// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CMceLocalAddrResolver::RefreshLocalAddressesL // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CMceLocalAddrResolver::RefreshLocalAddressesL() { RSocket socket; User::LeaveIfError( socket.Open( iSocketServ, KAfInet, KSockDatagram, KProtocolInetUdp ) ); iAddr.Init( KAfInet ); iIPv4Addr.Init( KAfInet ); if ( socket.SetOpt( KSoInetEnumInterfaces, KSolInetIfCtrl ) == KErrNone ) { TPckgBuf<TSoInetInterfaceInfo> info; while ( socket.GetOpt( KSoInetNextInterface, KSolInetIfCtrl, info ) == KErrNone ) { TPckgBuf<TSoInetIfQuery> query; query().iName = info().iName; if ( socket.GetOpt( KSoInetIfQueryByName, KSolInetIfQuery, query ) == KErrNone ) { if ( Match( info(), query() ) ) { SetAddressesIfNotSet( info().iAddress ); } } } } socket.Close(); }
int ILibSocketWrapper_GetLocalIPAddressList(int iplist[]) { int socketObject = ILibSocketWrapper_socket(SOCK_STREAM); RSocket *sock = (RSocket*)SocketArray[socketObject]; TPckgBuf<TSoInetInterfaceInfo> item; int results=0; // Initialize the iterator to start getting Interface list TInt result = sock->SetOpt(KSoInetEnumInterfaces, KSolInetIfCtrl); // if the above line fails, then this will just fail too. result = sock->GetOpt(KSoInetNextInterface, KSolInetIfCtrl, item); while (result == KErrNone) { TSoInetInterfaceInfo& ifInfo = item(); if (ifInfo.iState == EIfUp && ifInfo.iAddress.Address()!=0) { iplist[results] = ntohl(ifInfo.iAddress.Address()); ++results; } result = sock->GetOpt(KSoInetNextInterface, KSolInetIfCtrl, item); } ILibSocketWrapper_close(socketObject); return(results); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLocalAddrResolver::GetLocalAddrL // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CLocalAddrResolver::GetLocalAddrL(TInetAddr& aAddr, TUint32 aIap) { RSocket socket; User::LeaveIfError( socket.Open( *iServer, KAfInet, KSockDatagram, KProtocolInetUdp ) ); if (socket.SetOpt( KSoInetEnumInterfaces, KSolInetIfCtrl ) == KErrNone ) { TPckgBuf<TSoInetInterfaceInfo> opt; while ( socket.GetOpt( KSoInetNextInterface, KSolInetIfCtrl, opt ) == KErrNone) { TPckgBuf<TSoInetIfQuery> optifquery; optifquery().iName = opt().iName; if(socket.GetOpt( KSoInetIfQueryByName, KSolInetIfQuery, optifquery ) == KErrNone) { CheckAndSetAddr( aAddr, ( TInetAddr& )opt().iAddress, optifquery().iZone[1], aIap ); } } } socket.Close(); }
int ILibSocketWrapper_GetInterfaceIndex(long localAddr) { int RetVal = -1; int idx = 1; int socketObject = ILibSocketWrapper_socket(SOCK_STREAM); RSocket *sock = (RSocket*)SocketArray[socketObject]; TPckgBuf<TSoInetInterfaceInfo> item; // Initialize the iterator to start getting Interface list TInt result = sock->SetOpt(KSoInetEnumInterfaces, KSolInetIfCtrl); // if the above line fails, then this will just fail too. result = sock->GetOpt(KSoInetNextInterface, KSolInetIfCtrl, item); while (result == KErrNone) { TSoInetInterfaceInfo& ifInfo = item(); if (ifInfo.iState == EIfUp && ifInfo.iAddress.Address()!=0) { if(ntohl(ifInfo.iAddress.Address())==localAddr) { RetVal = idx; break; } } ++idx; result = sock->GetOpt(KSoInetNextInterface, KSolInetIfCtrl, item); } ILibSocketWrapper_close(socketObject); return(RetVal); }
enum TVerdict CSocketTest8_2::InternalDoTestStepL( void ) { TVerdict verdict = EPass; Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Test Purpose: Ioctl observes InternalOptionBit")); // connect to esock Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to connect to socket server")); RSocketServ ss; TInt ret = OptimalConnect(ss); CleanupClosePushL(ss); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Connect returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret)); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); // get a protocol Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to FindProtocol dummy protocol 1")); TProtocolDesc protoInfo; ret = ss.FindProtocol(_L("Dummy Protocol 1"), protoInfo); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("FindProtocol returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret)); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); // check internal options bit RSocket socket; Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Opening a new socket")); ret = socket.Open(ss, protoInfo.iAddrFamily, protoInfo.iSockType, protoInfo.iProtocol); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Open returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret)); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Trying Ioctl on internal options bit")); TRequestStatus stat; socket.Ioctl(KInternalIoctlBit, stat); User::WaitForRequest(stat); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Ioctl returned with status %S"), &EpocErrorToText(stat.Int())); TESTL(KErrAccessDenied == stat.Int()); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Trying to SetOpt internal options bit")); ret = socket.SetOpt(KSocketInternalOptionBit, KSOLSocket); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("SetOpt returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret)); TESTL(KErrAccessDenied == ret); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Trying to GetOpt internal options bit")); TPckgBuf<TBool> boolean; ret = socket.GetOpt(KSocketInternalOptionBit, KSOLSocket, boolean); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("GetOpt returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret)); TESTL(KErrAccessDenied == ret); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Testing StartL() with Ioctl KDummyIoctlCheckStarted")); socket.Ioctl(KDummyIoctlCheckStarted, stat, NULL, KIoctlDummyLevel); User::WaitForRequest(stat); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Ioctl returned with status %S"), &EpocErrorToText(stat.Int())); TESTL(KErrNone == stat.Int()); CleanupStack::Pop(&ss); ss.Close(); SetTestStepResult(verdict); return verdict; }
