QList<QDomElement> QgsWcsCapabilities::domElements( const QDomElement &element, const QString &path ) { QList<QDomElement> list; QStringList names = path.split( '.' ); if ( names.isEmpty() ) return list; QString name = names.value( 0 ); names.removeFirst(); QDomNode n1 = element.firstChild(); while ( !n1.isNull() ) { QDomElement el = n1.toElement(); if ( !el.isNull() ) { QString tagName = stripNS( el.tagName() ); if ( tagName == name ) { if ( names.isEmpty() ) { list.append( el ); } else { list.append( domElements( el, names.join( QStringLiteral( "." ) ) ) ); } } } n1 = n1.nextSibling(); } return list; }
/** * Inserts an valid image * Copies the specific image in the program folder */ void MainWindow::on_actionImage_triggered() { QString scriboDir = QDir::home().absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + "scribo"; if ( !QDir(scriboDir + QDir::separator() + "img").exists() ) QDir().mkdir(scriboDir + QDir::separator() + "img"); QString filePath = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Select an image"), QDir::home().absolutePath(), "Bitmap Files (*.bmp)\n" "JPEG (*.jpg *jpeg)\n" "GIF (*.gif)\n" "PNG (*.png)"); QStringList list = filePath.split( "/" ); QString imageName = list.value(list.length() - 1 ); QString imagePath = scriboDir + QDir::separator() + "img" + QDir::separator() + imageName; QFile::copy(filePath, imagePath); QUrl Uri ( QString ( "file://%1" ).arg ( imagePath ) ); QImage image = QImageReader ( imagePath ).read(); QTextDocument * textDocument = ui->textEdit_mainWindow_surface->document(); textDocument->addResource( QTextDocument::ImageResource, Uri, QVariant ( image ) ); cursor = ui->textEdit_mainWindow_surface->textCursor(); QTextImageFormat imageFormat; imageFormat.setWidth( image.width() ); imageFormat.setHeight( image.height() ); imageFormat.setName( Uri.toString() ); cursor.insertImage(imageFormat); }
void Client::on_LoadVideo_clicked() { path = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( this, tr("Open File"), "D://", "Video Files (*.avi);;" ); if(path == NULL) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Error"), tr("File wasn't selected")); return; } QFile file(path); filesize = file.size(); QStringList substrings = path.split("/"); QString filename = substrings.value(substrings.length() - 1); ui->fileName->setText(filename); QString request = QString::number(addPicture) + "|"; request += filename; webSocket.sendTextMessage(request); }
void NativeClientSocket::connectToHost(){ QString address = ""; ushort port = Config.value("ServerPort","9527").toString().toUShort(); if(Config.HostAddress.contains(QChar(':'))){ QStringList texts = Config.HostAddress.split(QChar(':')); address = texts.value(0); port = texts.value(1).toUShort(); }else{ address = Config.HostAddress; if(address == "") port = Config.value("ServerPort","9527").toString().toUShort(); } socket->connectToHost(address, port); }
/** * - remove file name: remove last part from file path * */ QString Popup::removeFileName(QString Projectpath) { //remove filename from path QStringList list = Projectpath.split( "/" ); Projectpath = Projectpath.left(Projectpath.length() - (list.value(list.length()-1).length()+1)); return Projectpath; }
void ChartDataFromMetricMdiArea::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) { if(event->mimeData()->hasText() ) { QString dropParam = event->mimeData()->text(); if( !dropParam.contains("//MetricPath/") ) return; qDebug()<<dropParam; QStringList mimeTextList = dropParam.split("\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts); QHash<QString, QStringList> params; foreach (QString mimeText, mimeTextList) { QStringList dataDirectoryList = mimeText.split("//MetricPath/", QString::SkipEmptyParts); foreach (QString dataDirectory, dataDirectoryList) { qDebug()<<dataDirectory; QStringList dataDirList = dataDirectory.split("/", QString::SkipEmptyParts); QString metricName = dataDirList.value(0); qDebug()<<"Name of metrics "<<metricName; dataDirList.pop_front(); if( !params.contains(metricName) ) params[metricName] = QStringList(); if( !dataDirList.isEmpty()) params[metricName].append(dataDirList.join("/")); }
