예제 #1
Sensor_Data::Sensor_Data( const Sensor_Data & other ){

    operating_system_label_ = other.get_operating_system_label();
    data_label_ = other.get_data_label();
    data_ = other.get_data();
    aux_ = other.get_aux();
*  sensorData:         Data returned from the DAQ. This is a vector of Sensor_Data object pointers.
*  recordSize:         The number of samples in each record
*  sampleRate:         The number of samples per second
*  channelIDs:         Vector of IDs for each channel, format: 2!CH7 --> card in slot 2, channel 7 on that card
*  numPhysicalChannels The number of physical channels on the DAQ
*  activeChannels:     List of channels that have sensors connected to them. First parameter is the index of the channel in the list of channels on the DAQ.
*                          The second parameter is the channel ID
void CSV_Output::writeDaqDataToFile(vector<Sensor_Data*>& sensorData, int recordSize, vector<string>& channelIDs, int numPhysicalChannels, vector<pair<int, string>>& activeChannels)
	recordsCollected = 0; //CM 8/20/15 - reset when writing a new file. This is used to see how many records are actually beeing written to a file.
	//        If this is less than the specified file length in the config file, using this variable will accurately say how long
	//        a file actually is.

	int currentWriteTime = int(currentTimeSeconds()); //CM 4/14/15 - get the current (now) time for comparison to the last write time

	//CM 7/15/15 - testing time required for iterating and storing data into a string ============
	clock_t start;
	start = clock();
	double duration = 0.0;

		double *currentSensorDataDouble = NULL; //CM 8/10/15 - move definition outside of sensor loop

		size_t sensorIt; //iterator through the list of sensor objects representing samples returned from the DAQ
		size_t sensorDataSize = sensorData.size();
		//Iterate through each sensor object and pull out the data
		for (sensorIt = 0; sensorIt != sensorDataSize; sensorIt++)
			Sensor_Data* currentSensorData = sensorData.at(sensorIt); //grab the current sensor data object

			//CM 8/12/15 - record the timestamp of the first record
			//If at the first sensor data entry then grab the timestamp
			if (sensorIt == 0)

				//CM 5/27/15 - since the timestamp is the same for each channel for each record (and only processing one record at a time),
				//      Then just grab the timestamp of the first entry, i.e., index = 0
				int timeIndex = 0;
				::SafeArrayGetElement(currentSensorData->getTimeSeconds(), (LONG *)&timeIndex, &firstTimeSecond);
				::SafeArrayGetElement(currentSensorData->getTimeFraction(), (LONG *)&timeIndex, &firstTimeFraction);

			//CM 8/7/15 - update to use safe array access ===========================================================
			currentSensorDataDouble = NULL;
			HRESULT hr;

			// Get a pointer to the elements of the array.
			hr = ::SafeArrayAccessData(currentSensorData->getData(), (void**)&currentSensorDataDouble);

			if (FAILED(hr)){
				cout << "Error geting access to SAFEARRAY of sensor data. Aborting..." << endl;

			double d = 0.0; //hold each sample as the sensor data is iterated, once saved, this variable is
			//  set to the next sample from the sensor

			//Now to iterate through the sensor data. This is completed by "jumping" through the linear stream of data
			//  provided by the DAQ for each channel for each record. Even though I am not accessing it in linear fashion,
			//  I only see one sample once, which leads to linear performance.
			//  Format of linear stream:
			//      For record of size 4 and 3 channels:
			//              ------------------------------ record 1 ------------------------------ ----- record 2----------
			//              [[channel 1 ; 4 samples][channel 2 ; 4 samples][channel 3 ; 4 samples][channel 1 ; 4 samples]...]

