//==================================== // setMouse //------------------------------------ void SaXManipulateMice::setMouse ( const QString& group ) { // .../ //! set all mouse data associated with the given group name to //! the current pointer data. The group name consists of the //! vendor and model name separated by a colon // ---- if ( ! mCDBMice ) { mCDBMice = new SaXProcess (); mCDBMice -> start (CDB_POINTERS); } QList< QDict<QString> > data; data = mCDBMice -> getTablePointerCDB_DATA ( group ); // .../ // move the data record to the correct position // refering to the section ID -> mPointer // ---- QDict<QString>* record = data.take(0); for (int n=0;n < mPointer;n++) { data.append(new QDict<QString>()); } data.append ( record ); // .../ // merge the data into the current section now // ---- if (data.isEmpty()) { excCDBRecordNotFound (group); qError (errorString(),EXC_CDBRECORDNOTFOUND); return; } mImport -> merge ( data ); // .../ // set vendor and name tag // ---- QStringList nameList = QStringList::split ( ":", group ); mImport -> setItem ( "Vendor", nameList.first() ); mImport -> setItem ( "Name" , nameList.last() ); }
std::streamsize OutputStream::xsputn(char const *s, std::streamsize count) { QString str = QString(s).left(count); if(str.contains("\n")) { QStringList strList = str.split("\n"); addLine(m_buffer + strList[0]); for(int i = 1; i < strList.size() - 1; ++i) addLine(strList[i]); scrollToBottom(); m_buffer = strList.last(); } else m_buffer += str; return count; }
void ZDLIWadList::newDrop(QStringList fileList){ for(int i = 0; i < fileList.size(); i++){ ZDLNameListable *zList = NULL; QString entry = fileList[i]; QStringList pathParts = entry.split("/"); if(pathParts.size() > 1){ QString file = pathParts.last(); QStringList fileParts = file.split("."); if(fileParts.size() > 1){ QString name = fileParts[0]; zList = new ZDLNameListable(pList, 1001, entry, name); }else{ zList = new ZDLNameListable(pList, 1001, entry, file); } }else{ zList = new ZDLNameListable(pList, 1001, entry, entry); } if(zList){ insert(zList, -1); } } }
void FolderWizardTargetPage::slotUpdateDirectories(QStringList list) { QFileIconProvider prov; QIcon folderIcon = prov.icon(QFileIconProvider::Folder); QString webdavFolder = QUrl(ownCloudInfo::instance()->webdavUrl()).path(); connect(_ui.folderTreeWidget, SIGNAL(itemExpanded(QTreeWidgetItem*)), SLOT(slotItemExpanded(QTreeWidgetItem*))); QTreeWidgetItem *root = _ui.folderTreeWidget->topLevelItem(0); if (!root) { root = new QTreeWidgetItem(_ui.folderTreeWidget); root->setText(0, tr("Root (\"/\")", "root folder")); root->setIcon(0, folderIcon); root->setToolTip(0, tr("Choose this to sync the entire account")); root->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, "/"); } foreach (QString path, list) { path.remove(webdavFolder); QStringList paths = path.split('/'); if (paths.last().isEmpty()) paths.removeLast(); recursiveInsert(root, paths, path); }
/*! Any actions that can be delayed until the window is visible */ void BrowserApplication::postLaunch() { QString directory = QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::DataLocation); if (directory.isEmpty()) directory = QDir::homePath() + QLatin1String("/.") + QCoreApplication::applicationName(); QWebSettings::setIconDatabasePath(directory); QWebSettings::setOfflineStoragePath(directory); setWindowIcon(QIcon(QLatin1String(":browser.svg"))); loadSettings(); // newMainWindow() needs to be called in main() for this to happen if (m_mainWindows.count() > 0) { QStringList args = QCoreApplication::arguments(); if (args.count() > 1) mainWindow()->loadPage(args.last()); else mainWindow()->slotHome(); } BrowserApplication::historyManager(); }
