예제 #1
Point3 getRefractionVector(Point3 view, Point3 normal, float n1, float n2)
	Point3 Vnormal = normal;
	float cosThetaOne = view.Dot(normal) / view.Length();
	float sinThetaTwo = (n1 / n2) * sqrt(1 - pow(cosThetaOne, 2));
	float cosThetaTwo = sqrt(1 - pow(sinThetaTwo, 2));
	Point3 Vt = (view - (view.Dot(normal)*normal)).GetNormalized();

	/******************Total Internal Reflection **************************/
	//if (sinThetaTwo > 1 || sinThetaTwo < -1) //Checking total interanl reflection
	//	return(getReflectionVector(-view, normal)); //If happened returning a reflection vector
	/*************************End Total Internal Reflection***************/
	return ((cosThetaTwo * -1 * Vnormal) + (sinThetaTwo * -1 * Vt));
예제 #2
void Exporter::CalcBoundingSphere(INode *node, Point3 center, float& radius, int all)
	if (nullptr == node)

	Matrix3 tm = node->GetObjTMAfterWSM(0);
	Point3 pt = (tm.GetTrans() - center);
	float len = pt.Length();

	if (node->IsBoneShowing()) {
		radius = max(len, radius);
	else {
		if (Object *o = node->GetObjectRef()) {
			if (o->SuperClassID() == GEOMOBJECT_CLASS_ID) {
				if (o->ClassID() == BONE_OBJ_CLASSID
					|| o->ClassID() == Class_ID(BONE_CLASS_ID, 0)
					|| o->ClassID() == Class_ID(0x00009125, 0) /* Biped Twist Helpers */
					radius = max(len, radius);
					radius = max(len, radius);
			else if (mExportCameras && o->SuperClassID() == CAMERA_CLASS_ID)
				radius = max(len, radius);
	if (all < 0)

	all = (all>0 ? all : -1);
	for (int i = 0; i < node->NumberOfChildren(); i++) {
		CalcBoundingSphere(node->GetChildNode(i), center, radius, all);
예제 #3
Color MtlBlinn::Shade(const Cone &ray, const HitInfo &hInfo, const LightList &lights, int bounceCount) const{
    float bias = BIAS_SHADING;
    Color shade;
    Color rShade = Color(0,0,0);
    Color tShade = Color(0,0,0);
    const Material *mat;
    mat = hInfo.node->GetMaterial();
    const MtlBlinn* mb =static_cast<const MtlBlinn*>(mat);
//    cout<<"HInfo front: "<<hInfo.front<<endl;
    /* local copy */
    Point3 P;
    Cone iRay = ray;
    Color ambInt = mb->diffuse.Sample(hInfo.uvw, hInfo.duvw);
    Color allOther = Color(0,0,0);
    Color diffuse = mb->diffuse.Sample(hInfo.uvw, hInfo.duvw);
    Color ambComponent = Color(0,0,0);
    Point3 newN = hInfo.N;
    for ( unsigned int i=0; i<lights.size(); i++ ) {
//            cout<<"ambient "<<endl;
            Color intensity = lights[i]->Illuminate(hInfo.p);
            ambComponent += (ambInt * intensity);
//            cout<<"other lighting  "<<endl;
            Point3 L = -lights[i]->Direction(P);
            Point3 V = ray.p - P;
            Point3 LplusV = L + V;
            Point3 H = (L+V)/LplusV.Length();
            float alpha = mb->glossiness;
//            Point3 N = hInfo.N;
            Point3 N = newN;
            float S = H.Dot(N);
            S = pow(S,alpha);
            float costheta = L.Dot(N)/(L.Length() * N.Length());
            Color intensity = lights[i]->Illuminate(P);
//            cout<<"costheta "<<endl;
            allOther += intensity * (costheta>0?costheta:0) * (diffuse + S * (mb->specular.Sample(hInfo.uvw, hInfo.duvw))) ;
        /* finally add inta*cola + intall*costheta*(cold + s* colS)*/
        shade = ambComponent  + allOther;
    /* Calculate refraction */
    if(refraction.GetColor().r>0 && bounceCount>0){
        //compute new jittered normal
        float gloss = refractionGlossiness;
            float random = rand()/(float)RAND_MAX;
            float rRadius = sqrtf(random) * gloss;
            random = rand()/(float)RAND_MAX;
            float rAngle =  random * 2.0 * M_PI;
            float x = rRadius * cos(rAngle);
            float y = rRadius * sin(rAngle);
            Point3 xAxis(1,0,0), yAxis(0,1,0), v1, v2, normalDir;
            normalDir = hInfo.N;
            //    normalDir.Normalize();
            if(normalDir.Dot(xAxis) > 0.7)  v1 = normalDir.Cross(yAxis);
            else v1 = normalDir.Cross(xAxis);
            v2 = v1.Cross(normalDir);
            v1.Normalize(); v2.Normalize();
            v1 *= x;
            v2 *= y;
            newN = hInfo.N + v1.Length() + v2.Length();
            newN = hInfo.N;
        Color reflShade = Color(0,0,0);
        float R0, Refl = 0.0f, Trans = 0.0f;
        HitInfo temp;
//        Point3 N = hInfo.N;
        Point3 N = newN;
//        Point3 V = Point3(iRay.p.x -  hInfo.p.x, iRay.p.y - hInfo.p.y, iRay.p.z - hInfo.p.z);
        Point3 V = Point3(hInfo.p.x - iRay.p.x, hInfo.p.y - iRay.p.y, hInfo.p.z - iRay.p.z);
        float n1 = 1, n2 = 1;
        if(hInfo.front){ /* Hitting from outside */
//            temp.front = false;
            n2 = ior;
//            cout<<"outside "<<endl;
        else if(!hInfo.front){ /* Transmission from the inside */
//            temp.front = true;
            n1 = ior;
//            cout<<"intside... "<<endl;
//            N = -hInfo.N;
            N *= -1;
        float ratio_n = n1 / n2;
        float costheta_v = -V.Dot(N);        /* refer: http://graphics.stanford.edu/courses/cs148-10-summer/docs/2006--degreve--reflection_refraction.pdf */