			//iterate over all the available records
			int sensorDataNumRecords = currentSensorData->getNumRecords();
			for (int record = 0; record < sensorDataNumRecords; record++)
				recordsCollected++; //CM 8/6/15 - record each record written out

				//iterate through each record, i.e., recordSize is the number of samples in a record,
				//  so if the record size is 20, then 20 samples are read for each channel for that specific record
				for (size_t i = 0; i < recordSize; i++)
					//Only pull daata from channels with sensors
					if (ALL_CHANNEL_DATA == 0)
						int channel = 0; //specify which channel data to get
						//iterate through all the active channels

						size_t activeChannelSize = activeChannels.size();
						//for(int specificChannel = 0; specificChannel < activeChannels.size();specificChannel++){
						for (size_t it = 0; it != activeChannelSize; it++)
							//channel = activeChannels.at(specificChannel).first;
							channel = activeChannels.at(it).first;

							//====== CM 5/19/15 - if no header for the current file, create it on the first pass of the channel info =========
							if (headerWritten == false)
								string currentChannelID = channelIDs.at(channel);
								//if the last channel, leave off the comma
								//CM 8/7/15 - if the last channel, then leave off the comma - check the next iterator to see if at the end
								if (it == activeChannelSize - 1)
									string temp = "Data_" + currentChannelID + '\n'; //CM 8/7/15 - remove the timestamp from the header

									headerWritten = true; //header is written, do not write one again until the next CSV file
								//otherwise, put the comma on since more channels are to come
									headerStdStr.append("Data_" + currentChannelID + ','); //CM 8/7/15 - remove the timestamp from the header

							//index calculation: (the current channel * the size of a record) + the current index in the record
							size_t index = (channel*recordSize) + i;

							d = (double)currentSensorDataDouble[index]; //CM 8/7/15 - update to use safe access

							//add current sample to string to be written to file
							//CM 5/19/15 - if at the last channel, do not add a comma
							//CM 8/7/15 - if the last channel, then leave off the comma - check the next iterator to see if at the end
							if (it == activeChannelSize - 1)
								outputStdStr.append(to_string(d)); //CM 7/10/15 - using string
							//Otherwise, still more channels to go, so add a comma
								outputStdStr.append(to_string(d) + ','); //CM 7/10/15 - using string
					//otherwise, pull samples from all channels, despite if they have sensors connected to them
						//iterate through all channels (active and inactive) and pull the data
						for (int channel = 0; channel < numPhysicalChannels; channel++)
							//====== CM 5/19/15 - if no header for the current file, create it on the first pass of the channel info =========
							if (headerWritten == false){
								//if the last channel, leave off the comma
								string currentChannelID = channelIDs.at(channel); //CM 7/10/15 - using string
								if (channel == numPhysicalChannels - 1)
									headerStdStr.append("Data_" + currentChannelID + '\n'); //CM 8/7/15 - remove the timestamp from the header
									headerWritten = true; //header is written, do not write one again until the next CSV file
								//otherwise, put the comma on since more channels are to come
									headerStdStr.append("Data_" + currentChannelID + ','); //CM 8/7/15 - remove the timestamp from the header
							//index calculation: (the current channel * the size of a record) + the current index in the record
							size_t index = (channel*recordSize) + i;//+(record*data_count);

							d = (double)currentSensorDataDouble[index]; //CM 8/7/15 - update to use safe access

							//CM 5/19/15 - if at the last channel, do not add a comma
							if (channel == numPhysicalChannels - 1)
								outputStdStr.append(to_string(d)); //CM 7/10/15 - using string
							//Otherwise, still more channels to go, so add a comma
								outputStdStr.append(to_string(d) + ','); //CM 7/10/15 - using string
					outputStdStr.append("\n"); //signal end of line once an entry in a record for all channels is recorded
			::SafeArrayUnaccessData(currentSensorData->getData()); //CM 8/10/15 - close access to current safe array
	catch (...)
		//for now, just output an error message indicating where the error occured
		cout << "Exception caught: CSV_Output class, wrtieDaqDataToFile." << endl;

	// CM 8/18/15 - writing to file after iterating over data so writing can occur after parsing data since I changed my logic to collect all
	//  the records for one file in one collection sequence in DAQ.cpp
	//  There "should" not be a problem with this since I collect the same number of records in one collection sequence
	//  (before coming to this function) as the fileLength, hence recordsCollected "should" always equal fileLength
	//  when control reaches here.

