예제 #1
// int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   std::string eopFileName    = "/GMAT/dev/datafiles/EOPFiles/eopc04.62-now";
   std::string nutFileName    = "/GMAT/dev/datafiles/ITRF/NUTATION.DAT";
   std::string planFileName   = "/GMAT/dev/datafiles/ITRF/NUT85.DAT";
   std::string SLPFileName    = "/GMAT/dev/datafiles/mac/DBS_mn2000.dat";
   std::string DEFileName     = "/GMAT/dev/datafiles/DEascii/macp1941.405";
   std::string LeapFileName   = "/GMAT/dev/datafiles/tai-utcFiles/tai-utc.dat";
   //std::string eopFileName    = "/Users/wendyshoan/WORKONLY/dev/build3/bin/files/eop/eopc04.62-now";
   //std::string nutFileName    = "/Users/wendyshoan/WORKONLY/dev/build3/bin/files/itrf/NUTATION.DAT";
   //std::string planFileName   = "/Users/wendyshoan/WORKONLY/dev/build3/bin/files/itrf//NUT85.DAT";
   //std::string SLPFileName    = "/Users/wendyshoan/WORKONLY/dev/build3/bin/files/planetary_ephem/slp/DBS_mn2000.dat";
   //std::string DEFileName     = "/Users/wendyshoan/WORKONLY/dev/build3/bin/files/planetary_ephem/de/macp1941.405";
   //std::string LeapFileName   = "/Users/wendyshoan/WORKONLY/dev/build3/bin/files/time/tai-utc.dat";
   cout << "=-=-=-=-=-=-= TEST CalculatedPoint/Barycenter ....." << endl;
   cout << " ------ number of objects instantiated = " << GmatBase::GetInstanceCount() << endl;

   cout << "\n==> First, test the CalculatedPointFactory <==" << endl;
   CalculatedPointFactory *cpf = new CalculatedPointFactory();
   cout << "CalculatedPointFactory created .........." << endl;
   cout << " ------ number of objects instantiated = " << GmatBase::GetInstanceCount() << endl;
   LeapSecsFileReader* ls;
   EopFile *eop;
   ItrfCoefficientsFile* itrf;
      ls = new LeapSecsFileReader(LeapFileName);
      eop = new EopFile(eopFileName);
      itrf = new ItrfCoefficientsFile(nutFileName, planFileName);
   catch (BaseException &bbee)
      cout << "ERROR !!!!! " << bbee.GetMessage() << endl;
   SolarSystem*   ss;
   Star*          sol;
   Planet*        earth;
   Planet*        mars;
   Planet*        jupiter;
   Moon*          luna;
   std::string    j2000BN = "";
   SpacePoint*    j2000B  = NULL;
      cout << "\n==> Create the solar system <==" << endl;
      ss              = new SolarSystem("TheSS");
      cout << "solar system name = " << ss->GetName() << endl;
      cout << " ------ number of objects instantiated = " << GmatBase::GetInstanceCount() << endl;

      earth = (Planet*) ss->GetBody(SolarSystem::EARTH_NAME);
      cout << "earth name = " << earth->GetName() << endl;
      cout << "earth's type name is " << earth->GetTypeName() << endl;
      sol = (Star*) ss->GetBody(SolarSystem::SUN_NAME);
      cout << "sol name = " << sol->GetName() << endl;
      cout << "sol's type name is " << sol->GetTypeName() << endl;
      cout << " ------ number of objects instantiated = " << GmatBase::GetInstanceCount() << endl;

      luna = (Moon*) ss->GetBody(SolarSystem::MOON_NAME);
      cout << "luna name = " << luna->GetName() << endl;
      cout << "luna's type name is " << luna->GetTypeName() << endl;

      mars = (Planet*) ss->GetBody(SolarSystem::MARS_NAME);
      cout << "mars name = " << mars->GetName() << endl;
      cout << "mars's type name is " << mars->GetTypeName() << endl;

      jupiter = (Planet*) ss->GetBody(SolarSystem::JUPITER_NAME);
      cout << "jupiter name = " << jupiter->GetName() << endl;
      cout << "jupiter's type name is " << jupiter->GetTypeName() << endl;

      SlpFile* anSLP;
      DeFile*  aDE;
         anSLP          = new SlpFile(SLPFileName);
         aDE            = new DeFile(Gmat::DE405,DEFileName);
         cout << "the SLP file is : " << anSLP->GetName() << endl;
         cout << "the DE file is : " << aDE->GetName() << endl;
      catch (BaseException &be1)
         cout << "ERROR with ephem file -> " << be1.GetMessage() << endl;