enum TVerdict CSocketTest8_7::InternalDoTestStepL( void ) { TVerdict verdict = EPass; Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Test Purpose: getOpt with small client buffer")); // connect to esock Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to connect to socket server")); RSocketServ ss; TInt ret = OptimalConnect(ss); CleanupClosePushL(ss); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Connect returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret)); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); // try SetLocalPort Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Opening a socket")); RSocket socket; ret = socket.Open(ss, _L("Dummy Protocol 1")); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Open returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret)); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); // try with small buffer - 8 bit descriptor Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Trying to GetOption KSOBlockingIO")); TBuf8<1> smallBuf8; ret = socket.GetOpt(KSOBlockingIO, KSOLSocket, smallBuf8); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("GetOption returned %S"),&EpocErrorToText(ret)); TESTL(KErrOverflow == ret); // try with correct size descriptor Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Trying to GetOption KSOBlockingIO")); TPckgBuf<TBool> boolean; ret = socket.GetOpt(KSOBlockingIO, KSOLSocket, boolean); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("GetOption returned %S, value %d"), &EpocErrorToText(ret), boolean()); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); TESTL(TRUE == boolean()); CleanupStack::Pop(&ss); ss.Close(); return verdict; }
void CApConnectEngine::FetchIpAddressL() { RSocket socket; CleanupClosePushL( socket); while (socket.Open(iSocketServ, KAfInet, KSockDatagram, KProtocolInetUdp, iConnect)!= KErrNone) { }; TSoInetInterfaceInfo inf; TPckg<TSoInetInterfaceInfo> opt( inf); TRAPD(err, socket.SetOpt (KSoInetEnumInterfaces, KSolInetIfCtrl )) ; if (err != KErrNone) { return; } while ( socket.GetOpt(KSoInetNextInterface, KSolInetIfCtrl, opt)== KErrNone) { if ( inf.iAddress.Address()==0) // if the stored address is not an IPv4 address { } else { if ( inf.iAddress.IsUnspecified()) { // Interface inf.iName has no address } else { // have to do this, strange TInetAddr addr; addr.SetAddress( inf.iAddress.Address()); addr.Output(iConnInfo.ipAddress); // have to do this, strange if ( iConnInfo.ipAddress.Compare(KZeroIP)!= 0 && iConnInfo.ipAddress.Compare(KLocalIP)!= 0) { if ( iConnInfo.ipAddress.Left(3).Compare(_L("169"))!= 0) { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // socket return; } } } } } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // socket }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This method prepares the streamer for incoming data. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EXPORT_C void CBTAudioStreamer::StartL(RSocket& aSocket, const TUint aFrameLength, CBTAudioStreamInputBase *aAudioInput, const TUint aTargetBitrate) { BT_AUDIO_STREAMER_TRACE_OPT( KPRINTFTRACE, FLOG(_L("[BTAudioStreamer]\t CBTAudioStreamer::StartL() ->"))); iAudioInput = aAudioInput; BT_AUDIO_STREAMER_TRACE_OPT( KPRINTFTRACE, FPrint(_L("[BTAudioStreamer]\t Framelength: %d"), aFrameLength)); if(iStarted != EFalse) { BT_AUDIO_STREAMER_TRACE_OPT( KPRINTFTRACE, FLOG(_L("[BTAudioStreamer]\t Error: Already started!"))); User::Leave(KErrInUse); } TInt inboundMTUSize = 0; if(aSocket.GetOpt(KL2CAPInboundMTU, KSolBtL2CAP, inboundMTUSize) != KErrNone) { BT_AUDIO_STREAMER_TRACE_OPT( KPRINTFTRACE, FLOG(_L("[BTAudioStreamer]\t Failed to get inbound MTU size, using L2CAP default value"))); inboundMTUSize = KL2CAPDefaultMTUSize; } iRtpSession.OpenL(aSocket, inboundMTUSize); iSender = CBTAudioStreamSender::NewL(*this, iRtpSession); TInt outboundMTUSize; if(aSocket.GetOpt(KL2CAPGetOutboundMTU, KSolBtL2CAP, outboundMTUSize) != KErrNone) { BT_AUDIO_STREAMER_TRACE_OPT( KPRINTFTRACE, FLOG(_L("[BTAudioStreamer]\t Failed to get outbound MTU size, using L2CAP default value"))); outboundMTUSize = KL2CAPDefaultMTUSize; } iSender->StartL(outboundMTUSize, aFrameLength, aTargetBitrate); iStarted = ETrue; BT_AUDIO_STREAMER_TRACE_OPT( KPRINTFTRACE, FLOG(_L("[BTAudioStreamer]\t CBTAudioStreamer::StartL() <-"))); }