void InfoPanel::setIndex(const QModelIndex& index) { if (!index.isValid()) { updateWithDefaults(); } else { const Archive::Entry *entry = m_model->entryForIndex(index); QMimeDatabase db; QMimeType mimeType; if (entry->isDir()) { mimeType = db.mimeTypeForName(QStringLiteral("inode/directory")); } else { mimeType = db.mimeTypeForFile(entry->fullPath(), QMimeDatabase::MatchExtension); } iconLabel->setPixmap(getDesktopIconForName(mimeType.iconName())); if (entry->isDir()) { int dirs; int files; const int children = m_model->childCount(index, dirs, files); additionalInfo->setText(KIO::itemsSummaryString(children, files, dirs, 0, false)); } else if (!entry->property("link").toString().isEmpty()) { additionalInfo->setText(i18n("Symbolic Link")); } else { if (entry->property("size") != 0) { additionalInfo->setText(KIO::convertSize(entry->property("size").toULongLong())); } else { additionalInfo->setText(i18n("Unknown size")); } } const QStringList nameParts = entry->fullPath().split(QLatin1Char( '/' ), QString::SkipEmptyParts); const QString name = (nameParts.count() > 0) ? nameParts.last() : entry->fullPath(); fileName->setText(name); showMetaDataFor(index); } }
void S2Controller::processMessage(){ // once a fullMessage is made, this method should only be called as a slot // because it unblocks the ability to send tcp commands // - parse the message here, extracting the returned message message = QString(""); QStringList mList; mList = stringMessage.split("ACK\r\n"); message = QString(mList.last().split("DONE\r\n").first());// still has carriage return message.remove("\r\n"); // and emitting the message, including updating text fields, etc. emit newMessage(message); // clear the fullMessage buffer [this should be OK- only this method // and checkForMessages should ever access it] note this is not scalable- // there's only one fullMessage at a time. stringMessage.clear(); // unblock commands okToSend = true; sendCommandButton->setEnabled(true); }
WebBrowserApp::WebBrowserApp(int argc,char **argv) : QApplication(argc,argv), m_pLocalServer(0) { QLocalSocket *socket = new QLocalSocket; QString strAppName = QCoreApplication::applicationName(); socket->connectToServer(strAppName); if(socket->waitForConnected(500)) { QTextStream s(socket); QStringList args = QCoreApplication::arguments(); if(args.count() > 1) { s << args.last(); }else{ s <<QString(); } s.flush(); socket->waitForBytesWritten(); return; } m_pLocalServer = new QLocalServer(this); connect(m_pLocalServer,SIGNAL(newConnection()), this,SLOT(newConnection())); if(!m_pLocalServer->listen(strAppName)) { if (m_pLocalServer->serverError() == QAbstractSocket::AddressInUseError && QFile::exists(m_pLocalServer->serverName())) { QFile::remove(m_pLocalServer->serverName()); m_pLocalServer->listen(strAppName); } } }
void ParametersToolBox::setupUi(const ParametersMap & parameters) { parameters_ = parameters; QWidget * currentItem = 0; QStringList groups; for(ParametersMap::const_iterator iter=parameters.begin(); iter!=parameters.end(); ++iter) { QStringList splitted = QString::fromStdString(iter->first).split('/'); QString group = splitted.first(); QString name = splitted.last(); if(currentItem == 0 || currentItem->objectName().compare(group) != 0) { groups.push_back(group); QScrollArea * area = new QScrollArea(this); stackedWidget_->addWidget(area); currentItem = new QWidget(); currentItem->setObjectName(group); QVBoxLayout * layout = new QVBoxLayout(currentItem); layout->setSizeConstraint(QLayout::SetMinimumSize); layout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0); layout->setSpacing(0); area->setWidget(currentItem); addParameter(layout, iter->first, iter->second); } else { addParameter((QVBoxLayout*)currentItem->layout(), iter->first, iter->second); } } comboBox_->addItems(groups); connect(comboBox_, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), stackedWidget_, SLOT(setCurrentIndex(int))); updateParametersVisibility(); }
