예제 #1
void MusicEffect::RenderMorph(RenderBuffer &buffer, int x, int bars, int startNote, int endNote, std::list<MusicEvent*>& events, int colourTreatment, bool bounce, bool fade)
    bool up = true;
    int event = -1;
    for (auto it = events.begin(); it != events.end(); ++it)
        up = !up;
        if ((*it)->IsEventActive(buffer.curPeriod))
            float progress = (*it)->OffsetInDuration(buffer.curPeriod);

            int length = buffer.BufferHt;
            int start = -1 * length + progress * 2 * length + 1;
            int end = start + length;

            for (int y = std::max(0, start); y < std::min(end, buffer.BufferHt); y++)
                xlColor c = xlWHITE;
                float proportion = ((float)end - (float)y) / (float)length;
                if (colourTreatment == 1)
                    // distinct
                    float percolour = 1.0 / (float)buffer.GetColorCount();
                    for (int i = 0; i < buffer.GetColorCount(); i++)
                        if (proportion <= ((float)i + 1.0)*percolour)
                            buffer.palette.GetColor(i, c);
                else if (colourTreatment == 2)
                    // blend
                    buffer.GetMultiColorBlend(proportion, false, c);
                else if (colourTreatment == 3)
                    buffer.palette.GetColor(event % buffer.GetColorCount(), c);

                if (fade)
                    c.alpha = (1.0 -proportion) * 255;

                if (up || !bounce)
                    buffer.SetPixel(x, y, c);
                    buffer.SetPixel(x, buffer.BufferHt - y - 1, c);
예제 #2
void MusicEffect::RenderOn(RenderBuffer &buffer, int x, int bars, int startNote, int endNote, std::list<MusicEvent*>& events, int colourTreatment, bool fade)
    int event = -1;
    for (auto it = events.begin(); it != events.end(); ++it)
        if ((*it)->IsEventActive(buffer.curPeriod))
            float progress = (*it)->OffsetInDuration(buffer.curPeriod);

            for (int y = 0; y < buffer.BufferHt; y++)
                xlColor c = xlWHITE;
                float proportion = (float)y / (float)buffer.BufferHt;
                if (colourTreatment == 1)
                    // distinct
                    float percolour = 1.0 / (float)buffer.GetColorCount();
                    for (int i = 0; i < buffer.GetColorCount(); i++)
                        if (proportion <= ((float)i + 1.0)*percolour)
                            buffer.palette.GetColor(i, c);
                else if (colourTreatment == 2)
                    // blend
                    buffer.GetMultiColorBlend(proportion, false, c);
                else if (colourTreatment == 3)
                    buffer.palette.GetColor(event % buffer.GetColorCount(), c);

                if (fade)
                    c.alpha = (1.0 - progress) * 255;

                buffer.SetPixel(x, y, c);
예제 #3
void ShimmerEffect::Render(Effect *effect, const SettingsMap &SettingsMap, RenderBuffer &buffer) {
    float oset = buffer.GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition();
    int Duty_Factor = GetValueCurveInt("Shimmer_Duty_Factor", 50, SettingsMap, oset);
    bool Use_All_Colors = SettingsMap.GetBool("CHECKBOX_Shimmer_Use_All_Colors", false);
    float cycles = GetValueCurveDouble("Shimmer_Cycles", 1.0, SettingsMap, oset);
    int colorcnt=buffer.GetColorCount();
    double position = buffer.GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(cycles);
    double ColorIdx = round(position * 0.999 * (double)colorcnt);
    double pos2 = position * colorcnt;
    while (pos2 > 1.0) {
        pos2 -= 1.0;
    if (pos2 * 100 > Duty_Factor) {
    xlColor color;
    buffer.palette.GetColor(ColorIdx, color);
    for (int y=0; y<buffer.BufferHt; y++) {
        for (int x=0; x<buffer.BufferWi; x++) {
            if(Use_All_Colors) { // Should we randomly assign colors from palette or cycle thru sequentially?
                ColorIdx=rand() % colorcnt; // Select random numbers from 0 up to number of colors the user has checked. 0-5 if 6 boxes checked
                buffer.palette.GetColor(ColorIdx, color); // Now go and get the hsv value for this ColorIdx
            buffer.SetPixel(x,y,color); // Turn pixel
예제 #4
//all shapes are loaded from same image file to reduce file I/O and caching
//thiss also allows animated images to be self-contained
void PianoRenderCache::Piano_load_shapes(RenderBuffer &buffer, const wxString& filename)
    debug_function(10); //Debug debug("load_shapes('%s')", (const char*)filename.c_str());
    debug(1, "load shapes file '%s'", (const char*)filename.c_str());
    //reload shapes even if file name hasn't changed; color map might be different now
    //    if (!CachedShapeFilename.CmpNoCase(filename)) { debug_more(2, ", no change"); return; } //no change
    if (!wxFileExists(filename)) return;
    Piano_flush_shapes(); //invalidate cached data
    if (!Shapes.LoadFile(filename, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY, 0) || !Shapes.IsOk())
        //wxMessageBox("Error loading image file: "+NewPictureName);
    if (buffer.GetColorCount() < 2) return; //use colors from shapes file if no user-selected colors
    //    int imgwidth=image.GetWidth();
    //    int imght   =image.GetHeight();
    //    std::hash_map<WXCOLORREF, int> palcounts;
    //TODO: use wxImage.GetData for better performance?
    //TODO: use multiple images within same file?
    for (int y = Shapes.GetHeight() - 1; y >= 0; --y) //bottom->top
        for (int x = 0; x < Shapes.GetWidth(); ++x) //left->right
            if (!Shapes.IsTransparent(x, y))
                xlColor color, mapped;
                color.Set(Shapes.GetRed(x, y), Shapes.GetGreen(x, y), Shapes.GetBlue(x, y));
                if (ColorMap.find(color.GetRGB()) != ColorMap.end()) continue; //already saw this color
                buffer.palette.GetColor(ColorMap.size() % buffer.GetColorCount(), mapped); //assign user-selected colors to shape palette sequentially, loop if run out of colors
                debug(10, "shape color[%d] 0x%x => user-selected color [%d] 0x%x", ColorMap.size(), color.GetRGB(), ColorMap.size() % GetColorCount(), mapped.GetRGB());
                ColorMap[color.GetRGB()] = mapped; //.GetRGB();
                //                ShapePalette.push_back(c.GetRGB()); //keep a list of unique colors in order of occurrence from origin L-R, B-T
    debug(2, "w %d, h %d, #colors %d", Shapes.GetWidth(), Shapes.GetHeight(), ColorMap.size());
    CachedShapeFilename = filename; //don't load same file again
예제 #5
void MusicEffect::RenderCollide(RenderBuffer &buffer, int x, int bars, int startNote, int endNote, bool in, std::list<MusicEvent*>& events, int colourTreatment, bool fade)
    int event = -1;
    for (auto it = events.begin(); it != events.end(); ++it)
        if ((*it)->IsEventActive(buffer.curPeriod))
            float progress = (*it)->OffsetInDuration(buffer.curPeriod);

