static void getWritePaths(Paths& paths) { paths.push_back(PathInfo(SlPaths::GetLobbyWriteDir(), "LobbyWriteDir", true)); paths.push_back(PathInfo(SlPaths::GetCachePath(), "CachePath", true)); paths.push_back(PathInfo(SlPaths::GetExecutableFolder(), "ExecutableFolder", false)); paths.push_back(PathInfo(SlPaths::GetDownloadDir(), "DownloadDir", true)); paths.push_back(PathInfo(SlPaths::GetDataDir(), "Current SpringData:", true)); }
InfoDialog::InfoDialog(wxWindow* parent) : wxDialog(parent, wxID_ANY, _("Paths"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(620, 400), wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER | wxMAXIMIZE_BOX | wxCLOSE_BOX) { m_main_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, wxString> > Paths; Paths paths; paths.push_back(std::make_pair(SlPaths::GetLobbyWriteDir(), _T("LobbyWriteDir"))); paths.push_back(std::make_pair(SlPaths::GetCachePath(), _T("CachePath"))); paths.push_back(std::make_pair(SlPaths::GetExecutableFolder(), _T("ExecutableFolder"))); paths.push_back(std::make_pair(SlPaths::GetDownloadDir(), _T("DownloadDir"))); paths.push_back(std::make_pair(SlPaths::GetDataDir(), _T("Current SpringData:"))); wxTextCtrl* out = new wxTextCtrl(this, wxNewId(), wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE | wxTE_READONLY | wxTE_RICH | wxTE_AUTO_URL); *out << TowxString(getSpringlobbyAgent()) + _T("\n"); *out << wxString::Format(_T("SpringLobby config file: %s (%s writable)\n"), TowxString(SlPaths::GetConfigPath()).c_str(), BtS(wxFileName::IsFileWritable(TowxString(SlPaths::GetConfigPath())), "", "not").c_str()); for (size_t i = 0; i < paths.size(); ++i) { const wxString path = TowxString(paths[i].first); *out << wxString::Format(_T("%s (%s)\n"), paths[i].second.c_str(), path.c_str()); const bool wx = wxFileName::IsDirWritable(path); const bool posix = access(STD_STRING(path).c_str(), WRITABLE) == 0; bool tried = false; try { std::ofstream of; const wxString dummy_fn = path + wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() + _T("dummy.txt");; if (of.is_open()) { of << "fhreuohgeiuhguie"; of.flush(); of.close(); tried = wxRemoveFile(dummy_fn); } } catch (...) { } *out << wxString::Format(_T("\tWX: %s POSIX: %s TRY: %s\n"), BtS(wx).c_str(), BtS(posix).c_str(), BtS(tried).c_str()); } *out << wxString::Format(_T("Current unitsync: %s\n"), TowxString(SlPaths::GetUnitSync()).c_str()); *out << wxString::Format(_T("Current spring executable: %s\n"), TowxString(SlPaths::GetSpringBinary()).c_str()); *out << wxString::Format(_T("Current uikeys.txt: %s\n"), TowxString(SlPaths::GetUikeys()).c_str()); *out << wxString::Format(_T("Portable mode: %s\n"), BtS(SlPaths::IsPortableMode()).c_str()); *out << wxString::Format(_T("Compiled with wxWidgets %d.%d.%d.%d"), wxMAJOR_VERSION, wxMINOR_VERSION, wxRELEASE_NUMBER, wxSUBRELEASE_NUMBER) + _T("\n"); *out << _T("Started with: \n"); for (int i = 0; i < wxTheApp->argc; ++i) *out << wxTheApp->argv[i] << _T(" "); m_main_sizer->Add(out, 1, wxALL | wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 0); SetSizer(m_main_sizer); Layout(); }
InfoDialog::InfoDialog(wxWindow* parent ) :wxDialog(parent,wxID_ANY, _("path shit"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(620,400), wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxRESIZE_BORDER|wxMAXIMIZE_BOX) { wxBoxSizer* main_sizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL ); typedef std::vector< std::pair< wxString,wxString > > Paths; Paths paths; paths.push_back( std::make_pair( sett().GetLobbyWriteDir(), _T("LobbyWriteDir") ) ); paths.push_back( std::make_pair( sett().GetTempStorage(), _T("TempStorage")) ); paths.push_back( std::make_pair( sett().GetCachePath(), _T("CachePath")) ); paths.push_back( std::make_pair( sett().GetCurrentUsedDataDir(), _T("CurrentUsedDataDir")) ); paths.push_back( std::make_pair( GetExecutableFolder() , _T("ExecutableFolder"))); wxTextCtrl* out = new wxTextCtrl( this, wxNewId(), _T( "" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE | wxTE_READONLY | wxTE_RICH | wxTE_AUTO_URL ); for ( size_t i =0; i < paths.size(); ++i ) { *out << wxString::Format( _T("%s (%s)\n"), paths[i].second.c_str(), paths[i].first.c_str()); wxString path = paths[i].first; wxString dummy_fn = path + wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() + _T("dummy.txt"); const bool wx = wxFileName::IsDirWritable( path ); const bool posix = access(STD_STRING(path).c_str(), WRITABLE) == 0; bool tried = false; try{ std::ofstream of; STD_STRING(dummy_fn).c_str() ); if ( of.is_open() ) { of << "fhreuohgeiuhguie"; of.flush(); of.close(); tried = wxRemoveFile(dummy_fn); } } catch (...){} *out << wxString::Format( _T("\tWX: %s POSIX: %s TRY: %s\n"), BtS(wx).c_str(), BtS(posix).c_str(), BtS(tried).c_str() ); } *out << wxString::Format( _T("Global config: %s (%s %s )\n"), sett().GlobalConfigPath().c_str(), BtS(wxFileName::FileExists(sett().GlobalConfigPath()), "exists", "missing").c_str(), BtS(wxFileName::IsFileWritable(sett().GlobalConfigPath()), "writable", "").c_str() ); *out << wxString::Format( _T("Local config: %s (%s writable)\n"), sett().FinalConfigPath().c_str(), BtS(wxFileName::IsFileWritable(sett().FinalConfigPath()), "", "not" ).c_str() ); *out << wxString::Format( _T("Portable mode: %s\n"), BtS(sett().IsPortableMode()).c_str() ); *out << _T( "Version " ) + GetSpringLobbyVersion() << wxString( wxVERSION_STRING ) + _T(" on ") + wxPlatformInfo::Get().GetOperatingSystemIdName() + _T( "\ncl: " ) ; for ( int i = 0; i < wxTheApp->argc; ++i ) *out << wxTheApp->argv[i] << _T(" "); main_sizer->Add( out, 1, wxALL|wxEXPAND|wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 0); SetSizer( main_sizer ); Layout(); }
static bool to_polygons(Paths &polygons, GB_ARRAY array) { int count; CPOLYGON *p; int i; if (GB.CheckObject(array)) return true; count = GB.Array.Count(array); if (count == 0) return false; polygons.clear(); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { p = *(CPOLYGON **)GB.Array.Get(array, i); if (!p) continue; polygons.push_back(*(p->poly)); } return false; }
/** Returns a list of possible paths to the given resource. */ DataManager::Paths DataManager::paths(Path resource) const { Paths p; for (Paths::const_iterator d = dirs.begin(); d != dirs.end(); d++) p.push_back(*d + resource); return p; }
/** Read contig paths from the specified file. * @param g the contig adjacency graph * @param inPath the file of contig paths * @param[out] pathIDs the path IDs * @return the paths */ static Paths readPaths(Graph& g, const string& inPath, vector<string>& pathIDs) { typedef graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor V; assert(pathIDs.empty()); ifstream fin(inPath.c_str()); if (opt::verbose > 0) cerr << "Reading `" << inPath << "'..." << endl; if (inPath != "-") assert_good(fin, inPath); istream& in = inPath == "-" ? cin : fin; assert_good(in, inPath); Paths paths; string id; ContigPath path; while (in >> id >> path) { if (path.empty()) { // Remove this contig from the graph. V u = find_vertex(id, false, g); clear_vertex(u, g); remove_vertex(u, g); } else { pathIDs.push_back(id); paths.push_back(path); } } assert(in.eof()); return paths; }
static VALUE rbclipper_offset_polygons(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self) { double multiplier = NUM2DBL(rb_iv_get(self, "@multiplier")); double inv_multiplier = 1.0 / multiplier; VALUE polygonsValue, deltaValue, joinTypeValue, endTypeValue; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "31", &polygonsValue, &deltaValue, &joinTypeValue, &endTypeValue); Paths polygons; for(long i = 0; i != RARRAY_LEN(polygonsValue); i++) { VALUE sub = rb_ary_entry(polygonsValue, i); Check_Type(sub, T_ARRAY); ClipperLib::Path tmp; ary_to_polygon(sub, &tmp, multiplier); polygons.push_back(tmp); } Paths resultPaths; XCLIPPEROFFSET(self)->AddPaths(polygons, sym_to_jointype(joinTypeValue), sym_to_endtype(endTypeValue)); XCLIPPEROFFSET(self)->Execute(resultPaths, NUM2DBL(deltaValue) * multiplier); VALUE r = rb_ary_new(); for(Paths::iterator i = resultPaths.begin(); i != resultPaths.end(); ++i) { VALUE sub = rb_ary_new(); for(Path::iterator p = i->begin(); p != i->end(); ++p) { rb_ary_push(sub, rb_ary_new3(2, DBL2NUM(p->X * inv_multiplier), DBL2NUM(p->Y * inv_multiplier))); } rb_ary_push(r, sub); } return r; }
int SHAPE_POLY_SET::NewOutline () { Path empty_path; Paths poly; poly.push_back(empty_path); m_polys.push_back(poly); return m_polys.size() - 1; }
void getPath(string &a, string &b, Tree &tree, Path &path, Paths &ret) { if (a == b) { ret.push_back(path); return; } for (auto &i : tree[a]) { path.push_back(i); getPath(i, b, tree, path, ret); path.pop_back(); } }
Paths findLadders(string beginWord, string endWord, Dict &wordList) { Paths paths; Path path(1, beginWord); if (beginWord == endWord) { paths.push_back(path); return paths; } Dict _front, _back; _front.insert(beginWord); _back.insert(endWord); Tree tree; if (build(_front, _back, wordList, tree, false)) getPath(beginWord, endWord, tree, path, paths); return paths; }
static void find_mp3_files(const Path& dir_path, Paths& paths) { if (!exists(dir_path)) { return; } boost::filesystem::directory_iterator it(dir_path); const boost::filesystem::directory_iterator end_it; for (; it != end_it; ++it) { if (is_directory(it->status())) { find_mp3_files(it->path(), paths); } else if (boost::ends_with(it->path().string(), ".mp3")) { paths.push_back(it->path()); } } }
