AssignmentClient::AssignmentClient(int &argc, char **argv, Assignment::Type requestAssignmentType, const HifiSockAddr& customAssignmentServerSocket, const char* requestAssignmentPool) : QCoreApplication(argc, argv), _requestAssignment(Assignment::RequestCommand, requestAssignmentType, requestAssignmentPool), _currentAssignment(NULL) { // register meta type is required for queued invoke method on Assignment subclasses // set the logging target to the the CHILD_TARGET_NAME Logging::setTargetName(ASSIGNMENT_CLIENT_TARGET_NAME); // create a NodeList as an unassigned client NodeList* nodeList = NodeList::createInstance(NODE_TYPE_UNASSIGNED); // set the custom assignment socket if we have it if (!customAssignmentServerSocket.isNull()) { nodeList->setAssignmentServerSocket(customAssignmentServerSocket); } // call a timer function every ASSIGNMENT_REQUEST_INTERVAL_MSECS to ask for assignment, if required qDebug() << "Waiting for assignment -" << _requestAssignment << "\n"; QTimer* timer = new QTimer(this); connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(sendAssignmentRequest())); timer->start(ASSIGNMENT_REQUEST_INTERVAL_MSECS); // connect our readPendingDatagrams method to the readyRead() signal of the socket connect(&nodeList->getNodeSocket(), SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readPendingDatagrams())); }
void AssignmentClient::sendAssignmentRequest() { if (!_currentAssignment) { NodeList* nodeList = NodeList::getInstance(); if (_assignmentServerHostname == "localhost") { // we want to check again for the local domain-server port in case the DS has restarted if (!_localASPortSharedMem) { _localASPortSharedMem = new QSharedMemory(DOMAIN_SERVER_LOCAL_PORT_SMEM_KEY, this); if (!_localASPortSharedMem->attach(QSharedMemory::ReadOnly)) { qWarning() << "Could not attach to shared memory at key" << DOMAIN_SERVER_LOCAL_PORT_SMEM_KEY << "- will attempt to connect to domain-server on" << _assignmentServerSocket.getPort(); } } if (_localASPortSharedMem->isAttached()) { _localASPortSharedMem->lock(); quint16 localAssignmentServerPort; memcpy(&localAssignmentServerPort, _localASPortSharedMem->data(), sizeof(localAssignmentServerPort)); _localASPortSharedMem->unlock(); if (localAssignmentServerPort != _assignmentServerSocket.getPort()) { qDebug() << "Port for local assignment server read from shared memory is" << localAssignmentServerPort; _assignmentServerSocket.setPort(localAssignmentServerPort); nodeList->setAssignmentServerSocket(_assignmentServerSocket); } } } nodeList->sendAssignment(_requestAssignment); } }
void childClient() { // this is one of the child forks or there is a single assignment client, continue assignment-client execution // set the logging target to the the CHILD_TARGET_NAME Logging::setTargetName(CHILD_TARGET_NAME); // create a NodeList as an unassigned client NodeList* nodeList = NodeList::createInstance(NODE_TYPE_UNASSIGNED); // set the custom assignment socket if we have it if (customAssignmentSocket.sin_addr.s_addr != 0) { nodeList->setAssignmentServerSocket((sockaddr*) &customAssignmentSocket); } // change the timeout on the nodelist socket to be as often as we want to re-request nodeList->getNodeSocket()->setBlockingReceiveTimeoutInUsecs(ASSIGNMENT_REQUEST_INTERVAL_USECS); timeval lastRequest = {}; unsigned char packetData[MAX_PACKET_SIZE]; ssize_t receivedBytes = 0; sockaddr_in senderSocket = {}; // create a request assignment, accept assignments defined by the overidden type Assignment requestAssignment(Assignment::RequestCommand, ::overiddenAssignmentType); while (true) { if (usecTimestampNow() - usecTimestamp(&lastRequest) >= ASSIGNMENT_REQUEST_INTERVAL_USECS) { gettimeofday(&lastRequest, NULL); // if we're here we have no assignment, so send a request qDebug() << "Sending an assignment request -" << requestAssignment << "\n"; nodeList->sendAssignment(requestAssignment); } if (nodeList->getNodeSocket()->receive((sockaddr*) &senderSocket, packetData, &receivedBytes) && (packetData[0] == PACKET_TYPE_DEPLOY_ASSIGNMENT || packetData[0] == PACKET_TYPE_CREATE_ASSIGNMENT) && packetVersionMatch(packetData)) { // construct the