderer &cRenderer = GetRenderer();

	// Clear the content of the current used render target by using gray (this way, in case on an graphics error we might still see at least something)
	cRenderer.Clear(Clear::Color | Clear::ZBuffer, Color4::Gray);

	// Fixed functions support required
	FixedFunctions *pFixedFunctions = cRenderer.GetFixedFunctions();
	if (pFixedFunctions) {
		{ // Set the world matrix
			// Build a rotation matrix by using a given Euler angle around the y-axis
			Matrix4x4 mWorld;
			pFixedFunctions->SetTransformState(FixedFunctions::Transform::World, mWorld);

			// Increase the rotation by the current time difference (time past since the last frame)
			// -> Normally, such work should NOT be performed within the rendering step, but we want
			//    to keep the implementation simple in here...
			m_fRotation += Timing::GetInstance()->GetTimeDifference()*50;

		{ // Set the view matrix
			Matrix4x4 mView;
			mView.SetTranslation(0.0f, 0.0f, -5.0f);
			pFixedFunctions->SetTransformState(FixedFunctions::Transform::View, mView);

		{ // Set the projection matrix
			const float fAspect      = 1.0f;
			const float fAspectRadio = cRenderer.GetViewport().GetWidth()/(cRenderer.GetViewport().GetHeight()*fAspect);
			Matrix4x4 mProj;
			mProj.PerspectiveFov(static_cast<float>(45.0f*Math::DegToRad), fAspectRadio, 0.001f, 1000.0f);
			pFixedFunctions->SetTransformState(FixedFunctions::Transform::Projection, mProj);

		// Normally this vertex buffer we created is NEVER a null pointer, but in this sample
		// we want to go for sure
		if (m_pVertexBuffer) {
			// Bind our vertex buffer

			// No back face culling, please. Else we can only see one 'side' of the triangle
			cRenderer.SetRenderState(RenderState::CullMode, Cull::None);

			// Now draw the primitives of our cool triangle.
			// The primitive type is 'triangles', we start at vertex 0 and draw '3' vertices.
			cRenderer.DrawPrimitives(Primitive::TriangleList, 0, 3);
예제 #3
//[ Public virtual PLRenderer::SurfacePainter functions   ]
void SPScene::OnPaint(Surface &cSurface)
	// Get the used renderer
	Renderer &cRenderer = GetRenderer();

	// Get camera
	SNCamera *pCamera = nullptr;
	SceneRenderer *pSceneRenderer = nullptr;
	if (m_pCameraNodeHandler->GetElement()) {
		pCamera = static_cast<SNCamera*>(m_pCameraNodeHandler->GetElement());
		if (pCamera)
			pSceneRenderer = pCamera->GetSceneRenderer();
	SNCamera::SetCamera(pCamera, &cRenderer);

	// Check the used scene renderer
	if (!pSceneRenderer)
		pSceneRenderer = GetDefaultSceneRenderer();

	// Check the used scene renderer
	if (pSceneRenderer) {
		// Get the root scene container
		SceneContainer *pRootContainer = GetRootContainer();
		if (pRootContainer) {
			// Get the cull query
			SQCull *pCullQuery = static_cast<SQCull*>(m_pCullQuery->GetElement());
			if (pCullQuery) {
				// Set camera (can be a null pointer)
				if (pCamera) {
					// Setup render query
					SceneContainer *pCameraContainer = pCamera->GetContainer();
					pCullQuery->SetCameraContainer((pCameraContainer && pCameraContainer->IsCell()) ? pCameraContainer : nullptr);
				} else {
					// Set default states
					Matrix4x4 mProj;
					mProj.PerspectiveFov(static_cast<float>(90.0f*Math::DegToRad), 1.0f, 0.001f, 10000.0f);
					Frustum cFrustum;
					cFrustum.CreateViewPlanes(mProj, false);

				// Perform the visibility determination

			// Get the scene container (can be a null pointer)
			SceneContainer *pContainer = GetSceneContainer();

			// Pre all scene nodes
			DrawPre(cRenderer, *pRootContainer);

			// Draw all scene nodes solid
			DrawSolid(cRenderer, *pRootContainer);

			// Draw the scene container (if there's one)
			if (pContainer && pCullQuery)
				pSceneRenderer->DrawScene(cRenderer, *pCullQuery);

