int benchNoCachingNoVector(Vector3D<Precision> const &point, Vector3D<Precision> const &dir, std::vector<Vector3D<Precision>> const &corners #ifdef SORTHITBOXES , Container_t &hitlist #endif ) { #ifdef INNERTIMER Stopwatch timer; timer.Start(); #endif int vecsize = corners.size() / 2; int hitcount = 0; for (auto box = 0; box < vecsize; ++box) { double distance = BoxImplementation<translation::kIdentity, rotation::kIdentity>::Intersect( &corners[2 * box], point, dir, 0, vecgeom::kInfLength); if (distance < vecgeom::kInfLength) { hitcount++; #ifdef SORTHITBOXES hitlist.push_back(BoxIdDistancePair_t(box, distance)); #endif } } #ifdef INNERTIMER timer.Stop(); std::cerr << "# ORDINARY hitting " << hitcount << "\n"; std::cerr << "# ORDINARY timer " << timer.Elapsed() << "\n"; #endif return hitcount; }
__attribute__((noinline)) void benchNavigatorNoReloc(VNavigator const *se, SOA3D<Precision> const &points, SOA3D<Precision> const &dirs, NavStatePool const &inpool, NavStatePool &outpool) { Precision *steps = new Precision[points.size()]; Precision *safeties; if (WithSafety) safeties = new Precision[points.size()]; Stopwatch timer; size_t hittargetchecksum = 0L; timer.Start(); for (decltype(points.size()) i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) { if (WithSafety) { steps[i] = se->ComputeStepAndSafety(points[i], dirs[i], vecgeom::kInfLength, *inpool[i], true, safeties[i]); } else { steps[i] = se->ComputeStep(points[i], dirs[i], vecgeom::kInfLength, *inpool[i], *outpool[i]); } } timer.Stop(); std::cerr << timer.Elapsed() << "\n"; double accum(0.), saccum(0.); for (decltype(points.size()) i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) { accum += steps[i]; if (WithSafety) { saccum += safeties[i]; } if (outpool[i]->Top()) hittargetchecksum += (size_t)outpool[i]->Top()->id(); } delete[] steps; std::cerr << "accum " << se->GetName() << " " << accum << " target checksum " << hittargetchecksum << "\n"; if (WithSafety) { std::cerr << "saccum " << se->GetName() << " " << saccum << "\n"; } }
void StorageDeleteFileChunkJob::Execute() { Stopwatch sw; Buffer filename; Log_Message("Deleting file chunk %U from disk", chunk->GetChunkID()); sw.Start(); filename.Write(chunk->GetFilename()); delete chunk; chunk = NULL; StorageFileDeleter::Delete(filename.GetBuffer()); sw.Stop(); Log_Debug("Deleted, elapsed: %U", (uint64_t) sw.Elapsed()); }
void TestTree(T _tree, DArray<ktype_t> *dataset, unsigned long _size) { console->Write("%10lu ", _size); // fill tree Stopwatch sw; sw.Start(); for (size_t i = 0; i < _size; i++) { ktype_t item = dataset->get(i); _tree->insert(item, item); } sw.Stop(); console->Write("%9.5lfs ", sw.Elapsed()); DArray<ktype_t> searchItems; // create valid item list searchItems.empty(); while (searchItems.used() < MaxSearches) { unsigned long idx = RandomNumber() % _size; searchItems.insert(dataset->get(idx)); } // successful searches sw.Start(); for (size_t i = 0; i < MaxSearches; i++) { _tree->find(searchItems[i], 0); } sw.Stop(); console->Write("%9.5lfs ", sw.Elapsed()); // create mixed item list searchItems.empty(); while (searchItems.used() < MaxSearches) { unsigned long idx; idx = RandomNumber() % _size; searchItems.insert(dataset->get(idx)); idx = _size + (RandomNumber() % _size); searchItems.insert(dataset->get(idx)); } // mixed success searches sw.Start(); for (size_t i = 0; i < MaxSearches; i++) { _tree->find(searchItems[i], 0); } sw.Stop(); console->Write("%9.5lfs ", sw.Elapsed()); // create invalid item list searchItems.empty(); while (searchItems.used() < MaxSearches) { unsigned long idx = _size + (RandomNumber() % _size); searchItems.insert(dataset->get(idx)); } // invalid searches sw.Start(); for (size_t i = 0; i < MaxSearches; i++) { _tree->find(searchItems[i], 0); } sw.Stop(); console->Write("%9.5lfs ", sw.Elapsed()); // empty tree sw.Start(); _tree->empty(); sw.Stop(); console->WriteLine("%9.5lfs", sw.Elapsed()); }
int main(int argc, char * *argv) { console = new Console(); /* Begin your application here. */ SeedRandom(); Stopwatch sw; size_t sizes [] = { 100000, 1000000, 2000000, 3000000, 4000000, 5000000, 0 }; size_t biggest = 0; // Locate the last element in the sizes list. for (size_t *p = sizes; *p != 0; p++) { biggest = max(biggest, *p); } DArray<ktype_t> *dataset = new DArray<ktype_t>(biggest*2); console->Write("Building data set of %lu items... ", biggest * 2); sw.Start(); size_t i = 0; while (dataset->used() < biggest * 2) { dataset->insert(i++); } shuffleElements(dataset); sw.Stop(); console->WriteLine("%8.5lfs", sw.Elapsed()); console->WriteLine(); console->WriteLine("Testing AVLTree..."); console->WriteLine("%10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s", "size", "add", "srch+", "srch", "srch-", "empty"); AVLTree<ktype_t, char> *avltree = new AVLTree<ktype_t, char>(); for (size_t *p = sizes; *p != 0; p++) { TestTree<AVLTree<ktype_t, char> *> (avltree, dataset, *p); } console->WriteLine("AVLTree tests complete."); delete avltree; avltree = NULL; console->WriteLine(); console->WriteLine("Testing RedBlackTree..."); console->WriteLine("%10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s", "size", "add", "srch+", "srch", "srch-", "empty"); RedBlackTree<ktype_t, char> *rbtree = new RedBlackTree<ktype_t, char>(); for (size_t *p = sizes; *p != 0; p++) { TestTree<RedBlackTree<ktype_t, char> *> (rbtree, dataset, *p); } console->WriteLine("RedBlackTree tests complete."); delete rbtree; rbtree = NULL; console->WriteLine(); console->WriteLine("Testing SplayTree..."); console->WriteLine("%10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s", "size", "add", "srch+", "srch", "srch-", "empty"); SplayTree<ktype_t, char> *splaytree = new SplayTree<ktype_t, char>(); for (size_t *p = sizes; *p != 0; p++) { TestTree<SplayTree<ktype_t, char> *> (splaytree, dataset, *p); } console->WriteLine("SplayTree tests complete."); delete splaytree; splaytree = NULL; #ifdef ENABLE_STLTREE console->WriteLine(); console->WriteLine("Testing STLTree..."); console->WriteLine("%10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s", "size", "add", "srch+", "srch", "srch-", "empty"); STLTree<ktype_t, char> *stltree = new STLTree<ktype_t, char>(); for (size_t *p = sizes; *p != 0; p++) { TestTree<STLTree<ktype_t, char> *> (stltree, dataset, *p); } console->WriteLine("STLTree tests complete."); delete stltree; stltree = NULL; #endif delete dataset; console->WriteLine(); /* End your application here. */ #ifdef TARGET_OS_WINDOWS system("pause"); #endif delete console; return 0; }
