GLProgram *GLProgramManager::CreateProgram(const std::string &name) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); SPLog("Loading GLSL program '%s'", name.c_str()); std::string text = FileManager::ReadAllBytes(name.c_str()); std::vector<std::string> lines = SplitIntoLines(text); GLProgram *p = new GLProgram(device, name); for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { std::string text = TrimSpaces(lines[i]); if (text.empty()) break; if (text == "*shadow*") { std::vector<GLShader *> shaders = GLShadowShader::RegisterShader(this, settings, false); for (size_t i = 0; i < shaders.size(); i++) p->Attach(shaders[i]); continue; } else if (text == "*shadow-lite*") { std::vector<GLShader *> shaders = GLShadowShader::RegisterShader(this, settings, false, true); for (size_t i = 0; i < shaders.size(); i++) p->Attach(shaders[i]); continue; } else if (text == "*shadow-variance*") { std::vector<GLShader *> shaders = GLShadowShader::RegisterShader(this, settings, true); for (size_t i = 0; i < shaders.size(); i++) p->Attach(shaders[i]); continue; } else if (text == "*dlight*") { std::vector<GLShader *> shaders = GLDynamicLightShader::RegisterShader(this); for (size_t i = 0; i < shaders.size(); i++) p->Attach(shaders[i]); continue; } else if (text == "*shadowmap*") { std::vector<GLShader *> shaders = GLShadowMapShader::RegisterShader(this); for (size_t i = 0; i < shaders.size(); i++) p->Attach(shaders[i]); continue; } else if (text[0] == '*') { SPRaise("Unknown special shader: %s", text.c_str()); } else if (text[0] == '#') { continue; } GLShader *s = CreateShader(text); p->Attach(s); } Stopwatch sw; p->Link(); SPLog("Successfully linked GLSL program '%s' in %.3fms", name.c_str(), sw.GetTime() * 1000.); // p->Validate(); return p; }
void playback_exact_CSpace_R3() { C2A_Model* P = NULL; C2A_Model* Q = NULL; readObjFile(P, "../data/models/CupSpoon/Cup.obj"); readObjFile(Q, "../data/models/CupSpoon/Spoon.obj"); P->ComputeRadius(); Q->ComputeRadius(); Collider3D collider(P, Q); C2A_Model* CSpace; readObjFile(CSpace, "../data/cupspoon.obj"); std::vector<ContactSpaceSampleData> contactspace_samples; std::ifstream in("space_test_3d.txt"); asciiReader(in, contactspace_samples); std::ofstream timing_file("timing_exact_R3.txt"); std::ofstream PD_file("PD_exact_R3.txt"); for(std::size_t i = 0; i < contactspace_samples.size(); ++i) { std::cout << i << std::endl; DataVector q_col(6); DataVector q(3); for(std::size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) q[j] = contactspace_samples[i].v[j]; for(std::size_t j = 0; j < 6; ++j) q_col[j] = contactspace_samples[i].v[j]; boost::timer t; //aTimer.Reset(); aTimer.Start(); std::pair<DataVector, double> pd_result; if(!collider.isCollide(q_col)) { pd_result.second = 0; } else { pd_result = Minkowski_Cspace_3D::Exact_PD_R3(q, CSpace); } aTimer.Stop(); PD_file << pd_result.second << " "; //timing_file << t.elapsed() << " "; timing_file << aTimer.GetTime() * 1000 << " "; timing_file.flush(); PD_file.flush(); } }
void doPerfTest(int n_runs) { printf("Running perf test (%d runs)...\n", n_runs); if(n_runs == 0) return; buildProjectionMatrix(); resetDepthBuffer(); piko_pipe.prepare(); piko_pipe.run_single(); Stopwatch mywatch; mywatch.Reset(); for(int run = 0; run < n_runs; run++) { buildProjectionMatrix(); resetDepthBuffer(); piko_pipe.prepare(); } float prepTime = mywatch.GetTime(); mywatch.Reset(); for(int run = 0; run < n_runs; run++) { buildProjectionMatrix(); resetDepthBuffer(); piko_pipe.prepare(); piko_pipe.run_single(); } float fullrunTime = mywatch.GetTime(); float total_time_to_ms = 1000.0f / (float) n_runs; printf("Prep time = %0.2f ms\n", total_time_to_ms * (prepTime)); printf("Full run time = %0.2f ms\n", total_time_to_ms * (fullrunTime)); printf("Raster time = %0.2f ms\n", total_time_to_ms * (fullrunTime - prepTime)); }