SYSCALL(int, maConnGetAddr(MAHandle conn, MAConnAddr* addr)) { LOGST("maConnGetAddr(%i, 0x%08X)", conn, addr); if(conn == HANDLE_LOCAL) { if(addr->family == CONN_FAMILY_BT) { TBTDevAddr btaddr; //TPckgBuf<TBTDevAddr> pckg(btaddr); //old style, might work on Symbian 7.0 and earlier //update: doesn't work on 6630. #if 0//!defined(__SERIES60_3X__) RSocket socket; socket.Open(gSocketServ, KBTAddrFamily, KSockSeqPacket, KL2CAP); TRequestStatus status; socket.Ioctl(KHCILocalAddressIoctl, status, &pckg, KSolBtHCI); User::WaitForRequest(status); LOG("KHCILocalAddressIoctl result: %i\n", status.Int()); socket.Close(); if(status != KErrNone) { return CONNERR_GENERIC; } #else #if 0 //doesn't work; bug in Symbian. int result = RProperty::Get(KUidSystemCategory, KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetLocalDeviceAddress, pckg); LOG("KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetLocalDeviceAddress result: %i\n", result); if(result != KErrNone) { return CONNERR_GENERIC; } #else //open a server socket and read its address. RSocket socket; socket.Open(gSocketServ, KBTAddrFamily, KSockStream, KRFCOMM); int channel; LHEL_BASE(socket.GetOpt(KRFCOMMGetAvailableServerChannel, KSolBtRFCOMM, channel), return CONNERR_GENERIC); TBTSockAddr btsockaddr; btsockaddr.SetPort(channel); LHEL_BASE(socket.Bind(btsockaddr), return CONNERR_GENERIC); socket.LocalName(btsockaddr); socket.Close(); btaddr = btsockaddr.BTAddr(); #endif //0 #endif //0//__SERIES60_3X__ storeBtAddr(btaddr, addr); return 1; } else { //TCP server return CONNERR_INTERNAL;
// for 'getting' a RBTBaseband from a connected socket TInt RBTBaseband::Open(RSocketServ& aSocketServ, RSocket& aConnectedSocket) { if (!aConnectedSocket.SubSessionHandle()) { return KErrNotReady; } THCIConnHandle bbHandle; TPckg<THCIConnHandle> bbHandleBuf(bbHandle); TInt err = aConnectedSocket.GetOpt(KLMGetACLHandle, KSolBtACL, bbHandleBuf); if (err) { return err; } err = iSocket.Open(aSocketServ, KBTAddrFamily, bbHandle, KBTLinkManager); return err; }
enum TVerdict CEsockTest10_2::easyTestStepL() { // Ioctl on an unconnected socket // open a TCP socket RSocket sock; CleanupClosePushL(sock); TInt nRet = sock.Open(iEsockSuite->iSocketServer, KAfInet, KSockStream, KProtocolInetTcp); TESTEL(KErrNone == nRet, nRet); // get select state of the socket sock.GetOpt (KSOSelectPoll, KSOLSocket, (nRet = 0)); // socket is blocked for writing, has no data for reading // and has no exception condition TESTEL(0 == nRet, nRet); // close the socket CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); return EPass; }
enum TVerdict CSocketTest8_6::InternalDoTestStepL( void ) { TVerdict verdict = EPass; Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Test Purpose: Retention of socket options from before Accept to after Accept")); // connect to esock Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to connect to socket server")); RSocketServ ss1; TInt ret = OptimalConnect(ss1); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); CleanupClosePushL(ss1); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Opening Socket on pdummy3")); RSocket sock1; ret = sock1.Open(ss1,_L("Dummy Protocol 3")); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Binding Sock1")); TSockAddr addr; ret = sock1.Bind(addr); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Listening on Sock1")); ret = sock1.Listen(5); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Opening a null Socket")); RSocket nullSock; nullSock.Open(ss1); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); const TUint KBufferSize = 1024; Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Setting a whole bunch of KSOLSocket options on the parent (sock1) socket")); ret = sock1.SetOpt(KSOSendBuf, KSOLSocket, KBufferSize); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); ret = sock1.SetOpt(KSORecvBuf, KSOLSocket, KBufferSize); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); ret = sock1.SetOpt(KSODebug, KSOLSocket, ETrue); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); ret = sock1.SetOpt(KSONonBlockingIO, KSOLSocket); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); _LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C2(KProcPolicy, ECapabilityNetworkServices, ECapabilityNetworkControl); ret = nullSock.SetOpt(KSOEnableTransfer, KSOLSocket, KProcPolicy().Package()); TESTL(KErrNotReady == ret); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Now simulating a remote connection to complete the accept")); ret = sock1.SetOpt(KDummyOptionSetConnectComplete, KIoctlDummyLevel); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Now performing accept")); TRequestStatus stat; sock1.Accept(nullSock, stat); User::WaitForRequest(stat); TESTL(KErrNone == stat.Int()); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Now retrieving all the options set on the null socket with getOpts")); TInt retrievedOpt; ret = nullSock.GetOpt(KSOSendBuf, KSOLSocket, retrievedOpt); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); if (retrievedOpt != KBufferSize) { Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Opt KSOSendBuf did not return the correct value")); User::Leave(EFail); } ret = nullSock.GetOpt(KSORecvBuf, KSOLSocket, retrievedOpt); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); if (retrievedOpt != KBufferSize) { Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Opt KSORecvBuf did not return the correct value")); User::Leave(EFail); } ret = nullSock.GetOpt(KSODebug, KSOLSocket, retrievedOpt); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); if (!retrievedOpt) { Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Opt KSODebug did not return the correct value")); User::Leave(EFail); } ret = nullSock.GetOpt(KSONonBlockingIO, KSOLSocket, retrievedOpt); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); if (!retrievedOpt) { Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Opt KSONonBlockingIO did not return the correct value")); User::Leave(EFail); } CleanupStack::Pop(&ss1); ss1.Close(); return verdict; }