        float sin2theta_t = ratio_n * ratio_n * (1 - costheta_v * costheta_v);
        Point3 T =   ratio_n * V + (ratio_n * costheta_v - sqrtf(1 - sin2theta_t)) * N ;
//        cout<<ratio_n<<" "<<"cos_v "<<costheta_v<<" sin2theta_t "<<sin2theta_t<<endl;
        Cone tRay = Cone(hInfo.p,T);
        tRay.p.x = tRay.p.x + bias *tRay.dir.x; /* add bias */
        tRay.p.y = tRay.p.y + bias *tRay.dir.y;
        tRay.p.z = tRay.p.z + bias *tRay.dir.z;
//        cout<<"B temp front: "<< temp.front<<endl;
        temp.timeInstance = hInfo.timeInstance;
        if(sin2theta_t <= 1){
            if(RayTrace_2(tRay, temp)){ /* ray tracing after refraction */
//                bounceCount--;
                tShade  =  temp.node->GetMaterial()->Shade(tRay,temp,lights,bounceCount);
            else{ /* no hit after refraction */
                tShade = environment.SampleEnvironment(tRay.dir);
            /* Calculate Schlick's approximation */
            R0 = (n1 - n2)/(n1 + n2);
            R0 *= R0;
            double  X = 0.0;
            //                if(n1 > n2){
            //                    X = 1.0 - sqrtf(1.0 - sin2theta_t);
            //                }
            //                else{ X = 1.0 - costheta_v; }
            X = 1.0 - costheta_v;
            Refl = R0 + (1.0 - R0) *  X * X * X * X * X;
            Trans = 1.0 - Refl;
            tShade.r *= exp(-absorption.r * temp.z);
            tShade.g *= exp(-absorption.g * temp.z);
            tShade.b *= exp(-absorption.b * temp.z);
        else {/* Total internal reflection */
            Refl = 1.0f;
        /* Calculate reflection due to reflectance */
        if(bounceCount >0){
//            N = hInfo.N;
            N = newN;
            Point3 V = Point3(iRay.p.x -  P.x, iRay.p.y - P.y, iRay.p.z - P.z);
            Point3 VR = 2 * V.Dot(N) * N - V;
            Cone rRay = Cone(P + BIAS_SHADING * VR, VR);
            HitInfo temp1;
            temp.timeInstance = hInfo.timeInstance;
                if(RayTrace_2(rRay, temp1)){
                    bounceCount --;
                    reflShade = temp1.node->GetMaterial()->Shade(rRay, temp1, lights, bounceCount);
                    reflShade = environment.SampleEnvironment(rRay.dir);
//                    reflShade = Color(1,100,1);
//        cout<<"Refl: "<<Refl<<"Trans "<<Trans<<endl;
        tShade = refraction.GetColor().r * (Trans * tShade + Refl * reflShade);

