예제 #1
TEST(InverseKinematics, FittingTransformation)
  const double TOLERANCE = 1e-6;
  const size_t numRandomTests = 100;
  const size_t numRandomTests = 10;

  // Create two link robot
  const double l1 = 1.5;
  const double l2 = 1.0;
  Skeleton* robot = createFreeFloatingTwoLinkRobot(
                      Vector3d(0.3, 0.3, l1),
                      Vector3d(0.3, 0.3, l2), DOF_ROLL);
  size_t dof = robot->getNumGenCoords();
  VectorXd oldConfig = robot->getConfigs();

  BodyNode* body1 = robot->getBodyNode(0);
  BodyNode* body2 = robot->getBodyNode(1);

//  Joint* joint1 = body1->getParentJoint();
  Joint* joint2 = body2->getParentJoint();

  //------------------------- Free joint test ----------------------------------
  // The parent joint of body1 is free joint so body1 should be able to
  // transform to arbitrary tramsformation.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < numRandomTests; ++i)
    // Get desiredT2 by transforming body1 to arbitrary transformation
    Isometry3d desiredT1 = math::expMap(Vector6d::Random());

    // Check
    Isometry3d newT1 = body1->getWorldTransform();
    EXPECT_NEAR(math::logMap(newT1.inverse() * desiredT1).norm(),
                0.0, TOLERANCE);

    // Set to initial configuration
    robot->setConfigs(oldConfig, true, false, false);

  //----------------------- Revolute joint test ---------------------------------
  // The parent joint of body2 is revolute joint so body2 can rotate along the
  // axis of the revolute joint.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < numRandomTests; ++i)
    // Store the original transformation and joint angle
    Isometry3d oldT2 = body2->getWorldTransform();
    VectorXd oldQ2 = joint2->getConfigs();

    // Get desiredT2 by rotating the revolute joint with random angle
    joint2->setConfigs(VectorXd::Random(1), true, false, false);
    Isometry3d desiredT2 = body2->getWorldTransform();

    // Transform body2 to the original transofrmation and check if it is done
    // well
    joint2->setConfigs(oldQ2, true, false, false);
          math::logMap(oldT2.inverse() * body2->getWorldTransform()).norm(),
          0.0, TOLERANCE);

    // Try to find optimal joint angle

    // Check
    Isometry3d newT2 = body2->getWorldTransform();
    EXPECT_NEAR(math::logMap(newT2.inverse() * desiredT2).norm(),
                0.0, TOLERANCE);

  //---------------- Revolute joint test with joint limit ----------------------
  for (size_t i = 0; i < numRandomTests; ++i)
    // Set joint limit
    joint2->getGenCoord(0)->setConfigMin(DART_RADIAN *  0.0);
    joint2->getGenCoord(0)->setConfigMax(DART_RADIAN * 15.0);

    // Store the original transformation and joint angle
    Isometry3d oldT2 = body2->getWorldTransform();
    VectorXd oldQ2 = joint2->getConfigs();

    // Get desiredT2 by rotating the revolute joint with random angle out of
    // the joint limit range
    joint2->getGenCoord(0)->setConfig(math::random(DART_RADIAN * 15.5, DART_PI));
    robot->setConfigs(robot->getConfigs(), true, false, false);
    Isometry3d desiredT2 = body2->getWorldTransform();

    // Transform body2 to the original transofrmation and check if it is done
    // well
    joint2->setConfigs(oldQ2, true, false, false);
          math::logMap(oldT2.inverse() * body2->getWorldTransform()).norm(),
          0.0, TOLERANCE);

    // Try to find optimal joint angle without joint limit constraint
    body2->fitWorldTransform(desiredT2, BodyNode::IKP_PARENT_JOINT, false);

    // Check if the optimal body2 transformation is reached to the desired one
    Isometry3d newT2 = body2->getWorldTransform();
    EXPECT_NEAR(math::logMap(newT2.inverse() * desiredT2).norm(),
                0.0, TOLERANCE);

