bool QGeoRouteXmlParser::parseBoundingBox(QGeoBoundingBox &bounds) { Q_ASSERT(m_reader->isStartElement() && m_reader->name() == "BoundingBox"); QGeoCoordinate tl; QGeoCoordinate br; m_reader->readNext(); while (!(m_reader->tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::EndElement && m_reader->name() == "BoundingBox")) { if (m_reader->tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) { if (m_reader->name() == "TopLeft") { QGeoCoordinate coordinates; if (parseCoordinates(coordinates)) tl = coordinates; } else if (m_reader->name() == "BottomRight") { QGeoCoordinate coordinates; if (parseCoordinates(coordinates)) br = coordinates; } else { m_reader->skipCurrentElement(); } } m_reader->readNext(); } if (tl.isValid() && br.isValid()) { bounds = QGeoBoundingBox(tl, br); return true; } return false; }
/*! \internal */ void QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::dragEnded() { QPointF newTopLeftPoint = QPointF(x(),y()); QGeoCoordinate newTopLeft = map()->screenPositionToCoordinate(newTopLeftPoint, false); if (newTopLeft.isValid()) { // calculate new geo width while checking for dateline crossing const double lonW = bottomRight_.longitude() > topLeft_.longitude() ? bottomRight_.longitude() - topLeft_.longitude() : bottomRight_.longitude() + 360 - topLeft_.longitude(); const double latH = qAbs(bottomRight_.latitude() - topLeft_.latitude()); QGeoCoordinate newBottomRight; // prevent dragging over valid min and max latitudes if (QLocationUtils::isValidLat(newTopLeft.latitude() - latH)) { newBottomRight.setLatitude(newTopLeft.latitude() - latH); } else { newBottomRight.setLatitude(QLocationUtils::clipLat(newTopLeft.latitude() - latH)); newTopLeft.setLatitude(newBottomRight.latitude() + latH); } // handle dateline crossing newBottomRight.setLongitude(QLocationUtils::wrapLong(newTopLeft.longitude() + lonW)); newBottomRight.setAltitude(newTopLeft.altitude()); topLeft_ = newTopLeft; bottomRight_ = newBottomRight; geometry_.setPreserveGeometry(true, newTopLeft); borderGeometry_.setPreserveGeometry(true, newTopLeft); geometry_.markSourceDirty(); borderGeometry_.markSourceDirty(); updateMapItem(); emit topLeftChanged(topLeft_); emit bottomRightChanged(bottomRight_); } }
/*! \internal */ void QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::dragEnded() { QPointF newPoint = QPointF(x(),y()) + QPointF(width(), height()) / 2; QGeoCoordinate newCoordinate = map()->screenPositionToCoordinate(newPoint, false); if (newCoordinate.isValid()) setCenter(newCoordinate); }
void PointInPolygonWidget::positionUpdated(const QGeoPositionInfo &info) { QGeoPositionInfo pos_info = info; QGeoCoordinate pos = pos_info.coordinate(); if (pos.isValid()) { ui->xNewPoint->setValue(pos.latitude()); ui->yNewPoint->setValue(pos.longitude()); ui->xPoint->setValue(pos.latitude()); ui->yPoint->setValue(pos.longitude()); double dist = 0; if (is_first_distance_) { dist_acc_ = 0; is_first_distance_ = false; } else { if (std::fabs(pos.altitude()) < 1e-3) { pos.setAltitude(last_position_.coordinate().altitude()); pos_info.setCoordinate(pos); } dist = pos_info.coordinate().distanceTo(last_position_.coordinate()); if (dist > 10) { dist_acc_ += dist; } } last_position_ = pos_info; } }
void QDeclarativeGeoRoute::setPath(const QJSValue &value) { if (!value.isArray()) return; QList<QGeoCoordinate> pathList; quint32 length ="length")).toUInt(); for (quint32 i = 0; i < length; ++i) { bool ok; QGeoCoordinate c = parseCoordinate(, &ok); if (!ok || !c.isValid()) { qmlInfo(this) << "Unsupported path type"; return; } pathList.append(c); } if (route_.path() == pathList) return; route_.setPath(pathList); emit pathChanged(); }
void QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::setPath(const QJSValue &value) { if (!value.isArray()) return; QList<QGeoCoordinate> pathList; quint32 length ="length")).toUInt(); for (quint32 i = 0; i < length; ++i) { bool ok; QGeoCoordinate c = parseCoordinate(, &ok); if (!ok || !c.isValid()) { qmlInfo(this) << "Unsupported path type"; return; } pathList.append(c); } if (path_ == pathList) return; path_ = pathList; geometry_.markSourceDirty(); updateMapItem(); emit pathChanged(); }