            int mid = buffer.BufferHt / 2;
            int length = buffer.BufferHt;
            int leftstart, leftend;

            if (!in)
                progress = 1.0 - progress;

            leftstart = 0 - mid - 1 + progress * length;
            leftend = leftstart + mid;
            if (leftend > mid)
                leftend = mid;

            int loopstart = leftstart;
            if (loopstart < 0)
                loopstart = 0;

            for (int y = loopstart; y < leftend; y++)
                xlColor c = xlWHITE;
                float proportion = ((float)y - (float)leftstart) / (float)mid;
                if (colourTreatment == 1)
                    // distinct
                    float percolour = 1.0 / (float)buffer.GetColorCount();
                    for (int i = 0; i < buffer.GetColorCount(); i++)
                        if (proportion <= ((float)i + 1.0)*percolour)
                            buffer.palette.GetColor(i, c);
                else if (colourTreatment == 2)
                    // blend
                    buffer.GetMultiColorBlend(proportion, false, c);
                else if (colourTreatment == 3)
                    buffer.palette.GetColor(event % buffer.GetColorCount(), c);

                if (fade)
                    c.alpha = progress * 255;

                buffer.SetPixel(x, y, c);
                buffer.SetPixel(x, mid - y + mid - 1, c);
예제 #6
void MarqueeEffect::Render(Effect *effect, const SettingsMap &SettingsMap, RenderBuffer &buffer) {

    int BandSize = SettingsMap.GetInt("SLIDER_Marquee_Band_Size", 0);
    int SkipSize = SettingsMap.GetInt("SLIDER_Marquee_Skip_Size", 0);
    int Thickness = SettingsMap.GetInt("SLIDER_Marquee_Thickness", 0);
    int stagger = SettingsMap.GetInt("SLIDER_Marquee_Stagger", 0);
    int mSpeed = SettingsMap.GetInt("SLIDER_Marquee_Speed", 1);
    int mStart = SettingsMap.GetInt("SLIDER_Marquee_Start", 0);
    bool reverse_dir = SettingsMap.GetBool("CHECKBOX_Marquee_Reverse");
    int x_scale = SettingsMap.GetInt("SLIDER_Marquee_ScaleX", 0);
    int y_scale = SettingsMap.GetInt("SLIDER_Marquee_ScaleY", 0);
    int xc_adj = SettingsMap.GetInt("SLIDER_MarqueeXC", 0);
    int yc_adj = SettingsMap.GetInt("SLIDER_MarqueeYC", 0);
    bool pixelOffsets = SettingsMap.GetBool("CHECKBOX_Marquee_PixelOffsets");
    bool wrap_x = SettingsMap.GetBool("CHECKBOX_Marquee_WrapX");

    int x = 0;
    xlColor color;
    size_t colorcnt = buffer.GetColorCount();
    int color_size = BandSize +  SkipSize;
    int repeat_size = color_size * colorcnt;
    int eff_pos = buffer.curPeriod - buffer.curEffStartPer;

    x = (mSpeed * eff_pos) / 5;
    int corner_x1 = 0;
    int corner_y1 = 0;
    int corner_x2 = (int)((double)buffer.BufferWi * (double)x_scale / 100.0) - 1;
    int corner_y2 = (int)((double)buffer.BufferHt * (double)y_scale / 100.0) - 1;
    int sign = 1;
    if( reverse_dir ) {
        sign = -1;

    int xoffset_adj = xc_adj;
    int yoffset_adj = yc_adj;
    if (!pixelOffsets) {
        xoffset_adj = (xoffset_adj*buffer.BufferWi)/100.0; // xc_adj is from -100 to 100
        yoffset_adj = (yoffset_adj*buffer.BufferHt)/100.0; // yc_adj is from -100 to 100

