예제 #1
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	REditImageInterfaceImp::GetClippingPath( )
//  Description:		Returns the component image's clipping path
//                   (if any).
//  Returns:			
//  Exceptions:		
// ****************************************************************************
BOOLEAN REditImageInterfaceImp::GetClippingPath( RClippingPath& rPath )
	// Get a pointer to the image document's image.  Note,
	// normally we can assume that it is a RBitmapImage
	// as this interface is only provided by image components,
	// but if this is a placeholder from a layout there is no
	// RBitmapImage so just return FALSE in that case.
	RBitmapImage* pImage = dynamic_cast<RBitmapImage*>(
		m_pImageDocument->GetImage() );
	if (!pImage)
		return FALSE;

	RClippingPath* pPath = pImage->GetClippingRPath();

	if (pPath)
		const RImageEffects& rEffects = GetImageEffects();
		RRealSize rSize = RImageLibrary().GetImageDimensions(
			m_pImageDocument->m_rInternalDataBuffer );

		R2dTransform xform;
		xform.PostScale( rSize.m_dx, rSize.m_dy );
		RRealRect rRect( rEffects.m_rCropArea * xform );

		xform.PostTranslate( rRect.m_Left, rSize.m_dy - rRect.m_Bottom - rRect.m_Top );
		rPath = RClippingPath( *pPath, xform );

		return TRUE;

	return FALSE;
예제 #2
// Function Name:  CHeadlineSheet::OnPaint
// Description:    WM_PAINT handler
// Returns:        VOID
// Exceptions:	   None
void CHeadlineSheet::OnPaint( )
	HDC hdc = ::BeginPaint( GetSafeHwnd( ), &ps );

	// Put it in a DcDrawingSurface
	RDcDrawingSurface drawingSurface;
	drawingSurface.Initialize( hdc );

	// Create a transform
	R2dTransform transform;

	// Scale to the device DPI
	RRealSize deviceDPI = drawingSurface.GetDPI( );
	transform.PreScale( (YFloatType)deviceDPI.m_dx / kSystemDPI, (YFloatType)deviceDPI.m_dy / kSystemDPI );

	// Get the preview rectangle
	RRealRect previewRect;
	GetPreviewRect( &previewRect );

	// Offset the transform by the top left corner of the preview rect
	transform.PreTranslate( previewRect.m_Left, previewRect.m_Top );

	// Render the preview headline
	m_pPreviewHeadline->Render( drawingSurface, transform, RRealRect( previewRect.WidthHeight( ) ), previewRect.WidthHeight( ) );

	drawingSurface.DetachDCs( );

	::EndPaint( GetSafeHwnd( ), &ps );
예제 #3
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RGraphicInterfaceImp::Render( )
//  Description:		Render the data in the view.
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		kMemory
// ****************************************************************************
void RGraphicInterfaceImp::Render( RDrawingSurface& drawingSurface, const R2dTransform& transform,
										  const RIntRect& rcRender, const RIntRect& rcLocation )
	R2dTransform	graphicTransform	= transform;
	graphicTransform.PreTranslate( rcLocation.m_Left, rcLocation.m_Top );
	TpsAssert( m_pGraphic != NULL, "Render called with NULL graphic" );
	m_pGraphic->Render( drawingSurface, rcLocation.WidthHeight(), graphicTransform, rcRender, m_pGraphic->GetMonochromeColor(), FALSE );
예제 #4
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RDragSelectionTracker::GetFeedbackBoundingRect( )
//  Description:		Returns the feedback bounding rect
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
RRealRect RDragSelectionTracker::GetFeedbackBoundingRect( const RRealPoint& point ) const
	// Get the view transform
	R2dTransform transform;
	m_pView->GetViewTransform( transform, TRUE );

	// Get the bounding rect, in device units
	RRealRect boundingRect = m_pSelection->GetDragTrackingFeedbackBoundingRect( transform, point - m_TrackingMouseDownPoint );

	// Convert back to logical units
	transform.Invert( );
	return boundingRect * transform;
예제 #5
void RWinColorPaletteWell::OnPaint( )
	CPaintDC dc( this );

