double AutoSetYRange(TCanvas& canv, double maxScale) { TList* list = canv.GetListOfPrimitives(); double maximum = 0; int firstHist = -1; // int isCanvasLogY = canv.GetLogy(); for (int iPrims = 0; iPrims <= list->LastIndex(); ++iPrims) { TH1* hist = dynamic_cast<TH1*>(list->At(iPrims)); if (hist) { //Remember histo to set maximum of, which is the first one drawn if (firstHist == -1) { firstHist = iPrims; } if (hist->GetMaximum() > maximum) { maximum = hist->GetMaximum(); } } } if (firstHist != -1) { dynamic_cast<TH1*>(list->At(firstHist))->SetMaximum(maximum * maxScale); return maximum * maxScale; } else { std::cout << __func__ << " No Histograms found" << std::endl; return -1; } }
void addn2() { // open existing f1: char* fn[99]; int ni; // SR90 maps, mod D003 ni = -1; ni++; fn[ni] = "SR90-map-00a.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "SR90-map-00b.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "SR90-map-01a.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "SR90-map-01b.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "SR90-map-02.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "SR90-map-03.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "SR90-map-05a.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "SR90-map-05b.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "SR90-map-07a.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "SR90-map-07b.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "SR90-map-07c.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "SR90-map-07d.root"; // direct X-rays 9.4.2014 module D0003 ni = -1; ni++; fn[ni] = "X-ray-20-modtd40000.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "X-ray-20-vthr60-modtd1000.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "X-ray-27-vthr60-modtd1000.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "X-ray-35-modtd40000.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "X-ray-35-vthr60-close-modtd65000.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "X-ray-35-vthr60-midpos-0p1mA-modtd10000.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "X-ray-35-vthr60-midpos-halfcur-modtd40000.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "X-ray-35-vthr60-modtd40000.root"; int nmax = ni; TFile f1(fn[0]); if( f1.IsZombie() ) { cout << "Error opening " << fn[0] << endl; return; } cout << "opened " << fn[0] << endl; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // create f0: TFile f0("fileA.root", "RECREATE"); cout << "created "; gDirectory->pwd(); /* TFile options: NEW or CREATE create a new file and open it for writing, if the file already exists the file is not opened. RECREATE create a new file, if the file already exists it will be overwritten. UPDATE open an existing file for writing. if no file exists, it is created. READ open an existing file for reading (default). NET used by derived remote file access classes, not a user callable option WEB used by derived remote http access class, not a user callable option "" (default), READ is assumed. */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // copy f1 to f0:; cout << "keys:\n"; f1.GetListOfKeys()->Print(); cout << "pwd: "; f1.pwd(); cout << "ls: \n";; // f1 has sub-dir: cout << "First: " << f1.GetListOfKeys()->First()->GetName() << endl; cout << "First: " << f1.GetListOfKeys()->First()->ClassName() << endl; char* dir1 = f1.GetListOfKeys()->First()->GetName(); cout << "cd to " << dir1 << endl; dir1 ); cout << "we are in "; gDirectory->pwd(); gDirectory->ReadAll(); // load histos TList * lst = gDirectory->GetList(); cout << lst->GetName() << endl; cout << lst->GetTitle() << endl; cout << "size " << lst->GetSize() << endl; cout << "entries " << lst->GetEntries() << endl; cout << "last " << lst->LastIndex() << endl; TIterator *iter = lst->MakeIterator(); int ii = 0; TObject *obj; TH1D *h; TH1D *h0; TH2D *H; TH2D *H0; while( obj = iter->Next() ){ ii++; cout << setw(4) << ii << ": "; cout << obj->ClassName() << " "; cout << obj->InheritsFrom("TH1D") << " "; cout << obj->GetName() << " \""; cout << obj->GetTitle() << "\""; cout << endl; // if( obj->ClassName() == "TH1D" ){ if( obj->InheritsFrom("TH1D") ){ h = (TH1D*) obj; cout << " 1D"; cout << h->GetNbinsX() << " bins, "; cout << h->GetEntries() << " entries, "; cout << h->GetSumOfWeights() << " inside, "; cout << h->GetBinContent(0) << " under, "; cout << h->GetBinContent(h->GetNbinsX()+1) << " over"; cout << endl;; // output file // TH1D* h0 = (TH1D*) h->Clone(); h0 = h; // copy h0->Write(); // write to file f0; // back to file 1 for the loop } else{ if( obj->InheritsFrom("TH2D") ){ H = (TH2D*) obj; cout << " 2D"; cout << H->GetNbinsX() << " bins, "; cout << H->GetEntries() << " entries, "; cout << H->GetSumOfWeights() << " inside, "; cout << H->GetBinContent(0) << " under, "; cout << H->GetBinContent(H->GetNbinsX()+1) << " over"; cout << endl;; // output file H0 = H; // copy H0->Write(); // write to file f0; // back to file 1 for the loop } else cout << "other class " << obj->ClassName() << endl; } } cout << "copied " << ii << endl; cout << "f1 " << f1.GetName() << " close = " << f1.Close() << endl;; cout << "we are in "; gDirectory->pwd(); cout << "f0 " << f0.GetName() << " size = " << f0.GetSize() << endl; cout << "f0 " << f0.GetName() << " write = " << f0.Write() << endl; cout << "f0 " << f0.GetName() << " size = " << f0.GetSize() << endl; cout << "f0 " << f0.GetName() << " close = " << f0.Close() << endl; f0.Delete(); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // list of files 2: bool lAB = true; for( int nn = 1; nn <= nmax; ++nn ){ cout << "\n\n"; cout << "loop " << nn << ": fn = " << fn[nn] << endl; cout << "lAB = " << lAB << endl; if( lAB ) { // A+2 -> B char* fn3 = "fileA.root"; char* fn4 = "fileB.root"; } else{ // B+2 -> A char* fn3 = "fileB.root"; char* fn4 = "fileA.root"; } // create f4: TFile f4( fn4, "recreate" ); if( f4.IsZombie() ) { cout << "Error creating f4\n"; return; } cout << "created f4 = " << f4.GetName() << endl; // re-open as f3: TFile f3( fn3 ); if( f3.IsZombie() ) { cout << "Error opening f3\n"; return; } cout << "re-opened f3 = " << f3.GetName() << endl; lAB = !lAB; cout << "lAB = " << lAB << " for next loop\n"; cout << "f4 = " << f4.GetName() << endl; cout << "f3 = " << f3.GetName() << endl;; gDirectory->ReadAll(); // load histos into f3 memory // cout << "f3 list size = " << gDirectory->GetList()->GetSize() << endl; cout << "f3 list size = " << gDirectory->GetList()->GetSize() << endl; TFile f2(fn[nn]); // TFile *f2 = new TFile(fn[nn]); if( f2.IsZombie() ) { // if( f2 == NULL ) { cout << "Error opening " << fn[nn] << endl; return; } cout << "opened " << fn[nn] << endl; // f2 has sub-dir: f2.GetListOfKeys()->First()->GetName() ); cout << "we are in "; gDirectory->pwd(); gDirectory->ReadAll(); // load histos into f2 memory // loop over f2: cout << "f2 list size = " << gDirectory->GetList()->GetSize() << endl; int jj = 0; TObject *ob2; TH1D *h2; TH1D *h3; TH2D *H2; TH2D *H3; TIterator *ite2 = gDirectory->GetList()->MakeIterator(); while( ob2 = ite2->Next() ){ jj++; // if( jj > 9 ) continue; cout << jj << ". "; cout << "ob2 is "; cout << ob2->GetName() << " "; cout << ob2->ClassName() << " "; cout << ob2->GetTitle(); cout << endl; if( ob2->InheritsFrom("TH1D") ) { h2 = (TH1D*) ob2; cout << "h2 " << h2->GetName() << " " << h2->GetNbinsX() << " bins\n"; cout << "h2 " << h2->GetName() << " " << h2->GetEntries() << " entries\n"; char* hnm2 = h2->GetName(); // search in f3: cout << "search for " << hnm2 << " in f3\n";; cout << "we are in "; gDirectory->pwd(); h3 = (TH1D*) gDirectory->GetList()->FindObject(hnm2); if( h3 == NULL ) { cout << "h3 is null\n" ; continue; } cout << "found h3 = "; cout << h3->GetName() << " "; cout << h3->ClassName() << " "; cout << h3->GetTitle(); cout << endl; cout << "h3 " << h3->GetName() << " " << h3->GetNbinsX() << " bins\n"; cout << "h3 " << h3->GetName() << " " << h3->GetEntries() << " entries\n"; // add:; cout << "we are in "; gDirectory->pwd(); //TH1D h4 = *h3 + *h2; TH1D* h4 = (TH1D*) h3->Clone(); h4->Add(h2); cout << "h4 " << h4->GetEntries() << " entries\n"; cout << "h4 "; cout << h4->GetName() << " "; cout << h4->ClassName() << " "; cout << h4->GetTitle(); cout << endl; cout << "h4 dir " << h4->GetDirectory()->GetName() << endl; cout << "f4 size " << f4.GetSize() << endl; // back to f2 for next iter: f2.GetListOfKeys()->First()->GetName() ); }//1D if( ob2->InheritsFrom("TH2D") ) { H2 = (TH2D*) ob2; cout << "H2 " << H2->GetName() << " " << H2->GetNbinsX() << " bins\n"; cout << "H2 " << H2->GetName() << " " << H2->GetEntries() << " entries\n"; char* Hnm2 = H2->GetName(); // search in f3: cout << "search for " << Hnm2 << " in f3\n";; cout << "we are in "; gDirectory->pwd(); H3 = (TH2D*) gDirectory->GetList()->FindObject(Hnm2); if( H3 == NULL ) { cout << "H3 is null\n" ; continue; } cout << "found H3 = "; cout << H3->GetName() << " "; cout << H3->ClassName() << " "; cout << H3->GetTitle(); cout << endl; cout << "H3 " << H3->GetName() << " " << H3->GetNbinsX() << " bins\n"; cout << "H3 " << H3->GetName() << " " << H3->GetEntries() << " entries\n"; // add:; cout << "we are in "; gDirectory->pwd(); TH2D* H4 = (TH2D*) H3->Clone(); H4->Add(H2); cout << "H4 " << H4->GetEntries() << " entries\n"; cout << "H4 "; cout << H4->GetName() << " "; cout << H4->ClassName() << " "; cout << H4->GetTitle(); cout << endl; cout << "H4 dir " << H4->GetDirectory()->GetName() << endl; cout << "f4 size " << f4.GetSize() << endl; // back to f2 for next iter: f2.GetListOfKeys()->First()->GetName() ); }//2D } //while cout << "processed " << jj << endl; cout << "f4 " << f4.GetName() << " size " << f4.GetSize() << endl; // cout << "f4 map:\n"; // f4.Map(); cout << "f4 " << f4.GetName() << " write = " << f4.Write() << endl; cout << "f4 " << f4.GetName() << " size = " << f4.GetSize() << endl; }// loop over files 2 cout << endl; cout << "combined " << nmax + 1 << " files\n"; cout << "Final file is " << f4.GetName() << endl; f2.Close(); f3.Close(); f4.Close(); }