    // Try to find optimal joint angle with joint limit constraint
    body2->fitWorldTransform(desiredT2, BodyNode::IKP_PARENT_JOINT, true);

    // Check if the optimal joint anlge is in the range
    double newQ2 = joint2->getGenCoord(0)->getConfig();
    EXPECT_GE(newQ2, DART_RADIAN *  0.0);
    EXPECT_LE(newQ2, DART_RADIAN * 15.0);
예제 #2
void DynamicsTest::compareVelocities(const std::string& _fileName)
  using namespace std;
  using namespace Eigen;
  using namespace dart;
  using namespace math;
  using namespace dynamics;
  using namespace simulation;
  using namespace utils;

  //----------------------------- Settings -------------------------------------
  const double TOLERANCE = 1.0e-6;
#ifndef NDEBUG  // Debug mode
  int nRandomItr = 10;
  int nRandomItr = 1;
  double qLB  = -0.5 * DART_PI;
  double qUB  =  0.5 * DART_PI;
  double dqLB = -0.5 * DART_PI;
  double dqUB =  0.5 * DART_PI;
  double ddqLB = -0.5 * DART_PI;
  double ddqUB =  0.5 * DART_PI;
  Vector3d gravity(0.0, -9.81, 0.0);

  // load skeleton
  World* world = SkelParser::readWorld(_fileName);
  assert(world != NULL);

  //------------------------------ Tests ---------------------------------------
  for (int i = 0; i < world->getNumSkeletons(); ++i)
    Skeleton* skeleton = world->getSkeleton(i);
    assert(skeleton != NULL);
    int dof = skeleton->getNumGenCoords();

    for (int j = 0; j < nRandomItr; ++j)
      // Generate a random state
      VectorXd q   = VectorXd(dof);
      VectorXd dq  = VectorXd(dof);
      VectorXd ddq = VectorXd(dof);
      for (int k = 0; k < dof; ++k)
        q[k]   = math::random(qLB,   qUB);
        dq[k]  = math::random(dqLB,  dqUB);
        ddq[k] = math::random(ddqLB, ddqUB);
      VectorXd state = VectorXd::Zero(dof * 2);
      state << q, dq;
      skeleton->setState(state, true, true, true);
      skeleton->setGenAccs(ddq, true);
      skeleton->computeInverseDynamics(false, false);

      // For each body node
      for (int k = 0; k < skeleton->getNumBodyNodes(); ++k)
        BodyNode* bn = skeleton->getBodyNode(k);

        // Calculation of velocities using recursive method
        Vector6d vBody  = bn->getBodyVelocity();
        Vector6d vWorld = bn->getWorldVelocity();
        Vector6d aBody  = bn->getBodyAcceleration();
        Vector6d aWorld = bn->getWorldAcceleration();

        // Calculation of velocities using Jacobian and dq
        MatrixXd JBody   = bn->getBodyJacobian();
        MatrixXd JWorld  = bn->getWorldJacobian();
        MatrixXd dJBody  = bn->getBodyJacobianTimeDeriv();
        MatrixXd dJWorld = bn->getWorldJacobianTimeDeriv();
        Vector6d vBody2  = Vector6d::Zero();
        Vector6d vWorld2 = Vector6d::Zero();
        Vector6d aBody2  = Vector6d::Zero();
        Vector6d aWorld2 = Vector6d::Zero();
        for (int l = 0; l < bn->getNumDependentGenCoords(); ++l)
          int idx = bn->getDependentGenCoordIndex(l);
          vBody2  += JBody.col(l)  * dq[idx];
          vWorld2 += JWorld.col(l) * dq[idx];
          aBody2  += dJBody.col(l) * dq[idx] + JBody.col(l) * ddq[idx];
          aWorld2 += dJWorld.col(l) * dq[idx] + JWorld.col(l) * ddq[idx];