	CRect rect;
	GetClientRect( rect );

	if (m_crColor.GetFillMethod() != RColor::kTransparent)
		// The bounding rect is in logical units, so we
		// need to create a transform to scale from logical
		// units to device units.  We also divide by 2 to
		// account for the scaling in the bounding rect to
		// make the texture more visible in such a small area.
		RRealSize dpi( ::GetScreenDPI() );
		R2dTransform transform;
			dpi.m_dx / kSystemDPI * 0.5, 
			dpi.m_dy / kSystemDPI * 0.5 );

		RColor crFillColor = m_crColor;
		crFillColor *= transform;

		RIntRect rRect( rect );
		RDcDrawingSurface ds;
		ds.Initialize( (HDC) dc );

		RColor oldColor = ds.GetFillColor();
		ds.SetFillColor( crFillColor );
		ds.FillRectangle( rRect );
		ds.SetFillColor( oldColor );
		dc.FillSolidRect( rect, RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) );

		CString strText ;
		GetWindowText( strText );
		CRect rcTextRect( rect );
		rcTextRect.DeflateRect( 1, 1 );

		CFont* pFont = dc.SelectObject( GetParent()->GetFont() );
		dc.DrawText( strText, rcTextRect, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER );
		dc.SelectObject( pFont );

	dc.MoveTo( rect.left, rect.bottom - 1 );
	dc.LineTo( rect.left, rect.top );
	dc.LineTo( rect.right, rect.top );
예제 #6
// ****************************************************************************
// Function Name:			RPsd3RuledLineGraphic::Render()
// Description:			Draws the RuledLine
// Returns:					Nothing
// Exceptions:				None
// ****************************************************************************
void RPsd3RuledLineGraphic::Render(RDrawingSurface& rDrawingSurface, const RRealSize& rSize, const R2dTransform& rTransform, const RIntRect& rRender, const RColor& rMonoColor, BOOLEAN)
	R2dTransform rLineTransform = rTransform;
	RRealSize rLineSize = rSize;
	if (!m_fHorizontal)
		rLineSize.m_dx = rSize.m_dy;
		rLineSize.m_dy = rSize.m_dx;
		rLineTransform.PreTranslate(0.0, -rLineSize.m_dy);		

	Render(&rDrawingSurface, NULL, rLineSize, rLineTransform, rRender, rMonoColor);
예제 #7
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RResizeSelectionTracker::GetFeedbackBoundingRect( )
//  Description:		Returns the feedback bounding rect
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
RRealRect RResizeSelectionTracker::GetFeedbackBoundingRect( const RRealPoint& point ) const
	// Get the view transform
	R2dTransform transform;
	m_pView->GetViewTransform( transform, TRUE );

	RRealSize scaleFactor = CalcScaleFactor( point );

	RRealRect boundingRect = m_pSelection->GetResizeTrackingFeedbackBoundingRect( transform, m_ScalingCenter, scaleFactor, m_fMaintainAspectRatio );

	// Convert back to logical units
	transform.Invert( );
	return boundingRect * transform;
예제 #8
// ****************************************************************************
// Function Name:		RPsd3RuledLineGraphic::GetOutlinePath( )
// Description:		Compute and return the path the encompases the path of this graphic
// Returns:				nothing
// Exceptions:			None
// ****************************************************************************
BOOLEAN RPsd3RuledLineGraphic::GetOutlinePath( RPath& path, const RRealSize& size, const R2dTransform& transform )
	R2dTransform rLineTransform = transform;
	RRealSize rLineSize = size;
	if (!m_fHorizontal)
		rLineSize.m_dx = size.m_dy;
		rLineSize.m_dy = size.m_dx;
		rLineTransform.PreTranslate(0.0, -rLineSize.m_dy);		

	Render( NULL, &path, rLineSize, rLineTransform, RIntRect(0,0,0,0), RColor(kBlack) );
	return TRUE;
예제 #9
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RRotateSelectionTracker::CalcAngle( )
//  Description:		Calculates the current angle for this rotation tracker
//  Returns:			The angle
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
YAngle RRotateSelectionTracker::CalcAngle( const RRealPoint& mousePoint ) const
	// Calculate the new rotation angle. Use the law of cosines:
	//		c^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2abcosC
	//		where:
	//			A = The original handle position
	//			B = The current mouse position
	//			C = The center of rotation

	YRealDimension a = m_TrackingRotationCenter.Distance( m_TrackingOriginalHandlePoint );
	YRealDimension b = m_TrackingRotationCenter.Distance( mousePoint );
	YRealDimension c = mousePoint.Distance( m_TrackingOriginalHandlePoint );