void MagicalObjectWindow::updateTreeView(QString raceDir) { // get list of existing models to verify if some exist QDir* modelDir = new QDir(MAGICAL_OBJECT_PATH + "/" + raceDir); QStringList existingObjects; MagicalObject obj; objectList.clear(); if (modelDir->exists()) { existingObjects = modelDir->entryList(); for(int i = 0; i <existingObjects.size(); ++i) { QStringList pieces = existingObjects[i].split("."); if(pieces.last() == "om") { obj.load(MAGICAL_OBJECT_PATH + "/" + raceDir + "/" + existingObjects[i]); objectList.append(obj); } } } if(existingObjects.isEmpty()) { QLog_Info(LOG_ID_INFO, "on_comboBoxRace_currentIndexChanged() : No magical object found in race : " + raceDir); } objects->clear(); for(int i = 0 ; i < objectList.size() ; i++) { QList<QStandardItem *> newObject; newObject<<new QStandardItem(objectList[i].getName()) <<new QStandardItem(QString::number(objectList[i].getPoints())) <<new QStandardItem(objectList[i].getSpecialRules()); objects->appendRow(newObject); } objects->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(OBJECT_HEADER); }
void NameCompiler::visitTemplateArgument(TemplateArgumentAST *node) { if (node->type_id && node->type_id->type_specifier) { TypeCompiler type_cc(_M_binder); type_cc.run(node->type_id->type_specifier); DeclaratorCompiler decl_cc(_M_binder); decl_cc.run(node->type_id->declarator); if (type_cc.isConstant()) _M_name.last() += "const "; QStringList q = type_cc.qualifiedName(); if (q.count() == 1) { #if defined (RXX_RESOLVE_TYPEDEF) // ### it'll break :( TypeInfo tp; tp.setQualifiedName(q); tp = TypeInfo::resolveType(tp, _M_binder->currentScope()->toItem()); q = tp.qualifiedName(); #endif if (CodeModelItem item = _M_binder->model()->findItem(q, _M_binder->currentScope()->toItem())) { if (item->name() == q.last()) q = item->qualifiedName(); } } _M_name.last() += q.join("::"); if (decl_cc.isReference()) _M_name.last() += "&"; if (decl_cc.indirection()) _M_name.last() += QString(decl_cc.indirection(), '*'); _M_name.last() += QLatin1String(","); } }
void ChatEdit::complete() { QString completionPrefix = textUnderCursor(); if (completionPrefix.isEmpty()) { if (cc->popup()->isVisible()) cc->popup()->hide(); return; } if (!cc->popup()->isVisible() || completionPrefix.length() < cc->completionPrefix().length()) { QString pattern = QString("(\\[.*\\])?%1.*").arg( QRegExp::escape(completionPrefix) ); QStringList nicks = cc_model->findItems(pattern, Qt::MatchRegExp, 0); if (nicks.isEmpty()) return; if (nicks.count() == 1) { insertToPos(nicks.last(), textCursor().position() - completionPrefix.length()); return; } NickCompletionModel *tmpModel = new NickCompletionModel(nicks, cc); cc->setModel(tmpModel); } if (completionPrefix != cc->completionPrefix()) { cc->setCompletionPrefix(completionPrefix); cc->popup()->setCurrentIndex(cc->completionModel()->index(0, 0)); } QRect cr = cursorRect(); cr.setWidth(cc->popup()->sizeHintForColumn(0) + cc->popup()->verticalScrollBar()->sizeHint().width()); cc->complete(cr); }