/*! Extends the circle to include \a coordinate */ void QGeoCirclePrivate::extendShape(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate) { if (!isValid() || !coordinate.isValid() || contains(coordinate)) return; radius = center.distanceTo(coordinate); }
void QGeoAreaMonitorPolling::setCenter(const QGeoCoordinate& coordinate) { if (coordinate.isValid()) { QGeoAreaMonitor::setCenter(coordinate); checkStartStop(); } }
void QDeclarativePosition::setCoordinate(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate) { if (m_coordinate == coordinate) return; m_coordinate = coordinate; if (coordinate.type() == QGeoCoordinate::Coordinate3D && !m_altitudeValid) { m_altitudeValid = true; emit altitudeValidChanged(); } else if (m_altitudeValid) { m_altitudeValid = false; emit altitudeValidChanged(); } if (coordinate.isValid()) { if (!m_longitudeValid) { m_longitudeValid = true; emit longitudeValidChanged(); } if (!m_latitudeValid) { m_latitudeValid = true; emit latitudeValidChanged(); } } else { if (m_longitudeValid) { m_longitudeValid = false; emit longitudeValidChanged(); } if (m_latitudeValid) { m_latitudeValid = false; emit latitudeValidChanged(); } } emit coordinateChanged(); }
static bool addAtForBoundingArea(const QGeoShape &area, QUrlQuery *queryItems) { QGeoCoordinate center; switch (area.type()) { case QGeoShape::RectangleType: center = QGeoRectangle(area).center(); break; case QGeoShape::CircleType: center = QGeoCircle(area).center(); break; case QGeoShape::UnknownType: break; } if (!center.isValid()) { return false; } else { queryItems->addQueryItem(QLatin1String("at"), QString::number(center.latitude()) + QLatin1Char(',') + QString::number(center.longitude())); return true; } }
/*! Returns whether the coordinate \a coordinate is contained within this bounding box. */ bool QGeoBoundingBox::contains(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate) const { if (!isValid() || !coordinate.isValid()) return false; double left = d_ptr->topLeft.longitude(); double right = d_ptr->bottomRight.longitude(); double top = d_ptr->topLeft.latitude(); double bottom = d_ptr->bottomRight.latitude(); double lon = coordinate.longitude(); double lat = coordinate.latitude(); if (lat > top) return false; if (lat < bottom) return false; if ((lat == 90.0) && (top == 90.0)) return true; if ((lat == -90.0) && (bottom == -90.0)) return true; if (left <= right) { if ((lon < left) || (lon > right)) return false; } else { if ((lon < left) && (lon > right)) return false; } return true; }
void MapBox::captureCoordinates() { QGeoCoordinate coords = m_mapWidget->screenPositionToCoordinate(m_lastClicked); if (!coords.isValid()) return; m_latitudeEdit->setText(QString::number(coords.latitude())); m_longitudeEdit->setText(QString::number(coords.longitude())); }
QGeoCoordinate QExiv2::geoCoordinate() const { // Prefer XMP QGeoCoordinate gc = xmpGeoCoordinate(); if (!gc.isValid()) { // Fallback to exif gc = exifGeoCoordinate(); } return gc; }
bool QGeoCirclePrivate::contains(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate) const { if (!isValid() || !coordinate.isValid()) return false; // see QTBUG-41447 for details qreal distance = center.distanceTo(coordinate); if (qFuzzyCompare(distance, radius) || distance <= radius) return true; return false; }
QGeoCoordinate GasInfoSettings::defaultHostLocation() const { QByteArray ba = value(defaultHostLocationKey).toByteArray(); QDataStream in(&ba, QIODevice::ReadOnly); QGeoCoordinate location; in >> location; if (!location.isValid()) return QGeoCoordinate(39.903924, 116.391432, 0); else return location; }