static VALUE rbclipper_add_polygons_internal(VALUE self, VALUE polygonsValue, PolyType polytype) { double multiplier = NUM2DBL(rb_iv_get(self, "@multiplier")); Paths polygons; for(long i = 0; i != RARRAY_LEN(polygonsValue); i++) { VALUE sub = rb_ary_entry(polygonsValue, i); Check_Type(sub, T_ARRAY); ClipperLib::Path tmp; ary_to_polygon(sub, &tmp, multiplier); polygons.push_back(tmp); } XCLIPPER(self)->AddPaths(polygons, polytype, true); return Qnil; }
/** Assemble overlapping paths. */ static void assembleOverlappingPaths(Graph& g, Paths& paths, vector<string>& pathIDs) { if (paths.empty()) return; // Find overlapping paths. Overlaps overlaps = findOverlaps(g, paths); addPathOverlapEdges(g, paths, pathIDs, overlaps); // Create a property map of path overlaps. OverlapMap overlapMap; for (Overlaps::const_iterator it = overlaps.begin(); it != overlaps.end(); ++it) overlapMap.insert(OverlapMap::value_type( OverlapMap::key_type( it->source.descriptor(), it->target.descriptor()), it->overlap)); // Assemble unambiguously overlapping paths. Paths merges; assemble_if(g, back_inserter(merges), IsPathOverlap(g, overlapMap, IsPositive<Graph>(g))); // Merge overlapping paths. g_contigNames.unlock(); assert(!pathIDs.empty()); setNextContigName(pathIDs.back()); for (Paths::const_iterator it = merges.begin(); it != merges.end(); ++it) { string name = createContigName(); if (opt::verbose > 0) cerr << name << '\t' << *it << '\n'; Vertex u(paths.size(), false); put(vertex_name, g, u.descriptor(), name); pathIDs.push_back(name); paths.push_back(mergePaths(paths, overlapMap, *it)); // Remove the merged paths. for (ContigPath::const_iterator it2 = it->begin(); it2 != it->end(); ++it2) { if (isPath(*it2)) paths[it2->id() - Vertex::s_offset].clear(); } } g_contigNames.lock(); }
int SHAPE_POLY_SET::AddOutline( const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& aOutline ) { assert ( aOutline.IsClosed() ); Path p = convert ( aOutline ); Paths poly; if( !Orientation( p ) ) ReversePath(p); // outlines are always CW poly.push_back( p ); m_polys.push_back( poly ); return m_polys.size() - 1; }
void Instance::Language::EnumerateResources(Paths& paths) const { for (uint i=0; i < 2 && paths.empty(); ++i) { struct FileFinder { WIN32_FIND_DATA data; HANDLE const handle; FileFinder(wcstring const path) : handle(::FindFirstFile( path, &data )) {} ~FileFinder() { if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ::FindClose( handle ); } }; Path path( Instance::GetExePath(i ? L"*.*" : L"language\\*.*") ); FileFinder findFile( path.Ptr() ); if (findFile.handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if (!( & (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN|FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM|FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))) { path.File() =; if (path.Extension() == L"nlg") paths.push_back( path ); } } while (::FindNextFile( findFile.handle, & )); } } }
void DataManager::init() { LOG(INFO, "initializing data dirs"); Path path = app->getPath(); string name = /**/"OpenSkyscraper"; #ifdef __APPLE__ # ifdef BUILD_DEBUG //TODO: there's an issue with climbing up paths that go like ../../, since path.up() will first erase these ../ segments, instead of directly appending to them. //dirs.push_back(path.up(0).down("data")); dirs.push_back(Path("data")); dirs.push_back(path.up(1).down("Resources")); # endif dirs.push_back(Path("~/Library/Application Support/OpenSkyscraper")); dirs.push_back(Path("/Library/Application Support/OpenSkyscraper")); dirs.push_back("."); #else # ifdef BUILD_DEBUG dirs.push_back(path.up(2).down("data")); # endif dirs.push_back(path.down("data")); dirs.push_back(path.up().down("data")); # ifndef _WIN32 dirs.push_back(Path("~").down(".openskyscraper")); dirs.push_back(Path("/usr/local/share/openskyscraper")); dirs.push_back(Path("/usr/share/openskyscraper")); # endif #endif Paths existing; for (Paths::const_iterator it = dirs.begin(); it != dirs.end(); ++it) { bool exists = DirectoryExists(it->c_str()); LOG(DEBUG, (exists ? " %s" : " %s (not found)"), it->c_str()); if (exists) existing.push_back(*it); } std::swap(dirs, existing); }