	// The distance from the center point to the original handle point should be positive
	TpsAssert( ::AreFloatsGT( a, 0.0 ), "Distance from rotation center to handle must be positive." );

	YAngle angle = 0.0;

	// Check for the mouse point over the rotation center
	if( !::AreFloatsEqual( b, 0.0 ) )
		YFloatType cosAngle = ( ( a * a ) + ( b * b ) - ( c * c ) ) / ( 2 * a * b );

		// Constrain the cos to legal values. I have seen cases where it was very slightly outside,
		// when b is close to 0
		cosAngle = ::Min( cosAngle, 1.0F );
		cosAngle = ::Max( cosAngle, -1.0F );

		angle = ::acos( cosAngle );

	// Rotate the frame of reference parallel to the x-axis
	R2dTransform rotationTransform;
	rotationTransform.PreRotateAboutPoint( m_TrackingRotationCenter.m_x, m_TrackingRotationCenter.m_y, m_TrackingInitialRotationAngle );
	RRealPoint temp = mousePoint * rotationTransform;

	// If the mouse is below the line through the center of rotation and parallel to the x-axis, we are rotating clockwise
	if( ::AreFloatsGT( temp.m_y, m_TrackingRotationCenter.m_y ) )
		angle *= -1;

	// If necessary, contrain the angle
	angle = ConstrainAngle( angle );

	return angle;
예제 #10
// ****************************************************************************
// Function Name:			RPsd3RuledLineGraphic::RenderRightCap()
// Description:			Draws the right cap of the Ruled Line
// Returns:					Nothing
// Exceptions:				None
// ****************************************************************************
void RPsd3RuledLineGraphic::RenderRightCap(RDrawingSurface* pDS, RPath* pPath, const RRealSize& rLineSize, const R2dTransform& rTransform, const RIntRect& rRender, const RColor& rMonoColor) const
	if (m_pRightCap)	
		// The right cap exists, so render it
		RRealSize rRightCapSize;
		rRightCapSize.m_dy = rLineSize.m_dy;
		rRightCapSize.m_dx = rLineSize.m_dy * m_pRightCap->GetAspectRatio();

		//	If the line is real small AND the line is not that large, make sure we don't overwrite ourselves
		if ( rRightCapSize.m_dx > (rLineSize.m_dx / 2.0))
			rRightCapSize.m_dx	= rLineSize.m_dx / 2.0;

		R2dTransform rRightCapTransform = rTransform;
		rRightCapTransform.PreTranslate((YRealDimension)(rLineSize.m_dx - rRightCapSize.m_dx), 0.0);
		if (pDS) m_pRightCap->Render(*pDS, rRightCapSize, rRightCapTransform, rRender, rMonoColor);
		if (pPath) m_pRightCap->GetOutlinePath(*pPath, rRightCapSize, rRightCapTransform);
	else if (m_fMirrorCaps)
		// The right cap does not exist, so render a mirror image of m_pLeftCap
		RRealSize rLeftCapSize;
		rLeftCapSize.m_dy = rLineSize.m_dy;
		rLeftCapSize.m_dx = rLineSize.m_dy * m_pLeftCap->GetAspectRatio();

		//	If the line is real small AND the line is not that large, make sure we don't overwrite ourselves
		if ( rLeftCapSize.m_dx > (rLineSize.m_dx / 2.0))
			rLeftCapSize.m_dx	= rLineSize.m_dx / 2.0;

		R2dTransform rLeftCapTransform = rTransform;
		rLeftCapTransform.PreTranslate((YRealDimension)rLineSize.m_dx, 0.0);
		rLeftCapTransform.PreScale(-1.0, 1.0);
		if (pDS) m_pLeftCap->Render(*pDS, rLeftCapSize, rLeftCapTransform, rRender, rMonoColor);
		if (pPath) m_pLeftCap->GetOutlinePath(*pPath, rLeftCapSize, rLeftCapTransform);
		// Do not render either the right cap or a mirror image of m_pLeftCap
예제 #11
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RBreakGroupAction::Undo( )
//  Description:		Undoes the action
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
void RBreakGroupAction::Undo( )
	// Call the base method to setup the state properly
	RUndoableAction::Undo( );

	// Add the group component
	m_pParentDocument->AddComponent( m_pGroupDocument );