deployed assignment from the packet data Assignment* deployedAssignment = AssignmentFactory::unpackAssignment(packetData, receivedBytes); qDebug() << "Received an assignment -" << *deployedAssignment << "\n"; // switch our nodelist domain IP and port to whoever sent us the assignment if (packetData[0] == PACKET_TYPE_CREATE_ASSIGNMENT) { nodeList->setDomainIP(QHostAddress((sockaddr*) &senderSocket)); nodeList->setDomainPort(ntohs(senderSocket.sin_port)); qDebug("Destination IP for assignment is %s\n", nodeList->getDomainIP().toString().toStdString().c_str()); // run the deployed assignment deployedAssignment->run(); } else { qDebug("Received a bad destination socket for assignment.\n"); } qDebug("Assignment finished or never started - waiting for new assignment\n"); // delete the deployedAssignment delete deployedAssignment; // reset our NodeList by switching back to unassigned and clearing the list nodeList->setOwnerType(NODE_TYPE_UNASSIGNED); nodeList->reset(); // reset the logging target to the the CHILD_TARGET_NAME Logging::setTargetName(CHILD_TARGET_NAME); } } }
AssignmentClient::AssignmentClient(int &argc, char **argv) : QCoreApplication(argc, argv), _assignmentServerHostname(DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENT_SERVER_HOSTNAME) { setOrganizationName("High Fidelity"); setOrganizationDomain(""); setApplicationName("assignment-client"); QSettings::setDefaultFormat(QSettings::IniFormat); QStringList argumentList = arguments(); // register meta type is required for queued invoke method on Assignment subclasses // set the logging target to the the CHILD_TARGET_NAME Logging::setTargetName(ASSIGNMENT_CLIENT_TARGET_NAME); const QString ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_OVVERIDE_OPTION = "-t"; int argumentIndex = argumentList.indexOf(ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_OVVERIDE_OPTION); Assignment::Type requestAssignmentType = Assignment::AllTypes; if (argumentIndex != -1) { requestAssignmentType = (Assignment::Type) argumentList[argumentIndex + 1].toInt(); } const QString ASSIGNMENT_POOL_OPTION = "--pool"; argumentIndex = argumentList.indexOf(ASSIGNMENT_POOL_OPTION); QString assignmentPool; if (argumentIndex != -1) { assignmentPool = argumentList[argumentIndex + 1]; } // setup our _requestAssignment member variable from the passed arguments _requestAssignment = Assignment(Assignment::RequestCommand, requestAssignmentType, assignmentPool); // create a NodeList as an unassigned client NodeList* nodeList = NodeList::createInstance(NodeType::Unassigned); // check for an overriden assignment server hostname const QString CUSTOM_ASSIGNMENT_SERVER_HOSTNAME_OPTION = "-a"; argumentIndex = argumentList.indexOf(CUSTOM_ASSIGNMENT_SERVER_HOSTNAME_OPTION); if (argumentIndex != -1) { _assignmentServerHostname = argumentList[argumentIndex + 1]; // set the custom assignment socket on our NodeList HifiSockAddr customAssignmentSocket = HifiSockAddr(_assignmentServerHostname, DEFAULT_DOMAIN_SERVER_PORT); nodeList->setAssignmentServerSocket(customAssignmentSocket); } // call a timer function every ASSIGNMENT_REQUEST_INTERVAL_MSECS to ask for assignment, if required qDebug() << "Waiting for assignment -" << _requestAssignment; QTimer* timer = new QTimer(this); connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(sendAssignmentRequest())); timer->start(ASSIGNMENT_REQUEST_INTERVAL_MSECS); // connect our readPendingDatagrams method to the readyRead() signal of the socket connect(&nodeList->getNodeSocket(), &QUdpSocket::readyRead, this, &AssignmentClient::readPendingDatagrams); // connections to AccountManager for authentication connect(&AccountManager::getInstance(), &AccountManager::authRequired, this, &AssignmentClient::handleAuthenticationRequest); }
