static int connect_test() { RSocketServ rSockServ; RSocket rSock; TInetAddr inetAddr; TRequestStatus reqStatus; char buffer[16]; TPtrC8 data((const TUint8*)buffer, (TInt)sizeof(buffer)); int rc; rc = rSockServ.Connect(); if (rc != KErrNone) return rc; rc = rSock.Open(rSockServ, KAfInet, KSockDatagram, KProtocolInetUdp); if (rc != KErrNone) { rSockServ.Close(); return rc; } inetAddr.Init(KAfInet); inetAddr.Input(_L("")); inetAddr.SetPort(80); rSock.Connect(inetAddr, reqStatus); User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus); if (reqStatus != KErrNone) { rSock.Close(); rSockServ.Close(); return rc; } rSock.Send(data, 0, reqStatus); User::WaitForRequest(reqStatus); if (reqStatus!=KErrNone) { rSock.Close(); rSockServ.Close(); return rc; } rSock.Close(); rSockServ.Close(); return KErrNone; }
TVerdict CmoveConnectedSocketToSubconnectionStep::doSingleTestStep() { RSocket socket; TInetAddr dstAddr; RSocketServ socketServer; RConnection conn; RSubConnection subconn; TRequestStatus status; TRequestStatus eventStatus; TNotificationEventBuf subconnNotifBuf; TInt ret; CleanupClosePushL(socketServer); CleanupClosePushL(conn); CleanupClosePushL(socket); CleanupClosePushL(subconn); // Connect to ESOCK ret = socketServer.Connect(); if (ret != KErrNone) { INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed to connect toEsock due to Error: %d."),ret); return EFail; } // Open a connection ret = conn.Open(socketServer); if (ret != KErrNone) { INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed to open connection due to Error: %d."),ret); return EFail; } // Start the connection conn.Start(status); User::WaitForRequest(status); if (status != KErrNone) { INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed to start connection due to Error: %d."),status.Int()); return EFail; } // Open UDP socket ret = socket.Open(socketServer, KAfInet, KSockDatagram, KProtocolInetUdp, conn); if (ret != KErrNone) { INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failure to open socket due to Error: %d."),ret); return EFail; } dstAddr.SetPort(3441); _LIT(KText50, ""); dstAddr.Input( KText50 ); ret = socket.SetLocalPort(3442); if (ret != KErrNone) { INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed to set port on socket due to Error: %d."),ret); return EFail; } socket.Connect(dstAddr, status); User::WaitForRequest(status); if (status != KErrNone) { INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Socket failed to connect to dst addr due to Error: %d."),status.Int()); return EFail; } // Create a new sub-connection ret = subconn.Open(socketServer, RSubConnection::ECreateNew, conn); if (ret != KErrNone) { INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed to create new sub-connection due to Error: %d."),ret); return EFail; } // Move the connected socket onto the new sub-connection subconn.Add(socket, status); User::WaitForRequest(status); if (status != KErrNotReady) { INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Socket could not be added to subconn due to Error: %d."),status.Int()); return EFail; } // close and destroy CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&subconn); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&socket); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&conn); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&socketServer); return EPass; }
// Main void MainL() { /* Inetd Setup Create a inetd process */ RProcess inetd; CleanupClosePushL(inetd); User::LeaveIfError(inetd.Create(_L("inetd"), _L(""))); // Resume inetd inetd.Resume(); // Wait for inetd to be ready console->Printf(_L("[ press any key ]")); console->Getch(); // Get and ignore character /* IPEcho Part Connect to socket server */ console->Printf(_L("Connect to socket server ... \n")); RSocketServ socketServ; CleanupClosePushL(socketServ); User::LeaveIfError(socketServ.Connect()); // Open RConnection console->Printf(_L("Open RConnection ... \n")); RConnection connect; CleanupClosePushL(connect); User::LeaveIfError(connect.Open(socketServ, KConnectionTypeDefault)); // Start RConnection console->Printf(_L("Start RConnection ... \n")); TCommDbConnPref prefs; prefs.SetDialogPreference(ECommDbDialogPrefDoNotPrompt); User::LeaveIfError(connect.Start(prefs)); // Handle options here like (ie: No Prompt) // Open RSocket console->Printf(_L("Open Socket ... \n")); RSocket