	// Unselect the current selection
	m_pCurrentSelection->UnselectAll( );

	// Go through all components in the selection
	RCompositeSelection::YIterator iterator = m_OldSelection.Start( );
	for( ; iterator != m_OldSelection.End( ); ++iterator )
		// Get the component document
		RComponentDocument* pComponentDocument = dynamic_cast<RComponentDocument*>( ( *iterator )->GetRDocument( ) );
		TpsAssert( pComponentDocument, "Invalid document." );

		// Remove the component from its current document
		m_pParentDocument->RemoveComponent( pComponentDocument );

		// NULL out the views parent
		( *iterator )->SetParentView( NULL );

		// Add it to the group component
		m_pGroupDocument->AddComponent( pComponentDocument );

		// Move the component back to the groups coordinate space
		R2dTransform transform = m_pGroupView->GetBoundingRect( ).GetTransform( );
		transform.Invert( );
		YComponentBoundingRect temp = ( *iterator )->GetBoundingRect( );
		temp *= transform;
		( *iterator )->SetBoundingRect( temp );

	//	Update the view that its layout has changed
	m_pCurrentSelection->GetView()->XUpdateAllViews( kLayoutChanged, 0 );

	// Select the group component
	m_pCurrentSelection->Select( m_pGroupDocument, TRUE );
예제 #12
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RRotateSelectionTracker::GetFeedbackBoundingRect( )
//  Description:		Returns the feedback bounding rect
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
RRealRect RRotateSelectionTracker::GetFeedbackBoundingRect( const RRealPoint& point ) const
	// Get the view transform
	R2dTransform transform;
	m_pView->GetViewTransform( transform, TRUE );

	// Calculate the angle
	YAngle angle = CalcAngle( point );

	// Get the bounding rect, in device units
	RRealRect boundingRect = m_pSelection->GetRotateTrackingFeedbackBoundingRect( transform, m_TrackingRotationCenter, angle );

	// Convert back to logical units
	transform.Invert( );
	boundingRect *= transform;

	// Add the feedback line
	boundingRect.AddPointToRect( point );

	return boundingRect;
예제 #13
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RWindowView::GetCursorPosition( )
//  Description:		Gets the current cursor position within this view
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
RRealPoint RWindowView::GetCursorPosition( ) const
	// Get the absolute cursor position
	POINT	pt;
	::GetCursorPos( &pt );

	// Convert to client coordinates
	GetCWnd( ).ScreenToClient( &pt );
	RRealPoint cursorPosition( pt.x, pt.y );

	// Convert to logical units
	::DeviceUnitsToLogicalUnits( cursorPosition, *this );

	// Get our transform
 	R2dTransform transform;
	ApplyTransform( transform, FALSE, FALSE );

	// Invert the transform and convert the point to our coordinate system
	transform.Invert( );
	return cursorPosition * transform;
예제 #14
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RComponentView::ApplyTransform( )
//  Description:		Adds this views transform operations to the given
//							transform.
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
void RWindowView::ApplyTransform( R2dTransform& transform, BOOLEAN, BOOLEAN fIsPrinting ) const
	// If we are not printing, apply a translation to account for scrolling
	if( !fIsPrinting && m_pHorizontalScrollBar )
		// Get the amount we are scrolled in device units
		RRealSize scrollAmount( -m_pHorizontalScrollBar->GetPosition( ), -m_pVerticalScrollBar->GetPosition( ) );

		// Convert it to logical units
		::DeviceUnitsToLogicalUnits( scrollAmount, *this );

		// Apply the translate
		transform.PreTranslate( scrollAmount.m_dx, scrollAmount.m_dy );
예제 #15
void RWinColorPaletteWell::SetColor( RColor& crColor )
	if (crColor != m_crColor)
		m_crColor = crColor;

		CRect rect;
		GetClientRect( rect );
		RIntRect	rRect( rect );

		// By making the bounding rect
		// twice as large, we will make
		// textures more visible.
		R2dTransform transform;
		transform.PostScale( 2, 2 );
		rRect *= transform;