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { qInstallMessageHandler(Logging::verboseMessageHandler); NodeList* nodeList = NodeList::createInstance(NODE_TYPE_DOMAIN, DOMAIN_LISTEN_PORT); setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0); ssize_t receivedBytes = 0; char nodeType = '\0'; unsigned char broadcastPacket[MAX_PACKET_SIZE]; unsigned char* currentBufferPos; unsigned char* startPointer; sockaddr_in nodePublicAddress, nodeLocalAddress, replyDestinationSocket; nodeLocalAddress.sin_family = AF_INET; in_addr_t serverLocalAddress = getLocalAddress(); nodeList->startSilentNodeRemovalThread(); timeval lastStatSendTime = {}; const char ASSIGNMENT_SERVER_OPTION[] = "-a"; // grab the overriden assignment-server hostname from argv, if it exists const char* customAssignmentServer = getCmdOption(argc, argv, ASSIGNMENT_SERVER_OPTION); if (customAssignmentServer) { sockaddr_in customAssignmentSocket = socketForHostnameAndHostOrderPort(customAssignmentServer, ASSIGNMENT_SERVER_PORT); nodeList->setAssignmentServerSocket((sockaddr*) &customAssignmentSocket); } // use a map to keep track of iterations of silence for assignment creation requests const long long GLOBAL_ASSIGNMENT_REQUEST_INTERVAL_USECS = 1 * 1000 * 1000; timeval lastGlobalAssignmentRequest = {}; // as a domain-server we will always want an audio mixer and avatar mixer // setup the create assignments for those Assignment audioMixerAssignment(Assignment::CreateCommand, Assignment::AudioMixerType, Assignment::LocalLocation); Assignment avatarMixerAssignment(Assignment::CreateCommand, Assignment::AvatarMixerType, Assignment::LocalLocation); // construct a local socket to send with our created assignments to the global AS sockaddr_in localSocket = {}; localSocket.sin_family = AF_INET; localSocket.sin_port = htons(nodeList->getInstance()->getNodeSocket()->getListeningPort()); localSocket.sin_addr.s_addr = serverLocalAddress; // setup the mongoose web server struct mg_context *ctx; struct mg_callbacks callbacks = {}; // list of options. Last element must be NULL. const char *options[] = {"listening_ports", "8080", "document_root", "./resources/web", NULL}; callbacks.begin_request = mongooseRequestHandler; callbacks.upload = mongooseUploadHandler; // Start the web server. ctx = mg_start(&callbacks, NULL, options); while (true) { ::assignmentQueueMutex.lock(); // check if our audio-mixer or avatar-mixer are dead and we don't have existing assignments in the queue // so we can add those assignments back to the front of the queue since they are high-priority if (!nodeList->soloNodeOfType(NODE_TYPE_AVATAR_MIXER) && std::find(::assignmentQueue.begin(), assignmentQueue.end(), &avatarMixerAssignment) == ::assignmentQueue.end()) { qDebug("Missing an avatar mixer and assignment not in queue. Adding.\n"); ::assignmentQueue.push_front(&avatarMixerAssignment); } if (!nodeList->soloNodeOfType(NODE_TYPE_AUDIO_MIXER) && std::find(::assignmentQueue.begin(), ::assignmentQueue.end(), &audioMixerAssignment) == ::assignmentQueue.end()) { qDebug("Missing an audio mixer and assignment not in queue. Adding.\n"); ::assignmentQueue.push_front(&audioMixerAssignment); } ::assignmentQueueMutex.unlock(); while (nodeList->getNodeSocket()->receive((sockaddr *)&nodePublicAddress, packetData, &receivedBytes) && packetVersionMatch(packetData)) { if (packetData[0] == PACKET_TYPE_DOMAIN_REPORT_FOR_DUTY || packetData[0] == PACKET_TYPE_DOMAIN_LIST_REQUEST) { // this is an RFD or domain list request packet, and there is a version match std::map<char, Node *> newestSoloNodes; int numBytesSenderHeader = numBytesForPacketHeader(packetData); nodeType = *(packetData + numBytesSenderHeader); int numBytesSocket = unpackSocket(packetData + numBytesSenderHeader + sizeof(NODE_TYPE), (sockaddr*) &nodeLocalAddress); replyDestinationSocket = nodePublicAddress; // check the node public address // if it matches our local address // or if it's the loopback address we're on the same box if (nodePublicAddress.sin_addr.s_addr == serverLocalAddress || nodePublicAddress.sin_addr.s_addr == htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK)) { nodePublicAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = 0; } Node* newNode = nodeList->addOrUpdateNode((sockaddr*) &nodePublicAddress, (sockaddr*) &nodeLocalAddress, nodeType, nodeList->getLastNodeID()); // if addOrUpdateNode returns NULL this was a solo node we already have, don't talk back to it if (newNode) { if (newNode->getNodeID() == nodeList->getLastNodeID()) { nodeList->increaseNodeID(); } int