예제 #1
bool MTable::fieldSeek( int row, TConfig &cfg )
    vector< vector<string> > tbl;

    if( tblStrct.empty() ) throw TError(TSYS::DBTableEmpty,nodePath().c_str(),_("Table is empty."));
    mLstUse = time(NULL);

    string sid;
    //> Make WHERE
    string req = "SELECT ";
    string req_where = "WHERE ";
    //>> Add use keys to list
    bool first_sel = true, next = false, trPresent = false;
    for( unsigned i_fld = 1; i_fld < tblStrct.size(); i_fld++ )
	sid = tblStrct[i_fld][1];
	TCfg *u_cfg = cfg.at(sid,true);
	if( !cfg.noTransl() && !u_cfg && sid.size() > 3 && sid.substr(0,3) == (Mess->lang2Code()+"#") )
	    u_cfg = cfg.at(sid.substr(3),true);
	    if( u_cfg && !(u_cfg->fld().flg()&TCfg::TransltText) ) continue;
	    trPresent = true;
	if( !u_cfg ) continue;

	if( u_cfg->fld().flg()&TCfg::Key && u_cfg->keyUse() )
	    req_where = req_where + (next?" AND \"":"\"") + mod->sqlReqCode(sid,'"') + "\"='" + mod->sqlReqCode(getVal(*u_cfg)) + "' ";
	    next = true;
	else if( u_cfg->fld().flg()&TCfg::Key || u_cfg->view() )
	    req = req + (first_sel?"\"":",\"")+mod->sqlReqCode(sid,'"')+"\"";
	    first_sel = false;

    //> Request
    if( first_sel ) return false;
    req = req + " FROM '" + mod->sqlReqCode(name()) + "' " + ((next)?req_where:"") + " LIMIT " +  TSYS::int2str(row) + ",1;";
    owner().sqlReq(req, &tbl/*, false*/);	// For seek to deletion into save context do not set to "false"
    if( tbl.size() < 2 ) return false;
    //> Processing of query
    for( unsigned i_fld = 0; i_fld < tbl[0].size(); i_fld++ )
	sid = tbl[0][i_fld];
	TCfg *u_cfg = cfg.at(sid,true);
	if( u_cfg ) setVal(*u_cfg,tbl[1][i_fld]);
	else if( trPresent && sid.size() > 3 && sid.substr(0,3) == (Mess->lang2Code()+"#") && tbl[1][i_fld].size() )
	    u_cfg = cfg.at(sid.substr(3),true);
	    if( u_cfg ) setVal(*u_cfg,tbl[1][i_fld]);

    return true;
예제 #2
void MTable::fieldGet( TConfig &cfg )
    vector< vector<string> > tbl;

    if( tblStrct.empty() ) throw TError(TSYS::DBTableEmpty,nodePath().c_str(),_("Table is empty."));
    mLstUse = time(NULL);

    string sid;
    //> Prepare request
    string req = "SELECT ";
    string req_where, first_key;
    //>> Add fields list to queue
    bool first_sel = true, next_wr = false, trPresent = false;
    for(unsigned i_fld = 1; i_fld < tblStrct.size(); i_fld++)
	sid = tblStrct[i_fld][1];
	TCfg *u_cfg = cfg.at(sid,true);
	if(!cfg.noTransl() && !u_cfg && sid.size() > 3 && sid.substr(0,3) == (Mess->lang2Code()+"#"))
	    u_cfg = cfg.at(sid.substr(3),true);
	    if(u_cfg && !(u_cfg->fld().flg()&TCfg::TransltText)) continue;
	    trPresent = true;
	if(!u_cfg) continue;

	    req_where = req_where + (next_wr?" AND \"":"\"") + mod->sqlReqCode(sid,'"') + "\"='" + mod->sqlReqCode(getVal(*u_cfg)) + "'";
	    if(first_key.empty()) first_key = mod->sqlReqCode(sid,'"');
	    next_wr = true;
	else if(u_cfg->view())
	    req = req + (first_sel?"\"":",\"") + mod->sqlReqCode(sid,'"') + "\"";
	    first_sel = false;
    if(first_sel) req += "\""+first_key+"\"";
    req = req + " FROM '" + mod->sqlReqCode(name()) + "' WHERE " + req_where + ";";

