예제 #1
GLint gluProject( GLdouble objx, GLdouble objy, GLdouble objz, const F64 *model, const F64 * proj, const GLint * vp, F64 * winx, F64 * winy, F64 * winz )
    Vector4F v = Vector4F( objx, objy, objz, 1.0f );
    MatrixF pmat = MatrixF( false );
        for (int i=0; i<16; i++) { ((F32*)pmat)[i] = (float)proj[i]; }
    MatrixF mmat = MatrixF( false );
        for (int i=0; i<16; i++) { ((F32*)mmat)[i] = (float)model[i]; }
    //Luma: Projection fix
    //Luma: Projection fix
    if(v.w == 0.0f)
        return GL_FALSE;
    F32     invW = 1.0f / v.w;
    v.x *= invW;
    v.y *= invW;
    v.z *= invW;
    *winx = (GLfloat)vp[0] + (GLfloat)vp[2] * (v.x + 1.0f) * 0.5f;
    *winy = (GLfloat)vp[1] + (GLfloat)vp[3] * (v.y + 1.0f) * 0.5f;
    *winz = (v.z + 1.0f) * 0.5f;
    int glError;
    return GL_TRUE;
예제 #2
void GLSimpleShader::updateTransforms()
  MatrixF combined = mProjectionMatrix * mModelViewMatrix;
  glUniformMatrix4fv(mUniforms[kGLSimpleUniformMVPMatrix], 1, GL_FALSE, (F32*)combined);
  combined = mModelViewMatrix;
  glUniformMatrix4fv(mUniforms[kGLSimpleUniformMVMatrix], 1, GL_FALSE, (F32*)combined);
  glUniform3fv(mUniforms[kGLSimpleUniformLightColor], 1, mLightColor);
  glUniform3fv(mUniforms[kGLSimpleUniformLightPos], 1, mLightPos);
예제 #3
MatrixF PlaneReflector::getFrustumClipProj( MatrixF &modelview )
   static MatrixF rotMat(EulerF( static_cast<F32>(M_PI / 2.f), 0.0, 0.0));
   static MatrixF invRotMat(EulerF( -static_cast<F32>(M_PI / 2.f), 0.0, 0.0));

   MatrixF revModelview = modelview;
   revModelview = rotMat * revModelview;  // add rotation to modelview because it needs to be removed from projection

   // rotate clip plane into modelview space
   Point4F clipPlane;
   Point3F pnt = refplane * -(refplane.d + 0.0 );
   Point3F norm = refplane;

   revModelview.mulP( pnt );
   revModelview.mulV( norm );

   clipPlane.set( norm.x, norm.y, norm.z, -mDot( pnt, norm ) );

   // Manipulate projection matrix
   MatrixF proj = GFX->getProjectionMatrix();
   proj.mul( invRotMat );  // reverse rotation imposed by Torque
   proj.transpose();       // switch to row-major order

   // Calculate the clip-space corner point opposite the clipping plane
   // as (sgn(clipPlane.x), sgn(clipPlane.y), 1, 1) and
   // transform it into camera space by multiplying it
   // by the inverse of the projection matrix
   Vector4F	q;
   q.x = sgn(clipPlane.x) / proj(0,0);
   q.y = sgn(clipPlane.y) / proj(1,1);
   q.z = -1.0F;
   q.w = ( 1.0F - proj(2,2) ) / proj(3,2);

   F32 a = 1.0 / (clipPlane.x * q.x + clipPlane.y * q.y + clipPlane.z * q.z + clipPlane.w * q.w);

   Vector4F c = clipPlane * a;

   // CodeReview [ags 1/23/08] Come up with a better way to deal with this.
   if(GFX->getAdapterType() == OpenGL)
      c.z += 1.0f;

   // Replace the third column of the projection matrix
   proj.setColumn( 2, c );
   proj.transpose(); // convert back to column major order
   proj.mul( rotMat );  // restore Torque rotation

   return proj;
예제 #4
 * This method gets the move list for an object, in the case
 * of the AI, it actually calculates the moves, and then
 * sends them down the pipe.
 * @param movePtr Pointer to move the move list into
 * @param numMoves Number of moves in the move list
U32 AIClient::getMoveList( Move **movePtr,U32 *numMoves ) {
   //initialize the move structure and return pointers
   mMove = NullMove;
   *movePtr = &mMove;
   *numMoves = 1;

   // Check if we got a player
   mPlayer = NULL;
   mPlayer = dynamic_cast<Player *>( getControlObject() );

   // We got a something controling us?
   if( !mPlayer )
      return 1;

   // What is The Matrix?
   MatrixF moveMatrix;
   moveMatrix.set( EulerF( 0, 0, 0 ) );
   moveMatrix.setColumn( 3, Point3F( 0, 0, 0 ) );
   // Position / rotation variables
   F32 curYaw, curPitch;
   F32 newYaw, newPitch;
   F32 xDiff, yDiff;

