예제 #1
파일: dbf_mod.cpp 프로젝트: alimon/oscada
void MTable::fieldSet( TConfig &cfg )
    int i_ln, i_clm;

    //Alloc resource
    ResAlloc res(mRes, true);

    //Get config fields list
    vector<string> cf_el;

    //Check for write access
    if(!(access(nTable.c_str(),F_OK|W_OK) == 0 || (access(nTable.c_str(),F_OK) != 0 && access(owner().addr().c_str(),W_OK) == 0)))
	throw err_sys(_("Access to the file '%s' is read only."), nTable.c_str());

    bool forceUpdt = cfg.reqKeys(),
	appMode = forceUpdt || (cfg.incomplTblStruct() && !basa->isEmpty());	//Only for append no present fields

    //Check and fix structure of table
    for(unsigned i_cf = 0; i_cf < cf_el.size(); i_cf++) {
	TCfg &e_cfg = cfg.cfg(cf_el[i_cf]);

	// Find collumn
	db_str_rec *fld_rec;
	for(i_clm = 0;(fld_rec = basa->getField(i_clm)) != NULL;i_clm++)
	    if(cf_el[i_cf].compare(0,10,fld_rec->name) == 0) break;
	if(fld_rec == NULL) {
	    // Create new collumn
	    db_str_rec n_rec;

	    fieldPrmSet(e_cfg, n_rec);
	    if(basa->addField(i_cf,&n_rec) < 0) throw err_sys(_("Error the column."));
	else if(!appMode) {
	    // Check collumn parameters
	    switch(e_cfg.fld().type()) {
		case TFld::String:
		    if(fld_rec->tip_fild == 'C' && e_cfg.fld().len() == fld_rec->len_fild)	continue;
		case TFld::Integer:
		    if(fld_rec->tip_fild == 'N' && e_cfg.fld().len() == fld_rec->len_fild)	continue;
		case TFld::Real:
		    if(fld_rec->tip_fild == 'N' && e_cfg.fld().len() == fld_rec->len_fild &&
			    e_cfg.fld().dec() == fld_rec->dec_field)	continue;
		case TFld::Boolean:
		    if(fld_rec->tip_fild == 'L')	continue;
		default: break;

	    db_str_rec n_rec;

	    fieldPrmSet(e_cfg, n_rec);
	    if(basa->setField(i_clm,&n_rec) < 0) throw err_sys(_("Error the column."));
    //Del no used collumn
    db_str_rec *fld_rec;
    for(i_clm = 0; !appMode && (fld_rec=basa->getField(i_clm)) != NULL; i_clm++) {
	unsigned i_cf;
	for(i_cf = 0; i_cf < cf_el.size(); i_cf++)
	    if(cf_el[i_cf].compare(0,10,fld_rec->name) == 0) break;
	if(i_cf >= cf_el.size() && basa->DelField(i_clm) < 0) throw err_sys(_("Error deleting the field."));

    //Write to all records
    //Get key line
    bool isEnd = false;
    for(i_ln = 0; !isEnd; i_ln++) {
	if((i_ln=findKeyLine(cfg,0,false,i_ln)) < 0) {
	    if(forceUpdt) return;
	    i_ln = basa->CreateItems(-1);

	//Write data to bd
	for(unsigned i_cf = 0; i_cf < cf_el.size(); i_cf++) {
	    TCfg &e_cfg = cfg.cfg(cf_el[i_cf]);
	    if(!e_cfg.view()) continue;

	    // Find collumn
	    db_str_rec *fld_rec;
	    for(i_clm = 0; (fld_rec=basa->getField(i_clm)) != NULL; i_clm++)
		if(cf_el[i_cf].compare(0,10,fld_rec->name) == 0) break;
	    if(fld_rec == NULL) continue;

	    // Set table volume
	    if(basa->ModifiFieldIt(i_ln,i_clm,getVal(e_cfg,fld_rec).c_str()) < 0) throw err_sys(_("Error the cell."));
	if(!forceUpdt) isEnd = true;

    mModify = SYS->sysTm();
예제 #2
void MTable::fieldFix( TConfig &cfg )
    bool toUpdate = false,
	 appMode = cfg.reqKeys() || (cfg.incomplTblStruct() && !tblStrct.empty()),	//Only for append no present fields
	 isVarTextTransl = (!Mess->lang2CodeBase().empty() && Mess->lang2Code() != Mess->lang2CodeBase());

    //Get config fields list
    vector<string> cf_el;

    //Create request variables
    string all_flds, pr_keys, tpCfg, req,
	crtReq = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '" + mod->sqlReqCode(name()) + "' (";
    bool next = false, next_key = false;

    //Curent context copy list
    if(appMode) {
	if(tblStrct.empty()) return;
	for(unsigned i_fld = 1; i_fld < tblStrct.size(); i_fld++) {
	    all_flds += (all_flds.size()?",\"":"\"") + mod->sqlReqCode(tblStrct[i_fld][1],'"') + "\"";
	    crtReq += (next?",\"":"\"") + mod->sqlReqCode(tblStrct[i_fld][1],'"') + "\" "+
		tblStrct[i_fld][2]+" DEFAULT " + tblStrct[i_fld][4] + " ";
	    next = true;
	    if(tblStrct[i_fld][5] == "1") {
		pr_keys += (next_key?",\"":"\"") + mod->sqlReqCode(tblStrct[i_fld][1],'"') + "\"";
		next_key = true;