    //> Query
    owner().sqlReq(req, &tbl, false);
    if( tbl.size() < 2 ) throw TError(TSYS::DBRowNoPresent,nodePath().c_str(),_("Row is not present."));

    //> Processing of query
    for( unsigned i_fld = 0; i_fld < tbl[0].size(); i_fld++ )
	sid = tbl[0][i_fld];
	TCfg *u_cfg = cfg.at(sid,true);
	if( u_cfg ) setVal(*u_cfg,tbl[1][i_fld]);
	else if( trPresent && sid.compare(0,3,Mess->lang2Code()+"#") == 0 && tbl[1][i_fld].size() )
	    u_cfg = cfg.at(sid.substr(3),true);
	    if( u_cfg && u_cfg->fld().flg()&TCfg::TransltText && !u_cfg->noTransl() ) setVal(*u_cfg,tbl[1][i_fld]);
예제 #3
void MTable::fieldGet( TConfig &cfg )
    vector< vector<string> > tbl;

    if(tblStrct.empty()) throw TError(nodePath().c_str(), _("Table is empty."));
    mLstUse = SYS->sysTm();

    string sid;
    //Prepare request
    string req = "SELECT ";
    string req_where, first_key;
    // Add fields list to queue
    bool first_sel = true, next_wr = false, trPresent = false;
    for(unsigned i_fld = 1; i_fld < tblStrct.size(); i_fld++) {
	sid = tblStrct[i_fld][1];
	TCfg *u_cfg = cfg.at(sid,true);
	if(!u_cfg && !Mess->translDyn() && sid.compare(0,3,Mess->lang2Code()+"#") == 0) {
	    u_cfg = cfg.at(sid.substr(3), true);
	    if(u_cfg && !(u_cfg->fld().flg()&TCfg::TransltText)) continue;
	    trPresent = true;
	if(!u_cfg) continue;

	if(u_cfg->isKey()) {
	    req_where += (next_wr?" AND \"":"\"") + mod->sqlReqCode(sid,'"') + "\"=" + getVal(*u_cfg);
	    if(first_key.empty()) first_key = mod->sqlReqCode(sid,'"');
	    next_wr = true;
	else if(u_cfg->view()) {
	    req += (first_sel?"\"":",\"") + mod->sqlReqCode(sid,'"') + "\"";
	    first_sel = false;
    if(first_sel) req += "\""+first_key+"\"";
    req += " FROM '" + mod->sqlReqCode(name()) + "' WHERE " + req_where + ";";

    owner().sqlReq(req, &tbl, false);
    if(tbl.size() < 2) throw TError(nodePath().c_str(), _("Row \"%s\" is not present."), req_where.c_str());

    //Processing of query
    for(unsigned i_fld = 0; i_fld < tbl[0].size(); i_fld++) {
	sid = tbl[0][i_fld];
	TCfg *u_cfg = cfg.at(sid, true);
	if(u_cfg) setVal(*u_cfg, tbl[1][i_fld]);
	else if(trPresent && sid.compare(0,3,Mess->lang2Code()+"#") == 0 && tbl[1][i_fld].size() && (u_cfg=cfg.at(sid.substr(3),true)))
	    setVal(*u_cfg, tbl[1][i_fld], true);
예제 #4
void MTable::fieldDel( TConfig &cfg )
    if(tblStrct.empty()) return;
    mLstUse = SYS->sysTm();

    //Where prepare
    string req_where = "WHERE ";
    bool next = false;
    for(unsigned i_fld = 1; i_fld < tblStrct.size(); i_fld++) {
	string sid = tblStrct[i_fld][1];
	TCfg *u_cfg = cfg.at(sid, true);
	if(u_cfg && u_cfg->isKey() && u_cfg->keyUse()) {
	    req_where += (next?" AND \"":"\"") + mod->sqlReqCode(sid,'"') + "\"=" + getVal(*u_cfg) + " ";
	    next = true;