		::ScreenUnitsToLogicalUnits( rRect );
		m_crColor.SetBoundingRect( rRect );

		if (m_hWnd)
			Invalidate( FALSE );
예제 #16
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	YFontInfo::operator*( )
//  Description:		Apply the transform to alter the FontInfo
//							This involves scaling the height by the transform.XScale
//							and changing the rotation by the transform XRotation
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		Nothing
// ****************************************************************************
YFontInfo YFontInfo::operator*( const R2dTransform& transform ) const
	YFontInfo		newFont	= *this;
	YAngle			rotation;
	YRealDimension	xScale;
	YRealDimension	yScale;
	transform.Decompose( rotation, xScale, yScale );
	if ( xScale < yScale )
		yScale = xScale;
		xScale = yScale;
	newFont.height		= ::Abs( ::Round( (YRealDimension)height * yScale ) );
	newFont.width		= ::Abs( ::Round( (YRealDimension)width * xScale ) );
	newFont.angle		+= (YIntDegrees)Round( RadiansToDegrees( rotation ) );
	return newFont;
예제 #17
// ****************************************************************************
// Function Name:			RPsd3RuledLineGraphic::RenderRails()
// Description:			Draws the rails of the Ruled Line
// Returns:					Nothing
// Exceptions:				None
// ****************************************************************************
void RPsd3RuledLineGraphic::RenderRails(RDrawingSurface* pDS, RPath* pPath, const RRealSize& rLineSize, const R2dTransform& rTransform, const RIntRect& rRender, const RColor& rMonoColor) const
	//	Make sure we have a rail (is this necessary?)
	if ( !m_pRail )

	//	Compute the inverse of the transform
	R2dTransform	invTransform( rTransform );
	invTransform.Invert( );
	YRealDimension	xScale;
	YRealDimension	yScale;
	YAngle			rotation;
	rTransform.Decompose( rotation, xScale, yScale );

	//	Compute the size of the right and left caps respectively (if they exist)
	YRealDimension	leftCapSize		= (m_pLeftCap!=NULL)?	rLineSize.m_dy * m_pLeftCap->GetAspectRatio( ) : 0.0;
	YRealDimension	rightCapSize	= (m_pRightCap!=NULL)?	rLineSize.m_dy * m_pRightCap->GetAspectRatio( )
														: ((m_fMirrorCaps)? leftCapSize : 0.0 );

	YRealDimension	halfLine	= rLineSize.m_dx / 2.0;
	if ( leftCapSize > halfLine )
		leftCapSize	= halfLine;
	if ( rightCapSize > halfLine)
		rightCapSize = halfLine;

	//	Count the number of rails needed
	YRealDimension yVariableLength( rLineSize.m_dx - leftCapSize - rightCapSize );
	YRealDimension	yNominalXDimension( rLineSize.m_dy * m_pRail->GetAspectRatio() );
	sLONG				sRailCount = ::GetRailCount(yVariableLength, yNominalXDimension );
	//	If no rails are needed, we are done
	if (sRailCount == 0) return;

	// Compute the new rail sizes (the small and large ones)
	RRealSize	smallRailSize( yVariableLength / (YFloatType)sRailCount, rLineSize.m_dy );
	smallRailSize	*= rTransform;
	smallRailSize	= RRealSize( floor( smallRailSize.m_dx ), floor( smallRailSize.m_dy ) );
	RRealSize	largeRailSize( smallRailSize.m_dx+1.0, smallRailSize.m_dy+1.0 );
	//	Re-expand to logical units
	smallRailSize	*= invTransform;
	largeRailSize	*= invTransform;
	//	Reset the y dimension
	smallRailSize.m_dy = largeRailSize.m_dy = rLineSize.m_dy;

	//	What is the excess
	YIntDimension	smallSize	= sRailCount;
	YIntDimension	increment	= static_cast<YIntDimension>( (yVariableLength - (smallRailSize.m_dx * sRailCount)) * xScale) + 1;
	YRealDimension	xStartOffset	= 0.0;
	YIntDimension	excessCounter	= 0;

	TpsAssert( smallSize>=0, "Extra space is negative" );

	if (m_pLeftCap)
		xStartOffset	+= leftCapSize;
	RRealSize	rRailSize( rLineSize );
	for (int nRail = 0; nRail < sRailCount-1; ++nRail)
		//	Create a transform and offset it to the proper location
		R2dTransform	renderTransform( rTransform );
		renderTransform.PreTranslate( xStartOffset, 0 );

