AssignmentCycles::addReactionDependencies(const Model& m, const Reaction& object)
  unsigned int ns;
  std::string thisId = object.getId();

  /* loop thru the list of names in the Math
    * if they refer to a Reaction, an Assignment Rule
    * or an Initial Assignment add to the map
    * with the variable as key
  List* variables = object.getKineticLaw()->getMath()
                                      ->getListOfNodes( ASTNode_isName );
  for (ns = 0; ns < variables->getSize(); ns++)
    ASTNode* node = static_cast<ASTNode*>( variables->get(ns) );
    string   name = node->getName() ? node->getName() : "";

    if (m.getReaction(name))
      mIdMap.insert(pair<const std::string, std::string>(thisId, name));
    else if (m.getRule(name) && m.getRule(name)->isAssignment())
      mIdMap.insert(pair<const std::string, std::string>(thisId, name));
    else if (m.getInitialAssignment(name))
      mIdMap.insert(pair<const std::string, std::string>(thisId, name));

  delete variables;
  * Logs a message about species with boundary condition false
  * being set by reaction and rules
SpeciesReactionOrRule::logConflict (const Species& s, const Reaction& r)
  msg =
    //"A <species>'s quantity cannot be determined simultaneously by both "
    //"reactions and rules. More formally, if the identifier of a <species> "
    //"definition having 'boundaryCondition'='false' and 'constant'='false' is "
    //"referenced by a <speciesReference> anywhere in a model, then this "
    //"identifier cannot also appear as the value of a 'variable' in an "
    //"<assignmentRule> or a <rateRule>. (References: L2V1 Section 4.6.5; L2V2 "
    //"Section 4.8.6; L2V3 Section 4.8.6.) 
    "The species '";

  msg += s.getId();
  msg += "' occurs in both a rule and reaction '";
  msg += r.getId();
  msg += "'.";

예제 #3
 * Logs a message about an undefined variable in the given
 * FunctionDefinition.
KineticLawVars::logUndefined ( const Reaction& r,
                                       const string& varname )
  msg =
    //"All species referenced in the <kineticLaw> formula of a given reaction "
    //"must first be declared using <speciesReference> or "
    //"<modifierSpeciesReference>. More formally, if a <species> identifier "
    //"appears in a 'ci' element of a <reaction>'s <kineticLaw> formula, that "
    //"same identifier must also appear in at least one <speciesReference> or "
    //"<modifierSpeciesReference> in the <reaction> definition. (References: "
    //"L2V2 Section 4.13.5; L2V3 Section 4.13.5.)"
    "The species '";

  msg += varname;
  msg += "' is not listed as a product, reactant, or modifier of reaction '";
  msg += r.getId();
  msg += "'.";
예제 #4
TEST_F(SimpleReactionTest, CheckReaction) {
	using namespace std;
	using namespace Helios;
	using namespace Ace;
	using namespace AceReaction;

	McEnvironment* environment = new McEnvironment;
	string name = "92235.03c";

	vector<McObject*> ace_objects;
	ace_objects.push_back(new AceObject(name));

	/* Setup environment */
	environment->pushObjects(ace_objects.begin(), ace_objects.end());

	/* Get isotope from ACE reader */
	NeutronTable* ace_table = dynamic_cast<NeutronTable*>(AceReader::getTable(name));

	/* Get reactions (inelastic scattering) */
	ReactionContainer reactions = ace_table->getReactions();

	/* Inelastic scattering cross section (don't include fission and elastic scattering) */
	CrossSection inelastic_xs;

	/* Map of MT with cross sections */
	map<int,CrossSection> mt_map;

	for(ReactionContainer::const_iterator it = reactions.begin() ; it != reactions.end() ; ++it) {
		/* Get angular distribution type */
		int angular_data = (*it).getAngular().getKind();

		/* If the reaction does not contains angular data, we reach the end "secondary" particle's reactions */
		if(angular_data == Ace::AngularDistribution::no_data) break;

		/* Get MT of the reaction */
		int mt = (*it).getMt();

		/* We shouldn't include elastic and fission here */
		if(mt != 18 && mt != 2) {
			/* Cross section */
			CrossSection xs = (*it).getXs();
			/* Sum this reaction */
			inelastic_xs = inelastic_xs + xs;
			/* Put the cross section on the map */
			mt_map[mt] = xs;

	/* Get energy grid */
	vector<double> energy_grid = ace_table->getEnergyGrid();

	/* Energy */
	double energy = 5;
	/* Interpolate on energy grid */
	size_t idx = upper_bound(energy_grid.begin(), energy_grid.end(), energy) - energy_grid.begin() - 1;
	double factor = (energy - energy_grid[idx]) / (energy_grid[idx + 1] - energy_grid[idx]);
	double inel_total =  factor * (inelastic_xs[idx + 1] - inelastic_xs[idx]) + inelastic_xs[idx];

	/* Reaction histogram */
	map<int,double> reaction_prob;

	for(map<int,CrossSection>::const_iterator it = mt_map.begin() ; it != mt_map.end() ; ++it) {
		/* Inelastic xs at this energy (total and from this reaction) */
		double inel_rea = factor * ((*it).second[idx + 1] - (*it).second[idx]) + (*it).second[idx];
		double prob = inel_rea / inel_total;
		/* Save */
		reaction_prob[(*it).first] = prob;

	/* Sample reactions */
	size_t nsamples = 100000000;
	/* Get isotope */
	AceIsotope* isotope = environment->getObject<AceModule,AceIsotope>(name)[0];
	/* Random number */
	Random random(1);
	/* Samples */
	map<int,double> reaction_samples;
	for(size_t  i = 0 ; i < nsamples ; ++i) {
		Energy energy_pair(0,energy);
		Reaction* rea = isotope->inelastic(energy_pair,random);
		int mt = rea->getId();

	/* Collect samples and check results */
	for(map<int,double>::iterator it = reaction_samples.begin() ; it != reaction_samples.end() ; ++it) {
		(*it).second /= (double)nsamples;
		/* Get difference */
		double error = 100.0* fabs(reaction_prob[(*it).first] - (*it).second) / reaction_prob[(*it).first];
		cout << setw(6) << (*it).first << setw(15) << scientific << (*it).second << setw(15)
				<< reaction_prob[(*it).first] << setw(15) << error << endl;

	delete environment;
예제 #5
void readSpatialSBML() {
	SBMLDocument *document2 = readSBML("spatial_example0.xml");
	Model *model2 = document2->getModel();
	Compartment *comp;
	SpatialCompartmentPlugin* cplugin;
	RequiredElementsSBasePlugin* reqplugin;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model2->getNumCompartments(); i++) {
		comp = model2->getCompartment(i);
		cout << "Compartment" << i << ": "  << comp->getId() << endl;
		reqplugin = static_cast<RequiredElementsSBasePlugin*>(comp->getPlugin("req"));
		if (!reqplugin->getMathOverridden().empty()) {
			cout << "Comp" << i << "  req mathOverridden: "  << reqplugin->getMathOverridden() << endl;
		cplugin = static_cast<SpatialCompartmentPlugin*>(comp->getPlugin("spatial"));
		if (cplugin->getCompartmentMapping()->isSetSpatialId()) {
			cout << "Comp" << i << "  CMSpId: "  << cplugin->getCompartmentMapping()->getSpatialId() << endl;
			cout << "Comp" << i << "  CM_Comp: "  << cplugin->getCompartmentMapping()->getCompartment() << endl;
			cout << "Comp" << i << "  CM_DType: "  << cplugin->getCompartmentMapping()->getDomainType() << endl;
			cout << "Comp" << i << "  CM_UnitSz: "  << cplugin->getCompartmentMapping()->getUnitSize() << endl;

	Species *sp;
	SpatialSpeciesRxnPlugin* srplugin;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model2->getNumSpecies(); i++) {
		sp = model2->getSpecies(i);
		cout << "Species" << i << ": "      << sp->getId()      << endl;
		srplugin = static_cast<SpatialSpeciesRxnPlugin*>(sp->getPlugin("spatial"));
		if (srplugin->getIsSpatial()) {
			cout << "species" << i << "  isSpatial: "  << srplugin->getIsSpatial() << endl;