////////////////////////////////// // main function int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { int axis= 0; double axis1_start= 0.; double axis1_end= 0.; double axis2_start= 0.; double axis2_end= 0.; double pixel_width= 0; double pixel_axis= 1.; if( argc < 5 ) { std::cerr<< std::endl; std::cerr<< "Need to give rootfile, volumename, axis and number of axis"<< std::endl; std::cerr<< "USAGE : ./XRayBenchmarkFromROOTFile [rootfile] [VolumeName] [ViewDirection(Axis)]" << "[PixelWidth(OutputImageSize)] [--usolids|--vecgeom(Default:usolids)] [--novoxel(Default:voxel)]" << std::endl; std::cerr<< " ex) ./XRayBenchmarkFromROOTFile cms2015.root BSCTrap y 95"<< std::endl; std::cerr<< " ./XRayBenchmarkFromROOTFile cms2015.root PLT z 500 --vecgeom --novoxel"<< std::endl<< std::endl; return 1; } TGeoManager::Import( argv[1] ); std::string testvolume( argv[2] ); if( strcmp(argv[3], "x")==0 ) axis= 1; else if( strcmp(argv[3], "y")==0 ) axis= 2; else if( strcmp(argv[3], "z")==0 ) axis= 3; else { std::cerr<< "Incorrect axis"<< std::endl<< std::endl; return 1; } pixel_width= atof(argv[4]); for(auto i= 5; i< argc; i++) { if( ! strcmp(argv[i], "--usolids") ) usolids= true; if( ! strcmp(argv[i], "--vecgeom") ) usolids= false; if( ! strcmp(argv[i], "--novoxel") ) voxelize = false; } int found = 0; TGeoVolume * foundvolume = NULL; // now try to find shape with logical volume name given on the command line TObjArray *vlist = gGeoManager->GetListOfVolumes( ); for( auto i = 0; i < vlist->GetEntries(); ++i ) { TGeoVolume * vol = reinterpret_cast<TGeoVolume*>(vlist->At( i )); std::string fullname(vol->GetName()); std::size_t founds =; if ( founds==0 ){ found++; foundvolume = vol; std::cerr << "("<< i<< ")found matching volume " << foundvolume->GetName() << " of type " << foundvolume->GetShape()->ClassName() << "\n"; } } std::cerr << "volume found " << found << " times \n\n"; // if volume not found take world if( ! foundvolume ) { std::cerr << "specified volume not found; xraying complete detector\n"; foundvolume = gGeoManager->GetTopVolume(); } if( foundvolume ) { foundvolume->GetShape()->InspectShape(); std::cerr << "volume capacity " << foundvolume->GetShape()->Capacity() << "\n"; // get bounding box to generate x-ray start positions double dx = ((TGeoBBox*)foundvolume->GetShape())->GetDX()*1.05; double dy = ((TGeoBBox*)foundvolume->GetShape())->GetDY()*1.05; double dz = ((TGeoBBox*)foundvolume->GetShape())->GetDZ()*1.05; double origin[3]= {0., }; origin[0]= ((TGeoBBox*)foundvolume->GetShape())->GetOrigin()[0]; origin[1]= ((TGeoBBox*)foundvolume->GetShape())->GetOrigin()[1]; origin[2]= ((TGeoBBox*)foundvolume->GetShape())->GetOrigin()[2]; TGeoMaterial * matVacuum = new TGeoMaterial("Vacuum",0,0,0); TGeoMedium * vac = new TGeoMedium("Vacuum",1,matVacuum); TGeoVolume* boundingbox= gGeoManager->MakeBox("BoundingBox", vac, std::abs(origin[0]) + dx, std::abs(origin[1]) + dy, std::abs(origin[2]) + dz ); // TGeoManager * geom = boundingbox->GetGeoManager(); std::cout << gGeoManager->CountNodes() << "\n"; if(! voxelize ) DeleteROOTVoxels(); gGeoManager = 0; TGeoManager * mgr2 = new TGeoManager(); // delete gGeoManager; // gGeoManager = new TGeoManager(); boundingbox->AddNode( foundvolume, 1); mgr2->SetTopVolume( boundingbox ); mgr2->CloseGeometry(); gGeoManager = mgr2; gGeoManager->Export("DebugGeom.root"); mgr2->GetTopNode()->GetMatrix()->Print(); std::cout << gGeoManager->CountNodes() << "\n"; //delete world->GetVoxels(); //world->SetVoxelFinder(0); std::cout<< std::endl; std::cout<< "BoundingBoxDX: "<< dx<< std::endl; std::cout<< "BoundingBoxDY: "<< dy<< std::endl; std::cout<< "BoundingBoxDZ: "<< dz<< std::endl; std::cout<< std::endl; std::cout<< "BoundingBoxOriginX: "<< origin[0]<< std::endl; std::cout<< "BoundingBoxOriginY: "<< origin[1]<< std::endl; std::cout<< "BoundingBoxOriginZ: "<< origin[2]<< std::endl<< std::endl; Vector3D<Precision> p; Vector3D<Precision> dir; if(axis== 1) { dir.Set(1., 0., 0.); //Transformation3D trans( 0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 5); //trans.Print(); // dir = trans.TransformDirection( Vector3D<Precision> (1,0,0)); axis1_start= origin[1]- dy; axis1_end= origin[1]+ dy; axis2_start= origin[2]- dz; axis2_end= origin[2]+ dz; pixel_axis= (dy*2)/pixel_width; } else if(axis== 2) { dir.Set(0., 1., 0.); //vecgeom::Transformation3D trans( 0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 5); //dir = trans.TransformDirection(dir); axis1_start= origin[0]- dx; axis1_end= origin[0]+ dx; axis2_start= origin[2]- dz; axis2_end= origin[2]+ dz; pixel_axis= (dx*2)/pixel_width; } else if(axis== 3) { dir.Set(0., 0., 1.); //vecgeom::Transformation3D trans( 0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 5); //dir = trans.TransformDirection(dir); axis1_start= origin[0]- dx; axis1_end= origin[0]+ dx; axis2_start= origin[1]- dy; axis2_end= origin[1]+ dy; pixel_axis= (dx*2)/pixel_width; } // init data for image int data_size_x= (axis1_end-axis1_start)/pixel_axis; int data_size_y= (axis2_end-axis2_start)/pixel_axis; int *volume_result= (int*) new int[data_size_y * data_size_x*3]; #ifdef VECGEOM_GEANT4 int *volume_result_Geant4= (int*) new int[data_size_y * data_size_x*3]; #endif int *volume_result_VecGeom= (int*) new int[data_size_y * data_size_x*3]; int *volume_result_VecGeomABB= (int*) new int[data_size_y * data_size_x*3]; Stopwatch timer; timer.Start(); #ifdef CALLGRIND CALLGRIND_START_INSTRUMENTATION; #endif XRayWithROOT( axis, Vector3D<Precision>(origin[0],origin[1],origin[2]), Vector3D<Precision>(dx,dy,dz), dir, axis1_start, axis1_end, axis2_start, axis2_end, data_size_x, data_size_y, pixel_axis, volume_result ); #ifdef CALLGRIND CALLGRIND_STOP_INSTRUMENTATION; CALLGRIND_DUMP_STATS; #endif timer.Stop(); std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " ROOT Elapsed time : "<< timer.Elapsed() << std::endl; // Make bitmap file; generate filename std::stringstream imagenamebase; imagenamebase << "volumeImage_" << testvolume; if(axis==1) imagenamebase << "x"; if(axis==2) imagenamebase << "y"; if(axis==3) imagenamebase << "z"; if(voxelize) imagenamebase << "_VOXELIZED_"; std::stringstream ROOTimage; ROOTimage << imagenamebase.str(); ROOTimage << "_ROOT.bmp"; make_bmp(volume_result, ROOTimage.str().c_str(), data_size_x, data_size_y); make_bmp(volume_result, "foo.bmp", data_size_x, data_size_y, false); #ifdef VECGEOM_GEANT4 G4VPhysicalVolume * world = SetupGeant4Geometry( testvolume, Vector3D<Precision>( std::abs(origin[0]) + dx, std::abs(origin[1]) + dy, std::abs(origin[2]) + dz ) ); G4GeoManager::Instance().LoadG4Geometry( world ); timer.Start(); XRayWithGeant4( world, axis, Vector3D<Precision>(origin[0],origin[1],origin[2]), Vector3D<Precision>(dx,dy,dz), dir, axis1_start, axis1_end, axis2_start, axis2_end, data_size_x, data_size_y, pixel_axis, volume_result_Geant4 ); timer.Stop(); std::stringstream G4image; G4image << imagenamebase.str(); G4image << "_Geant4.bmp"; make_bmp(volume_result_Geant4, G4image.str().c_str(), data_size_x, data_size_y); std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " Geant4 Elapsed time : "<< timer.Elapsed() << std::endl; make_diff_bmp(volume_result, volume_result_Geant4, "diffROOTGeant4.bmp", data_size_x, data_size_y); #endif // convert current gGeoManager to a VecGeom geometry RootGeoManager::Instance().LoadRootGeometry(); std::cout << "Detector loaded " << "\n"; ABBoxManager::Instance().InitABBoxesForCompleteGeometry(); std::cout << "voxelized " << "\n"; timer.Start(); #ifdef CALLGRIND CALLGRIND_START_INSTRUMENTATION; #endif XRayWithVecGeom<SimpleNavigator>( axis, Vector3D<Precision>(origin[0],origin[1],origin[2]), Vector3D<Precision>(dx,dy,dz), dir, axis1_start, axis1_end, axis2_start, axis2_end, data_size_x, data_size_y, pixel_axis, volume_result_VecGeom ); #ifdef CALLGRIND CALLGRIND_START_INSTRUMENTATION; CALLGRIND_DUMP_STATS; #endif timer.Stop(); std::stringstream VecGeomimage; VecGeomimage << imagenamebase.str(); VecGeomimage << "_VecGeom.bmp"; make_bmp(volume_result_VecGeom, VecGeomimage.str().c_str(), data_size_x, data_size_y); make_diff_bmp(volume_result, volume_result_VecGeom, "diffROOTVecGeom.bmp", data_size_x, data_size_y); std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " VecGeom Elapsed time : "<< timer.Elapsed() << std::endl; timer.Start(); #ifdef CALLGRIND CALLGRIND_START_INSTRUMENTATION; #endif XRayWithVecGeom<ABBoxNavigator>( axis, Vector3D<Precision>(origin[0],origin[1],origin[2]), Vector3D<Precision>(dx,dy,dz), dir, axis1_start, axis1_end, axis2_start, axis2_end, data_size_x, data_size_y, pixel_axis, volume_result_VecGeomABB ); #ifdef CALLGRIND CALLGRIND_STOP_INSTRUMENTATION; CALLGRIND_DUMP_STATS; #endif timer.Stop(); std::stringstream VecGeomABBimage; VecGeomABBimage << imagenamebase.str(); VecGeomABBimage << "_VecGeomABB.bmp"; make_bmp(volume_result_VecGeomABB, VecGeomABBimage.str().c_str(), data_size_x, data_size_y); make_diff_bmp(volume_result_VecGeom, volume_result_VecGeomABB, "diffVecGeomSimplevsABB.bmp", data_size_x, data_size_y); make_diff_bmp(volume_result, volume_result_VecGeomABB, "diffROOTVecGeomABB.bmp", data_size_x, data_size_y); std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " VecGeom ABB Elapsed time : "<< timer.Elapsed() << std::endl; return 0; // use the vector interface timer.Start(); XRayWithVecGeom_VecNav( axis, Vector3D<Precision>(origin[0],origin[1],origin[2]), Vector3D<Precision>(dx,dy,dz), dir, axis1_start, axis1_end, axis2_start, axis2_end, data_size_x, data_size_y, pixel_axis, volume_result ); timer.Stop(); std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " VecGeom Vector Interface Elapsed time : "<< timer.Elapsed() << std::endl; std::stringstream VecGeomimagevec; VecGeomimagevec << imagenamebase.str(); VecGeomimagevec << "_VecGeomVecNav.bmp"; make_bmp(volume_result, VecGeomimagevec.str().c_str(), data_size_x, data_size_y); delete[] volume_result; } return 0; }
void RunTestcase(T _tree, unsigned long _size, bool _ordered_insert) { console->Write("%10lu ", _size); unsigned long realsize = _size * 2; ktype_t *elems = NULL; if (!_ordered_insert) { elems = new ktype_t[_size + 1]; for (size_t i = 1; i < _size + 1; i++) { elems[i] = 2*i; } elems[_size] = 0; shuffleElements(elems, _size); } // fill tree Stopwatch sw; sw.Start(); if (_ordered_insert) { for (size_t i = 0; i < _size; i++) { _tree->insert(2 * i, 1); } } else { for (ktype_t *p = elems; *p; p++) { _tree->insert(*p, 1); } } sw.Stop(); console->Write("%9.5lfs ", sw.Elapsed()); delete [] elems; elems = NULL; // successful searches sw.Start(); for (size_t i = 0; i < _size; i++) { _tree->find((2 * RandomNumber()) % realsize, 0); } sw.Stop(); console->Write("%9.5lfs ", sw.Elapsed()); // mixed success searches sw.Start(); for (size_t i = 0; i < _size; i++) { _tree->find(RandomNumber() % realsize, 0); } sw.Stop(); console->Write("%9.5lfs ", sw.Elapsed()); // invalid searches sw.Start(); for (size_t i = 0; i < _size; i++) { _tree->find((1 + 2 * RandomNumber()) % realsize, 0); } sw.Stop(); console->Write("%9.5lfs ", sw.Elapsed()); // empty tree sw.Start(); _tree->empty(); sw.Stop(); console->WriteLine("%9.5lfs", sw.Elapsed()); }
////////////////////////////////// // main function int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { int axis= 0; double axis1_start= 0.; double axis1_end= 0.; double axis2_start= 0.; double axis2_end= 0.; double pixel_axis= 1.; if( argc < 5 ) { std::cerr<< std::endl; std::cerr<< "Need to give rootfile, volumename, direction phi and direction theta (in degrees)"<< std::endl; return 1; } TGeoManager::Import( argv[1] ); std::string testvolume( argv[2] ); //double directionphi = atof(argv[3])*vecgeom::kDegToRad; //double directiontheta = atof(argv[4])*vecgeom::kDegToRad; for(auto i= 5; i< argc; i++) { if( ! strcmp(argv[i], "--usolids") ) usolids= true; if( ! strcmp(argv[i], "--vecgeom") ) usolids= false; if( ! strcmp(argv[i], "--novoxel") ) voxelize = false; } int found = 0; TGeoVolume * foundvolume = NULL; // now try to find shape with logical volume name given on the command line TObjArray *vlist = gGeoManager->GetListOfVolumes( ); for( auto i = 0; i < vlist->GetEntries(); ++i ) { TGeoVolume * vol = reinterpret_cast<TGeoVolume*>(vlist->At( i )); std::string fullname(vol->GetName()); std::size_t founds =; if ( founds==0 ){ found++; foundvolume = vol; std::cerr << "("<< i<< ")found matching volume " << foundvolume->GetName() << " of type " << foundvolume->GetShape()->ClassName() << "\n"; } } std::cerr << "volume found " << found << " times \n\n"; // if volume not found take world if( ! foundvolume ) { std::cerr << "specified volume not found; xraying complete detector\n"; foundvolume = gGeoManager->GetTopVolume(); } if( foundvolume ) { foundvolume->GetShape()->InspectShape(); std::cerr << "volume capacity " << foundvolume->GetShape()->Capacity() << "\n"; // get bounding box to generate x-ray start positions double dx = ((TGeoBBox*)foundvolume->GetShape())->GetDX()*1.5; double dy = ((TGeoBBox*)foundvolume->GetShape())->GetDY()*1.5; double dz = ((TGeoBBox*)foundvolume->GetShape())->GetDZ()*1.5; double origin[3]= {0., }; origin[0]= ((TGeoBBox*)foundvolume->GetShape())->GetOrigin()[0]; origin[1]= ((TGeoBBox*)foundvolume->GetShape())->GetOrigin()[1]; origin[2]= ((TGeoBBox*)foundvolume->GetShape())->GetOrigin()[2]; TGeoMaterial * matVacuum = new TGeoMaterial("Vacuum",0,0,0); TGeoMedium * vac = new TGeoMedium("Vacuum",1,matVacuum); TGeoVolume* boundingbox= gGeoManager->MakeBox("BoundingBox", vac, std::abs(origin[0]) + dx, std::abs(origin[1]) + dy, std::abs(origin[2]) + dz ); // TGeoManager * geom = boundingbox->GetGeoManager(); std::cout << gGeoManager->CountNodes() << "\n"; if(! voxelize ) DeleteROOTVoxels(); // TGeoManager * mg1 = gGeoManager; gGeoManager = 0; TGeoManager * mgr2 = new TGeoManager(); // delete gGeoManager; // gGeoManager = new TGeoManager(); boundingbox->AddNode( foundvolume, 1); mgr2->SetTopVolume( boundingbox ); mgr2->CloseGeometry(); gGeoManager = mgr2; gGeoManager->Export("DebugGeom.root"); mgr2->GetTopNode()->GetMatrix()->Print(); std::cout << gGeoManager->CountNodes() << "\n"; //delete world->GetVoxels(); //world->SetVoxelFinder(0); std::cout<< std::endl; std::cout<< "BoundingBoxDX: "<< dx<< std::endl; std::cout<< "BoundingBoxDY: "<< dy<< std::endl; std::cout<< "BoundingBoxDZ: "<< dz<< std::endl; std::cout<< std::endl; std::cout<< "BoundingBoxOriginX: "<< origin[0]<< std::endl; std::cout<< "BoundingBoxOriginY: "<< origin[1]<< std::endl; std::cout<< "BoundingBoxOriginZ: "<< origin[2]<< std::endl<< std::endl; Vector3D<Precision> p; // Vector3D<Precision> dir( std::cos(directionphi)*std::sin(directiontheta), std::sin(directionphi)*std::sin(directiontheta), std::cos(directiontheta) ); // Vector3D<Precision> dir( -0.00366952650659481318523580384294 , 0.00101412421199570282163981982393 , 0.999991248519344400058628252737 ); //Vector3D<Precision> dir( 1 , 0. , 0. ); dir.FixZeroes(); // init data for image int data_size_x= 1;//(axis1_end-axis1_start)/pixel_axis; int data_size_y= 1;//(axis2_end-axis2_start)/pixel_axis; int *volume_result= (int*) new int[data_size_y * data_size_x*3]; Stopwatch timer; timer.Start(); XRayWithROOT( axis, Vector3D<Precision>(origin[0],origin[1],origin[2]), Vector3D<Precision>(dx,dy,dz), dir, axis1_start, axis1_end, axis2_start, axis2_end, data_size_x, data_size_y, pixel_axis, volume_result ); timer.Stop(); std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " ROOT Elapsed time : "<< timer.Elapsed() << std::endl; #ifdef VECGEOM_GEANT4 G4VPhysicalVolume * world = SetupGeant4Geometry( testvolume, Vector3D<Precision>( std::abs(origin[0]) + dx, std::abs(origin[1]) + dy, std::abs(origin[2]) + dz ) ); G4GeoManager::Instance().LoadG4Geometry( world ); timer.Start(); XRayWithGeant4( world, axis, Vector3D<Precision>(origin[0],origin[1],origin[2]), Vector3D<Precision>(dx,dy,dz), dir, axis1_start, axis1_end, axis2_start, axis2_end, data_size_x, data_size_y, pixel_axis, volume_result ); timer.Stop(); std::cout << " Geant4 Elapsed time : "<< timer.Elapsed() << std::endl; #endif // convert current gGeoManager to a VecGeom geometry RootGeoManager::Instance().LoadRootGeometry(); std::cout << "Detector loaded " << "\n"; timer.Start(); XRayWithVecGeom( axis, Vector3D<Precision>(origin[0],origin[1],origin[2]), Vector3D<Precision>(dx,dy,dz), dir, axis1_start, axis1_end, axis2_start, axis2_end, data_size_x, data_size_y, pixel_axis, volume_result ); timer.Stop(); std::cout << " VecGeom Elapsed time : "<< timer.Elapsed() << std::endl; // use the vector interface timer.Start(); XRayWithVecGeom_VecNav( axis, Vector3D<Precision>(origin[0],origin[1],origin[2]), Vector3D<Precision>(dx,dy,dz), dir, axis1_start, axis1_end, axis2_start, axis2_end, data_size_x, data_size_y, pixel_axis, volume_result ); timer.Stop(); std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " VecGeom Vector Interface Elapsed time : "<< timer.Elapsed() << std::endl; delete[] volume_result; } return 0; }
void SimplexSolver::otimizar(FObjetivo* func){ //instanciar quadro com funcao objetivo this->quadro = new Quadro(func); //atribuir valores iniciais para controle de linha e coluna permissiveis this->linhaPerm = -1; this->colunaPerm = -1; //limpar historico this->historico.clear(); //definir status inicial do algoritmo this->status = PrimeiraEtapa; this->swNormalizacao.Start(); this->quadro->buildQuadro(); this->swNormalizacao.Stop(); int qtdIteracoes = 1; //alocar vetores auxiliares da linha e coluna permissiveis this->vec_colunaPerm = new float[this->quadro->totalLinhas]; this->vec_linhaPerm = new float[this->quadro->totalColunas]; cout << endl; //mostrar quadro atualizado //this->quadro->toString(); Stopwatch swPrimeiraEtapa; Stopwatch swSegundaEtapa; Stopwatch swAlgTroca; double tempoTotalPrimeiraEtapa = 0, tempoTotalSegundaEtapa = 0, tempoTotalTroca = 0; int auxLinhaPerm = 0, auxColunaPerm = 0; try { this->swOtimizacao.Start(); this->swSegPorIteracao.Start(); while (this->status != SolucaoOtima && this->status != SolucaoIlimitada && this->status != SolucaoImpossivel) { //this->historico.push_back(this->status); //this->quadro->toString(); switch (this->status) { case PrimeiraEtapa: swPrimeiraEtapa.Start(); this->status = this->algoritmoPrimeiraEtapa(); swPrimeiraEtapa.Stop(); break; case SegundaEtapa: swSegundaEtapa.Start(); this->status = this->algoritmoSegundaEtapa(); swSegundaEtapa.Stop(); break; case AlgoritmoTroca: //gravar linha e coluna permitidas encontradas auxLinhaPerm = this->linhaPerm; auxColunaPerm = this->colunaPerm; swAlgTroca.Start(); this->status = this->algoritmoTroca(); swAlgTroca.Stop(); this->swSegPorIteracao.Stop(); tempoTotalPrimeiraEtapa += swPrimeiraEtapa.Elapsed(); tempoTotalSegundaEtapa += swSegundaEtapa.Elapsed(); tempoTotalTroca += swAlgTroca.Elapsed(); if (qtdIteracoes % 10 == 0){ //logar tempos cout << "==================================" << endl; //logar linha e coluna permitidas encontradas cout << "Linha:\t" << this->linhaPerm; cout << "\tColuna:\t" << this->colunaPerm; cout << "\tIteracao\t" << qtdIteracoes << endl; cout << "Primeira etapa:\t\t" << swPrimeiraEtapa.Elapsed() << endl; cout << "Segunda etapa:\t\t" << swSegundaEtapa.Elapsed() << endl; cout << "Algoritmo Troca:\t" << swAlgTroca.Elapsed() << endl; cout << "Total:\t\t\t" << this->swSegPorIteracao.Elapsed() << endl; cout << "Media parcial:\t\t" << this->swOtimizacao.Parcial() / qtdIteracoes << endl; cout << "==================================" << endl; } //reiniciar tempo de iteracao this->swSegPorIteracao.Start(); qtdIteracoes++; break; } } //parar timer this->swOtimizacao.Stop(); //guardar ultimo status //this->historico.push_back(this->status); //logada final //logar tempos cout << "==================================" << endl; //logar linha e coluna permitidas encontradas cout << "Iteracao\t" << qtdIteracoes << endl; cout << "Media Primeira etapa:\t" << tempoTotalPrimeiraEtapa / qtdIteracoes << endl; cout << "Media Segunda etapa:\t" << tempoTotalSegundaEtapa / qtdIteracoes << endl; cout << "Media Algoritmo Troca:\t" << tempoTotalTroca / qtdIteracoes << endl; cout << "Media Seg/Iteracao:\t" << this->swOtimizacao.Elapsed() / qtdIteracoes << endl; cout << "==================================" << endl; } catch (exception e) { cout << endl << "Ocorreu um erro no algoritmo! " << e.what() << endl; } }
