void BFS(NodeMap* nMap, string startNode, string goalNode) { QUEUE *q = new QUEUE(); NodeList* nlist = nMap->find(startNode)->second; for (NodeList::iterator it = nlist->begin(); it != nlist->end(); it++) { (*it)->path->push_back(startNode); (*it)->visitedNodes->insert(pair<string, NodeList*> (startNode, nlist)); q->push(*it); } cout << startNode << endl; while(!q->empty()) { Node* firstNode = q->front(); q->pop(); cout << firstNode->name << endl; if (firstNode->name == goalNode) { cout << "END" << endl; cout << "Final path : "; for(list<string>::iterator sit = firstNode->path->begin(); sit != firstNode->path->end(); sit++) { cout << (*sit) << endl; cout << firstNode->name << endl; } break; } if (firstNode->visitedNodes->find(firstNode->name) != firstNode->visitedNodes->end()) { continue; } nlist = nMap->find(firstNode->name)->second; for (NodeList::iterator it = nlist->begin(); it != nlist->end(); it++) { (*it)->path = new list<string>(firstNode->path->begin(), firstNode->path->end()); (*it)->visitedNodes = new NodeMap(firstNode->visitedNodes->begin(), firstNode->visitedNodes->end()); (*it)->path->push_back(firstNode->name); (*it)->visitedNodes->insert(pair<string, NodeList*> (firstNode->name, NULL)); q->push(*it); } } }
void SplitTree::printShaderFunction( const NodeList& inOutputs, std::ostream& inStream ) const { unsigned long startPrint = getTime(); SplitArgumentTraversal printArguments(inStream,_outputPositionInterpolant); SplitStatementTraversal printStatements(inStream,_outputPositionInterpolant); for( size_t i = 0; i < _dagOrderNodeList.size(); i++ ) _dagOrderNodeList[i]->unmarkAsOutput(); _outputPositionInterpolant->unmarkAsOutput(); for( NodeList::const_iterator j = inOutputs.begin(); j != inOutputs.end(); ++j ) (*j)->markAsOutput(); // create the wrapper for the function inStream << "void main(" << std::endl; unmark( SplitNode::kMarkBit_SubPrinted ); printArguments( inOutputs ); inStream << " ) {" << std::endl; unmark( SplitNode::kMarkBit_SubPrinted ); printStatements( inOutputs ); inStream << "}" << std::endl; unsigned long stopPrint = getTime(); timePrintingCounter += stopPrint - startPrint; }
bool JurisdictionListener::queueJurisdictionRequest() { //qDebug() << "JurisdictionListener::queueJurisdictionRequest()\n"; static unsigned char buffer[MAX_PACKET_SIZE]; unsigned char* bufferOut = &buffer[0]; ssize_t sizeOut = populateTypeAndVersion(bufferOut, PACKET_TYPE_JURISDICTION_REQUEST); int nodeCount = 0; NodeList* nodeList = NodeList::getInstance(); for (NodeList::iterator node = nodeList->begin(); node != nodeList->end(); node++) { if (nodeList->getNodeActiveSocketOrPing(&(*node)) && node->getType() == getNodeType()) { const HifiSockAddr* nodeAddress = node->getActiveSocket(); PacketSender::queuePacketForSending(*nodeAddress, bufferOut, sizeOut); nodeCount++; } } if (nodeCount > 0) { setPacketsPerSecond(nodeCount); } else { setPacketsPerSecond(NO_SERVER_CHECK_RATE); } // keep going if still running return isStillRunning(); }
void Pathfinder::ResetNodes(NodeList& toReset, int dx, int dy) { for(NodeList::iterator i = toReset.begin(); i != toReset.end(); i++) { Node* n = *i; n->SetDistance(NODE_INFINITY); n->CalculateHeuristic(dx, dy); } }