void MiniSceneRule::assign(QStringList &generals, QStringList &generals2, QStringList &kingdoms, Room *room) const { QStringList generalnames = Sanguosha->getRandomGenerals(999); for (int i = 0; i < players.length(); i++) { QMap<QString, QString> sp = players.at(i); QString name = sp["general"]; QString name2 = sp["general2"]; generalnames.removeOne(name); generalnames.removeOne(name2); } QList<ServerPlayer *> splayers = room->getAllPlayers(); int count = qFloor(generalnames.length() / players.length()); count = qMin(count, 9); for (int i = 0; i < players.length(); i++) { QMap<QString, QString> sp = players.at(i); QString name = sp["general"]; QString name2 = sp["general2"]; if (name == "select" || name2 == "select") { QStringList choices; for (int index = 0; index < generalnames.length(); index++) { if (index >= i * count && index < (i + 1) * count) choices << generalnames.at(index); } if (name == "select") { QStringList names = room->askForGeneral(splayers.at(i), choices, QString(), name2 != "select").split("+"); name = names.first(); if (name2 == "select") name2 = names.last(); } if (name2 == "select") name2 = room->askForGeneral(splayers.at(i), choices); } generals << name; generals2 << name2; QString k = sp["nationality"].isEmpty() ? Sanguosha->getGeneral(name)->getKingdom() : sp["nationality"]; kingdoms << k; } }
void CallStringOffsetProvider::setOffset(int offset) { if (offset == 0) { vis_->moveCursor( Visualization::Item::MoveOnPosition, QPoint(0,0)); return; } QStringList components = this->components(); if (offset == components.join("").size()) { vis_->moveCursor( Visualization::Item::MoveOnPosition, QPoint(vis_->xEnd(),0)); return; } int listOffest = 0; int listIndex = components[1] == "." ? 3 : 1; for(int i = 0; i< listIndex; ++i) listOffest += components[i].size(); if (offset <= listOffest) { SequentialVisualizationStringOffsetProvider::setOffset(offset); return; } else offset -= listOffest; if ( setOffsetInListItem(offset, vis_->arguments(), "(", ",", ")")) return; if (offset == components.last().size()) { vis_->moveCursor( Visualization::Item::MoveOnPosition, QPoint(vis_->xEnd(),0)); } else Q_ASSERT(false); }
QString QmlTextGenerator::toQml(const ModelNode &node, int indentDepth) const { QString type = node.type(); QString url; if (type.contains('.')) { QStringList nameComponents = type.split('.'); url = nameComponents.first(); type = nameComponents.last(); } QString alias; if (!url.isEmpty()) { foreach (const Import &import, node.model()->imports()) { if (import.url() == url) { alias = import.alias(); break; } if (import.file() == url) { alias = import.alias(); break; } } }
QString NewClassDialog::getGradeString(QString *classGradeData) { QString returnString; foreach(QCheckBox *input, gradeInput) { if(input->isChecked()) { classGradeData->append( QString("%1 ").arg(input->text()) ); } } QStringList gradeString = classGradeData->split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts); if(gradeString.size() == 1) returnString.append( gradeString.first() ); else if(gradeString.size() > 1) returnString.append( QString("%1 - %2").arg( gradeString.first() ).arg( gradeString.last() ) ); else if(gradeString.size() < 1) returnString.append( QString("xx - xx") ); return returnString; }
void SnpStreamReader::_readOptions() { if (_isValidFile == false) return; QStringList options = _readLine(); if (options.isEmpty() == false && options.first() == "#" && options.size() >= 4) { _parseFrequencyPrefix(options[1]); _parseNetworkParameter(options[2]); _parseComplexFormat(options[3]); if (options.size() == 6) _parseImpedance(options.last()); else _impedance_Ohms = 50; if (_isValidFile) _valuesToRead = 1 + 2*pow(int(_ports), 2.0); } else { _isValidFile = false; } }