    for( int thick = 0; thick < Thickness; thick++ )
        int current_color = ((x + mStart) % repeat_size) / color_size;
        int current_pos = (((x + mStart) % repeat_size) % color_size);
        if( sign < 0 )
            current_color = colorcnt - current_color - 1;
       // wxLogDebug(wxString::Format("Color: %d,  Pos: %d", current_color, current_pos));
        UpdateMarqueeColor(current_pos, current_color, colorcnt, color_size, thick*(stagger+1) * sign);
        for( int x_pos = corner_x1; x_pos <= corner_x2; x_pos++ )
            color = xlBLACK;
            if( current_pos < BandSize )
                buffer.palette.GetColor(current_color, color);
            buffer.ProcessPixel(x_pos + xoffset_adj, corner_y2 + yoffset_adj, color, wrap_x);
            UpdateMarqueeColor(current_pos, current_color, colorcnt, color_size, 1*sign);
        UpdateMarqueeColor(current_pos, current_color, colorcnt, color_size, thick*2*sign);
        for( int y_pos = corner_y2; y_pos >=corner_y1 ; y_pos-- )
            color = xlBLACK;
            if( current_pos < BandSize )
                buffer.palette.GetColor(current_color, color);
            buffer.ProcessPixel(corner_x2 + xoffset_adj, y_pos + yoffset_adj, color, wrap_x);
            UpdateMarqueeColor(current_pos, current_color, colorcnt, color_size, 1*sign);
        UpdateMarqueeColor(current_pos, current_color, colorcnt, color_size, thick*2*sign);
        for( int x_pos = corner_x2; x_pos >= corner_x1; x_pos-- )
            color = xlBLACK;
            if( current_pos < BandSize )
                buffer.palette.GetColor(current_color, color);
            buffer.ProcessPixel(x_pos + xoffset_adj, corner_y1 + yoffset_adj, color, wrap_x);
            UpdateMarqueeColor(current_pos, current_color, colorcnt, color_size, 1*sign);
        UpdateMarqueeColor(current_pos, current_color, colorcnt, color_size, thick*2*sign);
        for( int y_pos = corner_y1; y_pos <= corner_y2-1; y_pos++ )
            color = xlBLACK;
            if( current_pos < BandSize )
                buffer.palette.GetColor(current_color, color);
            buffer.ProcessPixel(corner_x1 + xoffset_adj, y_pos + yoffset_adj, color, wrap_x);
            UpdateMarqueeColor(current_pos, current_color, colorcnt, color_size, 1*sign);
예제 #7
void StateEffect::RenderState(RenderBuffer &buffer,
                             SequenceElements *elements, const std::string &faceDefinition,
                             const std::string& Phoneme, const std::string &trackName, const std::string& mode, const std::string& colourmode)
    if (buffer.needToInit) {
        buffer.needToInit = false;
        elements->AddRenderDependency(trackName, buffer.cur_model);
        if (buffer.isTransformed)
            log4cpp::Category &logger_base = log4cpp::Category::getInstance(std::string("log_base"));
            logger_base.warn("State effect starting at %dms until %dms on model %s has a transformed buffer. This may not work as expected.", buffer.curEffStartPer * buffer.frameTimeInMs, buffer.curEffEndPer * buffer.frameTimeInMs, (const char *)buffer.cur_model.c_str());

    Element *track = elements->GetElement(trackName);
    std::recursive_mutex tmpLock;
    std::recursive_mutex *lock = &tmpLock;
    if (track != nullptr) {
        lock = &track->GetChangeLock();
    std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex> locker(*lock);

    if (buffer.cur_model == "") {

    Model* model_info = buffer.frame->AllModels[buffer.cur_model];
    if (model_info == nullptr) {

    std::string definition = faceDefinition;
    bool found = true;
    std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, std::string> >::iterator it = model_info->stateInfo.find(definition);
    if (it == model_info->stateInfo.end()) {
        //not found
        found = false;
    if (!found) {
        if ("Coro" == definition && model_info->stateInfo.find("SingleNode") != model_info->stateInfo.end()) {
            definition = "SingleNode";
            found = true;
        } else if ("SingleNode" == definition && model_info->stateInfo.find("Coro") != model_info->stateInfo.end()) {
            definition = "Coro";
            found = true;

    if (definition == "")

    std::string modelType = found ? model_info->stateInfo[definition]["Type"] : definition;
    if (modelType == "") {
        modelType = definition;

    int type = 1;

    if ("SingleNode" == modelType) {
        type = 0;
    } else if ("NodeRange" == modelType) {
        type = 1;

    std::string tstates = Phoneme;
    int intervalnumber = 0;
    //GET label from timing track
    int startms = -1;
    int endms = -1;
    int posms = -1;
    if (tstates == "") {

        // if we dont have a track then exit
        if (track == NULL)

