RooFitResult* GenericModel::fitTo(RooDataSet* data) { // Perform fit of the pseudo-PDF to the data // On multi-core machines, this automatically uses all available processor cores SafeDelete(fLastFit); #ifdef WITH_MULTICORE_CPU fLastFit = fModelPseudoPDF->fitTo(*data, Save(), NumCPU(WITH_MULTICORE_CPU)); #else fLastFit = fModelPseudoPDF->fitTo(*data, Save()); #endif SafeDelete(fParamDataHist); fParamDataHist = new RooDataHist("params", "params", GetParameters()); // store weights of component pdfs => distribution of parameters fWeights.removeAll(); const RooArgList& coefs = fModelPseudoPDF->coefList(); for (int i = 0; i < GetNumberOfDataSets(); i++) { RooAbsReal* coef = (RooAbsReal*); RooRealVar w(Form("w%d", i), Form("Fitted weight of kernel#%d", i), coef->getVal()); if (coef->InheritsFrom(RooRealVar::Class())) { w.setError(((RooRealVar*)coef)->getError()); } else { w.setError(coef->getPropagatedError(*fLastFit)); } fWeights.addClone(w); fParamDataHist->set(*GetParametersForDataset(i), w.getVal(), w.getError()); } SafeDelete(fParameterPDF); fParameterPDF = new RooHistPdf("paramPDF", "paramPDF", GetParameters(), *fParamDataHist); return fLastFit; }
void rf313_paramranges() { // C r e a t e 3 D p d f // ------------------------- // Define observable (x,y,z) RooRealVar x("x","x",0,10) ; RooRealVar y("y","y",0,10) ; RooRealVar z("z","z",0,10) ; // Define 3 dimensional pdf RooRealVar z0("z0","z0",-0.1,1) ; RooPolynomial px("px","px",x,RooConst(0)) ; RooPolynomial py("py","py",y,RooConst(0)) ; RooPolynomial pz("pz","pz",z,z0) ; RooProdPdf pxyz("pxyz","pxyz",RooArgSet(px,py,pz)) ; // D e f i n e d n o n - r e c t a n g u l a r r e g i o n R i n ( x , y , z ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // R = Z[0 - 0.1*Y^2] * Y[0.1*X - 0.9*X] * X[0 - 10] // // Construct range parameterized in "R" in y [ 0.1*x, 0.9*x ] RooFormulaVar ylo("ylo","0.1*x",x) ; RooFormulaVar yhi("yhi","0.9*x",x) ; y.setRange("R",ylo,yhi) ; // Construct parameterized ranged "R" in z [ 0, 0.1*y^2 ] RooFormulaVar zlo("zlo","0.0*y",y) ; RooFormulaVar zhi("zhi","0.1*y*y",y) ; z.setRange("R",zlo,zhi) ; // C a l c u l a t e i n t e g r a l o f n o r m a l i z e d p d f i n R // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create integral over normalized pdf model over x,y,z in "R" region RooAbsReal* intPdf = pxyz.createIntegral(RooArgSet(x,y,z),RooArgSet(x,y,z),"R") ; // Plot value of integral as function of pdf parameter z0 RooPlot* frame = z0.frame(Title("Integral of pxyz over x,y,z in region R")) ; intPdf->plotOn(frame) ; new TCanvas("rf313_paramranges","rf313_paramranges",600,600) ; gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.15) ; frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.6) ; frame->Draw() ; return ; }
// grab the initial normalization from a datacard converted in workspace // with: scripts/ -b -o model.root datacards/hww-12.1fb.mH125.comb_0j1j2j_shape.txt void fillInitialNorms(RooArgSet *args, std::map<std::string, std::pair<double,double> > &vals, std::string workspace){ TFile *fw_ = TFile::Open(workspace.c_str()); RooWorkspace *ws = (RooWorkspace*)fw_->Get("w"); TIterator* iter(args->createIterator()); for (TObject *a = iter->Next(); a != 0; a = iter->Next()) { RooAbsReal *rar = (RooAbsReal*)ws->obj(a->GetName()); std::string name = rar->GetName(); std::pair<double,double> valE(rar->getVal(),0.0); vals.insert( std::pair<std::string,std::pair<double ,double> > (name,valE)) ; } }
double NormalizedIntegral(RooAbsPdf & function, RooRealVar & integrationVar, double lowerLimit, double upperLimit){ integrationVar.setRange("integralRange",lowerLimit,upperLimit); RooAbsReal* integral = function.createIntegral(integrationVar,NormSet(integrationVar),Range("integralRange")); double normlizedIntegralValue = integral->getVal(); // cout<<normlizedIntegralValue<<endl; return normlizedIntegralValue; }
THSEventsPDF::THSEventsPDF(const char *name, const char *title, RooAbsReal& _x, RooAbsReal& _alpha, RooAbsReal& _offset, RooAbsReal& _scale, Int_t NAlphBins ) : RooAbsPdf(name,title), x("x","x",this,_x), offset("offset","offset",this,_offset), scale("scale","scale",this,_scale), alpha("alpha","alpha",this,_alpha), fx_off(0), falpha(0), fHist(0), fHistPdf(0), fRHist(0), fWeightHist(0), fTree(0) { RooRealVar *rx=dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(&_x); RooRealVar *ra=dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(&_alpha); RooRealVar *rs=dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(&_scale); RooRealVar *ro=dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(&_offset); //Work out number of bins for x axis //Take bin width as being 1/10 of the alpha range (arbitrary!) or 100 whichever is larger // NbinX=40; Double_t rsmin=1; fOldScale=rs->getVal(); if(rs->getMin()) rsmin=rs->getMin(); else cout<<"THSEventsPDF::THSEventsPDF Warning no scale minimum set take = 1"<<endl; Double_t mid=(rx->getMax()+rx->getMin())/2; Double_t diff=(rx->getMax()-rx->getMin())/2; Double_t rMin=mid-diff/rsmin - ro->getMin(); //additional range for possible tranformation or scaling Double_t rMax=mid+diff/rsmin + ro->getMax(); Int_t NbinX=200/rsmin; cout<<GetName()<<" hist ranges "<<rMin<<" to "<<rMax<<endl; if(NbinX<10) NbinX=10; fRHist=new TH2F(TString("hmc_model_")+_x.GetName()+name,TString("MC model for ")+_x.GetName(),NbinX,rMin,rMax,NAlphBins,ra->getMin(),ra->getMax()); fRHist->Sumw2(); // fRHist=new TH2F(TString("hmc_model_")+_x.GetName()+name,TString("MC model for ")+_x.GetName(),NbinX,rx->getMin(),rx->getMax(),NAlphBins,ra->getMin(),ra->getMax()); fx=new RooRealVar(_x.GetName(),"Vx",0,x.min(),x.max()); fx_off=new RooRealVar(_x.GetName(),"Vx_off",0,rMin,rMax); falpha=new RooRealVar("Valpha","Valpha",0,alpha.min(),alpha.max()); fNWdim=0; }
void fit( RooAbsReal & chi2, int numberOfBins, const char * outFileNameWithFitResult ){ TFile * out_root_file = new TFile(outFileNameWithFitResult , "recreate"); RooMinuit m_tot(chi2) ; m_tot.migrad(); // m_tot.hesse(); RooFitResult* r_chi2 = ; cout << "==> Chi2 Fit results " << endl ; r_chi2->Print("v") ; // r_chi2->floatParsFinal().Print("v") ; int NumberOfFreeParameters = r_chi2->floatParsFinal().getSize() ; for (int i =0; i< NumberOfFreeParameters; ++i){ r_chi2->floatParsFinal()[i].Print(); } cout<<"chi2:" <<chi2.getVal() << ", numberOfBins: " << numberOfBins << ", NumberOfFreeParameters: " << NumberOfFreeParameters << endl; cout<<"Normalized Chi2 = " << chi2.getVal()/ (numberOfBins - NumberOfFreeParameters)<<endl; r_chi2->Write( ) ; delete out_root_file; }
/// /// Make an Asimov toy: set all observables set to truth values. /// The Asimov point needs to be loaded in the combiner before. /// \param c - combiner which should be set to an asimov toy /// void GammaComboEngine::setAsimovObservables(Combiner* c) { if ( !c->isCombined() ) { cout << "GammaComboEngine::setAsimovObservables() : ERROR : Can't set an Asimov toy before " "the combiner is combined. Call combine() first." << endl; exit(1); } // set observables to asimov values in workspace RooWorkspace* w = c->getWorkspace(); TIterator* itObs = c->getObservables()->createIterator(); while(RooRealVar* pObs = (RooRealVar*) itObs->Next()) { // get theory name from the observable name TString pThName = pObs->GetName(); pThName.ReplaceAll("obs","th"); // get the theory relation RooAbsReal* th = w->function(pThName); if ( th==0 ) { cout << "GammaComboEngine::setAsimovObservables() : ERROR : theory relation not found in workspace: " << pThName << endl; exit(1); } // set the observable to what the theory relation predicts pObs->setVal(th->getVal()); } delete itObs; // write back the asimov values to the PDF object so that when // the PDF is printed, the asimov values show up for ( int i=0; i<c->getPdfs().size(); i++ ) { PDF_Abs* pdf = c->getPdfs()[i]; pdf->setObservableSourceString("Asimov"); TIterator* itObs = pdf->getObservables()->createIterator(); while(RooRealVar* pObs = (RooRealVar*) itObs->Next()) { RooAbsReal* obs = w->var(pObs->GetName()); if ( obs==0 ) { cout << "GammaComboEngine::setAsimovObservables() : ERROR : observable not found in workspace: " << pObs->GetName() << endl; exit(1); } pdf->setObservable(pObs->GetName(), obs->getVal()); } delete itObs; } }
void Zbi_Zgamma() { // Make model for prototype on/off problem // Pois(x | s+b) * Pois(y | tau b ) // for Z_Gamma, use uniform prior on b. RooWorkspace* w = new RooWorkspace("w",true); w->factory("Poisson::px(x[150,0,500],sum::splusb(s[0,0,100],b[100,0,300]))"); w->factory("Poisson::py(y[100,0,500],prod::taub(tau[1.],b))"); w->factory("Uniform::prior_b(b)"); // construct the Bayesian-averaged model (eg. a projection pdf) // p'(x|s) = \int db p(x|s+b) * [ p(y|b) * prior(b) ] w->factory("PROJ::averagedModel(PROD::foo(px|b,py,prior_b),b)") ; // plot it, blue is averaged model, red is b known exactly RooPlot* frame = w->var("x")->frame() ; w->pdf("averagedModel")->plotOn(frame) ; w->pdf("px")->plotOn(frame,LineColor(kRed)) ; frame->Draw() ; // compare analytic calculation of Z_Bi // with the numerical RooFit implementation of Z_Gamma // for an example with x = 150, y = 100 // numeric RooFit Z_Gamma w->var("y")->setVal(100); w->var("x")->setVal(150); RooAbsReal* cdf = w->pdf("averagedModel")->createCdf(*w->var("x")); cdf->getVal(); // get ugly print messages out of the way cout << "Hybrid p-value = " << cdf->getVal() << endl; cout << "Z_Gamma Significance = " << PValueToSignificance(1-cdf->getVal()) << endl; // analytic Z_Bi double Z_Bi = NumberCountingUtils::BinomialWithTauObsZ(150, 100, 1); std::cout << "Z_Bi significance estimation: " << Z_Bi << std::endl; // OUTPUT // Hybrid p-value = 0.999058 // Z_Gamma Significance = 3.10804 // Z_Bi significance estimation: 3.10804 }
//#include <typeinfo.h> void addFlatNuisances(std::string fi){ gSystem->Load(""); TFile *fin = TFile::Open(fi.c_str()); RooWorkspace *wspace = (RooWorkspace*)fin->Get("w_hmumu"); wspace->Print(""); RooStats::ModelConfig *mc = (RooStats::ModelConfig*)wspace->genobj("ModelConfig"); RooArgSet *nuis = (RooArgSet*) mc->GetNuisanceParameters(); std::cout << "Before...." << std::endl; nuis->Print(); RooRealVar *mgg = (RooRealVar*)wspace->var("mmm"); // Get all of the "flat" nuisances to be added to the nusiances: RooArgSet pdfs = (RooArgSet) wspace->allVars(); RooAbsReal *pdf; TIterator *it_pdf = pdfs.createIterator(); while ( (pdf=(RooAbsReal*)it_pdf->Next()) ){ if (!(std::string(pdf->GetName()).find("zmod") != std::string::npos )) { if (!(std::string(pdf->GetName()).find("__norm") != std::string::npos )) { continue; } } pdf->Print(); RooArgSet* pdfpars = (RooArgSet*)pdf->getParameters(RooArgSet(*mgg)); pdfpars->Print(); std::string newname_pdf = (std::string("unconst_")+std::string(pdf->GetName())); wspace->import(*pdf,RooFit::RenameVariable(pdf->GetName(),newname_pdf.c_str())); pdf->SetName(newname_pdf.c_str()); nuis->add(*pdf); } wspace->var("MH")->setVal(125.0); std::cout << "After..." << std::endl; nuis->Print(); mc->SetNuisanceParameters(*nuis); //RooWorkspace *wspace_new = wspace->Clone(); //mc->SetWorkspace(*wspace_new); //wspace_new->import(*mc,true); TFile *finew = new TFile((std::string(fin->GetName())+std::string("_unconst.root")).c_str(),"RECREATE"); //wspace_new->SetName("w"); finew->WriteTObject(wspace); finew->Close(); }
// get effective sigma from culmalative distribution function pair<double,double> getEffSigma(RooRealVar *mass, RooAbsPdf *pdf, double wmin=110., double wmax=130., double step=0.002, double epsilon=1.e-4){ RooAbsReal *cdf = pdf->createCdf(RooArgList(*mass)); cout << "Computing effSigma...." << endl; TStopwatch sw; sw.Start(); double point=wmin; vector<pair<double,double> > points; while (point <= wmax){ mass->setVal(point); if (pdf->getVal() > epsilon){ points.push_back(pair<double,double>(point,cdf->getVal())); } point+=step; } double low = wmin; double high = wmax; double width = wmax-wmin; for (unsigned int i=0; i<points.size(); i++){ for (unsigned int j=i; j<points.size(); j++){ double wy = points[j].second - points[i].second; if (TMath::Abs(wy-0.683) < epsilon){ double wx = points[j].first - points[i].first; if (wx < width){ low = points[i].first; high = points[j].first; width=wx; } } } } sw.Stop(); cout << "effSigma: [" << low << "-" << high << "] = " << width/2. << endl; cout << "\tTook: "; sw.Print(); pair<double,double> result(low,high); return result; }
void combinedWorkspace_4WS(const char* name_pbpb_pass="******", const char* name_pbpb_fail="fitresult_pbpb_fail.root", const char* name_pp_pass="******", const char* name_pp_fail="fitresult_pp_fail.root", const char* name_out="fitresult_combo.root", const float systval = 0., const char* subDirName ="wsTest", int nCPU=2){ // subdir: Directory to save workspaces under currentPATH/CombinedWorkspaces/subDir/ // set things silent gErrorIgnoreLevel=kError; RooMsgService::instance().setGlobalKillBelow(RooFit::ERROR); bool dosyst = (systval > 0.); TString nameOut(name_out); RooWorkspace * ws = test_combine_4WS(name_pbpb_pass, name_pp_pass, name_pbpb_fail, name_pp_fail, false, nCPU); RooAbsData * data = ws->data("dOS_DATA"); RooRealVar* RFrac2Svs1S_PbPbvsPP_P = ws->var("RFrac2Svs1S_PbPbvsPP_P"); RooRealVar* leftEdge = new RooRealVar("leftEdge","leftEdge",-10); RooRealVar* rightEdge = new RooRealVar("rightEdge","rightEdge",10); RooGenericPdf step("step", "step", "(@0 >= @1) && (@0 < @2)", RooArgList(*RFrac2Svs1S_PbPbvsPP_P, *leftEdge, *rightEdge)); ws->import(step); ws->factory( "Uniform::flat(RFrac2Svs1S_PbPbvsPP_P)" ); // systematics if (dosyst) { ws->factory( Form("kappa_syst[%f]",systval) ); ws->factory( "expr::alpha_syst('kappa_syst*beta_syst',kappa_syst,beta_syst[0,-5,5])" ); ws->factory( "Gaussian::constr_syst(beta_syst,glob_syst[0,-5,5],1)" ); // add systematics into the double ratio ws->factory( "expr::RFrac2Svs1S_PbPbvsPP_P_syst('@0+@1',RFrac2Svs1S_PbPbvsPP_P,alpha_syst)" ); // build the pbpb pdf RooRealVar* effjpsi_pp_P = (RooRealVar*)ws->var("effjpsi_pp_P"); RooRealVar* effpsip_pp_P = (RooRealVar*)ws->var("effpsip_pp_P"); RooRealVar* effjpsi_pp_NP = (RooRealVar*)ws->var("effjpsi_pp_NP"); Double_t Npsi2SPbPbPass = npsip_pbpb_pass_from_doubleratio_prompt(ws, RooArgList(*effjpsi_pp_P,*effpsip_pp_P,*effjpsi_pp_NP),true); // Create and import N_Psi2S_PbPb_pass_syst ws->factory( "SUM::pdfMASS_Tot_PbPb_pass_syst(N_Jpsi_PbPb_pass * pdfMASS_Jpsi_PbPb_pass, N_Psi2S_PbPb_pass_syst * pdfMASS_Psi2S_PbPb_pass, N_Bkg_PbPb_pass * pdfMASS_Bkg_PbPb_pass)" ); ws->factory( "PROD::pdfMASS_Tot_PbPb_pass_constr(pdfMASS_Tot_PbPb_pass_syst,constr_syst)" ); // build the combined pdf ws->factory("SIMUL::simPdf_syst_noconstr(sample,PbPb_pass=pdfMASS_Tot_PbPb_pass_syst,PbPb_fail=pdfMASS_Tot_PbPb_fail,PP_pass=pdfMASS_Tot_PP_pass,PP_fail=pdfMASS_Tot_PP_fail)"); RooSimultaneous *simPdf = (RooSimultaneous*) ws->pdf("simPdf_syst_noconstr"); RooGaussian *constr_syst = (RooGaussian*) ws->pdf("constr_syst"); RooProdPdf *simPdf_constr = new RooProdPdf("simPdf_syst","simPdf_syst",RooArgSet(*simPdf,*constr_syst)); ws->import(*simPdf_constr); } else { ws->factory("SIMUL::simPdf_syst(sample,PbPb_pass=pdfMASS_Tot_PbPb_pass,PbPb_fail=pdfMASS_Tot_PbPb_fail,PP_pass=pdfMASS_Tot_PP_pass,PP_fail=pdfMASS_Tot_PP_fail)"); } ws->Print(); if (dosyst) ws->var("beta_syst")->setConstant(kFALSE); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RooRealVar * pObs = ws->var("invMass"); // get the pointer to the observable RooArgSet obs("observables"); obs.add(*pObs); obs.add( *ws->cat("sample")); // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (dosyst) ws->var("glob_syst")->setConstant(true); RooArgSet globalObs("global_obs"); if (dosyst) globalObs.add( *ws->var("glob_syst") ); // ws->Print(); RooArgSet poi("poi"); poi.add( *ws->var("RFrac2Svs1S_PbPbvsPP_P") ); // create set of nuisance parameters RooArgSet nuis("nuis"); if (dosyst) nuis.add( *ws->var("beta_syst") ); // set parameters constant RooArgSet allVars = ws->allVars(); TIterator* it = allVars.createIterator(); RooRealVar *theVar = (RooRealVar*) it->Next(); while (theVar) { TString varname(theVar->GetName()); // if (varname != "RFrac2Svs1S_PbPbvsPP" // && varname != "invMass" // && varname != "sample" // ) // theVar->setConstant(); if ( varname.Contains("f_Jpsi_PP") || varname.Contains("f_Jpsi_PbPb") || varname.Contains("rSigma21_Jpsi_PP") || varname.Contains("m_Jpsi_PP") || varname.Contains("m_Jpsi_PbPb") || varname.Contains("sigma1_Jpsi_PP") || varname.Contains("sigma1_Jpsi_PbPb") || (varname.Contains("lambda")) || (varname.Contains("_fail") && !varname.Contains("RFrac2Svs1S"))) { theVar->setConstant(); } if (varname=="glob_syst" || varname=="beta_syst" ) { cout << varname << endl; theVar->setConstant(!dosyst); } theVar = (RooRealVar*) it->Next(); } // create signal+background Model Config RooStats::ModelConfig sbHypo("SbHypo"); sbHypo.SetWorkspace( *ws ); sbHypo.SetPdf( *ws->pdf("simPdf_syst") ); sbHypo.SetObservables( obs ); sbHypo.SetGlobalObservables( globalObs ); sbHypo.SetParametersOfInterest( poi ); sbHypo.SetNuisanceParameters( nuis ); sbHypo.SetPriorPdf( *ws->pdf("step") ); // this is optional ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RooAbsReal * pNll = sbHypo.GetPdf()->createNLL( *data,NumCPU(nCPU) ); RooMinuit(*pNll).migrad(); // minimize likelihood wrt all parameters before making plots if (controlPlots) { RooPlot *framepoi = ((RooRealVar *)poi.first())->frame(Bins(10),Range(0.,1),Title("LL and profileLL in RFrac2Svs1S_PbPbvsPP_P")); pNll->plotOn(framepoi,ShiftToZero()); framepoi->SetMinimum(0); framepoi->SetMaximum(10); TCanvas *cpoi = new TCanvas(); cpoi->cd(); framepoi->Draw(); cpoi->SaveAs("cpoi.pdf"); } ((RooRealVar *)poi.first())->setMin(0.); RooArgSet * pPoiAndNuisance = new RooArgSet("poiAndNuisance"); pPoiAndNuisance->add( nuis ); pPoiAndNuisance->add( poi ); sbHypo.SetSnapshot(*pPoiAndNuisance); if (controlPlots) { RooPlot* xframeSB_PP_pass = pObs->frame(Title("SBhypo_PP_pass")); data->plotOn(xframeSB_PP_pass,Cut("sample==sample::PP_pass")); RooAbsPdf *pdfSB_PP_pass = sbHypo.GetPdf(); RooCategory *sample = ws->cat("sample"); pdfSB_PP_pass->plotOn(xframeSB_PP_pass,Slice(*sample,"PP_pass"),ProjWData(*sample,*data)); TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas(); c1->cd(); xframeSB_PP_pass->Draw(); c1->SaveAs("c1.pdf"); RooPlot* xframeSB_PP_fail = pObs->frame(Title("SBhypo_PP_fail")); data->plotOn(xframeSB_PP_fail,Cut("sample==sample::PP_fail")); RooAbsPdf *pdfSB_PP_fail = sbHypo.GetPdf(); pdfSB_PP_fail->plotOn(xframeSB_PP_fail,Slice(*sample,"PP_fail"),ProjWData(*sample,*data)); TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas(); c2->cd(); xframeSB_PP_fail->Draw(); c2->SaveAs("c1.pdf"); RooPlot* xframeB_PbPb_pass = pObs->frame(Title("SBhypo_PbPb_pass")); data->plotOn(xframeB_PbPb_pass,Cut("sample==sample::PbPb_pass")); RooAbsPdf *pdfB_PbPb_pass = sbHypo.GetPdf(); pdfB_PbPb_pass->plotOn(xframeB_PbPb_pass,Slice(*sample,"PbPb_pass"),ProjWData(*sample,*data)); TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas(); c3->cd(); xframeB_PbPb_pass->Draw(); c3->SetLogy(); c3->SaveAs("c2.pdf"); RooPlot* xframeB_PbPb_fail = pObs->frame(Title("SBhypo_PbPb_fail")); data->plotOn(xframeB_PbPb_fail,Cut("sample==sample::PbPb_fail")); RooAbsPdf *pdfB_PbPb_fail = sbHypo.GetPdf(); pdfB_PbPb_fail->plotOn(xframeB_PbPb_fail,Slice(*sample,"PbPb_fail"),ProjWData(*sample,*data)); TCanvas *c4 = new TCanvas(); c4->cd(); xframeB_PbPb_fail->Draw(); c4->SetLogy(); c4->SaveAs("c2.pdf"); } delete pNll; delete pPoiAndNuisance; ws->import( sbHypo ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RooStats::ModelConfig bHypo = sbHypo; bHypo.SetName("BHypo"); bHypo.SetWorkspace(*ws); pNll = bHypo.GetPdf()->createNLL( *data,NumCPU(nCPU) ); // RooMinuit(*pNll).migrad(); // minimize likelihood wrt all parameters before making plots RooArgSet poiAndGlobalObs("poiAndGlobalObs"); poiAndGlobalObs.add( poi ); poiAndGlobalObs.add( globalObs ); RooAbsReal * pProfile = pNll->createProfile( poiAndGlobalObs ); // do not profile POI and global observables ((RooRealVar *)poi.first())->setVal( 0 ); // set RFrac2Svs1S_PbPbvsPP=0 here pProfile->getVal(); // this will do fit and set nuisance parameters to profiled values pPoiAndNuisance = new RooArgSet( "poiAndNuisance" ); pPoiAndNuisance->add( nuis ); pPoiAndNuisance->add( poi ); bHypo.SetSnapshot(*pPoiAndNuisance); delete pNll; delete pPoiAndNuisance; // import model config into workspace bHypo.SetWorkspace(*ws); ws->import( bHypo ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ws->Print(); bHypo.Print(); sbHypo.Print(); // save workspace to file string mainDIR = gSystem->ExpandPathName(gSystem->pwd()); string wsDIR = mainDIR + "/CombinedWorkspaces/"; string ssubDirName=""; if (subDirName) ssubDirName.append(subDirName); string subDIR = wsDIR + ssubDirName; void * dirp = gSystem->OpenDirectory(wsDIR.c_str()); if (dirp) gSystem->FreeDirectory(dirp); else gSystem->mkdir(wsDIR.c_str(), kTRUE); void * dirq = gSystem->OpenDirectory(subDIR.c_str()); if (dirq) gSystem->FreeDirectory(dirq); else gSystem->mkdir(subDIR.c_str(), kTRUE); const char* saveName = Form("%s/%s",subDIR.c_str(),nameOut.Data()); ws->writeToFile(saveName); }