sock; CleanupClosePushL(sock); User::LeaveIfError(sock.Open(socketServ, KAfInet, KSockStream, KProtocolInetTcp, connect)); // Connect console->Printf(_L("Connect Socket ... \n")); TRequestStatus status; TInetAddr echoServAddr(KInetAddrLoop, 7); // 7: TCP port sock.Connect(echoServAddr, status); User::WaitForRequest(status); User::LeaveIfError(status.Int()); // Wait for the socket transfer to be over console->Printf(_L("[ press any key ]")); console->Getch(); // Get and ignore character // Send a packet console->Printf(_L("Send a packet ... \n")); HBufC8* packet = HBufC8::NewL(KSocketDefaultBufferSize); CleanupStack::PushL(packet); packet->Des().SetMax(); packet->Des().FillZ(); sock.Send(packet->Des(), 0, status); User::WaitForRequest(status); User::LeaveIfError(status.Int()); // Receive it back console->Printf(_L("Received it back ... \n")); packet->Des().Zero(); TPtr8 buff = packet->Des(); sock.Recv(buff, 0, status); User::WaitForRequest(status); User::LeaveIfError(status.Int()); // Terminates console->Printf(_L("Terminates ... \n")); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(packet); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&sock); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&connect); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&socketServ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&inetd); }
TVerdict CPPPMinMaxMMU::doTestStepL() { const TInt KMaxMMU = 4000; const TInt KMinMMU = 1; TBuf8<KMaxMMU> *sendBuf = new(ELeave) TBuf8<KMaxMMU>(); CleanupStack::PushL(sendBuf); TBuf8<KMaxMMU> *recvBuf = new(ELeave) TBuf8<KMaxMMU>(); CleanupStack::PushL(recvBuf); TBuf8<KMaxMMU> *recvBuf2 = new(ELeave) TBuf8<KMaxMMU>(); CleanupStack::PushL(recvBuf2); //initialize COMM //CommInitL(EFalse); //Start Comms server // _LIT(KPhbkSyncCMI, "phbsync.cmi"); // (void)StartC32WithCMISuppressions(KPhbkSyncCMI); SetTestStepResult(EPass); INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Starting: Socket Server\n")); RSocketServ ss; // Start the socket server TEST(KErrNone == ss.Connect()); RSocket sock; TRequestStatus sta; INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Open a socket\n")); // Get the test address TInetAddr RemAddr(7); TPtrC testAddr; TEST(GetStringFromConfig(_L("AddressInfo"), _L("TestPPPIPAddr"), testAddr)); if(testAddr.Length()) { RemAddr.Input(testAddr); } else { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test FAILED\nMissing address information in config file: ")); return EFail; } // Open a socket TEST(KErrNone == sock.Open(ss, KAfInet, KSockStream, KProtocolInetTcp)); INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Connecting Socket to:")); TBuf<30> printAddr; RemAddr.Output(printAddr); INFO_PRINTF1(printAddr); // Connect a socket sock.Connect(RemAddr,sta); // Wait for Connect to complete User::WaitForRequest(sta); TEST(sta.Int() == 0); TInt iterEnd; GetIntFromConfig(_L("MMUInfo"), _L("TestPPPmaxMMU"), iterEnd); if (iterEnd > KMaxMMU) iterEnd = KMaxMMU; TInt iterStart; GetIntFromConfig(_L("MMUInfo"), _L("TestPPPminMMU"), iterStart); if (iterStart < KMinMMU) iterStart = KMinMMU; TInt i,j; TSockXfrLength recvLen; INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Send/Recv frames")); for(j=iterStart;j<=iterEnd;j++) { sendBuf->Zero(); for (i=0;i<j;i++) sendBuf->Append(Math::Random() & 0x7f); INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Sending Packet of Size: %d"),j); // Send data to echo port sock.Write(*sendBuf,sta); User::WaitForRequest(sta); TEST(sta.Int() == 0); i=0; recvBuf->Zero(); while(i<j) { // Receive data from echo port sock.RecvOneOrMore(*recvBuf2,0,sta,recvLen); User::WaitForRequest(sta); TEST(sta.Int() == 0); i += recvBuf2->Length(); recvBuf->Append(*recvBuf2); } TEST(KErrNone == recvBuf->Compare(*sendBuf)); INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Received echoed Packet")); } sock.Shutdown(RSocket::EStopOutput,sta); User::WaitForRequest(sta); TEST(sta.Int() == 0); sock.Close(); ss.Close(); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); return TestStepResult(); }