        EffectLayer *layer = track->GetEffectLayer(0);
        std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex> locker(layer->GetLock());
        int time = buffer.curPeriod * buffer.frameTimeInMs + 1;
        posms = buffer.curPeriod * buffer.frameTimeInMs;
        Effect *ef = layer->GetEffectByTime(time);
        if (ef == nullptr) {
            tstates = "";
        else {
            startms = ef->GetStartTimeMS();
            endms = ef->GetEndTimeMS();
            tstates = ef->GetEffectName();

        ef = layer->GetEffectByTime(buffer.curEffStartPer * buffer.frameTimeInMs + 1);
        while (ef != NULL && ef->GetStartTimeMS() <= time)
            int endtime = ef->GetEndTimeMS();
            ef = layer->GetEffectByTime(endtime + 1);
            if (ef == NULL)
                ef = layer->GetEffectAfterTime(endtime + 1);

    std::vector<std::string> sstates;

    if (mode == "Default" || startms == -1)
        wxString ss = wxString(tstates);
        wxStringTokenizer tkz(ss, wxT(" ,;:"));
        while (tkz.HasMoreTokens())
            wxString token = tkz.GetNextToken();
    else if (mode == "Countdown")
        // tstates should contain the starting number
        int val = wxAtoi(tstates);

        val = val * 1000;
        int subtracttime = (posms - startms);
        val = val - subtracttime;
        val = val / 1000;

        int v = val;
        bool force = false;
        if ((v / 1000) * 1000 > 0)
            sstates.push_back(wxString::Format("%d", (v / 1000) * 1000).ToStdString());
            force = true;
        v = v - (v / 1000) * 1000;
        if ((v / 100) * 100 > 0)
            sstates.push_back(wxString::Format("%d", (v / 100) * 100).ToStdString());
            force = true;
            if (force)
        v = v - (v / 100) * 100;
        if ((v / 10) * 10 > 0)
            sstates.push_back(wxString::Format("%d", (v / 10) * 10).ToStdString());
            if (force)
        v = v - (v / 10) * 10;
        sstates.push_back(wxString::Format("%d", v).ToStdString());
    else if (mode == "Time Countdown")
        wxDateTime dt;
        dt.ParseFormat(tstates.c_str(), "%H:%M:%S");

        if (!dt.IsValid())
            dt.ParseFormat(tstates.c_str(), "%M:%S");

        if (dt.IsValid())
            dt.Subtract(wxTimeSpan(0, 0, 0, (buffer.curPeriod - buffer.curEffStartPer) * buffer.frameTimeInMs));
            int m = dt.GetMinute();
            if ((m / 10) * 1000 > 0)
                sstates.push_back(wxString::Format("%d", (m / 10) * 1000).ToStdString());
            m = m - (m / 10) * 10;
            if (m * 100 > 0)
                sstates.push_back(wxString::Format("%d", m * 100).ToStdString());
            int s = dt.GetSecond();
            if ((s / 10) * 10 > 0)
                sstates.push_back(wxString::Format("%d", (s / 10) * 10).ToStdString());
            s = s - (s / 10) * 10;
            sstates.push_back(wxString::Format("%d", s).ToStdString());
    else if (mode == "Number") // used for FM frequencies
        double f = wxAtof(tstates);
        double f2 = f - int(f);
        f2 = (int)(f2 * 10 + 0.5);
        sstates.push_back(wxString::Format("%d", (int)f2).ToStdString());

        int v = f;
        bool force = false;
        if ((v / 100) * 1000 > 0)
            sstates.push_back(wxString::Format("%d", (v / 100) * 1000).ToStdString());
            force = true;
        v = v - (v / 100) * 100;
        if ((v / 10) * 100 > 0)
            sstates.push_back(wxString::Format("%d", (v / 10) * 100).ToStdString());
            if (force)
        v = v - (v / 10) * 10;
        if (v * 10 > 0)
            sstates.push_back(wxString::Format("%d", v * 10).ToStdString());
    else if (mode == "Iterate")
        float progressthroughtimeinterval = ((float)posms - (float)startms) / ((float)endms - (float)startms);

        std::vector<std::string> tmpstates;
        wxString ss = wxString(tstates);
        wxStringTokenizer tkz(ss, wxT(" ,;:"));
        while (tkz.HasMoreTokens())
            wxString token = tkz.GetNextToken();

        int which = tmpstates.size() * progressthroughtimeinterval;

        if (which < sstates.size())

    bool customColor = found ? model_info->stateInfo[definition]["CustomColors"] == "1" : false;

    // process each token
    for (size_t i = 0; i < sstates.size(); i++)
        // get the channels
        std::string statename = FindState(model_info->stateInfo[definition], sstates[i]);
        std::string channels = model_info->stateInfo[definition][statename];

        if (statename != "" && channels != "")
            xlColor color;
            if (colourmode == "Graduate")
                buffer.GetMultiColorBlend(buffer.GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(), false, color);
            else if (colourmode == "Cycle")
                buffer.palette.GetColor((intervalnumber - 1) % buffer.GetColorCount(), color);
                // allocate
                int statenum = wxAtoi(statename.substr(1));
                buffer.palette.GetColor((statenum - 1) % buffer.GetColorCount(), color);
            if (customColor) {
                std::string cname = model_info->stateInfo[definition][statename + "-Color"];
                if (cname == "") {
                    color = xlWHITE;
                else {
                    color = xlColor(cname);

            wxStringTokenizer wtkz(channels, ",");
            while (wtkz.HasMoreTokens())
                wxString valstr = wtkz.GetNextToken();