GLShader *GLProgramManager::CreateShader(const std::string &name) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); SPLog("Loading GLSL shader '%s'", name.c_str()); std::string text = FileManager::ReadAllBytes(name.c_str()); GLShader::Type type; if (name.find(".fs") != std::string::npos) type = GLShader::FragmentShader; else if (name.find(".vs") != std::string::npos) type = GLShader::VertexShader; else if (name.find(".gs") != std::string::npos) type = GLShader::GeometryShader; else SPRaise("Failed to determine the type of a shader: %s", name.c_str()); GLShader *s = new GLShader(device, type); std::string finalSource; if (settings.r_hdr) { finalSource += "#define USE_HDR 1\n"; finalSource += "#define LINEAR_FRAMEBUFFER 1\n"; } else { finalSource += "#define USE_HDR 0\n"; finalSource += "#define LINEAR_FRAMEBUFFER 0\n"; } if (settings.r_fogShadow) { finalSource += "#define USE_VOLUMETRIC_FOG 1\n"; } else { finalSource += "#define USE_VOLUMETRIC_FOG 0\n"; } if (settings.r_ssao) { finalSource += "#define USE_SSAO 1\n"; } else { finalSource += "#define USE_SSAO 0\n"; } finalSource += text; s->AddSource(finalSource); Stopwatch sw; s->Compile(); SPLog("Successfully compiled GLSL program '%s' in %.3fms", name.c_str(), // should this be "program" or "shader"? sw.GetTime() * 1000.); return s; }
void playback_local_PD_R3() { std::ofstream timing_file("timing_local_PD_R3.txt"); std::ofstream PD_file("PD_local_R3.txt"); std::vector<C2A_Model*> P; std::vector<C2A_Model*> Q; readObjFiles(P, "../data/models/CupSpoon/cup_convex.obj"); readObjFiles(Q, "../data/models/CupSpoon/spoon_convex.obj"); std::vector<ContactSpaceSampleData> contactspace_samples; std::ifstream in("space_test_3d.txt"); asciiReader(in, contactspace_samples); for(std::size_t i = 0; i < contactspace_samples.size(); ++i) { std::cout << i << std::endl; DataVector q_col(6); DataVector q(3); for(std::size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) q[j] = contactspace_samples[i].v[j]; for(std::size_t j = 0; j < 6; ++j) q_col[j] = contactspace_samples[i].v[j]; boost::timer t; aTimer.Reset(); aTimer.Start(); double pd = Collider3D::PDt(P, Q, q_col); PD_file << pd << " "; // timing_file << t.elapsed() << " "; timing_file << aTimer.GetTime() * 1000 << " "; timing_file.flush(); PD_file.flush(); } }
GLShader *GLProgramManager::CreateShader(const std::string &name) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); SPLog("Loading GLSL shader '%s'", name.c_str()); std::string text = FileManager::ReadAllBytes(name.c_str()); GLShader::Type type; if(name.find(".fs") != std::string::npos) type = GLShader::FragmentShader; else if(name.find(".vs") != std::string::npos) type = GLShader::VertexShader; else SPRaise("Failed to determine the type of a shader: %s", name.c_str()); GLShader *s = new GLShader(device, type); s->AddSource(text); Stopwatch sw; s->Compile(); SPLog("Successfully compiled GLSL program '%s' in %.3fms", name.c_str(), sw.GetTime() * 1000.); return s; }
