예제 #1
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	REditImageInterfaceImp::GetClippingPath( )
//  Description:		Returns the component image's clipping path
//                   (if any).
//  Returns:			
//  Exceptions:		
// ****************************************************************************
BOOLEAN REditImageInterfaceImp::GetClippingPath( RClippingPath& rPath )
	// Get a pointer to the image document's image.  Note,
	// normally we can assume that it is a RBitmapImage
	// as this interface is only provided by image components,
	// but if this is a placeholder from a layout there is no
	// RBitmapImage so just return FALSE in that case.
	RBitmapImage* pImage = dynamic_cast<RBitmapImage*>(
		m_pImageDocument->GetImage() );
	if (!pImage)
		return FALSE;

	RClippingPath* pPath = pImage->GetClippingRPath();

	if (pPath)
		const RImageEffects& rEffects = GetImageEffects();
		RRealSize rSize = RImageLibrary().GetImageDimensions(
			m_pImageDocument->m_rInternalDataBuffer );

		R2dTransform xform;
		xform.PostScale( rSize.m_dx, rSize.m_dy );
		RRealRect rRect( rEffects.m_rCropArea * xform );

		xform.PostTranslate( rRect.m_Left, rSize.m_dy - rRect.m_Bottom - rRect.m_Top );
		rPath = RClippingPath( *pPath, xform );

		return TRUE;

	return FALSE;
예제 #2
void RWinColorPaletteWell::OnPaint( )
	CPaintDC dc( this );

	CRect rect;
	GetClientRect( rect );

	if (m_crColor.GetFillMethod() != RColor::kTransparent)
		// The bounding rect is in logical units, so we
		// need to create a transform to scale from logical
		// units to device units.  We also divide by 2 to
		// account for the scaling in the bounding rect to
		// make the texture more visible in such a small area.
		RRealSize dpi( ::GetScreenDPI() );
		R2dTransform transform;
			dpi.m_dx / kSystemDPI * 0.5, 
			dpi.m_dy / kSystemDPI * 0.5 );

		RColor crFillColor = m_crColor;
		crFillColor *= transform;

		RIntRect rRect( rect );
		RDcDrawingSurface ds;
		ds.Initialize( (HDC) dc );

		RColor oldColor = ds.GetFillColor();
		ds.SetFillColor( crFillColor );
		ds.FillRectangle( rRect );
		ds.SetFillColor( oldColor );
		dc.FillSolidRect( rect, RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) );

		CString strText ;
		GetWindowText( strText );
		CRect rcTextRect( rect );
		rcTextRect.DeflateRect( 1, 1 );

		CFont* pFont = dc.SelectObject( GetParent()->GetFont() );
		dc.DrawText( strText, rcTextRect, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER );
		dc.SelectObject( pFont );

	dc.MoveTo( rect.left, rect.bottom - 1 );
	dc.LineTo( rect.left, rect.top );
	dc.LineTo( rect.right, rect.top );
예제 #3
void RWinColorPaletteWell::SetColor( RColor& crColor )
	if (crColor != m_crColor)
		m_crColor = crColor;

		CRect rect;
		GetClientRect( rect );
		RIntRect	rRect( rect );

		// By making the bounding rect
		// twice as large, we will make
		// textures more visible.
		R2dTransform transform;
		transform.PostScale( 2, 2 );
		rRect *= transform;

		::ScreenUnitsToLogicalUnits( rRect );
		m_crColor.SetBoundingRect( rRect );

		if (m_hWnd)
			Invalidate( FALSE );