bool JurisdictionListener::queueJurisdictionRequest() { static unsigned char buffer[MAX_PACKET_SIZE]; unsigned char* bufferOut = &buffer[0]; ssize_t sizeOut = populateTypeAndVersion(bufferOut, PACKET_TYPE_VOXEL_JURISDICTION_REQUEST); int nodeCount = 0; NodeList* nodeList = NodeList::getInstance(); for (NodeList::iterator node = nodeList->begin(); node != nodeList->end(); node++) { // only send to the NodeTypes that are interested in our jurisdiction details const int numNodeTypes = 1; const NODE_TYPE nodeTypes[numNodeTypes] = { NODE_TYPE_VOXEL_SERVER }; if (node->getActiveSocket() != NULL && memchr(nodeTypes, node->getType(), numNodeTypes)) { sockaddr* nodeAddress = node->getActiveSocket(); PacketSender::queuePacketForSending(*nodeAddress, bufferOut, sizeOut); nodeCount++; } } // set our packets per second to be the number of nodes setPacketsPerSecond(nodeCount); // keep going if still running return isStillRunning(); }
void VoxelEditPacketSender::queuePacketToNodes(unsigned char* buffer, ssize_t length) { if (!_shouldSend) { return; // bail early } assert(voxelServersExist()); // we must have jurisdictions to be here!! int headerBytes = numBytesForPacketHeader(buffer) + sizeof(short) + sizeof(uint64_t); unsigned char* octCode = buffer + headerBytes; // skip the packet header to get to the octcode // We want to filter out edit messages for voxel servers based on the server's Jurisdiction // But we can't really do that with a packed message, since each edit message could be destined // for a different voxel server... So we need to actually manage multiple queued packets... one // for each voxel server NodeList* nodeList = NodeList::getInstance(); for (NodeList::iterator node = nodeList->begin(); node != nodeList->end(); node++) { // only send to the NodeTypes that are NODE_TYPE_VOXEL_SERVER if (node->getActiveSocket() != NULL && node->getType() == NODE_TYPE_VOXEL_SERVER) { QUuid nodeUUID = node->getUUID(); bool isMyJurisdiction = true; // we need to get the jurisdiction for this // here we need to get the "pending packet" for this server const JurisdictionMap& map = (*_voxelServerJurisdictions)[nodeUUID]; isMyJurisdiction = (map.isMyJurisdiction(octCode, CHECK_NODE_ONLY) == JurisdictionMap::WITHIN); if (isMyJurisdiction) { queuePacketToNode(nodeUUID, buffer, length); } } } }
void DataFlow::append(const DataFlow& df) { // merge library usage m_libs.insert(df.m_libs.begin(),df.m_libs.end()); // append dataflow NodeList fNodes = Graph<NodeDesc>::finalNodes(); const Graph<NodeDesc>& dfg = (const Graph<NodeDesc>&) df; NodeList rNodes = dfg.rootNodes(); if (rNodes.size()==0) { cerr << "WARNING: appending empty dataflow ..." << endl; return; } if (fNodes.size()>1) { cerr << "ERROR: try to append a dataflow to a dataflow having " << fNodes.size() << " final nodes !" << endl; return; } map<Node*,Node*> mapping; for (NodeListCIt it=rNodes.begin();it!=rNodes.end();it++) { Node* n = Graph<NodeDesc>::createNode((*it)->v); if (fNodes.size()>0) Graph<NodeDesc>::link(fNodes[0],"",n,""); mapping[*it] = n; } mergeFlow(this,&dfg,mapping); }
bool VoxelEditPacketSender::voxelServersExist() const { bool hasVoxelServers = false; bool atLeastOnJurisdictionMissing = false; // assume the best NodeList* nodeList = NodeList::getInstance(); for (NodeList::iterator node = nodeList->begin(); node != nodeList->end(); node++) { // only send to the NodeTypes that are NODE_TYPE_VOXEL_SERVER if (node->getType() == NODE_TYPE_VOXEL_SERVER) { if (nodeList->getNodeActiveSocketOrPing(&(*node))) { QUuid nodeUUID = node->getUUID(); // If we've got Jurisdictions set, then check to see if we know the jurisdiction for this server if (_voxelServerJurisdictions) { // lookup our nodeUUID in the jurisdiction map, if it's missing then we're // missing at least one jurisdiction if ((*_voxelServerJurisdictions).find(nodeUUID) == (*_voxelServerJurisdictions).end()) { atLeastOnJurisdictionMissing = true; } } hasVoxelServers = true; } } if (atLeastOnJurisdictionMissing) { break; // no point in looking further... } } return (hasVoxelServers && !atLeastOnJurisdictionMissing); }