void playback_R3() { C2A_Model* P = NULL; C2A_Model* Q = NULL; readObjFile(P, "../data/models/CupSpoon/Cup.obj"); readObjFile(Q, "../data/models/CupSpoon/Spoon.obj"); P->ComputeRadius(); Q->ComputeRadius(); Collider3D collider(P, Q); std::vector<ContactSpaceSampleData> contactspace_samples; std::ifstream in("space_test_3d.txt"); asciiReader(in, contactspace_samples); ContactSpaceR3 contactspace(P, Q, 0.05 * (P->radius + Q->radius)); std::ofstream scaler_file("scaler_3d_rotation_cupspoon.txt"); scaler_file << contactspace.getScaler() << std::endl; std::vector<ContactSpaceSampleData> train_samples = contactspace.uniform_sample(100000); SVMLearner learner; learner.setDim(contactspace.active_data_dim()); learner.setC(20); learner.setScaler(contactspace.getScaler()); learner.setUseScaler(true); learner.setGamma(50); learner.learn(train_samples, contactspace.active_data_dim());"model_R3.txt"); // flann::HierarchicalClusteringIndex<ContactSpaceSE3Euler::DistanceType>* query_index = learner.constructIndexOfSupportVectorsForQuery<ContactSpaceSE3Euler, flann::HierarchicalClusteringIndex, flann::HierarchicalClusteringIndexParams>(); std::vector<ContactSpaceSampleData> support_samples; learner.collectSupportVectors(support_samples); ExtendedModel<ContactSpaceR3, flann::Index> extended_model = constructExtendedModelForModelDecisionBoundary<ContactSpaceR3, SVMLearner, flann::Index, flann::KDTreeIndexParams>(contactspace, learner, support_samples, 0.01, 50); std::ofstream timing_file("timing_APD_R3.txt"); std::ofstream PD_file("PD_APD_R3.txt"); for(std::size_t i = 0; i < contactspace_samples.size(); ++i) { std::cout << i << std::endl; DataVector q_col(6); DataVector q(3); for(std::size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) q[j] = contactspace_samples[i].v[j]; for(std::size_t j = 0; j < 6; ++j) q_col[j] = contactspace_samples[i].v[j]; boost::timer t; aTimer.Reset(); aTimer.Start(); if(!collider.isCollide(q_col)) { PD_file << 0 << " "; } else { QueryResult pd_result = PD_query(learner, contactspace, extended_model.index, extended_model.samples, q); PD_file << pd_result.PD << " "; } // timing_file << t.elapsed() << " "; timing_file << aTimer.GetTime() * 1000 << " "; timing_file.flush(); PD_file.flush(); } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { string trainlistfile; string testlistfile; string modelfile; string rawfeaturefile; string resultpath; string kmeansfilepath; int maxComponent = 32; int cluster_num = 512; int feature_dimention = 128; if (argc == 1) { help(); return -1; } for (int i = 1; i < argc;++i) { if (string(argv[i])=="--trainlist") { trainlistfile = argv[++i]; } else if (string(argv[i]) == "--testlist") { testlistfile = argv[++i]; } else if (string(argv[i]) == "--clusternum") { cluster_num = std::stoi(argv[++i]); } else if (string(argv[i]) == "--featuredim") { feature_dimention = std::stoi(argv[++i]); } else if (string(argv[i]) == "--modelfile") { modelfile = argv[++i]; } else if (string(argv[i]) == "--rawfeature") { rawfeaturefile = argv[++i]; } else if (string(argv[i])=="--resultpath") { resultpath = argv[++i]; } else if (string(argv[i]) == "--maxComponent") { maxComponent = std::stoi(argv[++i]); } else if (string(argv[i]) == "--kmeansfilepath") { kmeansfilepath = argv[++i]; } } #ifdef kmeans_pca vlad::configure(256,128); PCA pca; vlad::loadPCAmodel("pca_model.yml",pca); cout<<pca.eigenvalues<<endl; #endif #ifdef kmeans vlad::getKmeansModel(cluster_num,feature_dimention,rawfeaturefile,resultpath); #endif #ifdef VLAD Stopwatch