예제 #1
TEST(testbackward, squareloss) {
    // here's the plan:
    // generate some input, randomly
    // generate some expected output, randomly
    // forward propagate
    // calculate loss
    // calculate gradInput
    // change some of the inputs, forward prop, recalculate loss, check corresponds
    // to the gradient
    EasyCL *cl = EasyCL::createForFirstGpuOtherwiseCpu();
    NeuralNet *net = new NeuralNet(cl, 3, 5);
    cout << net->asString() << endl;

    int batchSize = 32;

    int inputCubeSize = net->getInputCubeSize();
    int outputCubeSize = net->getOutputCubeSize();

    int inputTotalSize = inputCubeSize * batchSize;
    int outputTotalSize = outputCubeSize * batchSize;

    cout << "inputtotalsize=" << inputTotalSize << " outputTotalSize=" << outputTotalSize << endl;

    float *input = new float[inputTotalSize];
    float *expectedOutput = new float[outputTotalSize];

    WeightRandomizer::randomize(0, input, inputTotalSize, -2.0f, 2.0f);
    WeightRandomizer::randomize(1, expectedOutput, outputTotalSize, -2.0f, 2.0f);
    // now, forward prop
//    net->input(input);
//    net->printOutput();

    // calculate loss
    float lossBefore = net->calcLoss(expectedOutput);

    // calculate gradInput

    // modify input slightly
    mt19937 random;
    const int numSamples = 10;
    for(int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) {
        int inputIndex;
        WeightRandomizer::randomizeInts(i, &inputIndex, 1, 0, inputTotalSize);
//        cout << "i=" << i << " index " << inputIndex << endl;
        float oldValue = input[inputIndex];
        // grad for this index is....
        float grad = net->getLayer(2)->getGradInput()[inputIndex];
//        cout << "grad=" << grad << endl;
        // tweak slightly
        float newValue = oldValue * 1.01f;
        float inputDelta = newValue - oldValue;
        float predictedLossChange = inputDelta * grad;
        input[inputIndex] = newValue;
//        cout << "oldvalue=" << oldValue << " newvalue=" << newValue << endl;
        // forwardProp
        input[inputIndex] = oldValue;
//        net->printOutput();
        float lossAfter = net->calcLoss(expectedOutput);
        float lossChange = lossAfter - lossBefore;
        cout << "idx=" << inputIndex << " predicted losschange=" << predictedLossChange << " actual=" << lossChange << endl;

    delete[] expectedOutput;
    delete[] input;

    delete net;
    delete cl;
예제 #2
TEST(testbackward, softmaxloss) {
    // here's the plan:
    // generate some input, randomly
    // generate some expected output, randomly
    // forward propagate
    // calculate loss
    // calculate gradInput
    // change some of the inputs, forward prop, recalculate loss, check corresponds
    // to the gradient
    EasyCL *cl = EasyCL::createForFirstGpuOtherwiseCpu();
    NeuralNet *net = new NeuralNet(cl, 5, 1);
    cout << net->asString() << endl;

    const int batchSize = 2;
    const int outputPlanes = net->getOutputPlanes();

    int inputCubeSize = net->getInputCubeSize();
    int outputCubeSize = net->getOutputCubeSize();

    int inputTotalSize = inputCubeSize * batchSize;
    int outputTotalSize = outputCubeSize * batchSize;

    cout << "inputtotalsize=" << inputTotalSize << " outputTotalSize=" << outputTotalSize << endl;

    float *input = new float[inputTotalSize];
    float *expectedOutput = new float[outputTotalSize];

    WeightRandomizer::randomize(0, input, inputTotalSize, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    WeightRandomizer::randomize(1, expectedOutput, outputTotalSize, 0.0f, 1.0f);

    // we should make the input and output a probability distribution I think
    // so: add up the input, and divide each by that.  do same for expectedoutput (?)
//    normalizeAsProbabilityDistribution(input, inputTotalSize);
    normalizeAsProbabilityDistribution(outputPlanes, expectedOutput, outputTotalSize);

    // set all to zero, and one to 1, ie like labelled data
//    for(int i = 0; i < outputTotalSize; i++) {
//        expectedOutput[i] = 0;
//    }
//    for(int n = 0; n < batchSize; n++) {
//        int chosenLabel = 0;
//        WeightRandomizer::randomizeInts(n, &chosenLabel, 1, 0, net->getOutputPlanes());
//        expectedOutput[ n * outputPlanes + chosenLabel ] = 1;
//    }
//    for(int i = 0; i < outputTotalSize; i++) {
//        cout << "expected[" << i << "]=" << expectedOutput[i] << endl;
//    }
    // now, forward prop
//    net->input(input);
//    net->printOutput();

    // calculate loss
    float lossBefore = net->calcLoss(expectedOutput);

    // calculate gradInput

    // modify input slightly
    mt19937 random;
    const int numSamples = 10;
    for(int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) {
        int inputIndex;
        WeightRandomizer::randomizeInts(i, &inputIndex, 1, 0, inputTotalSize);
//        cout << "i=" << i << " index " << inputIndex << endl;
        float oldValue = input[inputIndex];
        // grad for this index is....
        float grad = net->getLayer(2)->getGradInput()[inputIndex];
//        cout << "grad=" << grad << endl;
        // tweak slightly
        float newValue = oldValue * 1.001f;
        float inputDelta = newValue - oldValue;
        float predictedLossChange = inputDelta * grad;
        input[inputIndex] = newValue;
//        cout << "oldvalue=" << oldValue << " newvalue=" << newValue << endl;
        // forwardProp
        input[inputIndex] = oldValue;
//        net->printOutput();
        float lossAfter = net->calcLoss(expectedOutput);
        float lossChange = lossAfter - lossBefore;
        cout << "idx=" << inputIndex << " predicted losschange=" << predictedLossChange << " actual=" << lossChange << endl;

    delete[] expectedOutput;
    delete[] input;

    delete net;
    delete cl;