enum TVerdict CSocketTest8_4::InternalDoTestStepL( void ) { TVerdict verdict = EPass; Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Test Purpose: Ioctl Get and Set Options")); // connect to esock Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to connect to socket server")); RSocketServ ss; TInt ret = OptimalConnect(ss); CleanupClosePushL(ss); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Connect returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret)); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); // try SetLocalPort Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Opening a socket")); RSocket socket; ret = socket.Open(ss, _L("Dummy Protocol 1")); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Open returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret)); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Trying SetLocalPort to 666")); ret = socket.SetLocalPort(666); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("SetLocalPort returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret)); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Port now set to %d"), socket.LocalPort()); TESTL(666 == socket.LocalPort()); // try blocking Get/Set Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Testing blocking mode Get and Set options")); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Trying to SetOption KSONonBlockingIO")); ret = socket.SetOpt(KSONonBlockingIO, KSOLSocket); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("SetOption returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret)); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Trying to GetOption KSONonBlockingIO")); TPckgBuf<TBool> boolean; ret = socket.GetOpt(KSONonBlockingIO, KSOLSocket, boolean); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("GetOption returned %S, value %d"), &EpocErrorToText(ret), boolean()); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); TESTL(TRUE == boolean()); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Trying to GetOption KSOBlockingIO")); ret = socket.GetOpt(KSOBlockingIO, KSOLSocket, boolean); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("GetOption returned %S, value %d"), &EpocErrorToText(ret), boolean()); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); TESTL(FALSE == boolean()); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Trying to SetOption KSOBlockingIO")); ret = socket.SetOpt(KSOBlockingIO, KSOLSocket); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("SetOption returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret)); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Trying to GetOption KSONonBlockingIO")); ret = socket.GetOpt(KSONonBlockingIO, KSOLSocket, boolean); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("GetOption returned %S, value %d"), &EpocErrorToText(ret), boolean()); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); TESTL(FALSE == boolean()); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Trying to GetOption KSOBlockingIO")); ret = socket.GetOpt(KSOBlockingIO, KSOLSocket, boolean); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("GetOption returned %S, value %d"), &EpocErrorToText(ret), boolean()); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); TESTL(TRUE == boolean()); CleanupStack::Pop(&ss); ss.Close(); return verdict; }
static QList<QNetworkInterfacePrivate *> interfaceListing() { TInt err(KErrNone); QList<QNetworkInterfacePrivate *> interfaces; // Connect to Native socket server RSocketServ socketServ; err = socketServ.Connect(); if (err) return interfaces; // Open dummy socket for interface queries RSocket socket; err = socket.Open(socketServ, _L("udp")); if (err) { socketServ.Close(); return interfaces; } // Ask socket to start enumerating interfaces err = socket.SetOpt(KSoInetEnumInterfaces, KSolInetIfCtrl); if (err) { socket.Close(); socketServ.Close(); return interfaces; } int ifindex = 0; TPckgBuf<TSoInetInterfaceInfo> infoPckg; TSoInetInterfaceInfo &info = infoPckg(); while (socket.GetOpt(KSoInetNextInterface, KSolInetIfCtrl, infoPckg) == KErrNone) { // Do not include IPv6 addresses because netmask and broadcast address cannot be determined correctly if (info.iName != KNullDesC && info.iAddress.IsV4Mapped()) { TName address; QNetworkAddressEntry entry; QNetworkInterfacePrivate *iface = 0; iface = new QNetworkInterfacePrivate; iface->index = ifindex++; interfaces << iface; iface->name = qt_TDesC2QString(info.iName); iface->flags = convertFlags(info); if (/*info.iFeatures&KIfHasHardwareAddr &&*/ info.iHwAddr.Family() != KAFUnspec) { for (TInt i = sizeof(SSockAddr); i < sizeof(SSockAddr) + info.iHwAddr.GetUserLen(); i++) { address.AppendNumFixedWidth(info.iHwAddr[i], EHex, 2); if ((i + 1) < sizeof(SSockAddr) + info.iHwAddr.GetUserLen()) address.Append(_L(":")); } address.UpperCase(); iface->hardwareAddress = qt_TDesC2QString(address); } // Get the address of the interface