	Parameter *param;
	SpatialParameterPlugin* pplugin;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model2->getNumParameters(); i++) {
		param = model2->getParameter(i);
		cout << "Parameter" << i << ": "  << param->getId() << endl;
		reqplugin = static_cast<RequiredElementsSBasePlugin*>(param->getPlugin("req"));
		if (!reqplugin->getMathOverridden().empty()) {
			cout << "Parameter" << i << "  req mathOverridden: "  << reqplugin->getMathOverridden() << endl;
		pplugin = static_cast<SpatialParameterPlugin*>(param->getPlugin("spatial"));
		if (pplugin->getSpatialSymbolReference()->isSetSpatialId()) {
			cout << "Parameter" << i << "  SpRefId: "  << pplugin->getSpatialSymbolReference()->getSpatialId() << endl;
			cout << "Parameter" << i << "  SpRefType: "  << pplugin->getSpatialSymbolReference()->getType() << endl;
		if (pplugin->getDiffusionCoefficient()->isSetVariable()) {
			cout << "Diff_" << i << "  SpeciesVarId: "  << pplugin->getDiffusionCoefficient()->getVariable() << endl;
			cout << "Diff_" << i << "  SpCoordIndex: "  << pplugin->getDiffusionCoefficient()->getCoordinateIndex() << endl;
		if (pplugin->getAdvectionCoefficient()->isSetVariable()) {
			cout << "Adv_" << i << "  SpeciesVarId: "  << pplugin->getAdvectionCoefficient()->getVariable() << endl;
			cout << "Adv_" << i << "  SpCoordIndex: "  << pplugin->getAdvectionCoefficient()->getCoordinateIndex() << endl;
		if (pplugin->getBoundaryCondition()->isSetVariable()) {
			cout << "BC_" << i << "  SpeciesVarId: "  << pplugin->getBoundaryCondition()->getVariable() << endl;
			cout << "BC_" << i << "  SpCoordBoundary: "  << pplugin->getBoundaryCondition()->getCoordinateBoundary() << endl;
			cout << "BC_" << i << "  SpBoundaryType: "  << pplugin->getBoundaryCondition()->getType() << endl;

	Reaction *rxn;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model2->getNumReactions(); i++) {
		rxn = model2->getReaction(i);
		cout << "Reaction" << i << ": "      << rxn->getId()      << endl;
		srplugin = static_cast<SpatialSpeciesRxnPlugin*>(rxn->getPlugin("spatial"));
		if (srplugin->getIsLocal()) {
			cout << "rxn" << i << "  isLocal: "  << srplugin->getIsLocal() << endl;

	Rule *rule;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model2->getNumRules(); i++) {
		rule = model2->getRule(i);
		cout << "Rule" << i << ": "      << rule->getVariable()      << endl;

	// Get a SpatialModelPlugin object plugged in the model object.
	// The type of the returned value of SBase::getPlugin() function is 
	// SBasePlugin*, and thus the value needs to be cast for the 
	// corresponding derived class.
	SpatialModelPlugin* mplugin2;
	mplugin2 = static_cast<SpatialModelPlugin*>(model2->getPlugin("spatial"));
	cout << "URI: "      << mplugin2->getURI()      << endl;
	cout << "prefix: "      << mplugin2->getPrefix()      << endl;

	// get a Geometry object via SpatialModelPlugin object.
	Geometry* geometry2 = mplugin2->getGeometry();
	cout << "Geometry coordSystem: "      << geometry2->getCoordinateSystem()      << endl;
	// get a CoordComponent object via the Geometry object.	
	CoordinateComponent* coordComp = geometry2->getCoordinateComponent(0);
	std::cout << "CoordComponent spatialId: " << coordComp->getSpatialId() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "CoordComponent compType: " << coordComp->getComponentType() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "CoordComponent sbmlUnit: " << coordComp->getSbmlUnit() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "CoordComponent index: " << coordComp->getIndex() << std::endl;
	BoundaryMin* minX = coordComp->getBoundaryMin();
	std::cout << "minX name: " << minX->getSpatialId() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "minX value: " << minX->getValue() << std::endl;
	BoundaryMax* maxX = coordComp->getBoundaryMax();
	std::cout << "maxX name: " << maxX->getSpatialId() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "maxX value: " << maxX->getValue() << std::endl;

	// get a DomainType object via the Geometry object.	
	DomainType* domainType2 = geometry2->getDomainType(0);
	std::cout << "DomainType spatialId: " << domainType2->getSpatialId() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "DomainType spatialDim: " << domainType2->getSpatialDimensions() << std::endl;

	// get a Domain object via the Geometry object.	
	Domain* domain = geometry2->getDomain(0);
	std::cout << "Domain1 spatialId: " << domain->getSpatialId() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Domain1 implicit: " << domain->getImplicit() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Domain1 domainType: " << domain->getDomainType() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Domain1 Shape: " << domain->getShapeId() << std::endl;
	// get an internal point via the domain object
	InteriorPoint* internalPt = domain->getInteriorPoint(0);
	std::cout << "InternalPt_1 coord1: " << internalPt->getCoord1() << std::endl;

	// get a Domain object via the Geometry object.	
	domain = geometry2->getDomain(1);
	std::cout << "Domain2 spatialId: " << domain->getSpatialId() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Domain2 implicit: " << domain->getImplicit() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Domain2 domainType: " << domain->getDomainType() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Domain2 Shape: " << domain->getShapeId() << std::endl;
	// get an internal point via the domain object
	internalPt = domain->getInteriorPoint(0);
	std::cout << "InternalPt_2 coord1: " << internalPt->getCoord1() << std::endl;

	// get an AdjacentDomains object via the Geometry object.	
	AdjacentDomains* adjDomain = geometry2->getAdjacentDomains(0);
	std::cout << "AdjDomain spatialId: " << adjDomain->getSpatialId() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "AdjDomain domain1: " << adjDomain->getDomain1() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "AdjDomain domain2: " << adjDomain->getDomain2() << std::endl;

	// get the different GeometryDefinition objects via the Geometry object.
	GeometryDefinition* gd;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < geometry2->getNumGeometryDefinitions(); i++) {
		gd = geometry2->getGeometryDefinition(i);
		if (gd->isAnalyticGeometry()) {
			AnalyticGeometry* analyticalGeom = static_cast<AnalyticGeometry*>(gd);
			std::cout << "AnalGeom spatialId: " << analyticalGeom->getSpatialId() << std::endl;

			// analVol from analGeom.
			AnalyticVolume* av = analyticalGeom->getAnalyticVolume(0);
			std::cout << "AnalVol spatialId: " << av->getSpatialId() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "AnalVol domainType: " << av->getDomainType() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "AnalVol funcType: " << av->getFunctionType() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "AnalVol ordinal: " << av->getOrdinal() << std::endl;
			const ASTNode* mathNode = av->getMath();
			char* mathStr = writeMathMLToString(mathNode);
			std::cout << "AnalVol math: " << mathStr << std::endl;
		if (gd->isSampledFieldGeometry()) {
			SampledFieldGeometry* sfGeom = static_cast<SampledFieldGeometry*>(gd);
			std::cout << "SampledFieldGeom spatialId: " << sfGeom->getSpatialId() << std::endl;
			// sampledField from sfGeom
			SampledField* sf = sfGeom->getSampledField();
			std::cout << "SampledField spatialId: " << sf->getSpatialId() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "SampledField dataType: " << sf->getDataType() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "SampledField interpolation: " << sf->getInterpolationType() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "SampledField encoding: " << sf->getEncoding() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "SampledField numSamples1: " << sf->getNumSamples1() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "SampledField numSamples2: " << sf->getNumSamples2() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "SampledField numSamples3: " << sf->getNumSamples3() << std::endl;
			const ImageData* id = sf->getImageData();
			int* samples = new int[id->getSamplesLength()];
			std::cout << "ImageData samples[0]: " << samples[0] << std::endl;
			std::cout << "ImageData samplesLen: " << id->getSamplesLength() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "ImageData dataType: " << id->getDataType() << std::endl;