double QgsDmsAndDdDelegate::dmsToDD( const QString &dms ) const { QStringList list = dms.split( ' ' ); QString tmpStr = list.at( 0 ); double res = qAbs( tmpStr.toDouble() ); tmpStr = list.value( 1 ); if ( !tmpStr.isEmpty() ) res += tmpStr.toDouble() / 60; tmpStr = list.value( 2 ); if ( !tmpStr.isEmpty() ) res += tmpStr.toDouble() / 3600; return dms.startsWith( '-' ) ? -res : res; }
QList<CharacteristicsItem*> CharacteristicsModel::_getDefaultItems() { QList<CharacteristicsItem*> Characteristics; QStringList ChList; ChList << // QString("Shannon Entropy") << // QString("Signal Entropy") << // QString("Gradation using coefficient") << // QString("Adaptation level of brightness") << // QString("Max dynamic contrast"); QString("Shannon Entropy") << QString("Signal Entropy") << QString("GUC") << QString("ALB") << QString("MDC"); for (int i=0;i<ChList.count(); i++) { QList<QList<QVariant> > data; QList<QVariant> value; value << QVariant(); data << value; Characteristics.append(new CharacteristicsItem(data, QString(ChList.value(i)))); } return Characteristics; }
bool Users::addUserData(QString login, QString password, QString question, QString answer) { SimpleCrypt processSimpleCrypt(USERS_FILE_CRYPTO_KEY); QFile file(USERS_FILE_NAME); if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream in(&file); while (!in.atEnd()) { QString line = in.readLine(); QStringList userItem = line.split(USERS_FILE_SPLITTER); QString rUser = processSimpleCrypt.decryptToString(userItem.value(0)); if (rUser.compare(login) == 0) { return false; } } QString userData = processSimpleCrypt.encryptToString(login) + USERS_FILE_SPLITTER + processSimpleCrypt.encryptToString(password) + USERS_FILE_SPLITTER + processSimpleCrypt.encryptToString(question) + USERS_FILE_SPLITTER + processSimpleCrypt.encryptToString(answer) + "\n"; in << userData; file.close(); } else { qDebug() << USERS_FILE_OPEN_ERROR_MSG << endl; return false; } return true; }
void I2cif::i2cWrite(QString devName, unsigned char address, QString data) { int file; char buf[200]; bool parseOk; QByteArray tmpBa = devName.toUtf8(); const char* devNameChar = tmpBa.constData(); fprintf(stderr, "writing to address %02x: ", address); /* parse QString data to buf */ QStringList bytes = data.split(" "); int i; for (i=0 ; i<bytes.length(); i++) { QString tmp = bytes.value(i); buf[i] = tmp.toInt(&parseOk, 16); if (!parseOk) { fprintf(stderr, "parsing error %d\n", i); emit i2cError(); return; } fprintf(stderr, "%02x ", buf[i]); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); if ((file = open (devNameChar, O_RDWR)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"open error\n"); emit i2cError(); return; } if (ioctl(file, I2C_SLAVE, address) < 0) { close(file); fprintf(stderr,"ioctl error\n"); emit i2cError(); return; } /* Try to read 2 bytes. This is also safe for LM75 */ if (write( file, buf, bytes.length() ) != bytes.length()) { close(file); fprintf(stderr,"write error\n"); emit i2cError(); return; } close(file); fprintf(stderr,"write ok\n"); emit i2cWriteOk(); }
QStringList* Helper::readFile(QString aFileName) { // read the data line by line QFile *file = new QFile(aFileName); QStringList *data = new QStringList(); if (file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly) ) { // file opened successfully QTextStream *tstream = new QTextStream(file); while (!tstream->atEnd()) { data->append(tstream->readLine()); } file->close(); // ignore whitespaces for (int i = 0; i < data->length(); i++) { if (data->value(i) == "") { data->removeAt(i); } } } else { QString msg = tr("Could not open %1.. Please make sure it is existent and readable.").arg(aFileName); AlertWindow *alertWin = new AlertWindow("ERROR", msg); alertWin->show(); } return data; }