	//CM 8/12/15 - converting timestamp from DAQs to current date and time =============
	time_t t = firstTimeSecond;

	// convert now to string form
	struct tm timeinfo;
	localtime_s(&timeinfo, &t);

	char buf[80];

	// Visit http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/chrono/c/strftime
	// for more information about date/time format
	strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S", &timeinfo); //format timestamp of first data point in the file to a date/time

	currentFileName = string(buf);       //create a string out of the formated timstamp
	currentFileName = moveDir + currentFileName + ".csv"; //add file extention
	ofstream Out(currentFileName, ios::app); //CM 8/12/15 - Now open a file with the name being the timestampe of the first data point

	//CM 8/12/15 - add header to store information necessary to calculate the exact time of each sample in the file

	//NOTE: use to_string() to retain the accuracy of the timestamp info, i.e., all significant figures are retained

	//header for file info: Time info for first sample in the file, sample rate, and length of the file in seconds
	Out << "Time Integer, Time Fraction, Sample Rate (samples per second), Length of file in seconds\n";

	//output the file info
	Out << to_string(firstTimeSecond) << ',' << to_string(firstTimeFraction) << ',' << recordSize << ',' << recordsCollected << '\n';

	//header to describe what the data in the file is
	Out << "Sensor Data organized by CSV columns. Each column represents the data from one channel on a specific DAQ\n";


	Out << headerStdStr;
	Out << outputStdStr; //CM 5/27/15 - write the entire set of record(s) info to the file at once (i.e., only one file I/O)

	Out.flush(); //CM 7/23/15

	//CM 7/15/15 - testing time required for iterating and storing data into a string ============
	duration = (clock() - start) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
	cout << "Time to iterate over data and store sensor data into CSV file: " << duration << "s" << endl;

	headerWritten = false; //CM 5/19/15 - with the new file, signal the header needs to be written

	numPoints = 0;
예제 #3
 *  sensorData:         Data returned from the DAQ. This is a vector of Sensor_Data object pointers.
 *  recordSize:         The number of samples in each record
 *  sampleRate:         The number of samples per second
 *  channelIDs:         Vector of IDs for each channel, format: 2!CH7 --> card in slot 2, channel 7 on that card
 *  numPhysicalChannels The number of physical channels on the DAQ
 *  activeChannels:     List of channels that have sensors connected to them. First parameter is the index of the channel in the list of channels on the DAQ.
 *                          The second parameter is the channel ID
 *  daqID                The unique identifier for the daq that the passed in sensor data originated - NOTE: I am not sure this is still used.
void CSV_Output::writeDaqDataToFile(std::vector<Sensor_Data*>* sensorData, int recordSize, double sampleRate, std::vector<std::string>* channelIDs, int numPhysicalChannels, list< pair<int,std::string> > activeChannels, std::string daqID){
    std::string fileName = "";

    recordsCollected = 0; //CM 8/20/15 - reset when writing a new file. This is used to see how many records are actually beeing written to a file.
                          //        If this is less than the specified file length in the config file, using this variable will accurately say how long
                          //        a file actually is.

    int currentWriteTime = int(currentTimeSeconds()); //CM 4/14/15 - get the current (now) time for comparison to the last write time

   std::vector<Sensor_Data*>::iterator sensorIt; //iterator through the list of sensor objects representing samples returned from the DAQ


        //CM 5/27/15 - update current file name to include the DAQ ID when this function is called for the very first time
        //      This is analogous to detecting the beginning of a write to the file so the channel ID header can be written
        //      only once to the file.
        if(initializeFileName == false){
            initializeFileName = true;

        if (DEBUG_MODE == 1){
            std::cout << "Writing data..." << std::endl;

        //initialize loop count variables for debugging. They  need to be declared outside of a check for debug mode is on/off
        int sensorItLoopCount = 0;
        int recordEntryLoopCount = 0;
        int recordSizeLoopCount = 0;
        int channelLoopCount = 0;

        //CM 7/15/15 - testing time required for iterating and storing data into a string ============
        clock_t start;
        start = std::clock();
        double duration = 0.0;
        //double durationSum = 0.0;

        double *currentSensorDataDouble = NULL; //CM 8/10/15 - move definition outside of sensor loop