			// sampledVolVol from sfGeom.
			SampledVolume* sv = sfGeom->getSampledVolume(0);
			std::cout << "SampledVol spatialId: " << sv->getSpatialId() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "SampledVol domainType: " << sv->getDomainType() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "SampledVol sampledVal: " << sv->getSampledValue() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "SampledVol min: " << sv->getMinValue() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "SampledVol max: " << sv->getMaxValue() << std::endl;
		if (gd->isParametricGeometry()) {
			ParametricGeometry* pGeom = static_cast<ParametricGeometry*>(gd);
			std::cout << "ParametricGeometry spatialId: " << pGeom->getSpatialId() << std::endl;
			// parametricObject from pGeom
			ParametricObject* pObj = pGeom->getParametricObject(0);
			std::cout << "ParametricObj spatialId: " << pObj->getSpatialId() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "ParametricObj domain: " << pObj->getDomain() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "ParametricObj polygonType: " << pObj->getPolygonType() << std::endl;
			const PolygonObject* po = pObj->getPolygonObject();
			int* ptInd = new int[po->getIndicesLength()];
			std::cout << "PolygonObj ptIndices[0]: " << ptInd[0] << std::endl;
			std::cout << "PolygonObj indLen: " << po->getIndicesLength() << std::endl;

			// SpatialPoint from pGeom.
			SpatialPoint* sp = pGeom->getSpatialPoint(0);
			std::cout << "SpatialPt spatialId: " << sp->getSpatialId() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "SpatialPt domain: " << sp->getDomain() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "SpatialPt coord1: " << sp->getCoord1() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "SpatialPt coord2: " << sp->getCoord2() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "SpatialPt coord3: " << sp->getCoord3() << std::endl;
		if (gd->isCSGeometry()) {
			CSGeometry* csGeom = static_cast<CSGeometry*>(gd);
			std::cout << "CSGeometry spatialId: " << csGeom->getSpatialId() << std::endl;
			// CSGObject-CSGOperator from csGeom
			CSGObject* csgo;
			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < csGeom->getNumCSGObjects(); i++) {
				csgo = csGeom->getCSGObject(i);
				std::cout << "CSGObject spatialId: " << csgo->getSpatialId() << std::endl;
				std::cout << "CSGObject domainType: " << csgo->getDomainType() << std::endl;
				const CSGNode* csgnode = csgo->getCSGNodeRoot();
				if (csgnode->isCSGTransformation()) {
					CSGTransformation* transf = (CSGTransformation*)csgnode;
					if (transf->isCSGScale()) {
						CSGScale* scale = static_cast<CSGScale*>(transf);
						std::cout << "CSGScale scaleX: " << scale->getScaleX() << std::endl;
						std::cout << "CSGScale scaleY: " << scale->getScaleY() << std::endl;
						std::cout << "CSGScale scaleZ: " << scale->getScaleZ() << std::endl;
						const CSGNode* scaleChild = scale->getChild();
						if (scaleChild->isCSGPrimitive()) {
							CSGPrimitive* prim = (CSGPrimitive*)scaleChild;
							std::cout << "CSGPrimitive primitiveType: " << prim->getPrimitiveType() << std::endl;
				if (csgnode->isCSGSetOperator()) {
					CSGSetOperator* setop = (CSGSetOperator*)(csgnode);
					std::cout << "CSGSetOperator opType: " << setop->getOperationType() << std::endl;
					for (unsigned int k = 0; k < setop->getNumCSGNodeChildren(); k++) {
						CSGNode* csgNode = setop->getCSGNodeChild(k);
						std::cout << "CSGNode type: " << csgNode->getTypeCode() << std::endl;

	delete document2;
예제 #6
파일: GeneNetwork.cpp 프로젝트: jbao/GNW
 * Load a gene network from an SBML file. Overrides Structure.load(). Format must
 * be equal GeneNetwork.SBML. Note, the SBML file must be in the exact same format
 * as the SBML files produced by writeSBML(). In particular, we assume that reactions are listed
 * *ordered* as we do in writeSBML().
 * @param filename URL to the file describing the network to load
 * @param format File format (GML, DOT, etc.)
 * @throws IOException 
void GeneNetwork::load_sbml(const char *filename) {
	SBMLDocument* document;
  	SBMLReader reader;

  	document = reader.readSBML(filename);

  	unsigned int errors = document->getNumErrors();
	if (errors > 0) {
        std::cerr << "Failed to open file " << filename << std::endl;

	Model *m = document->getModel();

	// -----------------------------------------
	// Set the network size and create the genes
	// do not count the species _void_
	int size = m->getNumSpecies() - 1;
	ListOfSpecies *species = m->getListOfSpecies();
	for (int g=0; g < size; g++) {
		if (species->get(g)->getId() != "_void_") {
			//HillGene hg = new HillGene(this);
			HillGene *n = new HillGene(species->get(g)->getId());
			delete n;
	x_ = Vec_DP(nodes_.size());
	x_ = 0;
	y_ = Vec_DP(nodes_.size());
	y_ = 0;
	//vector<string> parameterNames; // the names of the parameters
	//vector<double> parameterValues; // the values of the parameters
	std::map<std::string, double> params;
	std::vector<std::string> inputNodes; // the indexes of the inputs
	HillGene src, tgt;
	Parameter *param;
	// 2 loops for one gene: both synthesis and degradation reactions
	// (we assume that reactions are listed *ordered* as we do in writeSBML())
	//int counter = 0;
	for (unsigned int i=0; i < m->getNumReactions(); i++) {
		Reaction *re = m->getReaction(i);
		std::string id = re->getId();
		std::stringstream ss;
		ss << i;
		//::logging::log::emit<Debug>() << id.c_str() <<
		//		::logging::log::endl;
		tgt = nodes_.at(getIndexOfNode(getGeneReactantId(id)));
      	//SpeciesReference *rt = re->getReactant(0);
      	//Node *tgt = new HillGene();
      	//ListOfSpeciesReferences *modifiers = re->getListOfModifiers();

    	for (unsigned int j=0; j < re->getNumModifiers(); j++) {
      		ModifierSpeciesReference *md = re->getModifier(j);
      		src = nodes_.at(getIndexOfNode(md->getSpecies()));      		
            // set output genes
            std::vector<std::string> outputs = src.getOutputGenes();
            // The edge type is unknown for now, it is initialized later
      		Edge *e = new Edge(&src, &tgt, "+-");
			//delete src;
			delete e;

      	KineticLaw *kl = re->getKineticLaw();
      	for(unsigned int j=0; j < kl->getNumParameters(); j++) {
        	param = kl->getParameter(j);
			params[param->getId()] = param->getValue();
			//char buf[256];
      		//sprintf(buf, "%s\t%f", param->getId().c_str(), param->getValue());
			//::logging::log::emit<Info>() << buf <<	::logging::log::endl;
		//::logging::log::emit<Info>() << ::logging::log::dec << params.size() <<
		//		::logging::log::endl;
		// in the second iteration for this gene
		if (i%2 == 1) {
			// set parameters in gene
			//tgt.initialization(params, inputNodes);
			nodes_.at(getIndexOfNode(getGeneReactantId(id))).initialization(params, inputNodes);;
			//char buf[256];
			//sprintf(buf, "%f", params["k_1"]);
			//::logging::log::emit<Info>() << buf << ::logging::log::endl;
			inputNodes.clear(); // don't clear because the reference was copied to the gene
			//parameterNames.clear(); // reset (they were not copied)
	//signed_ = true;
	//delete document;
	//delete n;
	//delete e;
예제 #7
void SBML_sim::loadSBML(SBMLDocument * doc)
	if (!doc || doc->getNumErrors() > 0)
		Model * model = doc->getModel();
		ListOfParameters * params = model->getListOfParameters();
		ListOfReactions * reacs = model->getListOfReactions();
		ListOfSpecies * species = model->getListOfSpecies();
		ListOfSpeciesTypes * types = model->getListOfSpeciesTypes();
		ListOfEvents * events = model->getListOfEvents();
		ListOfRules * rules = model->getListOfRules();