                if (type == 0) {
                    for (size_t n = 0; n < model_info->GetNodeCount(); n++) {
                        wxString nn = model_info->GetNodeName(n, true);
                        if (nn == valstr) {
                            for (auto a = buffer.Nodes[n]->Coords.begin() ; a != buffer.Nodes[n]->Coords.end(); a++) {
                                buffer.SetPixel(a->bufX, a->bufY, color);
                else if (type == 1) {
                    int start, end;
                    if (valstr.Contains("-")) {
                        int idx = valstr.Index('-');
                        start = wxAtoi(valstr.Left(idx));
                        end = wxAtoi(valstr.Right(valstr.size() - idx - 1));
                    else {
                        start = end = wxAtoi(valstr);
                    if (start > end) {
                        start = end;
                    for (int n = start; n <= end; n++) {
                        if (n < buffer.Nodes.size()) {
                            for (auto a = buffer.Nodes[n]->Coords.begin() ; a != buffer.Nodes[n]->Coords.end(); a++) {
                                buffer.SetPixel(a->bufX, a->bufY, color);
예제 #8
void TwinkleEffect::Render(Effect *effect, const SettingsMap &SettingsMap, RenderBuffer &buffer) {
    int Count = SettingsMap.GetInt("SLIDER_Twinkle_Count", 3);
    int Steps = SettingsMap.GetInt("SLIDER_Twinkle_Steps", 30);
    bool Strobe = SettingsMap.GetBool("CHECKBOX_Twinkle_Strobe", false);
    bool reRandomize = SettingsMap.GetBool("CHECKBOX_Twinkle_ReRandom", false);
    int lights = (buffer.BufferHt*buffer.BufferWi)*(Count / 100.0); // Count is in range of 1-100 from slider bar
    int step = 1;
    if (lights > 0) {
        step = buffer.BufferHt*buffer.BufferWi / lights;
    int max_modulo = Steps;
    if (max_modulo<2) 
        max_modulo = 2;  // scm  could we be getting 0 passed in?
    int max_modulo2 = max_modulo / 2;
    if (max_modulo2<1) 
        max_modulo2 = 1;
    TwinkleRenderCache *cache = (TwinkleRenderCache*)buffer.infoCache[id];
    if (cache == nullptr) {
        cache = new TwinkleRenderCache();
        buffer.infoCache[id] = cache;
    std::vector<StrobeClass> &strobe = cache->strobe;
    size_t colorcnt=buffer.GetColorCount();

    int i = 0;

    if (buffer.needToInit) {
        buffer.needToInit = false;
        for (int y=0; y < buffer.BufferHt; y++) {
            for (int x=0; x < buffer.BufferWi; x++) {
                if (i%step==1 || step==1) {
                    int s = strobe.size();
                    strobe.resize(s + 1);
                    strobe[s].duration = rand() % max_modulo;
                    strobe[s].x = x;
                    strobe[s].y = y;
                    strobe[s].colorindex = rand() % colorcnt;
    for (size_t x = 0; x < strobe.size(); x++) {
        if (strobe[x].duration < 0) {
        if (strobe[x].duration == max_modulo) {
            strobe[x].duration = 0;
            if (reRandomize) {
                strobe[x].duration -= rand() % max_modulo2;
                strobe[x].colorindex = rand() % colorcnt;
        int i7 = strobe[x].duration;
        HSVValue hsv;
        buffer.palette.GetHSV(strobe[x].colorindex, hsv);
        double v = hsv.value;
            if(max_modulo2>0) v = (1.0*i7)/max_modulo2;
            else v =0;
            if(max_modulo2>0)v = (max_modulo-i7)*1.0/(max_modulo2);
            else v = 0;
        if(v<0.0) v=0.0;
            if(i7==max_modulo2)  v = 1.0;
            else v = 0.0;
        if (buffer.allowAlpha) {
            xlColor color;
            buffer.palette.GetColor(strobe[x].colorindex, color);
            color.alpha = 255.0 * v;
            buffer.SetPixel(strobe[x].x,strobe[x].y,color); // Turn pixel on
        } else {
            buffer.palette.GetHSV(strobe[x].colorindex, hsv);
            //  we left the Hue and Saturation alone, we are just modifiying the Brightness Value
            hsv.value = v;
            buffer.SetPixel(strobe[x].x,strobe[x].y,hsv); // Turn pixel on
예제 #9
void PinwheelEffect::Render(Effect *effect, const SettingsMap &SettingsMap, RenderBuffer &buffer) {

    float oset = buffer.GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition();

    int pinwheel_arms = SettingsMap.GetInt("SLIDER_Pinwheel_Arms", 3);
    int pinwheel_twist = GetValueCurveInt("Pinwheel_Twist", 0, SettingsMap, oset);
    int pinwheel_thickness = GetValueCurveInt("Pinwheel_Thickness", 0, SettingsMap, oset);
    bool pinwheel_rotation = SettingsMap.GetBool("CHECKBOX_Pinwheel_Rotation");
    const std::string &pinwheel_3d = SettingsMap["CHOICE_Pinwheel_3D"];
    int xc_adj = GetValueCurveInt("PinwheelXC", 0, SettingsMap, oset);
    int yc_adj = GetValueCurveInt("PinwheelYC", 0, SettingsMap, oset);
    int pinwheel_armsize = GetValueCurveInt("Pinwheel_ArmSize", 100, SettingsMap, oset);
    int pspeed = GetValueCurveInt("Pinwheel_Speed", 10, SettingsMap, oset);
    const std::string &pinwheel_style = SettingsMap["CHOICE_Pinwheel_Style"];