void BenchmarkDArray(Sorter<char *> &sorter) { DArray<char *> data, rdata; Stopwatch sw; char buffer[512], format[64]; sprintf(format, "%s", "%4.3lfs"); FileReader file; file.SetLineEndings(CC_LN_LF); file.Open("dataset"); if (file.IsOpen()) { data.setStepDouble(); rdata.setStepDouble(); console->Write("Loading... "); sw.Start(); /* Load the file into the data DArray */ while (file.ReadLine(buffer, sizeof(buffer)) >= 0) data.insert(cc_strdup(buffer)); sw.Stop(); console->WriteLine(format, sw.Elapsed()); file.Close(); console->WriteLine("Loaded %d items.", data.used()); console->Write("Random: "); sw.Start(); data.sort(sorter); sw.Stop(); console->WriteLine(format, sw.Elapsed()); /* Create a reverse-sorted DArray */ for (long i = (long)data.size(); i >= 0; i--) { if (data.valid(i)) { rdata.insert(data.get(i)); } } console->Write("Pre-sorted: "); sw.Start(); data.sort(sorter); sw.Stop(); console->WriteLine(format, sw.Elapsed()); console->Write("Reverse-sorted: "); sw.Start(); rdata.sort(sorter); sw.Stop(); console->WriteLine(format, sw.Elapsed()); for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { if (data.valid(i)) { free(data.get(i)); data.remove(i); } } data.empty(); rdata.empty(); } else { console->WriteLine("Dataset not found."); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { /*ExecuteCuda();*/ MPSReader* mpsReader; FObjetivo* funcao; //funcao.DirecaoOtimizacao = Minimizar; //funcao.addVariavel("x1", 6); //funcao.addVariavel("x2", 12); //funcao.addRestricao("Rest_1"); //funcao.addVariavelRestricao("Rest_1", "x1", 0.6); //funcao.addVariavelRestricao("Rest_1", "x2", 1); //funcao.setDesigualdadeRestricao("Rest_1", MenorOuIgual); //funcao.setTermoLivreRestricao("Rest_1", 600); cout << "========================================" << endl; cout << "===========GPU Simplex Solver===========" << endl; cout << "========================================" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Selecione o tipo de teste: " << endl; cout << endl; cout << "1 - DFL001 (Grande)" << endl; cout << "2 - KEN - 07 (Medio)" << endl; cout << "3 - AFIRO (Pequeno)" << endl; cout << "4 - Teste (Pequeno)" << endl; cout << "5 - Petr (Pequeno)" << endl; cout << "6 - ADLITTLE (Pequeno)" << endl; cout << "7 - SHARE2B (Pequeno)" << endl; cout << "8 - ISRAEL (Medio)" << endl; cout << "9 - CAPRI (Medio)" << endl; cout << "a - PILOT (Medio)" << endl; cout << endl; char x = getchar(); cout << endl; cout << "Leitura da funcao objetivo iniciada..." << endl; string diretorio = "C:\\Users\\Shirugaron\\Source\\Repos\\cuda-simplex\\NetLib.Problemas"; switch (x) { case '1': //Problema grande mpsReader = new MPSReader(diretorio + "\\DFL001.mps"); break; case '2': //Problema medio mpsReader = new MPSReader(diretorio + "\\KEN-07.mps"); break; case '3': //Problema pequeno mpsReader = new MPSReader(diretorio + "\\AFIRO.mps"); break; case '4': //Problema teste mpsReader = new MPSReader(diretorio + "\\MPS_Test.txt"); break; case '5': //Problema teste mpsReader = new MPSReader(diretorio + "\\MPS_Petr_Exemplo.txt"); /*DESCRICAO ====================== Neste exemplo, as condicoes de sinal das variaveis do Petr sao transformados em outras restricoes. **/ break; case '6': mpsReader = new MPSReader(diretorio + "\\ADLITTLE.mps"); break; case '7': mpsReader = new MPSReader(diretorio + "\\SHARE2B.mps"); break; case '8': mpsReader = new MPSReader(diretorio + "\\ISRAEL.mps"); break; case '9': mpsReader = new MPSReader(diretorio + "\\CAPRI.mps"); break; case 'a': mpsReader = new MPSReader(diretorio + "\\PILOT.mps"); break; case 'b': mpsReader = new MPSReader(diretorio + "\\2Var_3Rest.mps"); break; case 'c': mpsReader = new MPSReader(diretorio + "\\50Var_60Rest.mps"); break; case 'd': mpsReader = new MPSReader(diretorio + "\\500Var_500Rest.mps"); break; case 'e': mpsReader = new MPSReader(diretorio + "\\100Var_100Rest.mps"); break; case 'f': mpsReader = new MPSReader(diretorio + "\\1000Var_1000Rest.mps"); break; case 'g': mpsReader = new MPSReader(diretorio + "\\250Var_250Rest.mps"); break; case 'h': mpsReader = new MPSReader(diretorio + "\\350Var_350Rest.mps"); break; case 'i': mpsReader = new MPSReader(diretorio + "\\750Var_750Rest.mps"); break; case 'j': mpsReader = new MPSReader(diretorio + "\\2000Var_2000Rest.mps"); break; case 'k': mpsReader = new MPSReader(diretorio + "\\3000Var_3000Rest.mps"); break; case 'l': mpsReader = new MPSReader(diretorio + "\\4000Var_4000Rest.mps"); break; case 'm': mpsReader = new MPSReader(diretorio + "\\5000Var_5000Rest.mps"); break; } Stopwatch swLeitura; mpsReader->VetorRHSPossuiNome = true; swLeitura.Start(); funcao = mpsReader->LerFuncaoObjetivo(); swLeitura.Stop(); cout << "Quantidade de variaveis: " << funcao->Variaveis.size() << endl; cout << "Quantidade de restricoes: " << funcao->Restricoes.size() << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Selecione a direcao da otimizacao: " << endl; cout << endl; cout << "1 - Minimizar" << endl; cout << "2 - Maximizar" << endl; cout << endl; getchar(); char otimizacao = getchar(); switch (otimizacao) { case '1': //Minimizar funcao->DirecaoOtimizacao = Minimizar; break; case '2': //Maximizar funcao->DirecaoOtimizacao = Maximizar; break; } //Normalizar funcao SimplexSolver solver; cout << "Otimizando funcao objetivo..."; solver.otimizar(funcao); cout << "Otimizado!" << endl; cout << "Tempo leitura: " << swLeitura.Elapsed() << "s" << endl; cout << "Tempo normalizacao: " << solver.tempoNormalizacao() << "s" << endl; cout << "Tempo otimizacao: " << solver.tempoOtimizacao() << "s" << endl; cout << "Valor custo: " << solver.valorCusto() << endl; cout << "Status final: " << solver.statusFinal() << endl; cout << endl << "Fim do programa. Digite qualquer tecla para sair..." << endl; getchar(); getchar(); return 0; }