		vector<string> assignmentEquations, rateEquations, eventTriggers;
		vector< vector<string> > eventResponses;

		if (events)
			for (int i=0; i < events->size(); ++i)
				Event * e = events->get(i);
				eventTriggers.push_back( SBML_formulaToString( e->getTrigger()->getMath() ) );
				ListOfEventAssignments * eventAssn = e->getListOfEventAssignments();
				vector<string> responses;
				string s;
				for (int j=0; j < eventAssn->size(); ++j)
					s = eventAssn->get(j)->getVariable();
					s.append( SBML_formulaToString( eventAssn->get(j)->getMath() ) );

				eventResponses.push_back( responses );

		if (rules)
			for (int i=0; i < rules->size(); ++i)
				Rule * r = rules->get(i);
				if (r->isAssignment())
					AssignmentRule * ar  = (AssignmentRule*)r;

		if (species)
			for (int i=0; i < species->size(); ++i)
				if (!species->get(i)->getConstant() && !species->get(i)->getBoundaryCondition())
					if (species->get(i)->isSetInitialAmount())
					if (species->get(i)->isSetInitialConcentration())
					if (species->get(i)->isSetInitialAmount())
					if (species->get(i)->isSetInitialConcentration())

		if (params)
			for (int i=0; i < params->size(); ++i)

		int numReacs = 0;
		if (reacs)
			numReacs = reacs->size();

		stoichiometryMatrix = new double[ numReacs * variableNames.size() ];

		for (int i=0; i < numReacs; ++i)
			Reaction * r = reacs->get(i);
			ListOfSpeciesReferences * reactants = r->getListOfReactants(),
									* products  = r->getListOfProducts();

			for (int j=0; j < variableNames.size(); ++j)
				stoichiometryMatrix[ j*numReacs + i ] = 0.0;

				for (int k=0; k < reactants->size(); ++k)
					if (reactants->get(k) && reactants->get(k)->getSpecies() == variableNames[j])
						stoichiometryMatrix[ j*numReacs + i ] -= 1.0;
						//stoichiometryMatrix[ j*numReacs + i ] -= SpeciesReference_getStoichiometry(reactants->get(k));
				for (int k=0; k < products->size(); ++k)
					if (products->get(k) && products->get(k)->getSpecies() == variableNames[j])
						stoichiometryMatrix[ j*numReacs + i ] += 1.0;
						//stoichiometryMatrix[ j*numReacs + i ] += SpeciesReference_getStoichiometry(reactants->get(k));
		for (int i=0; i < rateEquations.size(); ++i)
			mu::Parser p;

			for (int j=0; j < variableNames.size(); ++j)

			for (int j=0; j < variableNames.size(); ++j)
			for (int j=0; j < variableNames.size(); ++j)

			for (int j=0; j < parameterNames.size(); ++j)
			for (int j=0; j < assignmentVariables.size(); ++j)

			p.SetVarFactory(muparser_add_variable, (void*)this);

		for (int i=0; i < assignmentEquations.size(); ++i)
			mu::Parser p;
			for (int j=0; j < variableNames.size(); ++j)

			for (int j=0; j < parameterNames.size(); ++j)
			for (int j=0; j < assignmentVariables.size(); ++j)

			//p.SetVarFactory(muparser_add_variable, (void*)this);

				std::cout << assignmentEquations[i] << std::endl;

		for (int i=0; i < eventTriggers.size(); ++i)
			mu::Parser p;

			for (int j=0; j < variableNames.size(); ++j)

			for (int j=0; j < variableNames.size(); ++j)
			for (int j=0; j < variableNames.size(); ++j)

			for (int j=0; j < parameterNames.size(); ++j)
			for (int j=0; j < assignmentVariables.size(); ++j)

				//resposes for the trigger
				vector<mu::Parser> responses;
				for (int j=0; j < eventResponses[i].size(); ++j)
					mu::Parser p;

					catch(...) {}

				if (responses.size() > 0)

		//delete params;
		//delete reacs;
예제 #8
//create REACTION
void SbmlReader::createReaction( map< string,Id > &molMap )
	map< string,double > rctMap;
	map< string,double >::iterator rctMap_iter;
	map< string,double >pdtMap;
	map< string,double >::iterator pdtMap_iter;
	map< string,Eref >::iterator elemt_iter;
	map< string,EnzymeInfo >enzInfoMap;
	double rctorder,pdtorder;
	static const Cinfo* moleculeCinfo = initMoleculeCinfo();
	static const Finfo* reacFinfo =moleculeCinfo->findFinfo( "reac" );	
	static const Cinfo* reactionCinfo = initReactionCinfo();
	static const Finfo* subFinfo = reactionCinfo->findFinfo( "sub" );
	static const Finfo* prdFinfo = reactionCinfo->findFinfo( "prd" );
	static const Finfo* kfFinfo = reactionCinfo->findFinfo( "kf" );	
	static const Finfo* kbFinfo = reactionCinfo->findFinfo( "kb" );	
	Reaction* reac;	
	for ( unsigned int r = 0; r < model_->getNumReactions(); r++ )
		reac = model_->getReaction( r ); 
		const string id=reac->getId();
		//cout<<"reaction is "<<id<<endl;
		std::string name;
		if ( reac->isSetName() ){
			name = reac->getName();
		string grpname = getAnnotation( reac,enzInfoMap );
		if ( (grpname != "") && (enzInfoMap[grpname].stage == 3) )
			setupEnzymaticReaction( enzInfoMap[grpname],grpname );
		else if ( grpname == "" )
			if ( reac->getNumModifiers()> 0 )
				 setupMMEnzymeReaction( reac,id );
				bool rev=reac->getReversible();
				bool fast=reac->getFast();
				if ( fast ){
					cout<<"warning: for now fast attribute is not handled"<<endl;
					errorFlag_ = true;
				int numRcts = reac->getNumReactants();
				int numPdts = reac->getNumProducts();
				if ( numRcts == 0 && numPdts != 0 ){
					const SpeciesReference* pdt = reac->getProduct( 0 );
					std::string spName = pdt->getSpecies();     
					Id parent = molMap.find( spName )->second; //gives compartment of spName
					string parentCompt = parent()->name();
					//cout<<"parent of reactant :"<<parentCompt<<endl;
					ostringstream spId;
					spId <<id<<"_Src";
					molecule_ = Neutral::create( "Molecule",spId.str(),parent,Id::scratchId() );//create Molecule
					molMap[spId.str()] = parent; 
					elmtMap_[spId.str()] = Eref( molecule_ );
					::set< double >( molecule_,"conc", 1 );
					::set< int >( molecule_,"mode",4 );
					reaction_ = Neutral::create( "Reaction",id,parent,Id::scratchId() ); //create Reaction
					Eref( reaction_ ).add( subFinfo->msg(),elmtMap_[spId.str()],reacFinfo->msg(),ConnTainer::Default );
					const SpeciesReference* rect=reac->getReactant(0);
					std::string sp=rect->getSpecies();
					Id m = molMap.find(sp)->second; //gives compartment of sp
					reaction_ = Neutral::create( "Reaction",id,m,Id::scratchId() ); //create Reaction
					double rctcount=0.0;	
					for ( unsigned int rt=0;rt<reac->getNumReactants();rt++ )
						const SpeciesReference* rct=reac->getReactant(rt);
						rctMap_iter = rctMap.find(sp);			
						if ( rctMap_iter != rctMap.end() ){	
							rctcount = rctMap_iter->second;
						else {
							rctcount = 0.0;
						rctcount += rct->getStoichiometry();
						rctMap[sp] = rctcount;
						for ( int i=0;(int)i<rct->getStoichiometry();i++ )
							Eref(reaction_).add( subFinfo->msg(),elmtMap_[sp],reacFinfo->msg(),ConnTainer::Default );
				double pdtcount = 0.0;
				for ( unsigned int pt=0;pt<reac->getNumProducts();pt++ )
					const SpeciesReference* pdt=reac->getProduct(pt);
					std::string sp=pdt->getSpecies();	
					pdtMap_iter = pdtMap.find(sp);
					if ( pdtMap_iter != pdtMap.end() ){	
						pdtcount = pdtMap_iter->second;
					else {
						pdtcount = 0.0;
					pdtcount += pdt->getStoichiometry();
					pdtMap[sp] = pdtcount;	
					for ( int i=0;i<pdt->getStoichiometry();i++ )
						Eref(reaction_).add( prdFinfo->msg(),elmtMap_[sp],reacFinfo->msg(),ConnTainer::Default );
				//order of reactants
				rctorder = 0.0;	
				string rsp = "",psp = "";
				for ( rctMap_iter=rctMap.begin();rctMap_iter!=rctMap.end();rctMap_iter++ )
					rctorder += rctMap_iter->second;
					rsp=rctMap_iter->first;	//species of the reactant
				//cout<<"rct order = "<<rctorder<<endl;
				//order of products
				pdtorder = 0.0;
				for ( pdtMap_iter=pdtMap.begin();pdtMap_iter!=pdtMap.end();pdtMap_iter++ )
					pdtorder += pdtMap_iter->second;
					psp=pdtMap_iter->first;	//species of the product	
				//cout<<"pdt order = "<<pdtorder<<endl;
				if ( reac->isSetKineticLaw() )
				{	KineticLaw * klaw=reac->getKineticLaw();
					//vector< double > rate = getKLaw( klaw,rev );
					vector< double > rate;
					getKLaw( klaw,rev,rate );
					if ( errorFlag_ )
					else if ( !errorFlag_ ){
						::set< double >( reaction_, kfFinfo, rate[0] ); 
						::set< double >( reaction_, kbFinfo, rate[1] );	