    int xc;
    float tmax;
    HSVValue hsv, hsv1;
    double pos = (buffer.curPeriod - buffer.curEffStartPer) * pspeed * buffer.frameTimeInMs / 50;
    int degrees_per_arm = 1;
    if (pinwheel_arms > 0) degrees_per_arm = 360 / pinwheel_arms;
    float armsize = (pinwheel_armsize / 100.0);

    if (pinwheel_style == "New Render Method")
        std::vector<size_t> colorarray;
        for (int i = 0; i < pinwheel_arms; i++) { colorarray[i] = i%buffer.GetColorCount(); }

        xc = (int)(ceil(std::hypot(buffer.BufferWi, buffer.BufferHt) / 2));
        xc_adj = xc_adj*buffer.BufferWi / 200;
        yc_adj = yc_adj*buffer.BufferHt / 200;

        int max_radius = xc * armsize;
        if (pinwheel_thickness == 0) pinwheel_thickness = 1;
        tmax = (pinwheel_thickness / 100.0)*degrees_per_arm;

        // Force single visible line in case width is narrower than visible
        float pi_180 = M_PI/180;
        for(int a=0; a<pinwheel_arms; a++)
            int ColorIdx = a%pinwheel_arms;
            xlColor color;
            buffer.palette.GetHSV(colorarray[ColorIdx], hsv);
            color = xlColor(hsv);

            int angle = (a*degrees_per_arm);
            if (pinwheel_rotation == 1) // do we have CW rotation
                angle = (270 - angle) + pos;
            } else {
                angle = angle - 90 - pos;
            int x,y, degrees_twist;
            for (float r=0; r<=max_radius; r+=0.5)
                degrees_twist = (r/max_radius) * pinwheel_twist;
                int t2 = (int)angle%degrees_per_arm;
                double round = (float)t2 / (float)tmax;
                x = floor((int)(r * buffer.cos((angle + degrees_twist) * pi_180)) + xc_adj + buffer.BufferWi / 2);
                y = floor((int)(r * buffer.sin((angle + degrees_twist) * pi_180)) + yc_adj + buffer.BufferHt / 2);
                if (buffer.palette.IsSpatial(colorarray[ColorIdx]))
                    buffer.palette.GetSpatialColor(colorarray[ColorIdx], xc_adj + buffer.BufferWi / 2, yc_adj + buffer.BufferHt / 2, x, y, round, max_radius, color);

        // Draw actual pinwheel arms
        for (int x = 0; x < buffer.BufferWi; x++)
            int x1 = x - xc_adj - (buffer.BufferWi / 2);
            for (int y = 0; y < buffer.BufferHt; y++)
                int y1 = y - yc_adj - (buffer.BufferHt / 2);
                double r = std::hypot(x1, y1);
                if (r <= max_radius) {
                    double degrees_twist = (r / max_radius)*pinwheel_twist;
                    double theta = (std::atan2(x1, y1) * 180 / 3.14159) + degrees_twist;
                    if (pinwheel_rotation == 1) // do we have CW rotation
                        theta = pos + theta + (tmax/2);
                    } else {
                        theta = pos - theta + (tmax/2);
                    theta = theta + 540.0;
                    int t2 = (int)theta%degrees_per_arm;
                    if (t2 <= tmax) {
                        double round = (float)t2 / (float)tmax;
                        t2 = std::abs(t2 - (tmax/2)) * 2;
                        xlColor color;
                        int ColorIdx2 = ((int)((theta/degrees_per_arm)))%pinwheel_arms;
                        if (buffer.palette.IsSpatial(colorarray[ColorIdx2]))
                            buffer.palette.GetSpatialColor(colorarray[ColorIdx2], xc_adj + buffer.BufferWi / 2, yc_adj + buffer.BufferHt / 2, x, y, round, max_radius, color);
                            hsv = color.asHSV();
                        } else {
                            buffer.palette.GetHSV(colorarray[ColorIdx2], hsv);
                        color = xlColor(hsv1);
                            if (buffer.allowAlpha) {
                                color.alpha = 255.0 * ((tmax - t2) / tmax);
                            else {
                                hsv1.value = hsv.value * ((tmax - t2) / tmax);
                                color = hsv1;
                        else if (pinwheel_3d == "3D Inverted")
                            if (buffer.allowAlpha) {
                                color.alpha = 255.0 * ((t2) / tmax);
                            else {
                                hsv1.value = hsv.value * ((t2) / tmax);
                                color = hsv1;
                        buffer.SetPixel(x, y, color);
    } else { // Old Render Method
        int a,xc,ColorIdx,base_degrees;
        float t,tmax;
        float radius;
        HSVValue hsv,hsv0,hsv1;
        size_t colorcnt=buffer.GetColorCount();

        xc= (int)(std::max(buffer.BufferWi, buffer.BufferHt)/2);
        radius = xc/100.0;