DirichletProcessParameters(const std::string& name, float concentration, NodeList& managed_nodes) : component_counters_(), component_name_(name), concentration_( concentration), managed_nodes_(managed_nodes.begin(), managed_nodes.end()), parameters_name_(name + "Parameters") { }
void DOMElement::dumpInfo(FILE * f, int recursion) { NodeList nodes = getChildNodes(); addSpace(f, recursion); fprintf(f, "NODE <%s> (%d children, %d deep)", getTagName().c_str(), (int) nodes.size(), recursion); std::string str = getTextContent(); if(str.size() > 0 && str.size() < 100) { fprintf(f, " TEXT = \"%s\"", str.c_str()); } fprintf(f, "\n"); int i = 1; fflush(f); for(NodeList::iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); it++) { addSpace(f, recursion); fprintf(f, "Child %d/%d\n", i, (int) nodes.size()); (*it).dumpInfo(f, recursion + 1); i++; } }
void Module::processExtendedAttributes() { NodeList* list = getExtendedAttributes(); if (!list) { return; } for (NodeList::iterator i = list->begin(); i != list->end(); ++i) { ExtendedAttribute* ext = dynamic_cast<ExtendedAttribute*>(*i); assert(ext); if (ext->getName() == "Prefix") { if (ScopedName* name = dynamic_cast<ScopedName*>(ext->getDetails())) { prefix = name->getName(); } } else if (ext->getName() == "NamespaceObject") { attr |= NamespaceObject; } else if (ext->getName() == "ExceptionConsts") { ext->report("Warning: '%s' has been deprecated.", ext->getName().c_str()); } else { ext->report("Warning: unknown extended attribute '%s'.", ext->getName().c_str()); } } }
void* removeSilentNodes(void *args) { NodeList* nodeList = (NodeList*) args; uint64_t checkTimeUSecs; int sleepTime; while (!silentNodeThreadStopFlag) { checkTimeUSecs = usecTimestampNow(); for(NodeList::iterator node = nodeList->begin(); node != nodeList->end(); ++node) { if ((checkTimeUSecs - node->getLastHeardMicrostamp()) > NODE_SILENCE_THRESHOLD_USECS) { qDebug() << "Killed " << *node << "\n"; nodeList->notifyHooksOfKilledNode(&*node); node->setAlive(false); } } sleepTime = NODE_SILENCE_THRESHOLD_USECS - (usecTimestampNow() - checkTimeUSecs); #ifdef _WIN32 Sleep( static_cast<int>(1000.0f*sleepTime) ); #else usleep(sleepTime); #endif } pthread_exit(0); return NULL; }
void Attribute::processExtendedAttributes() { NodeList* list = getExtendedAttributes(); if (!list) { return; } uint32_t attr = getAttr(); for (NodeList::iterator i = list->begin(); i != list->end(); ++i) { ExtendedAttribute* ext = dynamic_cast<ExtendedAttribute*>(*i); assert(ext); if (ext->getName() == "Replaceable") { attr |= Replaceable; } else if (ext->getName() == "TreatNullAs") { if (ScopedName* name = dynamic_cast<ScopedName*>(ext->getDetails())) { if (name->getName() == "EmptyString") { attr |= NullIsEmpty; } } } else if (ext->getName() == "TreatUndefinedAs") { if (ScopedName* name = dynamic_cast<ScopedName*>(ext->getDetails())) { if (name->getName() == "EmptyString") { attr |= UndefinedIsEmpty; } else if (name->getName() == "Null") { attr |= UndefinedIsNull; } } } else if (ext->getName() == "PutForwards") { if (ScopedName* name = dynamic_cast<ScopedName*>(ext->getDetails())) { putForwards = name->getName(); } } else if (ext->getName() == "Null" || ext->getName() == "Undefined") { ext->report("Warning: '%s' has been deprecated.", ext->getName().c_str()); } else { ext->report("Warning: unknown extended attribute '%s'.", ext->getName().c_str()); } } setAttr(attr); }