SilcStream silc_net_udp_connect(const char *local_ip_addr, int local_port, const char *remote_ip_addr, int remote_port, SilcSchedule schedule) { SilcSymbianSocket *s; SilcStream stream; TInetAddr local, remote; TRequestStatus status; RSocket *sock = NULL; RSocketServ *ss = NULL; TInt ret; SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Creating UDP stream")); if (!schedule) { schedule = silc_schedule_get_global(); if (!schedule) { silc_set_errno(SILC_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); goto err; } } SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Binding to local address %s", local_ip_addr ? local_ip_addr : "")); sock = new RSocket; if (!sock) goto err; ss = new RSocketServ; if (!ss) goto err; /* Open socket server */ ret = ss->Connect(); if (ret != KErrNone) goto err; #ifdef SILC_THREADS /* Make our socket shareable between threads */ ss->ShareAuto(); #endif /* SILC_THREADS */ /* Get local bind address */ if (!silc_net_set_sockaddr(&local, local_ip_addr, local_port)) goto err; /* Create the socket */ ret = sock->Open(*ss, KAfInet, KSockDatagram, KProtocolInetUdp); if (ret != KErrNone) { SILC_LOG_ERROR(("Cannot create socket")); goto err; } /* Set the socket options */ sock->SetOpt(KSoReuseAddr, KSolInetIp, 1); /* Bind the listener socket */ ret = sock->Bind(local); if (ret != KErrNone) { SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Cannot bind socket")); goto err; } /* Set to connected state if remote address is provided. */ if (remote_ip_addr && remote_port) { if (silc_net_set_sockaddr(&remote, remote_ip_addr, remote_port)) { sock->Connect(remote, status); if (status != KErrNone) { SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Cannot connect UDP stream")); goto err; } } } /* Encapsulate into socket stream */ s = silc_create_symbian_socket(sock, ss); if (!s) goto err; stream = silc_socket_udp_stream_create((SilcSocket)s, local_ip_addr ? silc_net_is_ip6(local_ip_addr) : FALSE, remote_ip_addr ? TRUE : FALSE, schedule); if (!stream) goto err; SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("UDP stream created, fd=%d", sock)); return stream; err: if (sock) delete sock; if (ss) { ss->Close(); delete ss; } return NULL; }
enum TVerdict CEsockTest29_11::easyTestStepL( void ) { TVerdict verdict = EFail; TInt ret; Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Send/ Recv on PDummy3 socket but no avail MBuf Memory, mBuf becomes avail after send")); RSocketServ ss; ret = ss.Connect(); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); CleanupClosePushL(ss); // open dummy prot 3 Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Openning Dummy Protocol 3")); RSocket sock; ret = sock.Open(ss,_L("Dummy Protocol 3")); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); // connecti socket TSockAddr addr; TRequestStatus stat; sock.Connect(addr, stat); User::WaitForRequest(stat); TESTL(KErrNone == stat.Int()); // drain MBuf Pool Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to set KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs Option in Protocol")); ret = sock.SetOpt(KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs, 0, 0); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Socket::SetOpt KDummyOptionSetFreeMBufs returned %d"), ret); // send data and wait for 1/10 seconds Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Sending Data")); _LIT8( sendData, "bla bla bla bla"); sock.Send(sendData,0,stat); const TUint KTenMilliSecs = 10000; User::After(KTenMilliSecs); // free all mbufs Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to set KDummyOptionSetFreeMBufs Option in Protocol")); ret = sock.SetOpt(KDummyOptionSetFreeMBufs, 0, 0); TESTL(ret == KErrNone); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Socket::SetOpt KDummyOptionSetFreeMBufs returned %d"), ret); // wait for send to return User::WaitForRequest(stat); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Send has returned %d"), stat.Int()); if(stat.Int() != KErrNone) { verdict = EFail; } // recieve data and verify that it is the same as send data TBuf8<20> recvBuf; TRequestStatus recvStatus; sock.Recv(recvBuf, 0, recvStatus); User::WaitForRequest(recvStatus); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("recieving data on PDummy3 has returned %d"), recvStatus.Int()); if(recvStatus.Int() != KErrNone) { verdict = EFail; } Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Comparing Recieved data and Sent data"), recvStatus.Int()); if(recvBuf.Compare(sendData) == 0) { verdict = EPass; } sock.Close(); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&ss); SetTestStepResult(verdict); return verdict; }
