예제 #1
Vector<ResultType> reallyCalculateProjections(
    const Space<BasisFunctionType> &dualSpace,
    Fiber::LocalAssemblerForGridFunctions<ResultType> &assembler,
    const AssemblyOptions &options) {
  // TODO: parallelise using TBB (the parameter options will then start be used)

  // Get the grid's leaf view so that we can iterate over elements
  const GridView &view = dualSpace.gridView();
  const size_t elementCount = view.entityCount(0);

  // Global DOF indices corresponding to local DOFs on elements
  std::vector<std::vector<GlobalDofIndex>> testGlobalDofs(elementCount);
  std::vector<std::vector<BasisFunctionType>> testLocalDofWeights(elementCount);

  // Gather global DOF lists
  const Mapper &mapper = view.elementMapper();
  std::unique_ptr<EntityIterator<0>> it = view.entityIterator<0>();
  while (!it->finished()) {
    const Entity<0> &element = it->entity();
    const int elementIndex = mapper.entityIndex(element);
    dualSpace.getGlobalDofs(element, testGlobalDofs[elementIndex],

  // Make a vector of all element indices
  std::vector<int> testIndices(elementCount);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < elementCount; ++i)
    testIndices[i] = i;

  // Create the weak form's column vector
  Vector<ResultType> result(dualSpace.globalDofCount());

  std::vector<Vector<ResultType>> localResult;
  // Evaluate local weak forms
  assembler.evaluateLocalWeakForms(testIndices, localResult);

  // Loop over test indices
  for (size_t testIndex = 0; testIndex < elementCount; ++testIndex)
    // Add the integrals to appropriate entries in the global weak form
    for (size_t testDof = 0; testDof < testGlobalDofs[testIndex].size();
         ++testDof) {
      int testGlobalDof = testGlobalDofs[testIndex][testDof];
      if (testGlobalDof >= 0) // if it's negative, it means that this
                              // local dof is constrained (not used)
        result(testGlobalDof) +=
            conj(testLocalDofWeights[testIndex][testDof]) *

  // Return the vector of projections <phi_i, f>
  return result;
    static void collectGridData(
            const Space<BasisFunctionType>& space,
            shared_ptr<Fiber::RawGridGeometry<CoordinateType> >& rawGeometry,
            shared_ptr<GeometryFactory>& geometryFactory) {
        typedef Fiber::RawGridGeometry<CoordinateType> RawGridGeometry;

        rawGeometry = boost::make_shared<RawGridGeometry>(space.gridDimension(),
        const GridView& view = space.gridView();
                    rawGeometry->vertices(), rawGeometry->elementCornerIndices(),
                    rawGeometry->auxData(), rawGeometry->domainIndices());
        geometryFactory = space.elementGeometryFactory();
예제 #3
파일: space.cpp 프로젝트: huidong80/bempp
int maximumShapesetOrder(const Space<BasisFunctionType>& space)
    const GridView& view = space.gridView();

    int maxOrder = 0;
    std::auto_ptr<EntityIterator<0> > it = view.entityIterator<0>();

    while (!it->finished()) {
        const Entity<0>& e = it->entity();
        maxOrder = std::max(maxOrder, space.shapeset(e).order());
    return maxOrder;