        //Iterate through each sensor object and pull out the data
        for(sensorIt = sensorData->begin(); sensorIt != sensorData->end();sensorIt++){

            //keep track of the number of sensor loops
            if(DEBUG_MODE == 1){

            Sensor_Data* currentSensorData = NULL;
            currentSensorData = *sensorIt; //grab the current sensor data object

            //CM 8/12/15 - record the timestamp of the first record
            //If at the first sensor data entry then grab the timestamp
            if(sensorIt == sensorData->begin()){

                //CM 5/27/15 - since the timestamp is the same for each channel for each record (and only processing one record at a time),
                //      Then just grab the timestamp of the first entry, i.e., index = 0
                int timeIndex = 0;
                ::SafeArrayGetElement(currentSensorData->getTimeSeconds(), (LONG *)&timeIndex, &firstTimeSecond);
                ::SafeArrayGetElement(currentSensorData->getTimeFraction(), (LONG *)&timeIndex, &firstTimeFraction);

            //CM 8/7/15 - update to use safe array access ===========================================================
            currentSensorDataDouble = NULL;
            HRESULT hr;

            // Get a pointer to the elements of the array.
            hr = ::SafeArrayAccessData(currentSensorData->getData(), (void**)&currentSensorDataDouble);

            if (FAILED(hr)){
                cout<<"Error geting access to SAFEARRAY of sensor data. Aborting..."<<endl;

            //get the number of samples in the sample data
            double ts = 0.0;//CM 5/26/15 - store the time second timestamp for the sample
            double tf = 0.0; //CM 5/26/15 - store the time fraction timestamp for the sample

            //CM 5/27/15 - since the timestamp is the same for each channel for each record (and only processing one record at a time),
            //      Then just grab the timestamp of the first entry, i.e., index = 0
            //CM 8/20/15 - I do not think I need getting the timestamp here, but leave here for now just in case
            //int timeIndex = 0;
            //::SafeArrayGetElement(currentSensorData->getTimeSeconds(), (LONG *)&timeIndex, &ts);
            //::SafeArrayGetElement(currentSensorData->getTimeFraction(), (LONG *)&timeIndex, &tf);

            double d = 0.0; //hold each sample as the sensor data is iterated, once saved, this variable is
                            //  set to the next sample from the sensor

            //Now to iterate through the sensor data. This is completed by "jumping" through the linear stream of data
            //  provided by the DAQ for each channel for each record. Even though I am not accessing it in linear fashion,
            //  I only see one sample once, which leads to linear performance.
            //  Format of linear stream:
            //      For record of size 4 and 3 channels:
            //              ------------------------------ record 1 ------------------------------ ----- record 2----------
            //              [[channel 1 ; 4 samples][channel 2 ; 4 samples][channel 3 ; 4 samples][channel 1 ; 4 samples]...]

           //iterate over all the available records
            for (int record = 0; record < currentSensorData->getNumRecords(); record++)
                recordsCollected++; //CM 8/6/15 - record each record written out

                if(DEBUG_MODE == 1){

                //iterate through each record, i.e., recordSize is the number of samples in a record,
                //  so if the record size is 20, then 20 samples are read for each channel for that specific record
                for (size_t i = 0; i < recordSize; i++)
                    if(DEBUG_MODE == 1){

                     //Only pull daata from channels with sensors
                     if(ALL_CHANNEL_DATA == 0){
                        int channel = 0; //specify which channel data to get
                        //iterate through all the active channels

                        //CM 8/7/15 - since changing to using std::list and std::pair, I need to iterate through the list through using an iterator
                        std::list< std::pair<int,std::string> >::iterator it;

                        //for(int specificChannel = 0; specificChannel < activeChannels.size();specificChannel++){
                        for(it = activeChannels.begin(); it != activeChannels.end();it++){
                            //channel = activeChannels.at(specificChannel).first;
                            channel = (*it).first;