info.iAddress.Output(address); entry.setIp(QHostAddress(qt_TDesC2QString(address))); // Get the interface netmask // For some reason netmask is always // info.iNetMask.Output(address); // entry.setNetmask( QHostAddress( qt_TDesC2QString( address ) ) ); // Workaround: Let Symbian determine netmask based on IP address class // TODO: Works only for IPv4 - Task: 259128 Implement IPv6 support TInetAddr netmask; netmask.NetMask(info.iAddress); netmask.Output(address); entry.setNetmask(QHostAddress(qt_TDesC2QString(address))); // Get the interface broadcast address if (iface->flags & QNetworkInterface::CanBroadcast) { // For some reason broadcast address is always // info.iBrdAddr.Output(address); // entry.setBroadcast( QHostAddress( qt_TDesC2QString( address ) ) ); // Workaround: Let Symbian determine broadcast address based on IP address // TODO: Works only for IPv4 - Task: 259128 Implement IPv6 support TInetAddr broadcast; broadcast.NetBroadcast(info.iAddress); broadcast.Output(address); entry.setBroadcast(QHostAddress(qt_TDesC2QString(address))); } // Add new entry to interface address entries iface->addressEntries << entry; #if defined(QNETWORKINTERFACE_DEBUG) printf("\n Found network interface %s, interface flags:\n\ IsUp = %d, IsRunning = %d, CanBroadcast = %d,\n\ IsLoopBack = %d, IsPointToPoint = %d, CanMulticast = %d, \n\ ip = %s, netmask = %s, broadcast = %s,\n\ hwaddress = %s", iface->name.toLatin1().constData(), iface->flags & QNetworkInterface::IsUp, iface->flags & QNetworkInterface::IsRunning, iface->flags & QNetworkInterface::CanBroadcast, iface->flags & QNetworkInterface::IsLoopBack, iface->flags & QNetworkInterface::IsPointToPoint, iface->flags & QNetworkInterface::CanMulticast, entry.ip().toString().toLatin1().constData(), entry.netmask().toString().toLatin1().constData(), entry.broadcast().toString().toLatin1().constData(), iface->hardwareAddress.toLatin1().constData()); #endif } }
static QList<QNetworkInterfacePrivate *> interfaceListing() { TInt err(KErrNone); QList<QNetworkInterfacePrivate *> interfaces; QList<QHostAddress> addressesWithEstimatedNetmasks; // Open dummy socket for interface queries RSocket socket; err = socket.Open(qt_symbianGetSocketServer(), _L("udp")); if (err) { return interfaces; } // Ask socket to start enumerating interfaces err = socket.SetOpt(KSoInetEnumInterfaces, KSolInetIfCtrl); if (err) { socket.Close(); return interfaces; } int ifindex = 0; TPckgBuf<TSoInetInterfaceInfo> infoPckg; TSoInetInterfaceInfo &info = infoPckg(); while (socket.GetOpt(KSoInetNextInterface, KSolInetIfCtrl, infoPckg) == KErrNone) { if (info.iName != KNullDesC) { TName address; QNetworkAddressEntry entry; QNetworkInterfacePrivate *iface = 0; iface = new QNetworkInterfacePrivate; iface->index = ifindex++; interfaces << iface; iface->name = qt_TDesC2QString(info.iName); iface->flags = convertFlags(info); if (/*info.iFeatures&KIfHasHardwareAddr &&*/ info.iHwAddr.Family() != KAFUnspec) { for (TInt i = sizeof(SSockAddr); i < sizeof(SSockAddr) + info.iHwAddr.GetUserLen(); i++) { address.AppendNumFixedWidth(info.iHwAddr[i], EHex, 2); if ((i + 1) < sizeof(SSockAddr) + info.iHwAddr.GetUserLen()) address.Append(_L(":")); } address.UpperCase(); iface->hardwareAddress = qt_TDesC2QString(address); } // Get the address of the interface entry.setIp(qt_QHostAddressFromTInetAddr(info.iAddress)); #if defined(QNETWORKINTERFACE_DEBUG) qDebug() << "address is" << info.iAddress.Family() << entry.ip(); qDebug() << "netmask is" << info.iNetMask.Family() << qt_QHostAddressFromTInetAddr( info.iNetMask ); #endif // Get the interface netmask if (info.iNetMask.IsUnspecified()) { // For some reason netmask is always for IPv4 interfaces // and loopback interfaces (which we statically know) if (info.iAddress.IsV4Mapped()) { if (info.iFeatures & KIfIsLoopback) { entry.setPrefixLength(32); } else { // Workaround: Let Symbian determine netmask based on IP address class (IPv4 only API) TInetAddr netmask; netmask.NetMask(info.iAddress); entry.setNetmask(QHostAddress(netmask.Address())); //binary convert v4 address addressesWithEstimatedNetmasks << entry.ip(); #if defined(QNETWORKINTERFACE_DEBUG) qDebug() << "address class determined netmask" << entry.netmask(); #endif } } else { // For IPv6 interfaces if (info.iFeatures & KIfIsLoopback) { entry.setPrefixLength(128); } else if (info.iNetMask.IsUnspecified()) { //Don't see this error for IPv6, but try to handle it if it happens entry.setPrefixLength(64); //most common #if defined(QNETWORKINTERFACE_DEBUG) qDebug() << "total guess netmask" << entry.netmask(); #endif addressesWithEstimatedNetmasks << entry.ip(); } } } else { //Expected code path for IPv6 non loopback interfaces (IPv4 could come here if symbian is fixed) entry.setNetmask(qt_QHostAddressFromTInetAddr(info.iNetMask)); #if defined(QNETWORKINTERFACE_DEBUG) qDebug() << "reported netmask" << entry.netmask(); #endif } // broadcast address is determined from the netmask in postProcess() // Add new entry to interface address entries iface->addressEntries << entry; #if defined(QNETWORKINTERFACE_DEBUG) qDebug("\n Found network interface %s, interface flags:\n\ IsUp = %d, IsRunning = %d, CanBroadcast = %d,\n\ IsLoopBack = %d, IsPointToPoint = %d, CanMulticast = %d, \n\ ip = %s, netmask = %s, broadcast = %s,\n\ hwaddress = %s", iface->name.toLatin1().constData(), iface->flags & QNetworkInterface::IsUp, iface->flags & QNetworkInterface::IsRunning, iface->flags & QNetworkInterface::CanBroadcast, iface->flags & QNetworkInterface::IsLoopBack, iface->flags & QNetworkInterface::IsPointToPoint, iface->flags & QNetworkInterface::CanMulticast, entry.ip().toString().toLatin1().constData(), entry.netmask().toString().toLatin1().constData(), entry.broadcast().toString().toLatin1().constData(), iface->hardwareAddress.toLatin1().constData()); #endif } }