/** * Tries to find library path corresponding to version set as parameter. * If not found return newest library path. */ QString OpenModelica::getLibraryPath(QString version) { const char *omlibrary = getenv("OPENMODELICALIBRARY"); QString omLibraryFolder(omlibrary); QDir omLibDir(omlibrary); QStringList omLibDirs = omLibDir.entryList(QDir::AllDirs| QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); omLibDirs = omLibDirs.filter(QRegExp("^Modelica .*")); if(omLibDirs.isEmpty()) return QString(); else { int iVersion = omLibDirs.indexOf("Modelica "+version); if(iVersion>-1) return omLibDir.absoluteFilePath(omLibDirs.at(iVersion)+QDir::separator()+"package.mo"); else { omLibDirs.sort(); return omLibDir.absoluteFilePath(omLibDirs.last()+QDir::separator()+"package.mo"); } } }
void YoutubeProtocolHandler::execute(const QUrl &uri, bool queue) { QStringList parts = uri.path().split('/'); QUrlQuery query; if (parts.count()) { query.addQueryItem("action", "play_video"); query.addQueryItem("videoid", parts.last()); } if (query.isEmpty()) { return; } PlaylistItem item; item.setFile("plugin://plugin.video.youtube/?" + query.toString()); Player *player = Kodi::instance()->videoPlayer(); if (queue) { player->playlist()->addItems(item); } else { player->open(item); } }
QVector< QVector<int> > NormFilterDialog::getMatrixFromLineEdit(QTextEdit *edit) const { // 文字列から行列を得る QVector< QVector<int> > result; QTextCursor cr = edit->textCursor(); cr.movePosition(QTextCursor::Start, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); for (QTextBlock block = cr.block(); block.isValid(); block = block.next()) { // 行の走査 const QString line = block.text(); const QRegExp regExpSpTab(tr("[ \\t]+")); QStringList tokens = line.split(regExpSpTab); // スペースでトークン分割 if (!tokens.isEmpty() && tokens.first().isEmpty()) { tokens.removeFirst(); } if (!tokens.isEmpty() && tokens.last().isEmpty()) { tokens.removeLast(); } if (tokens.isEmpty()) { continue; } const QRegExp regExpInt(tr("^-?\\d+$")); QVector<int> row; for (QStringList::Iterator it = tokens.begin(); it != tokens.end(); ++it) { if (!regExpInt.exactMatch(*it)) { result.clear(); return result; } row.append(it->toInt()); } result.append(row); } return result; }
EnvironmentDisplayDialog::EnvironmentDisplayDialog(QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags fl) : EnvironmentDisplayDialogBase(parent,name, modal,fl) { QStringList environment; char ** e = ::environ; while ( *e ) { environment << *e; e++; } QStringList::ConstIterator it = environment.begin(); while( it !=environment.end() ) { QStringList pair = QStringList::split( QChar('='), *it ); if ( pair.count() == 2 ) { new QListViewItem( environmentListView, pair.first(), pair.last() ); } ++it; } }
void KeySetDlg::Init(){ SetupKeyTable(); ui.name->setText(mpAct->text()); QStringList keys = mpAct->shortcut().toString().split("+"); int fixKeyNum = 0; if(keys.contains("Ctrl")){ ui.ctrl->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); ++fixKeyNum; } if(keys.contains("Alt")){ ui.alt->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); ++fixKeyNum; } if(keys.contains("Shift")){ ui.shift->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); ++fixKeyNum; } if(fixKeyNum<keys.size()){ ui.key->setCurrentText(keys.last()); }else{ ui.key->setCurrentText(sKeyTable[0]); } }
void SyndicationActivity::addFeed() { bool ok = false; QString url = KInputDialog::getText(i18n("Enter the URL"), i18n("Please enter the URL of the RSS or Atom feed."), QString(), &ok, sp->getGUI()->getMainWindow()); if (!ok || url.isEmpty()) return; Syndication::Loader* loader = Syndication::Loader::create(this, SLOT(loadingComplete(Syndication::Loader*, Syndication::FeedPtr, Syndication::ErrorCode))); QStringList sl = url.split(":COOKIE:"); if (sl.size() == 2) { FeedRetriever* retr = new FeedRetriever(); retr->setAuthenticationCookie(sl.last()); loader->loadFrom(KUrl(sl.first()), retr); downloads.insert(loader, url); } else { loader->loadFrom(KUrl(url)); downloads.insert(loader, url); } }