                            if(DEBUG_MODE == 1){

                            //====== CM 5/19/15 - if no header for the current file, create it on the first pass of the channel info =========
                            if(headerWritten == false){
                                std::string currentChannelID = channelIDs->at(channel);
                                //if the last channel, leave off the comma
                                //CM 8/7/15 - if the last channel, then leave off the comma - check the next iterator to see if at the end
                                if(std::next(it,1) == activeChannels.end()){
                                    std::string temp = "Data_"+currentChannelID+'\n'; //CM 8/7/15 - remove the timestamp from the header

                                    headerWritten = true; //header is written, do not write one again until the next CSV file
                                //otherwise, put the comma on since more channels are to come
                                    headerStdStr.append("Data_"+currentChannelID+','); //CM 8/7/15 - remove the timestamp from the header

                            //index calculation: (the current channel * the size of a record) + the current index in the record
                            size_t index = (channel*recordSize)+i;

                            d = (double)currentSensorDataDouble[index]; //CM 8/7/15 - update to use safe access

                            //add current sample to string to be written to file
                            //CM 5/19/15 - if at the last channel, do not add a comma
                            //CM 8/7/15 - if the last channel, then leave off the comma - check the next iterator to see if at the end
                            if(std::next(it,1) == activeChannels.end()){
                                outputStdStr.append(std::to_string(d)); //CM 7/10/15 - using std::string
                                if(DETAILED_OUPUT == 1){
                            //Otherwise, still more channels to go, so add a comma
                                outputStdStr.append(std::to_string(d)+','); //CM 7/10/15 - using std::string
                                if(DETAILED_OUPUT == 1){
                     //otherwise, pull samples from all channels, despite if they have sensors connected to them
                        //iterate through all channels (active and inactive) and pull the data
                         for(int channel = 0; channel < numPhysicalChannels; channel++)
                            if(DEBUG_MODE == 1){

                            //====== CM 5/19/15 - if no header for the current file, create it on the first pass of the channel info =========
                            if(headerWritten == false){
                                //if the last channel, leave off the comma
                                std::string currentChannelID = channelIDs->at(channel); //CM 7/10/15 - using std::string
                                if(channel == numPhysicalChannels-1){
                                    headerStdStr.append("Data_"+currentChannelID+'\n'); //CM 8/7/15 - remove the timestamp from the header
                                    headerWritten = true; //header is written, do not write one again until the next CSV file
                                //otherwise, put the comma on since more channels are to come
                                    headerStdStr.append("Data_"+currentChannelID+','); //CM 8/7/15 - remove the timestamp from the header
                            //index calculation: (the current channel * the size of a record) + the current index in the record
                            size_t index = (channel*recordSize)+i;//+(record*data_count);

                            d = (double)currentSensorDataDouble[index]; //CM 8/7/15 - update to use safe access

                            //CM 5/19/15 - if at the last channel, do not add a comma
                            if(channel == numPhysicalChannels-1){

                                outputStdStr.append(std::to_string(d)); //CM 7/10/15 - using std::string
                                if(DETAILED_OUPUT == 1){
                            //Otherwise, still more channels to go, so add a comma
                                outputStdStr.append(std::to_string(d)+','); //CM 7/10/15 - using std::string
                                if(DETAILED_OUPUT == 1){

                    outputStdStr.append("\n"); //signal end of line once an entry in a record for all channels is recorded

            ::SafeArrayUnaccessData(currentSensorData->getData()); //CM 8/10/15 - close access to current safe array

            //debugging - check to see how many times the loops above are actually being called
            if(DEBUG_MODE == 1){
                 std::cout<<"Safe loop count: "<<sensorItLoopCount<<" Record Entry Loop Count: "<<recordEntryLoopCount<< " Record Size Loop Count: "<<recordSizeLoopCount<<" Channel Loop Count: "<<channelLoopCount<<std::endl;
                 recordEntryLoopCount = 0; //reset
                 channelLoopCount = 0;
                 recordSizeLoopCount = 0;