      // set the j2000Body
      j2000BN = "Earth";
      j2000B  = earth;

   catch (GmatBaseException &ex)
      cout << "Some kind of error ..........." << endl;
   bool OK = false;
   cout << "Now creating Barycenter1" << endl;
   Barycenter *bary1 = (Barycenter*) cpf->CreateCalculatedPoint("Barycenter", "Bary1");
   cout << "Now setting bddies for Bary1 .........." << endl;
   OK = bary1->SetRefObject(earth, Gmat::SPACE_POINT, "Earth");
   if (!OK) cout << "ERROR setting barycenter with body Earth" << endl;
   OK = bary1->SetRefObject(sol, Gmat::SPACE_POINT, "Sun");
   if (!OK) cout << "ERROR setting barycenter with body Sun" << endl;
   OK = bary1->SetRefObject(luna, Gmat::SPACE_POINT, "Luna");
   if (!OK) cout << "ERROR setting barycenter with body Luna" << endl;
   Integer num = 0;
   StringArray names;
   cout << "Check out bary1 data ---------------------" << endl;
   num = bary1->GetIntegerParameter("NumberOfBodies");
   cout << "bary1 number of bodies = " << num << endl;
   cout << "bary1 body names are: " << endl;
   names = bary1->GetStringArrayParameter(bary1->GetParameterID("BodyNames"));
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++)
      cout << " .... " << names.at(i) << endl;
   cout << "bary1 bodies (their names) are: " << endl;
   for (Integer i = 0; i < num; i++)
      cout << " .... " << (bary1->GetRefObject(Gmat::SPACE_POINT, names.at(i), i))->GetName() << endl;

   cout << "Now try to clone bary1 " << endl;
   Barycenter* bary2 = (Barycenter*) bary1->Clone();
   cout << "Check out bary2 data ---------------------" << endl;
   num = bary2->GetIntegerParameter("NumberOfBodies");
   cout << "bary2 number of bodies = " << num << endl;
   cout << "bary2 body names are: " << endl;
   names = bary2->GetStringArrayParameter(bary1->GetParameterID("BodyNames"));
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++)
      cout << " .... " << names.at(i) << endl;
   cout << "bary2 bodies (their names) are: " << endl;
   for (Integer i = 0; i < num; i++)
      cout << " .... " << (bary2->GetRefObject(Gmat::SPACE_POINT, names.at(i), i))->GetName() << endl;
   cout << "NOW try to clear the body list .........." << endl;
   num = bary2->GetIntegerParameter("NumberOfBodies");
   cout << "bary2 number of bodies = " << num << endl;
   cout << "bary2 body names are: " << endl;
   names = bary2->GetStringArrayParameter(bary1->GetParameterID("BodyNames"));
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++)
      cout << " .... " << names.at(i) << endl;
   cout << "bary2 bodies (their names) are: " << endl;
   for (Integer i = 0; i < num; i++)
      cout << " .... " << (bary2->GetRefObject(Gmat::SPACE_POINT, names.at(i), i))->GetName() << endl;
   A1Mjd atTime1;
   // Real ut1_utc = -0.5036517;  // 2005/01/01
   Real atTime = atTime1.UtcMjdToA1Mjd(ModifiedJulianDate(1991,4,6,7,51,28.39));
   A1Mjd testTime(atTime);
   cout << "The test time is " << testTime.Get() << endl;
   cout << "*** NOW try to do bary1 calculations ........." << endl;
   cout << "Earth's mass = " << earth->GetMass() << endl;
   cout << "Earth's position and velocity at test time are : " << earth->GetMJ2000State(atTime) << endl;
   cout << "Sun's mass = " << sol->GetMass() << endl;
   cout << "Sun's position and velocity at test time are : " << sol->GetMJ2000State(atTime) << endl;
   cout << "Luna's mass = " << luna->GetMass() << endl;
   cout << "Luna's position and velocity at test time are : " << luna->GetMJ2000State(atTime) << endl;
   cout << "bary1's position and velocity at test time = " << bary1->GetMJ2000State(atTime) << endl;

   cout << "Now delete SolarSystem ............." << endl;
   delete ss;
   cout << " ------ number of objects instantiated = " << GmatBase::GetInstanceCount() << endl;
   cout << "Now delete Barycenter 1 ............." << endl;
   delete bary1;
   cout << "........ bary1 deleted ............." << endl;
   cout << "Now delete Barycenter 2 ............." << endl;
   delete bary2;
   cout << "........ bary2 deleted ............." << endl;
   cout << "Now delete everything else ............." << endl;
   delete cpf;
   cout << "........ cpf deleted ............." << endl;
   delete ls;
   cout << "........ ls deleted ............." << endl;
   delete eop;
   cout << "........ eop deleted ............." << endl;
   delete itrf;
   cout << "........ itrf deleted ............." << endl;
   cout << " ------ number of objects instantiated = " << GmatBase::GetInstanceCount() << endl;
   cout << "=-=-=-=-=-=-= END TEST CalculatedPoint/Barycenter ....." << endl;