    //Main request
    try { owner().sqlReq("DELETE FROM '"+mod->sqlReqCode(name())+"' "+req_where+";", NULL, true); }
    catch(TError err) {
	//Check for present
	vector< vector<string> > tbl;
	owner().sqlReq("SELECT 1 FROM '"+mod->sqlReqCode(name())+"' "+req_where+";", &tbl, true);
	if(tbl.size() < 2) return;
예제 #5
void MTable::fieldGet( TConfig &cfg )
    MtxAlloc resource(owner().connRes, true);
    if(!owner().enableStat())	return;
    mLstUse = SYS->sysTm();

    vector<string> cf_el;

    //Request preparing
    char *attrs[cf_el.size()+1];
    string fltr; int fltrN = 0;
    for(unsigned iC = 0, iA = 0; iC < cf_el.size(); iC++) {
	TCfg &cf = cfg.cfg(cf_el[iC]);
	if(cf.isKey()) { fltr += "("+cf_el[iC]+"="+getVal(cf)+")"; fltrN++; }
	else if(cf.view()) {
	    attrs[iA++] = (char*)cf_el[iC].c_str(); attrs[iA] = NULL;
	    setVal(cf, "");	//Clear from previous value
    if(fltrN > 1)	fltr = "&"+fltr;
    if(fltr.empty())	fltr = "(objectclass=*)";

    int rez;
    LDAPMessage	*result = NULL, *entry;
    try {
	if((rez=ldap_search_s(owner().ldp,("ou="+name()+","+owner().bdn).c_str(),LDAP_SCOPE_ONE,fltr.c_str(),attrs,0,&result)) != LDAP_SUCCESS)
	    throw err_sys(_("SEARCH: %s"), ldap_err2string(rez));
	if(!ldap_count_entries(owner().ldp,result) || !(entry=ldap_first_entry(owner().ldp,result)))
	    throw err_sys(_("Entry \"%s\" is not present."), fltr.c_str());

	char *a, **vals;
	BerElement *ber;
	for(a = ldap_first_attribute(owner().ldp,entry,&ber); a != NULL; a = ldap_next_attribute(owner().ldp,entry,ber)) {
	    string attr = a;
	    string val;
	    if((vals=ldap_get_values(owner().ldp,entry,attr.c_str())) != NULL) {
		for(int iV = 0; vals[iV] != NULL; iV++) val += vals[iV];

	    TCfg *cf = NULL;	//cfg.at(attr, true);
	    for(unsigned iC = 0; iC < cf_el.size() && !cf; iC++)
		if(strcasecmp(attr.c_str(),cf_el[iC].c_str()) == 0) { cf = cfg.at(cf_el[iC], true); attr = cf_el[iC]; }
	    if(cf) setVal(*cf, val);

    catch(TError&) {
	if(result) ldap_msgfree(result);
예제 #6
void MTable::fieldSet( TConfig &cfg )
    MtxAlloc resource(owner().connRes, true);
    if(!owner().enableStat())	return;
    mLstUse = SYS->sysTm();

    vector<string> cf_el;

    //Find for need entry
    // Request preparing
    char *attrs[cf_el.size()+1];
    LDAPMod mods[cf_el.size()];
    LDAPMod *mods_[cf_el.size()+1]; mods_[0] = NULL;
    string  vals[cf_el.size()];
    char *vals_[cf_el.size()][2];
    string fltr; int fltrN = 0;
    for(unsigned iC = 0, iA = 0; iC < cf_el.size(); iC++) {
	TCfg &cf = cfg.cfg(cf_el[iC]);
	if(cf.isKey()) { fltr += "("+cf_el[iC]+"="+getVal(cf)+")"; fltrN++; }
	else if(cf.view()) { attrs[iA++] = (char*)cf_el[iC].c_str(); attrs[iA] = NULL; }
    if(fltrN > 1)	fltr = "&"+fltr;
    if(fltr.empty())	fltr = "(objectclass=*)";