   F32 moveSpeed = mMoveSpeed;

   switch( mMoveMode ) {

   case ModeStop:
      return 1;     // Stop means no action

   case ModeStuck:
      // Fall through, so we still try to move
   case ModeMove:
      // Get my location
      MatrixF const& myTransform = mPlayer->getTransform();
      myTransform.getColumn( 3, &mLocation );
      // Set rotation variables
      Point3F rotation = mPlayer->getRotation();
      Point3F headRotation = mPlayer->getHeadRotation();
      curYaw = rotation.z;
      curPitch = headRotation.x;
      xDiff = mAimLocation.x - mLocation.x;
      yDiff = mAimLocation.y - mLocation.y;
      // first do Yaw
      if( !mIsZero( xDiff ) || !mIsZero( yDiff ) ) {
         // use the cur yaw between -Pi and Pi
         while( curYaw > M_2PI_F )
            curYaw -= M_2PI_F;
         while( curYaw < -M_2PI_F )
            curYaw += M_2PI_F;
         // find the new yaw
         newYaw = mAtan2( xDiff, yDiff );
         // find the yaw diff 
         F32 yawDiff = newYaw - curYaw;
         // make it between 0 and 2PI
         if( yawDiff < 0.0f )
            yawDiff += M_2PI_F;
         else if( yawDiff >= M_2PI_F )
            yawDiff -= M_2PI_F;
         // now make sure we take the short way around the circle
         if( yawDiff > M_2PI_F )
            yawDiff -= M_2PI_F;
         else if( yawDiff < -M_2PI_F )
            yawDiff += M_2PI_F;
         mMove.yaw = yawDiff;
         // set up the movement matrix
         moveMatrix.set( EulerF( 0.0f, 0.0f, newYaw ) );
         moveMatrix.set( EulerF( 0.0f, 0.0f, curYaw ) );
      // next do pitch
      F32 horzDist = Point2F( mAimLocation.x, mAimLocation.y ).len();

      if( !mIsZero( horzDist ) ) {
         //we shoot from the gun, not the eye...
         F32 vertDist = mAimLocation.z;
         newPitch = mAtan2( horzDist, vertDist ) - ( M_2PI_F / 2.0f );
         F32 pitchDiff = newPitch - curPitch;
         mMove.pitch = pitchDiff;
      // finally, mMove towards mMoveDestination
      xDiff = mMoveDestination.x - mLocation.x;
      yDiff = mMoveDestination.y - mLocation.y;

      // Check if we should mMove, or if we are 'close enough'
      if( ( ( mFabs( xDiff ) > mMoveTolerance ) || 
            ( mFabs( yDiff ) > mMoveTolerance ) ) && ( !mIsZero( mMoveSpeed ) ) )
         if( mIsZero( xDiff ) )
            mMove.y = ( mLocation.y > mMoveDestination.y ? -moveSpeed : moveSpeed );
         else if( mIsZero( yDiff ) )
            mMove.x = ( mLocation.x > mMoveDestination.x ? -moveSpeed : moveSpeed );
         else if( mFabs( xDiff ) > mFabs( yDiff ) ) {
            F32 value = mFabs( yDiff / xDiff ) * mMoveSpeed;
            mMove.y = ( mLocation.y > mMoveDestination.y ? -value : value );
            mMove.x = ( mLocation.x > mMoveDestination.x ? -moveSpeed : moveSpeed );
         else {
            F32 value = mFabs( xDiff / yDiff ) * mMoveSpeed;
            mMove.x = ( mLocation.x > mMoveDestination.x ? -value : value );
            mMove.y = ( mLocation.y > mMoveDestination.y ? -moveSpeed : moveSpeed );
         //now multiply the mMove vector by the transpose of the object rotation matrix
         Point3F newMove;
         moveMatrix.mulP( Point3F( mMove.x, mMove.y, 0.0f ), &newMove );
         //and sub the result back in the mMove structure
         mMove.x = newMove.x;
         mMove.y = newMove.y;

         // We should check to see if we are stuck...
         if( mLocation.x == mLastLocation.x && 
             mLocation.y == mLastLocation.y &&
             mLocation.z == mLastLocation.z ) {

            // We're stuck...probably
            setMoveMode( ModeStuck );
            setMoveMode( ModeMove );
      else {
         // Ok, we are close enough, lets stop

         // setMoveMode( ModeStop ); // DON'T use this, it'll throw the wrong callback
         mMoveMode = ModeStop;
         throwCallback(  "onReachDestination" ); // Callback


   // Test for target location in sight
   RayInfo dummy;
   Point3F targetLoc = mMoveDestination; // Change this

   if( mPlayer ) {
      if( !mPlayer->getContainer()->castRay( mLocation, targetLoc, 
                                                StaticShapeObjectType | StaticObjectType |
                                                TerrainObjectType, &dummy ) ) {
         if( !mTargetInLOS )
            throwCallback( "onTargetEnterLOS" );
      else {
         if( mTargetInLOS )
            throwCallback( "onTargetExitLOS" );
   // Copy over the trigger status
   for( int i = 0; i < MaxTriggerKeys; i++ ) {
      mMove.trigger[i] = mTriggers[i];
      mTriggers[i] = false;

   return 1;