enum TVerdict CEsockTest29_10::easyTestStepL( void ) { SetTestStepResult(EFail); TInt ret; const TUint KOneSecond = 1000000; Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Send/ Recv on PDummy3 socket but no avail MBuf Memory, mBuf becomes avail after send")); RSocketServ ss; ret = ss.Connect(); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); // open dummy prot 3 Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Openning Dummy Protocol 3")); RSocket sock; ret = sock.Open(ss,_L("Dummy Protocol 3")); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); // connect socket TSockAddr addr; TRequestStatus connStat; sock.Connect(addr, connStat); User::WaitForRequest(connStat); TESTL(KErrNone == connStat.Int()); // send packet 1 TRequestStatus stat; Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to create a packet to receive later")); _LIT8(sendDataOne, "First Send"); sock.Send(sendDataOne,0,stat); User::WaitForRequest(stat); TESTL(KErrNone == stat.Int()); // wait for packets to go through esock User::After(KOneSecond * 2); // gobble mBufs TInt nFree = 0; sock.GetOpt(KDummyOptionGetMBufFreeSpace, 0, nFree); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to set KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs Option in Protocol")); while (nFree > 0) { ret = sock.SetOpt(KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs, 0, 0); sock.GetOpt(KDummyOptionGetMBufFreeSpace, 0, nFree); } Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Socket::SetOpt KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs returned %d"), ret); // we are running in high priority and allocating in a loop. // so kernel may not be able to enlarge the pools. // wait for kernel to enlarge the pool // We have to come out from the loop as well. User::After(KOneSecond * 2); sock.GetOpt(KDummyOptionGetMBufFreeSpace, 0, nFree); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to set KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs Option in Protocol")); while (nFree > 0) { ret = sock.SetOpt(KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs, 0, 0); sock.GetOpt(KDummyOptionGetMBufFreeSpace, 0, nFree); } Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Socket::SetOpt KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs returned %d"), ret); // Once again User::After(KOneSecond * 2); sock.GetOpt(KDummyOptionGetMBufFreeSpace, 0, nFree); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to set KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs Option in Protocol")); while (nFree > 0) { ret = sock.SetOpt(KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs, 0, 0); sock.GetOpt(KDummyOptionGetMBufFreeSpace, 0, nFree); } Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Socket::SetOpt KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs returned %d"), ret); // Once again User::After(KOneSecond * 2); sock.GetOpt(KDummyOptionGetMBufFreeSpace, 0, nFree); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to set KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs Option in Protocol")); while (nFree > 0) { ret = sock.SetOpt(KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs, 0, 0); sock.GetOpt(KDummyOptionGetMBufFreeSpace, 0, nFree); } // Once again User::After(KOneSecond * 2); sock.GetOpt(KDummyOptionGetMBufFreeSpace, 0, nFree); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to set KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs Option in Protocol")); while (nFree > 0) { ret = sock.SetOpt(KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs, 0, 0); sock.GetOpt(KDummyOptionGetMBufFreeSpace, 0, nFree); } // send packet 2 User::After(KOneSecond); TRequestStatus stat2; _LIT8(sendDataTwo, "Second Send"); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Sending Data - Should never complete")); sock.Send(sendDataTwo,0,stat2); User::After(KOneSecond); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Now cancel the Send")); sock.CancelSend(); User::WaitForRequest(stat2); TESTL(stat2 == KErrCancel); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Receiving Data -- expected to pick up sendDataOne")); TBuf8<100> buf; TRequestStatus stat3; sock.Recv(buf, 0, stat3); User::After(KOneSecond); User::WaitForRequest(stat3); TESTL(buf.Compare(sendDataOne) == 0); // send packet 3 _LIT8(sendDataThree, "Third Send"); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Sending Data ... again")); TRequestStatus