/*! \internal */ void QDeclarativeCircleMapItem::geometryChanged(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry) { if (updatingGeometry_ || newGeometry == oldGeometry) { QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::geometryChanged(newGeometry, oldGeometry); return; } QDoubleVector2D newPoint = QDoubleVector2D(x(),y()) + QDoubleVector2D(width(), height()) / 2; QGeoCoordinate newCoordinate = map()->itemPositionToCoordinate(newPoint, false); if (newCoordinate.isValid()) setCenter(newCoordinate); // Not calling QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::geometryChanged() as it will be called from a nested // call to this function. }
/*! \internal */ void QDeclarativeGeoMapQuickItem::geometryChanged(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry) { if (!mapAndSourceItemSet_ || updatingGeometry_ || newGeometry.topLeft() == oldGeometry.topLeft()) { QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::geometryChanged(newGeometry, oldGeometry); return; } QGeoCoordinate newCoordinate = map()->itemPositionToCoordinate(QDoubleVector2D(x(), y()) + (scaleFactor() * QDoubleVector2D(anchorPoint_)), false); if (newCoordinate.isValid()) setCoordinate(newCoordinate); // Not calling QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::geometryChanged() as it will be called from a nested // call to this function. }
/*! \internal */ void QDeclarativePolylineMapItem::geometryChanged(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry) { if (updatingGeometry_ || newGeometry.topLeft() == oldGeometry.topLeft()) { QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::geometryChanged(newGeometry, oldGeometry); return; } QDoubleVector2D newPoint = QDoubleVector2D(x(),y()) + QDoubleVector2D(geometry_.firstPointOffset()); QGeoCoordinate newCoordinate = map()->screenPositionToCoordinate(newPoint, false); if (newCoordinate.isValid()) { double firstLongitude =; double firstLatitude =; double minMaxLatitude = firstLatitude; // prevent dragging over valid min and max latitudes for (int i = 0; i < path_.count(); ++i) { double newLatitude = + newCoordinate.latitude() - firstLatitude; if (!QLocationUtils::isValidLat(newLatitude)) { if (qAbs(newLatitude) > qAbs(minMaxLatitude)) { minMaxLatitude = newLatitude; } } } // calculate offset needed to re-position the item within map border double offsetLatitude = minMaxLatitude - QLocationUtils::clipLat(minMaxLatitude); for (int i = 0; i < path_.count(); ++i) { QGeoCoordinate coord =; // handle dateline crossing coord.setLongitude(QLocationUtils::wrapLong(coord.longitude() + newCoordinate.longitude() - firstLongitude)); coord.setLatitude(coord.latitude() + newCoordinate.latitude() - firstLatitude - offsetLatitude); path_.replace(i, coord); } QGeoCoordinate leftBoundCoord = geometry_.geoLeftBound(); leftBoundCoord.setLongitude(QLocationUtils::wrapLong(leftBoundCoord.longitude() + newCoordinate.longitude() - firstLongitude)); geometry_.setPreserveGeometry(true, leftBoundCoord); geometry_.markSourceDirty(); updateMapItem(); emit pathChanged(); } // Not calling QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::geometryChanged() as it will be called from a nested // call to this function. }
/*! \qmlproperty coordinate QtLocation::Map::center This property holds the coordinate which occupies the center of the mapping viewport. Invalid center coordinates are ignored. The default value is an arbitrary valid coordinate. */ void QDeclarativeGeoMap::setCenter(const QGeoCoordinate ¢er) { if (!mappingManagerInitialized_ && center == center_) return; if (!center.isValid()) return; center_ = center; if (center_.isValid() && mappingManagerInitialized_) { map_->mapController()->setCenter(center_); update(); } else { emit centerChanged(center_); } }
void QGeoMapController::pan(qreal dx, qreal dy) { if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) return; QGeoCameraData cd = map_->cameraData(); QGeoCoordinate coord = map_->itemPositionToCoordinate( QDoubleVector2D(map_->width() / 2 + dx, map_->height() / 2 + dy)); // keep altitude as it was coord.setAltitude(; if (coord.isValid()) { cd.setCenter(coord); map_->setCameraData(cd); } }