Node Node::parent(NodeList parents) { Node clone = Node(this->parent_x, this->parent_y); NodeList::iterator it = find(parents.begin(), parents.end(), clone); if (it != parents.end()) { return *it; } //Return clone of this return Node(this->x, this->y); }
bool contains(NodeId id) const { // TODO better datastructure: set of closed node ids for(NodeList::const_iterator i = nodes.begin(); i != nodes.end(); ++i) { if((*i)->getId() == id) { return true; } } return false; }
DOMElement DOMElement::getChildNode(const char * tagname) { NodeList nodes = getChildNodes(); for(NodeList::iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); it++) { DOMElement e = *it; if(e.getTagName() == tagname) return e; } return DOMElement(0); }
Node * extractBestNode() { // TODO use a better datastructure if(nodes.empty()) { return NULL; } NodeList::iterator best = nodes.begin(); float cost = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); for(NodeList::iterator i = nodes.begin(); i != nodes.end(); ++i) { if((*i)->getCost() < cost) { cost = (*i)->getCost(); best = i; } } Node * node = *best; nodes.erase(best); return node; }
void InternodeSyncer::getNodesAsInfoList(CapacityInfoList& outCapacityInfos) { App* app = Program::getApp(); NodeStoreServersEx* metaNodes = app->getMetaNodes(); NodeList metaNodeList; metaNodes->referenceAllNodes(&metaNodeList); for (NodeListIter nodeIt = metaNodeList.begin(); nodeIt != metaNodeList.end(); ++nodeIt) outCapacityInfos.push_back( CapacityInfo( (*nodeIt)->getNumID() ) ); metaNodes->releaseAllNodes(&metaNodeList); }
/** * If a node with the same ID exists, update it. * Otherwise add a new node. * Assumes that remaining never changes for the same node id. **/ inline void add(NodeId id, const Node * parent, float distance, float remaining) { // Check if node is already in open list. for(NodeList::iterator i = nodes.begin(); i != nodes.end(); ++i) { if((*i)->getId() == id) { if((*i)->getDistance() > distance) { (*i)->newParent(parent, distance); } return; } } nodes.push_back(new Node(id, parent, distance, remaining)); }
void PrintList() { for(NodeMap::iterator it = nMap->begin(); it != nMap->end(); it++) { cout << (*it).first << " -> "; NodeList *lt = (*it).second; for (NodeList::iterator lit = lt->begin(); lit != lt->end(); lit++) { cout << (*lit)->name << "," << (*lit)->cost << "," << (*lit)->reliability << " -> "; } cout << endl; } }
void NetworkVisualiser::process() { const int NODE_WIDTH = 80; const int NODE_HEIGHT = 40; Canvas c = NodeCore::Canvas(300, 300); Network* net = (Network*)asData("network"); NodeList nodes = net->getNodes(); for (NodeIterator iter = nodes.begin(); iter != nodes.end(); ++iter) { Node* node = (*iter); NodeCore::BezierPath p = NodeCore::BezierPath(); p.rect(node->getX(), node->getY(), NODE_WIDTH, NODE_HEIGHT); c.append(p); } _setOutput(c); }
Node* osgDB::readNodeFiles(std::vector<std::string>& commandLine,const ReaderWriter::Options* options) { typedef std::vector<osg::Node*> NodeList; NodeList nodeList; // note currently doesn't delete the loaded file entries from the command line yet... for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator itr=commandLine.begin(); itr!=commandLine.end(); ++itr) { if ((*itr)[0]!='-') { // not an option so assume string is a filename. osg::Node *node = osgDB::readNodeFile( *itr , options ); if( node != (osg::Node *)0L ) { if (node->getName().empty()) node->setName( *itr ); nodeList.push_back(node); } } } if (nodeList.empty()) { return NULL; } if (nodeList.size()==1) { return nodeList.front(); } else // size >1 { osg::Group* group = new osg::Group; for(NodeList::iterator itr=nodeList.begin(); itr!=nodeList.end(); ++itr) { group->addChild(*itr); } return group; } }