    //Check for need append or modify
    for(unsigned i_cf = 0, i_fld; i_cf < cf_el.size(); i_cf++) {
	TCfg &cf = cfg.cfg(cf_el[i_cf]);
	// Check for update needs
	for(i_fld = 1; i_fld < tblStrct.size(); i_fld++)
	    if(cf_el[i_cf] == tblStrct[i_fld][1]) {
		if(appMode) break;
		switch(cf.fld().type()) {
		    case TFld::String:	if(tblStrct[i_fld][2] != "TEXT")	toUpdate = true;	break;
		    case TFld::Integer: case TFld::Boolean:
					if(tblStrct[i_fld][2] != "INTEGER")	toUpdate = true;	break;
		    case TFld::Real:	if(tblStrct[i_fld][2] != "DOUBLE")	toUpdate = true;	break;
		    default: toUpdate = true;
		all_flds += (all_flds.size()?",\"":"\"") + mod->sqlReqCode(tblStrct[i_fld][1],'"') + "\"";

	// Type
	switch(cf.fld().type()) {
	    case TFld::String:	tpCfg = "TEXT DEFAULT '" + mod->sqlReqCode(cf.fld().def()) + "' ";	break;
	    case TFld::Integer: case TFld::Boolean:
				tpCfg = "INTEGER DEFAULT '" + mod->sqlReqCode(cf.fld().def()) + "' ";	break;
	    case TFld::Real:	tpCfg = "DOUBLE DEFAULT '" + mod->sqlReqCode(cf.fld().def()) + "' ";	break;
	    default:	break;

	// Append
	if(i_fld >= tblStrct.size() || !appMode) {
	    crtReq += (next?",\"":"\"") + mod->sqlReqCode(cf_el[i_cf],'"') + "\" " + tpCfg;
	    next = true;
	    if(i_fld >= tblStrct.size()) toUpdate = true;

	// Other languages for translation process
	if(cf.fld().flg()&TCfg::TransltText) {
	    bool col_cur = false;
	    for(unsigned i_c = 1; i_c < tblStrct.size(); i_c++)
		if(tblStrct[i_c][1].size() > 3 && tblStrct[i_c][1].substr(2) == ("#"+cf_el[i_cf])) {
		    all_flds += ",\"" + mod->sqlReqCode(tblStrct[i_c][1],'"') + "\"";
		    crtReq += ",\"" + mod->sqlReqCode(tblStrct[i_c][1],'"') + "\" " + tpCfg;
		    if(tblStrct[i_c][1].compare(0,2,Mess->lang2Code()) == 0) col_cur = true;
	    if(!col_cur && isVarTextTransl) {
		toUpdate = true;
		crtReq += ",\"" + mod->sqlReqCode(Mess->lang2Code()+"#"+cf_el[i_cf],'"') + "\" " + tpCfg;
	// Primary key
	else if(cf.fld().flg()&TCfg::Key && !appMode) {
	    pr_keys += (next_key?",\"":"\"") + mod->sqlReqCode(cf_el[i_cf],'"') + "\"";
	    next_key = true;
    //Check deleted fields
    for(unsigned i_fld = 1, i_cf; i_fld < tblStrct.size() && !toUpdate && !appMode; i_fld++) {
	for(i_cf = 0; i_cf < cf_el.size(); i_cf++)
	    if(cf_el[i_cf] == tblStrct[i_fld][1] ||
		    (cfg.cfg(cf_el[i_cf]).fld().flg()&TCfg::TransltText && tblStrct[i_fld][1].size() > 3 &&
		    tblStrct[i_fld][1].substr(2) == ("#"+cf_el[i_cf]) && tblStrct[i_fld][1].compare(0,2,Mess->lang2Code()) != 0))
	    if(i_cf >= cf_el.size()) toUpdate = true;

    if(!toUpdate) return;

    //Copy need for save to temporary table
    if(all_flds.size()) {
	req = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE 'temp_" + mod->sqlReqCode(name()) + "'(" + all_flds + ");"
	      "INSERT INTO 'temp_" + mod->sqlReqCode(name()) + "' SELECT " + all_flds + " FROM '" + mod->sqlReqCode(name()) + "';"
	      "DROP TABLE '" + mod->sqlReqCode(name()) + "';";
	owner().sqlReq(req, NULL, true);

    //Create new, updated table
    crtReq += ", PRIMARY KEY (" + pr_keys + "));";
    owner().sqlReq(crtReq, NULL, true);

    //Restore data from temporary table
    if(all_flds.size()) {
	req = "INSERT INTO '" + mod->sqlReqCode(name()) + "'(" + all_flds + ") SELECT " + all_flds +
	      " FROM 'temp_" + mod->sqlReqCode(name()) + "';DROP TABLE 'temp_" + mod->sqlReqCode(name()) + "';";
	owner().sqlReq(req, NULL, true);

    //Update the table structure
    req = "PRAGMA table_info('" + mod->sqlReqCode(name()) + "');";
    owner().sqlReq(req, &tblStrct, false);