prepDataFiles(){ // TDirectory *theDr = (TDirectory*) myFile->Get("eleIDdir");///denom_pt/fit_eff_plots"); //theDr->ls(); int myIndex; TSystemDirectory dir(thePath, thePath); TSystemFile *file; TString fname; TIter next(dir.GetListOfFiles()); while ((file=(TSystemFile*)next())) { fname = file->GetName(); if (fname.BeginsWith("TnP")&& fname.Contains("mc")) { ofstream myfile; TFile *myFile = new TFile(fname); TIter nextkey(myFile->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *key; while (key = (TKey*)nextkey()) { TString theTypeClasse = key->GetClassName(); TString theNomClasse = key->GetTitle(); if ( theTypeClasse == "TDirectoryFile"){ TDirectory *theDr = (TDirectory*) myFile->Get(theNomClasse); TIter nextkey2(theDr->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *key2; while (key2 = (TKey*)nextkey2()) { TString theTypeClasse2 = key2->GetClassName(); TString theNomClasse2 = key2->GetTitle(); (theNomClasse2+".info"); if ( theTypeClasse == "TDirectoryFile"){ cout << "avant " << endl; TDirectory *theDr2 = (TDirectory*) myFile->Get(theNomClasse+"/"+theNomClasse2); cout << "apres " << endl; TIter nextkey3(theDr2->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *key3; while (key3 = (TKey*)nextkey3()) { TString theTypeClasse3 = key3->GetClassName(); TString theNomClasse3 = key3->GetTitle(); if ((theNomClasse3.Contains("FromMC"))) { TString localClasse3 = theNomClasse3; localClasse3.ReplaceAll("__","%"); cout << "apres " << localClasse3 << endl; TObjArray* listBin = localClasse3.Tokenize('%'); TString first = ((TObjString*)listBin->At(0))->GetString(); TString second = ((TObjString*)listBin->At(2))->GetString(); myfile << first; myfile << " " << second << " "; cout << "coucou la on va récupérer le rooFitResult " << endl; RooFitResult *theResults = (RooFitResult*) myFile->Get(theNomClasse+"/"+theNomClasse2+"/"+theNomClasse3+"/fitresults"); theResults->Print(); RooArgList theParam = theResults->floatParsFinal(); int taille = theParam.getSize(); for (int m = 0 ; m < taille ; m++){ cout << "m=" << m << endl; RooAbsArg *theArg = (RooAbsArg*); RooAbsReal *theReal = (RooAbsReal*) theArg; myfile << theReal->getVal() << " " ; } myfile << "\n"; } } } myfile.close(); } } } delete myFile; } } }
RooWorkspace* makeInvertedANFit(TTree* tree, float forceSigma=-1, bool constrainMu=false, float forceMu=-1) { RooWorkspace *ws = new RooWorkspace("ws",""); std::vector< TString (*)(TString, RooRealVar&, RooWorkspace&) > bkgPdfList; bkgPdfList.push_back(makeSingleExp); bkgPdfList.push_back(makeDoubleExp); #if DEBUG==0 //bkgPdfList.push_back(makeTripleExp); bkgPdfList.push_back(makeModExp); bkgPdfList.push_back(makeSinglePow); bkgPdfList.push_back(makeDoublePow); bkgPdfList.push_back(makePoly2); bkgPdfList.push_back(makePoly3); #endif RooRealVar mgg("mgg","m_{#gamma#gamma}",103,160,"GeV"); mgg.setBins(38); mgg.setRange("sideband_low", 103,120); mgg.setRange("sideband_high",131,160); mgg.setRange("signal",120,131); RooRealVar MR("MR","",0,3000,"GeV"); MR.setBins(60); RooRealVar Rsq("t1Rsq","",0,1,"GeV"); Rsq.setBins(20); RooRealVar hem1_M("hem1_M","",-1,2000,"GeV"); hem1_M.setBins(40); RooRealVar hem2_M("hem2_M","",-1,2000,"GeV"); hem2_M.setBins(40); RooRealVar ptgg("ptgg","p_{T}^{#gamma#gamma}",0,500,"GeV"); ptgg.setBins(50); RooDataSet data("data","",tree,RooArgSet(mgg,MR,Rsq,hem1_M,hem2_M,ptgg)); RooDataSet* blind_data = (RooDataSet*)data.reduce("mgg<121 || mgg>130"); std::vector<TString> tags; //fit many different background models for(auto func = bkgPdfList.begin(); func != bkgPdfList.end(); func++) { TString tag = (*func)("bonly",mgg,*ws); tags.push_back(tag); ws->pdf("bonly_"+tag+"_ext")->fitTo(data,RooFit::Strategy(0),RooFit::Extended(kTRUE),RooFit::Range("sideband_low,sideband_high")); RooFitResult* bres = ws->pdf("bonly_"+tag+"_ext")->fitTo(data,RooFit::Strategy(2),RooFit::Save(kTRUE),RooFit::Extended(kTRUE),RooFit::Range("sideband_low,sideband_high")); bres->SetName(tag+"_bonly_fitres"); ws->import(*bres); //make blinded fit RooPlot *fmgg_b = mgg.frame(); blind_data->plotOn(fmgg_b,RooFit::Range("sideband_low,sideband_high")); TBox blindBox(121,fmgg_b->GetMinimum()-(fmgg_b->GetMaximum()-fmgg_b->GetMinimum())*0.015,130,fmgg_b->GetMaximum()); blindBox.SetFillColor(kGray); fmgg_b->addObject(&blindBox); ws->pdf("bonly_"+tag+"_ext")->plotOn(fmgg_b,RooFit::LineColor(kRed),RooFit::Range("Full"),RooFit::NormRange("sideband_low,sideband_high")); fmgg_b->SetName(tag+"_blinded_frame"); ws->import(*fmgg_b); delete fmgg_b; //set all the parameters constant RooArgSet* vars = ws->pdf("bonly_"+tag)->getVariables(); RooFIter iter = vars->fwdIterator(); RooAbsArg* a; while( (a = ){ if(string(a->GetName()).compare("mgg")==0) continue; static_cast<RooRealVar*>(a)->setConstant(kTRUE); } //make the background portion of the s+b fit (*func)("b",mgg,*ws); RooRealVar sigma(tag+"_s_sigma","",5,0,100); if(forceSigma!=-1) { sigma.setVal(forceSigma); sigma.setConstant(true); } RooRealVar mu(tag+"_s_mu","",126,120,132); if(forceMu!=-1) { mu.setVal(forceMu); mu.setConstant(true); } RooGaussian sig(tag+"_sig_model","",mgg,mu,sigma); RooRealVar Nsig(tag+"_sb_Ns","",5,0,100); RooRealVar Nbkg(tag+"_sb_Nb","",100,0,100000); RooRealVar HiggsMass("HiggsMass","",125.1); RooRealVar HiggsMassError("HiggsMassError","",0.24); RooGaussian HiggsMassConstraint("HiggsMassConstraint","",mu,HiggsMass,HiggsMassError); RooAddPdf fitModel(tag+"_sb_model","",RooArgList( *ws->pdf("b_"+tag), sig ),RooArgList(Nbkg,Nsig)); RooFitResult* sbres; RooAbsReal* nll; if(constrainMu) { fitModel.fitTo(data,RooFit::Strategy(0),RooFit::Extended(kTRUE),RooFit::ExternalConstraints(RooArgSet(HiggsMassConstraint))); sbres = fitModel.fitTo(data,RooFit::Strategy(2),RooFit::Save(kTRUE),RooFit::Extended(kTRUE),RooFit::ExternalConstraints(RooArgSet(HiggsMassConstraint))); nll = fitModel.createNLL(data,RooFit::NumCPU(4),RooFit::Extended(kTRUE),RooFit::ExternalConstraints(RooArgSet(HiggsMassConstraint))); } else { fitModel.fitTo(data,RooFit::Strategy(0),RooFit::Extended(kTRUE)); sbres = fitModel.fitTo(data,RooFit::Strategy(2),RooFit::Save(kTRUE),RooFit::Extended(kTRUE)); nll = fitModel.createNLL(data,RooFit::NumCPU(4),RooFit::Extended(kTRUE)); } sbres->SetName(tag+"_sb_fitres"); ws->import(*sbres); ws->import(fitModel); RooPlot *fmgg = mgg.frame(); data.plotOn(fmgg); fitModel.plotOn(fmgg); ws->pdf("b_"+tag+"_ext")->plotOn(fmgg,RooFit::LineColor(kRed),RooFit::Range("Full"),RooFit::NormRange("Full")); fmgg->SetName(tag+"_frame"); ws->import(*fmgg); delete fmgg; RooMinuit(*nll).migrad(); RooPlot *fNs = Nsig.frame(0,25); fNs->SetName(tag+"_Nsig_pll"); RooAbsReal *pll = nll->createProfile(Nsig); //nll->plotOn(fNs,RooFit::ShiftToZero(),RooFit::LineColor(kRed)); pll->plotOn(fNs); ws->import(*fNs); delete fNs; RooPlot *fmu = mu.frame(125,132); fmu->SetName(tag+"_mu_pll"); RooAbsReal *pll_mu = nll->createProfile(mu); pll_mu->plotOn(fmu); ws->import(*fmu); delete fmu; } RooArgSet weights("weights"); RooArgSet pdfs_bonly("pdfs_bonly"); RooArgSet pdfs_b("pdfs_b"); RooRealVar minAIC("minAIC","",1E10); //compute AIC stuff for(auto t = tags.begin(); t!=tags.end(); t++) { RooAbsPdf *p_bonly = ws->pdf("bonly_"+*t); RooAbsPdf *p_b = ws->pdf("b_"+*t); RooFitResult *sb = (RooFitResult*)ws->obj(*t+"_bonly_fitres"); RooRealVar k(*t+"_b_k","",p_bonly->getParameters(RooArgSet(mgg))->getSize()); RooRealVar nll(*t+"_b_minNll","",sb->minNll()); RooRealVar Npts(*t+"_b_N","",blind_data->sumEntries()); RooFormulaVar AIC(*t+"_b_AIC","2*@0+2*@1+2*@1*(@1+1)/(@2-@1-1)",RooArgSet(nll,k,Npts)); ws->import(AIC); if(AIC.getVal() < minAIC.getVal()) { minAIC.setVal(AIC.getVal()); } //aicExpSum+=TMath::Exp(-0.5*AIC.getVal()); //we will need this precomputed for the next step pdfs_bonly.add(*p_bonly); pdfs_b.add(*p_b); } ws->import(minAIC); //compute the AIC weight float aicExpSum=0; for(auto t = tags.begin(); t!=tags.end(); t++) { RooFormulaVar *AIC = (RooFormulaVar*)ws->obj(*t+"_b_AIC"); aicExpSum+=TMath::Exp(-0.5*(AIC->getVal()-minAIC.getVal())); //we will need this precomputed for the next step } std::cout << "aicExpSum: " << aicExpSum << std::endl; for(auto t = tags.begin(); t!=tags.end(); t++) { RooFormulaVar *AIC = (RooFormulaVar*)ws->obj(*t+"_b_AIC"); RooRealVar *AICw = new RooRealVar(*t+"_b_AICWeight","",TMath::Exp(-0.5*(AIC->getVal()-minAIC.getVal()))/aicExpSum); if( TMath::IsNaN(AICw->getVal()) ) {AICw->setVal(0);} ws->import(*AICw); std::cout << *t << ": " << AIC->getVal()-minAIC.getVal() << " " << AICw->getVal() << std::endl; weights.add(*AICw); } RooAddPdf bonly_AIC("bonly_AIC","",pdfs_bonly,weights); RooAddPdf b_AIC("b_AIC","",pdfs_b,weights); //b_AIC.fitTo(data,RooFit::Strategy(0),RooFit::Extended(kTRUE),RooFit::Range("sideband_low,sideband_high")); //RooFitResult* bres = b_AIC.fitTo(data,RooFit::Strategy(2),RooFit::Save(kTRUE),RooFit::Extended(kTRUE),RooFit::Range("sideband_low,sideband_high")); //bres->SetName("AIC_b_fitres"); //ws->import(*bres); //make blinded fit RooPlot *fmgg_b = mgg.frame(RooFit::Range("sideband_low,sideband_high")); blind_data->plotOn(fmgg_b,RooFit::Range("sideband_low,sideband_high")); TBox blindBox(121,fmgg_b->GetMinimum()-(fmgg_b->GetMaximum()-fmgg_b->GetMinimum())*0.015,130,fmgg_b->GetMaximum()); blindBox.SetFillColor(kGray); fmgg_b->addObject(&blindBox); bonly_AIC.plotOn(fmgg_b,RooFit::LineColor(kRed),RooFit::Range("Full"),RooFit::NormRange("sideband_low,sideband_high")); fmgg_b->SetName("AIC_blinded_frame"); ws->import(*fmgg_b); delete fmgg_b; #if 1 RooRealVar sigma("AIC_s_sigma","",5,0,100); if(forceSigma!=-1) { sigma.setVal(forceSigma); sigma.setConstant(true); } RooRealVar mu("AIC_s_mu","",126,120,132); if(forceMu!=-1) { mu.setVal(forceMu); mu.setConstant(true); } RooGaussian sig("AIC_sig_model","",mgg,mu,sigma); RooRealVar Nsig("AIC_sb_Ns","",5,0,100); RooRealVar Nbkg("AIC_sb_Nb","",100,0,100000); RooRealVar HiggsMass("HiggsMass","",125.1); RooRealVar HiggsMassError("HiggsMassError","",0.24); RooGaussian HiggsMassConstraint("HiggsMassConstraint","",mu,HiggsMass,HiggsMassError); RooAddPdf fitModel("AIC_sb_model","",RooArgList( b_AIC, sig ),RooArgList(Nbkg,Nsig)); RooFitResult* sbres; RooAbsReal *nll; if(constrainMu) { fitModel.fitTo(data,RooFit::Strategy(0),RooFit::Extended(kTRUE),RooFit::ExternalConstraints(RooArgSet(HiggsMassConstraint))); sbres = fitModel.fitTo(data,RooFit::Strategy(2),RooFit::Save(kTRUE),RooFit::Extended(kTRUE),RooFit::ExternalConstraints(RooArgSet(HiggsMassConstraint))); nll = fitModel.createNLL(data,RooFit::NumCPU(4),RooFit::Extended(kTRUE),RooFit::ExternalConstraints(RooArgSet(HiggsMassConstraint))); } else { fitModel.fitTo(data,RooFit::Strategy(0),RooFit::Extended(kTRUE)); sbres = fitModel.fitTo(data,RooFit::Strategy(2),RooFit::Save(kTRUE),RooFit::Extended(kTRUE)); nll = fitModel.createNLL(data,RooFit::NumCPU(4),RooFit::Extended(kTRUE)); } assert(nll!=0); sbres->SetName("AIC_sb_fitres"); ws->import(*sbres); ws->import(fitModel); RooPlot *fmgg = mgg.frame(); data.plotOn(fmgg); fitModel.plotOn(fmgg); ws->pdf("b_AIC")->plotOn(fmgg,RooFit::LineColor(kRed),RooFit::Range("Full"),RooFit::NormRange("Full")); fmgg->SetName("AIC_frame"); ws->import(*fmgg); delete fmgg; RooMinuit(*nll).migrad(); RooPlot *fNs = Nsig.frame(0,25); fNs->SetName("AIC_Nsig_pll"); RooAbsReal *pll = nll->createProfile(Nsig); //nll->plotOn(fNs,RooFit::ShiftToZero(),RooFit::LineColor(kRed)); pll->plotOn(fNs); ws->import(*fNs); delete fNs; RooPlot *fmu = mu.frame(125,132); fmu->SetName("AIC_mu_pll"); RooAbsReal *pll_mu = nll->createProfile(mu); pll_mu->plotOn(fmu); ws->import(*fmu); delete fmu; std::cout << "min AIC: " << minAIC.getVal() << std::endl; for(auto t = tags.begin(); t!=tags.end(); t++) { RooFormulaVar *AIC = (RooFormulaVar*)ws->obj(*t+"_b_AIC"); RooRealVar *AICw = ws->var(*t+"_b_AICWeight"); RooRealVar* k = ws->var(*t+"_b_k"); printf("%s & %0.0f & %0.2f & %0.2f \\\\\n",t->Data(),k->getVal(),AIC->getVal()-minAIC.getVal(),AICw->getVal()); //std::cout << k->getVal() << " " << AIC->getVal()-minAIC.getVal() << " " << AICw->getVal() << std::endl; } #endif return ws; }
void BackgroundPrediction(std::string pname,int rebin_factor,int model_number = 0,int imass=750, bool plotBands = false) { rebin = rebin_factor; std::string fname = std::string("../fitFilesMETPT34/") + pname + std::string("/histos_bkg.root"); stringstream iimass ; iimass << imass; std::string dirName = "info_"+iimass.str()+"_"+pname; gStyle->SetOptStat(000000000); gStyle->SetPadGridX(0); gStyle->SetPadGridY(0); setTDRStyle(); gStyle->SetPadGridX(0); gStyle->SetPadGridY(0); gStyle->SetOptStat(0000); writeExtraText = true; // if extra text extraText = "Preliminary"; // default extra text is "Preliminary" lumi_13TeV = "2.7 fb^{-1}"; // default is "19.7 fb^{-1}" lumi_7TeV = "4.9 fb^{-1}"; // default is "5.1 fb^{-1}" double ratio_tau=-1; TFile *f=new TFile(fname.c_str()); TH1F *h_mX_CR_tau=(TH1F*)f->Get("distribs_18_10_1")->Clone("CR_tau"); TH1F *h_mX_SR=(TH1F*)f->Get("distribs_18_10_0")->Clone("The_SR"); double maxdata = h_mX_SR->GetMaximum(); double nEventsSR = h_mX_SR->Integral(600,4000); ratio_tau=(h_mX_SR->GetSumOfWeights()/(h_mX_CR_tau->GetSumOfWeights())); //double nEventsSR = h_mX_SR->Integral(600,4000); std::cout<<"ratio tau "<<ratio_tau<<std::endl; TH1F *h_SR_Prediction; TH1F *h_SR_Prediction2; if(blind) { h_SR_Prediction2 = (TH1F*)h_mX_CR_tau->Clone("h_SR_Prediction2"); h_mX_CR_tau->Rebin(rebin); h_mX_CR_tau->SetLineColor(kBlack); h_SR_Prediction=(TH1F*)h_mX_CR_tau->Clone("h_SR_Prediction"); } else { h_SR_Prediction2=(TH1F*)h_mX_SR->Clone("h_SR_Prediction2"); h_mX_SR->Rebin(rebin); h_mX_SR->SetLineColor(kBlack); h_SR_Prediction=(TH1F*)h_mX_SR->Clone("h_SR_Prediction"); } h_SR_Prediction->SetMarkerSize(0.7); h_SR_Prediction->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); h_SR_Prediction->Sumw2(); /*TFile *f_sig = new TFile((dirName+"/w_signal_"+iimass.str()+".root").c_str()); RooWorkspace* xf_sig = (RooWorkspace*)f_sig->Get("Vg"); RooAbsPdf *xf_sig_pdf = (RooAbsPdf *)xf_sig->pdf((std::string("signal_fixed_")+pname).c_str()); RooWorkspace w_sig("w"); w_sig.import(*xf_sig_pdf,RooFit::RenameVariable((std::string("signal_fixed_")+pname).c_str(),(std::string("signal_fixed_")+pname+std::string("low")).c_str()),RooFit::RenameAllVariablesExcept("low","x")); xf_sig_pdf = w_sig.pdf((std::string("signal_fixed_")+pname+std::string("low")).c_str()); RooArgSet* biasVars = xf_sig_pdf->getVariables(); TIterator *it = biasVars->createIterator(); RooRealVar* var = (RooRealVar*)it->Next(); while (var) { var->setConstant(kTRUE); var = (RooRealVar*)it->Next(); } */ RooRealVar x("x", "m_{X} (GeV)", SR_lo, SR_hi); RooRealVar nBackground((std::string("bg_")+pname+std::string("_norm")).c_str(),"nbkg",h_mX_SR->GetSumOfWeights()); RooRealVar nBackground2((std::string("alt_bg_")+pname+std::string("_norm")).c_str(),"nbkg",h_mX_SR->GetSumOfWeights()); std::string blah = pname; //pname=""; //Antibtag=tag to constrain b-tag to the anti-btag shape /* RooRealVar bg_p0((std::string("bg_p0_")+pname).c_str(), "bg_p0", 4.2, 0, 200.); RooRealVar bg_p1((std::string("bg_p1_")+pname).c_str(), "bg_p1", 4.5, 0, 300.); RooRealVar bg_p2((std::string("bg_p2_")+pname).c_str(), "bg_p2", 0.000047, 0, 10.1); RooGenericPdf bg_pure = RooGenericPdf((std::string("bg_pure_")+blah).c_str(),"(pow(1-@0/13000,@1)/pow(@0/13000,@2+@3*log(@0/13000)))",RooArgList(x,bg_p0,bg_p1,bg_p2)); */ RooRealVar bg_p0((std::string("bg_p0_")+pname).c_str(), "bg_p0", 0., -1000, 200.); RooRealVar bg_p1((std::string("bg_p1_")+pname).c_str(), "bg_p1", -13, -1000, 1000.); RooRealVar bg_p2((std::string("bg_p2_")+pname).c_str(), "bg_p2", -1.4, -1000, 1000.); bg_p0.setConstant(kTRUE); //RooGenericPdf bg_pure = RooGenericPdf((std::string("bg_pure_")+blah).c_str(),"(pow(@0/13000,@1+@2*log(@0/13000)))",RooArgList(x,bg_p1,bg_p2)); RooGenericPdf bg = RooGenericPdf((std::string("bg_")+blah).c_str(),"(pow(@0/13000,@1+@2*log(@0/13000)))",RooArgList(x,bg_p1,bg_p2)); /*TF1* biasFunc = new TF1("biasFunc","(0.63*x/1000-1.45)",1350,3600); TF1* biasFunc2 = new TF1("biasFunc2","TMath::Min(2.,2.3*x/1000-3.8)",1350,3600); double bias_term_s = 0; if ((imass > 2450 && blah == "antibtag") || (imass > 1640 && blah == "btag")) { if (blah == "antibtag") { bias_term_s = 2.7*biasFunc->Eval(imass); } else { bias_term_s = 2.7*biasFunc2->Eval(imass); } bias_term_s/=nEventsSR; } RooRealVar bias_term((std::string("bias_term_")+blah).c_str(), "bias_term", 0., -bias_term_s, bias_term_s); //bias_term.setConstant(kTRUE); RooAddPdf bg((std::string("bg_")+blah).c_str(), "bg_all", RooArgList(*xf_sig_pdf, bg_pure), bias_term); */ string name_output = "CR_RooFit_Exp"; std::cout<<"Nevents "<<nEventsSR<<std::endl; RooDataHist pred("pred", "Prediction from SB", RooArgList(x), h_SR_Prediction); RooFitResult *r_bg=bg.fitTo(pred, RooFit::Minimizer("Minuit2"), RooFit::Range(SR_lo, SR_hi), RooFit::SumW2Error(kTRUE), RooFit::Save()); //RooFitResult *r_bg=bg.fitTo(pred, RooFit::Range(SR_lo, SR_hi), RooFit::Save()); //RooFitResult *r_bg=bg.fitTo(pred, RooFit::Range(SR_lo, SR_hi), RooFit::Save(),RooFit::SumW2Error(kTRUE)); std::cout<<" --------------------- Building Envelope --------------------- "<<std::endl; //std::cout<< "bg_p0_"<< pname << " param "<<bg_p0.getVal() << " "<<bg_p0.getError()<<std::endl; std::cout<< "bg_p1_"<< pname << " param "<<bg_p1.getVal() << " "<<100*bg_p1.getError()<<std::endl; std::cout<< "bg_p2_"<< pname << " param "<<bg_p2.getVal() << " "<<100*bg_p2.getError()<<std::endl; //std::cout<< "bias_term_"<< blah << " param 0 "<<bias_term_s<<std::endl; RooPlot *aC_plot=x.frame(); pred.plotOn(aC_plot, RooFit::MarkerColor(kPink+2)); if (!plotBands) { bg.plotOn(aC_plot, RooFit::VisualizeError(*r_bg, 2), RooFit::FillColor(kYellow)); bg.plotOn(aC_plot, RooFit::VisualizeError(*r_bg, 1), RooFit::FillColor(kGreen)); } bg.plotOn(aC_plot, RooFit::LineColor(kBlue)); //pred.plotOn(aC_plot, RooFit::LineColor(kBlack), RooFit::MarkerColor(kBlack)); TGraph* error_curve[5]; //correct error bands TGraphAsymmErrors* dataGr = new TGraphAsymmErrors(h_SR_Prediction->GetNbinsX()); //data w/o 0 entries for (int i=2; i!=5; ++i) { error_curve[i] = new TGraph(); } error_curve[2] = (TGraph*)aC_plot->getObject(1)->Clone("errs"); int nPoints = error_curve[2]->GetN(); error_curve[0] = new TGraph(2*nPoints); error_curve[1] = new TGraph(2*nPoints); error_curve[0]->SetFillStyle(1001); error_curve[1]->SetFillStyle(1001); error_curve[0]->SetFillColor(kGreen); error_curve[1]->SetFillColor(kYellow); error_curve[0]->SetLineColor(kGreen); error_curve[1]->SetLineColor(kYellow); if (plotBands) { RooDataHist pred2("pred2", "Prediction from SB", RooArgList(x), h_SR_Prediction2); error_curve[3]->SetFillStyle(1001); error_curve[4]->SetFillStyle(1001); error_curve[3]->SetFillColor(kGreen); error_curve[4]->SetFillColor(kYellow); error_curve[3]->SetLineColor(kGreen); error_curve[4]->SetLineColor(kYellow); error_curve[2]->SetLineColor(kBlue); error_curve[2]->SetLineWidth(3); double binSize = rebin; for (int i=0; i!