numHeaderBytes = populateTypeAndVersion(broadcastPacket, PACKET_TYPE_DOMAIN); currentBufferPos = broadcastPacket + numHeaderBytes; startPointer = currentBufferPos; unsigned char* nodeTypesOfInterest = packetData + numBytesSenderHeader + sizeof(NODE_TYPE) + numBytesSocket + sizeof(unsigned char); int numInterestTypes = *(nodeTypesOfInterest - 1); if (numInterestTypes > 0) { // if the node has sent no types of interest, assume they want nothing but their own ID back for (NodeList::iterator node = nodeList->begin(); node != nodeList->end(); node++) { if (!node->matches((sockaddr*) &nodePublicAddress, (sockaddr*) &nodeLocalAddress, nodeType) && memchr(nodeTypesOfInterest, node->getType(), numInterestTypes)) { // this is not the node themselves // and this is an node of a type in the passed node types of interest // or the node did not pass us any specific types they are interested in if (memchr(SOLO_NODE_TYPES, node->getType(), sizeof(SOLO_NODE_TYPES)) == NULL) { // this is an node of which there can be multiple, just add them to the packet // don't send avatar nodes to other avatars, that will come from avatar mixer if (nodeType != NODE_TYPE_AGENT || node->getType() != NODE_TYPE_AGENT) { currentBufferPos = addNodeToBroadcastPacket(currentBufferPos, &(*node)); } } else { // solo node, we need to only send newest if (newestSoloNodes[node->getType()] == NULL || newestSoloNodes[node->getType()]->getWakeMicrostamp() < node->getWakeMicrostamp()) { // we have to set the newer solo node to add it to the broadcast later newestSoloNodes[node->getType()] = &(*node); } } } } for (std::map<char, Node *>::iterator soloNode = newestSoloNodes.begin(); soloNode != newestSoloNodes.end(); soloNode++) { // this is the newest alive solo node, add them to the packet currentBufferPos = addNodeToBroadcastPacket(currentBufferPos, soloNode->second); } } // update last receive to now uint64_t timeNow = usecTimestampNow(); newNode->setLastHeardMicrostamp(timeNow); if (packetData[0] == PACKET_TYPE_DOMAIN_REPORT_FOR_DUTY && memchr(SOLO_NODE_TYPES, nodeType, sizeof(SOLO_NODE_TYPES))) { newNode->setWakeMicrostamp(timeNow); } // add the node ID to the end of the pointer currentBufferPos += packNodeId(currentBufferPos, newNode->getNodeID()); // send the constructed list back to this node nodeList->getNodeSocket()->send((sockaddr*)&replyDestinationSocket, broadcastPacket, (currentBufferPos - startPointer) + numHeaderBytes); } } else if (packetData[0] == PACKET_TYPE_REQUEST_ASSIGNMENT) { qDebug("Received a request for assignment.\n"); ::assignmentQueueMutex.lock(); // this is an unassigned client talking to us directly for an assignment // go through our queue and see if there are any assignments to give out std::deque<Assignment*>::iterator assignment = ::assignmentQueue.begin(); while (assignment != ::assignmentQueue.end()) { // give this assignment out, no conditions stop us from giving it to the local assignment client int numHeaderBytes = populateTypeAndVersion(broadcastPacket, PACKET_TYPE_CREATE_ASSIGNMENT); int numAssignmentBytes = (*assignment)->packToBuffer(broadcastPacket + numHeaderBytes); nodeList->getNodeSocket()->send((sockaddr*) &nodePublicAddress, broadcastPacket, numHeaderBytes + numAssignmentBytes); // remove the assignment from the queue ::assignmentQueue.erase(assignment); if ((*assignment)->getType() == Assignment::AgentType) { // if this is a script assignment we need to delete it to avoid a memory leak delete *assignment; } // stop looping, we've handed out an assignment break; } ::assignmentQueueMutex.unlock(); } } // if ASSIGNMENT_REQUEST_INTERVAL_USECS have passed since last global assignment request then fire off another if (usecTimestampNow() - usecTimestamp(&lastGlobalAssignmentRequest) >= GLOBAL_ASSIGNMENT_REQUEST_INTERVAL_USECS) { gettimeofday(&lastGlobalAssignmentRequest, NULL); ::assignmentQueueMutex.lock(); // go through our queue and see if there are any assignments to send to the global assignment server std::deque<Assignment*>::iterator assignment = ::assignmentQueue.begin(); while (assignment != assignmentQueue.end()) { if ((*assignment)->getLocation() != Assignment::LocalLocation) { // attach our local socket to the assignment so the assignment-server can optionally hand it out (*assignment)->setAttachedLocalSocket((sockaddr*) &localSocket); nodeList->sendAssignment(*(*assignment)); // remove the assignment from the queue ::assignmentQueue.erase(assignment); if ((*assignment)->getType() == Assignment::AgentType) { // if this is a script assignment we need to delete it to avoid a memory leak delete *assignment; } // stop looping, we've handed out an assignment break; } else { // push forward the iterator to check the next assignment assignment++; } } ::assignmentQueueMutex.unlock(); } if (Logging::shouldSendStats()) { if (usecTimestampNow() - usecTimestamp(&lastStatSendTime) >= (NODE_COUNT_STAT_INTERVAL_MSECS * 1000)) { // time to send our count of nodes and servers to logstash const char NODE_COUNT_LOGSTASH_KEY[] = "ds-node-count"; Logging::stashValue(STAT_TYPE_TIMER, NODE_COUNT_LOGSTASH_KEY, nodeList->getNumAliveNodes()); gettimeofday(&lastStatSendTime, NULL); } } } return 0; }
AssignmentClient::AssignmentClient(int &argc, char **argv) : QCoreApplication(argc, argv), _currentAssignment(NULL) { // register meta type is required for queued invoke method on Assignment subclasses // set the logging target to the the CHILD_TARGET_NAME Logging::setTargetName(ASSIGNMENT_CLIENT_TARGET_NAME); const char ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_OVVERIDE_OPTION[] = "-t"; const char* assignmentTypeString = getCmdOption(argc, (const char**)argv, ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_OVVERIDE_OPTION); Assignment::Type requestAssignmentType = Assignment::AllTypes; if (assignmentTypeString) { // the user is asking to only be assigned to a particular type of assignment // so set that as the ::overridenAssignmentType to be used in requests requestAssignmentType = (Assignment::Type) atoi(assignmentTypeString); } const char ASSIGNMENT_POOL_OPTION[] = "--pool"; const char* requestAssignmentPool = getCmdOption(argc, (const char**) argv, ASSIGNMENT_POOL_OPTION); // setup our _requestAssignment member variable from the passed arguments _requestAssignment = Assignment(Assignment::RequestCommand, requestAssignmentType, requestAssignmentPool); // create a NodeList as an unassigned client NodeList* nodeList = NodeList::createInstance(NodeType::Unassigned); const char CUSTOM_ASSIGNMENT_SERVER_HOSTNAME_OPTION[] = "-a"; const char CUSTOM_ASSIGNMENT_SERVER_PORT_OPTION[] = "-p"; // grab the overriden assignment-server hostname from argv, if it exists const char* customAssignmentServerHostname = getCmdOption(argc, (const char**)argv, CUSTOM_ASSIGNMENT_SERVER_HOSTNAME_OPTION); const char* customAssignmentServerPortString = getCmdOption(argc,(const char**)argv, CUSTOM_ASSIGNMENT_SERVER_PORT_OPTION); HifiSockAddr customAssignmentSocket; if (customAssignmentServerHostname || customAssignmentServerPortString) { // set the custom port or default if it wasn't passed unsigned short assignmentServerPort = customAssignmentServerPortString ? atoi(customAssignmentServerPortString) : DEFAULT_DOMAIN_SERVER_PORT; // set the custom hostname or default if it wasn't passed if (!customAssignmentServerHostname) { customAssignmentServerHostname = DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENT_SERVER_HOSTNAME; } customAssignmentSocket = HifiSockAddr(customAssignmentServerHostname, assignmentServerPort); } // set the custom assignment socket if we have it if (!customAssignmentSocket.isNull()) { nodeList->setAssignmentServerSocket(customAssignmentSocket); } // call a timer function every ASSIGNMENT_REQUEST_INTERVAL_MSECS to ask for assignment, if required qDebug() << "Waiting for assignment -" << _requestAssignment; QTimer* timer = new QTimer(this); connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(sendAssignmentRequest())); timer->start(ASSIGNMENT_REQUEST_INTERVAL_MSECS); // connect our readPendingDatagrams method to the readyRead() signal of the socket connect(&nodeList->getNodeSocket(), &QUdpSocket::readyRead, this, &AssignmentClient::readPendingDatagrams, Qt::QueuedConnection); }