			}//else modifier
}//create reaction
예제 #9
CompIdBase::checkId (const Reaction& x)
  if (x.isSetId()) doCheckId(x.getId(), x);
예제 #10
void readSpatialSBML() {
	SBMLDocument *document2 = readSBML("spatial_example2.xml");
	Model *model2 = document2->getModel();
	Compartment *comp;
	SpatialCompartmentPlugin* cplugin;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model2->getNumCompartments(); i++) {
		comp = model2->getCompartment(i);
		cout << "Compartment" << i << ": "  << comp->getId() << endl;
		cplugin = static_cast<SpatialCompartmentPlugin*>(comp->getPlugin("spatial"));
		if (cplugin->getCompartmentMapping()->isSetId()) {
			cout << "Comp" << i << "  CMSpId: "  << cplugin->getCompartmentMapping()->getId() << endl;
			cout << "Comp" << i << "  CM_DType: "  << cplugin->getCompartmentMapping()->getDomainType() << endl;
			cout << "Comp" << i << "  CM_UnitSz: "  << cplugin->getCompartmentMapping()->getUnitSize() << endl;

	Species *sp;
	SpatialSpeciesPlugin* srplugin;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model2->getNumSpecies(); i++) {
		sp = model2->getSpecies(i);
		cout << "Species" << i << ": "      << sp->getId()      << endl;
		srplugin = static_cast<SpatialSpeciesPlugin*>(sp->getPlugin("spatial"));
		if (srplugin->getIsSpatial()) {
			cout << "species" << i << "  isSpatial: "  << srplugin->getIsSpatial() << endl;

	Parameter *param;
	SpatialParameterPlugin* pplugin;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model2->getNumParameters(); i++) {
		param = model2->getParameter(i);
		cout << "Parameter" << i << ": "  << param->getId() << endl;
		pplugin = static_cast<SpatialParameterPlugin*>(param->getPlugin("spatial"));
		if (pplugin->isSetSpatialSymbolReference()) {
			cout << "Parameter" << i << "  SpRefId: "  << pplugin->getSpatialSymbolReference()->getSpatialRef() << endl;
		if (pplugin->isSetDiffusionCoefficient()) {
			cout << "Diff_" << i << "  SpeciesVarId: "  << pplugin->getDiffusionCoefficient()->getVariable() << endl;
			cout << "Diff_" << i << "  Type: "  << DiffusionKind_toString(pplugin->getDiffusionCoefficient()->getType()) << endl;
      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < pplugin->getDiffusionCoefficient()->getNumCoordinateReferences(); ++j)
        cout << "Diff_" << i << "  SpCoordIndex  " << j << " : " << CoordinateKind_toString(pplugin->getDiffusionCoefficient()->getCoordinateReference(j) ->getCoordinate()) << endl;
		if (pplugin->isSetAdvectionCoefficient()) {
			cout << "Adv_" << i << "  SpeciesVarId: "  << pplugin->getAdvectionCoefficient()->getVariable() << endl;
			cout << "Adv_" << i << "  SpCoordIndex: "  << CoordinateKind_toString(pplugin->getAdvectionCoefficient()->getCoordinate()) << endl;
		if (pplugin->isSetBoundaryCondition()) {
			cout << "BC_" << i << "  SpeciesVarId: "  << pplugin->getBoundaryCondition()->getVariable() << endl;
			cout << "BC_" << i << "  SpCoordBoundary: "  << pplugin->getBoundaryCondition()->getCoordinateBoundary() << endl;
			cout << "BC_" << i << "  SpBoundaryType: "  << pplugin->getBoundaryCondition()->getType() << endl;

	Reaction *rxn;
	SpatialReactionPlugin* rplugin;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model2->getNumReactions(); i++) {
		rxn = model2->getReaction(i);
		cout << "Reaction" << i << ": "      << rxn->getId()      << endl;
		rplugin = static_cast<SpatialReactionPlugin*>(rxn->getPlugin("spatial"));
		if (rplugin->getIsLocal()) {
			cout << "rxn" << i << "  isLocal: "  << rplugin->getIsLocal() << endl;

	Rule *rule;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model2->getNumRules(); i++) {
		rule = model2->getRule(i);
		cout << "Rule" << i << ": "      << rule->getVariable()      << endl;

	// Get a SpatialModelPlugin object plugged in the model object.
	// The type of the returned value of SBase::getPlugin() function is 
	// SBasePlugin*, and thus the value needs to be cast for the 
	// corresponding derived class.
	SpatialModelPlugin* mplugin2;
	mplugin2 = static_cast<SpatialModelPlugin*>(model2->getPlugin("spatial"));
	cout << "URI: "      << mplugin2->getURI()      << endl;
	cout << "prefix: "      << mplugin2->getPrefix()      << endl;

	// get a Geometry object via SpatialModelPlugin object.
	Geometry* geometry2 = mplugin2->getGeometry();
	cout << "Geometry coordSystem: "      << geometry2->getCoordinateSystem()      << endl;
	// get a CoordComponent object via the Geometry object.	
	CoordinateComponent* coordComp = geometry2->getCoordinateComponent(0);
	std::cout << "CoordComponent Id: " << coordComp->getId() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "CoordComponent type: " << CoordinateKind_toString( coordComp->getType()) << std::endl;
	std::cout << "CoordComponent sbmlUnit: " << coordComp->getUnit() << std::endl;
  if (coordComp->isSetBoundaryMin())
  Boundary* minX = coordComp->getBoundaryMin();
	std::cout << "minX name: " << minX->getId() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "minX value: " << minX->getValue() << std::endl;
  if (coordComp->isSetBoundaryMax())
	Boundary* maxX = coordComp->getBoundaryMax();
	std::cout << "maxX name: " << maxX->getId() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "maxX value: " << maxX->getValue() << std::endl;

	// get a DomainType object via the Geometry object.	
	DomainType* domainType2 = geometry2->getDomainType(0);
	std::cout << "DomainType Id: " << domainType2->getId() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "DomainType spatialDim: " << domainType2->getSpatialDimension() << std::endl;