=nPoints; ++i) { double x0,y0, x1,y1; error_curve[2]->GetPoint(i,x0,y0); RooAbsReal* nlim = new RooRealVar("nlim","y0",y0,-100000,100000); //double lowedge = x0 - (SR_hi - SR_lo)/double(2*nPoints); //double upedge = x0 + (SR_hi - SR_lo)/double(2*nPoints); double lowedge = x0 - binSize/2.; double upedge = x0 + binSize/2.; x.setRange("errRange",lowedge,upedge); RooExtendPdf* epdf = new RooExtendPdf("epdf","extpdf",bg, *nlim,"errRange"); // Construct unbinned likelihood RooAbsReal* nll = epdf->createNLL(pred2,NumCPU(2)); // Minimize likelihood w.r.t all parameters before making plots RooMinimizer* minim = new RooMinimizer(*nll); minim->setMinimizerType("Minuit2"); minim->setStrategy(2); minim->setPrintLevel(-1); minim->migrad(); minim->hesse(); RooFitResult* result = minim->lastMinuitFit(); double errm = nlim->getPropagatedError(*result); //std::cout<<x0<<" "<<lowedge<<" "<<upedge<<" "<<y0<<" "<<nlim->getVal()<<" "<<errm<<std::endl; error_curve[0]->SetPoint(i,x0,(y0-errm)); error_curve[0]->SetPoint(2*nPoints-i-1,x0,y0+errm); error_curve[1]->SetPoint(i,x0,(y0-2*errm)); error_curve[1]->SetPoint(2*nPoints-i-1,x0,(y0+2*errm)); error_curve[3]->SetPoint(i,x0,-errm/sqrt(y0)); error_curve[3]->SetPoint(2*nPoints-i-1,x0,errm/sqrt(y0)); error_curve[4]->SetPoint(i,x0,-2*errm/sqrt(y0)); error_curve[4]->SetPoint(2*nPoints-i-1,x0,2*errm/sqrt(y0)); } int npois = 0; dataGr->SetMarkerSize(1.0); dataGr->SetMarkerStyle (20); const double alpha = 1 - 0.6827; for (int i=0; i!=h_SR_Prediction->GetNbinsX(); ++i){ if (h_SR_Prediction->GetBinContent(i+1) > 0) { int N = h_SR_Prediction->GetBinContent(i+1); double L = (N==0) ? 0 : (ROOT::Math::gamma_quantile(alpha/2,N,1.)); double U = ROOT::Math::gamma_quantile_c(alpha/2,N+1,1) ; dataGr->SetPoint(npois,h_SR_Prediction->GetBinCenter(i+1),h_SR_Prediction->GetBinContent(i+1)); dataGr->SetPointEYlow(npois, N-L); dataGr->SetPointEYhigh(npois, U-N); npois++; } } } double xG[2] = {-10,4000}; double yG[2] = {0.0,0.0}; TGraph* unityG = new TGraph(2, xG, yG); unityG->SetLineColor(kBlue); unityG->SetLineWidth(1); double xPad = 0.3; TCanvas *c_rooFit=new TCanvas("c_rooFit", "c_rooFit", 800*(1.-xPad), 600); c_rooFit->SetFillStyle(4000); c_rooFit->SetFrameFillColor(0); TPad *p_1=new TPad("p_1", "p_1", 0, xPad, 1, 1); p_1->SetFillStyle(4000); p_1->SetFrameFillColor(0); p_1->SetBottomMargin(0.02); TPad* p_2 = new TPad("p_2", "p_2",0,0,1,xPad); p_2->SetBottomMargin((1.-xPad)/xPad*0.13); p_2->SetTopMargin(0.03); p_2->SetFillColor(0); p_2->SetBorderMode(0); p_2->SetBorderSize(2); p_2->SetFrameBorderMode(0); p_2->SetFrameBorderMode(0); p_1->Draw(); p_2->Draw(); p_1->cd(); int nbins = (int) (SR_hi- SR_lo)/rebin; x.setBins(nbins); std::cout << "chi2(data) " << aC_plot->chiSquare()<<std::endl; //std::cout << "p-value: data under hypothesis H0: " << TMath::Prob(chi2_data->getVal(), nbins - 1) << std::endl; aC_plot->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(SR_lo, SR_hi); aC_plot->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset(0.02); aC_plot->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.1, 1000.); h_SR_Prediction->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(SR_lo, SR_hi); string rebin_ = itoa(rebin); aC_plot->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("M_{Z#gamma} [GeV] "); aC_plot->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(("Events / "+rebin_+" GeV ").c_str()); aC_plot->SetMarkerSize(0.7); aC_plot->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); aC_plot->Draw(); if (plotBands) { error_curve[1]->Draw("Fsame"); error_curve[0]->Draw("Fsame"); error_curve[2]->Draw("Lsame"); dataGr->Draw("p e1 same"); } aC_plot->SetTitle(""); TPaveText *pave = new TPaveText(0.85,0.4,0.67,0.5,"NDC"); pave->SetBorderSize(0); pave->SetTextSize(0.05); pave->SetTextFont(42); pave->SetLineColor(1); pave->SetLineStyle(1); pave->SetLineWidth(2); pave->SetFillColor(0); pave->SetFillStyle(0); char name[1000]; sprintf(name,"#chi^{2}/n = %.2f",aC_plot->chiSquare()); pave->AddText(name); //pave->Draw(); TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.88,0.65,0.55,0.90,NULL,"brNDC"); leg->SetBorderSize(0); leg->SetTextSize(0.05); leg->SetTextFont(42); leg->SetLineColor(1); leg->SetLineStyle(1); leg->SetLineWidth(2); leg->SetFillColor(0); leg->SetFillStyle(0); h_SR_Prediction->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); h_SR_Prediction->SetLineColor(kBlack); h_SR_Prediction->SetMarkerStyle(20); h_SR_Prediction->SetMarkerSize(1.0); //h_mMMMMa_3Tag_SR->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.09); if (blind) leg->AddEntry(h_SR_Prediction, "Data: sideband", "ep"); else { if (blah == "antibtag" ) leg->AddEntry(h_SR_Prediction, "Data: anti-b-tag SR", "ep"); else leg->AddEntry(h_SR_Prediction, "Data: b-tag SR", "ep"); } leg->AddEntry(error_curve[2], "Fit model", "l"); leg->AddEntry(error_curve[0], "Fit #pm1#sigma", "f"); leg->AddEntry(error_curve[1], "Fit #pm2#sigma", "f"); leg->Draw(); aC_plot->Draw("axis same"); CMS_lumi( p_1, iPeriod, iPos ); p_2->cd(); RooHist* hpull; hpull = aC_plot->pullHist(); RooPlot* frameP = x.frame() ; frameP->SetTitle(""); frameP->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(SR_lo, SR_hi); frameP->addPlotable(hpull,"P"); frameP->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-7,7); frameP->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505); frameP->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#frac{(data-fit)}{#sigma_{stat}}"); frameP->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize((1.-xPad)/xPad*0.06); frameP->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.0/((1.-xPad)/xPad)); frameP->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize((1.-xPad)/xPad*0.06); //frameP->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.0); frameP->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize((1.-xPad)/xPad*0.05); frameP->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize((1.-xPad)/xPad*0.05); frameP->Draw(); if (plotBands) { error_curve[4]->Draw("Fsame"); error_curve[3]->Draw("Fsame"); unityG->Draw("same"); hpull->Draw("psame"); frameP->Draw("axis same"); } c_rooFit->SaveAs((dirName+"/"+name_output+".pdf").c_str()); const int nModels = 9; TString models[nModels] = { "env_pdf_0_13TeV_dijet2", //0 "env_pdf_0_13TeV_exp1", //1 "env_pdf_0_13TeV_expow1", //2 "env_pdf_0_13TeV_expow2", //3 => skip "env_pdf_0_13TeV_pow1", //4 "env_pdf_0_13TeV_lau1", //5 "env_pdf_0_13TeV_atlas1", //6 "env_pdf_0_13TeV_atlas2", //7 => skip "env_pdf_0_13TeV_vvdijet1" //8 }; int nPars[nModels] = { 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2 }; TString parNames[nModels][3] = { "env_pdf_0_13TeV_dijet2_log1","env_pdf_0_13TeV_dijet2_log2","", "env_pdf_0_13TeV_exp1_p1","","", "env_pdf_0_13TeV_expow1_exp1","env_pdf_0_13TeV_expow1_pow1","", "env_pdf_0_13TeV_expow2_exp1","env_pdf_0_13TeV_expow2_pow1","env_pdf_0_13TeV_expow2_exp2", "env_pdf_0_13TeV_pow1_p1","","", "env_pdf_0_13TeV_lau1_l1","","", "env_pdf_0_13TeV_atlas1_coeff1","env_pdf_0_13TeV_atlas1_log1","", "env_pdf_0_13TeV_atlas2_coeff1","env_pdf_0_13TeV_atlas2_log1","env_pdf_0_13TeV_atlas2_log2", "env_pdf_0_13TeV_vvdijet1_coeff1","env_pdf_0_13TeV_vvdijet1_log1","" } if(bias){ //alternative model gSystem->Load("libHiggsAnalysisCombinedLimit"); gSystem->Load("libdiphotonsUtils"); TFile *f = new TFile("antibtag_multipdf.root"); RooWorkspace* xf = (RooWorkspace*)f->Get("wtemplates"); RooWorkspace *w_alt=new RooWorkspace("Vg"); for(int i=model_number; i<=model_number; i++){ RooMultiPdf *alternative = (RooMultiPdf *)xf->pdf("model_bkg_AntiBtag"); std::cout<<"Number of pdfs "<<alternative->getNumPdfs()<<std::endl; for (int j=0; j!=alternative->getNumPdfs(); ++j){ std::cout<<alternative->getPdf(j)->GetName()<<std::endl; } RooAbsPdf *alt_bg = alternative->getPdf(alternative->getCurrentIndex()+i);//->clone(); w_alt->import(*alt_bg, RooFit::RenameVariable(alt_bg->GetName(),("alt_bg_"+blah).c_str())); w_alt->Print("V"); std::cerr<<w_alt->var("x")<<std::endl; RooRealVar * range_ = w_alt->var("x"); range_->setRange(SR_lo,SR_hi); char* asd = ("alt_bg_"+blah).c_str() ; w_alt->import(nBackground2); std::cout<<alt_bg->getVal() <<std::endl; w_alt->pdf(asd)->fitTo(pred, RooFit::Minimizer("Minuit2"), RooFit::Range(SR_lo, SR_hi), RooFit::SumW2Error(kTRUE), RooFit::Save()); RooArgSet* altVars = w_alt->pdf(asd)->getVariables(); TIterator *it2 = altVars->createIterator(); RooRealVar* varAlt = (RooRealVar*)it2->Next(); while (varAlt) { varAlt->setConstant(kTRUE); varAlt = (RooRealVar*)it2->Next(); } alt_bg->plotOn(aC_plot, RooFit::LineColor(i+1), RooFit::LineStyle(i+2)); p_1->cd(); aC_plot->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.01, maxdata*50.); aC_plot->Draw("same"); TH1F *h=new TH1F(); h->SetLineColor(1+i); h->SetLineStyle(i+2); leg->AddEntry(h, alt_bg->GetName(), "l"); w_alt->SaveAs((dirName+"/w_background_alternative.root").c_str()); } leg->Draw(); p_1->SetLogy(); c_rooFit->Update(); c_rooFit->SaveAs((dirName+"/"+name_output+blah+"_multipdf.pdf").c_str()); for (int i=0; i!=nPars[model_number]; ++i) { std::cout<<parNames[model_number][i]<<" param "<< w_alt->var(parNames[model_number][i])->getVal()<<" "<<w_alt->var(parNames[model_number][i])->getError()<<std::endl; } } else { p_1->SetLogy(); c_rooFit->Update(); c_rooFit->SaveAs((dirName+"/"+name_output+"_log.pdf").c_str()); } RooWorkspace *w=new RooWorkspace("Vg"); w->import(bg); w->import(nBackground); w->SaveAs((dirName+"/w_background_GaussExp.root").c_str()); TH1F *h_mX_SR_fakeData=(TH1F*)h_mX_SR->Clone("h_mX_SR_fakeData"); h_mX_SR_fakeData->Scale(nEventsSR/h_mX_SR_fakeData->GetSumOfWeights()); RooDataHist data_obs("data_obs", "Data", RooArgList(x), h_mX_SR_fakeData); std::cout<<" Background number of events = "<<nEventsSR<<std::endl; RooWorkspace *w_data=new RooWorkspace("Vg"); w_data->import(data_obs); w_data->SaveAs((dirName+"/w_data.root").c_str()); }
void rf308_normintegration2d() { // S e t u p m o d e l // --------------------- // Create observables x,y RooRealVar x("x","x",-10,10) ; RooRealVar y("y","y",-10,10) ; // Create p.d.f. gaussx(x,-2,3), gaussy(y,2,2) RooGaussian gx("gx","gx",x,RooConst(-2),RooConst(3)) ; RooGaussian gy("gy","gy",y,RooConst(+2),RooConst(2)) ; // Create gxy = gx(x)*gy(y) RooProdPdf gxy("gxy","gxy",RooArgSet(gx,gy)) ; // R e t r i e v e r a w & n o r m a l i z e d v a l u e s o f R o o F i t p . d . f . s // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Return 'raw' unnormalized value of gx cout << "gxy = " << gxy.getVal() << endl ; // Return value of gxy normalized over x _and_ y in range [-10,10] RooArgSet nset_xy(x,y) ; cout << "gx_Norm[x,y] = " << gxy.getVal(&nset_xy) << endl ; // Create object representing integral over gx // which is used to calculate gx_Norm[x,y] == gx / gx_Int[x,y] RooAbsReal* igxy = gxy.createIntegral(RooArgSet(x,y)) ; cout << "gx_Int[x,y] = " << igxy->getVal() << endl ; // NB: it is also possible to do the following // Return value of gxy normalized over x in range [-10,10] (i.e. treating y as parameter) RooArgSet nset_x(x) ; cout << "gx_Norm[x] = " << gxy.getVal(&nset_x) << endl ; // Return value of gxy normalized over y in range [-10,10] (i.e. treating x as parameter) RooArgSet nset_y(y) ; cout << "gx_Norm[y] = " << gxy.getVal(&nset_y) << endl ; // I n t e g r a t e n o r m a l i z e d p d f o v e r s u b r a n g e // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Define a range named "signal" in x from -5,5 x.setRange("signal",-5,5) ; y.setRange("signal",-3,3) ; // Create an integral of gxy_Norm[x,y] over x and y in range "signal" // This is the fraction of of p.d.f. gxy_Norm[x,y] which is in the // range named "signal" RooAbsReal* igxy_sig = gxy.createIntegral(RooArgSet(x,y),NormSet(RooArgSet(x,y)),Range("signal")) ; cout << "gx_Int[x,y|signal]_Norm[x,y] = " << igxy_sig->getVal() << endl ; // C o n s t r u c t c u m u l a t i v e d i s t r i b u t i o n f u n c t i o n f r o m p d f // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create the cumulative distribution function of gx // i.e. calculate Int[-10,x] gx(x') dx' RooAbsReal* gxy_cdf = gxy.createCdf(RooArgSet(x,y)) ; // Plot cdf of gx versus x TH1* hh_cdf = gxy_cdf->createHistogram("hh_cdf",x,Binning(40),YVar(y,Binning(40))) ; hh_cdf->SetLineColor(kBlue) ; new TCanvas("rf308_normintegration2d","rf308_normintegration2d",600,600) ; gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.15) ; hh_cdf->GetZaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.8) ; hh_cdf->Draw("surf") ; }
void Raa3S_Workspace(const char* name_pbpb="chad_ws_fits/centFits/ws_PbPbData_262548_263757_0cent10_0.0pt50.0_0.0y2.4.root", const char* name_pp="chad_ws_fits/centFits/ws_PPData_262157_262328_-1cent1_0.0pt50.0_0.0y2.4.root", const char* name_out="fitresult_combo.root"){ //TFile File(filename); //RooWorkspace * ws = test_combine(name_pbpb, name_pp); TFile *f = new TFile("fitresult_combo_333.root") ; RooWorkspace * ws1 = (RooWorkspace*) f->Get("wcombo"); //File.GetObject("wcombo", ws); ws1->Print(); RooAbsData * data = ws1->data("data"); //dataOS, dataSS // RooDataSet * US_data = (RooDataSet*) data->reduce( "QQsign == QQsign::PlusMinus"); // US_data->SetName("US_data"); // ws->import(* US_data); // RooDataSet * hi_data = (RooDataSet*) US_data->reduce("dataCat == dataCat::hi"); // hi_data->SetName("hi_data"); // ws->import(* hi_data); // hi_data->Print(); RooRealVar* raa3 = new RooRealVar("raa3","R_{AA}(#Upsilon (3S))",0.5,-1,1); RooRealVar* leftEdge = new RooRealVar("leftEdge","leftEdge",0); RooRealVar* rightEdge = new RooRealVar("rightEdge","rightEdge",1); RooGenericPdf step("step", "step", "(@0 >= @1) && (@0 < @2)", RooArgList(*raa3, *leftEdge, *rightEdge)); ws1->import(step); ws1->factory( "Uniform::flat(raa3)" ); //pp Luminosities, Taa and efficiency ratios Systematics ws1->factory( "Taa_hi[5.662e-9]" ); ws1->factory( "Taa_kappa[1.062]" ); // was 1.057 ws1->factory( "expr::alpha_Taa('pow(Taa_kappa,beta_Taa)',Taa_kappa,beta_Taa[0,-5,5])" ); ws1->factory( "prod::Taa_nom(Taa_hi,alpha_Taa)" ); ws1->factory( "Gaussian::constr_Taa(beta_Taa,glob_Taa[0,-5,5],1)" ); ws1->factory( "lumipp_hi[5.4]" ); ws1->factory( "lumipp_kappa[1.037]" ); // was 1.06 ws1->factory( "expr::alpha_lumipp('pow(lumipp_kappa,beta_lumipp)',lumipp_kappa,beta_lumipp[0,-5,5])" ); ws1->factory( "prod::lumipp_nom(lumipp_hi,alpha_lumipp)" ); ws1->factory( "Gaussian::constr_lumipp(beta_lumipp,glob_lumipp[0,-5,5],1)" ); // ws->factory( "effRat1[1]" ); // ws->factory( "effRat2[1]" ); ws1->factory( "effRat3_hi[0.95]" ); ws1->factory( "effRat_kappa[1.054]" ); ws1->factory( "expr::alpha_effRat('pow(effRat_kappa,beta_effRat)',effRat_kappa,beta_effRat[0,-5,5])" ); // ws->factory( "prod::effRat1_nom(effRat1_hi,alpha_effRat)" ); ws1->factory( "Gaussian::constr_effRat(beta_effRat,glob_effRat[0,-5,5],1)" ); // ws->factory( "prod::effRat2_nom(effRat2_hi,alpha_effRat)" ); ws1->factory( "prod::effRat3_nom(effRat3_hi,alpha_effRat)" ); // ws1->factory("Nmb_hi[1.161e9]"); ws1->factory("prod::denominator(Taa_nom,Nmb_hi)"); ws1->factory( "expr::lumiOverTaaNmbmodified('lumipp_nom/denominator',lumipp_nom,denominator)"); RooAbsReal *lumiOverTaaNmbmodified = ws1->function("lumiOverTaaNmbmodified"); //RooFormulaVar *lumiOverTaaNmbmodified = ws->function("lumiOverTaaNmbmodified"); // // RooRealVar *raa1 = ws->var("raa1"); // RooRealVar* nsig1_pp = ws->var("nsig1_pp"); // RooRealVar* effRat1 = ws->function("effRat1_nom"); // RooRealVar *raa2 = ws->var("raa2"); // RooRealVar* nsig2_pp = ws->var("nsig2_pp"); // RooRealVar* effRat2 = ws->function("effRat2_nom"); RooRealVar* nsig3_pp = ws1->var("R_{#frac{3S}{1S}}_pp"); //RooRealVar* nsig3_pp = ws->var("N_{#Upsilon(3S)}_pp"); cout << nsig3_pp << endl; RooAbsReal* effRat3 = ws1->function("effRat3_nom"); //RooRealVar* effRat3 = ws->function("effRat3_nom"); // // RooFormulaVar nsig1_hi_modified("nsig1_hi_modified", "@0*@1*@3/@2", RooArgList(*raa1, *nsig1_pp, *lumiOverTaaNmbmodified, *effRat1)); // ws->import(nsig1_hi_modified); // RooFormulaVar nsig2_hi_modified("nsig2_hi_modified", "@0*@1*@3/@2", RooArgList(*raa2, *nsig2_pp, *lumiOverTaaNmbmodified, *effRat2)); // ws->import(nsig2_hi_modified); RooFormulaVar nsig3_hi_modified("nsig3_hi_modified", "@0*@1*@3/@2", RooArgList(*raa3, *nsig3_pp, *lumiOverTaaNmbmodified, *effRat3)); ws1->import(nsig3_hi_modified); // // background yield with systematics ws1->factory( "nbkg_hi_kappa[1.10]" ); ws1->factory( "expr::alpha_nbkg_hi('pow(nbkg_hi_kappa,beta_nbkg_hi)',nbkg_hi_kappa,beta_nbkg_hi[0,-5,5])" ); ws1->factory( "SUM::nbkg_hi_nom(alpha_nbkg_hi*bkgPdf_hi)" ); ws1->factory( "Gaussian::constr_nbkg_hi(beta_nbkg_hi,glob_nbkg_hi[0,-5,5],1)" ); RooAbsPdf* sig1S_hi = ws1->pdf("sig1S_hi"); //RooAbsPdf* sig1S_hi = ws->pdf("cbcb_hi"); RooAbsPdf* sig2S_hi = ws1->pdf("sig2S_hi"); RooAbsPdf* sig3S_hi = ws1->pdf("sig3S_hi"); RooAbsPdf* LSBackground_hi = ws1->pdf("nbkg_hi_nom"); RooRealVar* nsig1_hi = ws1->var("N_{#Upsilon(1S)}_hi"); RooRealVar* nsig2_hi = ws1->var("R_{#frac{2S}{1S}}_hi"); RooAbsReal* nsig3_hi = ws1->function("nsig3_hi_modified"); //RooFormulaVar* nsig3_hi = ws->function("nsig3_hi_modified"); cout << nsig1_hi << " " << nsig2_hi << " " << nsig3_pp << endl; RooRealVar* norm_nbkg_hi = ws1->var("n_{Bkgd}_hi"); RooArgList pdfs_hi( *sig1S_hi,*sig2S_hi,*sig3S_hi, *LSBackground_hi); RooArgList norms_hi(*nsig1_hi,*nsig2_hi,*nsig3_hi, *norm_nbkg_hi); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ws1->factory( "nbkg_pp_kappa[1.03]" ); ws1->factory( "expr::alpha_nbkg_pp('pow(nbkg_pp_kappa,beta_nbkg_pp)',nbkg_pp_kappa,beta_nbkg_pp[0,-5,5])" ); ws1->factory( "SUM::nbkg_pp_nom(alpha_nbkg_pp*bkgPdf_pp)" ); ws1->factory( "Gaussian::constr_nbkg_pp(beta_nbkg_pp,glob_nbkg_pp[0,-5,5],1)" ); RooAbsPdf* sig1S_pp = ws1->pdf("sig1S_pp"); //RooAbsPdf* sig1S_pp = ws1->pdf("cbcb_pp"); RooAbsPdf* sig2S_pp = ws1->pdf("sig2S_pp"); RooAbsPdf* sig3S_pp = ws1->pdf("sig3S_pp"); RooAbsPdf* LSBackground_pp = ws1->pdf("nbkg_pp_nom"); RooRealVar* nsig1_pp = ws1->var("N_{#Upsilon(1S)}_pp"); RooRealVar* nsig2_pp = ws1->var("R_{#frac{2S}{1S}}_pp"); //RooRealVar* nsig2_pp = ws1->var("N_{#Upsilon(2S)}_pp"); // RooRealVar* nsig3_pp = ws1->var("N_{#Upsilon(3S)}_pp"); RooRealVar* norm_nbkg_pp = ws1->var("n_{Bkgd}_pp"); RooArgList pdfs_pp( *sig1S_pp,*sig2S_pp,*sig3S_pp, *LSBackground_pp); RooArgList norms_pp( *nsig1_pp,*nsig2_pp,*nsig3_pp,*norm_nbkg_pp); RooAddPdf model_num("model_num", "model_num", pdfs_hi,norms_hi); ws1->import(model_num); ws1->factory("PROD::model_hi(model_num, constr_nbkg_hi,constr_lumipp,constr_Taa,constr_effRat)"); RooAddPdf model_den("model_den", "model_den", pdfs_pp,norms_pp); ws1->import(model_den); ws1->factory("PROD::model_pp(model_den, constr_nbkg_pp)"); ws1->factory("SIMUL::joint(dataCat,hi=model_hi,pp=model_pp)"); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RooRealVar * pObs = ws1->var("invariantMass"); // get the pointer to the observable RooArgSet obs("observables"); obs.add(*pObs); obs.add( *ws1->cat("dataCat")); // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ws1->var("glob_lumipp")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("glob_Taa")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("glob_effRat")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("glob_nbkg_pp")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("glob_nbkg_hi")->setConstant(true); RooArgSet globalObs("global_obs"); globalObs.add( *ws1->var("glob_lumipp") ); globalObs.add( *ws1->var("glob_Taa") ); globalObs.add( *ws1->var("glob_effRat") ); globalObs.add( *ws1->var("glob_nbkg_hi") ); globalObs.add( *ws1->var("glob_nbkg_pp") ); cout << "66666" << endl; // ws1->Print(); RooArgSet poi("poi"); poi.add( *ws1->var("raa3") ); cout << "77777" << endl; // create set of nuisance parameters RooArgSet nuis("nuis"); nuis.add( *ws1->var("beta_lumipp") ); nuis.add( *ws1->var("beta_nbkg_hi") ); nuis.add( *ws1->var("beta_nbkg_pp") ); nuis.add( *ws1->var("beta_Taa") ); nuis.add( *ws1->var("beta_effRat") ); cout << "88888" << endl; ws1->var("#alpha_{CB}_hi")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("#alpha_{CB}_pp")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("#sigma_{CB1}_hi")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("#sigma_{CB1}_pp")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("#sigma_{CB2}/#sigma_{CB1}_hi")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("#sigma_{CB2}/#sigma_{CB1}_pp")->setConstant(true); //ws1->var("Centrality")->setConstant(true); //delete ws1->var("N_{#varUpsilon(1S)}_hi")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("N_{#varUpsilon(1S)}_pp")->setConstant(true); //ws1->var("N_{#Upsilon(2S)}_hi")->setConstant(true); //ws1->var("N_{#Upsilon(2S)}_pp")->setConstant(true); //ws1->var("N_{#Upsilon(3S)}_pp")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("R_{#frac{2S}{1S}}_hi")->setConstant(true); //new ws1->var("R_{#frac{2S}{1S}}_pp")->setConstant(true); //new ws1->var("R_{#frac{3S}{1S}}_hi")->setConstant(true); //new ws1->var("R_{#frac{3S}{1S}}_pp")->setConstant(true); //new ws1->var("Nmb_hi")->setConstant(true); // ws1->var("QQsign")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("Taa_hi")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("Taa_kappa")->setConstant(true); // ws1->var("beta_Taa")->setConstant(true); // ws1->var("beta_effRat")->setConstant(true); // ws1->var("beta_lumipp")->setConstant(true); // ws1->var("beta_nbkg_hi")->setConstant(true); // ws1->var("beta_nbkg_pp")->setConstant(true); // ws1->var("dataCat")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("decay_hi")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("decay_pp")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("effRat3_hi")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("effRat_kappa")->setConstant(true); // ws1->var("glob_Taa")->setConstant(true); // ws1->var("glob_effRat")->setConstant(true); // ws1->var("glob_lumipp")->setConstant(true); // ws1->var("glob_nbkg_hi")->setConstant(true); // ws1->var("glob_nbkg_pp")->setConstant(true); // ws1->var("invariantMass")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("leftEdge")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("lumipp_hi")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("lumipp_kappa")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("m_{ #varUpsilon(1S)}_hi")->setConstant(true); //ws1->var("mass1S_hi")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("m_{ #varUpsilon(1S)}_pp")->setConstant(true); //ws1->var("mass1S_pp")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("muMinusPt")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("muPlusPt")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("n_{Bkgd}_hi")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("n_{Bkgd}_pp")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("nbkg_hi_kappa")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("nbkg_pp_kappa")->setConstant(true); //ws1->var("n_{CB}")->setConstant(true); //ws1->var("n_{CB}")->setConstant(true); //ws1->var("npow")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("n_{CB}_hi")->setConstant(true); //ws1->var("n_{CB}")->setConstant(true); //ws1->var("npow")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("n_{CB}_pp")->setConstant(true); //ws1->var("n_{CB}")->setConstant(true); //ws1->var("npow")->setConstant(true); // ws1->var("raa3")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("rightEdge")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("sigmaFraction_hi")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("sigmaFraction_pp")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("turnOn_hi")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("turnOn_pp")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("dimuPt")->setConstant(true); //ws1->var("upsPt")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("dimuRapidity")->setConstant(true); //ws1->var("upsRapidity")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("vProb")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("width_hi")->setConstant(true); ws1->var("width_pp")->setConstant(true); // ws1->var("x3raw")->setConstant(true); // RooArgSet fixed_again("fixed_again"); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("leftEdge") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("rightEdge") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("Taa_hi") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("Nmb_hi") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("lumipp_hi") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("effRat1_hi") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("effRat2_hi") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("effRat3_hi") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("nsig3_pp") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("nsig1_pp") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("nbkg_hi") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("alpha") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("nbkg_kappa") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("Taa_kappa") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("lumipp_kappa") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("mean_hi") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("mean_pp") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("width_hi") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("turnOn_hi") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("bkg_a1_pp") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("bkg_a2_pp") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("decay_hi") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("raa1") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("raa2") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("nsig2_pp") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("sigma1") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("nbkg_pp") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("npow") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("muPlusPt") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("muMinusPt") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("mscale_hi") ); // fixed_again.add( *ws1->var("mscale_pp") ); // // ws1->Print(); cout << "99999" << endl; // create signal+background Model Config RooStats::ModelConfig sbHypo("SbHypo"); sbHypo.SetWorkspace( *ws1 ); sbHypo.SetPdf( *ws1->pdf("joint") ); sbHypo.SetObservables( obs ); sbHypo.SetGlobalObservables( globalObs ); sbHypo.SetParametersOfInterest( poi ); sbHypo.SetNuisanceParameters( nuis ); sbHypo.SetPriorPdf( *ws1->pdf("step") ); // this is optional // ws1->Print(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RooAbsReal * pNll = sbHypo.GetPdf()->createNLL( *data,NumCPU(10) ); cout << "111111" << endl; RooMinuit(*pNll).migrad(); // minimize likelihood wrt all parameters before making plots cout << "444444" << endl; RooPlot *framepoi = ((RooRealVar *)poi.first())->frame(Bins(10),Range(0.,0.2),Title("LL and profileLL in raa3")); cout << "222222" << endl; pNll->plotOn(framepoi,ShiftToZero()); cout << "333333" << endl; RooAbsReal * pProfile = pNll->createProfile( globalObs ); // do not profile global observables pProfile->getVal(); // this will do fit and set POI and nuisance parameters to fitted values pProfile->plotOn(framepoi,LineColor(kRed)); framepoi->SetMinimum(0); framepoi->SetMaximum(3); TCanvas *cpoi = new TCanvas(); cpoi->cd(); framepoi->Draw(); cpoi->SaveAs("cpoi.pdf"); ((RooRealVar *)poi.first())->setMin(0.); RooArgSet * pPoiAndNuisance = new RooArgSet("poiAndNuisance"); // pPoiAndNuisance->add(*sbHypo.GetNuisanceParameters()); // pPoiAndNuisance->add(*sbHypo.GetParametersOfInterest()); pPoiAndNuisance->add( nuis ); pPoiAndNuisance->add( poi ); sbHypo.SetSnapshot(*pPoiAndNuisance); RooPlot* xframeSB = pObs->frame(Title("SBhypo")); data->plotOn(xframeSB,Cut("dataCat==dataCat::hi")); RooAbsPdf *pdfSB = sbHypo.GetPdf(); RooCategory *dataCat = ws1->cat("dataCat"); pdfSB->plotOn(xframeSB,Slice(*dataCat,"hi"),ProjWData(*dataCat,*data)); TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas(); c1->cd(); xframeSB->Draw(); c1->SaveAs("c1.pdf"); delete pProfile; delete pNll; delete pPoiAndNuisance; ws1->import( sbHypo ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RooStats::ModelConfig bHypo = sbHypo; bHypo.SetName("BHypo"); bHypo.SetWorkspace(*ws1); pNll = bHypo.GetPdf()->createNLL( *data,NumCPU(2) ); RooArgSet poiAndGlobalObs("poiAndGlobalObs"); poiAndGlobalObs.add( poi ); poiAndGlobalObs.add( globalObs ); pProfile = pNll->createProfile( poiAndGlobalObs ); // do not profile POI and global observables ((RooRealVar *)poi.first())->setVal( 0 ); // set raa3=0 here pProfile->getVal(); // this will do fit and set nuisance parameters to profiled values pPoiAndNuisance = new RooArgSet( "poiAndNuisance" ); pPoiAndNuisance->add( nuis ); pPoiAndNuisance->add( poi ); bHypo.SetSnapshot(*pPoiAndNuisance); RooPlot* xframeB = pObs->frame(Title("Bhypo")); data->plotOn(xframeB,Cut("dataCat==dataCat::hi")); RooAbsPdf *pdfB = bHypo.GetPdf(); pdfB->plotOn(xframeB,Slice(*dataCat,"hi"),ProjWData(*dataCat,*data)); TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas(); c2->cd(); xframeB->Draw(); c2->SaveAs("c2.pdf"); delete pProfile; delete pNll; delete pPoiAndNuisance; // import model config into workspace bHypo.SetWorkspace(*ws1); ws1->import( bHypo ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ws1->Print(); bHypo.Print(); sbHypo.Print(); // save workspace to file ws1 -> SaveAs(name_out); return; }
void results2tree( const char* workDirName, bool isMC=false, const char* thePoiNames="RFrac2Svs1S,N_Jpsi,f_Jpsi,m_Jpsi,sigma1_Jpsi,alpha_Jpsi,n_Jpsi,sigma2_Jpsi,MassRatio,rSigma21_Jpsi,lambda1_Bkg,lambda2_Bkg,lambda3_Bkg,lambda4_Bkg,lambda5__Bkg,N_Bkg" ) { // workDirName: usual tag where to look for files in Output // thePoiNames: comma-separated list of parameters to store ("par1,par2,par3"). Default: all TFile *f = new TFile(treeFileName(workDirName,isMC),"RECREATE"); TTree *tr = new TTree("fitresults","fit results"); // bin edges float ptmin, ptmax, ymin, ymax, centmin, centmax; // model names Char_t jpsiName[128], psipName[128], bkgName[128]; // collision system Char_t collSystem[8]; // goodness of fit float nll, chi2, normchi2; int npar, ndof; // parameters to store: make it a vector vector<poi> thePois; TString thePoiNamesStr(thePoiNames); TString t; Int_t from = 0; while (thePoiNamesStr.Tokenize(t, from , ",")) { poi p; strcpy(, t.Data()); cout << << endl; thePois.push_back(p); } // create tree branches tr->Branch("ptmin",&ptmin,"ptmin/F"); tr->Branch("ptmax",&ptmax,"ptmax/F"); tr->Branch("ymin",&ymin,"ymin/F"); tr->Branch("ymax",&ymax,"ymax/F"); tr->Branch("centmin",¢min,"centmin/F"); tr->Branch("centmax",¢max,"centmax/F"); tr->Branch("jpsiName",jpsiName,"jpsiName/C"); tr->Branch("psipName",psipName,"psipName/C"); tr->Branch("bkgName",bkgName,"bkgName/C"); tr->Branch("collSystem",collSystem,"collSystem/C"); tr->Branch("nll",&nll,"nll/F"); tr->Branch("chi2",&chi2,"chi2/F"); tr->Branch("normchi2",&normchi2,"normchi2/F"); tr->Branch("npar",&npar,"npar/I"); tr->Branch("ndof",&ndof,"ndof/I"); for (vector<poi>::iterator it=thePois.begin(); it!=thePois.end(); it++) { tr->Branch(Form("%s_val",it->name),&(it->val),Form("%s_val/F",it->name)); tr->Branch(Form("%s_err",it->name),&(it->err),Form("%s_err/F",it->name)); } // list of files vector<TString> theFiles = fileList(workDirName,"",isMC); int cnt=0; for (vector<TString>::const_iterator it=theFiles.begin(); it!=theFiles.end(); it++) { cout << "Parsing file " << cnt << " / " << theFiles.size() << ": " << *it << endl; // parse the file name to get info anabin thebin = binFromFile(*it); ptmin = thebin.ptbin().low(); ptmax = thebin.ptbin().high(); ymin = thebin.rapbin().low(); ymax = thebin.rapbin().high(); centmin = thebin.centbin().low(); centmax = thebin.centbin().high(); strcpy(collSystem, (it->Index("PbPb")>0) ? "PbPb" : "PP"); // get the model names from = 0; bool catchjpsi=false, catchpsip=false, catchbkg=false; while (it->Tokenize(t, from, "_")) { if (catchjpsi) {strcpy(jpsiName, t.Data()); catchjpsi=false;} if (catchpsip) {strcpy(psipName, t.Data()); catchpsip=false;} if (catchbkg) {strcpy(bkgName, t.Data()); catchbkg=false;} if (t=="Jpsi") catchjpsi=true; if (t=="Psi2S") catchpsip=true; if (t=="Bkg") catchbkg=true; } TFile *f = new TFile(*it); RooWorkspace *ws = NULL; if (!f) { cout << "Error, file " << *it << " does not exist." << endl; } else { ws = (RooWorkspace*) f->Get("workspace"); if (!ws) { cout << "Error, workspace not found in " << *it << "." << endl; } } nll=0; chi2=0; npar=0; ndof=0; if (f && ws) { // get the model for nll and npar RooAbsPdf *model = pdfFromWS(ws, Form("_%s",collSystem), "pdfMASS_Tot"); if (model) { RooAbsData *dat = dataFromWS(ws, Form("_%s",collSystem), "dOS_DATA"); if (dat) { RooAbsReal *NLL = model->createNLL(*dat); if (NLL) nll = NLL->getVal(); npar = model->getParameters(dat)->selectByAttrib("Constant",kFALSE)->getSize(); // compute the chi2 and the ndof RooPlot* frame = ws->var("invMass")->frame(Bins(nBins)); dat->plotOn(frame); model->plotOn(frame); TH1 *hdatact = dat->createHistogram("hdatact", *(ws->var("invMass")), Binning(nBins)); RooHist *hpull = frame->pullHist(0,0, true); double* ypulls = hpull->GetY(); unsigned int nFullBins = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nBins; i++) { if (hdatact->GetBinContent(i+1) > 0.0) { chi2 += ypulls[i]*ypulls[i]; nFullBins++; } } ndof = nFullBins - npar; normchi2 = chi2/ndof; } } // get the POIs for (vector<poi>::iterator itpoi=thePois.begin(); itpoi!=thePois.end(); itpoi++) { RooRealVar *thevar = poiFromWS(ws, Form("_%s",collSystem), itpoi->name); itpoi->val = thevar ? thevar->getVal() : 0; itpoi->err = thevar ? thevar->getError() : 0; } f->Close(); delete f; } else { for (vector<poi>::iterator itpoi=thePois.begin(); itpoi!=thePois.end(); itpoi++) { itpoi->val = 0; itpoi->err = 0; } } // fill the tree tr->Fill(); cnt++; } // loop on the files f->Write(); f->Close(); }
void Purity_1d_fit(int type = 0){ TChain* tree = new TChain("TEvent"); if(!type) tree->Add("/home/vitaly/B0toDh0/TMVA/FIL_b2dh_gen_0-1_full.root"); else tree->Add("/home/vitaly/B0toDh0/TMVA/FIL_b2dh_data.root"); RooCategory b0f("b0f","b0f"); b0f.defineType("signal",1); b0f.defineType("fsr",10); b0f.defineType("bad_pi0",5); b0f.defineType("rho",3); b0f.defineType("comb",-1); RooArgSet argset; const double deMin = -0.15; const double deMax = 0.3; RooRealVar mbc("mbc","M_{bc}",mbc_min,mbc_max,"GeV"); argset.add(mbc); RooRealVar de("de","#DeltaE",deMin,deMax,"GeV"); argset.add(de); de.setRange("Signal",de_min,de_max); RooRealVar md("md","md",DMass-md_cut,DMass+md_cut,"GeV"); argset.add(md); RooRealVar mk("mk","mk",KMass-mk_cut,KMass+mk_cut,"GeV"); argset.add(mk); RooRealVar mpi0("mpi0","mpi0",Pi0Mass-mpi0_cut,Pi0Mass+mpi0_cut,"GeV"); argset.add(mpi0); RooRealVar bdtgs("bdtgs","bdtgs",bdtgs_cut,1.); argset.add(bdtgs); RooRealVar atckpi_max("atckpi_max","atckpi_max",0.,atckpi_cut); argset.add(atckpi_max); if(!type) argset.add(b0f); RooDataSet ds("ds","ds",tree,argset,"mbc>0||mbc<=0"); // RooDataSet* ds0 = ds.reduce(RooArgSet(de)); stringstream out; if(!type){ out.str(""); out << "de<" << de_max << " && de>" << de_min; Roo1DTable* sigtable = ds.table(b0f,out.str().c_str()); sigtable->Print(); sigtable->Print("v"); Roo1DTable* fulltable = ds.table(b0f); fulltable->Print(); fulltable->Print("v"); } // RooDataHist* dh = ds0->binnedClone(); // ds0->Print(); //////////////// // Signal PDF // //////////////// //////////// // de pdf // //////////// RooRealVar de0("de0","de0",m_de0,-0.1,0.1); if(cSig) de0.setConstant(kTRUE); RooRealVar s1("s1","s1",m_s1,0.,0.5); if(cSig) s1.setConstant(kTRUE); RooGaussian g1("g1","g1",de,de0,s1); RooRealVar deCBl("deCBl","deCBl",m_deCBl,-0.1,0.1); if(cSig) deCBl.setConstant(kTRUE); RooRealVar sCBl("sCBl","sCBl",m_sCBl,0.,0.5); if(cSig) sCBl.setConstant(kTRUE); RooRealVar nl("nl","nl",m_nl,0.,100.); if(cSig) nl.setConstant(kTRUE); RooRealVar alphal("alphal","alphal",m_alphal,-10.,10.); if(cSig) alphal.setConstant(kTRUE); RooRealVar deCBr("deCBr","deCBr",m_deCBr,-0.1,0.1); if(cSig) deCBr.setConstant(kTRUE); RooRealVar sCBr("sCBr","sCBr",m_sCBr,0.,0.5); if(cSig) sCBr.setConstant(kTRUE); RooRealVar nr("nr","nr",m_nr,0.,100.); if(cSig) nr.setConstant(kTRUE); RooRealVar alphar("alphar","alphar",m_alphar,-10.,10.); if(cSig) alphar.setConstant(kTRUE); RooCBShape CBl("CBl","CBl",de,deCBl,sCBl,alphal,nl); RooCBShape CBr("CBr","CBr",de,deCBr,sCBr,alphar,nr); RooRealVar fCBl("fCBl","fCBl",m_fCBl,0.,1.); if(cSig) fCBl.setConstant(kTRUE); RooRealVar fCBr("fCBr","fCBr",m_fCBr,0.,1.); if(cSig) fCBr.setConstant(kTRUE); RooAddPdf pdf_sig("pdf_sig","pdf_sig",RooArgList(CBl,CBr,g1),RooArgSet(fCBl,fCBr)); ////////////// // Comb PDF // ////////////// //////////// // de pdf // //////////// RooRealVar c1("c1","c1",mc_c1_1d,-10.,10.); if(cComb) c1.setConstant(kTRUE); RooRealVar c2("c2","c2",mc_c2_1d,-10.,10.); if(cComb) c2.setConstant(kTRUE); RooChebychev pdf_comb("pdf_comb","pdf_comb",de,RooArgSet(c1,c2)); ///////////// // Rho PDF // ///////////// //////////// // de pdf // //////////// if(de_rho_param == 0){ RooRealVar exppar("exppar","exppar",mr_exppar,-40.,-25.);// if(cRho) exppar.setConstant(kTRUE); RooExponential pdf_rho("pdf_rho","pdf_rho",de,exppar); } RooRealVar de0r("de0r","de0r",mr_de0r,-0.2,0.12); if(cRho) de0r.setConstant(kTRUE); if(de_rho_param == 1){ RooRealVar slopel("slopel","slopel",mr_slopel,-1000,-500.); if(cRho) slopel.setConstant(kTRUE); RooRealVar sloper("sloper","sloper",mr_sloper,-10000,0.); if(cRho) sloper.setConstant(kTRUE); RooRealVar steep("steep","steep",mr_steep,7.,9.); if(cRho) steep.setConstant(kTRUE); RooRealVar p5("p5","p5",mr_p5,0.01,1000.); if(cRho) p5.setConstant(kTRUE); RooRhoDeltaEPdf pdf_rho("pdf_rho","pdf_rho",de,de0r,slopel,sloper,steep,p5); } if(de_rho_param == -1){ RooRealVar x0("x0","x0",mr_x0_1d,-0.2,0.12); if(cRho) x0.setConstant(kTRUE); RooRealVar p1("p1","p1",mr_p1_1d,-1000.,100.); if(cRho) p1.setConstant(kTRUE); RooRealVar p2("p2","p2",mr_p2_1d,0.,100.); if(cRho) p2.setConstant(kTRUE); RooGenericPdf pdf_rho("pdf_rho","1+@0*@1-@2*TMath::Log(1+TMath::Exp(@2*(@0-@1)/@3))",RooArgSet(de,x0,p1,p2)); } ////////////////// // Complete PDF // ////////////////// RooRealVar Nsig("Nsig","Nsig",700,100.,1500.);// fsig.setConstant(kTRUE); RooRealVar Nrho("Nrho","Nrho",400,100,1500.);// frho.setConstant(kTRUE); RooRealVar Ncmb("Ncmb","Ncmb",1000,100,100000);// frho.setConstant(kTRUE); RooAddPdf pdf("pdf","pdf",RooArgList(pdf_sig,pdf_rho,pdf_comb),RooArgList(Nsig,Nrho,Ncmb)); pdf.fitTo(ds,Verbose(),Timer(true)); RooAbsReal* intSig = pdf_sig.createIntegral(RooArgSet(de),NormSet(RooArgSet(de)),Range("Signal")); RooAbsReal* intRho = pdf_rho.createIntegral(RooArgSet(de),NormSet(RooArgSet(de)),Range("Signal")); RooAbsReal* intCmb = pdf_comb.createIntegral(RooArgSet(de),NormSet(RooArgSet(de)),Range("Signal")); const double nsig = intSig->getVal()*Nsig.getVal(); const double nsig_err = intSig->getVal()*Nsig.getError(); const double nsig_err_npq = TMath::Sqrt(nsig*(Nsig.getVal()-nsig)/Nsig.getVal()); const double nsig_err_total = TMath::Sqrt(nsig_err*nsig_err+nsig_err_npq*nsig_err_npq); const double nrho = intRho->getVal()*Nrho.getVal(); const double nrho_err = intRho->getVal()*Nrho.getError(); const double nrho_err_npq = TMath::Sqrt(nrho*(Nrho.getVal()-nrho)/Nrho.getVal()); const double nrho_err_total = TMath::Sqrt(nrho_err*nrho_err+nrho_err_npq*nrho_err_npq); const double ncmb = intCmb->getVal()*Ncmb.getVal(); const double ncmb_err = intCmb->getVal()*Ncmb.getError(); const double ncmb_err_npq = TMath::Sqrt(ncmb*(Ncmb.getVal()-ncmb)/Ncmb.getVal()); const double ncmb_err_total = TMath::Sqrt(ncmb_err*ncmb_err+ncmb_err_npq*ncmb_err_npq); const double purity = nsig/(nsig+nrho+ncmb); const double purity_err = nsig_err_total/(nsig+nrho+ncmb); cout << "Nsig = " << nsig <<" +- " << nsig_err << endl; cout << "Nrho = " << nrho <<" +- " << nrho_err << endl; cout << "Ncmb = " << ncmb <<" +- " << ncmb_err << endl; ///////////// // Plots // ///////////// // de // RooPlot* deFrame = de.frame(); ds.plotOn(deFrame,DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2),MarkerSize(1)); pdf.plotOn(deFrame,Components(pdf_sig),LineStyle(kDashed)); pdf.plotOn(deFrame,Components(pdf_rho),LineStyle(kDashed)); pdf.plotOn(deFrame,Components(pdf_comb),LineStyle(kDashed)); pdf.plotOn(deFrame,LineWidth(2)); RooHist* hdepull = deFrame->pullHist(); RooPlot* dePull = de.frame(Title("#Delta E pull distribution")); dePull->addPlotable(hdepull,"P"); dePull->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-5,5); TCanvas* cm = new TCanvas("Delta E","Delta E",600,700); cm->cd(); TPad *pad3 = new TPad("pad3","pad3",0.01,0.20,0.99,0.99); TPad *pad4 = new TPad("pad4","pad4",0.01,0.01,0.99,0.20); pad3->Draw(); pad4->Draw(); pad3->cd(); pad3->SetLeftMargin(0.15); pad3->SetFillColor(0); deFrame->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05); deFrame->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.85); deFrame->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04); deFrame->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.6); deFrame->Draw(); stringstream out1; TPaveText *pt = new TPaveText(0.6,0.75,0.98,0.9,"brNDC"); pt->SetFillColor(0); pt->SetTextAlign(12); out1.str(""); out1 << "#chi^{2}/n.d.f = " << deFrame->chiSquare(); pt->AddText(out1.str().c_str()); out1.str(""); out1 << "S: " << (int)(nsig+0.5) << " #pm " << (int)(nsig_err_total+0.5); pt->AddText(out1.str().c_str()); out1.str(""); out1 << "Purity: " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << purity*100. << " #pm " << purity_err*100; pt->AddText(out1.str().c_str()); pt->Draw(); TLine *de_line_RIGHT = new TLine(de_max,0,de_max,50); de_line_RIGHT->SetLineColor(kRed); de_line_RIGHT->SetLineStyle(1); de_line_RIGHT->SetLineWidth((Width_t)2.); de_line_RIGHT->Draw(); TLine *de_line_LEFT = new TLine(de_min,0,de_min,50); de_line_LEFT->SetLineColor(kRed); de_line_LEFT->SetLineStyle(1); de_line_LEFT->SetLineWidth((Width_t)2.); de_line_LEFT->Draw(); pad4->cd(); pad4->SetLeftMargin(0.15); pad4->SetFillColor(0); dePull->SetMarkerSize(0.05); dePull->Draw(); TLine *de_lineUP = new TLine(deMin,3,deMax,3); de_lineUP->SetLineColor(kBlue); de_lineUP->SetLineStyle(2); de_lineUP->Draw(); TLine *de_line = new TLine(deMin,0,deMax,0); de_line->SetLineColor(kBlue); de_line->SetLineStyle(1); de_line->SetLineWidth((Width_t)2.); de_line->Draw(); TLine *de_lineDOWN = new TLine(deMin,-3,deMax,-3); de_lineDOWN->SetLineColor(kBlue); de_lineDOWN->SetLineStyle(2); de_lineDOWN->Draw(); cm->Update(); if(!type){ out.str(""); out << "de<" << de_max << " && de>" << de_min; Roo1DTable* sigtable = ds.table(b0f,out.str().c_str()); sigtable->Print(); sigtable->Print("v"); Roo1DTable* fulltable = ds.table(b0f); fulltable->Print(); fulltable->Print("v"); } cout << "Nsig = " << nsig <<" +- " << nsig_err << " +- " << nsig_err_npq << " (" << nsig_err_total << ")" << endl; cout << "Nrho = " << nrho <<" +- " << nrho_err << " +- " << nrho_err_npq << " (" << nrho_err_total << ")" << endl; cout << "Ncmb = " << ncmb <<" +- " << ncmb_err << " +- " << ncmb_err_npq << " (" << ncmb_err_total << ")" << endl; cout << "Pury = " << purity << " +- " << purity_err << endl; }
/* * Prepares the workspace to be used by the hypothesis test calculator */ void workspace_preparer(char *signal_file_name, char *signal_hist_name_in_file, char *background_file_name, char *background_hist_name_in_file, char *data_file_name, char *data_hist_name_in_file, char *config_file) { // Include the config_reader class. TString path = gSystem->GetIncludePath(); path.Append(" -I/home/max/cern/cls/mario"); gSystem->SetIncludePath(path); gROOT->LoadMacro("config_reader.cxx"); // RooWorkspace used to store values. RooWorkspace * pWs = new RooWorkspace("ws"); // Create a config_reader (see source for details) to read the config // file. config_reader reader(config_file, pWs); // Read MR and RR bounds from the config file. double MR_lower = reader.find_double("MR_lower"); double MR_upper = reader.find_double("MR_upper"); double RR_lower = reader.find_double("RR_lower"); double RR_upper = reader.find_double("RR_upper"); double MR_initial = (MR_lower + MR_upper)/2; double RR_initial = (RR_lower + RR_upper)/2; // Define the Razor Variables RooRealVar MR = RooRealVar("MR", "MR", MR_initial, MR_lower, MR_upper); RooRealVar RR = RooRealVar("RSQ", "RSQ", RR_initial, RR_lower, RR_upper); // Argument lists RooArgList pdf_arg_list(MR, RR, "input_args_list"); RooArgSet pdf_arg_set(MR, RR, "input_pdf_args_set"); /***********************************************************************/ /* PART 1: IMPORTING SIGNAL AND BACKGROUND HISTOGRAMS */ /***********************************************************************/ /* * Get the signal's unextended pdf by converting the TH2D in the file * into a RooHistPdf */ TFile *signal_file = new TFile(signal_file_name); TH2D *signal_hist = (TH2D *)signal_file->Get(signal_hist_name_in_file); RooDataHist *signal_RooDataHist = new RooDataHist("signal_roodatahist", "signal_roodatahist", pdf_arg_list, signal_hist); RooHistPdf *unextended_sig_pdf = new RooHistPdf("unextended_sig_pdf", "unextended_sig_pdf", pdf_arg_set, *signal_RooDataHist); /* * Repeat this process for the background. */ TFile *background_file = new TFile(background_file_name); TH2D *background_hist = (TH2D *)background_file->Get(background_hist_name_in_file); RooDataHist *background_RooDataHist = new RooDataHist("background_roodatahist", "background_roodatahist", pdf_arg_list, background_hist); RooHistPdf *unextended_bkg_pdf = new RooHistPdf("unextended_bkg_pdf", "unextended_bkg_pdf", pdf_arg_set, *background_RooDataHist); /* * Now, we want to create the bprime variable, which represents the * integral over the background-only sample. We will perform the * integral automatically (that's why this is the only nuisance * parameter declared in this file - its value can be determined from * the input histograms). */ ostringstream bprime_string; ostringstream bprime_pdf_string; bprime_string << "bprime[" << background_hist->Integral() << ", 0, 999999999]"; bprime_pdf_string << "Poisson::bprime_pdf(bprime, " << background_hist->Integral() << ")"; pWs->factory(bprime_string.str().c_str()); pWs->factory(bprime_pdf_string.str().c_str()); /* * This simple command will create all values from the config file * with 'make:' at the beginning and a delimiter at the end (see config * _reader if you don't know what a delimiter is). In other * words, the luminosity, efficiency, transfer factors, and their pdfs * are created from this command. The declarations are contained in the * config file to be changed easily without having to modify this code. */ reader.factory_all(); /* * Now, we want to create the extended pdfs from the unextended pdfs, as * well as from the S and B values we manufactured in the config file. * S and B are the values by which the signal and background pdfs, * respectively, are extended. Recall that they were put in the * workspace in the reader.facotry_all() command. */ RooAbsReal *S = pWs->function("S"); RooAbsReal *B = pWs->function("B"); RooExtendPdf *signalpart = new RooExtendPdf("signalpart", "signalpart", *unextended_sig_pdf, *S); RooExtendPdf *backgroundpart = new RooExtendPdf("backgroundpart", "backgroundpart", *unextended_bkg_pdf, *B); RooArgList *pdf_list = new RooArgList(*signalpart, *backgroundpart, "list"); // Add the signal and background pdfs to make a TotalPdf RooAddPdf *TotalPdf = new RooAddPdf("TotalPdf", "TotalPdf", *pdf_list); RooArgList *pdf_prod_list = new RooArgList(*TotalPdf, *pWs->pdf("lumi_pdf"), *pWs->pdf("eff_pdf"), *pWs->pdf("rho_pdf"), *pWs->pdf("bprime_pdf")); // This creates the final model pdf. RooProdPdf *model = new RooProdPdf("model", "model", *pdf_prod_list); /* * Up until now, we have been using the workspace pWs to contain all of * our values. Now, all of our values that we require are in use in the * RooProdPdf called "model". So, we need to import "model" into a * RooWorkspace. To avoid recopying values into the rooworkspace, when * the values may already be present (which can cause problems), we will * simply create a new RooWorkspace to avoid confusion and problems. The * new RooWorkspace is created here. */ RooWorkspace *newworkspace = new RooWorkspace("newws"); newworkspace->import(*model); // Immediately delete pWs, so we don't accidentally use it again. delete pWs; // Show off the newworkspace newworkspace->Print(); // observables RooArgSet obs(*newworkspace->var("MR"), *newworkspace->var("RSQ"), "obs"); // global observables RooArgSet globalObs(*newworkspace->var("nom_lumi"), *newworkspace->var("nom_eff"), *newworkspace->var("nom_rho")); //fix global observables to their nominal values newworkspace->var("nom_lumi")->setConstant(); newworkspace->var("nom_eff")->setConstant(); newworkspace->var("nom_rho")->setConstant(); //Set Parameters of interest RooArgSet poi(*newworkspace->var("sigma"), "poi"); //Set Nuisnaces RooArgSet nuis(*newworkspace->var("prime_lumi"), *newworkspace->var("prime_eff"), *newworkspace->var("prime_rho"), *newworkspace->var("bprime")); // priors (for Bayesian calculation) newworkspace->factory("Uniform::prior_signal(sigma)"); // for parameter of interest newworkspace->factory("Uniform::prior_bg_b(bprime)"); // for data driven nuisance parameter newworkspace->factory("PROD::prior(prior_signal,prior_bg_b)"); // total prior //Observed data is pulled from histogram. //TFile *data_file = new TFile(data_file_name); TFile *data_file = new TFile(data_file_name); TH2D *data_hist = (TH2D *)data_file->Get(data_hist_name_in_file); RooDataHist *pData = new RooDataHist("data", "data", obs, data_hist); newworkspace->import(*pData); // Now, we will draw our data from a RooDataHist. /*TFile *data_file = new TFile(data_file_name); TTree *data_tree = (TTree *) data_file->Get(data_hist_name_in_file); RooDataSet *pData = new RooDataSet("data", "data", data_tree, obs); newworkspace->import(*pData);*/ // Craft the signal+background model ModelConfig * pSbModel = new ModelConfig("SbModel"); pSbModel->SetWorkspace(*newworkspace); pSbModel->SetPdf(*newworkspace->pdf("model")); pSbModel->SetPriorPdf(*newworkspace->pdf("prior")); pSbModel->SetParametersOfInterest(poi); pSbModel->SetNuisanceParameters(nuis); pSbModel->SetObservables(obs); pSbModel->SetGlobalObservables(globalObs); // set all but obs, poi and nuisance to const SetConstants(newworkspace, pSbModel); newworkspace->import(*pSbModel); // background-only model // use the same PDF as s+b, with sig=0 // POI value under the background hypothesis // (We will set the value to 0 later) Double_t poiValueForBModel = 0.0; ModelConfig* pBModel = new ModelConfig(*(RooStats::ModelConfig *)newworkspace->obj("SbModel")); pBModel->SetName("BModel"); pBModel->SetWorkspace(*newworkspace); newworkspace->import(*pBModel); // find global maximum with the signal+background model // with conditional MLEs for nuisance parameters // and save the parameter point snapshot in the Workspace // - safer to keep a default name because some RooStats calculators // will anticipate it RooAbsReal * pNll = pSbModel->GetPdf()->createNLL(*pData); RooAbsReal * pProfile = pNll->createProfile(RooArgSet()); pProfile->getVal(); // this will do fit and set POI and nuisance parameters to fitted values RooArgSet * pPoiAndNuisance = new RooArgSet(); if(pSbModel->GetNuisanceParameters()) pPoiAndNuisance->add(*pSbModel->GetNuisanceParameters()); pPoiAndNuisance->add(*pSbModel->GetParametersOfInterest()); cout << "\nWill save these parameter points that correspond to the fit to data" << endl; pPoiAndNuisance->Print("v"); pSbModel->SetSnapshot(*pPoiAndNuisance); delete pProfile; delete pNll; delete pPoiAndNuisance; // Find a parameter point for generating pseudo-data // with the background-only data. // Save the parameter point snapshot in the Workspace pNll = pBModel->GetPdf()->createNLL(*pData); pProfile = pNll->createProfile(poi); ((RooRealVar *)poi.first())->setVal(poiValueForBModel); pProfile->getVal(); // this will do fit and set nuisance parameters to profiled values pPoiAndNuisance = new RooArgSet(); if(pBModel->GetNuisanceParameters()) pPoiAndNuisance->add(*pBModel->GetNuisanceParameters()); pPoiAndNuisance->add(*pBModel->GetParametersOfInterest()); cout << "\nShould use these parameter points to generate pseudo data for bkg only" << endl; pPoiAndNuisance->Print("v"); pBModel->SetSnapshot(*pPoiAndNuisance); delete pProfile; delete pNll; delete pPoiAndNuisance; // save workspace to file newworkspace->writeToFile("ws_twobin.root"); // clean up delete newworkspace; delete pData; delete pSbModel; delete pBModel; } // ----- end of tutorial ----------------------------------------
void build_hbb_workspace1( const char* infile = "outputfiles/input-file.txt", const char* outfile = "outputfiles/ws.root" ) { //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-- Create workspace and other RooStats things. printf("\n\n Creating workspace.\n\n") ; RooWorkspace workspace("ws") ; workspace.autoImportClassCode(true) ; globalObservables = new RooArgSet("globalObservables"); allNuisances = new RooArgSet("allNuisances"); allNuisancePdfs = new RooArgSet("allNuisancePdfs"); RooArgSet* observedParametersList = new RooArgSet("observables") ; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- printf("\n\n Reading input file: %s\n\n", infile ) ; float fileVal ; char pname[1000] ; char formula[1000] ; sprintf( pname, "bins_of_met" ) ; if ( !getFileValue( infile, pname, fileVal ) ) { printf("\n\n *** Error. Can't find %s\n\n", pname ) ; return ; } int bins_of_met = TMath::Nint( fileVal ) ; //-- save bins_of_met in the workspace for convenience. RooRealVar bom( "bins_of_met", "bins_of_met", bins_of_met, 0., 1000. ) ; bom.setConstant(kTRUE) ; workspace.import(bom) ; //-- save bins_of_nb in the workspace for convenience. RooRealVar bonb( "bins_of_nb", "bins_of_nb", bins_of_nb, 0., 1000. ) ; bonb.setConstant(kTRUE) ; workspace.import(bonb) ; RooRealVar* rv_N_msig[bins_of_nb][max_bins_of_met] ; // first index is number of btags, second is met bin. RooRealVar* rv_N_msb[bins_of_nb][max_bins_of_met] ; // first index is number of btags, second is met bin. RooRealVar* rv_smc_msig[bins_of_nb][max_bins_of_met] ; // first index is number of btags, second is met bin. RooRealVar* rv_smc_msb[bins_of_nb][max_bins_of_met] ; // first index is number of btags, second is met bin. RooAbsReal* rv_Rsigsb_corr[bins_of_nb][max_bins_of_met] ; for ( int nbi=0; nbi<bins_of_nb; nbi++ ) { for ( int mbi=0; mbi<bins_of_met; mbi++ ) { sprintf( pname, "N_%db_msig_met%d", nbi+2, mbi+1 ) ; if ( !getFileValue( infile, pname, fileVal ) ) { printf("\n\n *** Error. Can't find %s\n\n", pname ) ; return ; } rv_N_msig[nbi][mbi] = new RooRealVar( pname, pname, 0., 1.e6 ) ; rv_N_msig[nbi][mbi] -> setVal( TMath::Nint(fileVal) ) ; rv_N_msig[nbi][mbi] -> setConstant( kTRUE ) ; observedParametersList -> add( *rv_N_msig[nbi][mbi] ) ; sprintf( pname, "N_%db_msb_met%d", nbi+2, mbi+1 ) ; if ( !getFileValue( infile, pname, fileVal ) ) { printf("\n\n *** Error. Can't find %s\n\n", pname ) ; return ; } rv_N_msb[nbi][mbi] = new RooRealVar( pname, pname, 0., 1.e6 ) ; rv_N_msb[nbi][mbi] -> setVal( TMath::Nint(fileVal) ) ; rv_N_msb[nbi][mbi] -> setConstant( kTRUE ) ; observedParametersList -> add( *rv_N_msb[nbi][mbi] ) ; sprintf( pname, "smc_%db_msig_met%d", nbi+2, mbi+1 ) ; if ( !getFileValue( infile, pname, fileVal ) ) { printf("\n\n *** Error. Can't find %s\n\n", pname ) ; return ; } rv_smc_msig[nbi][mbi] = new RooRealVar( pname, pname, 0., 1.e6 ) ; rv_smc_msig[nbi][mbi] -> setVal( TMath::Nint(fileVal) ) ; rv_smc_msig[nbi][mbi] -> setConstant( kTRUE ) ; sprintf( pname, "smc_%db_msb_met%d", nbi+2, mbi+1 ) ; if ( !getFileValue( infile, pname, fileVal ) ) { printf("\n\n *** Error. Can't find %s\n\n", pname ) ; return ; } rv_smc_msb[nbi][mbi] = new RooRealVar( pname, pname, 0., 1.e6 ) ; rv_smc_msb[nbi][mbi] -> setVal( TMath::Nint(fileVal) ) ; rv_smc_msb[nbi][mbi] -> setConstant( kTRUE ) ; float corrVal, corrSyst ; sprintf( pname, "Rsigsb_syst_%db_met%d", nbi+2, mbi+1 ) ; if ( !getFileValue( infile, pname, corrSyst ) ) { printf("\n\n *** Error. Can't find %s\n\n", pname ) ; return ; } sprintf( pname, "Rsigsb_corr_%db_met%d", nbi+2, mbi+1 ) ; if ( !getFileValue( infile, pname, corrVal ) ) { printf("\n\n *** Error. Can't find %s\n\n", pname ) ; return ; } rv_Rsigsb_corr[nbi][mbi] = makeLognormalConstraint( pname, corrVal, corrSyst ) ; } // mbi. } // nbi. //-- Finished reading input from file. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- printf("\n\n Creating and importing dataset into workspace.\n\n") ; RooDataSet* dsObserved = new RooDataSet("hbb_observed_rds", "hbb observed data values", *observedParametersList ) ; dsObserved -> add( *observedParametersList ) ; workspace.import( *dsObserved ) ; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-- Define all floats. printf("\n\n Defining all unconstrained floats (Ratios, signal strength).\n\n") ; double R_msigmsb_initialval(0.15) ; RooRealVar* rv_R_msigmsb[50] ; for ( int mbi=0; mbi<bins_of_met; mbi++ ) { sprintf( pname, "R_msigmsb_met%d", mbi+1 ) ; printf( " %s\n", pname ) ; rv_R_msigmsb[mbi] = new RooRealVar( pname, pname, R_msigmsb_initialval, 0., 3. ) ; rv_R_msigmsb[mbi] -> setConstant( kFALSE ) ; rv_R_msigmsb[mbi] -> Print() ; } // mbi. printf("\n") ; sprintf( pname, "sig_strength" ) ; RooRealVar* rv_sig_strength = new RooRealVar( pname, pname, 1.0, 0., 10. ) ; rv_sig_strength -> setConstant(kFALSE) ; rv_sig_strength -> Print() ; printf(" %s\n\n", pname ) ; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-- Define all mu parameters. printf("\n\n Defining mu parameters.\n\n") ; RooAbsReal* rv_mu_bg_msig[bins_of_nb][max_bins_of_met] ; // first index is number of btags, second is met bin. RooAbsReal* rv_mu_bg_msb[bins_of_nb][max_bins_of_met] ; // first index is number of btags, second is met bin. RooAbsReal* rv_mu_sig_msig[bins_of_nb][max_bins_of_met] ; // first index is number of btags, second is met bin. RooAbsReal* rv_mu_sig_msb[bins_of_nb][max_bins_of_met] ; // first index is number of btags, second is met bin. for ( int nbi=0; nbi<bins_of_nb; nbi++ ) { for ( int mbi=0; mbi<bins_of_met; mbi++ ) { sprintf( pname, "mu_bg_%db_msb_met%d", nbi+2, mbi+1 ) ; printf( " %s\n", pname ) ; rv_mu_bg_msb[nbi][mbi] = new RooRealVar( pname, pname, rv_N_msb[nbi][mbi] -> getVal(), 0., 1.e6 ) ; rv_mu_bg_msb[nbi][mbi] -> Print() ; sprintf( formula, "@0 * @1 * @2" ) ; sprintf( pname, "mu_bg_%db_msig_met%d", nbi+2, mbi+1 ) ; printf( " %s\n", pname ) ; rv_mu_bg_msig[nbi][mbi] = new RooFormulaVar( pname, formula, RooArgSet( *rv_Rsigsb_corr[nbi][mbi], *rv_R_msigmsb[mbi], *rv_mu_bg_msb[nbi][mbi] ) ) ; rv_mu_bg_msig[nbi][mbi] -> Print() ; sprintf( formula, "@0 * @1" ) ; sprintf( pname, "mu_sig_%db_msig_met%d", nbi+2, mbi+1 ) ; printf( " %s\n", pname ) ; rv_mu_sig_msig[nbi][mbi] = new RooFormulaVar( pname, formula, RooArgSet( *rv_sig_strength, *rv_smc_msig[nbi][mbi] ) ) ; rv_mu_sig_msig[nbi][mbi] -> Print() ; sprintf( formula, "@0 * @1" ) ; sprintf( pname, "mu_sig_%db_msb_met%d", nbi+2, mbi+1 ) ; printf( " %s\n", pname ) ; rv_mu_sig_msb[nbi][mbi] = new RooFormulaVar( pname, formula, RooArgSet( *rv_sig_strength, *rv_smc_msb[nbi][mbi] ) ) ; rv_mu_sig_msb[nbi][mbi] -> Print() ; } // mbi. } // nbi. //-- Finished defining mu parameters. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-- Defining small n's printf("\n\n Defining small n's.\n\n") ; RooAbsReal* rv_n_msig[bins_of_nb][max_bins_of_met] ; // first index is number of btags, second is met bin. RooAbsReal* rv_n_msb[bins_of_nb][max_bins_of_met] ; // first index is number of btags, second is met bin. for ( int nbi=0; nbi<bins_of_nb; nbi++ ) { for ( int mbi=0; mbi<bins_of_met; mbi++ ) { sprintf( formula, "@0 + @1" ) ; sprintf( pname, "n_%db_msig_met%d", nbi+2, mbi+1 ) ; printf( " %s\n", pname ) ; rv_n_msig[nbi][mbi] = new RooFormulaVar( pname, formula, RooArgSet( *rv_mu_sig_msig[nbi][mbi], *rv_mu_bg_msig[nbi][mbi] ) ) ; rv_n_msig[nbi][mbi] -> Print() ; workspace.import( *rv_n_msig[nbi][mbi] ) ; sprintf( pname, "n_%db_msb_met%d", nbi+2, mbi+1 ) ; printf( " %s\n", pname ) ; rv_n_msb[nbi][mbi] = new RooFormulaVar( pname, formula, RooArgSet( *rv_mu_sig_msb[nbi][mbi], *rv_mu_bg_msb[nbi][mbi] ) ) ; rv_n_msb[nbi][mbi] -> Print() ; workspace.import( *rv_n_msb[nbi][mbi] ) ; } // mbi. } // nbi. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-- Define the Poisson pdfs for the observables. printf("\n\n Defining Poisson pdfs for the observables.\n\n") ; RooAbsReal* rv_pdf_msig[bins_of_nb][max_bins_of_met] ; // first index is number of btags, second is met bin. RooAbsReal* rv_pdf_msb[bins_of_nb][max_bins_of_met] ; // first index is number of btags, second is met bin. RooArgSet pdflist ; for ( int nbi=0; nbi<bins_of_nb; nbi++ ) { for ( int mbi=0; mbi<bins_of_met; mbi++ ) { sprintf( pname, "pdf_%db_msig_met%d", nbi+2, mbi+1 ) ; printf( " %s\n", pname ) ; rv_pdf_msig[nbi][mbi] = new RooPoisson( pname, pname, *rv_N_msig[nbi][mbi], *rv_n_msig[nbi][mbi] ) ; rv_pdf_msig[nbi][mbi] -> Print() ; pdflist.add( *rv_pdf_msig[nbi][mbi] ) ; sprintf( pname, "pdf_%db_msb_met%d", nbi+2, mbi+1 ) ; printf( " %s\n", pname ) ; rv_pdf_msb[nbi][mbi] = new RooPoisson( pname, pname, *rv_N_msb[nbi][mbi], *rv_n_msb[nbi][mbi] ) ; rv_pdf_msb[nbi][mbi] -> Print() ; pdflist.add( *rv_pdf_msb[nbi][mbi] ) ; } // mbi. } // nbi. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-- Build the likelihood. printf("\n\n Building the likelihood.\n\n") ; pdflist.add( *allNuisancePdfs ) ; pdflist.Print() ; printf("\n") ; RooProdPdf* likelihood = new RooProdPdf( "likelihood", "hbb likelihood", pdflist ) ; likelihood->Print() ; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // printf("\n\n Running a test fit.\n\n") ; // dsObserved -> Print() ; // dsObserved -> printMultiline(cout, 1, kTRUE, "") ; // printf("\n\n =============================================\n\n") ; // likelihood -> fitTo( *dsObserved, PrintLevel(3), Hesse(0), Minos(0) ) ; // printf("\n\n =============================================\n\n") ; //-- Set up RooStats models. printf("\n\n Setting up S+B model.\n\n") ; RooArgSet poi( *rv_sig_strength, "poi" ) ; RooUniform signal_prior( "signal_prior", "signal_prior", *rv_sig_strength ) ; ModelConfig sbModel ("SbModel"); sbModel.SetWorkspace( workspace ) ; sbModel.SetPdf( *likelihood ) ; sbModel.SetParametersOfInterest( poi ); sbModel.SetPriorPdf(signal_prior); sbModel.SetObservables( *observedParametersList ); sbModel.SetNuisanceParameters( *allNuisances ); sbModel.SetGlobalObservables( *globalObservables ); workspace.Print() ; printf("\n\n Doing fit for S+B model.\n" ) ; fflush(stdout) ; RooAbsReal* pNll = sbModel.GetPdf()->createNLL(*dsObserved); RooAbsReal* pProfile = pNll->createProfile(RooArgSet()); pProfile->getVal(); RooArgSet* pPoiAndNuisance = new RooArgSet(); pPoiAndNuisance->add(*sbModel.GetParametersOfInterest()); if(sbModel.GetNuisanceParameters()) pPoiAndNuisance->add(*sbModel.GetNuisanceParameters()); printf("\n\n Will save these parameter points that correspond to the fit to data.\n\n") ; fflush(stdout) ; pPoiAndNuisance->Print("v"); sbModel.SetSnapshot(*pPoiAndNuisance); workspace.import (sbModel); delete pProfile ; delete pNll ; delete pPoiAndNuisance ; printf("\n\n Setting up BG-only model.\n\n") ; ModelConfig bModel (*(RooStats::ModelConfig *)workspace.obj("SbModel")); bModel.SetName("BModel"); bModel.SetWorkspace(workspace); printf("\n\n Doing fit for BG-only model.\n" ) ; fflush(stdout) ; pNll = bModel.GetPdf()->createNLL(*dsObserved); pProfile = pNll->createProfile(*bModel.GetParametersOfInterest()); ((RooRealVar *)(bModel.GetParametersOfInterest()->first()))->setVal(0.); pProfile->getVal(); pPoiAndNuisance = new RooArgSet(); pPoiAndNuisance->add(*bModel.GetParametersOfInterest()); if(bModel.GetNuisanceParameters()) pPoiAndNuisance->add(*bModel.GetNuisanceParameters()); printf("\n\n Should use these parameter points to generate pseudo data for bkg only.\n\n") ; fflush(stdout) ; pPoiAndNuisance->Print("v"); bModel.SetSnapshot(*pPoiAndNuisance); workspace.import (bModel); delete pProfile ; delete pNll ; delete pPoiAndNuisance ; workspace.Print() ; printf("\n\n Saving workspace in : %s\n\n", outfile ) ; gSystem->Exec(" mkdir -p outputfiles " ) ; workspace.writeToFile( outfile ) ; } // build_hbb_workspace1.
void MakeWorkspace( void ){ // // this function implements a RooFit model for a counting experiment // // create workspace RooWorkspace * pWs = new RooWorkspace("myWS"); // observable: number of events pWs->factory( "n[0.0]" ); // integrated luminosity with systematics pWs->factory( "lumi_nom[5000.0, 4000.0, 6000.0]" ); pWs->factory( "lumi_kappa[1.045]" ); pWs->factory( "cexpr::alpha_lumi('pow(lumi_kappa,beta_lumi)',lumi_kappa,beta_lumi[0,-5,5])" ); pWs->factory( "prod::lumi(lumi_nom,alpha_lumi)" ); pWs->factory( "Gaussian::constr_lumi(beta_lumi,glob_lumi[0,-5,5],1)" ); // cross section - parameter of interest pWs->factory( "xsec[0.001,0.0,0.1]" ); // selection efficiency * acceptance with systematics pWs->factory( "efficiency_nom[0.1, 0.05, 0.15]" ); pWs->factory( "efficiency_kappa[1.10]" ); pWs->factory( "cexpr::alpha_efficiency('pow(efficiency_kappa,beta_efficiency)',efficiency_kappa,beta_efficiency[0,-5,5])" ); pWs->factory( "prod::efficiency(efficiency_nom,alpha_efficiency)" ); pWs->factory( "Gaussian::constr_efficiency(beta_efficiency,glob_efficiency[0,-5,5],1)" ); // signal yield pWs->factory( "prod::nsig(lumi,xsec,efficiency)" ); // background yield with systematics pWs->factory( "nbkg_nom[10.0, 5.0, 15.0]" ); pWs->factory( "nbkg_kappa[1.10]" ); pWs->factory( "cexpr::alpha_nbkg('pow(nbkg_kappa,beta_nbkg)',nbkg_kappa,beta_nbkg[0,-5,5])" ); pWs->factory( "prod::nbkg(nbkg_nom,alpha_lumi,alpha_nbkg)" ); pWs->factory( "Gaussian::constr_nbkg(beta_nbkg,glob_nbkg[0,-5,5],1)" ); // full event yield pWs->factory("sum::yield(nsig,nbkg)"); // Core model: Poisson probability with mean signal+bkg pWs->factory( "Poisson::model_core(n,yield)" ); // define Bayesian prior PDF for POI pWs->factory( "Uniform::prior(xsec)" ); // model with systematics pWs->factory( "PROD::model(model_core,constr_lumi,constr_efficiency,constr_nbkg)" ); // create set of observables (will need it for datasets and ModelConfig later) RooRealVar * pObs = pWs->var("n"); // get the pointer to the observable RooArgSet obs("observables"); obs.add(*pObs); // create the dataset pObs->setVal(11); // this is your observed data: we counted ten events RooDataSet * data = new RooDataSet("data", "data", obs); data->add( *pObs ); // import dataset into workspace pWs->import(*data); // create set of global observables (need to be defined as constants) pWs->var("glob_lumi")->setConstant(true); pWs->var("glob_efficiency")->setConstant(true); pWs->var("glob_nbkg")->setConstant(true); RooArgSet globalObs("global_obs"); globalObs.add( *pWs->var("glob_lumi") ); globalObs.add( *pWs->var("glob_efficiency") ); globalObs.add( *pWs->var("glob_nbkg") ); // create set of parameters of interest (POI) RooArgSet poi("poi"); poi.add( *pWs->var("xsec") ); // create set of nuisance parameters RooArgSet nuis("nuis"); nuis.add( *pWs->var("beta_lumi") ); nuis.add( *pWs->var("beta_efficiency") ); nuis.add( *pWs->var("beta_nbkg") ); // create signal+background Model Config RooStats::ModelConfig sbHypo("SbHypo"); sbHypo.SetWorkspace( *pWs ); sbHypo.SetPdf( *pWs->pdf("model") ); sbHypo.SetObservables( obs ); sbHypo.SetGlobalObservables( globalObs ); sbHypo.SetParametersOfInterest( poi ); sbHypo.SetNuisanceParameters( nuis ); sbHypo.SetPriorPdf( *pWs->pdf("prior") ); // this is optional // fix all other variables in model: // everything except observables, POI, and nuisance parameters // must be constant pWs->var("lumi_nom")->setConstant(true); pWs->var("efficiency_nom")->setConstant(true); pWs->var("nbkg_nom")->setConstant(true); pWs->var("lumi_kappa")->setConstant(true); pWs->var("efficiency_kappa")->setConstant(true); pWs->var("nbkg_kappa")->setConstant(true); RooArgSet fixed("fixed"); fixed.add( *pWs->var("lumi_nom") ); fixed.add( *pWs->var("efficiency_nom") ); fixed.add( *pWs->var("nbkg_nom") ); fixed.add( *pWs->var("lumi_kappa") ); fixed.add( *pWs->var("efficiency_kappa") ); fixed.add( *pWs->var("nbkg_kappa") ); // set parameter snapshot that corresponds to the best fit to data RooAbsReal * pNll = sbHypo.GetPdf()->createNLL( *data ); RooAbsReal * pProfile = pNll->createProfile( globalObs ); // do not profile global observables pProfile->getVal(); // this will do fit and set POI and nuisance parameters to fitted values RooArgSet * pPoiAndNuisance = new RooArgSet("poiAndNuisance"); pPoiAndNuisance->add(*sbHypo.GetNuisanceParameters()); pPoiAndNuisance->add(*sbHypo.GetParametersOfInterest()); sbHypo.SetSnapshot(*pPoiAndNuisance); delete pProfile; delete pNll; delete pPoiAndNuisance; // import S+B ModelConfig into workspace pWs->import( sbHypo ); // create background-only Model Config from the S+B one RooStats::ModelConfig bHypo = sbHypo; bHypo.SetName("BHypo"); bHypo.SetWorkspace(*pWs); // set parameter snapshot for bHypo, setting xsec=0 // it is useful to understand how this block of code works // but you can also use it as a recipe to make a parameter snapshot pNll = bHypo.GetPdf()->createNLL( *data ); RooArgSet poiAndGlobalObs("poiAndGlobalObs"); poiAndGlobalObs.add( poi ); poiAndGlobalObs.add( globalObs ); pProfile = pNll->createProfile( poiAndGlobalObs ); // do not profile POI and global observables ((RooRealVar *)poi.first())->setVal( 0 ); // set xsec=0 here pProfile->getVal(); // this will do fit and set nuisance parameters to profiled values pPoiAndNuisance = new RooArgSet( "poiAndNuisance" ); pPoiAndNuisance->add( nuis ); pPoiAndNuisance->add( poi ); bHypo.SetSnapshot(*pPoiAndNuisance); delete pProfile; delete pNll; delete pPoiAndNuisance; // import model config into workspace pWs->import( bHypo ); // print out the workspace contents pWs->Print(); // save workspace to file pWs -> SaveAs("workspace.root"); return; }
void rf506_msgservice() { // C r e a t e p d f // -------------------- // Construct gauss(x,m,s) RooRealVar x("x","x",-10,10) ; RooRealVar m("m","m",0,-10,10) ; RooRealVar s("s","s",1,-10,10) ; RooGaussian gauss("g","g",x,m,s) ; // Construct poly(x,p0) RooRealVar p0("p0","p0",0.01,0.,1.) ; RooPolynomial poly("p","p",x,p0) ; // Construct model = f*gauss(x) + (1-f)*poly(x) RooRealVar f("f","f",0.5,0.,1.) ; RooAddPdf model("model","model",RooArgSet(gauss,poly),f) ; RooDataSet* data = model.generate(x,10) ; // P r i n t c o n f i g u r a t i o n o f m e s s a g e s e r v i c e // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Print streams configuration RooMsgService::instance().Print() ; cout << endl ; // A d d i n g I n t e g r a t i o n t o p i c t o e x i s t i n g I N F O s t r e a m // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Print streams configuration RooMsgService::instance().Print() ; cout << endl ; // Add Integration topic to existing INFO stream RooMsgService::instance().getStream(1).addTopic(Integration) ; // Construct integral over gauss to demonstrate new message stream RooAbsReal* igauss = gauss.createIntegral(x) ; igauss->Print() ; // Print streams configuration in verbose, which also shows inactive streams cout << endl ; RooMsgService::instance().Print() ; cout << endl ; // Remove stream RooMsgService::instance().getStream(1).removeTopic(Integration) ; // E x a m p l e s o f p d f v a l u e t r a c i n g s t r e a m // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Show DEBUG level message on function tracing, trace RooGaussian only RooMsgService::instance().addStream(DEBUG,Topic(Tracing),ClassName("RooGaussian")) ; // Perform a fit to generate some tracing messages model.fitTo(*data,Verbose(kTRUE)) ; // Reset message service to default stream configuration RooMsgService::instance().reset() ; // Show DEBUG level message on function tracing on all objects, redirect output to file RooMsgService::instance().addStream(DEBUG,Topic(Tracing),OutputFile("rf506_debug.log")) ; // Perform a fit to generate some tracing messages model.fitTo(*data,Verbose(kTRUE)) ; // Reset message service to default stream configuration RooMsgService::instance().reset() ; // E x a m p l e o f a n o t h e r d e b u g g i n g s t r e a m // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Show DEBUG level messages on client/server link state management RooMsgService::instance().addStream(DEBUG,Topic(LinkStateMgmt)) ; RooMsgService::instance().Print("v") ; // Clone composite pdf g to trigger some link state management activity RooAbsArg* gprime = gauss.cloneTree() ; gprime->Print() ; // Reset message service to default stream configuration RooMsgService::instance().reset() ; }
void new_RA4(){ // let's time this challenging example TStopwatch t; t.Start(); // set RooFit random seed for reproducible results RooRandom::randomGenerator()->SetSeed(4357); // make model RooWorkspace* wspace = new RooWorkspace("wspace"); wspace->factory("Gaussian::sigCons(prime_SigEff[0,-5,5], nom_SigEff[0,-5,5], 1)"); wspace->factory("expr::SigEff('1.0*pow(1.20,@0)',prime_SigEff)"); // // 1+-20%, 1.20=exp(20%) wspace->factory("Poisson::on(non[0,50], sum::splusb(prod::SigUnc(s[0,0,50],SigEff),mainb[8.8,0,50],dilep[0.9,0,20],tau[2.3,0,20],QCD[0.,0,10],MC[0.1,0,4]))"); wspace->factory("Gaussian::mcCons(prime_rho[0,-5,5], nom_rho[0,-5,5], 1)"); wspace->factory("expr::rho('1.0*pow(1.39,@0)',prime_rho)"); // // 1+-39% wspace->factory("Poisson::off(noff[0,200], prod::rhob(mainb,rho,mu_plus_e[0.74,0.01,10],1.08))"); wspace->factory("Gaussian::mcCons2(mu_plus_enom[0.74,0.01,4], mu_plus_e, sigmatwo[.05])"); wspace->factory("Gaussian::dilep_pred(dilep_nom[0.9,0,20], dilep, sigma3[2.2])"); wspace->factory("Gaussian::tau_pred(tau_nom[2.3,0,20], tau, sigma4[0.5])"); wspace->factory("Gaussian::QCD_pred(QCD_nom[0.0,0,10], QCD, sigma5[1.0])"); wspace->factory("Gaussian::MC_pred(MC_nom[0.1,0.01,4], MC, sigma7[0.14])"); wspace->factory("PROD::model(on,off,mcCons,mcCons2,sigCons,dilep_pred,tau_pred,QCD_pred,MC_pred)"); RooArgSet obs(*wspace->var("non"), *wspace->var("noff"), *wspace->var("mu_plus_enom"), *wspace->var("dilep_nom"), *wspace->var("tau_nom"), "obs"); obs.add(*wspace->var("QCD_nom")); obs.add(*wspace->var("MC_nom")); RooArgSet globalObs(*wspace->var("nom_SigEff"), *wspace->var("nom_rho"), "global_obs"); // fix global observables to their nominal values wspace->var("nom_SigEff")->setConstant(); wspace->var("nom_rho")->setConstant(); RooArgSet poi(*wspace->var("s"), "poi"); RooArgSet nuis(*wspace->var("mainb"), *wspace->var("prime_rho"), *wspace->var("prime_SigEff"), *wspace->var("mu_plus_e"), *wspace->var("dilep"), *wspace->var("tau"), "nuis"); nuis.add(*wspace->var("QCD")); nuis.add(*wspace->var("MC")); wspace->factory("Uniform::prior_poi({s})"); wspace->factory("Uniform::prior_nuis({mainb,mu_plus_e,dilep,tau,QCD,MC})"); wspace->factory("PROD::prior(prior_poi,prior_nuis)"); wspace->var("non")->setVal(8); //observed //wspace->var("non")->setVal(12); //expected observation wspace->var("noff")->setVal(7); //observed events in control region wspace->var("mu_plus_enom")->setVal(0.74); wspace->var("dilep_nom")->setVal(0.9); wspace->var("tau_nom")->setVal(2.3); wspace->var("QCD")->setVal(0.0); wspace->var("MC")->setVal(0.1); RooDataSet * data = new RooDataSet("data","",obs); data->add(obs); wspace->import(*data); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Now the statistical tests // model config ModelConfig* pSbModel = new ModelConfig("SbModel"); pSbModel->SetWorkspace(*wspace); pSbModel->SetPdf(*wspace->pdf("model")); pSbModel->SetPriorPdf(*wspace->pdf("prior")); pSbModel->SetParametersOfInterest(poi); pSbModel->SetNuisanceParameters(nuis); pSbModel->SetObservables(obs); pSbModel->SetGlobalObservables(globalObs); wspace->import(*pSbModel); // set all but obs, poi and nuisance to const SetConstants(wspace, pSbModel); wspace->import(*pSbModel); Double_t poiValueForBModel = 0.0; ModelConfig* pBModel = new ModelConfig(*(RooStats::ModelConfig *)wspace->obj("SbModel")); pBModel->SetName("BModel"); pBModel->SetWorkspace(*wspace); wspace->import(*pBModel); RooAbsReal * pNll = pSbModel->GetPdf()->createNLL(*data); RooAbsReal * pProfile = pNll->createProfile(RooArgSet()); pProfile->getVal(); // this will do fit and set POI and nuisance parameters to fitted values RooArgSet * pPoiAndNuisance = new RooArgSet(); //if(pSbModel->GetNuisanceParameters()) // pPoiAndNuisance->add(*pSbModel->GetNuisanceParameters()); pPoiAndNuisance->add(*pSbModel->GetParametersOfInterest()); cout << "\nWill save these parameter points that correspond to the fit to data" << endl; pPoiAndNuisance->Print("v"); pSbModel->SetSnapshot(*pPoiAndNuisance); delete pProfile; delete pNll; delete pPoiAndNuisance; pNll = pBModel->GetPdf()->createNLL(*data); pProfile = pNll->createProfile(poi); ((RooRealVar *)poi.first())->setVal(poiValueForBModel); pProfile->getVal(); // this will do fit and set nuisance parameters to profiled values pPoiAndNuisance = new RooArgSet(); //if(pBModel->GetNuisanceParameters()) // pPoiAndNuisance->add(*pBModel->GetNuisanceParameters()); pPoiAndNuisance->add(*pBModel->GetParametersOfInterest()); cout << "\nShould use these parameter points to generate pseudo data for bkg only" << endl; pPoiAndNuisance->Print("v"); pBModel->SetSnapshot(*pPoiAndNuisance); delete pProfile; delete pNll; delete pPoiAndNuisance; // inspect workspace wspace->Print(); // save workspace to file wspace->writeToFile("tight.root"); //wspace->writeToFile("tight_median.root"); // clean up delete wspace; delete data; delete pSbModel; delete pBModel; }
