예제 #1
TEST( testlogicaloperators, Convolve_1layerbiased_Or ) {
    cout << "Or, convolve" << endl;
    LogicalDataCreator ldc;
    EasyCL *cl = EasyCL::createForFirstGpuOtherwiseCpu();
    NeuralNet *net = NeuralNet::maker(cl)->planes(2)->imageSize(1)->instance();
    net->addLayer( ConvolutionalMaker::instance()->numFilters(2)->filterSize(1)->biased(1) );
    net->addLayer( SquareLossMaker::instance() );;
    SGD *sgd = SGD::instance( cl, 0.1f, 0 );
    for( int epoch = 0; epoch < 20; epoch++ ) {
           ->expectedOutputs(ldc.expectedOutput)->run( epoch );
        if( epoch % 5 == 0 ) cout << "Loss L " << net->calcLoss(ldc.expectedOutput) << endl;
//        AccuracyHelper::printAccuracy( ldc.N, 2, ldc.labels, net->getOutput() );
//        net->printWeights();
//        net->print();
        AccuracyHelper::printAccuracy( ldc.N, 2, ldc.labels, net->getOutput() );

    float loss = net->calcLoss(ldc.expectedOutput);
    cout << "loss, E, " << loss << endl;
    EXPECT_GE( 0.4f, loss );

    delete sgd;
    delete net;
    delete cl;
예제 #2
파일: testforward.cpp 프로젝트: 2php/DeepCL
TEST( testforward, softmax_byplane ) {
    EasyCL *cl = EasyCL::createForFirstGpuOtherwiseCpu();
    NeuralNet *net = NeuralNet::maker(cl)->imageSize(2)->planes(1)->instance();
    net->addLayer( SoftMaxMaker::instance()->perPlane() );
    net->setBatchSize( 1 );
    int imageSizeSquared = net->getLayer(0)->getOutputSize() * net->getLayer(0)->getOutputSize();
    float *input = new float[imageSizeSquared];
    input[0] = 0;
    input[1] = 1;
    input[2] = 3;
    input[3] = 2;
    net->forward( input );
    float const*output = net->getOutput();
    float sum = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i < imageSizeSquared; i++ ) {
        cout << "output[" << i << "]=" << output[i] << endl;
        sum += output[i];
        EXPECT_LE( 0, output[i] );
        EXPECT_GE( 1, output[i] );
    EXPECT_FLOAT_NEAR( 1.0f, sum );
    EXPECT_FLOAT_NEAR( (float)( exp(0.0f)/(exp(0.0f)+exp(1.0f)+exp(3.0f)+exp(2.0f)) ), output[0] );
    EXPECT_FLOAT_NEAR( (float)( exp(1.0f)/(exp(0.0f)+exp(1.0f)+exp(3.0f)+exp(2.0f)) ), output[1] );
    EXPECT_FLOAT_NEAR( (float)( exp(3.0f)/(exp(0.0f)+exp(1.0f)+exp(3.0f)+exp(2.0f)) ), output[2] );
    EXPECT_FLOAT_NEAR( (float)( exp(2.0f)/(exp(0.0f)+exp(1.0f)+exp(3.0f)+exp(2.0f)) ), output[3] );

    float *expected = new float[imageSizeSquared];
    memset( expected, 0, sizeof(float) * imageSizeSquared );
    expected[2] = 1;
    float loss = net->calcLoss( expected );
    cout << "loss " << loss << endl;
    EXPECT_LT( 0, loss );
    EXPECT_FLOAT_NEAR( - log(output[2]), loss );

    memset( expected, 0, sizeof(float) * imageSizeSquared );
    expected[0] = 1;
    loss = net->calcLoss( expected );
    cout << "loss " << loss << endl;
    EXPECT_LT( 0, loss );
    EXPECT_FLOAT_NEAR( - log(output[0]), loss );

    memset( expected, 0, sizeof(float) * imageSizeSquared );
    expected[1] = 1;
    loss = net->calcLoss( expected );
    cout << "loss " << loss << endl;
    EXPECT_LT( 0, loss );
    EXPECT_FLOAT_NEAR( - log(output[1]), loss );