enum TVerdict CEsockTest29_10::easyTestStepL( void ) { SetTestStepResult(EFail); TInt ret; const TUint KOneSecond = 1000000; Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Send/ Recv on PDummy3 socket but no avail MBuf Memory, mBuf becomes avail after send")); RSocketServ ss; ret = ss.Connect(); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); // open dummy prot 3 Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Openning Dummy Protocol 3")); RSocket sock; ret = sock.Open(ss,_L("Dummy Protocol 3")); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); // connect socket TSockAddr addr; TRequestStatus connStat; sock.Connect(addr, connStat); User::WaitForRequest(connStat); TESTL(KErrNone == connStat.Int()); // send packet 1 TRequestStatus stat; Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to create a packet to receive later")); _LIT8(sendDataOne, "First Send"); sock.Send(sendDataOne,0,stat); User::WaitForRequest(stat); TESTL(KErrNone == stat.Int()); // wait for packets to go through esock User::After(KOneSecond * 2); // gobble mBufs TInt nFree = 0; sock.GetOpt(KDummyOptionGetMBufFreeSpace, 0, nFree); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to set KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs Option in Protocol")); while (nFree > 0) { ret = sock.SetOpt(KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs, 0, 0); sock.GetOpt(KDummyOptionGetMBufFreeSpace, 0, nFree); } Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Socket::SetOpt KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs returned %d"), ret); // we are running in high priority and allocating in a loop. // so kernel may not be able to enlarge the pools. // wait for kernel to enlarge the pool // We have to come out from the loop as well. User::After(KOneSecond * 2); sock.GetOpt(KDummyOptionGetMBufFreeSpace, 0, nFree); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to set KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs Option in Protocol")); while (nFree > 0) { ret = sock.SetOpt(KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs, 0, 0); sock.GetOpt(KDummyOptionGetMBufFreeSpace, 0, nFree); } Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Socket::SetOpt KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs returned %d"), ret); // Once again User::After(KOneSecond * 2); sock.GetOpt(KDummyOptionGetMBufFreeSpace, 0, nFree); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to set KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs Option in Protocol")); while (nFree > 0) { ret = sock.SetOpt(KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs, 0, 0); sock.GetOpt(KDummyOptionGetMBufFreeSpace, 0, nFree); } Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Socket::SetOpt KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs returned %d"), ret); // Once again User::After(KOneSecond * 2); sock.GetOpt(KDummyOptionGetMBufFreeSpace, 0, nFree); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to set KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs Option in Protocol")); while (nFree > 0) { ret = sock.SetOpt(KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs, 0, 0); sock.GetOpt(KDummyOptionGetMBufFreeSpace, 0, nFree); } // Once again User::After(KOneSecond * 2); sock.GetOpt(KDummyOptionGetMBufFreeSpace, 0, nFree); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to set KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs Option in Protocol")); while (nFree > 0) { ret = sock.SetOpt(KDummyOptionSetGobbleMBufs, 0, 0); sock.GetOpt(KDummyOptionGetMBufFreeSpace, 0, nFree); } // send packet 2 User::After(KOneSecond); TRequestStatus stat2; _LIT8(sendDataTwo, "Second Send"); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Sending Data - Should never complete")); sock.Send(sendDataTwo,0,stat2); User::After(KOneSecond); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Now cancel the Send")); sock.CancelSend(); User::WaitForRequest(stat2); TESTL(stat2 == KErrCancel); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Receiving Data -- expected to pick up sendDataOne")); TBuf8<100> buf; TRequestStatus stat3; sock.Recv(buf, 0, stat3); User::After(KOneSecond); User::WaitForRequest(stat3); TESTL(buf.Compare(sendDataOne) == 0); // send packet 3 _LIT8(sendDataThree, "Third Send"); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Sending Data ... again")); TRequestStatus stat4; sock.Send(sendDataThree,0,stat4); User::After(1000); // free memory Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Now free memory - should get send and receive completion")); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to set KDummyOptionSetFreeMBufs Option in Protocol")); ret = sock.SetOpt(KDummyOptionSetFreeMBufs, 0, 0); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Socket::SetOpt KDummyOptionSetFreeMBufs returned %d"), ret); TESTL(KErrNone == ret); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Sending Data - Should now complete")); User::WaitForRequest(stat4); TESTL(stat4.Int() == KErrNone); // recieve data and compare contents to sent data Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Receiving Data")); sock.Recv(buf, 0, stat); User::WaitForRequest(stat); Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Recv has returned %d"), stat.Int()); TBuf<100> buf16; buf16.Copy(buf); if(buf.Compare(sendDataThree) == 0) { SetTestStepResult(EPass); } Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Data Recv'ed is '%S'"), &buf16); sock.Close(); ss.Close(); return TestStepResult(); }