			// Draw all scene nodes transparent
			DrawTransparent(cRenderer, *pRootContainer);

			// Debug all scene nodes
			DrawDebug(cRenderer, *pRootContainer);

			// Post all scene nodes
			DrawPost(cRenderer, *pRootContainer);
//[ Private virtual PLRenderer::SurfacePainter functions  ]
void SPRTTShaders::OnPaint(Surface &cSurface)
	// Get the used renderer
	Renderer &cRenderer = GetRenderer();

	// Clear the content of the current used render target by using gray (this way, in case on an graphics error we might still see at least something)
	cRenderer.Clear(Clear::Color | Clear::ZBuffer, Color4::Gray);

	// Backup current render target and set the new one to render in our texture buffer
	Surface *pRenderSurfaceBackup = cRenderer.GetRenderTarget();
	if (cRenderer.SetRenderTarget(m_pRenderTarget)) {
		if (m_pColorTarget1)
			cRenderer.SetColorRenderTarget(static_cast<TextureBuffer*>(m_pColorTarget1), 1);
		if (m_pColorTarget2)
			cRenderer.SetColorRenderTarget(static_cast<TextureBuffer*>(m_pColorTarget2), 2);
		if (m_pColorTarget3)
			cRenderer.SetColorRenderTarget(static_cast<TextureBuffer*>(m_pColorTarget3), 3);

		// Draw the scene

		// Reset render target

	// This code is similar to the code of the triangle sample. But instead of a
	// triangle we will draw three rotating quadrangles. Further the used vertex
	// buffer has texture coordinates and we apply the 'teapot' texture buffer on the primitives.
	// Clear the content of the current used render target

	// Make our program to the current one
	if (cRenderer.SetProgram(m_pProgram)) {
		// Set program vertex attributes, this creates a connection between "Vertex Buffer Attribute" and "Vertex Shader Attribute"
		m_pProgram->Set("VertexPosition",		   m_pPositionVertexBuffer, VertexBuffer::Position);
		m_pProgram->Set("VertexTextureCoordinate", m_pPositionVertexBuffer, VertexBuffer::TexCoord);
		m_pProgram->Set("VertexColor",			   m_pColorVertexBuffer,    VertexBuffer::Color);

		// Set color factor
		m_pProgram->Set("ColorFactor", 0.0f);

		// Calculate the composed view projection matrix - we need it multiple times
		Matrix4x4 mViewProjection;
			// Calculate the view matrix
			Matrix4x4 mView;
				mView.SetTranslation(0.0f, 0.0f, -5.0f);

			// Calculate the projection matrix
			Matrix4x4 mProjection;
				const float fAspect      = 1.0f;
				const float fAspectRadio = cRenderer.GetViewport().GetWidth()/(cRenderer.GetViewport().GetHeight()*fAspect);
				mProjection.PerspectiveFov(static_cast<float>(45.0f*Math::DegToRad), fAspectRadio, 0.001f, 1000.0f);

			// Calculate the composed view projection matrix
			mViewProjection = mProjection*mView;

		// No back face culling, please. Else we can only see one 'side' of the quadrangle
		cRenderer.SetRenderState(RenderState::CullMode, Cull::None);

		Matrix4x4 mWorld;
		{ // Draw quadrangle 1: Primary render target
			// Set object space to clip space matrix uniform
			ProgramUniform *pProgramUniform = m_pProgram->GetUniform("ObjectSpaceToClipSpaceMatrix");
			if (pProgramUniform) {
				mWorld.SetTranslationMatrix(2.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

			{ // Set the texture buffer we rendered our teapot in as the current texture buffer
				const int nTextureUnit = m_pProgram->Set("DiffuseMap", m_pRenderTarget->GetTextureBuffer());
				if (nTextureUnit >= 0) {
					// Disable mip mapping - this is required because we created/filled no mipmaps for your texture buffer
					cRenderer.SetSamplerState(nTextureUnit, Sampler::MagFilter, TextureFiltering::Linear);
					cRenderer.SetSamplerState(nTextureUnit, Sampler::MinFilter, TextureFiltering::Linear);
					cRenderer.SetSamplerState(nTextureUnit, Sampler::MipFilter, TextureFiltering::None);