void Node::coalesce() { printf("%sCoalescing %c at (%d,%d)\n", indent(), color() + 'A', x(), y()); std::shared_ptr<Node> sharedThis = shared_from_this(); NodeList adjacents = adjacentNodes_; // Copy the list so we can modify it as we iterate through it for (NodeList::iterator i = adjacents.begin(); i != adjacents.end(); ++i) { std::shared_ptr<Node> const & aNode = *i; if (color_ == aNode->color()) { // Disconnect the adjacent node from everyone and connect this node to its adjacent nodes for (NodeList::iterator i2 = aNode->adjacentNodes_.begin(); i2 != aNode->adjacentNodes_.end(); ++i2) { std::shared_ptr<Node> const & aaNode = *i2; printf("%sDisconnecting %c at (%d,%d) from %c at (%d,%d)\n", indent(), aNode->color() + 'A', aNode->x(), aNode->y(), aaNode->color() + 'A', aaNode->x(), aaNode->y()); // Disconnect the adjacent-adjacent node (which might be this node) from the adjacent node aaNode->disconnect(aNode); // If the adjacent-adjacent node is not this node and is not already connected to this node, // then connect it if (aaNode.get() != this && !connectedTo(aaNode)) { printf("%sConnecting %c at (%d,%d) to %c at (%d,%d)\n", indent(), aaNode->color() + 'A', aaNode->x(), aaNode->y(), color() + 'A', x(), y()); connect(aaNode); aaNode->connect(sharedThis); } } // At this point, the adjacent node is only referenced by the copied list and will be deleted when // the list goes out of scope } } }
bool DomainServer::checkInWithUUIDMatchesExistingNode(sockaddr* nodePublicSocket, sockaddr* nodeLocalSocket, const QUuid& checkInUUID) { NodeList* nodeList = NodeList::getInstance(); for (NodeList::iterator node = nodeList->begin(); node != nodeList->end(); node++) { if (node->getLinkedData() && socketMatch(node->getPublicSocket(), nodePublicSocket) && socketMatch(node->getLocalSocket(), nodeLocalSocket) && node->getUUID() == checkInUUID) { // this is a matching existing node if the public socket, local socket, and UUID match return true; } } return false; }
void BronKerbosch::bkDegeneracy(const NodeList& order) { BitSet mask(_n); for (typename NodeList::const_iterator it = order.begin(); it != order.end(); ++it) { Node v = *it; // ~mask includes v but we're fine as _bitNeighborhood[v] excludes v BitSet P = _bitNeighborhood[v] & ~mask; BitSet X = _bitNeighborhood[v] & mask; BitSet R(_n); R.set(_nodeToBit[v]); bkPivot(P, R, X); mask.set(_nodeToBit[v]); } }
static bool Graph_divide(Graph& graph, size_t loops, PositionList* position_tbl) { typedef std::set< size_t > NodeList; NodeList nodes; // nodes for (Graph::const_iterator i = graph.begin(); i != graph.end(); ++i) { nodes.insert(i->first); } while (!nodes.empty()) { // BFS Graph component; std::deque< size_t > Q = boost::assign::list_of(*nodes.begin()); while (!Q.empty()) { size_t xi = Q.front(); Q.pop_front(); if (nodes.find(xi) == nodes.end()) { continue; } nodes.erase(xi); Graph::const_iterator i = graph.find(xi); if (i != graph.end()) { for (Children::const_iterator j = i->second.children.begin(); j != i->second.children.end(); ++j) { Graph_addEdge(component, xi, j->first, j->second); Q.push_back(j->first); } for (Parents::const_iterator j = i->second.parents.begin(); j != i->second.parents.end(); ++j) { Q.push_back(*j); } } } LOG4CXX_TRACE(logger, boost::format("component:%d/%d") % component.size() % graph.size()); if (!Graph_solve(component, loops, position_tbl)) { LOG4CXX_ERROR(logger, "solve component failed"); return false; } } return true; }
