 * getKS: Searches through the histograms in the plotter output, adds the MC together
 *        for each field, and compares the MC with the Data histogram using a KS test
 *  input:  the main() arguments array
 *  output: writes to stdout the (human-readable) KS statistics of pairs of histograms
 *  Structure-wise: this is fine, can be implemented into class easily.
void getKS(const char* argv[]) {
  //open the input TFile
  TFile *f = new TFile(argv[2]);

  //get the filesystem information from the file
  TList *alokDirs = (TList*) f->GetListOfKeys();

  //loop through the directories in the input file
  for(int idir=0; alokDirs->At(idir-1) != alokDirs->Last(); idir++) {
    TDirectory *cDir  = (TDirectory*) f->Get(alokDirs->At(idir)->GetName());
    TList *alokHistos = (TList*)      cDir->GetListOfKeys();

    // create the MC histogram and start collecting relevant MC histograms
    // from the current directory
    TList *aloh   = new TList;
    // loop through keys (histograms) in current directory
    for(int ihisto=0; alokHistos->At(ihisto) != alokHistos->Last(); ihisto++) {
      if(TString(alokHistos->At(ihisto)->GetName()).Contains("MC8TeV")) {
        TH1F *cHisto = (TH1F*) cDir->Get(alokHistos->At(ihisto)->GetName());
    //merge the data histograms into one histogram
    TH1F *MCHisto = (TH1F*) (aloh->Last())->Clone(TString(cDir->GetName()) + TString("MCHisto"));

    cout<<"-------------------- "<<cDir->GetName()<<" -----------------------"<<endl;
    //now create the data histogram and run the KS test
    TH1F *DataHisto = (TH1F*) cDir->Get(alokHistos->Last()->GetName());
    cout<<"  ---> KS Test: "<<cDir->GetName()<<" has probability "<<MCHisto->KolmogorovTest(DataHisto, "D")<<"\n"<<endl;
예제 #2
void	TTree_UnfriendAll(TTree *tree)
	TList *friends = tree->GetListOfFriends();

	while(friends->GetSize() != 0)