			// Draw
			cRenderer.DrawPrimitives(Primitive::TriangleStrip, 0, 4);

		{ // Draw quadrangle 2: Color render target 1
			// Set object space to clip space matrix uniform
			ProgramUniform *pProgramUniform = m_pProgram->GetUniform("ObjectSpaceToClipSpaceMatrix");
			if (pProgramUniform) {
				mWorld.SetTranslation(-2.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

			{ // Set the texture buffer we rendered our teapot in as the current texture buffer
				const int nTextureUnit = m_pProgram->Set("DiffuseMap", m_pColorTarget1 ? static_cast<TextureBuffer*>(m_pColorTarget1) : m_pRenderTarget->GetTextureBuffer());
				if (nTextureUnit >= 0) {
					// Disable mip mapping - this is required because we created/filled no mipmaps for your texture buffer
					cRenderer.SetSamplerState(nTextureUnit, Sampler::MagFilter, TextureFiltering::Linear);
					cRenderer.SetSamplerState(nTextureUnit, Sampler::MinFilter, TextureFiltering::Linear);
					cRenderer.SetSamplerState(nTextureUnit, Sampler::MipFilter, TextureFiltering::None);

			// Draw
			cRenderer.DrawPrimitives(Primitive::TriangleStrip, 0, 4);

		{ // Draw quadrangle 3: Color render target 2
			// Set object space to clip space matrix uniform
			ProgramUniform *pProgramUniform = m_pProgram->GetUniform("ObjectSpaceToClipSpaceMatrix");
			if (pProgramUniform) {
				mWorld.SetTranslation(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

			{ // Set the texture buffer we rendered our teapot in as the current texture buffer
				const int nTextureUnit = m_pProgram->Set("DiffuseMap", m_pColorTarget2 ? static_cast<TextureBuffer*>(m_pColorTarget2) : m_pRenderTarget->GetTextureBuffer());
				if (nTextureUnit >= 0) {
					// Disable mip mapping - this is required because we created/filled no mipmaps for your texture buffer
					cRenderer.SetSamplerState(nTextureUnit, Sampler::MagFilter, TextureFiltering::Linear);
					cRenderer.SetSamplerState(nTextureUnit, Sampler::MinFilter, TextureFiltering::Linear);
					cRenderer.SetSamplerState(nTextureUnit, Sampler::MipFilter, TextureFiltering::None);

			// Draw
			cRenderer.DrawPrimitives(Primitive::TriangleStrip, 0, 4);

		{ // Draw quadrangle 4: Color render target 3
			// Set object space to clip space matrix uniform
			ProgramUniform *pProgramUniform = m_pProgram->GetUniform("ObjectSpaceToClipSpaceMatrix");
			if (pProgramUniform) {
				mWorld.SetTranslation(-2.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);

			{ // Set the texture buffer we rendered our teapot in as the current texture buffer
				const int nTextureUnit = m_pProgram->Set("DiffuseMap", m_pColorTarget3 ? static_cast<TextureBuffer*>(m_pColorTarget3) : m_pRenderTarget->GetTextureBuffer());
				if (nTextureUnit >= 0) {
					// Disable mip mapping - this is required because we created/filled no mipmaps for your texture buffer
					cRenderer.SetSamplerState(nTextureUnit, Sampler::MagFilter, TextureFiltering::Linear);
					cRenderer.SetSamplerState(nTextureUnit, Sampler::MinFilter, TextureFiltering::Linear);
					cRenderer.SetSamplerState(nTextureUnit, Sampler::MipFilter, TextureFiltering::None);

			// Draw
			cRenderer.DrawPrimitives(Primitive::TriangleStrip, 0, 4);

		{ // Draw quadrangle 4: Primary render target, but with per vertex color - the primitive will be quite colorful :)
			// Set object space to clip space matrix uniform
			ProgramUniform *pProgramUniform = m_pProgram->GetUniform("ObjectSpaceToClipSpaceMatrix");
			if (pProgramUniform) {
				mWorld.SetTranslation(2.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);

			// Set color factor
			m_pProgram->Set("ColorFactor", 1.0f);