    memset( expected, 0, sizeof(float) * imageSizeSquared );
    expected[3] = 1;
    loss = net->calcLoss( expected );
    cout << "loss " << loss << endl;
    EXPECT_LT( 0, loss );
    EXPECT_FLOAT_NEAR( - log(output[3]), loss );

    delete[] input;
    delete[] expected;
    delete net;
    delete cl;
예제 #3
TEST( testlogicaloperators, DISABLED_Convolve_1layer_And_Nobias ) {
    cout << "And" << endl;
    LogicalDataCreator ldc;
    EasyCL *cl = EasyCL::createForFirstGpuOtherwiseCpu();
    NeuralNet *net = NeuralNet::maker(cl)->planes(2)->imageSize(1)->instance();
    net->addLayer( ConvolutionalMaker::instance()->numFilters(2)->filterSize(1)->biased(0) );
    SGD *sgd = SGD::instance( cl, 4.0f, 0 );
    for( int epoch = 0; epoch < 20; epoch++ ) {
        cout << "Loss L " << net->calcLoss(ldc.expectedOutput) << endl;
//        net->printWeights();
//    net->print();
    int numCorrect = AccuracyHelper::calcNumRight( ldc.N, 2, ldc.labels, net->getOutput() );
    cout << "accuracy: " << numCorrect << "/" << ldc.N << endl;
    EXPECT_EQ( numCorrect, ldc.N );
    delete sgd;
    delete net;
    delete cl;
예제 #4
//layer2 plane0=0 "planes not both -1 and planes not both 1"
//      weights = plane0*(-1) + plane1*(-1)
//      plane1=1 "planes both -1 or planes both 1"
//      weights = plane0*(1) + plane1*(1)
TEST( testlogicaloperators, Convolve_2layers_relu_Xor ) {
    cout << "Xor, convolve" << endl;
//    LogicalDataCreator ldc(new TanhActivation());
//    ldc.applyXorGate();

//    int imageSize = 1;
//    int inPlanes = 2;
    int numExamples = 4;
//    int filterSize = 1;
    float data[] = { -1, -1,
                     -1, 1,
                     1, -1,
                     1, 1 };
    float layer1weights[] = {  // going to preset these, to near an optimal solution,
                              //  and at least show the network is stable, and gives the correct
         -0.4f,-0.55f,                      // result...
         0.52f, 0.53f,
    float layer1bias[] = {
    float layer2weights[] = {
        1.1f, 0.9f,
        -0.8f, -1.2f
    float layer2bias[] = {
    float expectedOutput[] = {
        1, 0,
        0, 1,
        0, 1,
        1, 0
    int labels[] = {

    EasyCL *cl = EasyCL::createForFirstGpuOtherwiseCpu();
    NeuralNet *net = NeuralNet::maker(cl)->planes(2)->imageSize(1)->instance();
    net->addLayer( ConvolutionalMaker::instance()->numFilters(2)->filterSize(1)->biased(1) );
    net->addLayer( ActivationMaker::instance()->relu() );
    net->addLayer( ConvolutionalMaker::instance()->numFilters(2)->filterSize(1)->biased(1) );
    net->addLayer( ActivationMaker::instance()->relu() );
    net->addLayer( SquareLossMaker::instance() );;
    cout << "hand-setting weights..." << endl;
    net->initWeights( 1, layer1weights, layer1bias );
    net->initWeights( 3, layer2weights, layer2bias );
//    net->printWeights();
//    net->setBatchSize(4);
//    net->forward( data );
//    net->print();
    SGD *sgd = SGD::instance( cl, 0.1f, 0 );
    for( int epoch = 0; epoch < 200; epoch++ ) {
           ->expectedOutputs(expectedOutput)->run( epoch );
        if( epoch % 5 == 0 ) cout << "Loss L " << net->calcLoss(expectedOutput) << endl;
    AccuracyHelper::printAccuracy( numExamples, 2, labels, net->getOutput() );

    float loss = net->calcLoss(expectedOutput);
    cout << "loss, E, " << loss << endl;
    EXPECT_GE( 0.0000001f, loss );

    delete sgd;
    delete net;
    delete cl;