	// get a Domain object via the Geometry object.	
	Domain* domain = geometry2->getDomain(0);
	std::cout << "Domain1 Id: " << domain->getId() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Domain1 domainType: " << domain->getDomainType() << std::endl;
	// get an internal point via the domain object
	InteriorPoint* internalPt = domain->getInteriorPoint(0);
	std::cout << "InternalPt_1 coord1: " << internalPt->getCoord1() << std::endl;

	// get a Domain object via the Geometry object.	
	domain = geometry2->getDomain(1);
	std::cout << "Domain2 Id: " << domain->getId() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Domain2 domainType: " << domain->getDomainType() << std::endl;
	// get an internal point via the domain object
	internalPt = domain->getInteriorPoint(0);
	std::cout << "InternalPt_2 coord1: " << internalPt->getCoord1() << std::endl;

	// get an AdjacentDomains object via the Geometry object.	
	AdjacentDomains* adjDomain = geometry2->getAdjacentDomains(0);
	std::cout << "AdjDomain Id: " << adjDomain->getId() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "AdjDomain domain1: " << adjDomain->getDomain1() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "AdjDomain domain2: " << adjDomain->getDomain2() << std::endl;

	// get an AnalyticGeometry object via the Geometry object.
	GeometryDefinition* gd;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < geometry2->getNumGeometryDefinitions(); i++) {
		gd = geometry2->getGeometryDefinition(i);
		if (gd->isAnalyticGeometry()) {
			AnalyticGeometry* analyticalGeom = static_cast<AnalyticGeometry*>(gd);
			std::cout << "AnalGeom Id: " << analyticalGeom->getId() << std::endl;

			// analVol from analGeom.
			AnalyticVolume* av = analyticalGeom->getAnalyticVolume(0);
			std::cout << "AnalVol Id: " << av->getId() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "AnalVol domainType: " << av->getDomainType() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "AnalVol funcType: " << av->getFunctionType() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "AnalVol ordinal: " << av->getOrdinal() << std::endl;
			const ASTNode* mathNode = av->getMath();
			char* mathStr = writeMathMLToString(mathNode);
			std::cout << "AnalVol math: " << mathStr << std::endl;
		if (gd->isSampledFieldGeometry()) {
			SampledFieldGeometry* sfGeom = static_cast<SampledFieldGeometry*>(gd);
			std::cout << "SampledFieldGeom Id: " << sfGeom->getId() << std::endl;
			// sampledField from sfGeom
			SampledField* sf = sfGeom->getSampledField();
			std::cout << "SampledField Id: " << sf->getId() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "SampledField dataType: " << sf->getDataType() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "SampledField interpolation: " << sf->getInterpolationType() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "SampledField encoding: " << sf->getEncoding() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "SampledField numSamples1: " << sf->getNumSamples1() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "SampledField numSamples2: " << sf->getNumSamples2() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "SampledField numSamples3: " << sf->getNumSamples3() << std::endl;
			const ImageData* id = sf->getImageData();
			int* samples = new int[id->getSamplesLength()];
			std::cout << "ImageData samples[0]: " << samples[0] << std::endl;
			std::cout << "ImageData dtype: " << id->getDataType() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "ImageData samplesLen: " << id->getSamplesLength() << std::endl;
			// sampledVolVol from sfGeom.
			SampledVolume* sv = sfGeom->getSampledVolume(0);
			std::cout << "SampledVol Id: " << sv->getId() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "SampledVol domainType: " << sv->getDomainType() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "SampledVol sampledVal: " << sv->getSampledValue() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "SampledVol min: " << sv->getMinValue() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "SampledVol max: " << sv->getMaxValue() << std::endl;

	delete document2;
예제 #11
void SBMLUtils::collectIds(Model* pModel, std::map<std::string, const SBase*>& ids, std::map<std::string, const SBase*>& metaIds)
  if (pModel != NULL)
      // the model itself
      SBase* pSBase = NULL;
      std::string id;

      if (pModel->isSetId())
          id = pModel->getId();

          if (ids.find(id) == ids.end())
              ids.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pModel));
              CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::EXCEPTION, MCSBML + 68, id.c_str());

      if (pModel->isSetMetaId())
          id = pModel->getMetaId();

          if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
              metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pModel));
              CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

      // ListOfFunctionDefinitions
      pSBase = pModel->getListOfFunctionDefinitions();

      if (pSBase != NULL)
          if (pSBase->isSetId())
              id = pSBase->getId();

              if (ids.find(id) == ids.end())
                  ids.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pModel));
                  CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::EXCEPTION, MCSBML + 68, id.c_str());

          if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
              id = pSBase->getMetaId();

              if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                  metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pModel));
                  CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

          // all FunctionDefinitions
          unsigned int i, iMax = pModel->getListOfFunctionDefinitions()->size();

          for (i = 0; i < iMax; ++i)
              pSBase = pModel->getListOfFunctionDefinitions()->get(i);

              if (pSBase->isSetId())
                  id = pSBase->getId();

                  if (ids.find(id) == ids.end())
                      ids.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                      CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::EXCEPTION, MCSBML + 68, id.c_str());

              if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
                  id = pSBase->getMetaId();

                  if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                      metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                      CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

      // ListOfUnitDefinition
      pSBase = pModel->getListOfUnitDefinitions();

      if (pSBase != NULL)
          if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
              id = pSBase->getMetaId();

              if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                  metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pModel));
                  CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

          // all UnitDefinitions
          // for each UnitDefinition: ListOfUnits, each Unit in ListOfUnits
          unsigned int i, iMax = pModel->getListOfUnitDefinitions()->size();

          for (i = 0; i < iMax; ++i)
              /* UnitDefinitions have their ids in a different namespace
                 so we only consider meta ids.
              UnitDefinition* pUDef = pModel->getUnitDefinition(i);
              assert(pUDef != NULL);

              if (pUDef->isSetMetaId())
                  id = pUDef->getMetaId();

                  if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                      metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pUDef));
                      CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

              ListOf* pList = pUDef->getListOfUnits();

              if (pList != NULL)
                  if (pList->isSetMetaId())
                      id = pList->getMetaId();

                      if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                          metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pList));
                          CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

                  unsigned j, jMax = pList->size();

                  for (j = 0; j < jMax; ++j)
                      pSBase = pList->get(j);
                      assert(pSBase != NULL);

                      if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
                          id = pSBase->getMetaId();

                          if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                              metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                              CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

      // ListOfCompartmentTypes
      pSBase = pModel->getListOfCompartmentTypes();

      if (pSBase != NULL)
          if (pSBase->isSetId())
              id = pSBase->getId();

              if (ids.find(id) == ids.end())
                  ids.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pModel));
                  CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::EXCEPTION, MCSBML + 68, id.c_str());

          if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
              id = pSBase->getMetaId();

              if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                  metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pModel));
                  CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

          // each compartment type
          unsigned int i, iMax = pModel->getListOfCompartmentTypes()->size();

          for (i = 0; i < iMax; ++i)
              pSBase = pModel->getCompartmentType(i);
              assert(pSBase != NULL);

              if (pSBase->isSetId())
                  id = pSBase->getId();

                  if (ids.find(id) == ids.end())
                      ids.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                      CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::EXCEPTION, MCSBML + 68, id.c_str());

              if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
                  id = pSBase->getMetaId();

                  if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                      metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                      CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

      // ListOfSpeciesTypes
      pSBase = pModel->getListOfSpeciesTypes();

      if (pSBase != NULL)
          if (pSBase->isSetId())
              id = pSBase->getId();

              if (ids.find(id) == ids.end())
                  ids.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pModel));
                  CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::EXCEPTION, MCSBML + 68, id.c_str());

          if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
              id = pSBase->getMetaId();

              if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                  metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pModel));
                  CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