SkinDocument::SkinDocument(QLabel* statusLabel, QString file, ProjectModel* project, QWidget *parent) :TabContent(parent), fileName(file), statusLabel(statusLabel), project(project) { setupUI(); blockUpdate = false; /* Loading the file */ if(QFile::exists(fileName)) { QFile fin(fileName); fin.open(QFile::ReadOnly); editor->document()->setPlainText(QString(fin.readAll())); saved = editor->document()->toPlainText(); editor->setTextCursor(QTextCursor(editor->document()->begin())); fin.close(); } /* Setting the title */ QStringList decomposed = fileName.split('/'); titleText = decomposed.last(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RicImportEclipseCaseFeature::onActionTriggered(bool isChecked) { RiaApplication* app = RiaApplication::instance(); QString defaultDir = app->defaultFileDialogDirectory("BINARY_GRID"); QStringList fileNames = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(RiuMainWindow::instance(), "Import Eclipse File", defaultDir, "Eclipse Grid Files (*.GRID *.EGRID)"); if (fileNames.size()) defaultDir = QFileInfo(fileNames.last()).absolutePath(); app->setDefaultFileDialogDirectory("BINARY_GRID", defaultDir); int i; for (i = 0; i < fileNames.size(); i++) { QString fileName = fileNames[i]; if (!fileNames.isEmpty()) { if (app->openEclipseCaseFromFile(fileName)) { RiuMainWindow::instance()->addRecentFiles(fileName); } } } }
void EmulatorSettingsReader::AddSetting(const QString& category,const QString &rawSetting) { QStringList settingParts(rawSetting.split("': ('")); QString name(settingParts[0].remove("'")); QString value(""); QStringList availSettings; QString foo; if (settingParts.length() == 2) { name = settingParts[0].remove("'"); settingParts = (foo = settingParts[1]).split("', {'"); if (settingParts.length() == 2) { value = settingParts[0]; settingParts = settingParts[1].split("', '"); availSettings.clear(); qDebug() <<"\t"<< name; foreach(const QString& str, settingParts) { availSettings.append(str.split("': '")[0]); qDebug() <<"\t\t"<< availSettings.last(); }
// =============== // PRIVATE // =============== void TrayUI::UpdateAUNotice(){ QString val = pcbsd::Utils::getValFromPCBSDConf("AUTO_UPDATE").simplified().toLower(); if(val=="all"){ AUNotice = tr("Auto-Update: Everything"); }else if(val=="security"){ AUNotice = tr("Auto-Update: Security Only"); }else if(val=="pkg"){ AUNotice = tr("Auto-Update: Packages Only"); }else if(val=="disabled"){ AUNotice = tr("Auto-Update: Disabled"); }else{ // "securitypkg" is default val = "securitypkg"; AUNotice = tr("Auto-Update: Security & Packages"); } AUval = val; //save this for later //Now add info about the most recent update attempt QStringList info = pcbsd::Utils::runShellCommand("beadm list -H").filter("-up-"); if(!info.isEmpty()){ AUNotice.append("\n"+tr("Last Update: %1") ); AUNotice = AUNotice.arg( info.last().section("\t",4,5) ); //only put the date/time here } UpdateIcon(); }