		//	Add the extra to the excessCounter
		excessCounter	+= increment;
		if ( excessCounter >= smallSize )
			rRailSize		= largeRailSize;//smallRailSize;
			excessCounter	-= smallSize;
			rRailSize	= smallRailSize;//largeRailSize;

		if (pDS) m_pRail->Render(*pDS, rRailSize, renderTransform, rRender, rMonoColor);
		if (pPath) m_pRail->GetOutlinePath(*pPath, rRailSize, renderTransform);

		xStartOffset	+= rRailSize.m_dx;

	//	Render the last rail, but make sure it is large enough
	R2dTransform	tmpTransform( rTransform );
	tmpTransform.PreTranslate( xStartOffset, 0 );
	rRailSize.m_dx	= yVariableLength + leftCapSize - xStartOffset;
	if (pDS) m_pRail->Render(*pDS, rRailSize, tmpTransform, rRender, rMonoColor);
	if (pPath) m_pRail->GetOutlinePath(*pPath, rRailSize, tmpTransform);
예제 #18
// ****************************************************************************
// Function Name:			RPsd3VerticalBannerGraphic::Render()
// Description:			Draws the Backdrop
// Returns:					Nothing
// Exceptions:				None
// ****************************************************************************
void RPsd3VerticalBannerGraphic::Render(RDrawingSurface& rDrawingSurface, const RRealSize& rSize, const R2dTransform& rTransform, const RIntRect& rRender, const RColor& rMonoColor, BOOLEAN)
	// Compute the sizes of the elements
	RRealSize rTopCapSize = ::GetYSize(m_pTopCap, rSize.m_dx);
	RRealSize rBottomCapSize = (m_fMirrorCaps) ? ::GetYSize(m_pTopCap, rSize.m_dx) : ::GetXSize(m_pBottomCap, rSize.m_dx);
	RRealSize rLeftRailSize = ::GetYSize(m_pLeftRail, rSize.m_dx / 2.0);
	RRealSize rRightRailSize = ::GetYSize(m_pRightRail, rSize.m_dx / 2.0);

	R2dTransform rGraphicTransform;	
	// Left cap
	rGraphicTransform = rTransform;
	if (m_pTopCap) m_pTopCap->Render(rDrawingSurface, rTopCapSize, rGraphicTransform, rRender, rMonoColor);

	// Right cap
	rGraphicTransform = rTransform;
	::FlipY(rSize, rGraphicTransform);
	if (m_fMirrorCaps)
		// Render the mirrored left cap as the right cap
		if (m_pTopCap) m_pTopCap->Render(rDrawingSurface, rTopCapSize, rGraphicTransform, rRender, rMonoColor);
		// Render the right cap
		::FlipY(rBottomCapSize, rGraphicTransform);
		if (m_pBottomCap) m_pBottomCap->Render(rDrawingSurface, rBottomCapSize, rGraphicTransform, rRender, rMonoColor);

	// Rails
	YRealDimension yVariableLength = rSize.m_dy - rTopCapSize.m_dy - rBottomCapSize.m_dy;
	uLONG uRailCount = 0;
	uLONG uRail = 0;

	// Top rails
	uRailCount = ::GetRailCount(yVariableLength, rLeftRailSize.m_dy);
	if (uRailCount > 0)
		// Adjust the top rail size
		rLeftRailSize.m_dy = yVariableLength / (YFloatType)uRailCount;
		rGraphicTransform = rTransform;
		rGraphicTransform.PreTranslate(0.0, rTopCapSize.m_dy);
		for (uRail = 0; uRail < uRailCount; uRail++)
			if (m_pLeftRail) m_pLeftRail->Render(rDrawingSurface, rLeftRailSize, rGraphicTransform, rRender, rMonoColor);
			rGraphicTransform.PreTranslate(0.0, rLeftRailSize.m_dy);

	// Bottom rails	
	uRailCount = ::GetRailCount(yVariableLength, rRightRailSize.m_dy);
	if (uRailCount > 0)
		// Adjust the bottom rail size
		rRightRailSize.m_dy = yVariableLength / (YFloatType)uRailCount;

		rGraphicTransform = rTransform;
		rGraphicTransform.PreTranslate(rSize.m_dx / 2.0, rTopCapSize.m_dy);
		for (uRail = 0; uRail < uRailCount; uRail++)
			if (m_pRightRail) m_pRightRail->Render(rDrawingSurface, rRightRailSize, rGraphicTransform, rRender, rMonoColor);
			rGraphicTransform.PreTranslate(0.0, rRightRailSize.m_dy);
예제 #19
//	void ExportGraphicImage( RBitmapImage* pImage, RMBCString *pInitialDir ) 
//	export a graphic to file from a bitmap image
void ExportGraphicImage( RBitmapImage* pImage, RMBCString *pInitialDir /*=NULL*/) 
	RImageLibrary rLibrary ;
	CArray<int, int> arrFileFormats ;