        for(a=1; a<=pinwheel_arms; a++)
            buffer.palette.GetHSV(ColorIdx, hsv); // Now go and get the hsv value for this ColorIdx
            if(pinwheel_rotation==1) // do we have CW rotation
                base_degrees = (a-1)*degrees_per_arm + pos; // yes
                base_degrees = (a-1)*degrees_per_arm - pos; // no, we are CCW
            Draw_arm(buffer, base_degrees, xc*armsize, pinwheel_twist,hsv,xc_adj,yc_adj);
                tmax= (pinwheel_thickness/100.0)*degrees_per_arm/2.0;
                xlColor color(hsv1);
                for (t=1; t<=tmax; t++)
                        if (buffer.allowAlpha) {
                            color.alpha = 255.0 * ((tmax-t)/tmax);
                        } else {
                            hsv1.value = hsv.value * ((tmax-t)/tmax);
                            color = hsv1;
                    else if(pinwheel_3d=="3D Inverted")
                        if (buffer.allowAlpha) {
                            color.alpha = 255.0 * ((t)/tmax);
                        } else {
                            hsv1.value = hsv.value * ((t)/tmax);
                            color = hsv1;
                    Draw_arm(buffer, base_degrees-t, xc*armsize, pinwheel_twist,color,xc_adj,yc_adj);
                    Draw_arm(buffer, base_degrees+t, xc*armsize, pinwheel_twist,color,xc_adj,yc_adj);
예제 #10
void StrobeEffect::Render(Effect *effect, const SettingsMap &SettingsMap, RenderBuffer &buffer) {
    int Number_Strobes = SettingsMap.GetInt("SLIDER_Number_Strobes", 1);
    int StrobeDuration = SettingsMap.GetInt("SLIDER_Strobe_Duration", 1);
    int Strobe_Type = SettingsMap.GetInt("SLIDER_Strobe_Type", 0);
    StrobeRenderCache *cache = (StrobeRenderCache*)buffer.infoCache[id];
    if (cache == nullptr) {
        cache = new StrobeRenderCache();
        buffer.infoCache[id] = cache;
    std::vector<StrobeClass> &strobe = cache->strobe;

    if (StrobeDuration == 0) {
        StrobeDuration = 1;
    if (buffer.needToInit) {
        buffer.needToInit = false;
        strobe.resize(StrobeDuration * Number_Strobes);
        for (int x = 0; x < strobe.size(); x++) {
            strobe[x].duration = -1;
    int offset = ((buffer.curPeriod-buffer.curEffStartPer) % StrobeDuration) * Number_Strobes;
    int ColorIdx;
    StrobeClass m;
    HSVValue hsv;
    size_t colorcnt=buffer.GetColorCount();
    // create new strobe, randomly place a strobe
    for(int i = 0; i < Number_Strobes; i++)
        strobe[offset + i].x =rand() % buffer.BufferWi; // randomly pick a x,y location for strobe to fire
        strobe[offset + i].y =rand() % buffer.BufferHt;
        strobe[offset + i].duration = StrobeDuration;
        buffer.palette.GetHSV(ColorIdx, strobe[offset + i].hsv); // take first checked color as color of flash
        buffer.palette.GetColor(ColorIdx, strobe[offset + i].color); // take first checked color as color of flash
    // render strobe, we go through all storbes and decide if they should be turned on
    int x,y,n=0;
    for (std::vector<StrobeClass>::iterator it=strobe.begin(); it!=strobe.end(); ++it) {
        xlColor color(it->color);
        if(it->duration > 0)
        double v = 1.0;
            v = 0.5;
        else if(it->duration==2)
            v = 0.75;
        if (buffer.allowAlpha) {
            color.alpha = 255.0 * v;
        } else {
            hsv.value *= v;
            color = hsv;
            int r = rand()%2;
            int r = rand()%2;
        it->duration--;  // decrease the frame counter on this strobe, when it gets to zero we no longer will turn it on

예제 #11
void FireworksEffect::Render(Effect *effect, const SettingsMap &SettingsMap, RenderBuffer &buffer) {
    int Number_Explosions = SettingsMap.GetInt("SLIDER_Fireworks_Explosions", 16);
    int Count = SettingsMap.GetInt("SLIDER_Fireworks_Count", 50);
    float Velocity = SettingsMap.GetDouble("SLIDER_Fireworks_Velocity", 2.0f);
    int Fade = SettingsMap.GetInt("SLIDER_Fireworks_Fade", 50);

    float f = 0.0;
    bool useMusic = SettingsMap.GetBool("CHECKBOX_Fireworks_UseMusic", false);
    float sensitivity = (float)SettingsMap.GetInt("SLIDER_Fireworks_Sensitivity", 50) / 100.0;
    bool useTiming = SettingsMap.GetBool("CHECKBOX_FIRETIMING", false);
    wxString timing = SettingsMap.Get("CHOICE_FIRETIMINGTRACK", "");
    if (timing == "") useTiming = false;
    if (useMusic)
        if (buffer.GetMedia() != nullptr) {
            std::list<float>* pf = buffer.GetMedia()->GetFrameData(buffer.curPeriod, FRAMEDATA_HIGH, "");
            if (pf != nullptr)
                f = *pf->begin();

