int main(int, char const**) { // Create the main window RenderWindow window; window.create(VideoMode(800, 600), "Pong"); //Create and initialize the actual game screen GameScreen gamescreen = GameScreen(); gamescreen.initialize(); // Start the game loop while (window.isOpen()) { // Process events Event p1; while (window.pollEvent(p1)) { // Close window: exit if (p1.type == Event::Closed) { window.close(); } } // Clear screen window.clear(); /* Here I am trying to use that standard game loop with initialize, update, and draw. If I ever try to make a real game in C++ I know that I will need to know how to use these methods and create objects outside of this class. */ gamescreen.update(); //Draw each entity (sprite) for(Sprite ent : gamescreen.entities) { window.draw(ent); } // Update the window window.display(); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
Game::Game(void) { ContextSettings settings; settings.antialiasingLevel = 8; okno.create(VideoMode(1280,720), "Nazwa Gry", Style::Default, settings); state = END; okno.setFramerateLimit(100); if (!font.loadFromFile("data/font.ttf")) { MessageBox(NULL, "Font not found! Chceck data folder!", "ERROR", NULL); return; } state = MENU; }
Game::Game(void) { ContextSettings settings; settings.antialiasingLevel = 8; window.create(VideoMode(1280,720),"Mechanized Techno Explorer",Style::Default, settings); state = END; window.setFramerateLimit(100); if(!font.loadFromFile("data/Mecha.ttf")) { MessageBox(NULL,"Font not found!","ERROR",NULL); return; } state = MENU; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { globalvariables->running = true; window.create(VideoMode(800,600),"Quadcopter Project"); window.setVerticalSyncEnabled(true); //thread CaptureThread(Capture); LoadingRender loadingrender(globalvariables); loadingrender.Load(); globalvariables->currentrenderer = &loadingrender; Clock fps; while (globalvariables->running) { globalvariables->currentrenderer->Tick(window); } delete globalvariables; window.close(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
bool init() { VideoMode videoMode(width, height); window.create(videoMode, "Break Out"); window.setVerticalSyncEnabled(true); window.setFramerateLimit(FRAMES_PER_SECOND); if (!font.loadFromFile("res\\stocky.ttf")) return false; if (!soundBuffer1.loadFromFile("res\\blip.wav")) return false; if (!soundBuffer2.loadFromFile("res\\blam.wav")) return false; if (!soundBuffer3.loadFromFile("res\\blap.wav")) return false; if (!soundBuffer4.loadFromFile("res\\blop.wav")) return false; setup(); return true; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { setlocale(LC_ALL, "polish"); string title = "Deltix v."; title += VERSION; /////////////////// RenderWindow okno; //OKNO try { okno.create(VideoMode(RESOLUTION_WIDTH, RESOLUTION_HEIGHT, COLOR_DEPTH), title, #if __MODE__ != 0 Style::Fullscreen #elif __MODE__ == 0 Style::Default #endif ); //TWORZENIE OKNA okno.setFramerateLimit(200); //limit do 200fps okno.setMouseCursorVisible(false); } catch (...) { string temp = "BŁĄD - " + title; MessageBox(NULL, "Nie udało się utworzyć okna!", temp.c_str(), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return 1; } ///////////////////// States states = Splash; // PĘTLA while(okno.isOpen()) { switch (states) { case Splash: if (SplashUpdate(&okno) < 0) states = Menu; break; case Menu: MenuUpdate(&okno); break; } Event eventMain; while (okno.pollEvent(eventMain)) { if (eventMain.type == Event::Closed) okno.close(); // zamykanie /*if (eventMain.type == Event::KeyReleased && eventMain.key.code == Keyboard::C) { STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(si); ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi)); CreateProcess(TEXT("C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\calc.exe"), NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi); }*/ // SYSTEMOWY KALKULATOR pod "C" switch (states) { case Menu: MenuEvents(&okno, eventMain); //Eventy Menu break; } }//TABELA EVENTÓW if (states != Splash) drawPointer(&okno); okno.display(); } #if __DEBUG__ == 1 system("pause"); #endif return 0; }
int main() { //----------------------------- RenderWindow window; //creates the main window window.create(VideoMode(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT), "SFML Works!"); //gives the main window attributes such as width, height, and a name //----------------------------- //----------------------------- window.setFramerateLimit(60);//sets frame rate (makes game speed faster/slower) //----------------------------- //----------------------------- RectangleShape mybox; //A rectangle shape mybox.setFillColor(Color::Red); //sets color mybox.setSize(Vector2f(20,30)/*an xy coordinate using float*/); //sets size mybox.setPosition(0,0); //sets position using the upper left corner of the box by default //----------------------------- //----------------------------- while (window.isOpen()) //the almighty gameloop (Keeps game running until gameover) { Event event; //creates an event, so we have access to it's many wonderful functions while (window.pollEvent(event))// event loop (constantly checks for user inputs and queues the actions) { switch (event.type)// checks the type of the event... { case Event::Closed: //closed event, triggered by clicking the X button window.close(); //closes the window break; // key pressed case Event::KeyPressed: //KeyPressed event, triggered by pressing any key switch (event.key.code) //takes in user inputs and performs actions { case Keyboard::Escape: //if esc button is pressed... window.close();//close the window break; case Keyboard::W://if W is pressed... mybox.move(Vector2f(0,-5));//move the box up break; case Keyboard::A://if A is pressed... mybox.move(Vector2f(-5,0));//move the box left break; case Keyboard::S://if S is pressed... mybox.move(Vector2f(0,5));//move the box down break; case Keyboard::D://if D is pressed... mybox.move(Vector2f(5,0));//move the box right break; default: break; }//end of switch (event.key.code) break; default: break; }//end of switch (event.type) }//end of while (window.pollEvent(event)) //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ process(); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ window.clear();//clears the screen window.draw(mybox);//draws your box shape on the screen (note: invisible unless displayed) //window.display();//displays what ever you drew. //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ }//end of while (window.isOpen()) //----------------------------- }//end of int main()