	// Build the export file filter list...
	CString strFilter, str ;

	for (int i = 0; i < kNumFormats - 1; i++)
		if (rLibrary.IsFormatSupported( (EImageFormat) kImageExportFilters[i][0] ))
			str.LoadString( kImageExportFilters[i][1] ) ;
			strFilter += str ;

			arrFileFormats.Add( kImageExportFilters[i][0] ) ;

	TpsAssert( kImageExportFilters[i][0] == kImageFormatXRX, "Invalid export format!" ) ;
	str.LoadString( kImageExportFilters[i][1] ) ;  
	strFilter += str ;
	strFilter += "|" ;

	arrFileFormats.Add( kImageExportFilters[i][0] ) ;

	// Create and execute the dialog...
	RExportGraphicDlg dlg( pImage, strFilter ) ;

	// Load in the dialog title string
	CString strTitle ;
	dlg.m_ofn.lpstrTitle = (LPCTSTR) strTitle ;
	if( pInitialDir )
		dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = (LPCTSTR)*pInitialDir;

	if (IDOK == dlg.DoModal())
		RMBCString   strPathName = dlg.GetPathName() ;
		EImageFormat eFormat = (EImageFormat) arrFileFormats[dlg.m_ofn.nFilterIndex - 1] ;

			if (kImageFormatXRX == eFormat)		// exporting as WMF
				// get our output image size
				RRealSize rRealOutputSize( dlg.GetSize() );
				RRealSize screenDPI = ::GetScreenDPI();

				// create a vector image
				RVectorImage vectorImage;
 				vectorImage.SetSuggestedWidthInInches( ::PixelsToInches( rRealOutputSize.m_dx, (uLONG) screenDPI.m_dx ) );
				vectorImage.SetSuggestedHeightInInches( ::PixelsToInches( rRealOutputSize.m_dy, (uLONG) screenDPI.m_dy ) );

				// Create an offscreen drawing surface and set the picture
				ROffscreenDrawingSurface rODS;
				rODS.SetImage( &vectorImage );

		  		// Scale to the device DPI
				RRealSize rRealImageSize = pImage->GetSizeInLogicalUnits();
				R2dTransform transform ;
				RRealSize deviceDPI = rODS.GetDPI();

				transform.PreScale( (YFloatType) deviceDPI.m_dx / screenDPI.m_dy, 
									(YFloatType) deviceDPI.m_dy / screenDPI.m_dy );

				transform.PreScale( rRealOutputSize.m_dx / rRealImageSize.m_dx,
									rRealOutputSize.m_dy / rRealImageSize.m_dy ) ;

				// calculate the output rect
				RRealRect outputRect( rRealOutputSize ) ;
				::ScreenUnitsToLogicalUnits( outputRect );
				outputRect *= transform;

				// render to the offscreen
				pImage->Render( rODS, outputRect ) ;

				// clean up

				// export
				rLibrary.ExportImage( vectorImage, strPathName, kImageFormatXRX ) ;
				if (rLibrary.GetLastException() != kNoError)
					throw rLibrary.GetLastException() ;
			else					// all other formats
				_nFilterIndex = dlg.m_ofn.nFilterIndex ;
				EImageFormat eFormat = (EImageFormat) arrFileFormats[dlg.m_ofn.nFilterIndex - 1] ;
				rLibrary.ExportImage( *pImage, strPathName, eFormat );
				if (rLibrary.GetLastException() != kNoError)
					throw rLibrary.GetLastException() ;
		catch( YException e)
			ReportException( e ) ;
예제 #20
//	void ExportGraphicComponent( RComponentView* pComponentView, RMBCString *pInitialDir ) 
//	export a graphic to file from a component view
void ExportGraphicComponent( RComponentView* pComponentView, RMBCString *pInitialDir /*=NULL*/) 
	RImageLibrary rLibrary ;
	CArray<int, int> arrFileFormats ;