    FireworksRenderCache *cache = (FireworksRenderCache*)buffer.infoCache[id];
    if (cache == nullptr) {
        cache = new FireworksRenderCache();
        buffer.infoCache[id] = cache;
    int& next = cache->next;
    int& sincelasttriggered = cache->sincelasttriggered;
    int x25,x75,y25,y75;
    //float velocity = 3.5;
    int ColorIdx;
    float v;
    HSVValue hsv;
    size_t colorcnt = buffer.GetColorCount();
    if (buffer.needToInit) {
        cache->sincelasttriggered = 0;
        cache->next = 0;
        buffer.needToInit = false;
        for(int i=0; i<maxFlakes; i++) {
            cache->fireworkBursts[i]._bActive = false;
        for (int x = 0; x < Number_Explosions; x++) {
            double start = -1;
            if (!useMusic)
                start = buffer.curEffStartPer + buffer.rand01() * (buffer.curEffEndPer - buffer.curEffStartPer);
            int startX;
            int startY;
            if((x75-x25)>0) startX = x25 + rand()%(x75-x25); else startX=0;
            if((y75-y25)>0) startY = y25 + rand()%(y75-y25); else startY=0;
            // Create a new burst
            ColorIdx=rand() % colorcnt; // Select random numbers from 0 up to number of colors the user has checked. 0-5 if 6 boxes checked
            for(int i=0; i<Count; i++) {
                cache->fireworkBursts[x * Count + i].Reset(startX, startY, false, Velocity, ColorIdx, start);

        if (timing != "")
            effect->GetParentEffectLayer()->GetParentElement()->GetSequenceElements()->AddRenderDependency(timing.ToStdString(), buffer.cur_model);

    if (useMusic)
        // only trigger a firework if music is greater than the sensitivity
        if (f > sensitivity)
            // trigger if it was not previously triggered or has been triggered for REPEATTRIGGER frames
            if (sincelasttriggered == 0 || sincelasttriggered > REPEATTRIGGER)
                // activate all the particles in the next firework
                for (int j = 0; j < Count; j++)
                    cache->fireworkBursts[Count*next + j]._bActive = true;
                    buffer.palette.GetHSV(cache->fireworkBursts[Count*next + j]._colorindex, hsv); // Now go and get the hsv value for this ColorIdx
                    cache->fireworkBursts[Count*next + j]._hsv = hsv;

                // use the next firework next time
                if (next == Number_Explosions)
                    next = 0;

            // if music is over the trigger level for REPEATTRIGGER frames then we will trigger another firework
            if (sincelasttriggered > REPEATTRIGGER)
                sincelasttriggered = 0;
            // not triggered so clear last triggered counter
            sincelasttriggered = 0;

    if (useTiming)
        if (mSequenceElements == nullptr)
            // no timing tracks ... this shouldnt happen
            // Load the names of the timing tracks
            Element* t = nullptr;
            for (size_t l = 0; l < mSequenceElements->GetElementCount(); l++)
                Element* e = mSequenceElements->GetElement(l);
                if (e->GetEffectLayerCount() == 1 && e->GetType() == ELEMENT_TYPE_TIMING)
                    if (e->GetName() == timing)
                        t = e;

            if (t == nullptr)
                // timing track not found ... this shouldnt happen
                sincelasttriggered = 0;
                EffectLayer* el = t->GetEffectLayer(0);
                for (int j = 0; j < el->GetEffectCount(); j++)
                    if (buffer.curPeriod == el->GetEffect(j)->GetStartTimeMS() / buffer.frameTimeInMs ||
                        buffer.curPeriod == el->GetEffect(j)->GetEndTimeMS() / buffer.frameTimeInMs)
                        // activate all the particles in the next firework
                        for (int k = 0; k < Count; k++)
                            cache->fireworkBursts[Count*next + k]._bActive = true;
                            buffer.palette.GetHSV(cache->fireworkBursts[Count*next + k]._colorindex, hsv); // Now go and get the hsv value for this ColorIdx
                            cache->fireworkBursts[Count*next + k]._hsv = hsv;

                        // use the next firework next time
                        if (next == Number_Explosions)
                            next = 0;

    for (int i=0; i<(Count*Number_Explosions); i++) {
        if (!useMusic && !useTiming)
            if (cache->fireworkBursts[i].startPeriod == buffer.curPeriod) {
                cache->fireworkBursts[i]._bActive = true;
                buffer.palette.GetHSV(cache->fireworkBursts[i]._colorindex, hsv); // Now go and get the hsv value for this ColorIdx
                cache->fireworkBursts[i]._hsv = hsv;

        // ... active flakes:
        if (cache->fireworkBursts[i]._bActive)
            // Update position
            cache->fireworkBursts[i]._x += cache->fireworkBursts[i]._dx;
            cache->fireworkBursts[i]._y += (-cache->fireworkBursts[i]._dy - cache->fireworkBursts[i]._cycles*cache->fireworkBursts[i]._cycles/10000000.0);
            // If this flake run for more than maxCycle or this flake is out of bounds, time to switch it off
            if (cache->fireworkBursts[i]._cycles >= 10000 || cache->fireworkBursts[i]._y >= buffer.BufferHt || cache->fireworkBursts[i]._y < 0 ||
                cache->fireworkBursts[i]._x < 0. || cache->fireworkBursts[i]._x >= buffer.BufferWi)
                cache->fireworkBursts[i]._bActive = false;
                if (useMusic)
        if(cache->fireworkBursts[i]._bActive == true)
            v = ((Fade*10.0)-cache->fireworkBursts[i]._cycles)/(Fade*10.0);
            if (v<0) v=0.0;
            if (buffer.allowAlpha) {
                xlColor c(cache->fireworkBursts[i]._hsv);
                c.alpha = 255.0 * v;
                buffer.SetPixel(cache->fireworkBursts[i]._x, cache->fireworkBursts[i]._y, c);
            } else {
                buffer.SetPixel(cache->fireworkBursts[i]._x, cache->fireworkBursts[i]._y, hsv);