          // each species type
          unsigned int i, iMax = pModel->getListOfSpeciesTypes()->size();

          for (i = 0; i < iMax; ++i)
              pSBase = pModel->getSpeciesType(i);
              assert(pSBase != NULL);

              if (pSBase->isSetId())
                  id = pSBase->getId();

                  if (ids.find(id) == ids.end())
                      ids.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                      CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::EXCEPTION, MCSBML + 68, id.c_str());

              if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
                  id = pSBase->getMetaId();

                  if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                      metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                      CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

      // ListOfCompartments
      pSBase = pModel->getListOfCompartments();

      if (pSBase != NULL)
          if (pSBase->isSetId())
              id = pSBase->getId();

              if (ids.find(id) == ids.end())
                  ids.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pModel));
                  CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::EXCEPTION, MCSBML + 68, id.c_str());

          if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
              id = pSBase->getMetaId();

              if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                  metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pModel));
                  CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

          // all compartments
          unsigned int i, iMax = pModel->getListOfCompartments()->size();

          for (i = 0; i < iMax; ++i)
              pSBase = pModel->getCompartment(i);
              assert(pSBase != NULL);

              if (pSBase->isSetId())
                  id = pSBase->getId();

                  if (ids.find(id) == ids.end())
                      ids.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                      CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::EXCEPTION, MCSBML + 68, id.c_str());

              if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
                  id = pSBase->getMetaId();

                  if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                      metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                      CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

      // ListOfSpecies
      pSBase = pModel->getListOfSpecies();

      if (pSBase != NULL)
          if (pSBase->isSetId())
              id = pSBase->getId();

              if (ids.find(id) == ids.end())
                  ids.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pModel));
                  CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::EXCEPTION, MCSBML + 68, id.c_str());

          if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
              id = pSBase->getMetaId();

              if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                  metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pModel));
                  CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

          // all species
          unsigned int i, iMax = pModel->getListOfSpecies()->size();

          for (i = 0; i < iMax; ++i)
              pSBase = pModel->getSpecies(i);
              assert(pSBase != NULL);

              if (pSBase->isSetId())
                  id = pSBase->getId();

                  if (ids.find(id) == ids.end())
                      ids.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                      CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::EXCEPTION, MCSBML + 68, id.c_str());

              if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
                  id = pSBase->getMetaId();

                  if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                      metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                      CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

      // ListOfParameters
      pSBase = pModel->getListOfParameters();

      if (pSBase != NULL)
          if (pSBase->isSetId())
              id = pSBase->getId();

              if (ids.find(id) == ids.end())
                  ids.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pModel));
                  CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::EXCEPTION, MCSBML + 68, id.c_str());

          if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
              id = pSBase->getMetaId();

              if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                  metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pModel));
                  CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

          // each parameter
          unsigned int i, iMax = pModel->getListOfParameters()->size();

          for (i = 0; i < iMax; ++i)
              pSBase = pModel->getParameter(i);
              assert(pSBase != NULL);

              if (pSBase->isSetId())
                  id = pSBase->getId();

                  if (ids.find(id) == ids.end())
                      ids.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                      CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::EXCEPTION, MCSBML + 68, id.c_str());

              if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
                  id = pSBase->getMetaId();

                  if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                      metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                      CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

      // ListOfInitialAssignments
      pSBase = pModel->getListOfInitialAssignments();

      if (pSBase != NULL)
          if (pSBase->isSetId())
              id = pSBase->getId();

              if (ids.find(id) == ids.end())
                  ids.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pModel));
                  CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::EXCEPTION, MCSBML + 68, id.c_str());

          if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
              id = pSBase->getMetaId();

              if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                  metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pModel));
                  CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

          // each initial assignment
          unsigned int i, iMax = pModel->getListOfInitialAssignments()->size();

          for (i = 0; i < iMax; ++i)
              pSBase = pModel->getInitialAssignment(i);
              assert(pSBase != NULL);

              // initial assignments have no ids
              if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
                  id = pSBase->getMetaId();

                  if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                      metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                      CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

      // ListOfRules
      pSBase = pModel->getListOfRules();

      if (pSBase != NULL)
          if (pSBase->isSetId())
              id = pSBase->getId();

              if (ids.find(id) == ids.end())
                  ids.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pModel));
                  CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::EXCEPTION, MCSBML + 68, id.c_str());

          if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
              id = pSBase->getMetaId();

              if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                  metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pModel));
                  CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

          // each rule
          unsigned int i, iMax = pModel->getListOfRules()->size();

          for (i = 0; i < iMax; ++i)
              pSBase = pModel->getRule(i);
              assert(pSBase != NULL);

              // rules don't have ids
              if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
                  id = pSBase->getMetaId();

                  if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                      metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                      CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

      // ListOfConstraints
      pSBase = pModel->getListOfConstraints();

      if (pSBase != NULL)
          if (pSBase->isSetId())
              id = pSBase->getId();

              if (ids.find(id) == ids.end())
                  ids.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pModel));
                  CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::EXCEPTION, MCSBML + 68, id.c_str());

          if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
              id = pSBase->getMetaId();

              if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                  metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pModel));
                  CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

          // each constraint
          unsigned int i, iMax = pModel->getListOfConstraints()->size();

          for (i = 0; i < iMax; ++i)
              pSBase = pModel->getConstraint(i);
              assert(pSBase != NULL);

              // constraints don't have ids
              if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
                  id = pSBase->getMetaId();

                  if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                      metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                      CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

      // ListOfReactions
      pSBase = pModel->getListOfReactions();

      if (pSBase != NULL)
          if (pSBase->isSetId())
              id = pSBase->getId();

              if (ids.find(id) == ids.end())
                  ids.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pModel));
                  CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::EXCEPTION, MCSBML + 68, id.c_str());

          if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
              id = pSBase->getMetaId();

              if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                  metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pModel));
                  CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

          // all reactions
          unsigned int i, iMax = pModel->getListOfReactions()->size();

          for (i = 0; i < iMax; ++i)
              Reaction* pReaction = pModel->getReaction(i);
              assert(pReaction != NULL);

              if (pReaction->isSetId())
                  id = pReaction->getId();

                  if (ids.find(id) == ids.end())
                      ids.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pReaction));
                      CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::EXCEPTION, MCSBML + 68, id.c_str());

              if (pReaction->isSetMetaId())
                  id = pReaction->getMetaId();

                  if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                      metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pReaction));
                      CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

              // for each reaction: ListOfSubstrates, each substrate, ListOfProducts, each
              // Product, ListOfModifieres, each modifier, KineticLaw, ListOfparameters,
              // each parameter
              if (pReaction->getListOfReactants() != NULL)
                  pSBase = pReaction->getListOfReactants();

                  if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
                      id = pSBase->getMetaId();

                      if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                          metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                          CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

                  unsigned int j, jMax = pReaction->getListOfReactants()->size();

                  for (j = 0; j < jMax; ++j)
                      pSBase = pReaction->getReactant(j);
                      assert(pSBase != NULL);

                      // since L2V2 species references can have ids
                      if (pSBase->isSetId())
                          id = pSBase->getId();

                          if (ids.find(id) == ids.end())
                              ids.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                              CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::EXCEPTION, MCSBML + 68, id.c_str());

                      if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
                          id = pSBase->getMetaId();

                          if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                              metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                              CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

              if (pReaction->getListOfProducts() != NULL)
                  pSBase = pReaction->getListOfProducts();

                  if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
                      id = pSBase->getMetaId();

                      if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                          metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                          CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

                  unsigned int j, jMax = pReaction->getListOfProducts()->size();

                  for (j = 0; j < jMax; ++j)
                      pSBase = pReaction->getProduct(j);
                      assert(pSBase != NULL);

                      // since L2V2 species references can have ids
                      if (pSBase->isSetId())
                          id = pSBase->getId();

                          if (ids.find(id) == ids.end())
                              ids.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                              CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::EXCEPTION, MCSBML + 68, id.c_str());

                      if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
                          id = pSBase->getMetaId();

                          if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                              metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                              CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

              if (pReaction->getListOfModifiers() != NULL)
                  pSBase = pReaction->getListOfModifiers();

                  if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
                      id = pSBase->getMetaId();

                      if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                          metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                          CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

                  unsigned int j, jMax = pReaction->getListOfModifiers()->size();

                  for (j = 0; j < jMax; ++j)
                      pSBase = pReaction->getModifier(j);
                      assert(pSBase != NULL);