    // Request
    int rez;
    LDAPMessage	*result = NULL, *entry;
    char *chDN = NULL;
    try {
	if((rez=ldap_search_s(owner().ldp,("ou="+name()+","+owner().bdn).c_str(),LDAP_SCOPE_ONE,fltr.c_str(),attrs,0,&result)) != LDAP_SUCCESS)
	    throw err_sys(_("SEARCH: %s"), ldap_err2string(rez));
	if(!ldap_count_entries(owner().ldp,result) || !(entry=ldap_first_entry(owner().ldp,result))) {
	    throw err_sys(_("Entry \"%s\" is not present."), fltr.c_str());

	//Get DN of the entry
	chDN = ldap_get_dn(owner().ldp, entry);
	if(!chDN) throw err_sys(_("Get DN of the entry \"%s\" error."), fltr.c_str());

	//Check for changed attributes of the entry to replace their.
	int iA = 0;
	char *a, **tvals;
	BerElement *ber;
	for(a = ldap_first_attribute(owner().ldp,entry,&ber); a != NULL; a = ldap_next_attribute(owner().ldp,entry,ber)) {
	    string attr = a;
	    string val;
	    if((tvals=ldap_get_values(owner().ldp,entry,attr.c_str())) != NULL) {
		for(int iV = 0; tvals[iV] != NULL; iV++) val += tvals[iV];

	    TCfg *cf = NULL;	//cfg.at(attr, true);
	    unsigned iC = 0;
	    for( ; iC < cf_el.size(); iC++)
		if(strcasecmp(attr.c_str(),cf_el[iC].c_str()) == 0) { cf = cfg.at(cf_el[iC], true); attr = cf_el[iC]; break; }
	    if(cf && (vals[iA]=getVal(*cf)) != val) {
		vals_[iA][0] = (char*)vals[iA].c_str(); vals_[iA][1] = NULL;
		mods[iA].mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE;
		mods[iA].mod_type = (char*)cf_el[iC].c_str();
		mods[iA].mod_values = vals_[iA];
		mods_[iA] = &mods[iA]; mods_[++iA] = NULL;

	//Call the generic modify request
	if((rez=ldap_modify_s(owner().ldp,chDN,mods_)) != LDAP_SUCCESS)
	    throw err_sys(_("MODIFY: %s"), ldap_err2string(rez));

    catch(TError&) {
	if(chDN)	ldap_memfree(chDN);
	if(result)	ldap_msgfree(result);
예제 #7
bool MTable::fieldSeek( int row, TConfig &cfg, vector< vector<string> > *full )
    MtxAlloc resource(owner().connRes, true);
    if(!owner().enableStat())	return false;
    mLstUse = SYS->sysTm();

    vector< vector<string> >	inTbl,
				&tbl = full ? *full : inTbl;

    if(!full || !full->size() || row == 0) {
	vector<string> row, cf_el;

	// Request preparing
	map<string,int> headers;
	char *attrs[cf_el.size()+1];
	string fltr; int fltrN = 0;
	for(unsigned iC = 0, iA = 0; iC < cf_el.size(); iC++) {
	    TCfg &cf = cfg.cfg(cf_el[iC]);
	    if(cf.isKey() && cf.keyUse()) { fltr += "("+cf_el[iC]+"="+getVal(cf)+")"; fltrN++; }
	    else if(cf.isKey() || cf.view()) {
		headers[cf_el[iC]] = row.size();
		attrs[iA++] = (char*)cf_el[iC].c_str();	attrs[iA] = NULL;
	if(fltrN > 1)	fltr = "&"+fltr;
	if(fltr.empty())fltr = "(objectclass=*)";

	// Request
	LDAPMessage	*result, *entry;
	if(ldap_search_s(owner().ldp,("ou="+name()+","+owner().bdn).c_str(),LDAP_SCOPE_ONE,fltr.c_str(),attrs,0,&result) != LDAP_SUCCESS) return false;
	for(entry = ldap_first_entry(owner().ldp,result); entry; entry = ldap_next_entry(owner().ldp,entry)) {
	    row.clear(); row.resize(headers.size());
	    char *a, **vals;
	    BerElement *ber;
	    bool entrMatch = true;
	    for(a = ldap_first_attribute(owner().ldp,entry,&ber); a != NULL && entrMatch; a = ldap_next_attribute(owner().ldp,entry,ber)) {
		string attr = a;
		string val;
		if((vals=ldap_get_values(owner().ldp,entry,attr.c_str())) != NULL) {
		    for(int iV = 0; vals[iV] != NULL; iV++) val += vals[iV];