/*! Case sensitive will not be applied to extensions both to Linux and Windows. Older files go first. \param folder Folder manager object \return true if all went well */ bool TNxSpooler::filterAndSortFolder(QDir &folder) const { QDEBUG_METHOD_NAME; QStringList exts = m_settings.value("exts").toStringList(); removeExtensionsThatDoNotMustBeOpened(exts); int quant_exts = exts.count(); if (quant_exts == 0) { return false; } QStringList filters; for(int i = 0; i < quant_exts; i++) { filters << QString("*.%1").arg(exts.value(i)); } // An special extension will let us to open a path contained inside // a text file ended with the m_special_extension filters << "*" + m_special_extension; // We specify to open only files. This is to avoid cases where for example // the user creates a folder named "my .pdf" folder.setFilter(QDir::Files); folder.setNameFilters(filters); folder.setSorting(QDir::Time|QDir::Reversed); return true; }
void SectionEditor::init(KoReportDesigner * rw) { m_reportDesigner = 0; // set all the properties cbReportHeader->setChecked(rw->section(KRSectionData::ReportHeader)); cbReportFooter->setChecked(rw->section(KRSectionData::ReportFooter)); cbHeadFirst->setChecked(rw->section(KRSectionData::PageHeaderFirst)); cbHeadOdd->setChecked(rw->section(KRSectionData::PageHeaderOdd)); cbHeadEven->setChecked(rw->section(KRSectionData::PageHeaderEven)); cbHeadLast->setChecked(rw->section(KRSectionData::PageHeaderLast)); cbHeadAny->setChecked(rw->section(KRSectionData::PageHeaderAny)); cbFootFirst->setChecked(rw->section(KRSectionData::PageFooterFirst)); cbFootOdd->setChecked(rw->section(KRSectionData::PageFooterOdd)); cbFootEven->setChecked(rw->section(KRSectionData::PageFooterEven)); cbFootLast->setChecked(rw->section(KRSectionData::PageFooterLast)); cbFootAny->setChecked(rw->section(KRSectionData::PageFooterAny)); // now set the rw value m_reportDesigner = rw; m_reportSectionDetail = rw->detailSection(); if (m_reportSectionDetail) { for (int i = 0; i < m_reportSectionDetail->groupSectionCount(); i++) { QStringList names = rw->fieldNames(); QStringList keys = rw->fieldKeys(); int idx = keys.indexOf( m_reportSectionDetail->groupSection(i)->column() ); QString column = names.value( idx ); lbGroups->addItem(column); } } }
bool FmAddModifyDialog::saveReplaceMediaList(QString hotnet) { _query.seek(replaceRow); int srcMid, srcIndex, destMid; srcMid = _query.value("_mid").toInt(); srcIndex = _query.value("_index").toInt(); QStringList value; if(rowList.isEmpty()) return false; value = rowList.at(0); destMid = value.value(0).toInt(); QString serial_id = value.value(1); return _sql->replaceMediaList(srcMid, srcIndex, destMid, _type, serial_id, hotnet); }
QString IrcProtocolPrivate::getColorByMircCode(const QString &code) { static QStringList colors = QStringList() << "white" << "black" << "blue" << "green" << "#FA5A5A" //lightred << "brown" << "purple" << "orange" << "yellow" << "lightgreen" << "cyan" << "lightcyan" << "lightblue" << "pink" << "grey" << "lightgrey"; bool ok; int c = code.toInt(&ok); if (ok) return colors.value(c); else return QString(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); // some command line arguments parsing stuff QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("ujea"); QCoreApplication::setApplicationVersion("1.2"); QString hostname = QHostInfo::localHostName(); QCommandLineParser parser; parser.setApplicationDescription("Universal job execution agent using AMQP queue"); parser.addHelpOption(); parser.addVersionOption(); parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption("aliveInterval", "Interval in ms between alive messages (1000).", "aliveInterval", "1000")); parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption("aliveTTL", "TTL in queue for alive messages (1500).", "aliveTTL", "1500")); parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption("queueCmd", "Commands queue name ("+hostname+"_cmd).", "queueCmd", hostname+"_cmd")); parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption("queueRpl", "Replays queue name ("+hostname+"_rpl).", "queueRpl", hostname+"_rpl")); parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption("execRegex", "Regex for permited commands. (none)", "execRegex", "")); parser.addPositionalArgument("url", QCoreApplication::translate("main", "AMQP url")); parser.process(app); const QStringList args = parser.positionalArguments(); // we need to have 1 argument and optional named arguments if (args.count() != 1) parser.showHelp(-1); // create and execure worker JobsExecuter qw{QUrl(args.value(0)), parser.value("queueCmd"), parser.value("queueRpl"), parser.value("aliveInterval").toInt(), parser.value("aliveTTL").toInt(), parser.value("execRegex")}; return app.exec(); }