int benchCachingAndVector(Vector3D<Precision> const &point, Vector3D<Precision> const &dir, Vector3D<kVc::precision_v> const *corners, int vecsize #ifdef SORTHITBOXES , Container_t &hitlist #endif ) { #ifdef INNERTIMER Stopwatch timer; timer.Start(); #endif Vector3D<Precision> invdir(1. / dir.x(), 1. / dir.y(), 1. / dir.z()); int hitcount = 0; int sign[3]; sign[0] = invdir.x() < 0; sign[1] = invdir.y() < 0; sign[2] = invdir.z() < 0; for (auto box = 0; box < vecsize; ++box) { kVc::precision_v distance = BoxImplementation<translation::kIdentity, rotation::kIdentity>::IntersectCachedKernel2<kVc>( &corners[2 * box], point, invdir, sign[0], sign[1], sign[2], 0, vecgeom::kInfLength); kVc::bool_v hit = distance < vecgeom::kInfLength; // std::cerr << hit << "\n"; // this is Vc specific hitcount += hit.count(); #ifdef SORTHITBOXES // a little tricky: need to iterate over the mask for (auto i = 0; i < kVc::precision_v::Size; ++i) { if (hit[i]) // which box id?? hitlist.push_back(BoxIdDistancePair_t(box * kVc::precision_v::Size + i, distance[i])); } #endif } // interpret as binary number and do a switch statement // do a big switch statement here // switch( size[0] + size[1] + size[2] ){ // case 0: { // for( auto box = 0; box < vecsize; ++box ){ // kVc::precision_v distance = BoxImplementation<translation::kIdentity, // rotation::kIdentity>::IntersectCachedKernel<kVc,0,0,0>( // &corners[2*box], // point, // invdir, // 0, vecgeom::kInfLength ); // kVc::bool_v hit = distance < vecgeom::kInfLength; // //std::cerr << hit << "\n"; // hitcount += hit.count(); // } break; } // case 3: { // for( auto box = 0; box < vecsize; ++box ){ // kVc::precision_v distance = BoxImplementation<translation::kIdentity, // rotation::kIdentity>::IntersectCachedKernel<kVc,1,1,1>( // &corners[2*box], // point, // invdir, // 0, vecgeom::kInfLength ); // kVc::bool_v hit = distance < vecgeom::kInfLength; // //std::cerr << hit << "\n"; // hitcount += hit.count(); // } break; } // default : std::cerr << "DEFAULT CALLED\n"; // } #ifdef INNERTIMER timer.Stop(); std::cerr << "# VECTOR hitting " << hitcount << "\n"; std::cerr << "# VECTOR timer " << timer.Elapsed() << "\n"; #endif return hitcount; }
int benchCachingNoVector(Vector3D<Precision> const &point, Vector3D<Precision> const &dir, std::vector<Vector3D<Precision>> const &corners #ifdef SORTHITBOXES , Container_t &hitlist #endif ) { #ifdef INNERTIMER Stopwatch timer; timer.Start(); #endif Vector3D<Precision> invdir(1. / dir.x(), 1. / dir.y(), 1. / dir.z()); int vecsize = corners.size() / 2; int hitcount = 0; int sign[3]; sign[0] = invdir.x() < 0; sign[1] = invdir.y() < 0; sign[2] = invdir.z() < 0; // interpret as binary number and do a switch statement // do a big switch statement here // int code = 2 << size[0] + 2 << size[1] + 2 << size[2]; for (auto box = 0; box < vecsize; ++box) { double distance = BoxImplementation<translation::kIdentity, rotation::kIdentity>::IntersectCachedKernel2<kScalar>( &corners[2 * box], point, invdir, sign[0], sign[1], sign[2], 0, vecgeom::kInfLength); if (distance < vecgeom::kInfLength) { hitcount++; #ifdef SORTHITBOXES hitlist.push_back(BoxIdDistancePair_t(box, distance)); #endif } } // switch( size[0] + size[1] + size[2] ){ // case 0: { // for( auto box = 0; box < vecsize; ++box ){ // double distance = BoxImplementation<translation::kIdentity, // rotation::kIdentity>::IntersectCachedKernel<kScalar,0,0,0>( // &corners[2*box], // point, // invdir, // 0, vecgeom::kInfLength ); // if( distance < vecgeom::kInfLength ) hitcount++; // } break; } // case 3: { // for( auto box = 0; box < vecsize; ++box ){ // double distance = BoxImplementation<translation::kIdentity, // rotation::kIdentity>::IntersectCachedKernel<kScalar,1,1,1>( // &corners[2*box], // point, // invdir, // 0, vecgeom::kInfLength ); // if( distance < vecgeom::kInfLength ) hitcount++; // } break; } // default : std::cerr << "DEFAULT CALLED\n"; // } #ifdef INNERTIMER timer.Stop(); std::cerr << "# CACHED hitting " << hitcount << "\n"; std::cerr << "# CACHED timer " << timer.Elapsed() << "\n"; #endif return hitcount; }
__attribute__((noinline)) void benchmarkROOTNavigator(SOA3D<Precision> const &points, SOA3D<Precision> const &dirs) { TGeoNavigator *rootnav = ::gGeoManager->GetCurrentNavigator(); auto nPoints = points.size(); TGeoBranchArray **instates = new TGeoBranchArray *[nPoints]; TGeoBranchArray **outstates = new TGeoBranchArray *[nPoints]; Precision *steps = new Precision[points.size()]; Precision *safeties; if (WithSafety) { safeties = new Precision[points.size()]; } // we don't have the input state container in ROOT form // we generate them but do not take this into account for the timing measurement for (size_t i = 0; i < nPoints; ++i) { Vector3D<Precision> const &pos = points[i]; rootnav->ResetState(); rootnav->FindNode(pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z()); instates[i] = TGeoBranchArray::MakeInstance(GeoManager::Instance().getMaxDepth()); outstates[i] = TGeoBranchArray::MakeInstance(GeoManager::Instance().getMaxDepth()); instates[i]->InitFromNavigator(rootnav); } #ifdef CALLGRIND_ENABLED CALLGRIND_START_INSTRUMENTATION; #endif Stopwatch timer; timer.Start(); for (size_t i = 0; i < nPoints; ++i) { Vector3D<Precision> const &pos = points[i]; Vector3D<Precision> const &dir = dirs[i]; rootnav->ResetState(); instates[i]->UpdateNavigator(rootnav); rootnav->SetCurrentPoint(pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z()); rootnav->SetCurrentDirection(dir.x(), dir.y(), dir.z()); if (WithSafety) { safeties[i] = rootnav->Safety(true); } if (WithReloc) { volatile TGeoNode *node = rootnav->FindNextBoundaryAndStep(kInfLength); (void)node; } else { volatile TGeoNode *node = rootnav->FindNextBoundary(kInfLength); (void)node; } steps[i] = rootnav->GetStep(); if (WithReloc) { // save output states ( for fair comparison with VecGeom ) outstates[i]->InitFromNavigator(rootnav); } } timer.Stop(); #ifdef CALLGRIND_ENABLED CALLGRIND_STOP_INSTRUMENTATION; CALLGRIND_DUMP_STATS; #endif std::cerr << timer.Elapsed() << "\n"; double accum(0.); double saccum(0.); size_t hittargetchecksum = 0L; for (decltype(points.size()) i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) { accum += steps[i]; if (WithSafety) { saccum += safeties[i]; } // target checksum via the table held from RootGeoManager hittargetchecksum += (size_t)RootGeoManager::Instance().Lookup(outstates[i]->GetNode(outstates[i]->GetLevel()))->id(); } delete[] steps; if (WithSafety) { delete safeties; } // cleanup states for (decltype(points.size()) i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) { delete instates[i]; delete outstates[i]; } delete[] instates; delete[] outstates; std::cerr << "accum TGeo " << accum << " target checksum " << hittargetchecksum << "\n"; if (WithSafety) { std::cerr << "safety accum TGeo " << saccum << "\n"; } }
void XRayWithVecGeom(int axis, Vector3D<Precision> origin, Vector3D<Precision> bbox, Vector3D<Precision> dir, double axis1_start, double axis1_end, double axis2_start, double axis2_end, int data_size_x, int data_size_y, double pixel_axis, int * image) { Stopwatch internaltimer; NavigationState * newnavstate = NavigationState::MakeInstance( GeoManager::Instance().getMaxDepth() ); NavigationState * curnavstate = NavigationState::MakeInstance( GeoManager::Instance().getMaxDepth() ); int counter = 0; // std::cout << pixel_count_1 << " " << pixel_count_2 << "\n"; internaltimer.Start(); // set start point of XRay Vector3D<Precision> p(0,0,0); SimpleNavigator nav; curnavstate->Clear(); nav.LocatePoint( GeoManager::Instance().GetWorld(), p, *curnavstate, true ); #ifdef