    /* calculate reflection*/
    if(reflection.GetColor().r>0 && bounceCount > 0){
        //compute new jittered normal
        float gloss = reflectionGlossiness;
            float random = rand()/(float)RAND_MAX;
            float rRadius = sqrtf(random) * gloss;
            random = rand()/(float)RAND_MAX;
            float rAngle =  random * 2.0 * M_PI;
            float x = rRadius * cos(rAngle);
            float y = rRadius * sin(rAngle);
            Point3 xAxis(1,0,0), yAxis(0,1,0), v1, v2, normalDir;
            normalDir = hInfo.N;
            //    normalDir.Normalize();
            if(normalDir.Dot(xAxis) > 0.7)  v1 = normalDir.Cross(yAxis);
            else v1 = normalDir.Cross(xAxis);
            v2 = v1.Cross(normalDir);
            v1.Normalize(); v2.Normalize();
            v1 *= x;
            v2 *= y;
            newN = hInfo.N + v1+ v2;
            newN = hInfo.N;
        Point3 N = newN;//hInfo.N;
        Point3 V = Point3(iRay.p.x -  P.x, iRay.p.y - P.y, iRay.p.z - P.z);
       // V.Normalize();
        Point3 VR = 2 * V.Dot(N) * N - V;
        Cone rRay = Cone(P + BIAS_SHADING * VR, VR);
        HitInfo temp;
            if(RayTrace_2(rRay, temp)){
                rShade = reflection.GetColor().r * temp.node->GetMaterial()->Shade(rRay, temp, lights, bounceCount);
                rShade =  reflection.GetColor().r *environment.SampleEnvironment(rRay.dir);
//                rShade = Color(1,111,1);
    /* Add shade with reflected and refracted colors */
    shade += (rShade + tShade);
    return shade;
예제 #4
Color MtlBlinn::Shade(const Ray &ray, const HitInfo &hInfo, const LightList &lights, int bounceCount) const{
    float bias = BIAS_SHADING;
    Color shade;
    Color rShade = Color(0,0,0);
    Color tShade = Color(0,0,0);
    const Material *mat;
    mat = hInfo.node->GetMaterial();
    const MtlBlinn* mb =static_cast<const MtlBlinn*>(mat);
//    cout<<"HInfo front: "<<hInfo.front<<endl;
    /* local copy */
    Point3 P;
    Ray iRay = ray;
    Color ambInt = mb->diffuse;
    Color allOther = Color(0,0,0);
    Color diffuse = mb->diffuse;;
    Color ambComponent = Color(0,0,0);
    for ( unsigned int i=0; i<lights.size(); i++ ) {
//            cout<<"ambient "<<endl;
            Color intensity = lights[i]->Illuminate(hInfo.p);
            ambComponent += (ambInt * intensity);
//            cout<<"other lighting  "<<endl;
            Point3 L = -lights[i]->Direction(P);
            Point3 V = ray.p - P;
            Point3 LplusV = L + V;
            Point3 H = (L+V)/LplusV.Length();
            float alpha = mb->glossiness;
            Point3 N = hInfo.N;
            float S = H.Dot(N);
            S = pow(S,alpha);
            float costheta = L.Dot(N)/(L.Length() * N.Length());
            Color intensity = lights[i]->Illuminate(P);
//            cout<<"costheta "<<endl;
            allOther += intensity * (costheta>0?costheta:0) * (diffuse + S * (mb->specular)) ;
        /* finally add inta*cola + intall*costheta*(cold + s* colS)*/
        shade = ambComponent  + allOther;
    /* Calculate refraction */
    if(refraction.Grey()>0 && bounceCount>0){
        Color reflShade = Color(0,0,0);
        float R0, Refl = 0.0f, Trans = 0.0f;
        HitInfo temp;
        Point3 N = hInfo.N;
//        Point3 V = Point3(iRay.p.x -  hInfo.p.x, iRay.p.y - hInfo.p.y, iRay.p.z - hInfo.p.z);
        Point3 V = Point3(hInfo.p.x - iRay.p.x, hInfo.p.y - iRay.p.y, hInfo.p.z - iRay.p.z);
        float n1 = 1, n2 = 1;
        if(hInfo.front){ /* Hitting from outside */
//            temp.front = false;
            n2 = ior;
//            cout<<"outside "<<endl;
        else if(!hInfo.front){ /* Transmission from the inside */
//            temp.front = true;
            n1 = ior;
//            cout<<"intside... "<<endl;
            N = -hInfo.N;
        float ratio_n = n1 / n2;
        float costheta_v = -V.Dot(N);        /* refer: http://graphics.stanford.edu/courses/cs148-10-summer/docs/2006--degreve--reflection_refraction.pdf */