        // Comparing two velocities
        EXPECT_TRUE(equals(vBody,  vBody2,  TOLERANCE));
        EXPECT_TRUE(equals(vWorld, vWorld2, TOLERANCE));
        EXPECT_TRUE(equals(aBody, aBody2, TOLERANCE));
        EXPECT_TRUE(equals(aWorld, aWorld2, TOLERANCE));

        // Debugging code
        if (!equals(vBody, vBody2, TOLERANCE))
          cout << "vBody : " << vBody.transpose()  << endl;
          cout << "vBody2: " << vBody2.transpose() << endl;
        if (!equals(vWorld, vWorld2, TOLERANCE))
          cout << "vWorld : " << vWorld.transpose()  << endl;
          cout << "vWorld2: " << vWorld2.transpose() << endl;
        if (!equals(aBody, aBody2, TOLERANCE))
          cout << "aBody : "  << aBody.transpose()  << endl;
          cout << "aBody2: "  << aBody2.transpose() << endl;
        if (!equals(aWorld, aWorld2, TOLERANCE))
          cout << "aWorld : " << aWorld.transpose()  << endl;
          cout << "aWorld2: " << aWorld2.transpose() << endl;

  delete world;
예제 #3
void DynamicsTest::compareAccelerations(const std::string& _fileName)
  using namespace std;
  using namespace Eigen;
  using namespace dart;
  using namespace math;
  using namespace dynamics;
  using namespace simulation;
  using namespace utils;

  //----------------------------- Settings -------------------------------------
  const double TOLERANCE = 1.0e-2;
#ifndef NDEBUG  // Debug mode
  int nRandomItr = 2;
  int nRandomItr = 10;
  double qLB   = -0.5 * DART_PI;
  double qUB   =  0.5 * DART_PI;
  double dqLB  = -0.5 * DART_PI;
  double dqUB  =  0.5 * DART_PI;
  double ddqLB = -0.5 * DART_PI;
  double ddqUB =  0.5 * DART_PI;
  Vector3d gravity(0.0, -9.81, 0.0);
  double timeStep = 1.0e-6;

  // load skeleton
  World* world = SkelParser::readWorld(_fileName);
  assert(world != NULL);

  //------------------------------ Tests ---------------------------------------
  for (int i = 0; i < world->getNumSkeletons(); ++i)
    Skeleton* skeleton = world->getSkeleton(i);
    assert(skeleton != NULL);
    int dof = skeleton->getNumGenCoords();

    for (int j = 0; j < nRandomItr; ++j)
      // Generate a random state and ddq
      VectorXd q   = VectorXd(dof);
      VectorXd dq  = VectorXd(dof);
      VectorXd ddq = VectorXd(dof);
      for (int k = 0; k < dof; ++k)
        q[k]   = math::random(qLB,   qUB);
        dq[k]  = math::random(dqLB,  dqUB);
        ddq[k] = math::random(ddqLB, ddqUB);

//        q[k]   = 0.0;
//        dq[k]  = 0.0;
//        ddq[k] = 0.0;
      VectorXd x = VectorXd::Zero(dof * 2);
      x << q, dq;
      skeleton->setState(x, true, true, false);
      skeleton->setGenAccs(ddq, true);

      // Integrate state
      VectorXd qNext  = skeleton->getConfigs();
      VectorXd dqNext = skeleton->getGenVels();
      VectorXd xNext  = VectorXd::Zero(dof * 2);
      xNext << qNext, dqNext;

      // For each body node
      for (int k = 0; k < skeleton->getNumBodyNodes(); ++k)
        BodyNode* bn = skeleton->getBodyNode(k);
        int nDepGenCoord = bn->getNumDependentGenCoords();