void OneSidedFrequentistUpperLimitWithBands_intermediate(const char* infile = "", const char* workspaceName = "combined", const char* modelConfigName = "ModelConfig", const char* dataName = "obsData"){ double confidenceLevel=0.95; // degrade/improve number of pseudo-experiments used to define the confidence belt. // value of 1 corresponds to default number of toys in the tail, which is 50/(1-confidenceLevel) double additionalToysFac = 1.; int nPointsToScan = 30; // number of steps in the parameter of interest int nToyMC = 100; // number of toys used to define the expected limit and band TStopwatch t; t.Start(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // First part is just to access a user-defined file // or create the standard example file if it doesn't exist //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char* filename = ""; if (!strcmp(infile,"")) filename = "results/example_combined_GaussExample_model.root"; else filename = infile; // Check if example input file exists TFile *file = TFile::Open(filename); // if input file was specified byt not found, quit if(!file && strcmp(infile,"")){ cout <<"file not found" << endl; return; } // if default file not found, try to create it if(!file ){ // Normally this would be run on the command line cout <<"will run standard hist2workspace example"<<endl; gROOT->ProcessLine(".! prepareHistFactory ."); gROOT->ProcessLine(".! hist2workspace config/example.xml"); cout <<"\n\n---------------------"<<endl; cout <<"Done creating example input"<<endl; cout <<"---------------------\n\n"<<endl; } // now try to access the file again file = TFile::Open(filename); if(!file){ // if it is still not there, then we can't continue cout << "Not able to run hist2workspace to create example input" <<endl; return; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Now get the data and workspace //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // get the workspace out of the file RooWorkspace* w = (RooWorkspace*) file->Get(workspaceName); if(!w){ cout <<"workspace not found" << endl; return; } // get the modelConfig out of the file ModelConfig* mc = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelConfigName); // get the modelConfig out of the file RooAbsData* data = w->data(dataName); // make sure ingredients are found if(!data || !mc){ w->Print(); cout << "data or ModelConfig was not found" <<endl; return; } cout << "Found data and ModelConfig:" <<endl; mc->Print(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Now get the POI for convenience // you may want to adjust the range of your POI //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RooRealVar* firstPOI = (RooRealVar*) mc->GetParametersOfInterest()->first(); // firstPOI->setMin(0); // firstPOI->setMax(10); ///////////////////////////////////////////// // create and use the FeldmanCousins tool // to find and plot the 95% confidence interval // on the parameter of interest as specified // in the model config // REMEMBER, we will change the test statistic // so this is NOT a Feldman-Cousins interval FeldmanCousins fc(*data,*mc); fc.SetConfidenceLevel(confidenceLevel); fc.AdditionalNToysFactor(additionalToysFac); // improve sampling that defines confidence belt // fc.UseAdaptiveSampling(true); // speed it up a bit, but don't use for expectd limits fc.SetNBins(nPointsToScan); // set how many points per parameter of interest to scan fc.CreateConfBelt(true); // save the information in the belt for plotting ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Feldman-Cousins is a unified limit by definition // but the tool takes care of a few things for us like which values // of the nuisance parameters should be used to generate toys. // so let's just change the test statistic and realize this is // no longer "Feldman-Cousins" but is a fully frequentist Neyman-Construction. // ProfileLikelihoodTestStatModified onesided(*mc->GetPdf()); // fc.GetTestStatSampler()->SetTestStatistic(&onesided); // ((ToyMCSampler*) fc.GetTestStatSampler())->SetGenerateBinned(true); ToyMCSampler* toymcsampler = (ToyMCSampler*) fc.GetTestStatSampler(); ProfileLikelihoodTestStat* testStat = dynamic_cast<ProfileLikelihoodTestStat*>(toymcsampler->GetTestStatistic()); testStat->SetOneSided(true); // test speedups: testStat->SetReuseNLL(true); // toymcsampler->setUseMultiGen(true); // not fully validated // Since this tool needs to throw toy MC the PDF needs to be // extended or the tool needs to know how many entries in a dataset // per pseudo experiment. // In the 'number counting form' where the entries in the dataset // are counts, and not values of discriminating variables, the // datasets typically only have one entry and the PDF is not // extended. if(!mc->GetPdf()->canBeExtended()){ if(data->numEntries()==1) fc.FluctuateNumDataEntries(false); else cout <<"Not sure what to do about this model" <<endl; } // We can use PROOF to speed things along in parallel ProofConfig pc(*w, 4, "",false); if(mc->GetGlobalObservables()){ cout << "will use global observables for unconditional ensemble"<<endl; mc->GetGlobalObservables()->Print(); toymcsampler->SetGlobalObservables(*mc->GetGlobalObservables()); } toymcsampler->SetProofConfig(&pc); // enable proof // Now get the interval PointSetInterval* interval = fc.GetInterval(); ConfidenceBelt* belt = fc.GetConfidenceBelt(); // print out the iterval on the first Parameter of Interest cout << "\n95% interval on " <<firstPOI->GetName()<<" is : ["<< interval->LowerLimit(*firstPOI) << ", "<< interval->UpperLimit(*firstPOI) <<"] "<<endl; // get observed UL and value of test statistic evaluated there RooArgSet tmpPOI(*firstPOI); double observedUL = interval->UpperLimit(*firstPOI); firstPOI->setVal(observedUL); double obsTSatObsUL = fc.GetTestStatSampler()->EvaluateTestStatistic(*data,tmpPOI); // Ask the calculator which points were scanned RooDataSet* parameterScan = (RooDataSet*) fc.GetPointsToScan(); RooArgSet* tmpPoint; // make a histogram of parameter vs. threshold TH1F* histOfThresholds = new TH1F("histOfThresholds","", parameterScan->numEntries(), firstPOI->getMin(), firstPOI->getMax()); histOfThresholds->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(firstPOI->GetName()); histOfThresholds->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Threshold"); // loop through the points that were tested and ask confidence belt // what the upper/lower thresholds were. // For FeldmanCousins, the lower cut off is always 0 for(Int_t i=0; i<parameterScan->numEntries(); ++i){ tmpPoint = (RooArgSet*) parameterScan->get(i)->clone("temp"); double arMax = belt->GetAcceptanceRegionMax(*tmpPoint); double poiVal = tmpPoint->getRealValue(firstPOI->GetName()) ; histOfThresholds->Fill(poiVal,arMax); } TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas(); c1->Divide(2); c1->cd(1); histOfThresholds->SetMinimum(0); histOfThresholds->Draw(); c1->cd(2); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Now we generate the expected bands and power-constriant //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // First: find parameter point for mu=0, with conditional MLEs for nuisance parameters RooAbsReal* nll = mc->GetPdf()->createNLL(*data); RooAbsReal* profile = nll->createProfile(*mc->GetParametersOfInterest()); firstPOI->setVal(0.); profile->getVal(); // this will do fit and set nuisance parameters to profiled values RooArgSet* poiAndNuisance = new RooArgSet(); if(mc->GetNuisanceParameters()) poiAndNuisance->add(*mc->GetNuisanceParameters()); poiAndNuisance->add(*mc->GetParametersOfInterest()); w->saveSnapshot("paramsToGenerateData",*poiAndNuisance); RooArgSet* paramsToGenerateData = (RooArgSet*) poiAndNuisance->snapshot(); cout << "\nWill use these parameter points to generate pseudo data for bkg only" << endl; paramsToGenerateData->Print("v"); double CLb=0; double CLbinclusive=0; // Now we generate background only and find distribution of upper limits TH1F* histOfUL = new TH1F("histOfUL","",100,0,firstPOI->getMax()); histOfUL->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Upper Limit (background only)"); histOfUL->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Entries"); for(int imc=0; imc<nToyMC; ++imc){ // set parameters back to values for generating pseudo data w->loadSnapshot("paramsToGenerateData"); // in 5.30 there is a nicer way to generate toy data & randomize global obs RooAbsData* toyData = toymcsampler->GenerateToyData(*paramsToGenerateData); // get test stat at observed UL in observed data firstPOI->setVal(observedUL); double toyTSatObsUL = fc.GetTestStatSampler()->EvaluateTestStatistic(*toyData,tmpPOI); // toyData->get()->Print("v"); // cout <<"obsTSatObsUL " <<obsTSatObsUL << "toyTS " << toyTSatObsUL << endl; if(obsTSatObsUL < toyTSatObsUL) // (should be checked) CLb+= (1.)/nToyMC; if(obsTSatObsUL <= toyTSatObsUL) // (should be checked) CLbinclusive+= (1.)/nToyMC; // loop over points in belt to find upper limit for this toy data double thisUL = 0; for(Int_t i=0; i<parameterScan->numEntries(); ++i){ tmpPoint = (RooArgSet*) parameterScan->get(i)->clone("temp"); double arMax = belt->GetAcceptanceRegionMax(*tmpPoint); firstPOI->setVal( tmpPoint->getRealValue(firstPOI->GetName()) ); double thisTS = fc.GetTestStatSampler()->EvaluateTestStatistic(*toyData,tmpPOI); if(thisTS<=arMax){ thisUL = firstPOI->getVal(); } else{ break; } } histOfUL->Fill(thisUL); delete toyData; } histOfUL->Draw(); c1->SaveAs("one-sided_upper_limit_output.pdf"); // if you want to see a plot of the sampling distribution for a particular scan point: // Now find bands and power constraint Double_t* bins = histOfUL->GetIntegral(); TH1F* cumulative = (TH1F*) histOfUL->Clone("cumulative"); cumulative->SetContent(bins); double band2sigDown=0, band1sigDown=0, bandMedian=0, band1sigUp=0,band2sigUp=0; for(int i=1; i<=cumulative->GetNbinsX(); ++i){ if(bins[i]<RooStats::SignificanceToPValue(2)) band2sigDown=cumulative->GetBinCenter(i); if(bins[i]<RooStats::SignificanceToPValue(1)) band1sigDown=cumulative->GetBinCenter(i); if(bins[i]<0.5) bandMedian=cumulative->GetBinCenter(i); if(bins[i]<RooStats::SignificanceToPValue(-1)) band1sigUp=cumulative->GetBinCenter(i); if(bins[i]<RooStats::SignificanceToPValue(-2)) band2sigUp=cumulative->GetBinCenter(i); } t.Stop(); t.Print(); cout << "-2 sigma band " << band2sigDown << endl; cout << "-1 sigma band " << band1sigDown << endl; cout << "median of band " << bandMedian << " [Power Constriant)]" << endl; cout << "+1 sigma band " << band1sigUp << endl; cout << "+2 sigma band " << band2sigUp << endl; // print out the iterval on the first Parameter of Interest cout << "\nobserved 95% upper-limit "<< interval->UpperLimit(*firstPOI) <<endl; cout << "CLb strict [P(toy>obs|0)] for observed 95% upper-limit "<< CLb <<endl; cout << "CLb inclusive [P(toy>=obs|0)] for observed 95% upper-limit "<< CLbinclusive <<endl; delete profile; delete nll; }
void LL(){ //y0 = 0.000135096401209 sigma_y0 = 0.000103896581837 x0 = 0.000446013873443 sigma_x0 =1.81384394011e-06 //0.014108652249 0.0168368471049 0.0219755396247 0.000120423865262 1.5575931164 1.55759310722 3.41637854038 //0.072569437325 0.084063541977 0.0376693978906 0.000284216132439 0.51908074913 0.519080758095 1.12037749267 // double d = 0.014108652249; // double sd = 0.0168368471049; // double mc = 0.0219755396247; // double smc = 0.000120423865262; // double r0 = d/mc; double d = 0.072569437325; double sd = 0.084063541977; double mc = 0.0376693978906; double smc = 0.00028421613243; double r0 = d/mc; RooRealVar x("x","x",mc*0.9,mc*1.1); RooRealVar x0("x0","x0",mc); RooRealVar sx("sx","sx",smc); RooRealVar r("r","r",r0,0.,5.); RooRealVar y0("y0","y0",d); RooRealVar sy("sy","sy",sd); RooProduct rx("rx","rx",RooArgList(r,x)); RooGaussian g1("g1","g1",x,x0,sx); RooGaussian g2("g2","g2",rx,y0,sy); RooProdPdf LL("LL","LL",g1,g2); RooArgSet obs(x0,y0); //observables RooArgSet poi(r); //parameters of interest RooDataSet data("data", "data", obs); data.add(obs); //actually add the data RooFitResult* res = LL.fitTo(data,RooFit::Minos(poi),RooFit::Save(),RooFit::Hesse(false)); if(res->status()==0) { r.Print(); x.Print(); cout << r.getErrorLo() << " " << r.getErrorHi() << endl; } else { cout << "Likelihood maximization failed" << endl; } RooAbsReal* nll = LL.createNLL(data); RooPlot* frame = r.frame(); RooAbsReal* pll = nll->createProfile(poi); pll->plotOn(frame);//,RooFit::LineColor(ROOT::kRed)); frame->Draw(); r.setVal(0.); cout << pll->getVal() << endl; return; }
void OneSidedFrequentistUpperLimitWithBands(const char* infile = "", const char* workspaceName = "combined", const char* modelConfigName = "ModelConfig", const char* dataName = "obsData") { double confidenceLevel=0.95; int nPointsToScan = 20; int nToyMC = 200; // ------------------------------------------------------- // First part is just to access a user-defined file // or create the standard example file if it doesn't exist const char* filename = ""; if (!strcmp(infile,"")) { filename = "results/example_combined_GaussExample_model.root"; bool fileExist = !gSystem->AccessPathName(filename); // note opposite return code // if file does not exists generate with histfactory if (!fileExist) { #ifdef _WIN32 cout << "HistFactory file cannot be generated on Windows - exit" << endl; return; #endif // Normally this would be run on the command line cout <<"will run standard hist2workspace example"<<endl; gROOT->ProcessLine(".! prepareHistFactory ."); gROOT->ProcessLine(".! hist2workspace config/example.xml"); cout <<"\n\n---------------------"<<endl; cout <<"Done creating example input"<<endl; cout <<"---------------------\n\n"<<endl; } } else filename = infile; // Try to open the file TFile *file = TFile::Open(filename); // if input file was specified byt not found, quit if(!file ){ cout <<"StandardRooStatsDemoMacro: Input file " << filename << " is not found" << endl; return; } // ------------------------------------------------------- // Now get the data and workspace // get the workspace out of the file RooWorkspace* w = (RooWorkspace*) file->Get(workspaceName); if(!w){ cout <<"workspace not found" << endl; return; } // get the modelConfig out of the file ModelConfig* mc = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelConfigName); // get the modelConfig out of the file RooAbsData* data = w->data(dataName); // make sure ingredients are found if(!data || !mc){ w->Print(); cout << "data or ModelConfig was not found" <<endl; return; } // ------------------------------------------------------- // Now get the POI for convenience // you may want to adjust the range of your POI RooRealVar* firstPOI = (RooRealVar*) mc->GetParametersOfInterest()->first(); /* firstPOI->setMin(0);*/ /* firstPOI->setMax(10);*/ // -------------------------------------------- // Create and use the FeldmanCousins tool // to find and plot the 95% confidence interval // on the parameter of interest as specified // in the model config // REMEMBER, we will change the test statistic // so this is NOT a Feldman-Cousins interval FeldmanCousins fc(*data,*mc); fc.SetConfidenceLevel(confidenceLevel); /* fc.AdditionalNToysFactor(0.25); // degrade/improve sampling that defines confidence belt*/ /* fc.UseAdaptiveSampling(true); // speed it up a bit, don't use for expected limits*/ fc.SetNBins(nPointsToScan); // set how many points per parameter of interest to scan fc.CreateConfBelt(true); // save the information in the belt for plotting // ------------------------------------------------------- // Feldman-Cousins is a unified limit by definition // but the tool takes care of a few things for us like which values // of the nuisance parameters should be used to generate toys. // so let's just change the test statistic and realize this is // no longer "Feldman-Cousins" but is a fully frequentist Neyman-Construction. /* ProfileLikelihoodTestStatModified onesided(*mc->GetPdf());*/ /* fc.GetTestStatSampler()->SetTestStatistic(&onesided);*/ /* ((ToyMCSampler*) fc.GetTestStatSampler())->SetGenerateBinned(true); */ ToyMCSampler* toymcsampler = (ToyMCSampler*) fc.GetTestStatSampler(); ProfileLikelihoodTestStat* testStat = dynamic_cast<ProfileLikelihoodTestStat*>(toymcsampler->GetTestStatistic()); testStat->SetOneSided(true); // Since this tool needs to throw toy MC the PDF needs to be // extended or the tool needs to know how many entries in a dataset // per pseudo experiment. // In the 'number counting form' where the entries in the dataset // are counts, and not values of discriminating variables, the // datasets typically only have one entry and the PDF is not // extended. if(!mc->GetPdf()->canBeExtended()){ if(data->numEntries()==1) fc.FluctuateNumDataEntries(false); else cout <<"Not sure what to do about this model" <<endl; } // We can use PROOF to speed things along in parallel // However, the test statistic has to be installed on the workers // so either turn off PROOF or include the modified test statistic // in your `$ROOTSYS/roofit/roostats/inc` directory, // add the additional line to the LinkDef.h file, // and recompile root. if (useProof) { ProofConfig pc(*w, nworkers, "", false); toymcsampler->SetProofConfig(&pc); // enable proof } if(mc->GetGlobalObservables()){ cout << "will use global observables for unconditional ensemble"<<endl; mc->GetGlobalObservables()->Print(); toymcsampler->SetGlobalObservables(*mc->GetGlobalObservables()); } // Now get the interval PointSetInterval* interval = fc.GetInterval(); ConfidenceBelt* belt = fc.GetConfidenceBelt(); // print out the interval on the first Parameter of Interest cout << "\n95% interval on " <<firstPOI->GetName()<<" is : ["<< interval->LowerLimit(*firstPOI) << ", "<< interval->UpperLimit(*firstPOI) <<"] "<<endl; // get observed UL and value of test statistic evaluated there RooArgSet tmpPOI(*firstPOI); double observedUL = interval->UpperLimit(*firstPOI); firstPOI->setVal(observedUL); double obsTSatObsUL = fc.GetTestStatSampler()->EvaluateTestStatistic(*data,tmpPOI); // Ask the calculator which points were scanned RooDataSet* parameterScan = (RooDataSet*) fc.GetPointsToScan(); RooArgSet* tmpPoint; // make a histogram of parameter vs. threshold TH1F* histOfThresholds = new TH1F("histOfThresholds","", parameterScan->numEntries(), firstPOI->getMin(), firstPOI->getMax()); histOfThresholds->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(firstPOI->GetName()); histOfThresholds->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Threshold"); // loop through the points that were tested and ask confidence belt // what the upper/lower thresholds were. // For FeldmanCousins, the lower cut off is always 0 for(Int_t i=0; i<parameterScan->numEntries(); ++i){ tmpPoint = (RooArgSet*) parameterScan->get(i)->clone("temp"); //cout <<"get threshold"<<endl; double arMax = belt->GetAcceptanceRegionMax(*tmpPoint); double poiVal = tmpPoint->getRealValue(firstPOI->GetName()) ; histOfThresholds->Fill(poiVal,arMax); } TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas(); c1->Divide(2); c1->cd(1); histOfThresholds->SetMinimum(0); histOfThresholds->Draw(); c1->cd(2); // ------------------------------------------------------- // Now we generate the expected bands and power-constraint // First: find parameter point for mu=0, with conditional MLEs for nuisance parameters RooAbsReal* nll = mc->GetPdf()->createNLL(*data); RooAbsReal* profile = nll->createProfile(*mc->GetParametersOfInterest()); firstPOI->setVal(0.); profile->getVal(); // this will do fit and set nuisance parameters to profiled values RooArgSet* poiAndNuisance = new RooArgSet(); if(mc->GetNuisanceParameters()) poiAndNuisance->add(*mc->GetNuisanceParameters()); poiAndNuisance->add(*mc->GetParametersOfInterest()); w->saveSnapshot("paramsToGenerateData",*poiAndNuisance); RooArgSet* paramsToGenerateData = (RooArgSet*) poiAndNuisance->snapshot(); cout << "\nWill use these parameter points to generate pseudo data for bkg only" << endl; paramsToGenerateData->Print("v"); RooArgSet unconditionalObs; unconditionalObs.add(*mc->GetObservables()); unconditionalObs.add(*mc->GetGlobalObservables()); // comment this out for the original conditional ensemble double CLb=0; double CLbinclusive=0; // Now we generate background only and find distribution of upper limits TH1F* histOfUL = new TH1F("histOfUL","",100,0,firstPOI->getMax()); histOfUL->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Upper Limit (background only)"); histOfUL->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Entries"); for(int imc=0; imc<nToyMC; ++imc){ // set parameters back to values for generating pseudo data // cout << "\n get current nuis, set vals, print again" << endl; w->loadSnapshot("paramsToGenerateData"); // poiAndNuisance->Print("v"); RooDataSet* toyData = 0; // now generate a toy dataset if(!mc->GetPdf()->canBeExtended()){ if(data->numEntries()==1) toyData = mc->GetPdf()->generate(*mc->GetObservables(),1); else cout <<"Not sure what to do about this model" <<endl; } else{ // cout << "generating extended dataset"<<endl; toyData = mc->GetPdf()->generate(*mc->GetObservables(),Extended()); } // generate global observables // need to be careful for simpdf // RooDataSet* globalData = mc->GetPdf()->generate(*mc->GetGlobalObservables(),1); RooSimultaneous* simPdf = dynamic_cast<RooSimultaneous*>(mc->GetPdf()); if(!simPdf){ RooDataSet *one = mc->GetPdf()->generate(*mc->GetGlobalObservables(), 1); const RooArgSet *values = one->get(); RooArgSet *allVars = mc->GetPdf()->getVariables(); *allVars = *values; delete allVars; delete values; delete one; } else { //try fix for sim pdf TIterator* iter = simPdf->indexCat().typeIterator() ; RooCatType* tt = NULL; while((tt=(RooCatType*) iter->Next())) { // Get pdf associated with state from simpdf RooAbsPdf* pdftmp = simPdf->getPdf(tt->GetName()) ; // Generate only global variables defined by the pdf associated with this state RooArgSet* globtmp = pdftmp->getObservables(*mc->GetGlobalObservables()) ; RooDataSet* tmp = pdftmp->generate(*globtmp,1) ; // Transfer values to output placeholder *globtmp = *tmp->get(0) ; // Cleanup delete globtmp ; delete tmp ; } } // globalData->Print("v"); // unconditionalObs = *globalData->get(); // mc->GetGlobalObservables()->Print("v"); // delete globalData; // cout << "toy data = " << endl; // toyData->get()->Print("v"); // get test stat at observed UL in observed data firstPOI->setVal(observedUL); double toyTSatObsUL = fc.GetTestStatSampler()->EvaluateTestStatistic(*toyData,tmpPOI); // toyData->get()->Print("v"); // cout <<"obsTSatObsUL " <<obsTSatObsUL << "toyTS " << toyTSatObsUL << endl; if(obsTSatObsUL < toyTSatObsUL) // not sure about <= part yet CLb+= (1.)