/*! \qmlproperty coordinate QtLocation::Map::center This property holds the coordinate which occupies the center of the mapping viewport. Invalid center coordinates are ignored. The default value is an arbitrary valid coordinate. */ void QDeclarativeGeoMap::setCenter(const QGeoCoordinate ¢er) { if (!m_mappingManagerInitialized && center == m_center) return; if (!center.isValid()) return; m_center = center; if (m_center.isValid() && m_mappingManagerInitialized) { m_map->mapController()->setCenter(m_center); update(); } else { emit centerChanged(m_center); } }
void CurrentConditions::reqCurrCond(const QGeoCoordinate& position){ /// Requests the current conditions data. if( position.isValid() ){ QNetworkRequest request(QUrl(QString::fromStdString(std::string("" + std::to_string(position.latitude()) + "&lon=" + std::to_string(position.longitude()) + "&FcstType=json")))); request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::User, QVariant(ReqType::NOAA_JSON_FCAST_CURRCOND)); m_nam->get(request); } // TODO if m_position is not valid. return; }
void GpsPosition::timeout() { double distance = 0; qDebug() << "\ntimeout\n\n"; QGeoCoordinate coord = _location->lastKnownPosition(true).coordinate(); qDebug() << "SAVED POSITION lat = " << _latitude << " lon = " << _longitude; qDebug() << "LAST POSITION lat = " << coord.latitude() << " lon = " << coord.longitude(); if (coord.isValid()){ distance = Core::DatabaseSqlite::calculate_distance(_latitude, _longitude, coord.latitude(), coord.longitude()); qDebug() << "distancd = " << distance; /* check distance between the last and found coordinates */ if (distance > UPDATE_DISTANCE){ /* distance more then UPDATE_DISTANCE km */ emit findCoord(coord.latitude(), coord.longitude()); } } }
void GpsPosition::positionUpdated(QGeoPositionInfo info) { double latitude, longitude; //qDebug() << "gps info " << info; QGeoCoordinate coord = info.coordinate(); if (coord.isValid()){ longitude = coord.longitude(); latitude = coord.latitude(); qDebug() << "lon = " << longitude << ", lat = " << latitude; if (_isUpdated){ _location->stopUpdates(); _isUpdated = false; } emit findCoord(latitude, longitude); /* set timer */ startTimer(); } }
/*! \internal */ void QDeclarativePolygonMapItem::dragEnded() { QPointF newPoint = QPointF(x(),y()) + geometry_.firstPointOffset(); QGeoCoordinate newCoordinate = map()->screenPositionToCoordinate(newPoint, false); if (newCoordinate.isValid()) { double firstLongitude =; double firstLatitude =; double minMaxLatitude = firstLatitude; // prevent dragging over valid min and max latitudes for (int i = 0; i < path_.count(); ++i) { double newLatitude = + newCoordinate.latitude() - firstLatitude; if (!QLocationUtils::isValidLat(newLatitude)) { if (qAbs(newLatitude) > qAbs(minMaxLatitude)) { minMaxLatitude = newLatitude; } } } // calculate offset needed to re-position the item within map border double offsetLatitude = minMaxLatitude - QLocationUtils::clipLat(minMaxLatitude); for (int i = 0; i < path_.count(); ++i) { QGeoCoordinate coord =; // handle dateline crossing coord.setLongitude(QLocationUtils::wrapLong(coord.longitude() + newCoordinate.longitude() - firstLongitude)); coord.setLatitude(coord.latitude() + newCoordinate.latitude() - firstLatitude - offsetLatitude); path_.replace(i, coord); } QGeoCoordinate leftBoundCoord = geometry_.geoLeftBound(); leftBoundCoord.setLongitude(QLocationUtils::wrapLong(leftBoundCoord.longitude() + newCoordinate.longitude() - firstLongitude)); geometry_.setPreserveGeometry(true, leftBoundCoord); borderGeometry_.setPreserveGeometry(true, leftBoundCoord); geometry_.markSourceDirty(); borderGeometry_.markSourceDirty(); updateMapItem(); emit pathChanged(); } }
