void cDragItems::dropOnChar( cUOSocket *socket, P_ITEM pItem, P_CHAR pOtherChar ) { // Three possibilities: // If we're dropping it on ourself: packintobackpack // If we're dropping it on some other player: trade-window // If we're dropping it on some NPC: checkBehaviours // If not handeled: Equip the item if the NPC is owned by us // To prevent bad effects remove it from the clients view first cUOTxRemoveObject rObject; rObject.setSerial( pItem->serial() ); socket->send( &rObject ); P_CHAR pChar = socket->player(); if( pItem->onDropOnChar( pOtherChar ) ) { // Still dragging? Bounce! if( socket->dragging() == pItem ) socket->bounceItem( pItem, BR_NO_REASON ); return; } if( pOtherChar->onDropOnChar( pItem ) ) { // Still dragging? Bounce! if( socket->dragging() == pItem ) socket->bounceItem( pItem, BR_NO_REASON ); return; } // Dropped on ourself if( pChar == pOtherChar ) { pItem->toBackpack( pChar ); return; } // Are we in range of our target if( !inrange1p( pChar, pOtherChar ) ) { socket->bounceItem( pItem, BR_OUT_OF_REACH ); return; } // Can wee see our target if( !lineOfSight( pChar->pos(), pOtherChar->pos(), TREES_BUSHES|WALLS_CHIMNEYS|DOORS|ROOFING_SLANTED|FLOORS_FLAT_ROOFING|LAVA_WATER ) ) { socket->bounceItem( pItem, BR_OUT_OF_SIGHT ); return; } // Open a secure trading window if( pOtherChar->objectType() == enPlayer && dynamic_cast<P_PLAYER>(pOtherChar)->socket() ) { // Check if we're already trading, // if not create a new window P_ITEM tradeWindow = pChar->atLayer( cBaseChar::TradeWindow ); //if( !tradeWindow ) // tradeWindow = Trade->tradestart( client->socket(), pOtherChar ); socket->bounceItem( pItem, BR_NO_REASON ); socket->sysMessage( "Trading is disabled" ); return; tradeWindow->addItem( pItem, false, false ); pItem->setPos( Coord_cl(rand() % 60, rand() % 60, 9) ); pItem->removeFromView( false ); pItem->update(); return; } // Dropping based on AI Type /*switch( pOtherChar->npcaitype() ) { case 4: dropOnGuard( client, pItem, pOtherChar ); break; case 5: dropOnBeggar( client, pItem, pOtherChar ); break; case 8: dropOnBanker( client, pItem, pOtherChar ); break; case 19: dropOnBroker( client, pItem, pOtherChar ); break; }; // Try to train - works for any NPC if( pOtherChar->cantrain() ) if( pChar->trainer() == pOtherChar->serial ) dropOnTrainer( client, pItem, pOtherChar ); else pOtherChar->talk( "You need to tell me what you want to learn first" );*/ // Finally lets check if it is simple food if( pItem->type() == 14 ) { dropFoodOnChar( socket, pItem, pOtherChar ); return; } socket->sysMessage( tr("The character does not seem to want the item.") ); socket->bounceItem( pItem, BR_NO_REASON ); return; }
void DragAndDrop::dropOnChar( cUOSocket* socket, P_ITEM pItem, P_CHAR pOtherChar ) { // Three possibilities: // If we're dropping it on ourself: packintobackpack // If we're dropping it on some other player: trade-window // If we're dropping it on some NPC: checkBehaviours // If not handeled: Equip the item if the NPC is owned by us P_CHAR pChar = socket->player(); if ( pItem->onDropOnChar( pOtherChar ) ) { // Still dragging? Bounce! if ( socket->dragging() == pItem ) socket->bounceItem( pItem, BR_NO_REASON ); return; } if ( pOtherChar->onDropOnChar( pItem ) ) { // Still dragging? Bounce! if ( socket->dragging() == pItem ) socket->bounceItem( pItem, BR_NO_REASON ); return; } // Dropped on ourself if ( pChar == pOtherChar ) { pItem->toBackpack( pChar ); return; } // Are we in range of our target if ( !pChar->inRange( pOtherChar, 3 ) ) { socket->bounceItem( pItem, BR_OUT_OF_REACH ); return; } // Can wee see our target if ( !pChar->lineOfSight( pOtherChar ) ) { socket->bounceItem( pItem, BR_OUT_OF_SIGHT ); return; } // Open a secure trading window if ( pOtherChar->objectType() == enPlayer && dynamic_cast<P_PLAYER>( pOtherChar )->socket() ) { dynamic_cast<P_PLAYER>( pChar )->onTradeStart( dynamic_cast<P_PLAYER>( pOtherChar ), pItem ); // Check if we're already trading, // if not create a new window /* P_ITEM tradeWindow = pChar->atLayer( cBaseChar::TradeWindow ); //if( !tradeWindow ) // tradeWindow = Trade->tradestart( client->socket(), pOtherChar ); socket->bounceItem( pItem, BR_NO_REASON ); socket->sysMessage( "Trading is disabled" ); return; tradeWindow->addItem( pItem, false, false ); pItem->setPos( Coord_cl(rand() % 60, rand() % 60, 9) ); pItem->removeFromView( false ); pItem->update(); */ return; } // Dropping based on AI Type /*switch( pOtherChar->npcaitype() ) { case 4: dropOnGuard( client, pItem, pOtherChar ); break; case 5: dropOnBeggar( client, pItem, pOtherChar ); break; case 8: dropOnBanker( client, pItem, pOtherChar ); break; case 19: dropOnBroker( client, pItem, pOtherChar ); break; }; // Try to train - works for any NPC if( pOtherChar->cantrain() ) if( pChar->trainer() == pOtherChar->serial ) dropOnTrainer( client, pItem, pOtherChar ); else pOtherChar->talk( "You need to tell me what you want to learn first" );*/ socket->sysMessage( tr( "The character does not seem to want the item." ) ); socket->bounceItem( pItem, BR_NO_REASON ); return; }