/** * List existing network interfaces, IP addresses bound to them * and fill up array of IP addresses for all interfaces. */ void CTestStepLLMNR_Init::ListInterfacesL() { RSocket socket; TInt nRes; TInt exceed; TInt idx; TName tmpBuf; TName tmpBuf1; nRes = socket.Open(ipTestServer->iSocketServer, KAfInet, KSockStream, KProtocolInetTcp); TESTL(nRes == KErrNone); TUint bufsize = 2048; HBufC8 *buffer =NULL; buffer = GetBuffer(buffer, bufsize); TESTL(buffer != NULL); TPtr8 bufdes = buffer->Des(); //-- reset array of local addresses ipTestServer->iLocalAddrs.Reset(); //-- list all available network interfaces INFO_PRINTF1(KNewLine); INFO_PRINTF1(_L("--- available network interfaces:")); do {//-- get list of network interfaces // if exceed>0, all interface could not fit into the buffer. // In that case allocate a bigger buffer and retry. // There should be no reason for this while loop to take more than 2 rounds. bufdes.Set(buffer->Des()); exceed = socket.GetOpt(KSoInetInterfaceInfo, KSolInetIfQuery, bufdes); if(exceed > 0) { bufsize += exceed * sizeof(TInetInterfaceInfo); buffer = GetBuffer(buffer, bufsize); TESTL(buffer != NULL); } } while (exceed > 0); if (exceed < 0) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("socket.GetOpt() error!")); TESTL(EFalse); } TOverlayArray<TInetInterfaceInfo> infoIface(bufdes); for(idx=0; idx < infoIface.Length(); ++idx) { TInetInterfaceInfo& iface = infoIface[idx]; tmpBuf.Format(_L("index:%d, name: "),iface.iIndex); tmpBuf.Append(iface.iName ); tmpBuf.AppendFormat(_L(" state:%d"), iface.iState); INFO_PRINTF1(tmpBuf); } //-- list all IP addresses, bound to the interfaces //-- and append this address to the array of host-local addresses INFO_PRINTF1(KNewLine); INFO_PRINTF1(_L("--- IP addresses bound to the interfaces:")); do { // if exceed>0, all interface could not fit into the buffer. // In that case allocate a bigger buffer and retry. // There should be no reason for this while loop to take more than 2 rounds. bufdes.Set(buffer->Des()); exceed = socket.GetOpt(KSoInetAddressInfo, KSolInetIfQuery, bufdes); if(exceed > 0) { bufsize += exceed * sizeof(TInetAddressInfo); buffer = GetBuffer(buffer, bufsize); } } while (exceed > 0); if (exceed < 0) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("socket.GetOpt() error!")); TESTL(EFalse); } //-- print out IP addresses TOverlayArray<TInetAddressInfo> infoAddr(bufdes); TInetAddr inetAddr; for(idx=0; idx < infoAddr.Length(); ++idx) { TInetAddressInfo& addr = infoAddr[idx]; tmpBuf.Format(_L("iface index: %d, scopeID: %d, state: %d, IP addr: "), addr.iInterface, addr.iScopeId, addr.iState); inetAddr.SetAddress(addr.iAddress); inetAddr.Output(tmpBuf1); tmpBuf.Append(tmpBuf1); INFO_PRINTF1(tmpBuf); //-- if obtained IP address is valid and not loopback, add it to the array. if(inetAddr.IsLoopback() || inetAddr.IsUnspecified()) {} else ipTestServer->iLocalAddrs.Append(inetAddr); } delete buffer; socket.Close(); INFO_PRINTF1(KNewLine); }
static pj_status_t rsock_enum_interface(int af, unsigned *p_cnt, pj_sockaddr ifs[]) { TInt rc; RSocket rSock; TPckgBuf<TSoInetInterfaceInfo> info; unsigned i; if (PjSymbianOS::Instance()->Connection()) { rc = rSock.Open(PjSymbianOS::Instance()->SocketServ(), af, PJ_SOCK_DGRAM, KProtocolInetUdp, *PjSymbianOS::Instance()->Connection()); } else { rc = rSock.Open(PjSymbianOS::Instance()->SocketServ(), af, PJ_SOCK_DGRAM, KProtocolInetUdp); } if (rc != KErrNone) return PJ_RETURN_OS_ERROR(rc); rSock.SetOpt(KSoInetEnumInterfaces, KSolInetIfCtrl); for (i=0; i<*p_cnt && rSock.GetOpt(KSoInetNextInterface, KSolInetIfCtrl, info) == KErrNone; ) { TInetAddr &iAddress = info().iAddress; int namelen; #if TRACE_ME if (1) { pj_sockaddr a; char ipaddr[PJ_INET6_ADDRSTRLEN+2]; namelen = sizeof(pj_sockaddr); if (PjSymbianOS::Addr2pj(iAddress, a, &namelen, PJ_FALSE) == PJ_SUCCESS) { PJ_LOG(5,(THIS_FILE, "Enum: found address %s", pj_sockaddr_print(&a, ipaddr, sizeof(ipaddr), 2))); } } #endif namelen = sizeof(ifs[i]); if (PjSymbianOS::Addr2pj(iAddress, ifs[i], &namelen, PJ_TRUE) != PJ_SUCCESS) { continue; } if (ifs[i].addr.sa_family != af) continue; ++i; } rSock.Close(); // Done *p_cnt = i; return PJ_SUCCESS; }