void PathManager::init() { /// Search for the OGRE plugin folder ogre_plugin_dir = ""; // Use environment variable, if present char *plugindir = getenv("OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR"); if (plugindir) { ogre_plugin_dir = plugindir; return; } #ifdef _WIN32 // Windows: we assume the ogre plugins are in the directory the program is run from (".") ogre_plugin_dir = "."; #else // Linux: Check a list of common path names typedef std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> Paths; Paths dirs; #if defined(__amd64__) || defined(__amd64) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_X64) dirs.push_back("/usr/local/lib64"); dirs.push_back("/usr/lib64"); #else dirs.push_back("/usr/local/lib32"); dirs.push_back("/usr/lib32"); #endif dirs.push_back("/usr/local"); dirs.push_back("/usr/lib"); // Loop through the paths and pick the first one that contains a plugin for (Paths::const_iterator p = dirs.begin(); p != dirs.end(); ++p) { if (boost::filesystem::exists(*p / "OGRE/")) { ogre_plugin_dir = (*p / "OGRE").string(); break; } else if (boost::filesystem::exists(*p / "ogre/")) { ogre_plugin_dir = (*p / "ogre").string(); break; } } #endif }
void PATHMANAGER::Init(std::ostream & info_output, std::ostream & error_output) { typedef std::vector<fs::path> Paths; // Set Ogre plugins dir { ogre_plugin_dir = ""; char *plugindir = getenv("OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR"); if (plugindir) { ogre_plugin_dir = plugindir; #ifndef _WIN32 } else if (fs::exists(fs::path(OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR) / "")) { ogre_plugin_dir = OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR; #endif } else { #ifdef _WIN32 ogre_plugin_dir = "."; #else Paths dirs; #if defined(__amd64__) || defined(__amd64) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_X64) dirs.push_back("/usr/local/lib64"); dirs.push_back("/usr/lib64"); #else dirs.push_back("/usr/local/lib32"); dirs.push_back("/usr/lib32"); #endif dirs.push_back("/usr/local"); dirs.push_back("/usr/lib"); // Loop through the paths and pick the first one that contain a plugin for (Paths::const_iterator p = dirs.begin(); p != dirs.end(); ++p) { if (fs::exists(*p / "OGRE/")) { ogre_plugin_dir = (*p / "OGRE").string(); break; } else if (fs::exists(*p / "ogre/")) { ogre_plugin_dir = (*p / "ogre").string(); break; } } #endif } } fs::path shortDir = "stuntrally"; // Figure out the user's home directory { home_dir = ""; #ifndef _WIN32 // POSIX char *homedir = getenv("HOME"); if (homedir == NULL) { home_dir = "/home/"; homedir = getenv("USER"); if (homedir == NULL) { homedir = getenv("USERNAME"); if (homedir == NULL) { error_output << "Could not find user's home directory!" << std::endl; home_dir = "/tmp/"; } } } #else // Windows char *homedir = getenv("USERPROFILE"); if (homedir == NULL) homedir = "data"; // WIN 9x/Me #endif home_dir += homedir; } // Find user's config dir #ifndef _WIN32 // POSIX { char const* conf = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); if (conf) user_config_dir = (fs::path(conf) / "stuntrally").string(); else user_config_dir = (fs::path(home_dir) / ".config" / "stuntrally").string(); } #else // Windows { // Open AppData directory std::string str; ITEMIDLIST* pidl; char AppDir[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hRes = SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA|CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE , &pidl); if (hRes == NOERROR) { SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, AppDir); int i; for (i = 0; AppDir[i] != '\0'; i++) { if (AppDir[i] == '\\') str += '/'; else str += AppDir[i]; } user_config_dir = (fs::path(str) / "stuntrally").string(); } } #endif // Create user's config dir CreateDir(user_config_dir, error_output); // Find user's data dir (for additional data) #ifdef _WIN32 user_data_dir = user_config_dir; // APPDATA/stuntrally #else { fs::path shareDir = SHARED_DATA_DIR; char const* xdg_data_home = getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME"); user_data_dir = (xdg_data_home ? xdg_data_home / shortDir : fs::path(home_dir) / ".local" / shareDir).string(); } #endif // Create user's data dir and its children CreateDir(user_data_dir, error_output); CreateDir(GetTrackRecordsPath(), error_output); CreateDir(GetScreenShotDir(), error_output); CreateDir(GetTrackPathUser(), error_output); // user tracks CreateDir(GetTrackPathUser()+"/_previews", error_output); CreateDir(GetReplayPath(), error_output); CreateDir(GetGhostsPath(), error_output); // Find game data dir and defaults config dir char *datadir = getenv("STUNTRALLY_DATA_ROOT"); if (datadir) game_data_dir = std::string(datadir); else { fs::path shareDir = SHARED_DATA_DIR; Paths dirs; // Adding users data dir // TODO: Disabled for now until this is handled properly //dirs.push_back(user_data_dir); // Adding relative path from installed executable