AssignmentClient::AssignmentClient(int &argc, char **argv) : QCoreApplication(argc, argv), _assignmentServerHostname(DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENT_SERVER_HOSTNAME), _localASPortSharedMem(NULL) { LogUtils::init(); setOrganizationName("High Fidelity"); setOrganizationDomain(""); setApplicationName("assignment-client"); QSettings::setDefaultFormat(QSettings::IniFormat); // setup a shutdown event listener to handle SIGTERM or WM_CLOSE for us #ifdef _WIN32 installNativeEventFilter(&ShutdownEventListener::getInstance()); #else ShutdownEventListener::getInstance(); #endif // set the logging target to the the CHILD_TARGET_NAME LogHandler::getInstance().setTargetName(ASSIGNMENT_CLIENT_TARGET_NAME); const QVariantMap argumentVariantMap = HifiConfigVariantMap::mergeCLParametersWithJSONConfig(arguments()); const QString ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_OVERRIDE_OPTION = "t"; const QString ASSIGNMENT_POOL_OPTION = "pool"; const QString ASSIGNMENT_WALLET_DESTINATION_ID_OPTION = "wallet"; const QString CUSTOM_ASSIGNMENT_SERVER_HOSTNAME_OPTION = "a"; const QString CUSTOM_ASSIGNMENT_SERVER_PORT_OPTION = "p"; Assignment::Type requestAssignmentType = Assignment::AllTypes; // check for an assignment type passed on the command line or in the config if (argumentVariantMap.contains(ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_OVERRIDE_OPTION)) { requestAssignmentType = (Assignment::Type) argumentVariantMap.value(ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_OVERRIDE_OPTION).toInt(); } QString assignmentPool; // check for an assignment pool passed on the command line or in the config if (argumentVariantMap.contains(ASSIGNMENT_POOL_OPTION)) { assignmentPool = argumentVariantMap.value(ASSIGNMENT_POOL_OPTION).toString(); } // setup our _requestAssignment member variable from the passed arguments _requestAssignment = Assignment(Assignment::RequestCommand, requestAssignmentType, assignmentPool); // check for a wallet UUID on the command line or in the config // this would represent where the user running AC wants funds sent to if (argumentVariantMap.contains(ASSIGNMENT_WALLET_DESTINATION_ID_OPTION)) { QUuid walletUUID = argumentVariantMap.value(ASSIGNMENT_WALLET_DESTINATION_ID_OPTION).toString(); qDebug() << "The destination wallet UUID for credits is" << uuidStringWithoutCurlyBraces(walletUUID); _requestAssignment.setWalletUUID(walletUUID); } // create a NodeList as an unassigned client NodeList* nodeList = NodeList::createInstance(NodeType::Unassigned); quint16 assignmentServerPort = DEFAULT_DOMAIN_SERVER_PORT; // check for an overriden assignment server hostname if (argumentVariantMap.contains(CUSTOM_ASSIGNMENT_SERVER_HOSTNAME_OPTION)) { // change the hostname for our assignment server _assignmentServerHostname = argumentVariantMap.value(CUSTOM_ASSIGNMENT_SERVER_HOSTNAME_OPTION).toString(); } // check for an overriden assignment server port if (argumentVariantMap.contains(CUSTOM_ASSIGNMENT_SERVER_PORT_OPTION)) { assignmentServerPort = argumentVariantMap.value(CUSTOM_ASSIGNMENT_SERVER_PORT_OPTION).toString().toUInt(); } _assignmentServerSocket = HifiSockAddr(_assignmentServerHostname, assignmentServerPort, true); nodeList->setAssignmentServerSocket(_assignmentServerSocket); qDebug() << "Assignment server socket is" << _assignmentServerSocket; // call a timer function every ASSIGNMENT_REQUEST_INTERVAL_MSECS to ask for assignment, if required qDebug() << "Waiting for assignment -" << _requestAssignment; QTimer* timer = new QTimer(this); connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(sendAssignmentRequest())); timer->start(ASSIGNMENT_REQUEST_INTERVAL_MSECS); // connect our readPendingDatagrams method to the readyRead() signal of the socket connect(&nodeList->getNodeSocket(), &QUdpSocket::readyRead, this, &AssignmentClient::readPendingDatagrams); // connections to AccountManager for authentication connect(&AccountManager::getInstance(), &AccountManager::authRequired, this, &AssignmentClient::handleAuthenticationRequest); // Create Singleton objects on main thread NetworkAccessManager::getInstance(); SoundCache::getInstance(); }