		TCfg *cf = NULL;	//cfg.at(attr, true);
		for(unsigned iC = 0; iC < cf_el.size() && !cf; iC++)
		    if(strcasecmp(attr.c_str(),cf_el[iC].c_str()) == 0) { cf = cfg.at(cf_el[iC], true); attr = cf_el[iC]; }

		if(cf) {
		    if(cf->isKey() && (val.empty() || (cf->keyUse() && getVal(*cf) != val)))	entrMatch = false;
		    if(headers.find(attr) != headers.end()) row[headers[attr]] = val;
	    if(entrMatch) {
		// Late checking for keys
		for(unsigned iC = 0; iC < cf_el.size() && entrMatch; iC++) {
		    TCfg &cf = cfg.cfg(cf_el[iC]);
		    if(cf.isKey() && !cf.keyUse() && row[headers[cf_el[iC]]].empty())	entrMatch = false;
		if(entrMatch) tbl.push_back(row);

    if(tbl.size() < 2 || (full && (row+1) >= tbl.size())) return false;

    //Processing of the query
    row = full ? row+1 : 1;
    for(unsigned iFld = 0; iFld < tbl[0].size(); iFld++) {
	string sid = tbl[0][iFld];
	TCfg *cf = cfg.at(sid, true);
	if(cf) setVal(*cf, tbl[row][iFld]);

    return true;
예제 #8
bool MTable::fieldSeek( int row, TConfig &cfg )
    vector< vector<string> > tbl;

    if(tblStrct.empty()) throw TError(nodePath().c_str(), _("Table is empty."));
    mLstUse = SYS->sysTm();

    //Check for no present and no empty keys allow
    if(row == 0) {
	vector<string> cf_el;
	for(unsigned i_c = 0; i_c < cf_el.size(); i_c++) {
	    TCfg &cf = cfg.cfg(cf_el[i_c]);
	    if(!cf.isKey() || !cf.getS().size()) continue;
	    unsigned i_fld = 1;
	    for( ; i_fld < tblStrct.size(); i_fld++)
		if(cf.name() == tblStrct[i_fld][1]) break;
	    if(i_fld >= tblStrct.size()) return false;

    string sid;
    //Make WHERE
    string req = "SELECT ";
    string req_where = "WHERE ";
    // Add use keys to list
    bool first_sel = true, next = false, trPresent = false;
    for(unsigned i_fld = 1; i_fld < tblStrct.size(); i_fld++) {
	sid = tblStrct[i_fld][1];
	TCfg *u_cfg = cfg.at(sid,true);
	if(!u_cfg && !Mess->translDyn() && sid.compare(0,3,Mess->lang2Code()+"#") == 0) {
	    u_cfg = cfg.at(sid.substr(3),true);
	    if(u_cfg && !(u_cfg->fld().flg()&TCfg::TransltText)) continue;
	    trPresent = true;
	if(!u_cfg) continue;

	if(u_cfg->isKey() && u_cfg->keyUse()) {
	    req_where += (next?" AND \"":"\"") + mod->sqlReqCode(sid,'"') + "\"=" + getVal(*u_cfg) + " ";
	    next = true;
	else if(u_cfg->isKey() || u_cfg->view()) {
	    req += (first_sel?"\"":",\"")+mod->sqlReqCode(sid,'"')+"\"";
	    first_sel = false;

    if(first_sel) return false;
    req += " FROM '" + mod->sqlReqCode(name()) + "' " + ((next)?req_where:"") + " LIMIT " +  i2s(row) + ",1;";