        // Calculation of velocities and Jacobian at k-th time step
        skeleton->setState(x, true, true, false);
        skeleton->setGenAccs(ddq, true);
        Vector6d vBody1  = bn->getBodyVelocity();
        Vector6d vWorld1 = bn->getWorldVelocity();
        MatrixXd JBody1  = bn->getBodyJacobian();
        MatrixXd JWorld1 = bn->getWorldJacobian();
        Isometry3d T1    = bn->getWorldTransform();

        // Get accelerations and time derivatives of Jacobians at k-th time step
        Vector6d aBody1   = bn->getBodyAcceleration();
        Vector6d aWorld1  = bn->getWorldAcceleration();
        MatrixXd dJBody1  = bn->getBodyJacobianTimeDeriv();
        MatrixXd dJWorld1 = bn->getWorldJacobianTimeDeriv();

        // Calculation of velocities and Jacobian at (k+1)-th time step
        skeleton->setState(xNext, true, true, false);
        skeleton->setGenAccs(ddq, true);
        Vector6d vBody2  = bn->getBodyVelocity();
        Vector6d vWorld2 = bn->getWorldVelocity();
        MatrixXd JBody2  = bn->getBodyJacobian();
        MatrixXd JWorld2 = bn->getWorldJacobian();
        Isometry3d T2    = bn->getWorldTransform();

        // Get accelerations and time derivatives of Jacobians at k-th time step
        Vector6d aBody2   = bn->getBodyAcceleration();
        Vector6d aWorld2  = bn->getWorldAcceleration();
        MatrixXd dJBody2  = bn->getBodyJacobianTimeDeriv();
        MatrixXd dJWorld2 = bn->getWorldJacobianTimeDeriv();

        // Calculation of approximated accelerations and time derivatives of
        // Jacobians
        Vector6d aBodyApprox   = (vBody2  - vBody1)  / timeStep;
        Vector6d aWorldApprox  = (vWorld2 - vWorld1) / timeStep;

        // TODO(JS): Finite difference of Jacobian test is not implemented yet.
//        MatrixXd dJBodyApprox  = (JBody2  - JBody1)  / timeStep;
//        MatrixXd dJWorldApprox = (JWorld2 - JWorld1) / timeStep;
//        MatrixXd dJBodyApprox  = MatrixXd::Zero(6, nDepGenCoord);
//        MatrixXd dJWorldApprox = MatrixXd::Zero(6, nDepGenCoord);

//        for (int l = 0; l < nDepGenCoord; ++l)
//        {
//          skeleton->setConfig(q);
//          Jacobian JBody_a = bn->getBodyJacobian();

//          int idx = bn->getDependentGenCoordIndex(l);
//          VectorXd qGrad = q;
//          qGrad[idx] = qNext[idx];
//          skeleton->setConfig(qGrad);
//          Jacobian JBody_b = bn->getBodyJacobian();

//          Jacobian dJBody_dq = (JBody_b - JBody_a) / (qNext[idx] - q[idx]);

//          dJBodyApprox += dJBody_dq * dq[idx];
//        }

        // Comparing two velocities
        EXPECT_TRUE(equals(aBody1,   aBodyApprox,   TOLERANCE));
        EXPECT_TRUE(equals(aBody2,   aBodyApprox,   TOLERANCE));
        EXPECT_TRUE(equals(aWorld1,  aWorldApprox,  TOLERANCE));
        EXPECT_TRUE(equals(aWorld2,  aWorldApprox,  TOLERANCE));
//        EXPECT_TRUE(equals(dJBody1,  dJBodyApprox,  TOLERANCE));
//        EXPECT_TRUE(equals(dJBody2,  dJBodyApprox,  TOLERANCE));
//        EXPECT_TRUE(equals(dJWorld1, dJWorldApprox, TOLERANCE));
//        EXPECT_TRUE(equals(dJWorld2, dJWorldApprox, TOLERANCE));