VECGEOM_DISTANCE_DEBUG gGeoManager->GetCurrentNavigator()->FindNode( p.x(), p.y(), p.z() ); #endif double distancetravelled=0.; int crossedvolumecount=0; if(VERBOSE) { std::cout << " StartPoint(" << p[0] << ", " << p[1] << ", " << p[2] << ")"; std::cout << " Direction <" << dir[0] << ", " << dir[1] << ", " << dir[2] << ">"<< std::endl; } while( ! curnavstate->IsOutside() ) { double step = 0; newnavstate->Clear(); double safety=nav.GetSafety( p, *curnavstate ); nav.FindNextBoundaryAndStep( p, dir, *curnavstate, *newnavstate, 1e20, step); distancetravelled+=step; if(VERBOSE) { if( newnavstate->Top() != NULL ) std::cout << " *VG " << counter++ << " * point" << p << " goes to " << " VolumeName: " << newnavstate->Top()->GetLabel(); else std::cout << " NULL: "; std::cout << " step[" << step << "]"; std::cout << " safety[" << safety << "]"; std::cout << " boundary[" << newnavstate->IsOnBoundary() << "]\n"; } // here we have to propagate particle ourselves and adjust navigation state p = p + dir*(step + 1E-6); newnavstate->CopyTo(curnavstate); // Increase passed_volume // TODO: correct counting of travel in "world" bounding box if(step>0) crossedvolumecount++; } // end while if(VERBOSE) { std::cout << " PassedVolume:" << "<"<< crossedvolumecount << " "; std::cout << " Distance: " << distancetravelled<< std::endl; } internaltimer.Stop(); std::cout << "VecGeom time " << internaltimer.Elapsed() << "\n"; NavigationState::ReleaseInstance( curnavstate ); NavigationState::ReleaseInstance( newnavstate ); } // end XRayWithVecGeom
__attribute__((noinline)) void benchmarkG4Navigator(SOA3D<Precision> const &points, SOA3D<Precision> const &dirs) { G4VPhysicalVolume *world(vecgeom::G4GeoManager::Instance().GetG4GeometryFromROOT()); if (world != nullptr) G4GeoManager::Instance().LoadG4Geometry(world); // Note: Vector3D's are expressed in cm, while G4ThreeVectors are expressed in mm const Precision cm = 10.; // cm --> mm conversion G4Navigator &g4nav = *(G4GeoManager::Instance().GetNavigator()); // G4TouchableHistory **g4history = new G4TouchableHistory *[nPoints]; Precision *steps = new Precision[points.size()]; // get a time estimate to just to locate points // (The reason is that the G4Navigator has a huge internal state and it is not foreseen to do // multi-track processing with a basked of G4TouchableHistories as states) Stopwatch timer; timer.Start(); for (decltype(points.size()) i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) { G4ThreeVector g4pos(points[i].x() * cm, points[i].y() * cm, points[i].z() * cm); G4ThreeVector g4dir(dirs[i].x(), dirs[i].y(), dirs[i].z()); // false --> locate from top g4nav.LocateGlobalPointAndSetup(g4pos, &g4dir, false); } Precision timeForLocate = (Precision)timer.Stop(); #ifdef CALLGRIND_ENABLED CALLGRIND_START_INSTRUMENTATION; #endif timer.Start(); for (decltype(points.size()) i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) { G4ThreeVector g4pos(points[i].x() * cm, points[i].y() * cm, points[i].z() * cm); G4ThreeVector g4dir(dirs[i].x(), dirs[i].y(), dirs[i].z()); G4double maxStep = kInfLength; // false --> locate from top G4VPhysicalVolume const *vol = g4nav.LocateGlobalPointAndSetup(g4pos, &g4dir, false); (void)vol; G4double safety = 0.0; steps[i] = g4nav.ComputeStep(g4pos, g4dir, maxStep, safety); G4ThreeVector nextPos = g4pos + (steps[i] + 1.0e-6) * g4dir; // TODO: save touchable history array - returnable? symmetrize with ROOT/VECGEOM benchmark g4nav.SetGeometricallyLimitedStep(); volatile G4VPhysicalVolume const *nextvol = g4nav.LocateGlobalPointAndSetup(nextPos); (void)nextvol; } timer.Stop(); std::cerr << (Precision)timer.Elapsed() - timeForLocate << "\n"; #ifdef CALLGRIND_ENABLED CALLGRIND_STOP_INSTRUMENTATION; CALLGRIND_DUMP_STATS; #endif // cleanup // delete[] g4history; //_mm_free(maxSteps); double accum{0.}; size_t hittargetchecksum{0L}; for (decltype(points.size()) i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) { accum += steps[i]; if (WithSafety) { // saccum += safeties[i]; } // target checksum via the table held from RootGeoManager // hittargetchecksum += // (size_t)RootGeoManager::Instance().Lookup(outstates[i]->GetNode(outstates[i]->GetLevel()))->id(); } std::cerr << "accum G4 " << accum / cm << " target checksum " << hittargetchecksum << "\n"; }
// stressing the vector interface of navigator void XRayWithVecGeom_VecNav(int axis, Vector3D<Precision> origin, Vector3D<Precision> bbox, Vector3D<Precision> dir, double axis1_start, double axis1_end, double axis2_start, double axis2_end, int data_size_x, int data_size_y, double pixel_axis, int * image) { int counter=0; // we need N navstates ( where N should be a multiple of the SIMD width ) unsigned int N = 8; NavigationState ** newnavstates = new NavigationState*[N]; NavigationState ** curnavstates = new NavigationState*[N]; for( unsigned int j=0;j<N;++j ){ newnavstates[j] = NavigationState::MakeInstance( GeoManager::Instance().getMaxDepth() ); curnavstates[j] = NavigationState::MakeInstance( GeoManager::Instance().getMaxDepth() ); } SOA3D<Precision> points(N); SOA3D<Precision> dirs(N); SOA3D<Precision> workspaceforlocalpoints(N); SOA3D<Precision> workspaceforlocaldirs(N); // initialize dirs from dir for( unsigned int j=0; j<N; ++j ) dirs.set(j, dir.x(), dir.y(),dir.z()); double * steps = new double[N]; double * psteps = new double[N]; double * safeties = new double[N]; int * nextnodeworkspace = new int[N]; // some workspace for the navigator; not important here // initialize physical steps to infinity for(unsigned int j=0;j<N;++j) psteps[j]=vecgeom::kInfinity; Stopwatch internaltimer; internaltimer.Start(); SimpleNavigator nav; // initialize points and locate them is serialized for( unsigned int j=0; j<N; ++j ){ points.set( j, 0, 0, 0 ); curnavstates[j]->Clear(); nav.LocatePoint( GeoManager::Instance().GetWorld(), points[j], *curnavstates[j], true ); } double distancetravelled=0.; int crossedvolumecount=0; if(VERBOSE) { std::cout << " StartPoint(" << points[0].x() << ", " << points[1].y() << ", " << points[2].z() << ")"; std::cout << " Direction <" << dirs[0].x() << ", " << dirs[1].y() << ", " << dirs[2].z() << ">"<< std::endl; } // we do the while loop only over the first "particle index" // the rest of the particles should follow exactly the same path while( ! curnavstates[0]->IsOutside() ) { nav.FindNextBoundaryAndStep( points, dirs, workspaceforlocalpoints, workspaceforlocaldirs, curnavstates, newnavstates, psteps, safeties, steps, nextnodeworkspace); //std::cout << "step " << step << "\n"; distancetravelled+=steps[0]; // TODO: DO HERE AN ASSERTION THAT ALL STEPS AGREE if(VERBOSE) { if( newnavstates[0]->Top() != NULL ) std::cout << " *VGV " << counter++ << " * point" << points[0] << " goes to " << " VolumeName: " << newnavstates[0]->Top()->GetLabel(); else std::cout << " NULL: "; std::cout << " step[" << steps[0] << "]"; std::cout << " boundary[" << newnavstates[0]->IsOnBoundary() << "]\n"; } // here we have to propagate particle ourselves and adjust navigation state // propagate points for(unsigned int j=0;j<N;++j){ points.set(j, points[j] + dirs[j]*(steps[0] + 1E-6)); newnavstates[j]->CopyTo(curnavstates[j]); } // Increase passed_volume // TODO: correct counting of travel in "world" bounding box if(steps[0]>0) crossedvolumecount++; } // end while internaltimer.Stop(); std::cout << "VecGeom vec time (per track) " << internaltimer.Elapsed()/N << "\n"; for( unsigned int j=0; j<N ; ++j ) { NavigationState::ReleaseInstance( curnavstates[j] ); NavigationState::ReleaseInstance( newnavstates[j] ); } } // end XRayWithVecGeomVectorInterface