CommandLinePluginInterface::RunResult LdapPlugin::handle_help( const QStringList& arguments ) { QString command = arguments.value( 0 ); if( command == "autoconfigurebasedn" ) { printf( "\n" "ldap autoconfigurebasedn <LDAP URL> [<naming context attribute name>]\n" "\n" "Automatically configures the LDAP base DN configuration setting by querying\n" "the naming context attribute from given LDAP server. The LDAP url parameter\n" "needs to follow the schema:\n" "\n" " ldap[s]://[user[:password]@]hostname[:port]\n\n" ); return NoResult; } else if( command == "query" ) { printf( "\n" "ldap query <object type> [filter]\n" "\n" "Query objects from configured LDAP directory where <object type> may be one\n" "of \"rooms\", \"computers\", \"groups\" or \"users\". You can optionally\n" "specify a filter such as \"foo*\".\n" "\n" ); return NoResult; } return InvalidCommand; }
bool POP3Client::getMsgList(QList< QPair<QString, quint64> >& list) { QString res = doCommand("LIST\r\n"); qDebug() << res; if (res.startsWith("+OK")) { QStringList lines = res.split("\r\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts); int i; for (i = 1; i < lines.count(); i++) { QStringList words = lines[i].split(' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts); for (auto word : words) { qDebug() << word; } bool ok = true; words.value(0).toInt(&ok); words.value(1).toInt(&ok); if (ok) { list.append(QPair<QString, quint64>(words[0], words[1].toInt())); } } return true; } else { return false; } }
QList<VolumeInfo> mountedVolumes() { QList<VolumeInfo> result; QFile f(QLatin1String("/etc/mtab")); if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qCritical("%s: Cannot open %s: %s", Q_FUNC_INFO, qPrintable(f.fileName()), qPrintable(f.errorString())); return result; //better error-handling? } QTextStream stream(&f); while (true) { const QString s = stream.readLine(); if (s.isNull()) return result; if (!s.startsWith(QLatin1Char('/')) && !s.startsWith(QLatin1String("tmpfs ") + QDir::tempPath())) continue; const QStringList parts = s.split(QLatin1Char(' '), QString::SkipEmptyParts); VolumeInfo v; v.setMountPath(parts.at(1)); v.setVolumeDescriptor(parts.at(0)); v.setFileSystemType(parts.value(2)); struct statvfs data; if (statvfs(qPrintable(v.mountPath() + QLatin1String("/.")), &data) == 0) { v.setSize(quint64(static_cast<quint64>(data.f_blocks) * data.f_bsize)); v.setAvailableSize(quint64(static_cast<quint64>(data.f_bavail) * data.f_bsize)); } result.append(v); } return result; }
bool QFImageWriterLibTIFF::open(const QString& filename) { close(); QStringList fns; if (onefileperchannel) { QFileInfo fi(filename); const QString base=fi.absolutePath()+"/"+fi.baseName(); const QString ext=fi.completeSuffix(); int fw=1; if (channels>=10) fw=2; if (channels>=100) fw=3; for (uint32_t i=0; i<channels; i++) { QString fn=base+QString("_%1.").arg(i,fw,10,QLatin1Char('0'))+ext; fns<<fn; tif << TIFFOpen(fn.toLatin1().data(),"w"); } } else { tif << TIFFOpen(filename.toLatin1().data(),"w"); fns<<filename; } frames=0; bool ok=true; for (int i=0; i<tif.size(); i++) { ok=ok&&tif[i]; if (!tif[i]) { setLastError(QObject::tr("could not open file '%1' for writing!").arg(fns.value(i))); } } if (!ok) { close(); } return ok; }
bool text_helper::firstColumnIsIncrimental(QTextStream &stream, const QString &delimiter) { qint64 streamStartingPosition = stream.pos(); double firstColumnValue, prevFirstColumnValue = 0; bool firstColumnIsIncrimental = true; QString line = QString(); QStringList strings; bool ok; //Read out the first line (possibly header) line = QString(stream.readLine()); while (!stream.atEnd()) { line = QString(stream.readLine()); QStringList strings = line.split(delimiter); //Lets determine if we can use the first column as an X-axis firstColumnValue = strings.value(0).toDouble(&ok); if (!ok || (firstColumnValue < prevFirstColumnValue)) { firstColumnIsIncrimental = false; break; } prevFirstColumnValue = firstColumnValue; } //Reposition the stream stream.seek(streamStartingPosition); return firstColumnIsIncrimental; }