stat4; sock.Send(sendDataThree,0,stat4); User::After(1000); // free memory Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Now free memory - should get send and receive completion")); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to set KDummyOptionSetFreeMBufs Option in Protocol")); ret = sock.SetOpt(KDummyOptionSetFreeMBufs, 0, 0); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Socket::SetOpt KDummyOptionSetFreeMBufs returned %d"), ret); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Sending Data - Should now complete")); User::WaitForRequest(stat4); TESTL(stat4.Int() == KErrNone); // recieve data and compare contents to sent data Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Receiving Data")); sock.Recv(buf, 0, stat); User::WaitForRequest(stat); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Recv has returned %d"), stat.Int()); TBuf<100> buf16; buf16.Copy(buf); if(buf.Compare(sendDataThree) == 0) { SetTestStepResult(EPass); } Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Data Recv'ed is '%S'"), &buf16); sock.Close(); ss.Close(); return TestStepResult(); }
enum TVerdict CTestStepLoopback::doTestStepL() { SetTestStepResult(EFail); // const TUid KPktTxKey = {0x104045dd}; // const TUid KPktRxKey = {0x104045de}; // const TUid KMeUid = {0x101F529F}; // TSecurityPolicy readPolicy(ECapability_None); // TSecurityPolicy writePolicy(ECapability_None); // TInt result = RProperty::Define(KMeUid, KPktTxKey .iUid, RProperty::EInt, readPolicy, writePolicy); // result = RProperty::Define(KMeUid, KPktRxKey .iUid, RProperty::EInt, readPolicy, writePolicy); RSocketServ ss; CleanupClosePushL(ss); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Start: creating + starting connection")); User::LeaveIfError(ss.Connect()); RConnection conn; CleanupClosePushL(conn); User::LeaveIfError(conn.Open(ss)); User::LeaveIfError(conn.Start()); TInt srvPort; if(!GetIntFromConfig(_L("TcpLoop"), _L("Port"), srvPort)) { srvPort = 5002; } Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Start: creating server socket listening on %d"), srvPort); RSocket srv; CleanupClosePushL(srv); User::LeaveIfError(srv.Open(ss, KAfInet, KSockStream, KProtocolInetTcp, conn)); TInetAddr srvAddr(KAfInet); srvAddr.SetPort(srvPort); User::LeaveIfError(srv.Bind(srvAddr)); User::LeaveIfError(srv.Listen(5)); RSocket acc; CleanupClosePushL(acc); User::LeaveIfError(acc.Open(ss)); TRequestStatus accStat; srv.Accept(acc, accStat); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Start: connecting client socket")); RSocket cli; CleanupClosePushL(cli); User::LeaveIfError(cli.Open(ss, KAfInet, KSockStream, KProtocolInetTcp, conn)); srvAddr.SetAddress(0xC0A80707); TRequestStatus cliStat; cli.Connect(srvAddr, cliStat); User::WaitForRequest(cliStat, accStat); User::WaitForRequest(cliStat, accStat); User::LeaveIfError(cliStat.Int()); User::LeaveIfError(accStat.Int()); //_LIT8(KTest, "jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz"); TInt xferSize = 0; if(!GetIntFromConfig(_L("TcpLoop"), _L("xferSize"), xferSize)) { xferSize = 1 * 1000 * 1000; } TInt fc = User::FastCounter(); TInt txSize = 0; TInt txCnt = 0; TRequestStatus txStat(KErrNone); TBuf8<4096> txBuf; txBuf.SetMax(); TInt rxSize = 0; TInt rxCnt = -1; TRequestStatus rxStat(KErrNone); TBuf8<4096> rxBuf; Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Transferring %d bytes"), xferSize); while(rxSize < xferSize) { fc = User::FastCounter(); if(txStat.Int() != KRequestPending) { RDebug::Printf("tx status:%d, ", txStat.Int()); cli.Send(txBuf, 0, txStat); ++txCnt; txSize += txBuf.Length(); RDebug::Printf("tx #%d, %d, +%d\n", txCnt, fc, txBuf.Length()); } if(rxStat.Int() != KRequestPending) { RDebug::Printf("rx status:%d, ", rxStat.Int()); ++rxCnt; rxSize += rxBuf.Length(); RDebug::Printf("rx #%d, %d, +%d\n", rxCnt, fc, rxBuf.Length()); TSockXfrLength dummy; acc.RecvOneOrMore(rxBuf, 0, rxStat, dummy); } User::WaitForRequest(rxStat, txStat); } Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Transferred; %d writes, %d reads"), txCnt, rxCnt); // RProperty::Get(KUidSystemCategory, KPktTxKey .iUid, txCnt); // RProperty::Define(KUidSystemCategory, KPktRxKey .iUid, rxCnt); // Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Packet counts; %d sends, %d processes"), txCnt, rxCnt); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(5, &ss); SetTestStepResult(EPass); return TestStepResult(); };