void MessageConnection::OnRead() { bool yield, closed; unsigned pos, msglength, nread, msgbegin, msgend, required; uint64_t start; Stopwatch sw; ReadBuffer msg; if (!readActive) { if (resumeRead.IsActive()) STOP_FAIL(1, "Program bug: resumeRead.IsActive() should be false."); EventLoop::Add(&resumeRead); return; } sw.Start(); Log_Trace("Read buffer: %B", tcpread.buffer); tcpread.requested = IO_READ_ANY; pos = 0; start = NowClock(); yield = false; while(true) { msglength = BufferToUInt64(tcpread.buffer->GetBuffer() + pos, tcpread.buffer->GetLength() - pos, &nread); if (msglength > tcpread.buffer->GetSize() - NumDigits(msglength) - 1) { Log_Trace(); required = msglength + NumDigits(msglength) + 1; if (required > MESSAGING_MAX_SIZE) { Log_Trace(); OnClose(); return; } tcpread.buffer->Allocate(required); break; } if (nread == 0 || (unsigned) tcpread.buffer->GetLength() - pos <= nread) break; if (tcpread.buffer->GetCharAt(pos + nread) != ':') { Log_Trace("Message protocol error"); OnClose(); return; } msgbegin = pos + nread + 1; msgend = pos + nread + 1 + msglength; if ((unsigned) tcpread.buffer->GetLength() < msgend) { // read more //tcpread.requested = msgend - pos; break; } msg.SetBuffer(tcpread.buffer->GetBuffer() + msgbegin); msg.SetLength(msglength); closed = OnMessage(msg); if (closed) return; pos = msgend; // if the user called Close() in OnMessageRead() if (state != CONNECTED) return; if (tcpread.buffer->GetLength() == msgend) break; if (NowClock() - start >= YIELD_TIME || !readActive) { // let other code run every YIELD_TIME msec yield = true; if (resumeRead.IsActive()) STOP_FAIL(1, "Program bug: resumeRead.IsActive() should be false."); EventLoop::Add(&resumeRead); break; } } if (pos > 0) { memmove(tcpread.buffer->GetBuffer(), tcpread.buffer->GetBuffer() + pos, tcpread.buffer->GetLength() - pos); tcpread.buffer->Shorten(pos); } if (state == CONNECTED && ! && !yield) IOProcessor::Add(&tcpread); sw.Stop(); Log_Trace("time spent in OnRead(): %U", sw.Elapsed()); }
int main() { // number of boxes int numberofboxes = N * N * N; int code = (2 << 1) + (2 << 0) + (2 << 1); std::cerr << code << "\n"; // setup AOS form of boxes std::vector<Vector3D<Precision>> uppercorners(numberofboxes); std::vector<Vector3D<Precision>> lowercorners(numberofboxes); // setup same in mixed array of corners ... upper-lower-upper-lower ... std::vector<Vector3D<Precision>> corners(2 * numberofboxes); // setup SOA form of boxes -- the memory layout should probably rather be SOA6D Vector3D<kVc::precision_v> *VcCorners = new Vector3D<kVc::precision_v>[ 2 * numberofboxes / kVc::precision_v::Size ]; int counter1 = 0; int counter2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) { for (int k = 0; k < N; ++k) { lowercorners[counter1] = Vector3D<Precision>(i, j, k); uppercorners[counter1] = Vector3D<Precision>(i + delta, j + delta, k + delta); corners[counter2] = lowercorners[counter1]; counter2++; corners[counter2] = uppercorners[counter1]; counter2++; counter1++; } } } // print boxes for (int i = 0; i < numberofboxes; ++i) { // std::cerr << "# " << i << " lower " << lowercorners[i] << " " << uppercorners[i] << "\n"; } // set up VcCorners counter2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberofboxes; i += kVc::precision_v::Size) { Vector3D<kVc::precision_v> lower; Vector3D<kVc::precision_v> upper; // assign by components for (int k = 0; k < kVc::precision_v::Size; ++k) { lower.x()[k] = lowercorners[i + k].x(); lower.y()[k] = lowercorners[i + k].y(); lower.z()[k] = lowercorners[i + k].z(); upper.x()[k] = uppercorners[i + k].x(); upper.y()[k] = uppercorners[i + k].y(); upper.z()[k] = uppercorners[i + k].z(); } // std::cerr << lower << "\n"; // std::cerr << upper << "\n"; VcCorners[counter2++] = lower; VcCorners[counter2++] = upper; } std::cerr << "assigned " << counter2 << "Vc vectors\n"; // constructing samples std::vector<Vector3D<Precision>> points(SZ); std::vector<Vector3D<Precision>> directions(SZ); for (int i = 0; i < SZ; ++i) { points[i] = Vector3D<Precision>(N * delta + 0.1, N * delta + 0.1, N * delta + 0.1); directions[i] = volumeUtilities::SampleDirection(); } Container_t hitlist; hitlist.resize(2 * N); Stopwatch timer; int hits = 0; double meanfurthestdistance = 0; timer.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < SZ; ++i) { #ifdef SORTHITBOXES hitlist.clear(); #endif hits += benchCachingNoVector(points[i], directions[i], corners #ifdef SORTHITBOXES , hitlist #endif ); #ifdef SORTHITBOXES sort(hitlist, HitBoxComparatorFunctor()); meanfurthestdistance += hitlist.back().second; // std::cerr << hitlist << "\n"; #endif } timer.Stop(); std::cerr << "Cached times and hit " << timer.Elapsed() << " " << hits << " " << meanfurthestdistance << "\n"; hits = 0; meanfurthestdistance = 0.; timer.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < SZ; ++i) { hitlist.clear(); hits += benchNoCachingNoVector(points[i], directions[i], corners #ifdef SORTHITBOXES , hitlist #endif ); #ifdef SORTHITBOXES sort(hitlist, HitBoxComparatorFunctor()); meanfurthestdistance += hitlist.back().second; #endif } timer.Stop(); std::cerr << "Ordinary times and hit " << timer.Elapsed() << " " << hits << " " << meanfurthestdistance << "\n"; hits = 0; meanfurthestdistance = 0.; timer.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < SZ; ++i) { #ifdef SORTHITBOXES hitlist.clear(); #endif hits += benchCachingAndVector(points[i], directions[i], VcCorners, numberofboxes / kVc::precision_v::Size #ifdef SORTHITBOXES , hitlist #endif ); #ifdef SORTHITBOXES sort(hitlist, HitBoxComparatorFunctor()); meanfurthestdistance += hitlist.back().second; // std::cerr << "VECTORHITLIST" << hitlist << "\n"; #endif } timer.Stop(); std::cerr << "Vector times and hit " << timer.Elapsed() << " " << hits << " " << meanfurthestdistance << "\n"; return 0; }