void UIInfo::updateStatistics() { QString s; QStringList sizePostfix; int files, idx; float kbyte; sizePostfix << "KB" << "MB" << "GB" << "TB"; files = 0; kbyte = 0; downloadManager->getStatistics(&files, &kbyte); for (idx=0; idx<sizePostfix.size(); idx++) { if (kbyte>1024.0) { kbyte /= 1024.0; } else { break; } } s = QString("You have downloaded\n%1 files\n%2 %3").arg(files).arg(kbyte).arg(sizePostfix.value(idx)); ui->lStatistics->setText(s); }
void InputComponent::handleAction(const QString& action, bool autoRepeat) { if (action.startsWith("host:")) { QStringList argList = action.mid(5).split(" "); QString hostCommand = argList.value(0); QString hostArguments; if (argList.size() > 1) { argList.pop_front(); hostArguments = argList.join(" "); } QLOG_DEBUG() << "Got host command:" << hostCommand << "arguments:" << hostArguments; if (m_hostCommands.contains(hostCommand)) { ReceiverSlot* recvSlot = m_hostCommands.value(hostCommand); if (recvSlot) { QLOG_DEBUG() << "Invoking slot" << qPrintable(recvSlot->m_slot.data()); QGenericArgument arg0 = QGenericArgument(); if (recvSlot->m_hasArguments) arg0 = Q_ARG(const QString&, hostArguments); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(recvSlot->m_receiver, recvSlot->m_slot.data(), Qt::AutoConnection, arg0); } }
bool AvolitesD4Parser::parseCapabilities(const QDomElement& elem, QLCChannel* chan, bool isFine) { QDomElement el = elem.firstChildElement(KD4TagFunction); for (; !el.isNull(); el = el.nextSiblingElement(KD4TagFunction)) { // Small integrity check if (el.attribute(KD4TagFunctionName).isEmpty()) continue; QString dmx = el.attribute(KD4TagFunctionDmx); QStringList dmxValues = dmx.split(KD4TagFunctionDmxValueSeparator); // Here, instead of checking all the time for both dmxValues, it's more efficient to // set a default value if it's missing if (dmxValues.size() == 0) dmxValues << QString("0") << QString("0"); else if (dmxValues.size() == 1) dmxValues << QString("0"); // if were trying to get capabilities from a 16bit channel, we need to change them to 8 bit int minValue = 0, maxValue = 0; if (dmxValues.value(0).toInt() > 256) minValue = 0xFF & (dmxValues.value(0).toInt() >> 8); else minValue = dmxValues.value(0).toInt(); if (dmxValues.value(1).toInt() > 256) maxValue = 0xFF & (dmxValues.value(1).toInt() >> 8); else
void ConnectionWidget::refresh() { tree->clear(); QStringList connectionNames = QSqlDatabase::connectionNames(); bool gotActiveDb = false; for (int i = 0; i < connectionNames.count(); ++i) { QTreeWidgetItem *root = new QTreeWidgetItem(tree); QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database(connectionNames.at(i), false); root->setText(0, qDBCaption(db)); if (connectionNames.at(i) == activeDb) { gotActiveDb = true; setActive(root); } if (db.isOpen()) { QStringList tables = db.tables(); for (int t = 0; t < tables.count(); ++t) { QTreeWidgetItem *table = new QTreeWidgetItem(root); table->setText(0, tables.at(t)); } } } if (!gotActiveDb) { activeDb = connectionNames.value(0); setActive(tree->topLevelItem(0)); } tree->doItemsLayout(); // HACK }
void Omision::on_pushButton_clicked() { QString Code; Code = ui->textEdit->toPlainText(); QStringList Valor = Code.split(""); int Resto = Valor.count(); QString Resultado = Valor.value(Resto-2); if (Resultado == ";") { QMessageBox m; if (Stilo == "A") m.setStyleSheet("background-color: "+cantidad51+"; color: "+cantidad50+"; font-size: "+cantidad49+"pt; font-style: "+DatoTalla+"; font-family: "+cantidad47+"; font-weight: "+DatoNegro+""); m.setText(tr("No se puede acabar el filtro con el signo de ;")); m.exec(); return; } if (Code.contains(";;")) { QMessageBox m; if (Stilo == "A") m.setStyleSheet("background-color: "+cantidad51+"; color: "+cantidad50+"; font-size: "+cantidad49+"pt; font-style: "+DatoTalla+"; font-family: "+cantidad47+"; font-weight: "+DatoNegro+""); m.setText(tr("Has editado mal la introduccion de filtros, comprueba el error")); m.exec(); return; } QSqlQuery query(db); query.exec("UPDATE Sincrono SET Codigo='"+Code+"' WHERE Referencia='"+Nombre+"'"); close(); }