watch; watch.Start(); vlad::GetVladFeatureFromSift(kmeansfilepath,testlistfile); watch.Stop(); cout<<"getkmeans use "<<watch.GetTime()<<endl; getchar(); #endif #ifdef ReduceMatrix ifstream rawfeature(rawfeaturefile.c_str()); ofstream outPut(resultpath.c_str()); string single_raw_fea; PCA pca; vlad::loadPCAmodel(modelfile, pca); while (getline(rawfeature,single_raw_fea)) { vector<string> ww; cv::Mat rawfeature_mat = cv::Mat(1,LENGTH_OF_SINGLE_DATA, CV_32F); split_words(single_raw_fea, " ", ww); for (int j = 0; j < LENGTH_OF_SINGLE_DATA; ++j){<float>(0, j) = atof(ww[j].c_str()); } cv::Mat matric_reduced; matric_reduced = pca.project(rawfeature_mat); for (int i=0;i<matric_reduced.cols;++i) { outPut<<<float>(0,i); } outPut <<endl; } rawfeature.close(); outPut.close(); #else #ifdef ALL vlad::configure(cluster_num,feature_dimention); //vlad::getPCAmodel(trainlistfile,32); vlad::ExitTheSiftFeature(trainlistfile); // vlad::GetVladFeature(testlistfile); // FV::GetGMMModel(32, 512); vector<float> feature{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }; RootNormFeature(feature); Mat a = Mat::ones(4, 6,CV_32FC1); for (float a:feature) { cout << a << endl; }<float>(0, 0) = 0; RootNormFeature(a); cout << a; getchar(); /*Mat rawdata = Mat(1, 3, CV_32FC1); rawdata.setTo(1); cout << rawdata << endl; Mat result; Mat model = (Mat_<float>(3, 2) << 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1); encode2Binary(rawdata, model, result); cout << "work has been down"<< rawdata << endl << model << endl << result << endl; vector<float> rawdata2{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }; Mat result2; encode2Binary(rawdata2, model, result2); cout << result2 << endl; Mat model2 = (Mat_<uchar>(3, 2) << 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); model2.assignTo(model2, CV_32FC1); cout << model2<<endl<<model2.type(); for (int i = 0; i < 10;i++) { for (int i = 0; i < 10;i++) { cout << i << endl; } }*/ //MethodTimeResume timetest("time.log"); //timetest.test(); //getchar(); //vlad::getPCAmodel(trainlistfile, 32); #endif #endif // ReduceMatrix }
/** * @fn Display() * @brief GLUT display callback. */ void Display() { //g_timer.Reset(); if (!g_bPause || g_bSingleStep) { g_bSingleStep = false; // set parameters that may have changed g_pFlo->SetViscosity(g_rViscosity); g_pFlo->EnablePressureClear(g_bClearPressure); g_pFlo->SetNumPoissonSteps(g_iNumPoissonSteps); g_pFlo->SetMassColor(g_rInkRGB); g_pFlo->SetInkLongevity(g_rInkLongevity); g_pFlo->SetTimeStep(g_rTimestep); g_pFlo->SetGridScale(g_rGridScale); g_pFlo->SetVorticityConfinementScale(g_rVCScale); if (g_displayMode == Flo::DISPLAY_VORTICITY || g_bComputeVorticity) g_pFlo->EnableVorticityComputation(true); else g_pFlo->EnableVorticityComputation(false); // For benchmarking... if (g_bTiming) { if (g_perfTimer.GetNumStarts() == 100) { g_bTiming = false; g_perfTimer.Stop(); printf("Average iteration time: %f\n", g_perfTimer.GetAvgTime()); } g_perfTimer.Start(); } // Take a simulation timestep. g_pFlo->Update(); } if (g_bDisplayFluid) { // Display the fluid. g_pFlo->Display(g_displayMode, g_bBilerp, g_bMakeTex, g_bArbitraryBC); // Display user interface. if (g_bDisplaySliders) { paramlist->Render(0, 0); } glutSwapBuffers(); } // Frame rate update g_iFrameCount++; if (g_timer.GetTime() > 0.5) { char title[100]; sprintf(title, "Flo Fluid Simulator: %f FPS", g_iFrameCount / g_timer.GetTime()); glutSetWindowTitle(title); g_iFrameCount = 0; g_timer.Reset(); } }