                      // since L2V2 species references can have ids
                      if (pSBase->isSetId())
                          id = pSBase->getId();

                          if (ids.find(id) == ids.end())
                              ids.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                              CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::EXCEPTION, MCSBML + 68, id.c_str());

                      if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
                          id = pSBase->getMetaId();

                          if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                              metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                              CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

              KineticLaw* pKLaw = pReaction->getKineticLaw();

              if (pKLaw != NULL)
                  if (pKLaw->isSetMetaId())
                      id = pKLaw->getMetaId();

                      if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                          metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pKLaw));
                          CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

                  pSBase = pKLaw->getListOfParameters();

                  if (pSBase != NULL)
                      if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
                          id = pSBase->getMetaId();

                          if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                              metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                              CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

                      unsigned int j, jMax = pKLaw->getListOfParameters()->size();

                      for (j = 0; j < jMax; ++j)
                          pSBase = pKLaw->getParameter(j);
                          assert(pSBase != NULL);

                          // local parameters have their ids in a
                          // different namespace
                          if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
                              id = pSBase->getMetaId();

                              if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                                  metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                                  CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

      // ListOfEvents
      pSBase = pModel->getListOfEvents();

      if (pSBase != NULL)
          if (pSBase->isSetId())
              id = pSBase->getId();

              if (ids.find(id) == ids.end())
                  ids.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pModel));
                  CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::EXCEPTION, MCSBML + 68, id.c_str());

          if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
              id = pSBase->getMetaId();

              if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                  metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pModel));
                  CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

          // each event
          unsigned int i, iMax = pModel->getListOfEvents()->size();

          for (i = 0; i < iMax; ++i)
              Event* pEvent = pModel->getEvent(i);
              assert(pEvent != NULL);

              if (pEvent->isSetId())
                  id = pEvent->getId();

                  if (ids.find(id) == ids.end())
                      ids.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pEvent));
                      CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::EXCEPTION, MCSBML + 68, id.c_str());

              if (pEvent->isSetMetaId())
                  id = pEvent->getMetaId();

                  if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                      metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pEvent));
                      CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

              // in each event Trigger,Delay,ListOfEventAssignments, each event assignment
              if (pEvent->isSetTrigger())
                  pSBase = pEvent->getTrigger();
                  assert(pSBase != NULL);

                  if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
                      id = pSBase->getMetaId();

                      if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                          metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                          CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

              if (pEvent->isSetDelay())
                  pSBase = pEvent->getDelay();
                  assert(pSBase != NULL);

                  if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
                      id = pSBase->getMetaId();

                      if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                          metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                          CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

              if (pEvent->getListOfEventAssignments() != NULL)
                  pSBase = pEvent->getListOfEventAssignments();

                  if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
                      id = pSBase->getMetaId();

                      if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                          metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                          CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());

                  unsigned int j, jMax = pEvent->getListOfEventAssignments()->size();

                  for (j = 0; j < jMax; ++j)
                      pSBase = pEvent->getEventAssignment(j);
                      assert(pSBase != NULL);

                      if (pSBase->isSetMetaId())
                          id = pSBase->getMetaId();

                          if (metaIds.find(id) == metaIds.end())
                              metaIds.insert(std::pair<const std::string, const SBase*>(id, pSBase));
                              CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::WARNING, MCSBML + 67, id.c_str());
예제 #12
void SbmlReader::createReaction(const map< string, Id > &molSidcmptMIdMap ) {
    Reaction* reac;

    map< string,double > rctMap;
    map< string,double >::iterator rctMap_iter;
    map< string,double >prdMap;
    map< string,double >::iterator prdMap_iter;
    map< string,EnzymeInfo >enzInfoMap;

    for ( unsigned int r = 0; r < model_->getNumReactions(); r++ ) {
        Id reaction_;
        reac = model_->getReaction( r );
        noOfsub_ = 0;
        noOfprd_ = 0;
        std:: string id; //=reac->getId();
        if ( reac->isSetId() )
            id = reac->getId();

        std::string name;
        if ( reac->isSetName() ) {
            name = reac->getName();
            name = nameString(name);
        if (name.empty()) {
            if (id.empty())
                assert("Reaction id and name is empty");
                name = id;
        string grpname = getAnnotation( reac,enzInfoMap );
        if ( (grpname != "") && (enzInfoMap[grpname].stage == 3) ) {
            setupEnzymaticReaction( enzInfoMap[grpname],grpname ,molSidcmptMIdMap,name);
        //if (grpname != "")
        // {
        //cout << "\n enz matic reaction " << enzInfoMap[grpname].stage;
        //setupEnzymaticReaction( enzInfoMap[grpname],grpname ,molSidcmptMIdMap);

        else if ( grpname == "" ) {
            if (reac->getNumModifiers() > 0)
                setupMMEnzymeReaction( reac,id,name ,molSidcmptMIdMap);
            else {
                bool rev=reac->getReversible();
                bool fast=reac->getFast();
                if ( fast ) {
                    cout<<"warning: for now fast attribute is not handled"<<endl;
                    errorFlag_ = true;
                int numRcts = reac->getNumReactants();
                int numPdts = reac->getNumProducts();
                if ( numRcts == 0 && numPdts != 0 ) {
                    cout << "Reaction with zero Substrate is not possible but exist in this model";
                    const SpeciesReference* pdt = reac->getProduct( 0 );
                    std::string spName = pdt->getSpecies();
                    Id parent = molSidcmptMIdMap.find( spName )->second; //gives compartment of spName
                    cout << " \n \t ################################# Sub = 0 and prd != 0 need to the reac ############### ";
                    const SpeciesReference* rect=reac->getReactant(0);
                    std::string sp=rect->getSpecies();
                    Id comptRef = molSidcmptMIdMap.find(sp)->second; //gives compartment of sp
                    Id meshEntry = Neutral::child( comptRef.eref(), "mesh" );
                    Shell* shell = reinterpret_cast< Shell* >( Id().eref().data() );
                    reaction_ = shell->doCreate("Reac", meshEntry, name, 1);
                    //shell->doAddMsg( "Single", meshEntry, "remeshReacs", reaction_, "remesh");
                    //Get Substrate
                } //if numRcts == 0
                else {
                    const SpeciesReference* rect=reac->getReactant(0);
                    std::string sp=rect->getSpecies();
                    Id comptRef = molSidcmptMIdMap.find(sp)->second; //gives compartment of sp
                    Id meshEntry = Neutral::child( comptRef.eref(), "mesh" );
                    Shell* shell = reinterpret_cast< Shell* >( Id().eref().data() );

                    reaction_ = shell->doCreate("Reac", comptRef, name, 1);
                    //shell->doAddMsg( "Single", meshEntry, "remeshReacs", reaction_, "remesh");
                    //Get Substrate

                    //Get Product
                if ( reac->isSetKineticLaw() ) {
                    KineticLaw * klaw=reac->getKineticLaw();

                    //vector< double > rate = getKLaw( klaw,rev );
                    vector< double > rate;
                    getKLaw( klaw,rev,rate );
                    if ( errorFlag_ )
                    else if ( !errorFlag_ ) {
                        //cout << " Reaction name " << name << " kf " << rate[0] << " kb " << rate[1]<<endl;

                        Field < double > :: set( reaction_, "Kf", rate[0] );
                        Field < double > :: set( reaction_, "Kb", rate[1] );
                        /*if (numRcts > 1)
                        rate[0] = rate[0]*pow(1e3,1.0);
                             cout << "Reaction " << id << " " << name << " " << rate[0] << "  " << rate[1]<<endl;
                             Field < double > :: set( reaction_, "Kf", rate[0] );
                             Field < double > :: set( reaction_, "Kb", rate[1] );
                } //issetKineticLaw

            } //else
        } // else grpname == ""
    }//for unsigned
} //reaction