			{ // Set the texture buffer we rendered our teapot in as the current texture buffer
				const int nTextureUnit = m_pProgram->Set("DiffuseMap", m_pRenderTarget->GetTextureBuffer());
				if (nTextureUnit >= 0) {
					// Disable mip mapping - this is required because we created/filled no mipmaps for your texture buffer
					cRenderer.SetSamplerState(nTextureUnit, Sampler::MagFilter, TextureFiltering::Linear);
					cRenderer.SetSamplerState(nTextureUnit, Sampler::MinFilter, TextureFiltering::Linear);
					cRenderer.SetSamplerState(nTextureUnit, Sampler::MipFilter, TextureFiltering::None);

			// Draw
			cRenderer.DrawPrimitives(Primitive::TriangleStrip, 0, 4);

		// Change the backface culling back to the default setting
		cRenderer.SetRenderState(RenderState::CullMode, Cull::CCW);

	// Increase the rotation by the current time difference (time past since the last frame)
	// -> Normally, such work should NOT be performed within the rendering step, but we want
	//    to keep the implementation simple in here...
	m_fRotation += Timing::GetInstance()->GetTimeDifference()*50;
*  @brief
*    Draws the scene
void SPRTTShaders::DrawScene(Renderer &cRenderer)
	// Clear the content of the current used render target by using gray (this way, in case on an graphics error we might still see at least something)
	cRenderer.Clear(Clear::Color | Clear::ZBuffer, Color4::Gray);

	// Make our program to the current one
	if (cRenderer.SetProgram(m_pSceneProgram)) {
		// Calculate the world matrix
		Matrix4x4 mWorld;
			// Build a rotation matrix by using a given Euler angle around the y-axis

		// Set program uniforms
		ProgramUniform *pProgramUniform = m_pSceneProgram->GetUniform("ObjectSpaceToClipSpaceMatrix");
		if (pProgramUniform) {
			// Calculate the view matrix
			Matrix4x4 mView;
				mView.SetTranslation(0.0f, -0.1f, -0.5f);

			// Calculate the projection matrix
			Matrix4x4 mProjection;
				const float fAspect      = 1.0f;
				const float fAspectRadio = cRenderer.GetViewport().GetWidth()/(cRenderer.GetViewport().GetHeight()*fAspect);
				mProjection.PerspectiveFov(static_cast<float>(45.0f*Math::DegToRad), fAspectRadio, 0.001f, 1000.0f);

			// Calculate the final composed world view projection matrix
			const Matrix4x4 mWorldViewProjection = mProjection*mView*mWorld;

			// Set object space to clip space matrix uniform

		// Set object space to world space matrix uniform
		pProgramUniform = m_pSceneProgram->GetUniform("ObjectSpaceToWorldSpaceMatrix");
		if (pProgramUniform)

		// Set world space light direction
		pProgramUniform = m_pSceneProgram->GetUniform("LightDirection");
		if (pProgramUniform)

		// Get the used mesh
		const Mesh *pMesh = m_pMeshHandler->GetMesh();
		if (pMesh) {
			// Get the mesh LOD level to use
			const MeshLODLevel *pLODLevel = pMesh->GetLODLevel(0);
			if (pLODLevel && pLODLevel->GetIndexBuffer()) {
				// Get and use the index buffer of the mesh LOD level

				// Get the vertex buffer of the mesh handler
				VertexBuffer *pVertexBuffer = m_pMeshHandler->GetVertexBuffer();
				if (pVertexBuffer) {
					// Set program vertex attributes, this creates a connection between "Vertex Buffer Attribute" and "Vertex Shader Attribute"
					ProgramAttribute *pProgramAttribute = m_pSceneProgram->GetAttribute("VertexPosition");
					if (pProgramAttribute)
						pProgramAttribute->Set(pVertexBuffer, VertexBuffer::Position);
					pProgramAttribute = m_pSceneProgram->GetAttribute("VertexNormal");
					if (pProgramAttribute)
						pProgramAttribute->Set(pVertexBuffer, VertexBuffer::Normal);

					// Loop through all geometries of the mesh
					const Array<Geometry> &lstGeometries = *pLODLevel->GetGeometries();
					for (uint32 nGeo=0; nGeo<lstGeometries.GetNumOfElements(); nGeo++) {
						// Is this geometry active?
						const Geometry &cGeometry = lstGeometries[nGeo];
						if (cGeometry.IsActive()) {
							// Draw the geometry