        //CM 7/15/15 - testing time required for iterating and storing data into a string ============
        duration = (std::clock()-start) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
        std::cout<<"Time to iterate over data and store sensor data into string: "<<duration<<std::endl;

        outputCount++; //CM 3/18/15 - increment for next write to file
    catch (...){
       //for now, just output an error message indicating where the error occured
       std::cout<<"Exception caught: CSV_Output class, wrtieDaqDataToFile."<<std::endl;

    channelIDs = NULL; //CM 7/24/15 - cut association with pointer to channel IDs
    sensorData = NULL; //CM 7/23/15 - cut association with pointer to sensor data

    // CM 8/18/15 - writing to file after iterating over data so writing can occur after parsing data since I changed my logic to collect all
    //  the records for one file in one collection sequence in DAQ.cpp
    //  There "should" not be a problem with this since I collect the same number of records in one collection sequence
    //  (before coming to this function) as the fileLength, hence recordsCollected "should" always equal fileLength
    //  when control reaches here.

//       recordsCollected = 0; //reset

       //CM 8/12/15 - converting timestamp from DAQs to current date and time =============
       time_t t = firstTimeSecond;

       // convert now to string form
       char* dt = ctime(&t);
       struct tm * timeinfo;
       timeinfo = localtime(&t);

       //CM 8/20/15 - keep here so testing date/time can be done
       //debugging =================
       //cout << "The local date and time is: " << dt << endl;

       char buf[80];

       // Visit http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/chrono/c/strftime
       // for more information about date/time format
       strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S", timeinfo); //format timestamp of first data point in the file to a date/time

       //CM 8/20/15 - keep here so testing date/time can be done
       //debugging =================


       currentFileName = string(buf);       //create a string out of the formated timstamp
       currentFileName = currentFileName + ".csv"; //add file extention
       std::ofstream Out(currentFileName, std::ios::app); //CM 8/12/15 - Now open a file with the name being the timestampe of the first data point

       //CM 8/12/15 - add header to store information necessary to calculate the exact time of each sample in the file

       //NOTE: use to_string() to retain the accuracy of the timestamp info, i.e., all significant figures are retained

       //header for file info: Time info for first sample in the file, sample rate, and length of the file in seconds
       Out << "Time Integer, Time Fraction, Sample Rate (samples per second), Length of file in seconds\n";

       //debugging ========================== comparing the set file length to how many records are actually there,
       //                                       this will be different than the file length when the system is
       //                                       shutdown during a collection cycle.
       //cout<<"Records collected: "<<recordsCollected<<endl;
       //cout<<"File length: "<<fileLength<<endl;

       //output the file info
       Out <<to_string(firstTimeSecond)<<','<<to_string(firstTimeFraction)<<','<<sampleRate<<','<<recordsCollected<<'\n';

       //header to describe what the data in the file is
       Out <<"Sensor Data organized by CSV columns. Each column represents the data from one channel on a specific DAQ\n";


       Out << headerStdStr;
       Out << outputStdStr; //CM 5/27/15 - write the entire set of record(s) info to the file at once (i.e., only one file I/O)

       Out.flush(); //CM 7/23/15

       //CM 4/16/15 - move completed file to another directory
       std::string moveCommand = "move " + currentFileName + " " + moveDir;

       system(moveCommand.c_str()); //move recent finished file

       //perform time benchmark testing for processing each file
       double timeForCollection = 0.0;
       timeForCollection = endTimer();
       std::cout<<"Collection/Write cycle time lapse: "<<timeForCollection<<std::endl;

       currentFileName = "daq_data_"+std::to_string(currentWriteTime)+"_output.txt"; //CM 4/14/15 - create the new output file based on the current time
       headerWritten = false; //CM 5/19/15 - with the new file, signal the header needs to be written

       //only print info when wanting more details about what the collection system is doint
       if(DETAILED_OUPUT == 1){
           std::cout<<"Number of samples written: "<<numPoints<<" over "<<fileLength<<" seconds"<<std::endl
                    <<'\t'<<"Number of samples written = sample rate * time slice for collecting (in seconds) * number of channels ==>"<<std::endl
                    <<"\t \t"<<numPoints<<" = "<<sampleRate<<" * "<<fileLength<<" * "<<numPhysicalChannels<<std::endl
       numPoints = 0;