    owner().sqlReq(req, &tbl/*, false*/);	// For seek to deletion into save context do not set to "false"
    if(tbl.size() < 2) return false;
    //Processing of the query
    for(unsigned i_fld = 0; i_fld < tbl[0].size(); i_fld++) {
	sid = tbl[0][i_fld];
	TCfg *u_cfg = cfg.at(sid, true);
	if(u_cfg) setVal(*u_cfg, tbl[1][i_fld]);
	else if(trPresent && sid.compare(0,3,Mess->lang2Code()+"#") == 0 && tbl[1][i_fld].size() && (u_cfg=cfg.at(sid.substr(3),true)))
	    setVal(*u_cfg, tbl[1][i_fld], true);

    return true;
예제 #9
bool MTable::fieldSeek( int row, TConfig &cfg, vector< vector<string> > *full )
    vector< vector<string> >	inTbl,
				&tbl = full ? *full : inTbl;

    if(tblStrct.empty()) throw err_sys(_("Table is empty."));
    mLstUse = SYS->sysTm();

    //Check for not present and not empty keys allow
    if(row == 0) {
	vector<string> cf_el;
	for(unsigned iC = 0; iC < cf_el.size(); iC++) {
	    TCfg &cf = cfg.cfg(cf_el[iC]);
	    if(!cf.isKey() || !cf.getS().size()) continue;
	    unsigned iFld = 1;
	    for( ; iFld < tblStrct.size(); iFld++)
		if(cf.name() == tblStrct[iFld][1]) break;
	    if(iFld >= tblStrct.size()) return false;

    string sid;
    //Make WHERE
    string req = "SELECT ";
    string req_where = "WHERE ";
    // Add use keys to list
    bool first_sel = true, next = false, trPresent = false;
    for(unsigned iFld = 1; iFld < tblStrct.size(); iFld++) {
	sid = tblStrct[iFld][1];
	TCfg *u_cfg = cfg.at(sid, true);
	if(!u_cfg && !Mess->translDyn() && sid.compare(0,3,Mess->lang2Code()+"#") == 0) {
	    u_cfg = cfg.at(sid.substr(3),true);
	    if(u_cfg && !(u_cfg->fld().flg()&TFld::TransltText)) continue;
	    trPresent = true;
	if(!u_cfg) continue;

	if(u_cfg->isKey() && u_cfg->keyUse()) {
	    req_where += (next?" AND \"":"\"") + TSYS::strEncode(sid,TSYS::SQL,"\"") + "\"=" + getVal(*u_cfg) + " ";
	    next = true;
	else if(u_cfg->isKey() || u_cfg->view()) {
	    req += (first_sel?"\"":",\"")+TSYS::strEncode(sid,TSYS::SQL,"\"")+"\"";
	    first_sel = false;

    if(!full || !full->size() || (row%SEEK_PRELOAD_LIM) == 0) {
	if(first_sel) return false;
	req += " FROM '" + TSYS::strEncode(name(),TSYS::SQL,"'") + "' " + ((next)?req_where:"");
	if(!full) req += " LIMIT " +  i2s(row) + ",1";
	else req += " LIMIT " + i2s((row/SEEK_PRELOAD_LIM)*SEEK_PRELOAD_LIM) + "," + i2s(SEEK_PRELOAD_LIM);
	req += ";";

	owner().sqlReq(req, &tbl/*, false*/);	// For seek to deletion into save context do not set to "false"

    row = full ? (row%SEEK_PRELOAD_LIM)+1 : 1;
    if(tbl.size() < 2 || (full && row >= (int)tbl.size())) return false;

    //Processing of the query
    for(unsigned iFld = 0; iFld < tbl[0].size(); iFld++) {
	sid = tbl[0][iFld];
	TCfg *u_cfg = cfg.at(sid, true);
	if(u_cfg) setVal(*u_cfg, tbl[row][iFld]);
	else if(trPresent && sid.compare(0,3,Mess->lang2Code()+"#") == 0 && tbl[row][iFld].size() && (u_cfg=cfg.at(sid.substr(3),true)))
	    setVal(*u_cfg, tbl[row][iFld], true);

    return true;