	// Build the export file filter list...
	CString strFilter, str ;

	for (int i = 0; i < kNumFormats - 1; i++)
		if (rLibrary.IsFormatSupported( (EImageFormat) kImageExportFilters[i][0] ))
			str.LoadString( kImageExportFilters[i][1] ) ;
			strFilter += str ;

			arrFileFormats.Add( kImageExportFilters[i][0] ) ;

	TpsAssert( kImageExportFilters[i][0] == kImageFormatXRX, "Invalid export format!" ) ;
	str.LoadString( kImageExportFilters[i][1] ) ;  
	strFilter += str ;
	strFilter += "|" ;

	arrFileFormats.Add( kImageExportFilters[i][0] ) ;

	// Create and execute the dialog...
	RExportGraphicDlg dlg( pComponentView, strFilter ) ;

	// Load in the dialog title string
	CString strTitle ;
	dlg.m_ofn.lpstrTitle = (LPCTSTR) strTitle ;
	if( pInitialDir )
		dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = (LPCTSTR)*pInitialDir;

	if (IDOK == dlg.DoModal())
		RMBCString   strPathName = dlg.GetPathName() ;
		RIntSize     szImageSize = dlg.GetSize() ;

		_nFilterIndex = dlg.m_ofn.nFilterIndex ;
		EImageFormat eFormat = (EImageFormat) arrFileFormats[dlg.m_ofn.nFilterIndex - 1] ;
		RRealSize pictureSize  = pComponentView->GetReferenceSize() ;

			if (kImageFormatXRX == eFormat)
				RRealSize outputSize( szImageSize.m_dx, szImageSize.m_dy ) ; //   = pictureSize ;
				RRealSize screenDPI    = ::GetScreenDPI() ;

				RVectorImage vectorImage ;
				vectorImage.SetSuggestedWidthInInches( ::PixelsToInches( outputSize.m_dx, (uLONG) screenDPI.m_dx ) ) ;
				vectorImage.SetSuggestedHeightInInches( ::PixelsToInches( outputSize.m_dy, (uLONG) screenDPI.m_dy ) ) ;

				// Create an offscreen drawing surface and set the picture
				ROffscreenDrawingSurface drawingSurface;
				drawingSurface.SetImage( &vectorImage );

				R2dTransform transform ;

				// Scale to the device DPI
				RRealSize deviceDPI = drawingSurface.GetDPI( );
				transform.PreScale( (YFloatType) deviceDPI.m_dx / screenDPI.m_dy, 
					(YFloatType) deviceDPI.m_dy / screenDPI.m_dy );

					outputSize.m_dx / pictureSize.m_dx,
					outputSize.m_dy / pictureSize.m_dy ) ;

				// Render the component
				RRealRect outputRect( pictureSize ) ;
				pComponentView->Render( drawingSurface, transform, outputRect ) ;

				drawingSurface.ReleaseImage( );

				rLibrary.ExportImage( vectorImage, strPathName, kImageFormatXRX ) ;
				if (rLibrary.GetLastException() != kNoError)
					throw rLibrary.GetLastException() ;
			} // if (XRX)
				// Check for a image interface
				RImageInterface* pInterface = (RImageInterface *) 
					pComponentView->GetInterface( kImageInterfaceId ) ;

				if (pInterface)
					pInterface->Export( strPathName, eFormat ) ;
					delete pInterface ;
					// Initialize the new bitmap at a bit depth of 24
					RBitmapImage image ;
					image.Initialize( szImageSize.m_dx, szImageSize.m_dy, 24 ) ;

					ROffscreenDrawingSurface dsMem ; 
					dsMem.SetImage( &image ) ;

					R2dTransform transform ;
						szImageSize.m_dx / pictureSize.m_dx,
						szImageSize.m_dy / pictureSize.m_dy ) ;

					// Render the component
					dsMem.SetFillColor( RSolidColor( kWhite ) ) ;
					dsMem.FillRectangle( RRealRect( pictureSize ), transform ) ;
					pComponentView->Render( dsMem, transform, RIntRect( 
						RIntSize( pictureSize.m_dx, pictureSize.m_dy ) ) ) ;

					dsMem.ReleaseImage() ;
					rLibrary.ExportImage( image, strPathName, eFormat ) ;

				if (rLibrary.GetLastException() != kNoError)
					throw rLibrary.GetLastException() ;
			} // else

		} // try

		catch( YException e)
			ReportException( e ) ;

	} // if (IDOK)