Number BlockParser::parseProcessForRobots(QString stream, int &pos, Id curId) { mCurrentId = curId; if (checkForEmptiness(stream, pos)) { error(emptyProcess); return Number(0, Number::intType); } parseVarPart(stream, pos); if (hasParseErrors) { return Number(0, Number::intType); } QString newStream = stream.mid(pos, stream.length()); if (newStream.isEmpty()){ hasParseErrors = true; mErrorReporter->addCritical(QObject::tr("No value of expression"), mCurrentId); return Number(0, Number::intType); } QStringList exprs = newStream.split(";", QString::SkipEmptyParts); for (int i = 0; i < (exprs.length()-1); ++i) { if (hasParseErrors) return Number(0, Number::intType); int position = 0; QString expr = exprs[i]; skip(expr, position); parseCommand(expr + ";", position); } int position = 0; QString valueExpression = exprs.last(); if(!valueExpression.contains("=")) return parseExpression(valueExpression, position); else { hasParseErrors = true; mErrorReporter->addCritical(QObject::tr("No value of expression"), mCurrentId); return Number(0, Number::intType); } }
//========================================= // Member call for handleNotificationEvent //----------------------------------------- bool Notify::sendSignal (int fd,int flag) { sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &block_set,0); if ( mNotifyDirs[fd] ) { QString* pFolder = mNotifyDirs[fd]; QPoint* count = mNotifyCount[fd]; QStringList tokens = pFolder->split ( "/" ); QString folder = tokens.first(); QString dirname = tokens.last(); switch (flag) { case QBIFF_CREATE: printf ("________create %s %p\n",pFolder->toLatin1().data(),count); if (dirname == "new") { count -> rx()++; } else { count -> ry()++; } sigCreate ( &folder,count ); break; case QBIFF_DELETE: printf ("________delete %s %p\n",pFolder->toLatin1().data(),count); if (dirname == "new") { count -> rx()--; } else { count -> ry()--; } sigDelete ( &folder,count ); break; default: break; } sigNotify ( &folder,count ); sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &block_set,0); return true; } sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &block_set,0); return false; }
void WicdAccessPoint::Private::recacheInformation() { QDBusReply< QString > essidr = WicdDbusInterface::instance()->wireless().call("GetWirelessProperty", networkid, "essid"); QDBusReply< QString > bssidr = WicdDbusInterface::instance()->wireless().call("GetWirelessProperty", networkid, "bssid"); QDBusReply< QString > channelr = WicdDbusInterface::instance()->wireless().call("GetWirelessProperty", networkid, "channel"); QDBusReply< QString > bitrater = WicdDbusInterface::instance()->wireless().call("GetWirelessProperty", networkid, "bitrates"); QDBusReply< QString > moder = WicdDbusInterface::instance()->wireless().call("GetWirelessProperty", networkid, "mode"); QDBusReply< int > strengthr = WicdDbusInterface::instance()->wireless().call("GetWirelessProperty", networkid, "strength"); QDBusReply< int > qualityr = WicdDbusInterface::instance()->wireless().call("GetWirelessProperty", networkid, "quality"); QDBusReply< QString > encryption_methodr = WicdDbusInterface::instance()->wireless().call("GetWirelessProperty", networkid, "encryption_method"); QDBusReply< QString > enctyper = WicdDbusInterface::instance()->wireless().call("GetWirelessProperty", networkid, "enctype"); if (essidr.value() != essid) { essid = essidr.value(); emit q->ssidChanged(essid); } bssid = bssidr.value(); channel = channelr.value().toInt(); mode = moder.value(); if (strength != strengthr.value()) { strength = strengthr.value(); emit q->signalStrengthChanged(strength); } quality = qualityr.value(); encryption_method = encryption_methodr.value(); enctype = enctyper.value(); if (frequency != chanToFreq[channel]) { frequency = chanToFreq[channel]; emit q->frequencyChanged(frequency); } QStringList bitrates = bitrater.value().split(" Mb/s; "); bitrates.last().remove(" Mb/s"); int bitrate_new = 0; foreach(const QString &b, bitrates) { bitrate_new = qMax(bitrate_new, b.toInt() * 1000); }