/** * Change the default MTU size on NCM networking connection */ void CNcmConnectionManager::SetCustomMtuL() { OstTraceFunctionEntry0(CNCMCONNECTIONMANAGER_SETCUSTOMMTUL_ENTRY); RSocket socket; User::LeaveIfError(socket.Open(iSocketServ, KAfInet, KSockStream, KProtocolInetTcp, iConnection)); TPckgBuf<TSoInet6InterfaceInfo> interfaceInfo; TPckgBuf<TConnInterfaceName> interfaceName; TUint cnt = 0; iConnection.EnumerateConnections(cnt); // Count all underlying interfaces TUint iap = iConnPref.IapId(); TInt index = 1; for (index = 1; index <= cnt; index++) { TConnectionInfoBuf info; iConnection.GetConnectionInfo(index, info); if (info().iIapId == iap) { break; } } if (index > cnt) { OstTrace0( TRACE_NORMAL, CNCMCONNECTIONMANAGER_SETCUSTOMMTUL, "Can not find an interface based on NCM!" ); User::Leave(KErrNotFound); } interfaceName().iIndex = index; OstTraceExt2( TRACE_NORMAL, CNCMCONNECTIONMANAGER_SETCUSTOMMTUL_INTER_INFO, ";cnt=%d;interfaceName().iIndex=%u", cnt, interfaceName().iIndex ); User::LeaveIfError(iConnection.Control(KCOLProvider, KConnGetInterfaceName, interfaceName)); OstTraceExt3( TRACE_NORMAL, CNCMCONNECTIONMANAGER_SETCUSTOMMTUL_NEW_MTU_SIZE, ";Interface Name=%S, ;current MTU=%d. MTU size will be changed to %d!", interfaceName().iName, interfaceInfo().iMtu, KEthernetFrameSize); TInt err = socket.SetOpt(KSoInetEnumInterfaces, KSolInetIfCtrl); if (err != KErrNone) { OstTrace1(TRACE_NORMAL, CNCMCONNECTIONMANAGER_SETCUSTOMMTUL_START_INTER_ENUM, "Failed to set KSoInetEnumInterfaces option [%d]", err); User::LeaveIfError(err); } err = KErrNotFound; while (socket.GetOpt(KSoInetNextInterface, KSolInetIfCtrl, interfaceInfo) == KErrNone) { OstTraceExt1(TRACE_NORMAL, CNCMCONNECTIONMANAGER_SETCUSTOMMTUL_INTER_NAME, "InterfaceInfo().iName = %S", interfaceInfo().iName); OstTrace1(TRACE_NORMAL, CNCMCONNECTIONMANAGER_SETCUSTOMMTUL_INTER_MTU, "InterfaceInfo().iMtu = %d", interfaceInfo().iMtu); if (interfaceInfo().iName == interfaceName().iName) { // found the interface err = KErrNone; break; } } if (KErrNone != err) { OstTrace1(TRACE_ERROR, CNCMCONNECTIONMANAGER_SETCUSTOMMTUL_SEARCH_FAIL, "Can not find NCM connection: err=%x", err); User::LeaveIfError(err); } // Set new MTU size TPckgBuf<TSoInet6InterfaceInfo> newinterfaceInfo; newinterfaceInfo().iMtu = KEthernetFrameSize; newinterfaceInfo().iDoPrefix = 0; newinterfaceInfo().iDoId = 0; newinterfaceInfo().iDoState = 0; newinterfaceInfo().iDoAnycast = 0; newinterfaceInfo().iDoProxy = 0; newinterfaceInfo().iAlias = interfaceInfo().iAlias; newinterfaceInfo().iDelete = interfaceInfo().iDelete; newinterfaceInfo().iState = interfaceInfo().iState; newinterfaceInfo().iSpeedMetric = interfaceInfo().iSpeedMetric; newinterfaceInfo().iFeatures = interfaceInfo().iFeatures; newinterfaceInfo().iTag = interfaceInfo().iTag; newinterfaceInfo().iName = interfaceInfo().iName; newinterfaceInfo().iSpeedMetric = interfaceInfo().iSpeedMetric; newinterfaceInfo().iFeatures = interfaceInfo().iFeatures; newinterfaceInfo().iHwAddr = interfaceInfo().iHwAddr; newinterfaceInfo().iAddress = interfaceInfo().iAddress; newinterfaceInfo().iNetMask = interfaceInfo().iNetMask; newinterfaceInfo().iDefGate = interfaceInfo().iDefGate; newinterfaceInfo().iNameSer2 = interfaceInfo().iNameSer2; newinterfaceInfo().iNameSer1 = interfaceInfo().iNameSer1; OstTrace0( TRACE_NORMAL, CNCMCONNECTIONMANAGER_SETCUSTOMMTUL_PRE_SETMTU, "About to change the default MTU size." ); User::LeaveIfError(socket.SetOpt(KSoInetConfigInterface, KSolInetIfCtrl, newinterfaceInfo)); socket.Close(); OstTraceFunctionExit0(CNCMCONNECTIONMANAGER_SETCUSTOMMTUL_EXIT); }
/* * Enumerates and returns all IPv4 interfaces */ static netif *enumIPvXInterfaces(JNIEnv *env, netif *ifs, TUint family) { TPckgBuf<TSoInetInterfaceInfo> info; TSoInetInterfaceInfo &i = info(); RSocket r; _LIT(proto, "ip"); TInt err = r.Open(sserv, proto); if (err != KErrNone) { JNU_ThrowByName(env , JNU_JAVANETPKG "SocketException", "Socket creation failed"); return ifs; } /* * Iterate through each interface */ int idx = 1; err = r.SetOpt(KSoInetEnumInterfaces, KSolInetIfCtrl, 1); while ((err = r.GetOpt(KSoInetNextInterface, KSolInetIfCtrl, info)) == KErrNone) { #ifdef _UNICODE TName n = i.iName; TUint8 n8[0x20]; TPtr8 name8(n8, sizeof n8); TInt err = CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8(name8, n); fprintf(stderr, "Interface proto %s status %x\n", name8.PtrZ(), i.iState); { TInt err = CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8(name8, i.iTag); fprintf(stderr, "tag %s\n", name8.PtrZ()); } const char *if_name = (const char *)name8.PtrZ(); #else const char *if_name = (const char *)i.iTag.PtrZ(); #endif if (i.iState == EIfUp) { TInetAddr ia = i.iAddress; fprintf(stderr, "Address %x\n", ia.Address()); } if (i.iAddress.Family() == family) { TInetAddr ia = i.iAddress; /* * Add to the list */ ifs = addif(env, ifs, if_name, idx, KAfInet, ia); /* * If an exception occurred then free the list */ if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) { freeif(ifs); ifs = NULL; goto done; } } ++idx; } { TPckgBuf<TSoInetIfQuery> q1; TSoInetIfQuery &q = q1(); TInt inum = 1; q.iIndex = inum; while ((err = r.GetOpt(KSoInetIfQueryByIndex, KSolInetIfQuery, q1)) == KErrNone) { fprintf(stderr, "Interface %d up %d\n", inum, q.iIsUp); #ifdef _UNICODE TUint8 n8[0x20]; TPtr8 name8(n8, sizeof n8); TInt err = CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8(name8, q.iName); fprintf(stderr, "Interface %d name %s\n", inum, name8.PtrZ()); #endif fprintf(stderr, "src addr %x\n", q.iSrcAddr.Address()); fprintf(stderr, "dst addr %x\n", q.iDstAddr.Address()); q.iIndex = ++inum; } } done: r.Close(); return ifs; }