        float sin2theta_t = ratio_n * ratio_n * (1 - costheta_v * costheta_v);
        Point3 T =   ratio_n * V + (ratio_n * costheta_v - sqrtf(1 - sin2theta_t)) * N ;
//        cout<<ratio_n<<" "<<"cos_v "<<costheta_v<<" sin2theta_t "<<sin2theta_t<<endl;
        Ray tRay = Ray(hInfo.p,T);
        tRay.p.x = tRay.p.x + bias *tRay.dir.x; /* add bias */
        tRay.p.y = tRay.p.y + bias *tRay.dir.y;
        tRay.p.z = tRay.p.z + bias *tRay.dir.z;
//        cout<<"B temp front: "<< temp.front<<endl;
        if(sin2theta_t <= 1){
            if(RayTrace_2(tRay, temp)){
//                bounceCount--;
//                cout<<"A temp front: "<< temp.front<<endl;
                tShade  =  temp.node->GetMaterial()->Shade(tRay,temp,lights,bounceCount);
                tShade.r *= exp(-absorption.r * temp.z);
                tShade.g *= exp(-absorption.g * temp.z);
                tShade.b *= exp(-absorption.b * temp.z);
//                shade = tShade; /* remove later */
//                return shade;
                /* Calculate Schlick's approximation */
                R0 = (n1 - n2)/(n1 + n2);
                R0 *= R0;
                double  X = 0.0;
//                if(n1 > n2){
//                    X = 1.0 - sqrtf(1.0 - sin2theta_t);
//                }
//                else{ X = 1.0 - costheta_v; }
                X = 1.0 - costheta_v;
                Refl = R0 + (1.0 - R0) *  X * X * X * X * X;
                Trans = 1.0 - Refl;
        else {/* Total internal reflection */
            Refl = 1.0f;
        /* Calculate reflection due to reflectance */
        if(bounceCount >0){
            N = hInfo.N;
            Point3 V = Point3(iRay.p.x -  P.x, iRay.p.y - P.y, iRay.p.z - P.z);
            Point3 VR = 2 * V.Dot(N) * N - V;
            Ray rRay = Ray(P, VR);
            rRay.p.x = rRay.p.x + bias *rRay.dir.x;
            rRay.p.y = rRay.p.y + bias *rRay.dir.y;
            rRay.p.z = rRay.p.z + bias *rRay.dir.z;
            HitInfo temp1;
                if(RayTrace_2(rRay, temp1)){
                    bounceCount --;
                    reflShade =   temp1.node->GetMaterial()->Shade(rRay, temp1, lights, bounceCount);
//        cout<<"Refl: "<<Refl<<"Trans "<<Trans<<endl;
        tShade = refraction * (Trans * tShade + Refl * reflShade);