void VerticalProfilePresenter::updateMission() { this->invokeViewMethod(PROPERTY(clearWaypoints)); dto::MissionPtr mission = m_service->mission(m_missionId); if (mission.isNull() || mission->count() < 1) return; QGeoCoordinate lastPosition; int distance = 0; int homeAltitude = 0; int minAltitude = INT_MAX; int maxAltitude = INT_MIN; for (const dto::MissionItemPtr& item: m_service->missionItems(mission->id())) { if (!item->isAltitudedItem()) continue; if (item->sequence() == 0) homeAltitude = item->altitude(); if (item->isPositionatedItem()) { if (item->coordinate().isValid() && lastPosition.isValid()) { distance += lastPosition.distanceTo(item->coordinate()); } lastPosition = item->coordinate(); } int altitude = item->isAltitudeRelative() ? homeAltitude + item->altitude() : item->altitude(); if (altitude < minAltitude) minAltitude = altitude; if (altitude > maxAltitude) maxAltitude = altitude; this->invokeViewMethod(PROPERTY(appendWaypoint), distance, altitude); } this->setViewProperty(PROPERTY(minDistance), 0); this->setViewProperty(PROPERTY(maxDistance), distance); this->setViewProperty(PROPERTY(minAltitude), minAltitude); this->setViewProperty(PROPERTY(maxAltitude), maxAltitude); }
void ModelIndexLayer::render(QPainter& painter) { if (mItemModel == NULL) { qDebug() << "Model == NULL"; // Nothing to do. return. return; } foreach(QModelIndex index, mCulled) { QGeoCoordinate coord = mItemModel->data(index, ModelIndexLayer::GeoCoordinateRole).value<QGeoCoordinate>(); if (!coord.isValid()) continue; // prepare the viewport for the delegate QRect vp = markerPosition(coord);; painter.setClipRect(vp); painter.setWindow(QRect(0, 0, vp.width(), vp.height())); painter.setViewport(vp); MarkerInfo markerInfo; markerInfo.coord = coord; markerInfo.modelIndex = index; markerInfo.x = vp.left(); markerInfo.y =; markerInfo.width = vp.width(); markerInfo.height = vp.height(); if (mSelectionModel != NULL) markerInfo.markerState = mSelectionModel->selection().contains(index) ? MarkerInfo::MarkerStateSelected : MarkerInfo::MarkerStateNone; QVariant v = mItemModel->data(index, ModelIndexLayer::DataRole); mDelegate->paint(painter, markerInfo, v); painter.restore(); } // else skip, this coord is not in view
/*! \internal */ void QDeclarativeRectangleMapItem::geometryChanged(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry) { if (updatingGeometry_ || newGeometry.topLeft() == oldGeometry.topLeft()) { QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::geometryChanged(newGeometry, oldGeometry); return; } QDoubleVector2D newTopLeftPoint = QDoubleVector2D(x(),y()); QGeoCoordinate newTopLeft = map()->itemPositionToCoordinate(newTopLeftPoint, false); if (newTopLeft.isValid()) { // calculate new geo width while checking for dateline crossing const double lonW = bottomRight_.longitude() > topLeft_.longitude() ? bottomRight_.longitude() - topLeft_.longitude() : bottomRight_.longitude() + 360 - topLeft_.longitude(); const double latH = qAbs(bottomRight_.latitude() - topLeft_.latitude()); QGeoCoordinate newBottomRight; // prevent dragging over valid min and max latitudes if (QLocationUtils::isValidLat(newTopLeft.latitude() - latH)) { newBottomRight.setLatitude(newTopLeft.latitude() - latH); } else { newBottomRight.setLatitude(QLocationUtils::clipLat(newTopLeft.latitude() - latH)); newTopLeft.setLatitude(newBottomRight.latitude() + latH); } // handle dateline crossing newBottomRight.setLongitude(QLocationUtils::wrapLong(newTopLeft.longitude() + lonW)); newBottomRight.setAltitude(newTopLeft.altitude()); topLeft_ = newTopLeft; bottomRight_ = newBottomRight; geometry_.setPreserveGeometry(true, newTopLeft); borderGeometry_.setPreserveGeometry(true, newTopLeft); markSourceDirtyAndUpdate(); emit topLeftChanged(topLeft_); emit bottomRightChanged(bottomRight_); } // Not calling QDeclarativeGeoMapItemBase::geometryChanged() as it will be called from a nested // call to this function. }
void QGeoAreaMonitorSimulator::setCenter(const QGeoCoordinate& coordinate) { if (coordinate.isValid()) QGeoAreaMonitor::setCenter(coordinate); }