void Window::showDetails() { Pattern* pattern = m_board->pattern(); if (!pattern) { return; } QString patternid = QSettings().value("Current/Pattern", 0).toString(); static const QStringList sizes = QStringList() << NewGameDialog::tr("Low") << NewGameDialog::tr("Medium") << NewGameDialog::tr("High") << NewGameDialog::tr("Very High"); QString number = "4" + m_board->words()->language() + patternid + QString::number(pattern->wordCount()) + QString("%1").arg(int(pattern->wordLength() - 4), 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0')) + QString::number(pattern->seed(), 16); QMessageBox dialog(QMessageBox::Information, tr("Details"), QString("<p><b>%1</b> %2<br><b>%3</b> %4<br><b>%5</b> %6<br><b>%7</b> %8<br><b>%9</b> %10</p>") .arg(tr("Pattern:")).arg(pattern->name()) .arg(NewGameDialog::tr("Language:")).arg(LocaleDialog::languageName(m_board->words()->language())) .arg(NewGameDialog::tr("Amount of Words:")).arg(sizes.value(pattern->wordCount())) .arg(NewGameDialog::tr("Word Length:")).arg(NewGameDialog::tr("%n letter(s)", "", pattern->wordLength() + 1)) .arg(tr("Game Number:")).arg(number), QMessageBox::NoButton, this); dialog.setIconPixmap(QIcon(QString(":/patterns/%1.png").arg(patternid)).pixmap(96,96)); dialog.exec(); }
void HttpDownload::slotResponseHeaderReceived( const QHttpResponseHeader & resp ){ QString contentLength = resp.value("Content-Length"); if( !contentLength.isEmpty() ){ long length = contentLength.toLong(); } //user define!! if(!this->fileName.isEmpty()) return; QString disposition = resp.value("Content-Disposition"); disposition.replace(" " ,"",Qt::CaseInsensitive); QStringList list = disposition.split(";"); QString fileName = ""; QRegExp exp = QRegExp("[ ]*[filename][ ]*=[ ]*.*"); exp.setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive); for(int i = 0 ; i < list.size() ; i ++){ QString tempStr = list.value(i); if( tempStr.contains(exp)) { exp = QRegExp("[ ]*filename[ ]*=[ ]*"); exp.setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive); fileName = tempStr.remove(exp); break; } } if(!fileName.isEmpty()){ this->fileName = fileName; } }
void Client::on_addPictures_clicked() { if(i == 0) { ui->loadedPicture1->setText(""); ui->loadedPicture2->setText(""); ui->loadedPicture3->setText(""); return; } if(ui->loadedPicture1->text() =="" || ui->loadedPicture2->text() == "" || ui->loadedPicture3->text() == "") { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Warning"), tr("Please load three pictures!")); return; } QString request = QString::number(addPicture) + "|"; QStringList substrings = picturePath[i].split("/"); request += substrings.value(substrings.length() - 1 ); webSocket.sendTextMessage(request); QFile file(picturePath[i]); if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Warning"), tr("Cann't open picture!")); } QByteArray data = file.readAll(); webSocket.sendBinaryMessage(data); --i; }
void SongEditorPanelTagWidget::on_okBtn_clicked() { Hydrogen* engine = Hydrogen::get_instance(); Timeline* pTimeline = engine->getTimeline(); int patterngroupvectorsize; patterngroupvectorsize = engine->getSong()->get_pattern_group_vector()->size(); //oldText list contains all old item values. we need them for undo an item QStringList oldText; if(pTimeline->m_timelinetagvector.size() > 0){ for (int i = 0; i < patterngroupvectorsize; i++){ oldText << ""; } for(int i = 0; i < pTimeline->m_timelinetagvector.size(); ++i){ oldText.replace(pTimeline->m_timelinetagvector[i].m_htimelinetagbeat , pTimeline->m_timelinetagvector[i].m_htimelinetag); } } for( int i = 0; i < __theChangedItems.size() ; i++ ) { QTableWidgetItem *newTagItem = new QTableWidgetItem(); int songPosition = __theChangedItems.value( i ).toInt(); newTagItem = tagTableWidget->item( songPosition, 0 ); if ( newTagItem ) { SE_editTagAction *action = new SE_editTagAction( newTagItem->text() ,oldText.value( songPosition ), songPosition ); HydrogenApp::get_instance()->m_undoStack->push( action ); } } accept(); }