    /* calculate reflection*/
    if(reflection.Grey()>0 && bounceCount > 0){

        Point3 N = hInfo.N;
        Point3 V = Point3(iRay.p.x -  P.x, iRay.p.y - P.y, iRay.p.z - P.z);
       // V.Normalize();
        Point3 VR = 2 * V.Dot(N) * N - V;
        Ray rRay = Ray(hInfo.p, VR);
        rRay.p.x = rRay.p.x + bias *rRay.dir.x;
        rRay.p.y = rRay.p.y + bias *rRay.dir.y;
        rRay.p.z = rRay.p.z + bias *rRay.dir.z;
        HitInfo temp;
            if(RayTrace_2(rRay, temp)){
                rShade = reflection * temp.node->GetMaterial()->Shade(rRay, temp, lights, bounceCount);
    /* Add shade with reflected and refracted colors */
    shade += (rShade + tShade);
    return shade;
예제 #5
int EggShapeCreateCallBack::proc(ViewExp *vpt,int msg, int point, int flags, IPoint2 m, Matrix3& mat )

	if (msg==MOUSE_POINT||msg==MOUSE_MOVE) 
		case 0:
				ob->suspendSnap = TRUE;
				sp0 = m;
				p0 = vpt->SnapPoint(m,m,NULL,SNAP_IN_PLANE);

				ob->GetParamBlock(egg_shape_params)->SetValue(egg_shape_length, ob->ip->GetTime(), 0.0f);
				ob->GetParamBlock(egg_shape_params)->SetValue(egg_shape_width, ob->ip->GetTime(), 0.0f);
				ob->GetParamBlock(egg_shape_params)->SetValue(egg_shape_thickness, ob->ip->GetTime(), 0.0f);
				ob->GetParamBlock(egg_shape_params)->SetValue(egg_shape_rotation, ob->ip->GetTime(), 0.0f);

		case 1:
				p1 = vpt->SnapPoint(m,m,NULL,SNAP_IN_PLANE);

				// Assumption here is that p1 is on the X-Y plane.  
				Point3 a = p1 - p0;
				Point3 b;
				float com_factor = 6/(4-CENTER_OF_MASS_OFFSET);
				size1 = Length(a) * com_factor;
				b = Point3((float)0.0, size1, (float)0.0);

				float angle = acos((a%b)/(a.Length()*b.Length())) * TO_DEG * ((a.x>0) ? -1:1);

				//Set the overall size in parameter block
				ob->GetParamBlock(egg_shape_params)->SetValue(egg_shape_length, ob->ip->GetTime(), size1);
				ob->GetParamBlock(egg_shape_params)->SetValue(egg_shape_width, ob->ip->GetTime(), size1*TO_WIDTH);
				ob->GetParamBlock(egg_shape_params)->SetValue(egg_shape_rotation, ob->ip->GetTime(), angle);

				if((size1-EPSILON)<0.0 && msg==MOUSE_POINT)
					ob->suspendSnap = FALSE;
					return CREATE_ABORT;
		case 2:
				BOOL should_make_donut = TRUE;
				ob->GetParamBlock(egg_shape_params)->GetValue(egg_shape_make_donut, ob->ip->GetTime(), should_make_donut, ob->ivalid);

					p2 = vpt->SnapPoint(m,m,NULL,SNAP_IN_PLANE);
					size2 = Length(p2-p0) - Length(p1-p0);

					//Set the overall size in parameter block
					ob->GetParamBlock(egg_shape_params)->SetValue(egg_shape_thickness, ob->ip->GetTime(), size2);

					if(msg == MOUSE_POINT)
						ob->suspendSnap = FALSE;
						return CREATE_STOP;
		case 3:
				return (size1 < EPSILON) ? CREATE_ABORT : CREATE_STOP;
	else if (msg == MOUSE_ABORT)
		return CREATE_ABORT;

	return TRUE;