// Print the node data structure bool DataScaling::printNodes() { for (int i = 0; i < this->levels; ++i) { cout << "Level:" << i << endl; // Get the nodeList for this level NodeList* nodeList = this->nodes[i]; for (auto it = nodeList->begin(); it != nodeList->end(); ++it) { Node* node = *it; node->print(); } } return(true); }
void DomainServer::possiblyAddStaticAssignmentsBackToQueueAfterRestart(timeval* startTime) { // if the domain-server has just restarted, // check if there are static assignments in the file that we need to // throw into the assignment queue const uint64_t RESTART_HOLD_TIME_USECS = 5 * 1000 * 1000; if (!_hasCompletedRestartHold && usecTimestampNow() - usecTimestamp(startTime) > RESTART_HOLD_TIME_USECS) { _hasCompletedRestartHold = true; // pull anything in the static assignment file that isn't spoken for and add to the assignment queue for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STATIC_ASSIGNMENT_FILE_ASSIGNMENTS; i++) { if (_staticAssignments[i].getUUID().isNull()) { // reached the end of static assignments, bail break; } bool foundMatchingAssignment = false; NodeList* nodeList = NodeList::getInstance(); // enumerate the nodes and check if there is one with an attached assignment with matching UUID for (NodeList::iterator node = nodeList->begin(); node != nodeList->end(); node++) { if (node->getLinkedData()) { Assignment* linkedAssignment = (Assignment*) node->getLinkedData(); if (linkedAssignment->getUUID() == _staticAssignments[i].getUUID()) { foundMatchingAssignment = true; break; } } } if (!foundMatchingAssignment) { // this assignment has not been fulfilled - reset the UUID and add it to the assignment queue _staticAssignments[i].resetUUID(); qDebug() << "Adding static assignment to queue -" << _staticAssignments[i] << "\n"; _assignmentQueueMutex.lock(); _assignmentQueue.push_back(&_staticAssignments[i]); _assignmentQueueMutex.unlock(); } } } }
void emptyTree(NodeSet roots) { TreeNode *tempNode = 0, *parentNode = 0; NodeSetIter setIter; NodeList nodeList; NodeListIter listIter; for(setIter=roots.begin(); setIter!=roots.end(); ++setIter) { tempNode=0; parentNode=0; if(*setIter!=0) { nodeList.push_front(*setIter); while (nodeList.size()!=0) { listIter=nodeList.begin(); tempNode=(*listIter); nodeList.pop_front(); if (tempNode->right==0 && tempNode->left==0) { parentNode=tempNode->parent; if (parentNode->right->ID==tempNode->ID) parentNode->right = 0; else parentNode->left=0; delete tempNode; tempNode=0; } else { if(tempNode->right!=0) nodeList.push_front(tempNode->right); if(tempNode->left!=0) nodeList.push_front(tempNode->left); } } } nodeList.clear(); } }
void SGE_Render() { for ( int y = 0; y < kHeight; ++y) { for ( int x = 0; x < kWidth; ++x) { tiles[map.GetTile(x, y)].SetPosition((float)x*kTileSize, (float)y*kTileSize); tiles[map.GetTile(x, y)].Render(); } } if (bfs || dfs || ds || as) { for (NodeList::iterator iter = ClosedList.begin(); iter != ClosedList.end(); ++iter) { Node* node = *iter; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { if (node->neighbors[i] != nullptr && node->neighbors[i]->closed && node->neighbors[i]->parent == node) { Graphics_DebugLine(node->position, node->neighbors[i]->position, 0x888800); } } } Node *node = last; while (last != nullptr && node->parent != nullptr) { Graphics_DebugLine(node->position, node->parent->position, rgb + 0xff0000); node = node->parent; } } if (started) { startSprite.Render(); } if (ended) { endSprite.Render(); } cursor.Render(); }