/nToyMC; if(obsTSatObsUL <= toyTSatObsUL) // not sure about <= part yet CLbinclusive+= (1.)/nToyMC; // loop over points in belt to find upper limit for this toy data double thisUL = 0; for(Int_t i=0; i<parameterScan->numEntries(); ++i){ tmpPoint = (RooArgSet*) parameterScan->get(i)->clone("temp"); double arMax = belt->GetAcceptanceRegionMax(*tmpPoint); firstPOI->setVal( tmpPoint->getRealValue(firstPOI->GetName()) ); // double thisTS = profile->getVal(); double thisTS = fc.GetTestStatSampler()->EvaluateTestStatistic(*toyData,tmpPOI); // cout << "poi = " << firstPOI->getVal() // << " max is " << arMax << " this profile = " << thisTS << endl; // cout << "thisTS = " << thisTS<<endl; if(thisTS<=arMax){ thisUL = firstPOI->getVal(); } else{ break; } } /* // loop over points in belt to find upper limit for this toy data double thisUL = 0; for(Int_t i=0; i<histOfThresholds->GetNbinsX(); ++i){ tmpPoint = (RooArgSet*) parameterScan->get(i)->clone("temp"); cout <<"---------------- "<<i<<endl; tmpPoint->Print("v"); cout << "from hist " << histOfThresholds->GetBinCenter(i+1) <<endl; double arMax = histOfThresholds->GetBinContent(i+1); // cout << " threhold from Hist = aMax " << arMax<<endl; // double arMax2 = belt->GetAcceptanceRegionMax(*tmpPoint); // cout << "from scan arMax2 = "<< arMax2 << endl; // not the same due to TH1F not TH1D // cout << "scan - hist" << arMax2-arMax << endl; firstPOI->setVal( histOfThresholds->GetBinCenter(i+1)); // double thisTS = profile->getVal(); double thisTS = fc.GetTestStatSampler()->EvaluateTestStatistic(*toyData,tmpPOI); // cout << "poi = " << firstPOI->getVal() // << " max is " << arMax << " this profile = " << thisTS << endl; // cout << "thisTS = " << thisTS<<endl; // NOTE: need to add a small epsilon term for single precision vs. double precision if(thisTS<=arMax + 1e-7){ thisUL = firstPOI->getVal(); } else{ break; } } */ histOfUL->Fill(thisUL); // for few events, data is often the same, and UL is often the same // cout << "thisUL = " << thisUL<<endl; delete toyData; } histOfUL->Draw(); c1->SaveAs("one-sided_upper_limit_output.pdf"); // if you want to see a plot of the sampling distribution for a particular scan point: /* SamplingDistPlot sampPlot; int indexInScan = 0; tmpPoint = (RooArgSet*) parameterScan->get(indexInScan)->clone("temp"); firstPOI->setVal( tmpPoint->getRealValue(firstPOI->GetName()) ); toymcsampler->SetParametersForTestStat(tmpPOI); SamplingDistribution* samp = toymcsampler->GetSamplingDistribution(*tmpPoint); sampPlot.AddSamplingDistribution(samp); sampPlot.Draw(); */ // Now find bands and power constraint Double_t* bins = histOfUL->GetIntegral(); TH1F* cumulative = (TH1F*) histOfUL->Clone("cumulative"); cumulative->SetContent(bins); double band2sigDown, band1sigDown, bandMedian, band1sigUp,band2sigUp; for(int i=1; i<=cumulative->GetNbinsX(); ++i){ if(bins[i]<RooStats::SignificanceToPValue(2)) band2sigDown=cumulative->GetBinCenter(i); if(bins[i]<RooStats::SignificanceToPValue(1)) band1sigDown=cumulative->GetBinCenter(i); if(bins[i]<0.5) bandMedian=cumulative->GetBinCenter(i); if(bins[i]<RooStats::SignificanceToPValue(-1)) band1sigUp=cumulative->GetBinCenter(i); if(bins[i]<RooStats::SignificanceToPValue(-2)) band2sigUp=cumulative->GetBinCenter(i); } cout << "-2 sigma band " << band2sigDown << endl; cout << "-1 sigma band " << band1sigDown << " [Power Constraint)]" << endl; cout << "median of band " << bandMedian << endl; cout << "+1 sigma band " << band1sigUp << endl; cout << "+2 sigma band " << band2sigUp << endl; // print out the interval on the first Parameter of Interest cout << "\nobserved 95% upper-limit "<< interval->UpperLimit(*firstPOI) <<endl; cout << "CLb strict [P(toy>obs|0)] for observed 95% upper-limit "<< CLb <<endl; cout << "CLb inclusive [P(toy>=obs|0)] for observed 95% upper-limit "<< CLbinclusive <<endl; delete profile; delete nll; }
void rf105_funcbinding() { // B i n d T M a t h : : E r f C f u n c t i o n // --------------------------------------------------- // Bind one-dimensional TMath::Erf function as RooAbsReal function RooRealVar x("x","x",-3,3) ; RooAbsReal* errorFunc = bindFunction("erf",TMath::Erf,x) ; // Print erf definition errorFunc->Print() ; // Plot erf on frame RooPlot* frame1 = x.frame(Title("TMath::Erf bound as RooFit function")) ; errorFunc->plotOn(frame1) ; // B i n d R O O T : : M a t h : : b e t a _ p d f C f u n c t i o n // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bind pdf ROOT::Math::Beta with three variables as RooAbsPdf function RooRealVar x2("x2","x2",0,0.999) ; RooRealVar a("a","a",5,0,10) ; RooRealVar b("b","b",2,0,10) ; RooAbsPdf* beta = bindPdf("beta",ROOT::Math::beta_pdf,x2,a,b) ; // Perf beta definition beta->Print() ; // Generate some events and fit RooDataSet* data = beta->generate(x2,10000) ; beta->fitTo(*data) ; // Plot data and pdf on frame RooPlot* frame2 = x2.frame(Title("ROOT::Math::Beta bound as RooFit pdf")) ; data->plotOn(frame2) ; beta->plotOn(frame2) ; // B i n d R O O T T F 1 a s R o o F i t f u n c t i o n // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Create a ROOT TF1 function TF1 *fa1 = new TF1("fa1","sin(x)/x",0,10); // Create an observable RooRealVar x3("x3","x3",0.01,20) ; // Create binding of TF1 object to above observable RooAbsReal* rfa1 = bindFunction(fa1,x3) ; // Print rfa1 definition rfa1->Print() ; // Make plot frame in observable, plot TF1 binding function RooPlot* frame3 = x3.frame(Title("TF1 bound as RooFit function")) ; rfa1->plotOn(frame3) ; TCanvas* c = new TCanvas("rf105_funcbinding","rf105_funcbinding",1200,400) ; c->Divide(3) ; c->cd(1) ; gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.15) ; frame1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.6) ; frame1->Draw() ; c->cd(2) ; gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.15) ; frame2->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.6) ; frame2->Draw() ; c->cd(3) ; gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.15) ; frame3->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.6) ; frame3->Draw() ; }
int DiagnosisMacro(int Nbins = 10, int Nsigma = 10, int CPUused = 1, TString Filename = "FIT_DATA_Psi2SJpsi_PPPrompt_Bkg_SecondOrderChebychev_pt65300_rap016_cent0200_262620_263757.root", TString Outputdir = "./") //Nbins: Number of points for which to calculate profile likelihood. Time required is about (1/CPU) minutes per point per parameter. 0 means do plain likelihood only //Nsigma: The range in which the scan is performed (value-Nsigma*sigma, value+Nsigma*sigma) //CPUused: anything larger than 1 causes weird fit results on my laptop, runs fine on lxplus with more (16) { // R e a d w o r k s p a c e f r o m f i l e // ----------------------------------------------- // Open input file with workspace //Filename = "FIT_DATA_Psi2SJpsi_PP_Jpsi_DoubleCrystalBall_Psi2S_DoubleCrystalBall_Bkg_Chebychev2_pt6590_rap016_cent0200.root"; //Filename = "FIT_DATA_Psi2SJpsi_PbPb_Jpsi_DoubleCrystalBall_Psi2S_DoubleCrystalBall_Bkg_Chebychev1_pt6590_rap016_cent0200.root"; TFile *f = new TFile(Filename); // Retrieve workspace from file RooWorkspace* w = (RooWorkspace*)f->Get("workspace"); // Retrieve x,model and data from workspace RooRealVar* x = w->var("invMass"); RooAbsPdf* model = w->pdf("simPdf_syst"); if (model == 0) { model = w->pdf("simPdf"); } if (model == 0) { model = w->pdf("pdfMASS_Tot_PP"); } if (model == 0) { model = w->pdf("pdfMASS_Tot_PbPb"); } if (model == 0) { cout << "[ERROR] pdf failed to load from the workspace" << endl; return false; } RooAbsData* data = w->data("dOS_DATA"); if (data == 0) { data = w->data("dOS_DATA_PP"); } if (data == 0) { data = w->data("dOS_DATA_PbPb"); } if (data == 0) { cout << "[ERROR] data failed to load from the workspace" << endl; return false; } // Print structure of composite p.d.f. model->Print("t"); /* // P l o t m o d e l // --------------------------------------------------------- // Plot data and PDF overlaid RooPlot* xframe = x->frame(Title("J/psi Model and Data")); data->plotOn(xframe); model->plotOn(xframe); // Draw the frame on the canvas TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas("PlotModel", "PlotModel", 1000, 1000); gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.15); xframe->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(2.0); xframe->Draw();//*/ ///// Check parameters RooArgSet* paramSet1 = model->getDependents(data); paramSet1->Print("v"); // Just check RooArgSet* paramSet2 = model->getParameters(data); paramSet2->Print("v"); int Nparams = paramSet2->getSize(); cout << "Number of parameters: " << Nparams<<endl<<endl; // C o n s t r u c t p l a i n l i k e l i h o o d // --------------------------------------------------- // Construct unbinned likelihood RooAbsReal* nll = model->createNLL(*data, NumCPU(CPUused)); // Minimize likelihood w.r.t all parameters before making plots RooMinuit(*nll).migrad(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////// L O O P O V E R P A R A M E T E R S ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set up loop over parameters TString ParamName; double ParamValue; double ParamError; double ParamLimitLow; double ParamLimitHigh; double FitRangeLow; double FitRangeHigh; RooRealVar* vParam; int counter = 0; // Loop start TIterator* iter = paramSet2->createIterator(); TObject* var = iter->Next(); while (var != 0) { counter++; ParamName = var->GetName(); vParam = w->var(ParamName); ParamValue = vParam->getVal(); ParamError = vParam->getError(); ParamLimitLow = vParam->getMin(); ParamLimitHigh = vParam->getMax(); cout << ParamName << " has value " << ParamValue << " with error: " << ParamError << " and limits: " << ParamLimitLow << " to " << ParamLimitHigh << endl << endl; if (ParamError == 0) { //Skipping fixed parameters cout << "Parameter was fixed, skipping its fitting" << endl; cout << endl << "DONE WITH " << counter << " PARAMETER OUT OF " << Nparams << endl << endl; var = iter->Next(); continue; } // determining fit range: Nsigma sigma on each side unless it would be outside of parameter limits if ((ParamValue - Nsigma * ParamError) > ParamLimitLow) { FitRangeLow = (ParamValue - Nsigma * ParamError); } else { FitRangeLow = ParamLimitLow; } if ((ParamValue + Nsigma * ParamError) < ParamLimitHigh) { FitRangeHigh = (ParamValue + Nsigma * ParamError); } else { FitRangeHigh = ParamLimitHigh; } // P l o t p l a i n l i k e l i h o o d a n d C o n s t r u c t p r o f i l e l i k e l i h o o d // --------------------------------------------------- RooPlot* frame1; RooAbsReal* pll=NULL; if (Nbins != 0) { frame1 = vParam->frame(Bins(Nbins), Range(FitRangeLow, FitRangeHigh), Title(TString::Format("LL and profileLL in %s", ParamName.Data()))); nll->plotOn(frame1, ShiftToZero()); pll = nll->createProfile(*vParam); // Plot the profile likelihood pll->plotOn(frame1, LineColor(kRed), RooFit::Precision(-1)); } else { //Skip profile likelihood frame1 = vParam->frame(Bins(10), Range(FitRangeLow, FitRangeHigh), Title(TString::Format("LL and profileLL in %s", ParamName.Data()))); nll->plotOn(frame1, ShiftToZero()); } // D r a w a n d s a v e p l o t s // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Adjust frame maximum for visual clarity frame1->SetMinimum(0); frame1->SetMaximum(20); TCanvas* c = new TCanvas("CLikelihoodResult", "CLikelihoodResult", 800, 600); c->cd(1); gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.15); frame1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); frame1->Draw(); TLegend* leg = new TLegend(0.70, 0.70, 0.95, 0.88, ""); leg->SetFillColor(kWhite); leg->SetBorderSize(0); leg->SetTextSize(0.035); TLegendEntry *le1 = leg->AddEntry(nll, "Plain likelihood", "l"); le1->SetLineColor(kBlue); le1->SetLineWidth(3); TLegendEntry *le2 = leg->AddEntry(pll, "Profile likelihood", "l"); le2->SetLineColor(kRed); le2->SetLineWidth(3); leg->Draw("same"); //Save plot TString StrippedName = TString(Filename(Filename.Last('/')+1,Filename.Length())); StrippedName = StrippedName.ReplaceAll(".root",""); cout << StrippedName << endl; gSystem->mkdir(Form("%s/root/%s", Outputdir.Data(), StrippedName.Data()), kTRUE); c->SaveAs(Form("%s/root/%s/Likelihood_scan_%s.root", Outputdir.Data(), StrippedName.Data(), ParamName.Data())); gSystem->mkdir(Form("%s/pdf/%s", Outputdir.Data(), StrippedName.Data()), kTRUE); c->SaveAs(Form("%s/pdf/%s/Likelihood_scan_%s.pdf", Outputdir.Data(), StrippedName.Data(), ParamName.Data())); gSystem->mkdir(Form("%s/png/%s", Outputdir.Data(), StrippedName.Data()), kTRUE); c->SaveAs(Form("%s/png/%s/Likelihood_scan_%s.png", Outputdir.Data(), StrippedName.Data(), ParamName.Data())); delete c; delete frame1; if (pll) delete pll; cout << endl << "DONE WITH " << counter << " PARAMETER OUT OF " << Nparams << endl << endl; //if (counter == 2){ break; } //Exit - for testing var = iter->Next(); } // End of the loop return true; }
// implementation void TwoBinInstructional( void ){ // let's time this example TStopwatch t; t.Start(); // set RooFit random seed for reproducible results RooRandom::randomGenerator()->SetSeed(4357); // make model RooWorkspace * pWs = new RooWorkspace("ws"); // derived from data pWs->factory("xsec[0.2,0,2]"); // POI pWs->factory("bg_b[10,0,50]"); // data driven nuisance // predefined nuisances pWs->factory("lumi[100,0,1000]"); pWs->factory("eff_a[0.2,0,1]"); pWs->factory("eff_b[0.05,0,1]"); pWs->factory("tau[0,1]"); pWs->factory("xsec_bg_a[0.05]"); // constant pWs->var("xsec_bg_a")->setConstant(1); // channel a (signal): lumi*xsec*eff_a + lumi*bg_a + tau*bg_b pWs->factory("prod::sig_a(lumi,xsec,eff_a)"); pWs->factory("prod::bg_a(lumi,xsec_bg_a)"); pWs->factory("prod::tau_bg_b(tau, bg_b)"); pWs->factory("Poisson::pdf_a(na[14,0,100],sum::mu_a(sig_a,bg_a,tau_bg_b))"); // channel b (control): lumi*xsec*eff_b + bg_b pWs->factory("prod::sig_b(lumi,xsec,eff_b)"); pWs->factory("Poisson::pdf_b(nb[11,0,100],sum::mu_b(sig_b,bg_b))"); // nuisance constraint terms (systematics) pWs->factory("Lognormal::l_lumi(lumi,nom_lumi[100,0,1000],sum::kappa_lumi(1,d_lumi[0.1]))"); pWs->factory("Lognormal::l_eff_a(eff_a,nom_eff_a[0.20,0,1],sum::kappa_eff_a(1,d_eff_a[0.05]))"); pWs->factory("Lognormal::l_eff_b(eff_b,nom_eff_b[0.05,0,1],sum::kappa_eff_b(1,d_eff_b[0.05]))"); pWs->factory("Lognormal::l_tau(tau,nom_tau[0.50,0,1],sum::kappa_tau(1,d_tau[0.05]))"); //pWs->factory("Lognormal::l_bg_a(bg_a,nom_bg_a[0.05,0,1],sum::kappa_bg_a(1,d_bg_a[0.10]))"); // complete model PDF pWs->factory("PROD::model(pdf_a,pdf_b,l_lumi,l_eff_a,l_eff_b,l_tau)"); // Now create sets of variables. Note that we could use the factory to // create sets but in that case many of the sets would be duplicated // when the ModelConfig objects are imported into the workspace. So, // we create the sets outside the workspace, and only the needed ones // will be automatically imported by ModelConfigs // observables RooArgSet obs(*pWs->var("na"), *pWs->var("nb"), "obs"); // global observables RooArgSet globalObs(*pWs->var("nom_lumi"), *pWs->var("nom_eff_a"), *pWs->var("nom_eff_b"), *pWs->var("nom_tau"), "global_obs"); // parameters of interest RooArgSet poi(*pWs->var("xsec"), "poi"); // nuisance parameters RooArgSet nuis(*pWs->var("lumi"), *pWs->var("eff_a"), *pWs->var("eff_b"), *pWs->var("tau"), "nuis"); // priors (for Bayesian calculation) pWs->factory("Uniform::prior_xsec(xsec)"); // for parameter of interest pWs->factory("Uniform::prior_bg_b(bg_b)"); // for data driven nuisance parameter pWs->factory("PROD::prior(prior_xsec,prior_bg_b)"); // total prior // create data pWs->var("na")->setVal(14); pWs->var("nb")->setVal(11); RooDataSet * pData = new RooDataSet("data","",obs); pData->add(obs); pWs->import(*pData); //pData->Print(); // signal+background model ModelConfig * pSbModel = new ModelConfig("SbModel"); pSbModel->SetWorkspace(*pWs); pSbModel->SetPdf(*pWs->pdf("model")); pSbModel->SetPriorPdf(*pWs->pdf("prior")); pSbModel->SetParametersOfInterest(poi); pSbModel->SetNuisanceParameters(nuis); pSbModel->SetObservables(obs); pSbModel->SetGlobalObservables(globalObs); // set all but obs, poi and nuisance to const SetConstants(pWs, pSbModel); pWs->import(*pSbModel); // background-only model // use the same PDF as s+b, with xsec=0 // POI value under the background hypothesis Double_t poiValueForBModel = 0.0; ModelConfig* pBModel = new ModelConfig(*(RooStats::ModelConfig *)pWs->obj("SbModel")); pBModel->SetName("BModel"); pBModel->SetWorkspace(*pWs); pWs->import(*pBModel); // find global maximum with the signal+background model // with conditional MLEs for nuisance parameters // and save the parameter point snapshot in the Workspace // - safer to keep a default name because some RooStats calculators // will anticipate it RooAbsReal * pNll = pSbModel->GetPdf()->createNLL(*pData); RooAbsReal * pProfile = pNll->createProfile(RooArgSet()); pProfile->getVal(); // this will do fit and set POI and nuisance parameters to fitted values RooArgSet * pPoiAndNuisance = new RooArgSet(); if(pSbModel->GetNuisanceParameters()) pPoiAndNuisance->add(*pSbModel->GetNuisanceParameters()); pPoiAndNuisance->add(*pSbModel->GetParametersOfInterest()); cout << "\nWill save these parameter points that correspond to the fit to data" << endl; pPoiAndNuisance->Print("v"); pSbModel->SetSnapshot(*pPoiAndNuisance); delete pProfile; delete pNll; delete pPoiAndNuisance; // Find a parameter point for generating pseudo-data // with the background-only data. // Save the parameter point snapshot in the Workspace pNll = pBModel->GetPdf()->createNLL(*pData); pProfile = pNll->createProfile(poi); ((RooRealVar *)poi.first())->setVal(poiValueForBModel); pProfile->getVal(); // this will do fit and set nuisance parameters to profiled values pPoiAndNuisance = new RooArgSet(); if(pBModel->GetNuisanceParameters()) pPoiAndNuisance->add(*pBModel->GetNuisanceParameters()); pPoiAndNuisance->add(*pBModel->GetParametersOfInterest()); cout << "\nShould use these parameter points to generate pseudo data for bkg only" << endl; pPoiAndNuisance->Print("v"); pBModel->SetSnapshot(*pPoiAndNuisance); delete pProfile; delete pNll; delete pPoiAndNuisance; // inspect workspace pWs->Print(); // save workspace to file pWs->writeToFile("ws_twobin.root"); // clean up delete pWs; delete pData; delete pSbModel; delete pBModel; } // ----- end of tutorial ----------------------------------------
int main() { // Construct gauss(x,m,s) RooRealVar x("x","x",-10,10) ; RooRealVar m("m","m",0,-10,10) ; RooRealVar s("s","s",1,-10,10) ; RooGaussian gauss("g","g",x,m,s) ; // Construct poly(x,p0) RooRealVar p0("p0","p0",0.01,0.,1.) ; RooPolynomial poly("p","p",x,p0) ; // Construct model = f*gauss(x) + (1-f)*poly(x) RooRealVar f("f","f",0.5,0.,1.) ; RooAddPdf model("model","model",RooArgSet(gauss,poly),f) ; RooDataSet* data = model.generate(x,10); // P r i n t c o n f i g u r a t i o n o f m e s s a g e s e r v i c e // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Print streams configuration RooMsgService::instance().Print() ; cout << endl ; // A d d i n g I n t e g r a t i o n t o p i c t o e x i s t i n g I N F O s t r e a m // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Print streams configuration RooMsgService::instance().Print() ; cout << endl ; // Add Integration topic to existing INFO stream RooMsgService::instance().getStream(1).addTopic(Integration) ; // Construct integral over gauss to demonstrate new message stream RooAbsReal* igauss = gauss.createIntegral(x) ; igauss->Print() ; // Print streams configuration in verbose, which also shows inactive streams cout << endl ; RooMsgService::instance().Print() ; cout << endl ; // Remove stream RooMsgService::instance().getStream(1).removeTopic(Integration) ; // E x a m p l e s o f p d f v a l u e t r a c i n g s t r e a m // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Show DEBUG level message on function tracing, trace RooGaussian only RooMsgService::instance().addStream(DEBUG,Topic(Tracing),ClassName("RooGaussian")) ; // Perform a fit to generate some tracing messages model.fitTo(*data,Verbose(kTRUE)) ; TH1 *histo = model.createHistogram("histo"); return 0; }