        // Debugging code
        if (!equals(aBody1, aBodyApprox, TOLERANCE))
          cout << "aBody1     :" << aBody1.transpose()      << endl;
          cout << "aBodyApprox:" << aBodyApprox.transpose() << endl;
        if (!equals(aBody2, aBodyApprox, TOLERANCE))
          cout << "aBody2     :" << aBody2.transpose()      << endl;
          cout << "aBodyApprox:" << aBodyApprox.transpose() << endl;
        if (!equals(aWorld1, aWorldApprox, TOLERANCE))
          cout << "aWorld1     :" << aWorld1.transpose()      << endl;
          cout << "aWorldApprox:" << aWorldApprox.transpose() << endl;
        if (!equals(aWorld2, aWorldApprox, TOLERANCE))
          cout << "aWorld2     :" << aWorld2.transpose()      << endl;
          cout << "aWorldApprox:" << aWorldApprox.transpose() << endl;
//        if (!equals(dJBody1, dJBodyApprox, TOLERANCE))
//        {
//          cout << "Name        :" << bn->getName()        << endl;
//          cout << "dJBody1     :" << endl << dJBody1      << endl;
//          cout << "dJBodyApprox:" << endl << dJBodyApprox << endl;
//        }
//        if (!equals(dJBody2, dJBodyApprox, TOLERANCE))
//        {
//          cout << "dJBody2:"      << endl << dJBody2.transpose()      << endl;
//          cout << "dJBodyApprox:" << endl << dJBodyApprox.transpose() << endl;
//        }
//        if (!equals(dJWorld1, dJWorldApprox, TOLERANCE))
//        {
//          cout << "dJWorld1     :" << endl << dJWorld1      << endl;
//          cout << "dJWorldApprox:" << endl << dJWorldApprox << endl;
//        }
//        if (!equals(dJWorld2, dJWorldApprox, TOLERANCE))
//        {
//          cout << "dJWorld2     :" << endl << dJWorld2      << endl;
//          cout << "dJWorldApprox:" << endl << dJWorldApprox << endl;
//        }

  delete world;
예제 #4
파일: Main.cpp 프로젝트: amehlberg17/dart
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  using dart::dynamics::BodyNode;
  using dart::dynamics::FreeJoint;
  using dart::dynamics::MeshShape;
  using dart::dynamics::Skeleton;
  using dart::simulation::World;
  using dart::utils::SkelParser;

  // Create and initialize the world
  World* myWorld = dart::utils::SkelParser::readSkelFile(

  // Create a skeleton
  Skeleton* MeshSkel = new Skeleton("Mesh Skeleton");

  // Always set the root node ( 6DOF for rotation and translation )
  FreeJoint* joint;
  BodyNode* node;

  // Set the initial Rootnode that controls the position and orientation of the
  // whole robot
  node = new BodyNode("rootBodyNode");
  joint = new FreeJoint("rootJoint");

  // Add joint to the body node

  // Load a Mesh3DTriangle to save in Shape
  const aiScene* m3d = MeshShape::loadMesh(DART_DATA_PATH"/obj/foot.obj");

  //  Create Shape and assign it to node
  MeshShape* Shape0 = new MeshShape(Eigen::Vector3d(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), m3d);

  node->setInertia(0.000416667, 0.000416667, 0.000416667);
  node->setMass(1.0);  // 1 Kg according to cube1.skel

  // Add node to Skel

  // Add MeshSkel to the world

  // Verify that our skeleton has something inside :)
  std::printf("Our skeleton has %d nodes \n", MeshSkel->getNumBodyNodes());
  // std::printf("Our skeleton has %d joints \n", MeshSkel->getNumJoints());
  std::printf("Our skeleton has %d DOFs \n", MeshSkel->getNumGenCoords());

  MyWindow window;

  std::cout << "space bar: simulation on/off" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "'s': simulate one step" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "'p': playback/stop" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "'[' and ']': play one frame backward and forward" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "'v': visualization on/off" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "'1' and '2': programmed interaction" << std::endl;

  glutInit(&argc, argv);
  window.initWindow(640, 480, "meshCollision");


  return 0;