dirs.push_back(execname().parent_path().parent_path() / shareDir); // Adding relative path for running from sources dirs.push_back(execname().parent_path().parent_path() / "data"); dirs.push_back(execname().parent_path().parent_path()); dirs.push_back(execname().parent_path() / "data"); dirs.push_back(execname().parent_path()); #ifndef _WIN32 // Adding XDG_DATA_DIRS { char const* xdg_data_dirs = getenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS"); std::istringstream iss(xdg_data_dirs ? xdg_data_dirs : "/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/"); for (std::string p; std::getline(iss, p, ':'); dirs.push_back(p / shortDir)) {} } #endif // TODO: Adding path from config file // Loop through the paths and pick the first one that contain some data for (Paths::const_iterator p = dirs.begin(); p != dirs.end(); ++p) { // Data dir if (fs::exists(*p / "hud")) game_data_dir = p->string(); // Config dir if (fs::exists(*p / "config")) game_config_dir = (*p / "config").string(); // Check if both are found if (!game_data_dir.empty() && !game_config_dir.empty()) break; } } // Find cache dir #ifdef _WIN32 cache_dir = user_config_dir + "/cache"; // APPDATA/stuntrally/cache #else char const* xdg_cache_home = getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME"); cache_dir = (xdg_cache_home ? xdg_cache_home / shortDir : fs::path(home_dir) / ".cache" / shortDir).string(); #endif // Create cache dir CreateDir(cache_dir, error_output); CreateDir(GetShaderCacheDir(), error_output); // Print diagnostic info std::stringstream out; out << "--- Directories: ---" << ogre_plugin_dir << std::endl; out << "Ogre plugin: " << ogre_plugin_dir << std::endl; out << "Home: " << home_dir << std::endl; out << "Default cfg: " << GetGameConfigDir() << std::endl; out << "User cfg: " << GetUserConfigDir() << std::endl; out << "Data: " << GetDataPath() << std::endl; out << "User data: " << GetUserDataDir() << std::endl; out << "Cache: " << GetCacheDir() << std::endl; out << "Shader cache: " << GetShaderCacheDir() << std::endl; out << "Log: " << GetLogDir() << std::endl; info_output << out.str(); }
void Kernel::infer(std::vector<std::string> args) { if (args.empty()) { std::cout << getUsageString() << std::flush; return; } if (args.size() == 1) { if (args[0] == "help" || args[0] == "-h" || args[0] == "--help") { std::cout << getUsageString() << std::flush; return; } } // TODO Allow multiple. Paths paths; std::size_t threads(4); Json::Value jsonReprojection; std::string user; std::string tmpPath("tmp"); bool trustHeaders(true); std::string output; std::size_t a(0); while (a < args.size()) { const std::string arg(args[a]); if (arg.front() != '-') { // If this is not an option argument, use it as the path. if (paths.empty()) { paths.push_back(arg); } else { throw std::runtime_error( "Only one path allowed - found both '" + paths.front() + "' and '" + arg + "'"); } } else if (arg == "-a") { if (++a < args.size()) { tmpPath = args[a]; } else { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid tmp specification"); } } else if (arg == "-o") { if (++a < args.size()) { output = args[a] + ".entwine-inference"; } else { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid output specification"); } } else if (arg == "-r") { if (++a < args.size()) { const bool onlyOutput( a + 1 >= args.size() || args[a + 1].front() == '-'); if (onlyOutput) { jsonReprojection["out"] = args[a]; } else { jsonReprojection["in"] = args[a]; jsonReprojection["out"] = args[++a]; } } else { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid reprojection argument"); } } else if (arg == "-h") { jsonReprojection["hammer"] = true; } else if (arg == "-x") { trustHeaders = false; } else if (arg == "-t") { if (++a < args.size()) { threads = Json::UInt64(std::stoul(args[a])); } else { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid thread count specification"); } } else if (arg == "-u") { if (++a < args.size()) { user = args[a]; } else { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid AWS user argument"); } } ++a; } entwine::arbiter::fs::mkdirp(tmpPath); std::unique_ptr<Reprojection> reprojection; if (jsonReprojection.isMember("out")) { reprojection.reset(new Reprojection(jsonReprojection)); } Json::Value arbiterConfig; arbiterConfig["s3"]["profile"] = user; auto arbiter(std::make_shared<entwine::arbiter::Arbiter>(arbiterConfig)); const auto reprojString(getReprojString(reprojection.get())); const auto trustHeadersString(trustHeaders ? "yes" : "no"); std::cout << "Inferring from: " << paths.front() << std::endl; std::cout << "\tTemp path: " << tmpPath << std::endl; std::cout << "\tThreads: " << threads << std::endl; std::cout << "\tReprojection: " << reprojString << std::endl; std::cout << "\tTrust file headers? " << trustHeadersString << std::endl; const bool allowDelta(true); const bool verbose(true); const bool cesiumify(false); Inference inference( paths, reprojection.get(), trustHeaders, allowDelta, tmpPath, threads, verbose, cesiumify, arbiter.get()); inference.go(); if (output.size()) { std::cout << "Writing details to " << output << "..." << std::endl; Json::Value json(inference.toJson()); arbiter->put(output, json.toStyledString()); } std::cout << "Schema: " << inference.schema() << std::endl; std::cout << "Bounds: " << inference.bounds() << std::endl; std::cout << "Points: " << commify(inference.numPoints()) << std::endl; if (reprojection) { std::cout << "Reprojection: " << *reprojection << std::endl; } if (const auto delta = { std::cout << "Scale: " << delta->scale() << std::endl; std::cout << "Offset: " << delta->offset() << std::endl; } }
void PATHMANAGER::Init(bool log_paths) { typedef vector<fs::path> Paths; // Set Ogre plugins dir { ogre_plugin = ""; char *plugindir = getenv("OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR"); if (plugindir) { ogre_plugin = plugindir; } else { #ifdef _WIN32 ogre_plugin = "."; #else ogre_plugin = OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR_REL; #endif } } fs::path stuntrally = "stuntrally"; // Figure out the user's home directory { home_dir = ""; #ifndef _WIN32 // POSIX char *homedir = getenv("HOME"); if (homedir == NULL) { home_dir = "/home/"; homedir = getenv("USER"); if (homedir == NULL) { homedir = getenv("USERNAME"); if (homedir == NULL) { cerr << "Could not find user's home directory!" << endl; home_dir = "/tmp/"; } } } #else // Windows char *homedir = getenv("USERPROFILE"); if (homedir == NULL) homedir = "data"; // WIN 9x/Me #endif home_dir += homedir; } // Find user's config dir #ifndef _WIN32 // POSIX { char const* conf = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); if (conf) user_config = (fs::path(conf) / stuntrally).string(); else user_config = (fs::path(home_dir) / ".config" / stuntrally).string(); } #else // Windows { // Open AppData directory string str; ITEMIDLIST* pidl; char AppDir[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hRes = SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA|CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE, &pidl); if (hRes == NOERROR) { SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, AppDir); int i; for (i = 0; AppDir[i] != '\0'; ++i) { if (AppDir[i] == '\\') str += '/'; else str += AppDir[i]; } user_config = (fs::path(str) / stuntrally).string(); } } #endif // Create user's config dir CreateDir(user_config); // Find user's data dir (for additional data) #ifdef _WIN32 user_data = user_config; // APPDATA/stuntrally #else { char const* xdg_data_home = getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME"); user_data = (xdg_data_home ? xdg_data_home / stuntrally : fs::path(home_dir) / ".local/share" / stuntrally).string(); } #endif // Create user's data dir and its children ///-------------------------------------------------- CreateDir(user_data); CreateDir(Records()); CreateDir(Ghosts()); CreateDir(Replays()); CreateDir(Screenshots()); CreateDir(TracksUser()); // user tracks CreateDir(DataUser()); // user data // Find game data dir and defaults config dir char *datadir = getenv("STUNTRALLY_DATA_ROOT"); if (datadir) game_data = string(datadir); else { fs::path shareDir = SHARED_DATA_DIR; Paths dirs; // Adding users data dir // TODO: Disabled for now until this is handled properly //dirs.push_back(user_data_dir); // Adding relative path for running from sources dirs.push_back(execname().parent_path().parent_path() / "data"); dirs.push_back(execname().parent_path().parent_path()); dirs.push_back(execname().parent_path() / "data"); dirs.push_back(execname().parent_path()); // Adding relative path from installed executable dirs.push_back(execname().parent_path().parent_path() / shareDir); #ifndef _WIN32 // Adding XDG_DATA_DIRS { char const* xdg_data_dirs = getenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS"); istringstream iss(xdg_data_dirs ? xdg_data_dirs : "/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/"); for (string p; getline(iss, p, ':'); dirs.push_back(p / stuntrally)) {} } #endif // TODO: Adding path from config file // Loop through the paths and pick the first one that contain some data for (Paths::const_iterator p = dirs.begin(); p != dirs.end(); ++p) { // Data dir if (fs::exists(*p / "hud")) game_data = p->string(); // Config dir if (fs::exists(*p / "config")) game_config = (*p / "config").string(); // Check if both are found if (!game_data.empty() && !game_config.empty()) break; } } // Subdirs for each sim_mode ///-------------------------------------------------- list <string> li; PATHMANAGER::DirList(PATHMANAGER::CarSim(), li); for (list <string>::iterator i = li.begin(); i != li.end(); ++i) { CreateDir(Records()+"/"+*i); CreateDir(Ghosts()+"/"+*i); } // Find cache dir #ifdef _WIN32 cache_dir = user_config + "/cache"; // APPDATA/stuntrally/cache #else char const* xdg_cache_home = getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME"); cache_dir = (xdg_cache_home ? xdg_cache_home / stuntrally : fs::path(home_dir) / ".cache" / stuntrally).string(); #endif // Create cache dir CreateDir(CacheDir()); CreateDir(CacheDir()+"/tracks"); CreateDir(ShaderDir()); // Print diagnostic info if (log_paths) { info << "Paths info" << endl; info << "-------------------------" << endl; info << "Ogre plugin: " << ogre_plugin << endl; info << "Data: " << Data() << endl; //info << "Default cfg: " << GetGameConfigDir() << endl; info << "Home: " << home_dir << endl; info << "User cfg,log: " << UserConfigDir() << endl; info << "User data: " << user_data << endl; info << "Cache: " << CacheDir() << endl; info << "-------------------------"; } }
Paths CorrespondenceGenerator::generate() { Paths result; auto boxA = a->bbox(), boxB = b->bbox(); QStringList nodesA, nodesB; for (auto n : a->nodes) nodesA << n->id; for (auto n : b->nodes) nodesB << n->id; for (auto g : a->groups) for (auto nid : g) nodesA.removeAll(nid); for (auto g : b->groups) for (auto nid : g) nodesB.removeAll(nid); Structure::NodeGroups tmpA, tmpB; for (auto nid : nodesA) tmpA.push_back( QVector<QString>() << nid ); for (auto nid : nodesB) tmpB.push_back( QVector<QString>() << nid ); for (auto g : a->groups) tmpA.push_back(g); for (auto g : b->groups) tmpB.push_back(g); a->groups = tmpA; b->groups = tmpB; /// Build similarity matrix of groups: Eigen::MatrixXd similiarity = Eigen::MatrixXd::Ones(a->groups.size(), b->groups.size() + 1); for (size_t i = 0; i < similiarity.rows(); i++){ double minVal = DBL_MAX; for (size_t j = 0; j < similiarity.cols(); j++){ double val = 0; if (j < b->groups.size()) { Eigen::AlignedBox3d groupBoxA, groupBoxB; for (auto sid : a->groups[i]) groupBoxA.extend(a->getNode(sid)->bbox(1.01)); for (auto sid : b->groups[j]) groupBoxB.extend(b->getNode(sid)->bbox(1.01)); Vector3 relativeCenterA = ( - boxA.min()).array() / boxA.sizes().array(); Vector3 relativeCenterB = ( - boxB.min()).array() / boxB.sizes().array(); val = (relativeCenterA - relativeCenterB).norm(); minVal = std::min(minVal, val); } similiarity(i, j) = val; } double maxVal = similiarity.row(i).maxCoeff(); if (maxVal == 0) maxVal = 1.0; for (size_t j = 0; j < b->groups.size(); j++) similiarity(i, j) = (similiarity(i, j) - minVal) / maxVal; } std::vector< std::vector<float> > data; for (int i = 0; i < similiarity.rows(); i++){ std::vector<float> dataRow; for (int j = 0; j < similiarity.cols(); j++) dataRow.push_back(similiarity(i, j)); data.push_back(dataRow); } //if (false) showTableColorMap(data, true); // DEBUG // Parameters: double similarity_threshold = 0.4; if (similiarity.rows() < 4) similarity_threshold = 1.0; // Collect good candidates Assignments candidates; for (size_t i = 0; i < similiarity.rows(); i++){ QVector<size_t> candidate; for (size_t j = 0; j < similiarity.cols(); j++){ if (similiarity(i, j) < similarity_threshold) candidate << j; } candidates << candidate; } int count_threshold = 1; Assignments assignments; if (candidates.size() > 7) { debugBox(QString("%1 candidates. Too complex (lower similairty?)").arg(candidates.size())); similarity_threshold = 0.1; Assignments candidates; for (size_t i = 0; i < similiarity.rows(); i++){ QVector<size_t> candidate; for (size_t j = 0; j < similiarity.cols(); j++){ if (similiarity(i, j) < similarity_threshold) candidate << j; } candidates << candidate; } cart_product(assignments, candidates, 10000); count_threshold = 12; } else { cart_product(assignments, candidates); } // Filter assignments Assignments filtered; for (auto & a : assignments) { QMap<size_t, size_t> counts; bool accept = true; auto NOTHING_SEGMENT = similiarity.cols() - 1; for (auto i : a) counts[i]++; for (auto k : counts.keys()) { if (k != NOTHING_SEGMENT && counts[k] > count_threshold){ accept = false; break; } } if (accept) filtered << a; } for (auto & assignment : filtered) { QVector < QStringList > landmarksA, landmarksB; for (size_t i = 0; i < assignment.size(); i++) { if (assignment[i] == b->groups.size()) continue; auto grpA = a->groups[i]; auto grpB = b->groups[assignment[i]]; // Resolve many-to-many if (grpA.size() > 1 && grpB.size() > 1) { QVector<QString> tmpA, tmpB; Eigen::AlignedBox3d groupBoxA, groupBoxB; for (auto sid : grpA) groupBoxA.extend(a->getNode(sid)->bbox(1.01)); for (auto sid : grpB) groupBoxB.extend(b->getNode(sid)->bbox(1.01)); for (auto nodeid_i : grpA){ auto nodeA = a->getNode(nodeid_i); QMap < QString, double > dists; for (auto nodeid_j : grpB){ auto nodeB = b->getNode(nodeid_j); Vector3 posA = (nodeA->position(Eigen::Vector4d(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0)) - boxA.min()).array() / boxA.sizes().array(); Vector3 posB = (nodeB->position(Eigen::Vector4d(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0)) - boxB.min()).array() / boxB.sizes().array(); dists[nodeid_j] = (posA - posB).norm(); } auto nodeid_j = sortQMapByValue(dists).first().second; landmarksA << (QStringList() << nodeid_i); landmarksB << (QStringList() << nodeid_j); } } else { landmarksA << QStringList::fromVector(grpA); landmarksB << QStringList::fromVector(grpB); } } result.push_back( qMakePair(landmarksA, landmarksB) ); } return result; }
toolpath::toolpath(preprocess &p) { QElapsedTimer timer; timer.start(); int i,j; struct net tempPreprocessNetPath; //produce toolpath for every element //method:offset the shape with the radius of the bit //then link the breaking points for(j=0;j<p.netList.size();j++) { struct netPath tempToolPathNetPath;; Paths tempCPaths; for(i=0;i<tempPreprocessNetPath.elements.size();i++) { struct myPath tempPath; struct element; struct segment s; tempPath.element=e; if(e.elementType=='T')//track { struct myRect r=trackToMyRect(e.track,toolDiameter); s.point=r.p1; s.type='L'; tempPath.segmentList.append(s); s.point=r.p2; s.type='C'; tempPath.segmentList.append(s); s.point=r.p3; s.type='L'; tempPath.segmentList.append(s); s.point=r.p4; s.type='C'; tempPath.segmentList.append(s); IntPoint point; point.X=r.p1.x();point.Y=r.p1.y(); tempPath.toolpath<<point; arcToSegments(r.p2,r.p3,tempPath.toolpath); point.X=r.p4.x();point.Y=r.p4.y(); tempPath.toolpath<<point; arcToSegments(r.p4,r.p1,tempPath.toolpath); } else//pad { if(e.pad.shape=='C') { QPoint point; QPoint point1,point2; point.setX(e.pad.point.x()); point.setY(e.pad.point.y()+e.pad.parameter[0]/2+toolDiameter/2); point1=point; s.point=point; s.type='C'; tempPath.segmentList.append(s); point.setY(e.pad.point.y()-e.pad.parameter[0]/2-toolDiameter/2); point2=point; s.point=point; s.type='C'; tempPath.segmentList.append(s); arcToSegments(point1,point2,tempPath.toolpath); arcToSegments(point2,point1,tempPath.toolpath); } else if(e.pad.shape=='R') { struct myRect r=rectToMyRect(e.pad,toolDiameter); s.point=r.p1; s.type='L'; tempPath.segmentList.append(s); s.point=r.p2; s.type='L'; tempPath.segmentList.append(s); s.point=r.p3; s.type='L'; tempPath.segmentList.append(s); s.point=r.p4; s.type='L'; tempPath.segmentList.append(s); IntPoint point; point.X=r.p1.x();point.Y=r.p1.y(); tempPath.toolpath<<point; point.X=r.p2.x();point.Y=r.p2.y(); tempPath.toolpath<<point; point.X=r.p3.x();point.Y=r.p3.y(); tempPath.toolpath<<point; point.X=r.p4.x();point.Y=r.p4.y(); tempPath.toolpath<<point; } else if(e.pad.shape=='O') { struct track t=obroundToTrack(e.pad); struct myRect r=trackToMyRect(t,toolDiameter); s.point=r.p1; s.type='L'; tempPath.segmentList.append(s); s.point=r.p2; s.type='C'; tempPath.segmentList.append(s); s.point=r.p3; s.type='L'; tempPath.segmentList.append(s); s.point=r.p4; s.type='C'; tempPath.segmentList.append(s); IntPoint point; point.X=r.p1.x();point.Y=r.p1.y(); tempPath.toolpath<<point; arcToSegments(r.p2,r.p3,tempPath.toolpath); point.X=r.p4.x();point.Y=r.p4.y(); tempPath.toolpath<<point; arcToSegments(r.p4,r.p1,tempPath.toolpath); } } tempCPaths.push_back(tempPath.toolpath); tempPath.boundingRect=expandBoundingRect(e.boundingRect,toolDiameter); tempToolPathNetPath.pathList.append(tempPath); } SimplifyPolygons(tempCPaths,tempToolPathNetPath.toolpath,pftNonZero); netPathList.append(tempToolPathNetPath); } cToolpathIntersects(netPathList,tpCollisionNum); int sum=0; for(int i=0;i<tpCollisionNum.size();i++) { collisionToolpath; sum+=temp.pair.size(); for(int j=0;j<temp.pair.size();j++) { net; n.collisionFlag=true; p.netList.replace(,n);; n.collisionFlag=true; p.netList.replace(,n); } } qDebug()<<"toolpath collision num="<<sum; collisionSum=sum; Paths tempPath; for(i=0;i<netPathList.size();i++) tempPath.push_back(; SimplifyPolygons(tempPath,totalToolpath,pftNonZero); for(i=0;i<netPathList.size();i++) if(>1) { for(j=1;j<;j++) totalToolpath.push_back(; } time=timer.elapsed(); }